PArtF, TWO titr hati.v nhw Friday, trfcenibri r t. If.: - ... The Daily News SCHOOL TANK n 3 I'uMiftlici)rni.vnn livery nupRnT Af'Tnnnn,. except nnrriHii Sund.iy,Columbia by The News AGAIN TO FORE J, A. Kirkpatrick Printing one" Publishing Comfny, Third Avenue. II. F. PULLRX, Mnnnging Rdilnr. Wtallir Will Oe Taken Up Later By Rotary Club With View SUBSCRIPTION RATES I ta Accomplishment. "The Store of Satisfaction" City Delivery, Iy mnil or carrier, per month $1.00 Mir .llHc ilf further HI'lHlll in fly mnil to nil ports of the llnlish Kmpire and the Untied Stale. :- ' 1 11 will Ihr luo ement " In advance, ....$0.00 per year 1 wuuni'i'u lank in the To all other countries, in advance, per year . . .$7.50 ii lcntirlal si h ol will TELEPHONE 08 'in lilies' liy the llnlitrr GET THE XMAS SPIRIT 1..I. wild p view 10 haviiui il Contract Hale Xppllenlinn. on If 1-tl !! H"f yen', ii AM advertising should l.e in The Daily News Office on day pre ,1 11 ii'iiiini'tl .' 'lie luiiilii'iiii AND BUY YOUR GIFTS EARLY ceding publication. All advertising received subject to approval i-ilnv. Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. I . Mrhol- ii'M.lrit I lie ii' mill of Ike in ten u w with llu-Si'liiKillinaril DAILY EDITION n Friday. Iteccmber (0. tOvt. ami thi- rily rmm-'ii. Underwear He ii Mie itiMiier hail Imh-m Men's Dress Sox CLUB BAGS file Imni 'l King Will Get jim-ii I'nnsiilet'Ml I'Mi liy Good Support. for ,11.1 I h'okeil !niii'fiil nf iter.mi I'ure l.toid II i,r -t.-. Sin. I iim IiIi . The inliirrali-oii received yesterday in regard to the Christmas li.liineiil. I In il v riiiincil Specials all cohir. Iii-iiular at...n. Sale price 0 j il lull Itowever. ttW mil eiiitiii-r for Comox-.UIto and. his attitude toward the Maekettsie King A ltli'Hll dirti--lini ,.il"l II " " I'jl4blueri' K., We udd the Quality In.i New Ints slated MlmiiiidlWlhin m hi line with what The Daily Gifts M (mm Hie Ih-st lie was barked try the Liberals and undoubtedly n lite next ' rutini'il. STANFICLO'S Hilih'tl Knit In fW i.r.u. rtidnr blact bftmn. tr.-i Stock hnnd. tlliiT IImuikIiI il did mil siel lh. e l.-. led by them ami il is liipieql that he should support them. In Large on illriitioti il ferret. .1 (.. ."i.ii- winter weight. heather. Now, per pair. . 75 ji 1 ommiiiiilv where n candidate whs lacked by the Confer alive-il Prices very low. Pec garment $1.50 Ir. Krrviii mil lie lmteil ' would he expected he would incline to the (Jotiserrative Mile Combination 300 WflljKY pnrr wmd ribbed worsted w. It. hi. J. F. MAGUIRE Id- next eoniieil i iil'l ' H 'i iiftcr electimi if he wihed to renreent the people who elected .. ' eat tirade irtl 'he nuirkH. Now ... $1.00 and $1 25 llie 1 mill In. mi " ii linn. No nunoiiiicpmetit is likely lo be made of the new cabinet Next the Prince fiupert Hotel STANFIELD'S I Oder-w-.u. :l. PHineil .in' lit' tmlil Mr. Meiflien has resigned. Like other Conservatives, he i reu. UHHitent. I10I1N on to the last, feeing uVmiIiIIc thai he Jw been depriM-.i Now, per garment. .52.&0 of .1 rightful ftrivilrge. 