LONGEST DAY G. H. Arnold - Notary Public FOR SALE OF YEAR TODAY Westholme Theatre Modern live-roomed house 1n Ihirdeu Slrecl, Mittulcil mi n lino double corner. Has u beautiful nutrino view. Summer Solstice at 11:36 Tonight 1UIN1UM1 alone worlli wlial is being UNLY, TUESDAY Very close in. The lots uro Then Sun Starts Toward asked lor tlie house mid loK BARGAIN AT $3,G00 CASH. South. Tt lilt INTO, tint.. .tune ?l. II. G. HELGERSON, LTD. Ily Canadian Press Popular OUGLAS Insurance Rentals Real Estate. ly loday. June SI. Is I lie longest day of the year. Technically it is actually . thousrh only a aSf D maruin of a few seconds. A AND JyjACLEAN a mailer ot rai l Uie lotoeat day sometimes falls on June St. The Some Diamond Ring almanac il. compiler thus describe ORS Bargains at Bulger's Store June S'l. Sun enters Ike -mil of Cancer (Summer Solstice' 23 IIAZELTON h., 30 in. - orviu oilier words at in Koine people Ihoiighl we would not include diamonds il'r our sale, lull (he diamonds lire, lo go at bargain prices like SI minutes to midnight. Mr. and Mrs. .laftiea WHhrow, II Is all made perfectly clear oilier good. and four .ihiunlilers, relumed Hie folloiiit scientific ex-planation. "Let's be Hero are a Few hy from J be euast last week aud Fashionable" Im hut Thouah there I lleatilifiil 7-Ume cluster ladies' ring. Hand carved tnouiil-iiiff. are again Hi Fir-t Cntdn. diihl difference in the lentil li looks like one Jiijr Vaunt", ltrgulnr 5120.00. Half Price S7S.C0 f (he interval lietweeti sunrise llr. II, C. Wrmi'li. accompanied Another hit thnt mnkca the "Grcnt" on Inuhs. ft Mi Syigle stone engagement ring, perfecl 4ilue while and sunset on (lie day al 'til hy his Mm l.eoiianl. led on Monday June 21, then- is in pcueral one $110.00 for n brier Visii to K4-uioiiloti lone . . : of these days which la. a few nd other easti-ri) cilitx, Mack Sennett tieMlcmau's caral diamond set in large square liuud-ciirved Comedy, "Unhappy Finish" other. second htnirer tliun any new si vie Hug. $iir0.00 for 5440-00 I'll i i the day on which the MImm While retmiied Wetlues. Prizni Educational Scenic Param Ladies' plain TilTanv set ring $110.00 for S72.00 tint Magazine Summer Solstice falls, and at I li" day nijhl (rn Vaueoutrr, to. ns- .Small single slone Indies' solitaire. $22.0(1,for SI 6.00 ml of a ci'iilury is June an or MillMi llr llllti al 111,. HazHllaill Populnr Prices 10 diamond ring in slork in plain unit fancy designs, (About SI. whilst at the hcKimiiioc it is lieiierl jhpiia4 artr an ah- for Christmas or any occasion. Ilinmnmls are. not day later and Jue SI or 2? Is seocc nl rverI wceKa mi te- down in the Premier niue is closed down. coining price, as the longest day. 'I he rvsii. for e4iuhl nf illness. this ilifferenee in dale may be Empress theatre Tonight Only, Tuesday Tasrj John Bulger riefly, staled, llecaune the The tett of tlii- district tmk tropical year is mt an inletrral Mr. and Mrs. J. short hy storm; S-J tsS3 Jeweller number of days the solstice falls on Friday night ami with Ih. nii later In the calendar year hy year eelebraled Ihelr rddin weddinit ELAINE HAMMERSTEIN six hour- nearly. II is not file cilien uiiid' up a purse if pcrmilleti in im- inie ueeausi- me ftold and n as the it reel in