r S 139 6e a an a ,; -a V 114 V t Huntley & Hale A - A I . Helgerion Block PRINCE RUPERT I Joe indFied I -.. Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper, 'vol " M' m 1'HINCK III I'KItT. II. (.. TI KHUAY. JI NK 21, W2I. (r4' Clrcatatla 1737. irt ' 433. PMOK FIVK CK.NTJ4 JASPEi TO COAST FED REACHES GOAL TRADE RELATIONS OF BRITAIN AND CANADA ARE TO BE INVESTIGATED OF WOODEN SHIPS AMPHIBIOUS PLANES LIKELY TO DOMINATE THE AIR. BUILDING Chairman British Producers9 WILL BE RESUMED VICTORIA Organization to Visit This YARDS BY THE GOVERNMENT City in Course Tour Canada (I.T'UIIA. Julie VI. - 'I'll' impit-e ill lilt' Wooden I.ODO., June 21. Hen II. Morgan, i linirniiiii of,llio, council ,g . i .t Kin which hi pr.-v.olcd Utr ix inonlli himI h;i ithihI of I Ii- Itrili-lt Knipire I'nMjiiciT' Orirmiizatioii, iiil lomorruw ,(fr, i. I (oral ynrtl. in Mint time w.i- lrKrn yr-tcrda liy n ;oii llic .Km pre:'! of' Hrjluiii for Canada and jti Uie cdiirtPof In's 1 ,, nif'itl from Oll .w ;;ilnii Hi it the Dominion tiovrii i i vimi in Hie iini-1 iii (lit; ixtiiiuiiuii line.-. wntTt! exion lin-iyiuiliuc m.. i til (Willed In Ink- OVi r llir -l ii Jtl'iit. mirt iiuromph'lr'' 'may ! worked up, expert o visit Prince fluperL war .),,,- ni (he Vlrlnri.i HJn. Ou.ier- Limited ..1 1 I ril-t lli.-n I Tlie olijerl or Mr. Morgan' trip lo Canada will be acli9'cii-J v i" in uf rml rut lion. wilh Hie producing iilere.U meaMiiv. that Will seeing, for Tin new i received Willi good l''l " -.iIisIuHuhi in lot ; Canadian pnninrl u larger market in Oreut llrilain for CimiidiUii.' , . ir i ircle and hi 1 1 il general!), il w.ll mean I In' r-i indinlrii'! more litiam-ial Mipport from the Mother Coiiiitryy ..ii of work nu t lln- rufiM'ipiciil eiitplm menl of a ling. XnnUirr point of iiiimrlair'e U..l - hi men for a tune al l. Tin1 government will i "in ;ill l- reviee.i i the mi-iiin? TTlTT?rJnT A'jrFi IT up of iilfier Kmiiire market, for UflLifif Lli I Elii U ship ihiw tn Imiid lull mi ulilioiiin infill ha Imcii noil, Lilian.a.i .'"-'d. i tic i work l I Ii"' !. T ui..; axial u of tb atnph ua biplane b lmt Detain ! another atep In the ilnoc of avia Support from Britain. tion Th nun ti uiurlita nd - w rqul fac'nt on Mthr land or wairr. A rift of the plane oaa ai-rmclr brm nrtlrrM by tha II :'.lah Oorfn -irat lth w H hap to wJatWnlw arlatloo, both mlliUry and In reuard to '.unaJ.ati Industrie. TERRIBLE MINE ' PP0INIMEN1S TO cmnmrr.-:M. "Ptc phc'O hum thi V'-krra Vlklnfc" a nra Dj tne tsntun Air xinuur,, . Hie organization uliicli Mr. Morjiair repre-ents feel that a UQU0RSrOREMADE;BUSYSALM0N point ha been reaelied here uli-u!-i IN TflOUSMJDS DISASTER TOOK Overland Journey hy i-uppurt fnmi l.reat llrilain P. I. Plmer(Ha Already Namet i. prop.-rl orvanir.ed o ery lrjiB t it.,. i,i.iri... ... .i.- Broke "P Un!on Meeting and Wag.. Four or Hit surr PLACE AT HERNE SEASON IS ON Foot Has Ending in a,a will Im-i-imiii? entirely Aineri. Street Cattlo for Work.in Djmand- Thr ntnir fr til" I'iriil !