ge September 10, 1982 Minister, Rev rmon Subject: FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH . W. D. Grant Hollingworth, B.A. Organist, John E. Davey 11 A.M., The Family Service “IDOLATRY 2:15, Sunday School reopens in every P.M., Sermon Subject ‘ PAST AND PRESENT” department “THE MODERN PHARISEE!’ r “The Moralities of Religion” re is a way to hell from the gate of heaven” (Bunyan) We Invite YOU to Worship With Us ST. ANDREW’ S 5 CATHEDRAL (Church of England) Very Kev. J. B. Gibson, Dean 11 A.M., Morning Prayer and Sermon Preacher the Rey . J. Snowden Brayfield 12:30, Sunday School 7:30 P.M., Evening Prayer Preacher, ind Sermon the Dean THE SPIRITUAL TRAGEDY OF UNEMPLOYMENT” 1. Is it work or wages that is wanted? 2. Has Russia anything to teach us? 3. What solution has the church to offer? Taxi 35 -Ernie Large. tt! Tonight's train from the east, due at 9 p.m., was reported this morning to’ be on time. | The Prince Rupert Badminton |Club general meeting will’ be’ held) in the city hall Wednesday even- ing at 8. $tw A charge against Paul Zygmunt of supplying Jiquor to Indians was| dismissed by Magistrate McCly-} mont in city polece cuurt’ this! morning. James Lewis and Philip Douglas, were each fined $10 by Magistrate McClymont in city ‘poli¢e court this) morning for having liquor in their possession Welt Garfield McKinley, son of Mr and Mrs. J. W. MéKinley, sailéd last night on the Prineess Adelaide for Victoria wheré he will con- tinue his studies: Spence Huson of Walker Lake | arrived*in the city on the’ Princess | Adelaide yesterday afternoon’ from down the coast to resume’ his stu- Gies at the Ridley Home here. Miss Jane Potts, gaughter of the H. S. OLSEN rs’ apprenticeship at the hool at Copenhagen, then 12 years abroad working in the big cities of Europe. | Mail Orders Promptly Attended to. EUROPEAN EXPERT WATCHMAKER Royal Danish Watchmaker Prices Reasonable, TERRACE, BRITISH COLUMBIA Canadian customs officer at Alert Bay, arrived in the city on the'ss. Princess Adelaide ‘yesterday .after- noon from the south ‘to’ enter’ the Prince Rupert General Hospital }to take a Course of nurses’ train- ing. Mr. and Mrs. J. Louden of Na- naimo, who have been on a visit ‘o the district, sailed on the ‘ss. | Princess Adelaide last night for {their Lome in the south. Mr. Lou- “UNION STEAMSHIPS L IMITE D Waypoints Steamers leave Prince Rupert for Van § CATALA EVERY TUESDAY arriying 1:30 P.M Vancouver, Thursday a.m ;aen is a locomotive engineer ‘for the Esquimalt. and Nanimo Rail- . | way. | Gerald A. Yardley of Victoria, in‘ | spector of custonis, arrived in the} F and Way Ports Ke'chikan, Wrangel, formation call or uver PRINCESS ADELAIDE—Fridays, ll Juneau and Skagway—Sep p.m. via Ocean 8, 17 and 29 write L. COATES, General Agent Prince Rupert, B.C. | $ C\RDENA EVERY FRIDAY MIDNIGIY Vegpcuver, Sunday midnight. approx \¢ ‘ity from the south on the Prin-| to Port Simpe Alice Arm, Anyox. Stewart and Naas sha} tae | River ; Sunday, 8 pm ‘ess Adelaide yesterday afternoon, | formation regarding all sailings and tickets at | sailing by the same steamer last | VRINCR RUPERT AGENCY: Second Avenus Phone 568 |night on his return to Victoria af-| 7 os | ter paying a brief visit here on of-| ficial duties ‘ 7 y ’ _ ” CANADIAN PACIFIC =} DP INcHred Wet ao : ab + Jamies’ Stewart; “after having} iver PRINCESS LOUISE—Sept. 12, 21, Oct. 3 'spent the summer vacation here | with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. D.