S5 BRINGING UP FATHER DV I iPnynn . Kg 1 1 1 'mm ' : A ,1.. now 00c t) WELL-HE TO COOOHCt) I j TO OiiAMV HE UKfc I CLAIM HC MAM VvKC-ONMW , jHnn IN I ,vt TMRtC bMERirr? HE lt -HE'S IN WHA.T DlO YOU (J, .UUU v . ' FOR rive IT MERE' r-tCH IN RCTTCS? WWC- are -ra, ,70.;. I 1 it , i r-tr . w m-m ro'- . I ijf 1 1 1 I 1 11 u n 1 1 v v r- iA . 1 1 1 1 1 1 ! - n 1 . - 111 1 wismji l. - 1 1 Better results - and economy Of IllS lW-73es.axV- i-i!h a I - I 1 " -1 m - - - - - - ' - - ..- - - - - - r- . ...I .I,. .-1 m SALMON FfiYPT MARKFT Ipkitchard speaks uii .uuun.iMatiiiu.i Daily News Classified Ads. Cottonwood TROLLERS LOCAL LUMBER OF LABOR OF TODAY 2 CENTS IT.K WOHD IN ADVANCE. No AdvertlMimont Tskfit for L Ihsn llOe W. A. PrltrlianL the Winnipeg Trolling boat with New Panelling Wm. Turnbull, Provincial Lum labor o"ruiinii'r, ah;reed IhhiI WANTED. TOR HINT Engine, all complete, ber Commissioner. Going to aoo t.iii in ihi- M-liit.vm hall BASEBALL SCHEDULE .For Sale. Visit London and Egypt. Ih-I i'iuIiI iiiidT Iti" -iiiptei of WA?hl?D- llousekeer. or fttrl Foil IIHVI'--Pit mom romforl-oble the ill-ill i al IjiImh- rounrll mi fht ireneral Ijonsework. PtioneJ strain healed flat, close Mi., Oliver Typewriters On n mission which will carry "litiWr OrBit"nation.-' W. K. litue 3i . 13 ill. also furniture for sale, The sclietliile for the season fin- ', etiaifman. eonslstltiff of Oak Parlor followV him In.London, where he will Diekene tin SITUATIONS WANTED e, m i Cary fireproof Safes & study'' InaTKrP conditions, end Mr. PriUslMnfH we Carpel, iitnire. iiMl.mnm St'i June t tied Snx vs. Hon of Urn laler to Ktryjfl, where it I believed Uas'-d atonji Hue in sympathy YOUNO MAN wanti lllon In and Ornphanolo. Photie Hiavk Canada. Vaulls. lliere I nwailinfr inr- with Hi' ). II. J", movi-nvnl anil offlea. 8ii years exjerlene, tft. If Jim to I9ks v. lie,! Pox. A ml kil fur Itrilisli Columbia lumber. his lliroric i-li!rly ii)iiorlitt the mifrpiHleiee, ete; knowleilge July t- Klk vs. SoVis f Or-n-aila. en ..Mr Lots & Houses For Sale William Turnbull. formerly ed-Jd.Ml tines ..f that oi'aunuati.n. of Itookkeepliitr and IjpewTit-InK- FI'ltXlSIIRD - Four roomed ' Alv-.iv -ia: Suite far rent. July and Au-uL July "Sons of Canada ilr of the Daily Xcw and now I"" speaker traeed lie oranni Ool references. State . r Xh. H Phone innviiieinl IiiiiiImt romtuiinii.r, nation of lattor anil Itif dfi lo Jury. P. . lUtx so, Telkwa, llesner. (led Pox. Dybhavn & Hanson will leave -1 1 r 1 1 y for the Hd nient of imtuttry. -lahni: Hint lUe 1LC. Ut lte.,t7?. If July l--lliHi Sox va. iak. July I H Pons or fjinaxlti Ominlry. His trip will le part of liietlnxl of the foriiH'r lia fulleii BOanD AND ROOMS TO HKXTTliree rmnel furnished FJks. vs. Insurance Agents, Third Uii nrosrraiimie of liiinbi r li-atle far bebillii the proyievs of the suite, ihirlnir ausnmer July SS lied Soi va. 8mi xlciision whieh Hm Kori'st latter. The hulk of tlo labor PALM tilt IIML'SF. for iMianl and1 holidays. Phone lllaek l8. 1 1 It Planing Mi.la. Avenue, Prince Rupert 1 Canada. Ilranvh "t lb'' PinvitM'ial !