as 11 V Tuesday .Inn' -'I lt . JHE DAILY JTEW8. - e CATARRH !ELKS NEARLY D LAD P ER WERE WINNERS Untlmel Fifth Inning Spoiled Otherwise Bright Chances. 9 Hum Superb Quality omewh:it n,nrrf., j. ,;i,y mm wm mm k to lw . n Hi,- ,,. ,f lUtnada and lb.- I.Ik, wln.-ii resuWed in vr-lory fur Mir former Ir.iin by a wore nt I., 4. i-,,,. ,,, WR( H vry . f-nly -. Announcement ml ,, M4 Ho- -ir- imltml. . and the num. NAVY CUT trrtcrivc Juki tth, iti I i f runs wh li-iil down In a , .,, . I4.4T -., ,,,11. iIm l.4 lower level1 llui ii in ail)' of the ..!. .,, Mn- -i,.on II,.. III Mai t'-r 10 for 18c . ? Elks .Tt 1 fn.i M-rcr iraln-inr Superb Quality ..,. in 'lir te.W 74. one run in II..' first frame tv.ih urlrr j9 n! Iwo In Hi,. ,ronl wlillc 20 for, 35c. -. I... l.fif.M Use Kmi of Ciinuda mariaired lo I H IT1II llUrTt Hfi one in l in' third. Al UuJ CIGARETTES inrhi'imir ah-- fit. ? "i ' mm, Mif score .Rock (S" Frizzell . loo. X (o f In Hi,- KJka favor tint In this inninic Clement sun. Tord Dealers . MilrMnc for Die Klka, lost ron-In Prince Rupert, B.C. the heat jr. rain which Marled al thai time aftd allowed four run tar I lie Sons thus jriv-iiiir them Hi lead. Following ilii-. (here was another run for BABE RUTH KNOCKS I lif Elk In Ihe siilh ami im-for the Sou In the Mv-nlh. The Sport Chat j OUT TIMELY HOMER B&K PASTRY FLOUR Mow up III lite f I fill im (he iramc for Ihe KJka ami they thus 'Il"int' irrealenl showman." AND WINS THE GAME WATER ACT, 1914. , iiu-i'4 their excellent chance Thai i !hr Jitlc wlnrli Ueorpe LOTTIE IS HfBtBT (ilVrjS IMI l!lf The real white pastry flour which ...f inrii-iiiiK I lie firl defeat of Lewis '"Tex"; Ilirknnl. ha WiSTON. Jun. : ! Itatse Until ColumMa Hoomir tbe by Ueairaanl aasl wufi OAvernnr in aitvire nt at snusn mi means better, Jightert and more I t-rllllvr council hai brvn eirawil to earned in Hie staging of loxinic the mare liilter f tin. New York order: flaky pastry. Imkiis that have drawn Hie largest Yankees, made li Tbal fmDiunt t Ihe pronsioM of ' teS7l ur it twenty-fourth SerlKn .'. ttt Ihe Walfr Art II4 be All roods sold under our B & K" srale reeeipls in Hie history home run jif the season yesler-inninc inr chapier .f ll sumies r lJI of the tMrl. Hiekard waslnirn thai I lie rrsenw nr lie umrrenrdes Trade Mark are guaranteed. day in Ibe tenth if an waters r Brae Ijne. Mr V slim crert in Kansas t'.ily. Me, January' 2. overtime ?flire w tli the lloslnn ami Mams.t River in lis HrlfM-e hu- 1 ALL GROCERS sell "B 5 K" PASTRY OLE Boy pert Water nisinn Ml4blllil Dy IK7I and al Ih; of r' wa ae- Ainerii-ans liere. I lieri- were no oriVrm ixiuncil numberm 4 ap-prftwsl I thrown on !il own resource on the I4l flay of nereituwr, . ' M ' ' re-i men on base Ixi il Hie hit gave 110. be raneeiied in m far aa tne THE BRACKMAN-KER MILLING CO., LTD. wHIl a widowed mother, Ivro New Yrk the one sairt reserve pertain lo toe water of Ij., ) - -T .hI i Ikmi-. necessary score Sarmot River In the Fnnre