| G,. Stewart, sailed by the Princess} | Adelaide last night for Vancouver ; where he will resume his studies) ty ei C QUPON. Canadian ' ay FOOD VALUES USE KLIM T HERE’S no doubt about it — foods cooked with Klim taste better and are better. For with Klim Powdered Whole Milk you can add so much more nourishment and health value to your favorite dishes. Klim is nothing more than pure, pasteurized country milk, in powder form, with only the water. removed — replace the required amount of water and you instantly have rich, full cream milk again ready to use for drinking, for cereals, for cooking or for any other purpose where you would normally use high grade milk. If your recipe calls for a cup of milk, ‘just add to your dry ingredients four blespoonfuls of Klim, stir it in and add a cup of water. ns the vital ingredients See make otk the world’s most perfect food — try Klim today. It’s economical i use, keeps without ice and defi- nitely makes your milk cooked dishes tastier, richer and higher in food value, Send for a trial can of Klim. Taste ire ae ess for yourself. mae la at the University of British Colum- bia. He took his car south with) } him | | —— Mrs. George J. Dawes, who wit |been on a holiday visit to Victoria, | lreturned home from the south on the Princess Adelaide yesterday af- ternoon, accompanied by Miss Pa- | tricia Anderson of Victoria who will | pay an extended visit here. Miss Anderson is a daughter of a former | | member of the city detachment of] the provincial police here. Mrs./ Dawes received the sad intelligence| on her return home of the death in Winnipeg earlier in the week of her father, Martin Grosvenor. CNR, Trains For the East— Mondays, Wednesday and Fri- lays 10:30 a.m, From the East— Tuesdays, Thursdays and Satur- days 9 p.m. | Announcements | | | | | Dance Sept. 16 and 30, Oddfel- }low’s New Hall. Benefit football dance, Septem- ber 23, Moose Hall. United Oct, 10 Chureh Annual Supper Thanksgiving Day benefit dance, Eagles’ Hall,October 10. Cathvlic Bazaar, October 19, 20. If you do not receive your paper! ring the Daily News office ‘before | six o'clock. PRINTING OFFICE SUPPLIES Ree, Cowan & Latta Phone 334 | o> HURCH NOTICES 2 rms —_| C.L.D.L, Dance tonight. 211] L.O.B.A. Scotch and Canadian dance,” September 22, Oddfellows Hall, Admission 50c. 211 Frederick’ ©. Stearman, pioneer druggist of Nanaimo, was a pas- senger aboard tre sveamer Cardena which was in port last night. He is making the round trip north on the vessel- Union steamer Cardena, Capt. Ernest Georgeson, arrived in port ,2t 1 o'clock this morning from the south and sailed about an hour la- i ter on her return to Vancouver and | waypoints. Rev. J. S. Brayfield, Anglican | clergyman at Anyox, and Mrs Brayfield, who have been on a trip to Toronto, arriyed in the city on the Princess Adelaide yesterday afternoon, haying ‘travelled west via Vancouver, and will proceed from here to the smelter town on the Catala tomorrow night. tee 6 Rete ‘COLIC AND GR AMPS