ji BUMPER CROP OF intercalation of the extra day in was. over. It. S. S.ti aent read .in in leap year hrinp il hack tine address and made the preoeitta-' ! STRAWBERRIES AT whole day. This whole day is linn. I.lftle Marion McKay pr-, "Pleasure Seekers" iveep amiim senled Mr. Bliort with I ton much, because the solstice a ante. TERRACE THIS YEAR bouquet. Mr. short replied on! is tylcr yearly hy not iuile six v A charming chnmctenzaticn. Clrarcut is u rtrr.ee Universal Trading Co. hours, aud hence, on the whole, hehaU or himself and brul of, TKIWIAi.K. June -J I. Weather it falls earlier in the calendar ftfly year . Mr. and Mr. 'Dinner Time' of Snub Pollard Comedy, Topics Today Tuesday.Wednesilay Vi'iulil ions have been iil a I tins year as the century proirrees. Short are real vldlim pimo-erti, vcar far for a Iiumimt crop ol and the dates "f the tonne! havlnaj beoo here for the last i Thursday Specials sii a k'i-i ii-s anl other fruit in day at the beaiuniiiK and end are fourteen years. tins district. Strawberries are as si at I'd. In this year it happens " V. S. tfarpvui mured into his liHiniiiK now, ami ly the end of that thr solstice occurs SI 10 First I lie 'mouth ur early in July there minutes hefure midnight of June new home ial week, lie pur-, PRINCE GEORGE Boys' Long ami: nhrtscd III" ltd Wall place li nltl he a lot ol llieiu ready to SI, and I lie difference in lenvth YOU ban rajPHtiiellrd u and now lt; Japanese . Pants Suits ship lo the dealers at the roast of the two days) Is scarcely ap .me ..f Iko finest homes in the! Th.: -- . mi i Sizes 34. G5 and f.C and the interior points. preciable.1'h is acceleration of the dale interior. S. V. Arlab. ha pur-."' - '-' ' i" Fancy Qoods COME ins somewhat , .rowers are expert - n a.-ry i- k ai.-n i... R Barff'tn chased the house formerly uc-fJu-l- jr lower. this hut itirimr the century i enrreetetl ' Suit prices year, 'cmplmiri.t A. M. I- ' i FIRST $10 a is indication hy Hie oiolsskm of the inter eupiedlirMr.Skrs.nl. as yel there im as t ICtipilM! r lll" wirmr "U J. 29 Men's Suits to jiisl what 'it will Ik. Terrace calary' day in the eeuleiwlal year.L Jih tiMM; h"" mi Mrl.imi. proeri'l r. u'o t ts- Pnrcelalnr?- Lucouer. .1 Tar Hen--tl wliieh Mil the .lataa ihiy laler. .H 'district have deal I : u. I 1 ill a preat liMv In. Hik iorrtiiiht wlio ad., r- I iimni" r lit wuiraV imi Bamboo and j tt to nil. i All sizes - Anlimory nut tnis uims more man is ne- to market this than Jilstle.' more, year -paper-and ueie nieir nan oie.i iti the lUiiU'rwm lisas ryr. Special valu s at last, and if. the Weather .hold fvssary, and n further nwp;n- sr)MMf. !ierlrt.ry observed, II...I II wa Toys f'npetcrlcs tttlt i $17.50 each jfaxorahle the herries will he fully saUon is make hy making the hliy dvcUsed nil often y".!"ir uiiscl ilU-playe.l Silk war ilwO u; Just received a full line of Ui''.iiv and in f i rt shape. four centennial year a leap year. MhNIULV. ACT. ueh exiditbm as had Ladies' White Wear itW t cliaracterUi-d Ihe cowdm l of the Imu Ir l F. K. Akase & Co. Harare. e-i-- i . river - EXCHANGE RATES caittrioTB urnirnoviuMi. case HinnijfhouL BA erlicl "f at special redi red prices. returned. Tlie US ferrl M l i ." irrift"' im! uuilty wa T. MeClymonl IW ltd K P.O. IIX 61 New goods.at rivinp with Miurtcy mm- tl.slui." rlta eW." 