- iiloM'ioi'iil of today isut ob-cssed rooms. Home Cooking. Hates 11)11 BltXT. Twn room house, July t7 Klk. va. lts.1 Pox. PrJnes Ruptrt, I t partmont of Lands has lioni sm-- with idea of previous rondilions. retftatil. Mrs. MrDotifrall. with balli and AiiffUt I FJks v. Pons of' panlry. Apply ii'xufully r"si-riilinK in an ff- The system of dividing Injun into tOI-lOo Pevenlh Avenue VL HH Suminil Avenue, evenlnas. Cnnada. j forl to open up new market- fr emits under the present capitalistic PImmmi lied 1 10. If Anrl S Pons of Canada Accident and Hie llritisli ;..lumlla prMlurl-.. regime was not suilalrfe and FOll llltXT ntramie.1 roo lte.1 Box. :i work to whirh Hon. T. D. "t-lullo. called for a transformation )tt near Dry Dock. Phone Illue AuUt 10 -lte. Sot va. Klk . Sickness Minister of IaikIs has policy that would recoumte the DINING HER FOR SAI.K. One of the besl SI7 III AttKiisi IS Pone of Canada heeii srivins mueh Rlleiilton. W.'M'lopmeiil of iii'lu-lry. Only b vs. I0ka. paying: retlauranU in llie city. I.frpl. as a market for U""- making tin orvanixnlion of latHir FIJItMPIIF.D 8IJITK TO illWr -SI. Insurance Auirust l Med fins vs. Sonsj Kood bicalion. &tng ic'hmI bu sine. ler. has already been broufrlil to HI the morn oreanitattnn of in l,ow reel, with a lont UhiI HHsms. Phone Rol HI. of CansvU. IS A HABIT You are not immune fmm the attention of the Itinilwr lrad" dustry roubl the workern h"i' to lea.' )ee- town. HAIRORESSINO. Auattiet Jt Wks v. fled Psk. Accident or Sickness either of this Provinee. As a result of meet tile rapillitie illler-ts on Apidr lx tot.living ILitly New AttsTttet K- Pks va. Pens ( al home or travcllinp. A a visit made to the province in equal terms. oOee. If I.ADII!P HAMlDllF-SSINO. Mar. Canada. Policy in one of our (Iron;; February by Maj-r It. K. Higher. eel wavlnir, shsmpooinr. Singe. Ppemlsr X Sons nf Canada And u darn good f (3nlTN, lle iovinitiient was lilUXO and al.' Inn. Hair Dyelnjr, Scalp treat, Ite.1 Sot. Companies .will properly SENTENCED TO BE ili;.MtTLI pleolhtK vs. habit too. Good food provide- for you and your enabled to brinp In Hie allenlion larhofefil works fill any sew-infr ment !a specially. Touee Sept em I it 7 lte.1 Pox vs. KIVs. famjly-flnrinK any disability. of the lumber exporter of the SHOT THREE TIMES rpuhiiie. Knsiiy ndjnsteil. and wlps for trenllemen and Junior Lctsue and satisfactory service Our Policy wl inirpest Pnivinee the opportunities of Priee., It.Wt with foil inslnic-lions. transformation tor ladies. June 8 Dry DoeM vs.'iilnt means pleased lred, anl as a result some 8,- Oriental Xoveliy Oi. Switches, made up from ladles' ISlwanU. you.- ortO.ooo feet of railway lie were Alleged r?epreentatle of United JUtx J I. Ctrus Chiistt. Tex. nwn combings. II KX JIAHIIFJ1 Jupe in- Kin iMwanl vs. pa?rtm sold for the use of the I'rypt"n States Hal Ufa of Suspense SHOP Prince Rupert I I3.T 323 Slxlh Street, prtoee Tlnr Tlnia. AND OURS AKE' railways. Thr lumber wa -Bolshtvik Prison Itupert, . C. Phone Itlue Tinta Dry Tiny va. July -liijei via (he Canadian (iov-J Camp. Foil PAl.K -A Korxl Taxi and 78. If Docks. Get the Habit. Insurance ernpienl M-reliant Murine, and Livery business. Ford eon-trael delivery has already been made. WATtSA