PAINS IN THE STOMACH ‘has been on the market for the past eighty years; its action is pleasant, rapid, reliable and ef- fective and relief from cholera, colic, eramps and pains in the stomach comes promptly. + eae easy “ ExtT-or * ~. WIL oe Dyn iat Price, 50c. a bottle at all drug- gists or dealers; put up only by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Qnt. Dr. Stanley Mills of Terrace, who arrived in the city Thursday nicht from the interior. sailed last night en’ the Princess Adelaide for a triv |to Vancouver. Howard W. Chambef’s, account- tant of Inverness cannery, sailed last night on the Cardena for a trip to Klentw Cannery on c&anery business- We. EB. Walker, manager of Ar- randaie cannery, is paying a briet business visit to town, having ar- rived last evening from the Naas River. Owing to the absence from th: city of H. W. Birch, managing sec retary, who has been attending th« annual convention’ in Vancouve1 of the British Columbia Hospitals |} Association, the regular monthly. meetirig of the board of directors |of the Prince Rupert Gene oe Hos- vital, scheduled for last night, was postponed. Date for fe hold- ling of the meeting will be set after Mr. Birch’s return ° ee oe een epee Hotel Arrivals CENTRAL’ HOTEL W. Logan, eity — ~+* + Miss D. Hogan TEACHER OF MUSIC Phone—Black 232 - i aekee tees “Cleanliness is Next to Godliness” SPECIAL FOR TWO WEEKS August 29 to September ]0 inclusive Ladies’ or Gents’ Suits Pressed By Steam 50 Cents Sponged, Cleaned and Pressed 15 Cents , Naptha or Dry Cleaned and Pressed, $1.00 Phone — 649 LING - TAILOR We ¢all for and deliver to all parts of the city. Mail orders Cherries and Plums © Munro Bros. | Tarai re ne wwe pr Sab ret sent are as follows: Butter Fancy cartoned, Ib. ; No. 1 Creamery; 3 Ibs. ..... Flour Honey Extracted Honey, Comb Honey Dried Fruits Dates, bulk 8c to Lemon and (-range Peel Black Cooking Figs, Ib Citron Peel White Fiss. 1 Prunes, 40-50, ip Raisins, Cal. seedless. 2 Ibs Raisins, Australian seedless, lb Currants, lb Apples, dried Peaches, Peeled woeees receive our prompt attention. THE MARKET Retail prices current here at pre- Flour, 49’s, No. 1 hard wheat 1.85 aw ~ a0 Pastry Flour, ‘10 lbs. ....... .45 to 50 Aust. Pastry flour, 10 Ibs, .......... 40 Fish .” Smoked Kippers, Ib) ...........-s00 15 Salmon; fresh, Wb... AS Halshut, doe 4.2..22...0i2.. 2 lbs. .25 Eggs Alberta Seconds, doz ................. 18 B.C. Fresh Extras, doz, ............ 33 B. C, Fresh First, doz. .. al Local, new laid, doz........ 40 Meats Fowl, No. 1, lb.r02.. so Roasting Chicken, lb. . 30 Ham, sliced, first grade ........ 35 Veal, ldtte; lb, (sxc chat, 2 30 Beef, pot roast, Ib. 15¢ and ........ 18 Beef, boiling, tb. 10¢ to (bu Beef, roast, prime rib, lb, ..... .22 Lamb, shoulder, Ib. Oe ais Beef, steak, lb. 25¢ to ................ 36 Tarmd, | Were iit bi aa 40 Lamb chops, lb. 36 Mutton, ‘shoulder, lb. 18 Ham, picnic, first grade, lb... 1k Bacon, side, sliced, bast grade .. 35 Pork shoulder, Ib. .2:....000..2.u.... 16 Pork, loin,: Ib. 25 Pork, leg, lb 22 Pork, dry salt, lb 20 Ayrshire’ Bacon, Ib. 30 Veal, shoulder, Ib. 20 Vegetables Potatoes, new, 13 to 15 lbs. 25 sack CsiREE leaks - 1.50 Vegetable Marrow, lb. 06 | Beets, bunch i ae Parsley, bunch . OT Celery, head large 18 Golden Bantam Corn, doz. 40 Garlic, imported, per Ib. ........ 