For Prompt TAXI 99 Transfer V Service Phone i PRINCE RUPERT Llmouln icit 7 Fasstnfctr Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper Touring Can IMUNCF. IllPKHT. H. (i. M0SfiV OCTOHEIl 3, 1921. THUNirl CircaUUM 101 llMat ll'H 411. PIUOK HVB CENT w York Baseball Pennant Winners KEEN GETS APPOINTMENT TO SENATE AND FORMER MINISTER its and Yankees Both CANINE INSURED FOR $15,000. MAHONEY FOUND CAflDIDATES GUILTY MURDER NUMEROUS IN 'ennant Winners; World's Jury Recommonda Dsath SsnU ALL SECTIONS nee for Man Who Killed Starts This Week Series Aged Wlfo fcr Msney. Many Would L.h- to Take a HolU dtj at GtUv.a In tha Intorott HBATTI.K, frl. Slarrm Sla-lionry cf Country. iV R The New York Yankee captured the ba t!) fwnr.d (rultly of iHurdrr in iter ftrt for by I,, Saturday afternoon fw the Ural time MGTOni.V, Oet. S-Tlieri, U I f fwi-lvr. wtiirh I MEIGHEN APPOINTS hy a joi7 . defeated tb Philadelphia AIMelieo no lask nf aandMaloA for aria Nio SOLICITOR-GENERAL pf1f.. i hi- drath H'llr a l.v nf ft l : end b Mid In I irrniary btr in cvrry ron- i.mI, the runner up, were defeat! bf ITAWA. OH. 3. Andre rbariflw,ih muruVrin bi as T "A. -7.? u V" de- Faateaut. K. I'... at wlfr for her immr. Hk..rtly af-lr 'raw. " mi cm'r niminrainns Yankee' lead thua tig 8 t.. tbe n Cariboo, fwootr'arr wndrring M i reel, ha been ep-l bt warnaif Uahon-y killed miw many tbrnr rill b In thl. ml.-d aoWclter-Ocneral bin wlfo and i-ni ihr rrmahn Ifi . tfce flianU are lui the JMnenl which lakrn to My and lu Vanotmror. So far I .goe in iIm nw Meiahen cabinet a trunk wi. a lUcfv I no in the one dafhiiUly t -i'i' be donWeheader on Hater wWi He wMI mlnl Pwo boat in I-akr Mrrritt. I Jili a fWd to Ir. Tulinlo, bul n .i i,y to to 9. but hut Unit out tbetr nppa-nd Mountain. QtjeWc. whore : a rntttlt itf dratttriaa- ufwratMfl Alderman oiiyae A. K. TiM. Ir. Lewi tbr trunk w polll of "f tbr The game lHei lb MtUbure; be once defeated. Ifall. Ilrnry Hall. M.P.P. and a lakr and thr bo)y wan f vund. It cnwM of dark-, ordinal wa raIN m r 1 ,-: doaon oilierx are mentioned a e e wan idcniifirtl by tri "an r rtn-i i i I. poaaibiliti. )utl.Je of Alder. i! w rk w.iu ti a dntiM aald MinfMi - thi ek at tte INito O round man Todd there do not aeem to 1 Yinie. If i likrty that Ueeoe two team thai be tud put in. be many riven who Look like win -.i hut -winii li Iba Nalleael OaMimiMltw QUESTIONS FOR ners. OeoTKe I1U. formerly a'l-me4. no rr.m.l w4M eloeed !, CHANGE MANAGEMENT member of the Prvtinelal Houe . . . wtll be lo Nc ': - ; k a and Uoer nort r. nri lwn ui i7 enurcn ALL CANDIDATES M - J 6 1 (iroforeno In Ibe oalr. Ur jAYUI HUltL !eopie but tbere la Ittlle unan- Tbe probability la that I 11 T 11 n aaalaWaaaaaaBl jimity. HWKM'IN. THE PLATE. ! t filMfljLva. . L- . i'HHSBTafaal i Mr Fiher. of Tolkwa. l dark brfe will oeeure the II WILL Thr 1 1 linar- of I formerly con Juried the Savuy nnmlnolitm. lhruiih I br virctttiv. Htdel bere, ba roturMed to tbe Tha B!3 FlohU ba furwulalrtj a nunjr jrf IT NORTH irtmHni mi vrbirh lhrk rlly Jo. asaba laU uu lbe tnaa-aarnuiU ffrimMHtn uf tbe dacf Jlr. and lit. irt-ml ..f Uhw .TefaVi1iflMndafe?lrtit rwa Pihru I a rul i ml. Mrt V. n. Oarer, rfta ftve b.