- an in character, a.id by pruduo- riuiK'i'l liuor lrr i ttohiu - ir gwiii arronliiis to United Scckey F'hlni In Msrthern Wa-j lMU '.June mub I'. I. I'L lalc standard,, it ill U- made . 5I.--A con 170 i -"'nM! irrawlll by i T.tnt.o Knon D.aJ tars Commenced Yestjrt'iy. .nousauu or uiim. I . Station .i..-'iv .ii,i..-..ii r.., itriii.t.' v r- rrnm.nl rnr- S-i Police Mln.r. Uniccounlul for. l"" City " . . ...... . iil.v,! uiii-L.....n hViiLv ..i. ! .i.wl' ... ' ' fTr ifnr tin riillowlfir aiirtintidill " capital to parlicipau. " i7 " if; nfcfcryv flilu in ri Iwrn j Balon- beinbiy m m vi i i .i...;har ""ii mib-: i:. I.. Youne lrillh Qnuubia wutrr oim-ii"! 'I lie iiraiiiiHlinn . iv lakin :.u.-Jnf uf'S,ater, r Itii i"tilii'n f flrr1 IihIIiiz' IIi4W,''I r.. i.f Van- ... ... ...... .... .. r;.. ll.,nt,. ......r.. ... .,... anJ uf workers who arc nw tifiix'iui'ii, Ii. I tninittK 1iinI J. W. ' 'r ".,..,..,. ........... ... - irU.i. u.... ...i i.. 1 1.1- 4 V : Ii it'll il-lrnMl a nl nw . ewr :-l.f.rt north ,it parellel Hru'-"'Pljed here iiui"tiun"3lrlf.iid. r-, vh tH .mm tl. Ii..if i.t i:..,.ri,if i-i IV rrenililinK Hie fru pen primmer .Mirii;iri-on, iiju urru ...li..n ..M.rM.Hl.l..li. n .i.i.y. . . ... . ... . 'lliere wa l furioii lUIil for - :. 1. :.. 11. ...:..:... ..r W... . . I.. I l...i it" i!il.. uill. n l ipu' I,, l.riie niii-r- olill rt-miiMi mi llWIll or IW.30. IHI meliMf Klglimi ill Hie u Miuienuere 111 uir iicimi; u ...i-, - - i..,,,,., : wl,ii li flic iiiimt work. I f..i. .it...iiI w Mi Die f -mulr) dMirl I lie InOiilhi of Hie Skei-im nnd ...i ....i;,-u !.,.,... ..t ...IU. A IMr..n .hi t"g eiiecine prrirrciiuai ....... . u.. I ll.....r - .1......- and W . l',n'iiM. Ixilb Canada "" "-. til. arr arraa;:emciiU hel.w.-oii h) IS tiiiM- -.'t. smv- -iiiiii I o.'ml Had u!i-ii i'i- mIiii -n aa Ithfern and ttiMr Inlet awl .:cocml who usnrciJly did roemldc Hie man lhe onglil, but V.i-lrHlU e-oerlallv. ,ase, both to property and iH-reons, . kill' 'I iiimI 7.1 u i lull nll'lhr ecUnn f Hie caid v ua done. ron-iib-rnld rir' ovpr'n" wa not him. Mr. Morgan lia- a ron-ideralile imlir i'li"ili In nr with Hie esiei'li.'li 1 S. I di. Irlcl iTnhraein Ih.- Krnrr Ki-..f i'lie two police tiHu-cr left llie'cily nil tlie laiincli Uli Ilaliy kuowlede of Canada; he wa al.o 1 W. Mlllvr n l-il a K'Upriiiio-liI llnt-Hinl tnli't lliiwi- S.11I111I in Urn early afternoon and relumed from their ipie-l ul midnight. :tm 0rU lJ'1 eminiMoner to STEAMER QUEEN 1 liilii.f i-nlr iliiruif I In- in-lilbillim liiliTiialioSaii and w:tlW of Hie j - with Ihem a wisltii.. - : .7 li-n I lii HK'du . ... .. llit liliei-- lflll 2IJItI unitnl .a... aitt BODY OF TEDDY iHMimlary line ami eertain aT-iikiik Uwnv. lall.