W. June 51 . Ieee mh pwlrthly he arranu-el MIRRORS July II -Dry lek v. Kins different limes diplain Merlon foffHiyer. Apply -lo C. A. Fdwnrds. Ltd. Agencies, Market B. C. Lumber. MIHItOltS AXD 1IFXLVWIIXH. Kin i:ra arsis Tinv il vs. July :Miper, of Jacksonville, Fly., Waite, , Terrace. M. Imx 11. Si. Caji Regis P.O. Drawer 1632. Phone 130 While in II. C. Major Fischer while'Tn a lUdshevik priiner"s OLAKS OF ALL KIXDS. Tim. Second Avenue ured upon the Ijnn. .Mr. I'al- Foil SAl.i: Iledrowm furniture. IILOOMFIKLD. 117 51 b Ave. K. Juxntle League in ftussia for nine month. ramp lullo the possibilities of the was notified thai lie was to be ' phonograph, lamp. rufr. Inbles. ' I'bones Mine 337; residenew, June It Ctib va. Mtdcels. Tk'i .'Utnst Spyplian markei. where great child's di, ttreen 107. If talons Midel shot at sunrise. -Then, for hours I'liaii'o, pictures, ey June SI - v. 'Itmutitics of lumber will tie re. Kla-ware, kitchen uleueils. -Pto.ne June i -Falcone v t'.iibs, the Your preeediiiK the time eel for CORSETB l3J n 4v jt- " quired, and wto-re. despite ih supposed execution. Cooper WH" craJi. lo June Cbs vj JMWaets. competition from Kuropean COIlPinS made to order. Mrs. irrilled by Hovirl authorities who countries he believed IlritUh Co-lumbit Hill SALK -Pleasure burnt tS ft. tifverl'se I he lie it v Vewa. SILVERW prelendeil to believe that he wits IHreotor. I'ln ne itlue 183. If onulri find u profitable lone. I fir U, p. engine In sjimm. - ments market. Mr. Turnbull will fully a representative of Hie mii'-ii-ean ruiiniiiK eondllion. Hnnp fur x ovr ICE. sludy conditions there, and on hour jrnvernmenl.of execution came Wlien'round Ue c.h. Apply phone 5 during ft MJl jst ttiE !ntrrr.a ot wiwm ii ' Bros. his relufn rekn fo the minis. ijay. 38 IM of us list rortstrjrVfl ft la from Moths no Jtolsheviki appeared but ler. smi ier f ut reir t i. kiors tsinr i. of - fioO)er was never notified ollfer-wise, FOit PALB Twenly. fwd row seribsi oee (I), etiy sf l-rtc nspsrl. The Home i The one great iveed of the Itrlnfr leff in suswne day boat In iwod eotidillon. Bull-able SMITIIF.IIS SCHOOL. inm tin. ; lumber trade nf llrilish Colum-; Dont, Hope that mollis will not after day until he escaiieil. for launch. Phone Oreen o7H K n" rjiTar:ioas. rraef ef in ftrraa l Cawasssia, six Ramsay's lilA, if il is In be placed uion a re-entry 4 resrr or poaK. j 301. , 1(3 ruir.your garment tliU season, stabilized basis. Hon. Mr. Pat. nled trwlrr. trwnta 'TrivVf Mnt VVaMma. Ike rller4 ' WAflFS far smUhern trh.mJ." m tw rrni1 J Iks alMa kvt, awfr s ka trasesl J lul Make Sure. tiillo stated recently, Is .a sound PULP COMPANY Full HAI.IV-Pure hfe.1 Irish Jh nmMrlile lhe Xmtir t Pluie W oaorjra orj. iMrlei E. BHr.t ysa. Dry Cleaning wilt positively export business. During Ho-' OFFER OF CITY MADE Water Spaniel pup. Apfdy fill's Wsrk Ilts f Itl UP iltlr In of It Jul',O'rliirk lM.mm tot ltM TsewMt. dated lit ISIS June, lilt, ind rrlled Pure Paints War Ibis prnvinwV - product t:iu!ir Store. UMt snd unnl'lI'M U k I Fin n H IWt Und Hefltlrr nines kl Pnnea a-lrt. destroy any eittrsi so liny and Hod lv ScV'4-hiHW (I Smillwet, m the Cwea