-en the fttMtiiMwi MMiieair Ibal tttr il Wtltoa. ao(c4 4ai4tl ataat flyar, aa4 bia abaphord doc La4 tbe b.rfrt for oiejtNf fifhl will be between Afaror Hwttur Will Go! taar Mrr4 taian n mlmm. i 41a. who aMompanloa Mm so bia Mixbta. Racaetly tbo iog Uaped froa runn'iiK ale and Him. H. II. S(vrn-i. oao alrptas to aaoibar k(l t.000 ( ap. Tba laaorasco eoaaaJaa monlha, have givn It up and left H Lata t Maksr tariff a mim if Country rs4a a 1 11.0 JO poller for UaddU. bul would glta mito ool a II0.0OO Iat ntelfl fr AoM.4-te. Vah- J Betllnr i lrfltJty In fanir of hit WNk, rAivlna' rrvr I lie f..lhii.e j his ooa Intrtni. where Ihey have pur-'"ale. ome of backers alat- re mattf-cl a wbirh iby would , chaaeel tbe H.Hel Tavtor Mr. ! y wni wager any money s- niiir bf rltsiitW(i: , Oarey ateo ha 'Bie form irm-j M return. , mcti COE al ALBERTA t Yrwm rMn.ui-.ftry kOvi- ' erty in Ibe neia:hborbNid of Ana- HU wtiilam iiaretiani notn-roro & i at MlMttt. EOB GREEN GOES wieb be find If neeeoa. tnated ky tbo Liberal In the 1 .-' iif it t- TIm MMituHiiti woi k Miar Uy TO THE SENATE oonslHurnoy tbe to look ifl'r. He iir-H!ti.-Arborni ary I ! met iwfct Immf an4 tk hour WINTER SUPPLYI: a oi n. . uionienio uo H Mi ii !. H. F. tircon. 'nioinjbor of U build up the land it a in and rwpeei Mm orisrui. .ur. Jiar- then effect a sale in which cane'OfW very i HI' Blltl S- Pufuroowopul f fair wage parlkinvnt for Kawtonay elMtal ba a utroug ' and t" , HHMHXrX - !. 3. Propara- he and Mr ar-y pmpooo w personality rtgaiaall n booJ n tabltoboid liot, io uaor4ed U and i a good fighter. Aa a debater iiiovrHNHit f tb come norm again. r .!.. mm tiuM for I hr UaOM OMMdMiuB iu all l.oVOtB-BBOWl haro boon aupvintotl to tbo Mr. Clement I wholly 1 i ' lllell. wttttoro onal upidy from tbo WUfk. friuilo, aad alan (km. Tom outelatted. -.lulilie. Afl in watli"' tt tb ii"H- vartmi ininr in I bo KdiiMmtua t- Pwbttr Mruvrbii and do. Crotbor. formerly mint-tcr NORTHCUFFE WARNS Nanalmo. Double Ended. at ihrir Ini Of Hie W'thlii rt Ikta tfMtHot. arr now bjc luadr by crata I aoB)i ill of all public of Labor. In Nanaimo it I understood J. t Mr tbo froiabt "driiaHiMont uf tbr AUSTRALIA AGAINST rttU)o. official t:. Mrlnt h will retire owing to. I..- back CutMKHan National Hallway I 4tornnooit ronirol and oooooo HRIFNTAI INFl 1IY V bealth. A the bulk of tbe 'atM FrbUy that , wbtrb I !hm .(U)r of fullrot aViojIlaaMwwt of all natural UniEdllU mri.UA jn iMn anUtuney i at; 9 . .-. HIGHEST PRICE aHlftofcfUt cam wuuhl I on band rraoutrv. i he rxlreme end, around Y'lc. ! mbly 6 A tariff bard ou wbtek owuro aovuuam trainiiHa- KUftKl LUiUUK rlKlH Ul.NlMiX. u-t. J. Lord North- ,.!- ply alM al Nanainio cily 1 1 " .1. Mr thr HALIBUT PAID l.abur la foprrarnid. "Ti. Udononton dlrtot tbial INVOLVED IN ALLEGED cliff ba isu.