-r.il anil 0l11We in-lanI aiixiolit omy 10 irn once - . .4.1 .rrrrlpli.ill -Ii-iii in lop..,et .f .udutrie in l,.n IS IN DISTRESS f lilrt X". :i. ciMitia- dividual who i.ke with a decid- , mon- 01, lo l,j lo loved briny Miaili'. tliKI to VallC'IIM T I-lit lid. wlierc H.ly forei2U aeeelit. CixilU- Ihe atuj roIIw lu boylioou rallimr. t1"""" " GERSTER FOUND M-ll'lllll. I tie ban will -I he iai-.vl mil II uaine of John lnvd-en and his j -IIHH'IIIH 01 r.iupire ctjuuuihio Willi I! i--m'ii- July I. nationality a Kinuidi. lln- I . I problem. Picked up Hcpelewly Adrift by il. I'.lM.illiiu. II.' i- II Ill.'HW An lnt already i"i n unn.iuiH-e.1. Iran-e and wi-ird pemm h oi a Power Schooner and Being .1 ..f Hi. I.m-iiI n.W b.ind. Tlie Prince Itupert Hoard of Mil mon fii.hiii 1 Iii- year if nii.sl rvniarkalile -lory to 1 1 r Towed to Golden Gats. Iisanat Flhnrn on Skeana Trade ha already ibcen uotilled In r..iilln.t alinn-l i'iiiely mar Picked It up Lail orkrjioa iiccoiiiiI f the hi- adventures for the ial m PEACE OFFER f ,ir. Morvan' prmofed viil VH Tuni.V. Juii" Si! The Pa 'ftk OLD TIMER OF monlli. lie claim In liave been Night. lanre fitmily of oilier vrirlie iii the vouiilry in"ce ll'OJ and to here and il .ha been invited to cific team-hip Company' steami that Rfetilroady on hand a 11 present aiiy nialller in connection er Quern is reporti-d disabled off? various dur- have wurke.1 at job I li. nily uf IUIartJ )i-xnii,t r Rumored This is Intention of the with. liK-al indu-tlie anL Ihe Oregon coast because dr en-, PROVINCE DEAD -I thi- lnrl yulli !!: yeam. tilittHif ' and pink, w.llr r Sin Fein on Vis't of the trade wliieh he liiilili di-nt wilh glue trouble; She ha heeii lukeii 'I in i i f llirw wivk u,-( tot le iHUblleil lo auy eslrlil by Longed for Sea.j King Tomorrow. for hi organization, whicli i f-lied in low by the power schooner ii... in- Ml i"HMrd fiiiin tin-U'n" the Winner. Therefore. Hie ' J.a-I .lalitfary In became tired w itli I he Canadian .Mainifiie-lurers' Johanna Smith and i Jieiiii lowed' h Ii ikIi Itclif iii-nr I'nr' h'T "Sandy" Mcltae. of Ravelalike, l.u-ifW part of4be eaiminK ea-oh of life on Hie puiric upd iousiil LO.VIiOX. June 21. II i ru- AoeiaUu": , The iiiallrr into "San Francisco. Itefpre being" Die of Heart Dlaeaae While fur u lhl of IIim''ch once i.n.rt.l Mini Hip Kimi I'VOier. .if iiu picked the' vessel Hun fouml ri 'iiim may iMiwl ald I" have w ill be taeu up at early meet-iui; up was ill. r i-It t ii ic imiUliila ull'if iimnlli Hunting, olartrd. Il will be' a dirt - airnin aud a cltaiiw lu ollow hi,(rpan( .l(rh( ((( (r,., Kinx of the bourd. hopelessly adrift. Hkim IUr iSil niiiii by a. . ....j.L'..' I fi for tVhiiM? "f okeyeii will railing: ti a ailor and fiher Ueorge with a p.'are-offer vvheii The Oiiitii left here oifThurj)- Ja-per, li--taiice J.ii niir.. flulifruirn "f liiMTlif- AlcVanircr r'yT MHUffU " .0 .he firM of uiau. INniiijr a lie vi-lt llelfasl tomorrow lo day evening.at 5 o'clock for San' I .lliii. l y. AuxuaA. of '"tm mile from here op.'ii Ihe l)ller parliameiil'. Tlie Francisco via Seattle". She had W"il iii IIiIm rffi-rl wa ! died of heart dlenn ' lille'lmnl-inn I'rtei' to le paid hy fanner willi an outfil couhijiu? of. ,a olfer will be made personally.1' 1 10 passengers and a crevu of u.ii tin iimrlilnv by I'.birf . wild a parly of friend fr fur Kuokey in the nrlhern dt-Irict 