40 Cabbage, local, green 05 Head Lettuce, head 6c and 07 Field Tomatoes, Ib., 4c to 08 | Radishes, 3 bunches 10) B.C. Cauliflower, 20¢ to 30 Onions, B.C., 6 lbs 24 Green Onions, 3 bunches 10} Hubbard Squash, lb 08 | Bunch Turnips, bunch 06} Bunch Carrots, bunch 4} Green Peppers, lb. 20 Green Beans, lb. 5¢ to 08 | Outdoor Cucumbers, each 07 Green Peas, Iv. 08 Wax Beans, lb. 10} per jar 20c to 30 35 15 29 10 30| 2% 10| $5 | te Apricots, lb 18c to Prunes, 60-70, 3 lbs a Prunes, 30-40, lb 124ec to 4 Sugar White, 100 Ibs 5.60 Yellow, 100 Ibs. 5.10) Lard | Pure, lb. 14c to .... Nuts Almonds, shelled Valencias I California soft shelled Walnuts 35 Walnuts, broken shelled 30 Walnuts, shelled halves 49) INTER. 3c steal dss cesendinnhibie | Apples B.C. Gravensteins (wrapped) 3 lbs. 25) box 2.65) IBo. Cooking, Ib, 4c to 06 | Frults : Valencia Oranges doz. 25¢ to 80) /Lemons, Cal., large, 45¢ to 55} | Grapefruit, California, ..5c to ti +Ganteloupes, B.C., 9¢ to | Rhubarb, field, Ib. Plums, lb. 10¢ to 3 | §-lb, basket 40 {Crap Apples, lb 05 Apricots, preserving, crates 1.15 | Peaches doz 30c to .40 lTtalian Prunes, crate 1.10} | Watermelons, lb ,Pears, doz. 35c to 40 basket, 35c to sities > an Ribier Grapes, IW. ........- . 2B Malaga Grapes, ID... 25 pSeedless Grapes, WD... 20 reed Wheat, No. 3 Alberta .. chsh Seen Neneat Bulkley yay ssbcasventvene 1,75 Oats .. ; 1,70} | Bran % 1,40 Shorts 1,45 Middlings 1.85 | Barley shiiahile\sdovapiielabiablaceesBibeiaeetonts 1.65 | Classified Ads FOR SALE | PERSONAL KOR SALE— Piano, very reason- able. Phone Black 904. tf} |FURNISHED flat for sale. Apply _ Kaien Motors. _ Phone 52. te FOR SALE— Small 3-room house, close in, Phone Black 905. 212 ee e+e +—- mi ? . FOR RENT SIX 1 room house Phone Red 914. STEAMHEATED Room to let, Phone ‘Red 890. 212 MODERN House, harbor view $25 a month. Phone Red 720. tf — a FOR RENT— Five-room Cottage, modein, Sixth Ave. East. Phone Red 248. tf SOME choice modern apartments for rent. Greatly reduced rates. Westephaver Bros. tf FOR RENT— Five-room modern flat with range, reduced rent. Ap- ply owner, Room 4, Levin Apartments. 212 ~ BOARD AND ROOM BOARD and Room for High School pupils terms reasonable. Seal Cove Hotel. 209 “SWAP HOUSES TRADE aie. ‘otiss for big house or vice versa. F. W. Hart. tf! i» HELP WANTED ee ose HOW to get a Government job. Free Booklet- The MCC, Ltd. Winnipeg | A | } | } AGENTS WANTED eee me _ TWO thousand people made money last year selling “Imperial Art” Christmas ecards; established 18 years; write British Canacian Publishing Co. Litd., 432 Patrick Builaing, Toronto. WANTED © WANTED to pur rohaae’ gan, at reasonable 215 9th Ave. E small or- price. Apply 212 WORK WANTED WOMAN will do washing reasonab- ly. Will take it home or do it at the house. Phone 27. tf FOUND FOUND new seine boat skiff be- tween Holland Rock and Kaien Island. $10 salvage. Apply Clau sen. Box 1562 214 ® The AUCTIONEER Packing — Crating — Wrapping and General Furniture Repairs List your goods with me GEO. 3. PAWES—Phone Black 120 AUCTIONEER List your goods with us—Prince Rupert’s leading Auctioneer. G. M. HUNT Srd Ave. Phone Red 637 7 sere = IS YOUR PROPERTY YVA- CANT? Let us overhaul it. It will rent and give revenue again. Charges reasonable. J. P. MOLLER Phone Red 802 For. quick returns Try a Want | Advertisement. | VERNA, your letter received, signed F. M. Please write me again. Mother. 