IATR EIGHT THE DAILY NEWS . -- ----- - ---: PROTEST AT MAKING LOST MEMORY G. H. ARNOLD, Notary Public OF APPOINTMENTS BY MEI6I1EN GOVERNMENT FOR 17 YEARS Westholme INSL'h.ANCK in tellable companies. VIHK I carefully written by us :: Theatn Wo are permanently engaged in the business, and our KDMoNTnN. Sepl. 10 Strong In Man Struck on Head Montreal records are ncruralrly kepi, so that when your policy eiplres protest against polities! ap- Finds Himself In Italy. Tonight. ymTwill b ltlned in sumcient time to keep yoar property IHtinlinentM by the Meta-hen gov Monday p'foWted. We solicit your business. ernment on Jb i-vn of a srener MmMHKAL. lep. . To re. ,i nl citation is made in a resolution Villi ..l I ele a OloW OR IR IMNIil Willi a It's the gny bright light pitssed I be Krimonton nroi-nd hew. by . G. HELGERSON, LTD. bottle, to litse his maniry and Insurance Rental brnneh nf the Inilewondenl La to return lo a normal enaditlon hor Parly al their meeting here. 17 years later. fttaMnR litMseir ANITA The resolution reads: chef ia a Neapolitan hotel, has STEWARTS I. That it is a well estab been I be si range etpertenne of lished rle of our democratic (ieorye S pence, of New Meiiro. form of government that no aceordiiiK to the stories lie tells Greatest pk i e wholesale appoint riirnl of party of his adxeiitures after feelntf Egg Coal Weston's Egg Coal cians workers should and be discredited made on tbe politi ee saaavbaied IMS. from Montreal In "The Yellow of an m steal to the electorate a Coal a which rule was strictly enforc men Is are made ta I he regular tiatlna in Italy uirl a Guaranteed ed during the term of Rnrl way by tbe new nanemmciit after lasle fr deiicale wire, nod ae-tav Speciality Alberta Standard Speciality berdeen as (jmcrnor-generol by tbe election, an) thai we prtw no ehaare of gratifytiiK It In Typhoon" 630 - - PHONE - - 630 tbe gtvenor-ge ncral himself. I that such epixxntmenls .lew Metien, 9peH earn to 2. Thai the rumors of ap should be so delayed. . Montreal for a few iljr retail pointment of judri-s. senators a Iiiat a ropy ml this resu before if-iiit bmaa. lie tefl for Oh. boy! What Guaranteed Coal means, if ours is not as pood as and utlier normally, life apaoiat-ments lt!I Ion fee. Mat tnXfs irovernor-grnerat bis almt fufv4laii bom last a ti n ln t, ti will it and not for what of f.aianla. Premier we say, we remove charge are nnncoeary unlit after atarht. MetiOtrn, that. Mfaferiitie Kins, ' thai b Mine t have used the appmarhinx elertion. KfM-iu'c says you :. That th'e appointment leader' of thc wsawiiin; Mr. UoatreaJ in the fall f 1943 t Toonervills Comeily "The Egg Lump - RreBriji are political and should only be OerW,.les4er of the r.ia-reie liMik up a ritusia of bU. lie was $13.50 $14.50 ni.id after lb electorate have Party! ntwj tbe (UHy oaiers of wandering about lb tlka wfiea ' tamisstun, I be and -Oc Bdmoiiteib Delivered wis.red ho are to be the gov. two ioeo approaelml him ani ABSOLUTELY NO CLINKERS AND NO SOOT erninenl. aekee) him if be vnnrbi otnraare 4 That no public Service)! MAKING- IT CLEAR for a aite. Me replied taat will suffer if al! stii-h apnoint- History PtoJeaeor Mw was dM not wish to do mk TWe tleiander II of Russia kitted aa