PAGE 2. THE DAILY NEWS. The Daily News NERVES ALL INTERESTED PRINCE nUPKRT TIDES EAT FISH'and PRINCE RUPERT BRITISH COLUMBIA " 'iTUQc IN DOG SHOW MnrelAy. June SO. JN'DUstrv Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by The Newi GONETailECES llltfh-l.ow-- - n-.tit J0.H reel. EAT Printing and Publishing Co., Third Avenue. I;&R, IH.M feet. 7 f 15 n.m J.H feel. H. F. PULLEN, Managinq Editor. v A. Greenwood, Ciperlencad Dog I:l p.m.. 1.1 feel. . fflt-a-tives" Conquered Fancier, Thinks There Should Tueaday. June f . . SUBSCRIPTION RATISl Nervous Prostration De One Here High l;.1fl R.lih, feet. Rupert Brand City Delivery, by carrier or mail, per month . $1.00 It:.13 p.HI., 19.0 feel. Hy mail to all parts of the British Kmpire tfml the United mates, K. U. No.4, Oiuimruii,M. A. (lrepnw"l, I"mI iiinnnncr Uiu M:tM a.m., i?.H feet. in advance, py year . . JO.0(1. "In the-year 1I0, I had Ntrwmt of A. P. Slitile A .. the Vmi- ?0:I5 p.m., 7.7. feet. ' To all other countries, in advance, per yeir 17.5(1. pr)ntrtin In iti wont form; C4H1W wholesaler. " The tune uc4 ta rarine KUrt- BRILLS TELEPHONE BS-, prlciiri'l d"(t faiirter and dant, for the I27th. Weifciian weu dropping frum 170 to 1 1£. ' Transient Display Adwertising ft.26 per Inch each insertion Jlirpeilcr and who has i apleridi It Iii counted rroin 0 to 21 hour, JkaJ vf Tht Jortert no kf y keonrl of pne vMiitiuiir dw iiti truin inldiiifht to nildnllht. . Transient advertising on front page $2.00 per inch. and medicine I tried Local Headers, per insertion, -'tic. per line. rrnnvry,red nselryi trry until a fritnd Iu1uch1 VanC.nncr. is iiuile eiilhualaslte The table giveii le for Purl Classified advertising, per insertion, ........... 2c per word. me pro to Ulto "Fruil- -tWee". nhoul Hie if tiilillsliiiMnl of n rlimpaon.ljut the time for Prince SIMILAR TO ENGLISH Notices, each insertion. 15c. per agate line. Kennel C.lnli in Prince ltiierl. Kupert varies only a frw liiinutwe SQLE '-.Legal.nit Contract Jtates on Application, ' I began to meud almost t one, Hi wnni in mMl any ntlnr l-mI on tome dayn and on other u TO COOK : a-hi list) into reiuired ...., . and had such (ood braltli M I hatti Tlaco i never r. P All advertising should he in the Daily Mews Olllcc on day preceding the fniicii-r- who an mlPrealeil the aain. The range of the IHej rvery hot fat n(J rr f , hare enjoyed put right years. publication. AH advertising received suhjeet to approval, I dm mntr mtinmt "nU--iifti in the rorminn if a chili up -at I- may he computed a b vr cent SOU) IIY AU HKTAII.K ling on of ii mid eree greater al Prince itupert than l imtXf 4ir". 4 AS. S. DELOATV. his williRt. 's In Rasist liteal I-or l Himpton until at epringa and Canadian Fish & DAILY EDITION. Tuesday, June 21, fOSl. fiOc. a boi,C for f3 M.trial site 25c iipiitp in ii Minium: ilo-ir animals neapn, Iheretore the rise in the Cold Storage Co., tii At all doolen or, aent olU br and pullitiK lliem iu fil show Prince Huperl harhor la alightly Frui(--tiirs Limited, Ottawa. Importance of 1 . coiiUillon. greater than Port Hlnioii. Dominions' Conference. "I vh ery Infereslml in the I he height In In fert and tenthi: The lniperinl (inference of Prime Ministers of the Hrith SUITCASES remarks mIm.iiI tlm u,m hy of feet above the avernKe I eve) tit Dominions whirl) commenced yesterday in London will he one of llerl I'iurli iii Hip News the other hiwer low water. v the most iniKirtnnl meetings, as far ns the Hrilili Umpire Is TRUNKS day," said Mr. ilreenwood lo a concerned. lhu has tnkep place finrc the (Ireal Wnr.." Many ew man uiohL "lie is ' RUPERT BAKF.PY . 