Hopert bfiilhers ami three sister lo , -i- 1 'i JJ..v to win I iv 7 to Ck Water tnslrlrt IM Inn nouee or P.O. Box 745 Prince Rupert, B.C Phone 3 SO support. He slarteil eow punch-niir neti raneriialkm lie pnblishea far . . i ! j,T I. ! ; ! IK' ,.wikt three luonilia in the w. c. Oaten and after travels from Texas and for inree monui in one nsuc . ' 'i-.WIIt I.I lll.illl. LIFE SAYWOEWCES to the Khindyke he turned up in ears moeui orMoe newspaper pnh' 1 1 llir qiiulilv of ill,- mil. UsheO to the more Huperl Water i. ldfield. at Hie lime of Hie AT SALT LAKES URGED nstnrt. Iiaiett tn 4in flav or Marth. s. D. tt. i . Im -r of ( It. rirl Cjtr-,!,, mining rrare and here hi promoting T. 0. fSTTULUI. How about career commenced. The Miniater of Unna. trjat ittiMrl pmy eiolly the Mrs. Roberson Writes to CouncilMatter iotier wanted SomeihinK more TIMBER SALE X 3211. OtTE rnSBl.OTTE ISI.An LD tiis- . ,.. f.r i,rM a arf rliarui-il Turned 0er to than their local artiviiies so ihii.t f,rtHAI JM.O, n. I! ,iii'i nl.xlU in Viinr..tii r Swlmmlnq Club. Sealed lenders wilt be received by tbr rot busy and after several un-suer)UruI Take nouee trial Ttwia neasr. In.tlan VinKler of Lands al VirUHia. B. C. not i ' 'i- olitiw yon (tit- ill f f. r.Mii able' to irent. of Mjssen. a. C. laiemla in nuke laler than noon on the atifn dar or Jme. LUMBER ;io. iiii.iIik rir anj allrinpls was Mrs. M. Hotierson ha ronimuni-cale.1 rrS4ratton In toe Minlsler of Lands for 191. for the purchase of Licence X3lt, ijrn a ilt lioxing inatrli there' he rruvlner i H. i . for a Seenee to prns to cut reet of spnice. Kir. i edar ,Vir Mi'imr Wailing for a mm willi 4 he ntv council regarding pert f.r petroleum over and nnner the and tlemtmk, on an area ani.ated on Soma between Joe'tSans and lialtling fnnowtnr deserio.'! Iaml4 annate .in tt) Rnnnrk Arm. Ran re S, i:osl Iillrl-L ! one Mak Imnie run and Iwo Nelson for 30.000 Since the Mssil,ilily of establishing West Coat or Crtharn lulaixl. B.C.: Three 1 1 1 years win be allowed for onler yon are placing? a purse. life device Oioimencma' at a post pianied se ehaln rermnal of Umber. taut niirhl. saving at Pacific Cartage iuitfirrr thai lime he has promote! Hie swill from the soathwetl earner.of Lot rurther tartieiilars of the ithlcf Foresler. have unquestionably the the 'Salt Lake thenee is tttenee . which i rapii'ly Mil: mami east: aranna. n. t... or instnci rresier, rrnirt i do orawin on lh Son. Oivnu. Vrealest ring eunUU' ever slag- ehams sooth: Ihene so rhan west: thenee Rnprrt. B. t largest and most .romplpele Itecoming a Mpnlar bathing resort M nuau nnnn u ine point m ownenre and wllli be between e.1 I fight LIMITED '.uiil of Hip rain, I h- same wn and Is now visited by hun n-ent. slofk in Northern U. C. anc TIMBER SALE X 3117. Lorated lim Marrh. I til. Impey July ChavroUt Dtalara rallnl nl I lie rl f the evenlh Carjll!f-! hi dred of sWimmrr of more or , TI40M4S-CfUSVv our prices cannot be beaten. PHONC 93. iiiulnv. 