far ftsrobrr till D. luoai ould not lie shipped whiK to as fcnera tivrtisi noirvi. a. 1. hard In detect which' mot lift have EFFECTIVE NEXT YEAR it la inimtpsi after it U'1' ' ' lark of stiippinK. Now. however. FOR HALK IHcyele In number PMML ScsKKinnilisM. ittirsrl. itvl rwtn( nohed, my and !" nf TMhtsr liuy be er on sol afier lhe poallun ef thirty r from is aerrira f I' deposited the position is reversed. Ship one condition, .ypply 52 Tny-Inr Ut ilir or lime. Ittt, l he irfnre of IMS sstoee, M rnl Ike rroini. t ' 'if . Before you pat'-i away your ping i to be lied for the nkin A retily from lite I'rince llu- Street ' 43( Cmtrl i, vKir.ltaue, ftcu Vssifntttrr.OatrntuMial Ajwo. IM ald kv npaa Its) Wtuiff kslesi WALLPAPER STOC and rales are ver- much reduced. perl Pulp and I'auer (., -(runliner I. II. VrMante. f.-u Omrernmetit At St. ib im ewkotinw s twd sod i1ihhi heavy winter garments, let us Dry Ft HI HALF. Furniture of four, I rtsee ksiott nwrvia It mad and nsieaa r laia as the- offer that was sul.-milled I- B. Wtrtirr, f-t. SrU)r l chril Clean them fur you, roomed flat. Apply Xo, i Clapp HosM. lirtll prosecute trx prpr proreeoioti w ''I The question of whether ltrit-isb to it by the city couivjl Uniluny. , 13 or Us l i-Mruis-nt r nltUr WorkN uMisa yonr Mn er lo praveni ay pe-lieii Out uf !- 'r' " Columbia exporters can com some weeks iitro for the supply. llrlsrli, D. C actiMi ca my f-sL Iitlein "I I Tiw mvi or sar temvr nsi nrnrl CanadianSteamLaundry pete with oilier exporting coun iiiK of riower to the proposal Fon SAI.H Monarch llnnse. errpted. Ijed B'twtrr omr. rrrar nmim. P. I'lllllP. II i . InJ Mrrh.H (i. let I . P"9" Phone 8. tries and under what coditions mill was last nislil recfiveil at Phnne" Idack 218 1 13 Put lie W'Mta lmiser. H. t MACLEOD, P.O. Boi 120 will be the aim of Mr. Turnbull the regular weekly meelinif. The l irtillc Works l"li-irint. pittrwl hepialrar sf Till. Second SUtei Sixth Avenue W Prince Rupert to ascertain and tmduubledly bis company pointed out that plans. BOAT!) AND MACHINERY. Ml To Oenrte nry, report will p.'ovr "f material aid al the present lime;, were not far XKW Prinra Hutrt, B. C AND USF.D MACIIINFItY. I land Atrr. to shippers in this province. enough advanned lo make im Intrffiug nd, etc.; boats and n london Mr. .Turnbull will mediate acceptance of llie offer NMkl sf InunlKwi t ftsplr t Lsms LsnS, Nlsktl'bon-I B,ih eiiKines boimht and sold; rhar-lers In Hjnrr 4, lioiix i. imijiiis In. ft W 1-onC'11 EDSON LCO. nfsn study fully the market ihii-dilioiis advisable. II wtt suuvesjed hi nrrniiRcd. XOHTHFIIX 1'JC-CIIANUH, inrl iif I'riiMv IIH.rl, im Mlffilr al lap "The Outing Season Day Phone H there from" the standpoint Hie letter that flic offer'tie made InsVl. I'urrlwr Ml, i ' Phone rt. P.O. box Tat nitire UmI I, r.ilsirit (. ParsiriK for the beet nf Ilrifish Oilumhiii. effective on the expiry of the ,f 1'irf-rlrr l.latMl, isviiailofi B.lefliiss. 