'problems of vflal interest (o the Kmpire will he iliM'ii-M-il' mul HANDBAGS anile eorreei oi sayinir 11ml there 'AIL SCHEDULE lh itmiIIs of Uie conference will reflect in the fnlure policies of I nre many dn in this icily In thei Imperial governmenl as well os, HuHe of Die aiiUiiionioifij f r show 4io'Mse. For the EaaL, Fur Ai, for Tents, Sails, Awnings Would 8ucc. CAKna Be AND PASTRY uoniinious. .i ine irHinrruiM me virwiKiiui oi wit" curious oiii- Mondays. Wednesday and fal- The Bread OF QUAUTT nri! of the Kmpire. will he. .el out and a Itelter ronunon under- '"ir Ihe don fancier of Prince urday al 10:15 a.m. 1 , .slaiidhig hetween all will he formed. The conference ha not J. F. MAGUIRE Huncr! cwonld gel tiurellier and OnJera heenffUfcjl form a Kennel Chdi, I am nolle that KeaUwranU. 8UamU., to consider coii'litnlioiinrrhniigrsMnil merely to deifl From the KaaC .WriKett if:. ; ... with qi'iestions that' are facing each find all of the 'different pnrtiu ttrxi th Prfnc ltufrt Hod-1 nltf)e, (hnl we rould put on a jiundaya, Tueadaye and Thura- Prompt I. ait, H'Mnl"' lnl show for atari. a ,. it; v oi ine nnipire in a common ense. moug ti'unii win tie the dayn at 7:IS p.m. Satisfies Jo CaabN arvi r t U.;uy r, v; mailer of naval defence of the Kmpire, I Ii Aliglo-JapaneQ ul-, Later n-Mjr ehaBipionshfii ahow P O.Uo,8C CP TluM A it, iVwtc I ' , . . . eowld 1a arranirPd mnl puliihllin V ! ; I 1 1 .11. t II i; J ii LAND ACT. ; v Viiiiuce ouo os reunion 10 tuner incuniy iiiiuoiin iiiiu iiiiiit iuauer Fop Vaneouvep and South. immiIiI he hr.tuulil frtitn' ouch . of foreign policy. . . Pundaye ...... u Nttkttf IntMU U Applf t Ium La4. places as Vnneoiiver, New Ve- .p.m. w Greater Unity I it vtitti i.mrMniJ, ni.irir.Iminalec. Vicl..r1a. Nuoaimo, Ol- Tueadaya 7 p.m. nrenMinr IllrKl of Pun nrn. nl Thurdye II p m j V 8,A' Will be Result. kliuir Bry ami t-hnnln. Then It is not to he rkE .niiTiir: imi canniian run a Prlncp fluperl ieote could HalunUys tiM.n (. , r expected tli (iival Britain, (Canada, Australia, CaM .siorai 4i- Lid. AT Ptiimw RiwrL see ',' 'cw Zealand and South Africa see eye to eye in every que- crrvr4irai irrta inn rniioi n oralis real slmw with ieciinena of Bind lu H'4 iw ivrtM.iuua I" From Vancouver and South. . J - They will nut and that is onereason why the .conference tx rnlkiKlna ilrntiM landi:-- all breed. ftundaya hits-- heen called. Hy personal representation and explanation in uimtniif a HiiBrrir ai amraau a imi pummi mi ! iw.) inm roi 'An vittiliiM'in if this Monday .. Hp. in m. Dentistry-Dr-J-H-Bayne each will he aide to heller learn the others' attitude and viewpoints rami I. Ii. v- l. thrm ISO ft mm or srrlplloM wiuld lie well iialron a. 10 in a 9. Vf dtmllno to llw vairr fU'edneedaye 10:30 a. m . 