80 it wn in thi prvince after the gen-cnil CHILD HYGIENE WAS i Wool I'n". Men's Dress Gloves ler ion wheiiThe Oliver Uovernment was returned. Mr. EGYPT EXPECTS WATSON'S Fine Ilimicr then clung to ollrre wrrtil the lad moment. The Turner ; UNDER DISCUSSION lervteitr. medium mler Government years ago was igHominioirsly duwtisaetl ly the 1 w e i Ii I .. e.iiihiintlli In Kid, i:ha'noi nnd V at Sat Prices, l.iciitriiHiit-finveruiir for a similar delay. MANY VISITORS Vancouver Island Council Form-: only - Re. M.nn. aat price $4.00 ed with Comoi M.P. as x Ilex. :.Vl. als price $5.00 Cannot Sell Liquor President. With Impunity. ALKXANDRIA. l.gynl. Der. 15. lie.- t !Mi sate price $2.53 The Provincial fimernment is to be ewiffra totaled on it - Af'er the troerlnal een lean Victoria. Dec. I. The Vim I M en s Caps Nal'iml Wool, PENMAN'S prompt action in cancelling the licences of tome, clulis which year." Korypt i anliciHitin .iter Inlartrf IMtild Hyi". i-iintr;t veiled the liquor art All sort of efforts are being made to seven year of prinerity ip the i.nnril . formeil h'-re ai ., iii.-doim weirttt. reg. tM Net blawewt f iiwhreahaltW' p-ab. Plent. .i get it round the act and nullify it effert. The clubs were warned I uHt tuiMinjew. Since tt the 'itei-iina nf deeMile from N ; iwr minietti Now, per md idber lHr .hica f all bind at sl p;:;;j ... .... .$1.60 that action would be Inken and that they could not legally operate. i.arctn or Hotel. I be fftiwk'. an1'"en lnliliiie. ibrouirHoui tv garment The renll was the natural sequence of their action. When the" lriuroMi.n. the vendor of anliaui- ! Inland and rep!'eefttative nf li people voted fop liquor control there was no intention nf permitting 'les, lite donkey and camel drhers oraaiiixatioii Hiten ie,i m -1 1 . , retail veiling, and if the matter were put up tn them tntlav l.ave had hut the leanest of pick . welfare and public lienlllt. whi l A complete ranee. 4neitiawr I erne Heel ion f bei we believe the result would le the same. The Liquor Control Act uta from the impecunWniK mill, took plane in the rt !-. n ! Neckwear in isi.. Italian and Html bib dk m ltritma bnte. 7$c to 1 7J will work out well if the dealer ami brewers will co-operate and tarjr. Itelnmiif Houke. flier.' wil not trv (o get around the law. If It is found that the present act i IMit news baa already irone over thirty tleleale. tre.-nl nullified and made of no effect by the efforts of certain parties to forth thai even Medilerranel Hex. Thorn. MemtcK. M f P Belts In iadCyidual kvMM. From $1.00 up. brc ik it, the only rpeoure will le a renewed agitation for complete rruioe are heian oriraniied in fur OimoX, lui preeided. vt.i-eh..en pnihiltition. It wl come some day, but it will come much America. From the porter aait presidi-nl "f the feo,- 1 fntl range of t-xrtrfl knit ailk. Any mnn amoi-i rahhy drivers at AlesandriA to Ue by acrlamalion. In a'knoit Mufflers qnii ker if the control laws are not kept. - the IMMIor. Mr ienfte rerefye one for iftrialraa. Priced at $3.00 to $4.60. !iuulilel donkey by at I.uxor ins t-nypt i rejoirinc and eotratma: In nf the nereary .rk Ilia! Powers Agree on i'n-h I'tiir- Irt.h Furnierly Vie. TV and l Now SSc IS, Navy Limitation. advanre. the A we r lea ft itollsr-which 'ouncil renld l" l" tmprnw Handkerchiefs wilt 4adden their hearts nllh of the chililr en and i'i. and 76.'l. in-iii ii..l In 11 Special 10c and 15c Nut only have the powers agreetl on the principle of naval limitation but lliev have also agreed on the detail of carrying twit and liaijten. Ihef day. fottinunilie in which Ihey lo.