2 Mime jiiTj the ".mlllbin dollar' less skill. If i Mrs. Rolrson's Robert arow-n. a rent. Sealed lenders will be received liy Ihe cla. "Tale a rjiance" aiul "He Vlmsier or ijinds at Victoria. B. aes Meniie. fur IJe"I3t. nwiile suggestion Uial a lea house he forEE CHISI.OTTE lHXn LAXn DIS- liter than resin on the Siul dar it inly. Sure" am bis. molloes ami il is imt-l unn:s isua.o. d- t- IWI. for the poertiase of IJrenre 3 1 1 y Also a 4?oirple1e linn. of a home run bul. unforlunalrly eslablislied al the lake and that HI .U. ,1...- irri , SieiMltllf 11'. for hi ile, tliere were no runner largely (lirmigh these thai the ennecsion be given lo 'a Tsre nailer tlx! Tbcmta Der. IlKIIno Ilemlork and Cedar, on Lot ti aud ST. Black Diamond ha had such, great success. r-l Maxell. B. :.. Hllenl lo mate ttntsbewa inlet, ooern l.harlolle Island! on Ihe baw. Hardy; on returned -joddicr and his wife. aWttirailnn :r a lirnr la th VipiMrr nt fii'irtru Building Materials ladj for UU PnUre of li. C rir wr-miion Two . rears will be allowed ror re- bImi month' third for Klk. I he playetl Imring the Hummer the 14 impecl for petroleum over fs,val of ttinber. a olrllaricatne. Inliintr and field- Ceorge Carj"''1"''". challenger man could attend to safety affair1 its unnrr iih ronnwinir OMrnnwi una. rnrther pa mm la ra or Ihe mier Forester, Cement, Lime of Jacfc fieni,cy, is one of the- sltsaie (in tlie Wrsl CoaM or Urabani Is-lllxl. Victoria, B. or District Forester. I'rioce Mountain Park iiitt wen. naKf-M'are azam ap-lieared atid be on hand al all B.i: rtiTs-rl, B. i Plaster, Brick most unusual Imxers who ever GMiumncnir at a nosi nianiea ai ine for the Son in the b limes lo rescue any swimmers competed for I he world. chain-pionship. omheatl rnmrr of l.ot lilt: inenreiiariB TIMBER SALE X 32SS. Fireclay, Lath, etc. of (jinaila and both iilihel and In distress. HesMes this, ihe SS rtulo: Us-nrr west rhains; inrnrr COA'LSi In leimierniivrnl and sMitk rtialiu: Ibrnre raM 0 cbalns. la flee our Stock and balled in jtmd form. With lb lea "Voom could be looked after s4irl M en,i,H nrnsnV Sealed tender win be received br the intelligence, Ikere ha I wen none l.oraiea i nn wth. mi. Distrtrl rircsaee, artBCr ftrtrt. B ik.i of I he fatal fifth inn- Ihe ami small alarv satisfy yourself. eveepUon by Couple a aater than noon oa Ihe !3th clay or Jnne. il. Willi a ii. in'. like him aniontr apiranls for tf I. for Ihe cmrrhase of Licence X liS inu, demetiliuin I be veteran as Well a iiie prrdils of the Rftfteti Brown. arenL "i n Inmrf. heavyweight honors. He will tie eear Terrace to. nil . lineal feet or wi'-ai'T pRrier Inr I lie Klk. not up a business he given a remunera ofEE-'X aM.RI.oTTE ISI.MS UMI DIS- I'otes and Plllnr -me Iiiniii'.uil i'ol outweighed by Itempscy whNi allowed renewal NAflAIMO-WELLINQTON i imi.T iiHAti.M isi-vi. a. ,. rear will be ror brifrhl brand of ball. tion. of timber. iiiiiifiiiuui auioiinl of I hey clash. Other