211. WILL the person who took brown umbrella from the hospital on Wednesday please return it. 212 PRIVATE Kindergartens pay. Ad- vice given free by the Canadian Kindergarten Institute, Winnipeg. M.C.C., Winnipeg. hg ot ee eh ORCHESTRA FOR Your Dance orchestra phone Mrs. Black, Green 218. Snappy music! Prices reasonable. (tf) TRANSFERS — CAMERON'S Transfer, Phone 177. Dry Wood. Chairs for rent. tf - we ee CHIROPRACTIC W. C. Aspinall Yhree Year Graduate Chiropractic Modern Ray Treatments Given Phone for Appointment Green 241 and 549 ‘pen Evenings § Exchange Bik. = - DAIRIES For FRESH LOCAL MILK Phone Red 608 or 953 DOMINION DAIRY 8 Quarts or 14 Pints for $1.00 PASTEURIZED MILK IS SAFE MILK Fresh from Bulkley Valley Farms VALENTIN DAIRY Phone 657 SHERIFF'S SALI In the Supreme Court of British Cotumbia BETWEEN: MARY QUICKSTAD, Plain- taf Judgment Creditor), and JOHN McNEIL1I JAMES J. CONNORS and THOMAS WINLOW, Defendants (Judg- ment Debtors : TAKE. NOTICE that in . accordance with an Order to me directed by the Honourable Chief Justice, Auiay Morfi- on Dated August the 15th, 1932, I will off ale on the 29th day of br at 2.30 p.m., at my ofifce in House, Prince Rupert, B.C., fc YYown granted Mineral Lot Forty-eight Hundred and One (4,- 801), known as the “Superior” Mineral Claim; Lot Forty-eight Hundred and Two 4902), known as the “Superior Number 1” Mineral Claim; Lot orty- eight Hundred and Three (4803), known as the Red Top” Mineral Claim! Lot Forty-eight Hutidreqd and Four (4804), knov the Red Top No, 1" Mineral Cle Lop Forty-eight Hundred and Fiv 05), knowr us the “Hector Nu 1” Mineral Claim; Lot Forty- elg Hut ndréed and Six (4806), known as th Buiperior Number 2 Fraction” Mineral Claim; Lot Forty-eight Hundred and Seven (4607), known as the “Red Top Pr action Mineral Qaim; Lot Porty-nineé Bundred and. Forty-five 4945 "known as the “Amazon” Min- eral Claim; Loy Forty-nine Hundred and Forty-six (4946), Kkrown as the “Ama- zon Number 1" Mineral Claim Lot Forty-nine Hundred and Forty-seven (4947 known as the Amazon Num- ber 38” Mineral Claim; Lot Forty-nine Hundred and Forty-eight (4948), known as the “Amazon Number #@” Mineral Claim; Lot Forty-nine Hundred and Forty-nihe (4949), known as the “Red Top Number 2 Mineral Claim; Lot Forty-nine Hur i and Fifty (4950), known as the scene Fraction” Min- eral] Olaim; and Lot Forty-nine Hun- dred and Fifty-on# (4951), Known as the “Amazon Number 2 Fraction” Min- tral Claim The above Claims are located at Cul- en Creek, about 6 miles North of the forks of Bear River, Cassiar District. Dated at Prince Rupert this 27th day of August, 1932 TERMS CASH S. A. NICKERSON, Sheriff, County of Prince S-a27,83 1017 24 Rupert, The | Minehead Coal : ASPER HARD COA per ton $11.50 ALL COALS ARE IN A DRYSHED HYDE TRANSFER—PHONE New $11.50 per ton | > af at en ee oe ee {70% om va HAY ” va ry ow “ue aeTr tee cre teeehd Lawn Lion ett : J6ihs sicotee worbuen aot rage miss ert omqeee ye “ayn wah uitt a a “, a ze