oot ta puaverattoi uttn 1 he EMPRESS THFATRt Student (vagaHy Jy a kins end later aktl him to bav bomb. TontRht, Monday a drink la one of lb waler- Universal Co. ! Save the Pennies ej.Professor licit. .ee lb- liltlr mora NX'hile frnt Interns.tiriitklnR a Ha nabt assented.ame Trading Kiiuleni in Her,r if bn ' -Well, tn tbe mMt of it. though be ELAINE andtheDOL! ARSwUI American y.iii see legion rr Weekly it exploded. was taking no rt. be wis HAfflMERSTEB Tha Mall Order Houm of Northern B. C. take care of I ruck on tbe bead with a tftn holla. He lol cetrtaes. in themselves. and lo bimself eaate only simoc Announcing Our Low-Profit Cash and Carry EXTRA did.numths la aa-o aple.ia vtbera the llalel be Kplen-fasirnl "The Girl from Nowhere that be was a typically bnrbH Specials SPECIAL Italian chef. COMEDY SOXI Quick-Turnover Policy. Large Freestone Peaehfl. per Memory Blank. while thry last He remembers fataiaf of hi. A nil at our establishment trill proe to you Ilia I we meet case $1.89 oysK.. u .NaMea, or bis pre all competition both In and out of town. Let ui demoastrate Italian Prunes, case. . .$1.49 iifr ta Italy. aa4 finals the to you. Tbe follow inn are Jut a raw nf the many speeeal. tie llartlett Pears for prcM-rv-iosr. sh.de world aalsaliewably have to offer for Thursday, Friday. Saturday and Monday: rase $3.29 50 BOXES r lunged. Tbouffti lie does h1 THEO LTD. Concord Grapes, basket . .BSe remember. appMred that be COLLART, - IVIJC Potatoes, pee sack. . . .$1.9 h.d bea eHidiyed at tti hotel 100 do.cn Men's Woollen 2000 yards print, all good It. f.r soine t7 years. letiu Uketi roa uu-io m. im ii ii . C. or Pacific Milk In Use tr M. M. 1, .m Hone, our own ioiportalioti. pattern, for four days 9 tins for $1 DUCHESS ii a a dibwabr and lalar In Ms to Ml ta. w Special at 50c per pair. only, at 20o per yard. I heciiniing a e.mk, rising IW lb It ISfSfMM SUCISS IWCIM. Jelly Pewders, assorted H ooii A year poeitttiti be held al Tto M.riaa Idhihw l-mmm package So XnK tm a ih. i lloye' Cap. All kind and Children' Orpe Lreea ir. Ho- time be returned to uorumi p. o. aoi ee wiitmol! tmistx atoca aai Libby's Asparagus Soup. ier lie colore, 85c and $1.00. Whil . Pink and Illue al APPLES (oughl with dUlinrii.oi wiib tin 9c i he $1.25 each. IImJisu army against tbe Libby's Tomato Koup. tin 14o Au.irians. Hoys' Straight Pants, from Ilubin Hood Oats The rireuml antes nf hi rein, 3 to 8 year. $1.25, $1.50 100 pairs Ladies Canvas' lb. sack Mo ii to bimself are ery strange and $2.00. Pumps.Special $1.00 per pr. He Hra. mmiLIiii c l.. f . II I II. C. Granulated Sugar $L75 iau riUMleMi mv inoniiux in . WELCOME 10 lbs. for $1 We have the Agency for Dall Real Lace. Russian style. This involves! Don't forget about tha Boys' School Shoes-. lbrwin Ibe egjs in tbe air. per box and on one occasion the pan in! Sanitary Market whirh be was supposed to eiticb i hem lippoij froth bis hand iut Our Visitors UNIVERSAL TRADING CO. Walk Downstairs and Save We buy American Cur. the air, and fell wn bis bead, j Mis mind HJlealy baoani.- ebar. Phone 376 Helgerson Block 8. K. Shane, Manager Money. rency, Silver Gold or he am kitlantty rfalle that be BilU w4 uof rSrnesllrta PahHiu. but 1 plain iloorgo lpcii. I Wires Father. 