109 on various intricate rpieslions of common moment The mark; iUtim Ion ft. w-lrii' ainnr tow ins) ail r.uilal ie uiiele a semi FrWaya m aV'lsJ differences in geographical Misition that exist helweeu the airr irt niara:i lurti inriM ir norivnir intra:ivn uirn ii. iuir aao 'annual affair hy riiiuiin? fl Saturday ....IO:30 am 01 iu ffi nns will put very different lights on various questions. fL ramrlr aim Mill mairr mark an niNi I hat Jt would fil in with the; Helgerson Block, Corner Third Ave. and SixthSt r rasnmwiiu ana ruauir.iar iwo arrvt Compromise will have to he made on some points and It is with inDi or lM COLD sprjo? atxl-J fall cirruiie lu ihe Fop Anyoi and Alice Arm. Dental Nurse in Attendance i.All.t nll STOIUUL' Oil. .....i. .view to making clear the necessity of these compromise that LTD.. T. ILJnkMain. il the conference is in session. Hy means of co-operation and mu-tualagreemenl fAII(. May In). Ymi w'.uld iMii find that. In- Sunday Wedneaday . . . to S p.m.p.m. , Office i!6ur, 9 to 12; 1.30 to 5; 7 to 9 it is likely that the bonds which lie thewe flve great MI.NKIUI. A0TT ieni or m loi r nionjjreu nlMmii eclioiis of Ihe Kmpire together will he more strongly welded and oFmPIWIVtJIMTS. lie dislrirl. i wiide wouhl waufi From Amoi and Allea Arm. i Ihey will all stand shoulder, to shoulder with a- common front CtHTIflCATE t)-own pbre hre peciineii and TueajJay ...., a.m.j , unanimous and agreed on questions thai affect their common . o tTc it. lO' thelrS-luck al Ihe show. I 1 ' -Bfiuinia." -Biimnu So. I." Bni- will he clnij to gel In IihicIi wi'Ii .nurnaaya p.m. relationship with foreign countries. . nnU So. a," IJ Hot .o. f and -SL SJrM" Mineral Cliimi, attuai In IM naaa anyiHie Interested in the pullitiir DAVID H. HAYS & COMPANY British Empire and hjr Mimna Diimoo nr taiar Ontnrt. For Port Slmpaon, Arrandalo. Will I -Foreign Wl)f lorainl: on paoiraia Cltwt, ail- ii of ft show here." C I'EltCV T1NKEK. Manmr Day, Wales Itland and faa River, ' i Ajllances. . In Ihis'coAneetinn. it has lieenf Tf remain united 'In peacn js.lhey we.m uiiitotUiti war i rn mi.awri."'ii'umiwn umi mil.s. riumfr.amil ailirgeale.1 n varioil iM"cnl..o I Friay turn. Weil buill FIVE ROOMED HOUSE AND WO LOTS Ihe great of the dominions ror uw aura Arm u now mania- aMaraf ohjeel at lhe present time. rTo attain utmim. ifi-i'rrMioai uuiiiiijr. tm aw-f- that a Do Show rould le held , . . tins the sense or sectionalism and aulononiv must for Ihe nrcsenl Ortinrat o. 4llt-C latrM. aiilj in connexion llh Ihe Fall I'ulr. I !7 , "rranoaia p n 1 In Section 7 J1 dar from iiw daht tiof, m apply lo U,tnd a suhmerged in the consideration of the relations of the Kmpire u .Viiunr Hfonirr for a Ccrtineau or Thi- wn done t the earlier et- I?' and '., ror oale 5,0. 1 with outsiders. While the hostility of none should he Jnciinyd hnr lanirorrnwfita.a Cron Cram ror in ol pomx rara of oi M obiiia atntr hibiUnna IkjI on aeroout f iUSAlurM1 - " T loo great friendships, at the same (ime should he avoided.' liny claun. ihpk or Interpol anl Hie inek of Water lew not that Britain wants, to thi'hul am rt'BTHrn Tkt noTlcKiMt anion. North Queen Charlotte I aland. Half dub. balance tn rur stand aloof hy-doing it is for unor trtlum a a, nm.l l eanunrnc4 t-fat worthy Kidmen. Ihe rla wa lh reason that loo much favor to one foreign powdr might result ium or turn iriircai or leleted. There i a ooanihlllly For- June "22 Phone 07 Flrtt Iniurantt P.O. Boi 13531 n me causing or ill-reeltug with auolher. This point -ran he Itfl.ITMI idk Ti dar or Marca. A. a hat, if Ihere are now enwiiuh Frnift i readily illustrated in the case iij Ihe Aiiglo-Jnpauese alliance. 