-d a warning at wi,B He p,reHHe ranee In tbe 7 Krvoojitto by dirorl latalbm. Sydney thai unb- while im'Hi-,aoutli wncro it iaalude Saanicji "i I'T Ibr 8 AbeUtoun of ni'ii-rbH-iivr yer t opeod t hip tawrojaaedj CHIDMCMT gralion i encouraged by Au - 0aj. la- munteipalitles as Haimajr. qwantitte of fuel la tbo nt and I lLLtbAL OlliriUl;ril am IrHtaiBlHo baoMoo Iraliu thai thai .uiilry wouj.l M ,4 ,h, iimu iewu 0f Sidney. Royal Flah Co. Ccto Carload Hirluolon of all Aiali .artiruhirly .ramo quantities lo( be wamieil by Aialic desnite,, wil, a fgBl i,y bolli i4a-r U fcr and 7o Price r niii-li wiitro aa Wionipo. Loea, ii poliri- are in- Autral- 19o Top lv- TJw doauand aud u-.- any uiiwilliii8ii' f tbe ,,, pel a in who will M Mti.MNl fuel rodurta will HshI their way tiawiin8 an aUeyeI ilb-Ral of Soaaon. ian t. admit tbeni. c in touch with both relinu. 'ii sat II Vs Mnailaivoneaa of rhil- lo IHntlah OduiaaMa a far a aiajaawnt of lotuor by a Hiiner Mr. MelBtoali lived in Oauimalt YanoMMMor and PHboo Iluer4. liooor honoe ( a Hindu Tb bisikwat prwc f-r tbo jrwir 4ro Nkr alatrrn. ilupert and hi epponont wa from Nanaimo t'h Canadian Natinaal Hail- in Anuaurv Ibe ebn.iw. nl U SHOOTING RESULTS waa pa ii thU Miriiin at lb ttXojual pay for r-iual work dintriet. On tld occasion waynloo r.H.ri I bat trrnin btp- to bave been contrary to tbe (IG UNION Pub Kxettaftfo by tb Hial Fbb of imo) aMi womooi. Mu FROM DEMONSTRATION tbo 1 a pibiUty of Jhrw frequent tltrouzli- , tkmtrul Aet but n obargt tuottto are very Liuuor Ui. for a carload of halibut. Tbo I a VotuoOnry arbitral Urn of ..It.14 an umatflll I fl P ftHuri waa l&V and iv and lb labtar JUjiuteo. out in enure uivieiooi ruuwtiBK ua yd Mrn lai.l. OF KU KLUX KLN iliiajmi. Roovo Wnlann or froHi Kdnionton. On oatli braneti A of li.inr win received tRS CONTEST Ix.ala inarkottAff tr: IVliean. 1 1 Prunurtbinal rn-rnla- cae lex-Heeve MeOrogar of Kaanivh line car of (train are U tie eea al Terrace conkned to a Hindu ti&lMI imunda; MarRaliw. 3fXHt IkMi Hb grtiup mnatiluonrioot are p..iWIHia ad Oak Hajr l tbe et I'lamiuation WACii Texas. iH-t. 3 itatty nn I heir way at Amabury and on .-Pie wora-oo' or (mhhmU; Fanny K.. SWHl touna; lk UaKKNiragooMi'Mt - lo Riiel the wild' (leiuind. wa found i i-'Miiain no ifovorn loader of a beriffa p..e and n linw I'limt, ma ioun4; IhspomI ro)Mipratto iwrirlii-- iiiiuiecii iwere mar we a While aiutie i.tttto. are bohiK nent meal. Tbe abinmow waa eiithl mwotaior wen "r and DUtHct II.. 3o iMMiBMl and '! - 16- tJnriiiilo)BMnl inaurai. Duncan and neverat tmm ,a-nauno in-aurniuM IiIimI. (be in Yemeni of tuber e4ai-d by Constable .Manounr and here when I he t.o.c oM-ned fire tatr TSIM) lUaHb tbj 17 Old onM.nn. Ladyantilh. ptiuud. aiir v rrr. or which aud disability ha not y.'i '' '''' K' nerol, it i Ibe Hiudu wa brouKbl M for on a Ku Klu Klan arad' to awknoo i good rarload, tlir YrlluMratm waa tor Kverywbere there a ; ' aiiitoiiix'.Hl trial b-b're I wo Terrace magi- rfued oither l di.ere or reveal a-lhrr- wllh I3.HK) iM.un.l wbtrh wo hooded deal of Intercut taken by men of the iraie but wa aciiuilleu on a tha identity uld to tbo I'nadian FUb al IK- l'nif..rHiily of Ukbor lawa who wtd like to be ueminalcd., i.t. ,( th tUdd SI..ia.' C al t and 7r. llirouKliuui I ho Ikiuiinion. VICTORIA TURNS DOWN technicalily. that tbo paradera. but nul mueh a yet by the ruek Tbe oae