'ack of sail, a packapa of Five ddier were killed in II fly. 1 hear jut uli'i'le the city limit. lliairnex ami mu uur inuim :,..Ii, H,iiln. 4 lr,.l..l TO REGISTER Mini jr. ij Ui -iriiriul l oll"- li,ve len fid al t5 cent .............. t i.t.ii..mI one of lid town iiluif of tobacco. lie -i.l,..llM"" wm aWMNE' fr.iiii t nr . IwinkkiM'iM i til per flfij for fidlieriiien eiuplny-111K' terday. NAVAL reai'deut and had lived fiM.il for Hie cmisl. lie did ..I.I. imi liniihM iiuiiry, riii" i"i -I i heir.own fear and t fiMier-inen COItK, June SI. lame lVn-ri a. fu-.l Inkfi lnMiir.- hut hem fur Ihlrly-ifivr year, lie Ut(ili'd with raniicry lo-nr, not know Ihe name or ' any lleiniird fourlh Karl Of In Vancouver 15,500 voters Lose FALLS FROM AIR ' Ihe Vancouver, well known Hirouglioul particular city. M..w at Ihiiiiultn. .ri-aii"-in. wa 30 cenj a flh. Xo alteniiil.ha Italidiin. wa kndnapped llii 400. Franchise Victoria, in- him ln-inir inmli mini K'teiiay aud in Ihe province been made I.' fix Hie price of Prince lluperl. nr !kaKAvay.' were nioi-uiug from hi residence. Crew of Three Officers and ianii oul till aflrrnuiiii !' Keiierally. He win aelixe in Ihe oilier wilmon varielie urli tlie ame lo him. Mven when Armed men were known ty .have Seven Men Have Fortunate pulilie and wn Liberal of the lie had all bill accomplished hi VANI.OfVr.lt. J u 11 e 21. An-iiounecineiils i and been in the wtiereahoul oflhe Escapee. price ma ii ,i I'jJnrV ltuiH. 11 chum nnd (link, old ehool. He wa ill cttl Ol objiM;! aud rearlnil llie iea coal of made of the business I'k- iiltntlly wa tUabll'li'"l lo be Iritld in aiyaf thrown npen llernaiil Castle. The hoimv iiid not know U, for when WASIH.VOION, June ,sir- 'y iinaim of n rnnl found in tin aKe. after July t will lie cell led alMiUl iu Hie kidnni.ued man was set afire. of the Court of llcvision 011 Ihe at Zemirdi Naval seajdaiie N, C. 7 caught clne lo hridjre ''I'lisis lieafiiltf Hi."1 .:-' thai tlnir. LONDON. June SI. King Ihe pgivincial voters' lit which hi. turned fire while 150 feet in the air and man - naiin hih) is liimif ail-in CITY WANTS MORE Helurnctl Kiddier. u a cla. round ItajiiJ iiKniu ye-tterdey-and wa found hy Cei.rge uiul (Jueen Mary, eri cIosihI yeslerduy show llmr 15,500 fell -niln Hampton lload. The Viirnurr, will .not play an important part given n remarkable sfinl-off al voter in ifrealer VatH-jMer.and lieadin? inland. crew of three officer and even SOLDIERS' LOANS in litis, year Hchhur- N lt-lriclton Hie police N-an-lier the railway slut inn here when Ino in Virloria failed 'iu apply for ineu had iniraculou escapes and TWO apply I" Ho nuiuher they departed for Holyhead, Anglesey, rein-latemenl am. will loe HuAr all rescued. MINISTERS of while fialici'iiien' enlille! lo Hi lory of iiovv lie. ublled en route for llelfat lo franchise for Hie next provincial were ' LEAVE CANADA Decided Last Allotment Night to Ask of fo.