'lulr..ll..uiii .n.i Mirkm atloo eon-1 I all) I- ' every train. We invite . jMIilr lu iter Ittt Inner KIMS NMM rluhd. Ilex. vs. Kuaelll aud! rriofv 619 Tbird ltu-rt.Aviu H.C. 1,1 rMSi a.St"'d i your inspection Special rlcrliuir nf laaalar OMIrtrl, . ...... .. ttb Krance t.K 1. g i ii kllull lioj-r m IrttniUnr !.. fcM,nK a ulrhiU till Announcement delirium 0.HH "L'.r" r.'"-. . . ...... .... . .... ....n.. i TJX 'ni r IMI 1. r w rwmew. peu il rm r Hi ivii. o1" '.( UNIVERSAL Italy 0.:i6 Gibbon. & Urcecr 7.73 Phone 655 or Black 472 McCaffery, T!i - I- Hi-' iii-l ' f the i recce 7.73 Doyle, Ltd. C. V. EVITT 5 V Oil r'l -. !': Miry v. MtrUrra. rn sleiillntr. M"l ifUllty. I Iniumnca Kl tuu TR ADING CO. Japan UHrf. i'rrnnmle o. 7T .; I"IHI I Auctioneer' KLIM 5H.5U S-MIM. Inr Mile-r- teflWnl Vi M1IT rw. ii r.o. Battel . m-h.r.1 a i .b-, ti fe ""Si The iadies iixilinry or. the, Auditor and Accountant i Orwirm v.. lit.; ImvmI flknw ',' . . S. K. Shane, Mnnnger DEMONSTRATION Without advertisements, this Miner' tt;ii.ie S... m .; d m I I.V. .A. met at Ihe I'.tfOe of - '! Fre vorr t.rrmrv aalrrr. Itelgerson Dlock in IM-inee ttiiperl, ami for the a per would not he as iiilerestlns .. T'.'ii. ini.i,:t. .lilt iAy rr.an Ihr lUle Mrs. l. SulherlMiid on Tuemlwy ! tMrm.r. ! 4WU In Ihe MMlai nemnter when a ry pleaiil eenina jjjj' ! -n I'li t of those who liuw-not lo you. because information aboul rr ceriuiriie .if 0friemeius. far ll puruuw ir Jiuiwn .rn flrant of was sri-nl. Ihe vice preelrtViit. tried had Ui rvod for Mile in the stores is am, success rtrh nf Hit- m, rllls in ihe eJmlr. Mrs. Chaar, was mii t oi e- thai. yn riMiim nkv. tiU)i this Wonderful Whole news -jiisl Mleier .rrtem i. nfi dlV- Oen.' "m ami the usual himtfieaai wn Milk Powder, Mm. Taylor, liawert 1 fiirr ihr imm ti( utrtt ! Iterate nf Imrriivr.'iert. cusned and a rcsoluMon passed DE LUXE the demjmslralor, will he HMI.Ii mi. I Mil nut ..f Aril. A ft 111 UIimI further meeiinns be ad-1 f w etrwiiitf iui TOO LATE lO CLASSIFY pleas.vl to pie you Ouy in-formHtiou .ml II KMiiliiniluir. ! ICECREAM re.pflre.l. a a a Tin- demonstration of Klini WANTKH immediately in pmut A Kreal lliovemenl tnwur.1 Ifie t lluxiiiK enlarged our premises has been a remarkahle suc-cess. ,dwclliusr preferred - pood locality? seiilenieul of wime;iif Ihe eMlr- IT COST and installed modern machinery. The sales for leu than bedrooms nnd sill in? glue Ribbon !ri land In the district ha hen wo are lliorotiuhly equipped lo three weeka have exceeded mom till end of July P.O. box imade. thnuiilh Ihe .hricrmMiulion fake rare of our ever-growing Ice 1.iiim.no mid each new- customer 410. 45 'f the Hallenbuey liids. f.l'U Uieam trade. is a booster. lent the price of their lamia to $47,000 "" The iiifc'redienls used in "Do Thi' is not the Klim Powder TEA comiiete with Ihe prices aud Lure" Ice Cream are of the hest, which wn used overseas, lerm offered hy Ihe lml tel-I iur cream heiiiK imported from There are wo kinds of Klim, lenient lloard. Ileuernl Hup-eriulendeiil (Im soulh Iri-weukly. namely. Skim Milk Powder phone red 157 1 lloherl . I'octer. of YOUR fires in 1920 Ice Cream Is made dally on our and Wfiole Milk