physical i"' and Scores. At the meeiinc last nigh I. Take notice that Thomai Dear. tnitian Further parocitiara of tne i.nier asreater, iul ii-h. and ha irrral Plsyer ineasuremeiiis may also appear rol. Masseu. H ' . intends to mike an- Victoria. B. or iiialrlrl Fcreier. prince The MHHMr -a Mayor llcheler poinlw! mil PMeatlon to the Minister nr I.n4 Tor the Istpert. . C. COAL I . ...i r, llii iiuhU rlranly lo the disadvantage of the Hmvtore of U. u t'tr a llrenee lo peipeet Km eltlna i and thai it was not williiu (he city's "'i Uic miV'l t.utav 4nm. Hi Krenrhiuan bul I lie essential item ror petmieiini over ana nnoer toe rramminr TIMBER SALE X 2651. jsiwrrs to establish any such Sesrrrhed UnJt sllaale on the Weal Oriasl U Miiam I'.trk '.ii i an of courage will nol lie include! t f 6rahui IUikI. B. C: proposition at the lake allliough i;fsi,menr,n- ai a pal ',anief at ine Ceale.1 tender will ba received by the 'am and fiiiiuK'- ioal. in lh shortcoming. A stir-try it could regulate the conduct nerthweai comer of Lol ltl: Ihenre Munrl r" 'ter. Prince Riiis-rL B. C re,I It Lasts I I ndirk of Uic oppinenls Carpeutier anuta SO rhalna ;lhenee east 9 rhains; iatr( than xva on inr Tin oaf or june, your Will I xr of affairs thre. Ihenre nnrlh s rhains: thence west 191. for the tMirchase of IJrenre XxSSI i ' - wtnli roal U rhcafxT, il has met in I be ring and sketches Hie rlutn In alnf of nunmenremetit. near klloalu River. C. R. t. to rut l0, Aid. Perry remarkfl,nn Us'aica llin warrn. mi. net or spruce and nenioc. ' r iy. of secral ball lo in which he splendid work llial -.Mrs. Roberson THOMAS f'l.lSV. line vear will be allowed for removal Albert & McCaffery revived of nine lo Kotiert Brown. arenL cf tlmls-r. iti.. rimlo a trial and Iniin a count, had done as head of the Further partlcniartnrtnetTOer rttrester. . will lw llmr- outpoint or knock out his rivals Vlrltula. B. i:.. or nutflrt Forraler. Prince, it you lirl nuiiles in Ihe city. lie oftEJI CIISHI.OTTE ISLPS I.AI PIS- Rupert. B.C. Limited convince one of hi ring cour liui.t in.Miw nuwu, n. ... would favor the making of a age. The llsl of opiMiiienl Gnr-penller Take notice nut ThornM Deaar. Indian TIMBER SALE X 3307. to aid in Ihe estnhlislunenl grant atrtm Maaselt. H. r. berrbr aire not ire Evilt & Co. ha, met is more imurc-ie Philpoll, of InlentKm In make to lite appllratlon f life saving precautions. Scaled tenders will be received by the CAAMA SATIOMAL RAILWAYS. than llial of Jack leinpey' minister or Linda ror tne rroriitc m n. laler . not 'Iiie consensu of Dulnion nt Vinistrr or laists al letona ' Weaterjt Llnra I- for a I Ice nee to prosper! far primleaiii Nit to tha Post Office and is by far than ivairt on the nnia day or June. I9it. rivals Garpenlier ami nmler the fnlhiwlnr desrribetl orer the courtcil boanl V.ns( llial Hie roe the norrhaAe of Licence X 3307. lo CRAMr TRI.'MK fAClFIC RAILWAY. Telephone 648' and 555. I he tthVr ill rinR cxeriencc. tanna sjiuaie tm ine west ia.i or ura-ham cut ao.'M.o re.