1 STEEN5L0NGWW HI. 135 Second Avenue Wesl, mlrnd 1.. ai4tr l i"imhi o set present agreement with lhe llv foil' wlnr ilkrritiril lamia: Let ua lupply the Work Prihco 11. C. Alberta Coal Itupert, ! fnnl , ShtMit Metal Prince Itutierl Lumber Ca, Osmwnrisr s pwi planted see WANTS TO BUILD in a rirtt eirrrtusi femi a put ai tim, March 31. Il). The matter tftlSCELLANEOUS s.W. rurnrr ut VV. lit If ill l.i.l 1141. Ilirnr. Good Eats AKnt hr MrtUirj Kurcei Phone 58 iK rlMln lutrr r Iru in a ar.l.rly ilirrr referrel lit the Lliljtie APARTMENT HOUSE was linn In riw sairr mars, tnetH-s aliiri commit tee. forreporl. THE OflKAT OHJWrr In Life Is 'IHnH SWirF r trwm mum ,nw Vllfr nil's "''-TleMrngF-nilnc' u a ixiinl aisiut la rtijm. n, a s. W We can furnish everythlntT Prince Rupert Feed Co. the Secret of Happiness. Send alirwrlluR frm (sMttnarkMl r. :.'. 1 V from lo Xul. Iftcludintt your birth-dale, month, mrwr, Hi we Ui a I'wt l.al4 at tosh Soup 6lh StrrttkndFrkMrStegl M. M. Stephens, Acting for E, Never fortcet lo look lliroiiKli year saier nMrk, Itirues followiut riitti wairr Plain. PlutTcd or ' Corner 2nd Olives. ftttpeft and 7th Ave. St Prince and One Dollar to James Dun. the cUsstfled list Hiaik. to isitM iff eofmisiHr4.ieti ana ron Bannler, Askn City Set Aside. Pealltll Jtox Vancouver, inn uiirir em nsir f i, llipe; Olive lluller. lone, private 100, f.liWAHIi i:. I'Alisovs, net; Meats. II. C. Answer 'pliant lltiller. Can srnl by A letter from M. M. Stephens. I fximf tuse 4. Chicken, Lobster,- Plmen-loes, reKistrred mail. If. ' arlin for l-J. Ilannier us iiRenl Salad Dresslnk pickles. LAND ALT. TORK'S foe lots on FoiirtlAveiiue West: TUITION Sort Drinks, Ornpe Juice. between Mcllride and Dunoujr Netlca af Islantlas ta al la lasts Land. Cake, HIO Second A vena. lefls Ttm Juice, Fanry s of Ufinrr IroiiMe. Lime SELL, lot"I Laixl In Itante t. tiiorirl, nrruril-tnr PI reel, when; It l proposed In luust prtoiH rilii f Is olilulneil Ml HIC -H. 0. Ilalley, teacher of ili.inri of I'rinrs nujirrl, awl situate and Frull. TOVES. build a .peniiaiient apartment! by uolnz lie, CI USD's HUlmt Miisui, Piano, OrKim, Harmony. In Miihlls ! off lit Aurtn Wfil alwr f"r packluit. VCQCTABl.t1 No charse will-known nf krnnrnr io'"i Utrr PIIU. Ilia "u" house, was received by (he conn- linme Ireslinefit, One pill a Hy appointment. Phone Itlue Taka twillra tkat I, Alfred t. Vvrlrni. of Free Delivery. ' whoir nd . ril last uIkIiI asklnK lhal steps V ho't "U ileaicrs. 335. If Prlur rir. InK-ixl-Mtipocl. la apply orrMpauoij fur iwrniiaaum land tur to fteneral Contractor! bo taken lo. set lhe grade fori iraae Uw foOosisr orribd lamia Fjrlnns- BICYCLES Uiimiiiiriiir at a tl ptinwii n llsi Labor Fred Stork's Hardware the street al thin pniut so that raal end ft U Hand liar kniiwn at "Ptas Munro Bros. liuildinv tiiijlil cum sans," to rnains nn ot ins norm caat "C. operations IIHYCLFS. ItKPAIItS. PAIIT8 rnriwf of Ua ttl. lusts I, ltal lualrlct, Prince Itupert, m Second Avenue jmence. J'lie iiii'.llir vas refer I AND 1II1F.8. The "PFIIFICfT 1 liH-iir around tli rsure sasd Par, la knit 517 V.O. 7,1 In til Ilia I narl al Uir Walrr Mark. Phone PHONE 111ACK 114 red lo the city eiiKliirer ami the ' Aiffiuv. 117 Slli Avenue F land copltuijiit UI arret, mors ur lata, Phone 81 Third Avsnbs U' aid of W'Jika for report. I I Plume lJlud"337. III Ptttd mil lit dty r April a u. nil,