Powder. The Make the Italteuhury company, altd ll ,To put out premises In 'three flavora Vanilla, Whole Milk Powder has been director of Ihe I tilted lraln Its Charm Strawberry and Chocolate. on the markol only since flisiwem. was lu Ihe elly Uil We also specialize In Neapolitan lal September. week, lu conned ion with Ihe Your Own bricks. J'ollowiug is the schedule for marketing of these lands at a W'c solicit order for Teas. this week: at Every Social Tea Kreally redueeil iirlc. lie was TIIE'Y DESTROYED uri(sea, ojc and all orders are Monday Cream of Tomato ill conference with I.. II. Vilibar.l, given special allention and de-lUeicil Soup. is Balby's To desire and serve the best-to the Loral nyenl, and It I ex liy uur own autumohile. Tuesday Custard Pudding. show fine Jultfment-rHloe pected, Hint liumttijlate nhauii 'e make prompt shipments of Wednesday. Nabob Coffee. Itibbon is esienUal. Hy its will Tt taEvi 1 th ihiuf $150,000 uut of town orders. Thursday Clam Chowder. exclusive quslity of flavor and illt.i'C. I. f Wholesale in In all these demonstration-. Break asts sroma Hlue Kibbon gratifies Mrs. Taylor will use Klim tht diacrlmlnsllng taste- delights OVERSEAS MAILS 5 gallon lots $1.95 . Whole Milk l'owder and will th most critics) sns. LAST YEAR and upwards prove to anyone (hat Klim Mrs. l.ooinis llalby Ihea in u It's unequalled economy p-pcsls Victorian from Montreal, Jiuie OF PROPERTY per gallon Whole Milk Powder is not small lllani' in the north of no less. :'l for United Klugdoju ami other Two Stori'H only the Purest and most the province. They bate tw "There's, 'Dlffennce" countries. Practical Milk on tlw market rases of I'ucilli; Milk sent in ul Canadliin. Hxplarer from Be Sure Your Fire Royal Confectionery today hut is also the most a time. Sales Agtnt Montreal, Jpnu S3 for Argentine economical, (live II the She they often apeak of Itepublin. DeLuxe Confectionery says John L. Christie severest lest known lo cook. their' Pacific Milk breakfasts of Curaijuel from llalifa. June Is Out Third Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. iiiK science aud he convinced. cerenls and cocoa. 'Indeed, I'rince ltuirt, II.C. tnr llermuda, l.eewnrd l i St. Phones 17 and 193 We buy American Currency, she nays, 't shall i-onlimu- to I.ucia; Haibailos; HI. Vineeiil; ttt mm i aa use Pacific when we move back (ireuada; Trinidad; Hrltlsli Silver, Gold or lo the city." fitiiana; Venexuln. h 7t7.'r. . .nTiTTrTTIT thiuallan I'oiesler fimn Montreal. r,r.r.r. r r Bills Mt POil i Pacific Milk Co. Chartered Accountant Not rtlfnite. wa 1I8.W nnd Auditor. July & for Hahamus; Jamaica; avssav sw v. tat- I tiffin. Our phone number Is rooo. f f U. f An I aatsfactlon. ehanged. New nuro- )Q&ZJ llr. Honduras. iifrii i .iirii .i.. m oo ion. Limited GEORGE RORIE ber Is - - Rupert Table Supply Co, fsolorltt al sf Rarta 4 HnulL C., Vsnouurar and Kmpri'ss "f Asia fnuji Vun-rnuwr - I p rv..i will .urnriss you. Mors best ! " I1MP TAIini) B2I AblMMIord anS sis oasKC STetfT rrlnca Kupari. fui Uhma and Japan. Vcvai. rOMPANY. LliiT- LlllU, IrtlLVU 2 nd Ave. PHONES XII, 111. Ladntr,Llmlus B. 0, VANCOUVta PUONE SIT P.O. BS MS Niaifara. from Vuiicoiiver. July Fedaral.Ilulldlng 'i 'im A uit i ul in and Xew Zculaild.