-1 of SfS-oee. t.ednr. Ilem- lelter should not have ennin lie- toan.l. B.C.: Ounnirnrinir at a post l.ak and Balsam on an area siiuaiet near Saalad Tandara. tfce snuihweat corner or tot at planted fore the council at the present 1119; I he nee SO rhains eau; Ihenre is tie- head or oualn n.wi. lunar 3. Coaal Addressed m ihe undersianed. and e- has done lualrlrl ilorse.1 arnirdiur I" lo.' nature of the wors Hill Hie Frenchman SO rhains Ihenre rhalna nnrilt: thence west; time il was moved by Aid. will be allowed for re-u.aal so tine III rear teudered on. UI tm received at lies oni.-e. SS rhains 4Milh Ui s4nl of euuuneucehs-iit. niosf of hi iiaiMirlmil figtiliog and seconded Aid. of uiotn-r of the untlersirned until I o'rtisk iushi. Silverside by UM-aicu Marrn tain. isvi. or the Chief Forester. IHriher nictilar Tniirwiay, June u, ivti. TERRACE outside (he ropes. The cockpit Parker llial it be referred to Malthew THOMAS YoiMnana.DKAST, a tent. Vtrt.trta, B. : . -r Oialilrt Fwrteter. rrlnce I. Fur the roiulmriloti or frame ware of nn nfrny conilml plana has Rupert. B. c. house located on new wharf In Prince the Swimming Club. B. C I'.unert. ISI.sMIS tA.Nl PH- -.oi-kle. Canada III most Ihrilling rugage-nieiils orirE.H CHtm.OTTE For the construction of approtinialely i I he Hon of seeii TIMBER SALE X 3332. i. inn ,,-..1,, n. t 9 mllea the Mountain ll- or renetnr.'m Fruit Lands ralrhnr, in such a trol kirker llr, and'grculesl deiiumstra-lion SCOTTISH ALL STARS Take nntles thai Thnrnat neatv. Indian Irlrl. (joadlan allsial Hallways, i . Comrades, of teakvt len.ters will be received tlV the riaoa. specinraiions ami form oi con I" I'lay foorlmll. of courage. Aunt. MaasetL B. C. brrehv artvea notice oiikIiI later platiici roresler. Prince Raperl. nol tract may be sen. and ronu oi tt'iuter , . 2 " Carpeutier relate how lliey had BEATISLAND TEAM of Intention to apply to Hie Minlater of than noon on tne Tin nv 4ny. ivii. okialned at the ofilees or Ihe I and ror mo province oi n. u. nc a Und nf HHIUh n. I lie Sou of Canada, feven. Two watched him Ihousand of feet l:ci-nre to pmpeci for petroleum over and .auHU ror llae C pun It.hase. to or rat Umice lio.oua X Ml reel near of Ptsirlci t hief rnrineer,Ina-lneer,winnifwr.Kdussiiitn,wan.alia. j it. n.. IM-Aif wnl wn Ihe rolhiwinr desmiied Hnds, annate tMtiter ' nwiM hy Mrn-tv in Hie air allaekliiK an enemy halsani. tjxlar ami llevnlerk. IHviston Etif.neer. t:alnry. Alia. hlla were Ul l.( h4 KltBtk4liiin Imm nn the weal roast of Kraham Island 4 alluM far removal of 417' Won at Nantlmo by a Score of Two vear- will be Assistant Kiirtttrer. Malnlenance War. .