'It Ltwis w. path one don faueiera with euilahle anl. ! ijoghly df-iralile that Hritain remain friendly with Japan, hut uuU in Ihe eily, that il rould Juhe S3. this should not he done at the expense of mi'stinderslaridiug to LAM) ACT. bp lTted. ImiHediate net Ion .. ll.,IT..:in.t L.'I.I-.. t ri . t. . .1 .. . . . ..... . South Queen CharlotU Ulanda:' ipjimcu rtuer .01 isommmn, me, aaiignier oi iirtuinnia rlk af lntntlo U applf u La Lane. irtiglil reoiilt in Iijimmk a M at For should he closer lo the matemal heart anil, fnml present imlien. In Pant I.Tna.l lAMt liulriri iwm. Show een Ihla fall. x. . lion's, oil the statesmen who take pail in this great conference Hur riitirw-l of pnnr Pa-ri. aan utaat June S4, r bS-Tlvni ITTiTil PlIlaTiHl a tl I Hlhl'H KHMie lime, i milea anuwaetl or J i IJ"Ill llaK 1 r i l ll lirtl II' ataiatl Ml won Keep inai leeiuig in mind. rraiur tjumn. omiin Kiand. and iu TENDERS FOR WIRE . For iiim ml nurtti ran or 0nn iuumI Ural : Ikaflway and the Yukon. Tat notire mat i. Airrm t. wnrtii. r RAILWAY Constitutional Changes .Monday noon GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC rrwt nuprri. o. i. sn-npaiina laixi ar-yr. RECEIVED BY CITY Not Needed Now. inland (o applr ror nrmiauoa to "rom Bkagway and Yukon. ! 8.3. pnif.CE nUPERT PRINCE OEORCC m m rounwinr Orvribm landi: It has already heen pointed out that the Conference of Ifre- lmrwtn al a tm rnaaied on ine iniiinjay ...f.... p.m. -4 miers was not culled to consider matters of constitution in the anribiiYi t w. of ine. end aouuiwrM of a wnd ntrnrr bar or I U IM nia le. Four Bid Are Referred to the Thursday and Sunday Midnight for Serankon Bar 0ca 'Hrilish Kmpire. Thi may come later nerhans n venr from mw nioir I, Unaal Oiilrtrt; inrnra araonO Utilities Committee. lUwart, Maple Bay and limp Fade, Vaneouter, Victoria and Seattle. " llw enure Hand Bar. latlnr in an tiui ran v 11 for Anyoa Saturday S p, m. for un ar perhaps not even then and, in any cae, it'i iiol a question alve Imw water Hart, and cMiUimnf Point, Wednesday p. m. of immediate arret, rnnnt or Ffm.- S. S. PRINCE JOHN a , The import expression has heen viiced at many Tender fur roiiiier wire re-e him' J For I'orl CJernenlo .Jaell. ltnekl- liny times, and In many parfj; of the Empire thai there should he an txtro ientiaj if afirii v n. ten. i.en.-. hr ie elly rminell la( Salurtlaya ". p.m. .HMiile on hiHilhern Uueen f.hnrl-Ue l-Ui.--Train Imperial council or some legal formula to hold Ihe nation lo-lf- i.i the sirnrvF vtbt op aniTisit muni and were referre.r lo Ihe FftOM Service. Thie who give thi matter prominence at tht' present fclll-LJIbH. Flllliiea OirimTTlee. Sunday .'. p.m. I'eii-er MONDAY. WkDNESDAY ia ! SATUR0Y time forget thai the Kmpirfe has existed' for cenluries willi.nil 1.1 THE MaTTCR Of TIIE.-riMII.STH I'arkln A Wanl, I V, rnU. X.. MI.VF.rtAI. in. For hiiullieraj. Piiirre ie..iin K.Imi..hI.