-Another liree oilier Hiuu payment of on (hi remarkable pilirrimare participate in the stale opening election. lhc'ncciai4y fi-e, and slalUlic i aoniewlial vapue aiid Miiaek of thi! l.'ler Parliament luiiior-row. CONDITION" $100,000. coinpileij liy Hie Huinlnion IWIi-erle of Ilia iniraculou, He. ay he ((real crowd gathered llntyni and Guthrie Will depailmeiii would indletile never begged n ineal,- nor lept and gave an ovation as the (rain HECATE STRAITS FISH Meet Melghen June 28. The city eounril lal niahl. on Hlnitllnit iiier.-ii.' in thi under cover lnciv he Jefl Japer pulled oul of Hie slaliou. BAD AS EVER M'C.mdcd 110 BOAT HAD FIGHT WITH liioliou id Aid. Kelly. field. The Jamiii.e fl-liermen in piid-wiuler. There being al-way . 'n.U. June SI. lion, liy Aid.aioii.iiof)McNeill,of'lli"decided NUulc.ii.'toawk UMl-t mil exceed ill uuiuhcr Hint available an unfailing up-ply'of SECOND SESSION oF FIRE BUT IS NOW SAFE he '"rfli (lullirie, iiiiulater of la-lH" ror or mill. gii-eii vegelalloii, ay No General Drift Back to Coil mid Uim..U. a Ihilliiulyne, llmi-uiK loan whlrh, II l urtder-M.i.lil. lie wa never willipul ulenance. BIGCONFERENCEj s,m,,.;.; Mines of Great Britain. mi in-1. Uf inarine, leuv Uu''-luilay will ! horlly forlheoin-iiih LYNCH TO BATTLE Hi worldly poeioii. ap. :1. M.r f(,r I'.iiKlnnd and will fi.uii thi- lioininion llovern-ni.'iil JOE pearel to rotiil of a metal mirror LONDON. Juip";i. 'The Pre- lighting lire at ea. which larle. LONDON, June SI.- Allhough "nam (Wo iii.mllii. 'I'Jiey will The city ban already AT NEW YORK TONIGHT and a modern can opener. mier of Itrilaln'a oversea Do. in the galley and IhreuleneU for some collierie have reopened J"ih Pi'..i,.. M,.iB(. ;( June nuked rr r.'YIHHI I'Ul li'MUenlil In conveiMllen Willi (lie daily minimis held Iheir second e. destroy Hi", vessel. Hie aud a considerable number of ' "'id Hon. Mr. (lullirie will r.ir li.iin- an' "'liiinn ' """I 1 June Sl.-p-Joe New Ihh. morning he appurrd simi Mils morning. Kdvvin Mon- leine boat Moienee uiH-keu nere miners have gone back to jvork i.M ''mi uvoi' t jnetllu irnnvpmtn-'"" that Hi'1 Mildiei-ahleriiiail fell XHW YOHK. do- qullr natural and wan peaaully lague. secrelary for India" gaud,yesterday from the lllilng hank there is, a yrl, .no gejieralj Justified in anklnif Lynch, of New York, Ipnltrhl Straits. The damage to drift hack lo Hie mine, liener.l of llecale Hreounte" lictwciii Canada Hie iiiv wan IiantainweiKhl clmm- talkative ab'Hd hi I rip, pleased Heueral Jan Siuul. prenderof ""J real llrilain. The buaiuexe fur H laruer iilloliuenl . TIiIh fend I lie lifle in a Ini round hi be in PrincH llupeil, Hiank-ful tlie Union of Souili Aftlca,'. had the boat wa slight ally, the industrial situation inf "x,v,, would eoxer Hie uot of piom.i(i accorded stati'iiienl fik-metliiig. (ireat llrilain la' n -chaotic u loan prepared iiiillluiiH of dollar nil Sutulow, of for Ihe hospitality wlili Sammy "ut i f tin- iru'iu-juirtbtioii of creditor 3 '"' ,u l0ri' Uou" '1 bout Ciucimiatl, him by Ihe lkdel de Vickern, St. Regis Taxi. Phone 456. If it wa before. "a '""i" tlunng tho war. 111 Hie i d). ... t,( l .A