- iirotuiiilitot dsi'rilxd follows: cimmenrmt at and ai Jernrr. CleiTTeilt- low n lloche and Shakespeare. or swiinplng over or limlier. Vancoaver, tt. c. ' ' Afternoon. a post plac.t lift rliauit sasith Inso the rw srlinY (I 140 00 mil to 0 Yesterday nilllier lariiruiars or toe i.nei iiwriwr, Arunr oninrj r.niiunT. rrince iiuperi. t" ' i Ik r tn l omi D .on slrurk ul til no mrii and camp or nirdromn while (Serinan .isunweat niner ai aji no: iwurr i Y-riorta. II. C. or tiOlrlcl Forraler. I rtnoc so rhaina: notice in rluatna: rnenre " iij 1104100 r trn. to makn BlipTl. H. I.. Tenner ,win not pe ronamerea nniess Ihrw. Ilierr were unlUaircran Irlod Shakespeare. guns XANAIMO. June 21. The Scot raft SO chain; thepr isirin so rtilllia lo ' un.. tl,I UH tml made on Ihe form aiiiplleit by that Hailstr inr KIM arc Mr up llll l lr Imt Iwo error, onf fr lrw r.i n sieve of hi plrt""', Hflen, they tish nil star professional football niunl tjiraieo of cnmeneenenl..narrn ,ain. 1,11. l ooipjnj. and aortuniinied by an awipied n Shaw mid Iwo fur llm Son. say, jhey nioumfully ullepnl team defeated the Upper Island all THOMAS PEAST, at rnrapie,i t,e aaliie on a or chartered the,Djvahb equal to In I'l.the W i nt ror hnikkt (ml rt in nnd m.herl Hroww. ArenL unler of the t .Canadian Salloual Mltrhvll and frkl Seoll goodbyes In the youth, only to reastirer, - rr"mii n.wr. .tnrs bv a s.'ore of t to 0 yeler- iisuwaya. vtnory nomia iiayauie. nearer Winiliy wero Hip umpire ami see him a few miuuies laicr rnnsidernl OI EEX CIMBLOTTK IStAMIS LKMt PI. wall be aercpteai an new or aecviiieti rneune KENNEY BROS. & CO. Ihe li-ain llnl up a follows: rllmhlnK out of the ship wearing cay that nflermsMi.Hits teaiii'il was liad the liesl Maaseii.Rfilice-imiioi mat II. C.Thornaa inlenda nMii,lieaay,lo n.make-Take Indian an- iiunlSHie.1.M4Tlal i-nreloe Tender snj.plicl mua by no Hie enclosed Hallway In rik llanly. 3li; Morrlon, Hie smile (hat speetotors at New- plirall.m to the Mliilater or Mods ror tne (Inmpany. Canada to defeat of In Keal Eelnte mill Insurance chance any ror rue lowest nr any lender not nereaaariiy will see when I'rotlnre of . I'., for a licence pec 'undoubtedly Brokers . B.C. llr. Knnn, : Olemonlson, p.; Jersey the visitors. The. Scotchmen will n.ixKin to prospect for petroleum over and arcrpled. Terrace, Vliiiivtttki fttt ' Heiininir. 2 hi ho rulers, the ring lo meet afternoon in Victoria under llw f..lowlnr drx-rlbrd lands altoale ALICE ARM LOCK-UP. n. .s. PlVIt,Llilef Enilneer. play tomorrow mi to Weal i oast o, oranam laiana. n. t.i Shaw. If.: iill'b. ft.; Vulpey. rf. llempsey. another select train Commenclnr at t"l planteif at the Wlnmpeaj Man.. against . June Itl, 1911. Andrrson, shore line at While l-vint, inenc souia NOTICE TO. CONTRACTOR. Suns tif Canada Itience eaat rhaina; llieii.e .... ,. rhains: from the lower section of vafi- St v ...