- l the principle. The inference at Washington has exceeded all In tlae lauaar ilaafcs nf bra Me ursed ever member t wi"i exeetAfiHii; In its reefii dealing with the. armament craze. ware, silks and ais. amtter. earnestly to sernre the r..-.e" a-( There will vet be diilicultie in Hie working'out of the scheme anil rtparelte and Oriental perfume, lioe ami siei'rt .f ail wh fn. MA9E.TO.MEASURE SUITS Hobbertln and SemUfteadf earah and amber head he. idere4 IhsU ireMt health cm-1 33 1-3 per cent. Discount there will be some suspicion ami possibly efforts to obey the letter are without the spirit of the treaty. Human nature has not changed iua pi pared In bewilder the diliim cimld tie imprMVed. evni (hough there has heept an agreement that armament are America a I our lot and entice The other nftirtaU of the r ! not beneficial. from them their prerion dollars. ranualeut were ehoe a l l In giving up the building t 0 warships there will naturally be The donkey boy are poibing! Hon-'rary preident. Hn cu xn MTaoLii KfT Mime dlsalifartintfat the yard" where the "hipboiUiig luisine up their addr and hare mm4 I. II. Mi-l-ran. Miniter . f ruiu-1 ratxi.t aurrar txi mmwit -dis-ran has heoji carried on. Thare, witl have lo be state efTnrta In the old rhantrinv 4 he name of UVir rat km; lee sreidenl. Mr. W t r nmi.I M hsxne raaMll.1 nf yk tau Canadian National country to divert I lie energies of the country in other direct mho-. amuinT cbaajrer from Alienbr U. Boelb, Esquimau; s.--reti"y. B . atrntium nist mew, Railways: and trmm to Unrdinx and WHwn. Iremmrer. Re . H. T. A r-ii r...I.t a In for h to IH'fi'l Ships ore not needed at prefcrni, but oiber things are needed, and tut pHeutMM uum M im ri if there is a reviral of geqeral liuinei the situation will two The hotel are beinv re III led. Tietoria: exeentre. Mr. M. bt" tnwia l right itself. dntmee and tea are beiaj? planned t-wtchnn; MM. is. V'. Hm- lMl.tlie.Mk tmemt M mt rMHN Let In every country there is plenty of scope for the energies of In aild an the camfnrt and amusement Suieh; Ml H A. Otrbet. .. M ra mmt HWM M IS.IX.ltoe MM Prince Rupert the people. The building of road, development 0 electric energy of the hoped-fur inient. loria: Mr. J. M.lath. Me: m.nb rl lo p"Mi uf rimm srin m. mid all nirtu of public work are needed. Instead nf spending rlin.'n: Kitd Mr. V. W."ia. -4iwming 4i M fl XXETT, A" t. money on instrument of destruction we shall have to spend it n The upper fox is willing to iiiii i re r things which make for human development and happiuet. take (he eat and let the under yn rrTnoiM- T. Shipyards fellow He the at and sret the THREE YEARS AND raisrr mrtar i. aistaxr -wt Canadian Lumber iy i:t or 'coiaT. aA4 T' Mim mmi i. n r. tinorkma. In the Orient. TWENTY LASHES FOR :tirMii. a. 