In nuiul i ' '"'"r aud BIDS FOR DEBENTURES urde4 dlrai fruu. bt oler. Nobody i oxclled. liquor wa ANCIENT WINDJAMMER i f Die PIONEER ACTIVE AT CAPTAIN JANNEY IS Prince Hert. wa liiped by YIOTOIttA. ib-t. 3 Tbe Jly return mail and wai not ardred HALE OF 39 IN i 1 IN GIVEN TWO YEARS ATJCE UNEMPLOYED BELIEVES 99 AND . (Utunril lurne.l down the M.I of from ouieidr. It to a parallol H t Iweal bAml b..ue fur JnbnMH raie to Ibe Hold Seal LilUW Ci. party ABSENCE OF WORRY Y'aneouver. bl. 4. Haltered I.KTIIItltllUiK. thl. 3. 4.a.-lain Street llridae dbetUure. bollev-ihk in which thai firm w fined BRITAIN LESS of the even ea. Willi tbe wave 'I K. L. Janney. the buner that in tin- near fulutv municipal 11.000. ! and hearty al the I VAMUIt'VKIt. !)!. 3. Moaoo Inn Ium-II aenli'llCrd lo b.'iU W'.uld bo in arealer Imt atill bale undor of 30. the . b.uer "Itaeh-aot "luy. t'otera. pluiicrr. t t ara hf Bf iwu year ui I'rince Albert peni-loittiary ibuiaud I ban nt iireeeni aud eou MASSETTllAN HAD age atl fr another H'NImiN. tt. ;i Tbe number i Hiing Hit wk. and till work In hU for uilertn a fajae MHiuenlly lugli' i price would bo Long" V the AHllpode. of unemployed on ibe llrit-ih llltle gardon. Ilia nK'' chequn for I 0. Aoruoeu lay eeured. ILLICIT STILL IN Tbo old voyage craft ba a hWtory Uial Ilca droptcd 20,000 lo.l fiM. Hi. boar wfll and oal in a elrolobor In court a tn warfare She wa uaed week making a niUH ! wllh- iHNirttly. Mr. Prior farina duulu hokiriiio nrueoeded and brike CATHEDRAL COMPANY HIS POSSESSION in iuelude fillibualering for a Soul b out work than I it ore were on "v uma. uiatrriiil fur untUtubaovu iro- down aftur oentenoe bad been '9'. June SO. HAS BEEN FORMED American revolution in tbe u a br amokra ineooaautly. paol. Alex. J hti..u, of Maeti Inlet, iibo w in i by Spauib ervtee Ho bl lUK t ral-iiik nllriliulr m 1 ! 7. wln ii and what b tis.t mil tUien Vina. Cbineae. rbaiired VICT IM A. cl. 3. In order lo uleatb'd uuilty lo a elm rye of in 1898 wli.n Admiral Oewoy FORMER EMPEROR imt worrytiiK Hlul loiimrmw. with elllliK llijui'l. aii ui'd b-fore arrange for Ui erelbin of a having an illicit atill in bit jm-awaHit eaptnred Mamla Hay Ionng IV ' frilnw. MairiMtrali' MrMordn- m the rafnodral n"' diooooof Co- on tbo Utofid lat wonk tbo late war Hie old vessel tarried WURTEMBURG DEAD tlrl a RimmI wif. younu limited Mnhltlly rine tSiMl by 8lieml- rnlUe I., the allle. in lb hi n an.) ft.. llvn to Im I'UllH tbl nioriiiim hiuibia r, .ind xllf'll1 brill you to liohce riiiiHiuliil uniil .'.iinpnny Iib- l"'.Mi formed aii'l l.liv M.lUlKi r!e A. H Mall. ry ervi.-e of I lie t S Sliii iMni STl'TTOAftJ. Oct. 3.- Former Ilr furllifi- h vbl liko iho." bo oaya. wan mimh work on the Synod Hall will be The eiure bad beep wade by , Hoard, tier uaaier i' t iiiani Kmpcroi William II. "f Wurlem-hurg. baa bad arvoral of tlini Iiiinvit Thurailay. veteran mariner l ui II ' al.dnai.'d in commenced immediately, the the H. yal I'.anadiau Mounted Po. Svenon a i and ba uutlivcd mtoI aoii and Nf ailidrl iiutl.t.Uat In Mlow. U..J taiailiai of tin) i'uat. dauBhlora. bwb. i'llMi t. r 'Uto t'uily Iks.T '