-t. nl I W. mm- Ihese things. This is w hat Premfer V. "M. 'lluglies of Australia TM.1 ACT" and 4 -in rimi-Mns lltf s.m irenn r.j ACT. lieB. innkinif ittreef i-unm-' ll"n f"i ! P"!"1 ii Tin? M4T1F.R . r Tiir phi ..k op , (UiiiAila ami t n.Ie.J rilalt -. says in regard to persons who now favor the redrafting or the MAPI4 AAt fVM. HECEASCA. per liutKlred n.unl; I m. riaiincATE or inriiivi:-ar.Ti. AGENCY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. Empire's constitution: "in 4heir desire lo improve upon the Xo. i wire (1 nil-ijfif he j. .1 J... .. .. .r i.'..ill, U.I..I TAtTZ t..ffil.E that In th AnU- nr Hia iiTTfiii rur lllil iiin'i iii.n urn hhu British Kmpire these persons display compile ignorance of the KMwir Jurtre r. mm, vounr. made in ;5.6fi t,er hllU'lrH immhiiN: 2 rttte" Wlnertl rjaua. aMtMW m Ik City Ticket Ones 523 Third Aenu PhonaZW geographical, rnlrnrtilh dar of ittl. I mmt ml. X.i. -iiil.r.rt akema Mimea iM-rlalwi of Cm.I frfairu-l ethnologigal and historical facts.. If Iheir advice H ( iMiiindk), aeiranim Aaminiairaior nr iim rtlal til Wle-re tnraire rmrti ittand were to he followed the Kmpire'would most assuredly tumhle toi Maria kauirmano. devard, and all parUet 13.5. per htiuilrefl looruU, hi ifc Trui Minrral iriaun. adjm piece. J think, nothing is mniv certain than that the surest WHV. harinr lrfLjr noma nqutn-d kramat iu ' Hie taid Mm Mau frljr an Norllierit FJeelrie fJo. Sn. I. . TAkC MiTtti: Umi la w raineie- of Hestroyiug Ihi mighty empire' would be lo tamper with it's! Crai""i'"i dir vi f,r Mar.hi- ..ii A. Ill:uiurr and iin-all parort i it.ri jt J5.54; Xn. t, sr.54j Xo. II. Itnraie taoaoo. nf a. IftHir nui Htjr.c, intend,rm Kinrra utr oava-f oiisliliilion. The complete utcnomy of its parts is the foundn- Indeblrd ri llw ealaia are rrqiurrd la py 23.St. fnan Ike dale krrf, n as-pia ! liar . wn,r" ',s "ity reK The hasic principle underlving lurttiuiui.tltm anxrtinl or Ibrir Indrinwlneta to lue l...iiila Wire ami fiahle Co., tiiarai Nnrtenrrau iwrorter far-Ua ror a nM'ortiniale.f nktauiM nf In,i CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY ffi the relaliona lietwcen Hritain and her overseas doniiiiions-is f'ree ' I'llll omaial ti. Mctf l'MJ.1. ao. t, disjii; xo. 2. $tr,.r,(: alon Uranl of ihr alxi.r rlaiin P dom of action." , I ruwe'AdminltiralAr.Itucerk H. C Xo. 14. 1231. drr Ann arrtlun rnnnrr ti.uannnue.luflal Lm fuuamnil Uu (num. ,-t,lu B.C. Coast Services pated taia JIB day ot May. IH. Irinee llmiert Supply fV...o, JfLe Iienmaefiirnta,lh laaautre of mrb oriilh-al irf 1.1 THE 81'rHF.UF. COI'HT fir BHITMII I, f(5.!iC; Xo. , -ISrl.56: Xo. U, Kale Ibla 14 da. '4 Mir. A. fl, Itfl ti iu;mhi.rnoHATE. 24.ITK. ir.WI W PATMnlifc. Sailings from Prince Rupert ri THE VaTTKR or Tlli E1TATB ItF WIXHflAf. Dr. JOS. MAGWRE UAtun.u ujr.lXTIE Hh.TCAtr. ACT. For KeU.hlkan, WranQtll. Juneau TAKE lOTICE thi Ton U) tilt dar cmririr.ATr or ixpmivEMtTa. June 13, 20, 27 July 4, 11, is, zl U8" - sty. IBfl, adtnlnlairaiion or ine rata ur tiaruid cnrtatle nmpi fe d'Craaed. In Teh Y2ars Ago, NoTn:r j 7or Vanoouer, Victoria and Seatiie-- MEMBEA r TMK B.C. DENTAL fOlXEGE ' .". a..MM-u u. .una ri. airaiu.i.n. U 17 mnar Admlnialrator. frlnre HiirL Urn-lh in Princei Kupert Mairaa, aituala la Ik Ofolux a Miaioa l.l- I Jun, 18, 25 July 2, 9, 10, 23, 30j Auguat , iJ.liimliia a-iaiiiai nf (a la r litairKt. w h.M u-mm. M DENTIST r. f t MTIIFR TAKE .lOTICE Iftal all 1 -i. ii- i- -ix Ion lUM-kor Haul nvHtniiin. Tor Sw.naon Bay, Ocean Fall, fort Hardy. (erxint utrlnr limmea la TAkK .HOTICK Ih.t Tbe Call Victoria the aald etlala MltllRf Vancouer and Ph one 575 Smith Block are rranirra w Dtv Ilia ime lu tha Ad June 21. 