-..,. r-t .1. ,w .fiteiUI I'jirkle. Cnrlilrr. If.; north 0 rtiaiua thenre writ SO chains lo Sealed Tendera superscrltssd -Tender l.i inr. ovrni..6 i.'un r o,,,.,. o: BASEBALL SCORES 'ouvrr Island. point .T roinniebeeiiieiil. ror Alice Arm Lork iip" will b recMveil .. i.i i li;mb ii. cf.;"8o'MI, bv the Horxinrable the Mlnlatvr of Public The Inlander simkespi'ari'. p.: THOMAS UKASV, Work a up M It n'rhH-av noun, of Monday In thai mailer or the estate or Samuel rf.: Mlichi'll. 3U; .Motony, in.; CARPCNTIEIf 8 8PARRINQ Matlhew Voeinan. areal. the 4tn ila .or July, 191. ror the rrerihis lalibo, deceased, and in Una matter of Ihept 3b. American League PARTNERS BADLY BEATEN and cninplellnn of a Lnek-1'p al Alice Aim AJaiiiualraiiun Act. 'nrqualiar. the Ailln Kle. ioral DnirlrL B. C. Ol'EEM CIURLOTT45 ISLANDS LAND PIS- In Flnt CUti lnnlns: New York, 7: lloslnn. 0. risna, SiciNratusna anJlcc.n or Tender tawf. Minrr thatAdminlUratma or Boarding lloui Score by ?-; Philadel, NKW YonKTJuno 2U Car- Take I OH.notice,".lhat Thoinaa l-"-.i"'i Oeiav. Indian mar be seen on art! trier Ihfl lllh Hie Katalc of SiintHt Labbe, dereaaed, wa SM Smtmni Au I'hoM W t 2 3 1 r o 7 Washington, Alt-ill. Maaarlt. B.C.. Inlrnda to make ap- lav of Jnr. ttl. al the om ofr t ranted la Julia H.- MuWxUln. omelai Ad A. lUwknlni, rraprWIar phla, 7-2. penlier's sparring partners, Paul 'llcstine tn tne niiuairr or,., ior tn J, Uahouy. laq.. Oovrrnmenl Aretlt, nn nu Ira lor. Prince Rupert, Brlllah Coluin. Son of and Joe' of .mvinee of H. c. fur a llrencti rrasllrt Oorl lloiisr, Vanrouvrr. liia, im the flat day or May, Hil. Canada HOI l- National League Journee, flans, pennlsalon w prosper! -for petroleum ova? J. II. MrMullin. tail, Uovernment Arenl. tU rt BTltr.H take si.iii.r. iiaai an hoth severely Court ll use. rrlnce Huperl. oeraoiu owint inonles 10 sail t aisle are 2: I'lltsurir. 3. lirooklyn, wore I lie folK.wmr dfarrlls-d lands silual on Kilt a I n ii it i ' Plilla.lelphia, he West cojui of tiraham Island. B. C. eeovlH.'lal Tunalahle. AtllW frefniired lo pay the nam to the snder- of lln City imse. Chlrngo-S(. Louis. nln whipped here Inst night in bouts and dosrrllwd il rollowa: Or the Department of Public Works, iirnea rorinniin, anu an persona naonar LADIES' AND CENTLE Thf slatkillnir WVfner and Augle at a ai im Irtuasa. a. it. aeeotisla araiDH Ihe said Valale are required with Charles t:oiiitiieaciiur poat piaoiru MT No oilier scheduled". lo nle Ihe sanie with tne ajitder- hall I-mikmp l il follows: noithweai corner or Let 1 1 III inenrc eat! Tne Ioti or sy lender' net sectasarlly MFN'S Till " respectively, Tie ref Ihenr aia-neti witn.u luiny oaya iron, ,ne oaie OR W. I,. Pel. Coast League llnlner, SO rttaiua: Iht-nr aoum tiuuiMi Tiod. hrrettr. rHiu Tr? OUAUlHTtKB 0 1000 Pan Fraiirisro. U: Sealtle. 10.' eree stoppled both bouts after weal u.lnl of o thn:nmiiiirm-einent.ilieneo norm, l rlialna o Ptiblle Woika Ennneer. liaTFP l rrrnee Runerl, thl tsih day Canada.... F.o of T...., ..... t. . t. , ol rsblle Work PerwrtineAt. ' TIIIRII AVKNIIR 3; Porllond, 2. Journee and flans had been uirairu aaio m LLEE lltxIW l-vmt 0it Wlks ' f " I.ns Angeles, , THOMAS DEASr, Virions, a. 0 , umrUL AJmjunirilor, I Phone Keil I.IO. lrd Sox o I' "u" No other games, severely punished noberl BroWD, IfrsU iun. U,attt.