10, Rupert Table Supply Co. After the rtutHM-rfion which! ii"-c Mben he aoniaienceil ! i PERFECT PHONES til. 212. pck ia Hatlisli ami e'xsld not Sav emoM) NEW FALL uu'b-rsland llaliaa, bad subsided be hied llimsef tn the nesre.l ranie oilier ami eameu hi. imw BREAD aged faser ia Vew Maiteo. Tbe at latter iyf MMy Hapninb-d and by Shopping NEW rprn.Paliieeb. gelling his Tin- highest vwt ..f r at waye from I be Ikoic.i hotel JABOUR'S ri...iiiry is tin- tiakuig it inUMi(emal, left inunedialely for that New World. p-rfeei bread and i 'in n'p l l. ,n . iin,ii ji. J FALL We bave n lutl wi miml 1 1 with poor flour. PSYCHIC PROBLEM year that tier inot t.ular. reasons- Two powerful twdomd lleve. Prince ftuirt is JAB0UR BROS. LIWITtO. Use MILLINERY ibwe, m bad bad hhw mh of of a few of our price. falling out. were engagel in unloading Five Roses a voMtel al a HI. l.oui -ur. The wy latent models in bile Ctttlon. er yonl - Ih - dock. L'nesiinpllmen-lary remarka Trwi,in, d mid Iteaily-to-near 17c, 20c, 2So V iinl warHlngi of Intended m4. Flour HaU. enoe wata exatiaugeil wbonever ire LUdlou. aryard A Ii'" " .i aplendid line of the two tassed each olhar with 20c, 25c, 300 I'll: made up In the NORFOLK exeijive. and you will I heir trueka. III.I ' new I W.L CU.ITH at $30, MODEL. Something that Is find perfect bread is an "You jeat keep on ies ileal in' tailored FlanueletU- - St very appropriate any aea everyday result. $37 and $60. around wbl me," dealareil one of 2SC, 30c. 3&C Lad i' - At .all Orocers. the men, "an" yd 1$ gwliic I hi son. Our new Norfolk are I'rlHt. jmr fhl 20c, 26c, 30c Ok mi. able sctlle Im a mighty bhy iUn. all made from a good quality Hon for de settiinUfNi faltui." Our Hosiery Department J Laa' Sales A Kent Mrs. Ffizzell cf heavy weight tweed "What iiuesllon da I?" asked From 20c per pair up. tdi- very suitable for this time John L. Christie the other. of the year at Prince Uuptrt, P.C. Come and look them over. "Kin de dead speak " Harp- Our Wool Department-la 4mIi" $iH CO per cent, lower than (iirb. it In 1920. ' THREE DAYS' CnACC. Cbii-" ' 1 Ribbons, Colored and Plain 0 H kin ii- Selling at practically half Maggie a swvetlteart, a Jp w Consumers Coal Co. Ltd. verhlull llglit-fltted , rWit .hud pro , of 1920 prices. . taken tff put fur tlii';afl fTia, . & Ra II. Smak BUk and thai' Was about all. Tlmy We would like to announce U our vis ' V0, SI( Ajesli cop- roile Hi.e dislanaa on the trolley Men's Boots, y I., nur lioe Department turned around and rode borne ' . $35.00 ia a l Kin w offer -u on attain. Never was men lion made Boots. Also that we can of food or entertainment. ..h nv mll,r.l. Mirs prices tnai eompevw W Hack within bur own gateway .,0W, A complete line of Blankets, Comforurs, Maggie, who bad keenly fail the negbwt, aareailiaally pmrfrrrd Vallsee. We are ready to baca v MARTIN O'REILLY- Kaudy"For a tha dime.carfare you spent on $ TtlcpLwie inc. ' she said, meaningly Number 7 .,.. to..)., woman. ' re Jabour Bros., Our prices arc all Lower Cash Prices are alwaya urrifd Handy pork-nng the hi Prices. Lower Prloes. Tli '" was uaa hur y Hmunlay Call In and b conlneed. Will Take Coal Back If not Satisfied. wad iian V ' i did enough An: lean I "gin Wnrkiy