1911. rtmiiHinr, Umited, "ion-l-rnal l.ukiniri Nfnpklah, Deaver Cove, iuiiulraKr forthwith, and all (wrafana aat' ti ""'r. n. rrr aa.wr leliineata EVERY SATURDAY AT NOON. High frrad dental work at the loweat prirea. ma arrouula ariln.l ihe aald eaUM art I'liklrnaaler It. I.. Mrlnloall an-P. lltl-:. IntMid. utr dart fna ia 1 can give the beat of reference. rniuin-o mi in aanie wl in lite Ad nouneee Mini nrraniri'ment .iw wrroi, w "l-l'i J ita inm Blllamr lie- fr mlnlairalor 1inin thiriv dava rrvini ilia IijiveJ rordr for a iruorala of Imarnarmenia. partaVu7."V7ridFM Information 20 yara In active aervice. oeen inane ror ine rtaliahliienl ror Ihe Durouae or blaiBint cruaa urama TirlteU lo all Ualed ibla lth dar r Mar. Mil. of Ih tia elainia. ORCHAR&, Oeneral Agent 0. Office Hsiir-M2i I I nd 7-1. Opea Eitnln$ iVII.X M. 'McmL'LLI.1. of a tri-weekly Inn 1 1 aerviee In And frtlir take nolle that arttoa, en W. Prince Ruprl, Adnuoitirttor. Morel)..n ),n der aeiiuaj T, mint be romtnearad tcfora Cnen.e of 4lh Street and 3rd Avenue, ,y rver aleuinern of in liauanra lit aurn Orunrait or Ini-prnroenli. V li.l ThE NTTfa IF THE Bi.lKRI.'rTCV (ho Iluil-ion Hay Coiunniiy nnd titled iklt IHI dar nf Marrn. a. Ii. If tl ACT KMl IS THE or THfc Ihe Inlander. II Ia Ihe Intention ALTIIOKIZrtl AlllNWI;.-iT OK Fill L l"ni Til .If.HMliK HOHIE, AI'THOli to maintain lh anlre resruiarly llMi IHlaTU n V.t.lkHl'l'I'V. a" far .i lrnniorlalion farlllhea FISHERMEN!! TIE noriCE thai on the tn dar or allow. Barfs STEAMSHIP CO. OF BC, LIMITED. iciie. A, Ii. ivtl, I'tnl Maaaarl ur I'url UNION jinwHia in i ne rnvinre ol llrlll.B oo- for VanrouVer, Ore.n fallt and . .VW lUllllila mad Tonulit Suitcases Au-rt Hiv an ia the Krenleel alrUHule ror Vaurouter, Jr.viii firti Kerte ut Rnilah er l'rm-e Coljoibia,liu4-rt aullxirUrd In Id of Hie year in if, l,e held in Ihe - An, Alir.- Arm.i ... in v.r nuinia. We can now offer iM'i.i in vana ruvxr r. , rlly founril chomher. idacuaitlou Trunks AMI FI'KTIitH TAkE .lOTICE II A I ti FRESH FROZEN HERRING fliretint or the rrehturi or Ox aald Caul of (he report on Ihe engineer de- .aaaari win m-li a, iiu. ittt u .ir vlii. jiaina tltntm 4 Ounatlet, barrla4r'(, rlr-nural panuiMil, (he nnlnoMula for en- Tents, Packsacks Hank Ruildiut. frium ln,i..i tahliahiiur a newer yleui, and DRY ICE nu Mundtjr Ilia tain day or June al lite QUICK SERVICE bout nl u'rkx a in Hie artertiiMJii. thf buininif quenlion of ihr re-lalniiiif PAri.ll 41 erl-ire Uiiim-h In flui I'mvlnmi F. Me, Crosby "The Daily News BUTEDALE CANNERY - Princei Ftoyal Island of Urlll.n Cilmnbla lltla llb dr f lout. walla, will lake nlace. Advertise in v. v a 1. I'here pnuiifaek lo he a lonir all- 715 Third Avenue, Prince ICUrt r.KIIHOI!Auilturi'rd HOHIE.1 ruder. lliifc- and a lively Hum. i TI.. Paper that .ti Quick R"'