'MMift tii a Inm. tit Maawl fr Operating O. T. P. 10,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Meditate befure uneak. the Hank nf Commerce you Kay- smuttily ooninierriAl letUr: BREAKING INTO HOUSE,1-'LS:,X .Tt, is active, to reduced aturke find lipging more owing firmer prke. StIKERAL ACT. Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers. Blacksmiths, Pattern The improremetfil nnilraaide in the demand for lumbar is evidenced ii-'h. ..t rfeane. Mmw m makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. Crtlt(t f MiiriHiMiiU. IMIW. !' ft. I d'-. .h.'i.v mw. hmnm. Um. ttiu Jiy the fart thai at Vancouver, early in November, th? 9 n . iMin. ui immn v iflMwurMini 1 rm year in the pen it en l lai ' mid i tMnint ft rr. aw " Bnm orders export on hand were stiUU-Mmt to keefi the mill fully rwa. sn4 la llie. lite elil lice iiiin.ed ( r. MOXlklo' Sb4miM Our plant i- i 1 1 c in hSMtle all kii t j i until the end of the year. IrCVMMd which time the w MaiM DlrMna 1 piiam n rww. Mlf. (.n ui.erators are unwilling tn make contract, apnarentlv for fear ofi rbi.irtfiNi a rreyhyt iqHill Itiiileli liv Mr. Ili.lie. IMS H.lllllll II. Itf I MARINE AND A. '. tialt in the aH"' enttrt. market. Lxoort lumber from liriiiah TzZrl- rafMN 11 roiim tu Columbia for u u - 041. ssr. um t Imiich will he atvee ten labe. raiH c M rasrv ts Bstm t the flrt nine moiilh of the vear shuuibIm! lu (Oft OOO OOO ml if rar Mr artwraw in iii . mmn ... rrMB ia an r.r. to Met tilltteri ran t i ost. asv.i. i nf which .l-ii.Mii tiHik nrrmio.fW0 feet. The latter country, ai i-ord-!Ilui Mtmmt rfrHrr fi.r a rrttrr rf n earh nf two ocentMoli Jtkr Matter MMI 1. l f MiatrkKi. ! COMMERCIAL WORK medical "f- IVtri'irta. aHM umtr, MMnid of ing lo trade advice. i likely to provide a largo and permanent rJSTo?.' ii fSr'il?!?,!! B. ike uperMoton a 'f- r llrrttM lu pwi iktrl fT ntt H4 niHrkct for eertnio rli.e anil iie nf lumber, in manufacturing " rurtkr tk anttr shpi tfMa. fleer. autrl M. na ila. IHMini r..nfexl PHONES 43 AND 3S5 . . . ......... ... iiixlf Smmih 37. ml fee ruiMM lie f.ui lid auilty of lirenk- hkvI. ismmrwi't u ui iihuiud 1 wiih ii h reinne 01 vara siocx i ten 10 ne disposed of local v r.. th. o.uanr i.r .am ccno nut. m nt Omr nier I l i III of John K'-e-ar. Uwnr ! rlMitn. Uknwr mtxlt iiiK ml" ttie b"iite i:h ' i !..! lo reeently come on Uie market for Oanadusu Inmder ,Tth Swmt.f. 1tti IkMe-e -l i ! Utrn.. ih ICif. Aberdeen Avenue. Oel. SS rkkOM lu MkM '4 n ll II BUM ru 1 I. i'Mil lealinn V'.'i. utmiat i. m u? kr I v ideitce fated lib it eh order. o r tra T'ni,M I h'Mar back to bed and iai4 sirimanf ii. iii "DEMERS" llm ali lied htm With a renlrr com. tu fnaeLiiv r riuri: at rtnr uw btfvaji t ws !i.'n lie w.i found riflinic Ku - tnii t or nT. nskoc i KN(W ar - p.-Uet. Aeeiied wilt be M. IMiltrr la. I. I! ruinwlt ot "THE RENDEZVOUS FOR LADIES WHO litww. a. i. . aMiac kim" muwi n ii i.'d .,.iif mi mi'dtier Indb-lnienl eaatr for H tm to priMt. i r. ptm beat mkI Hum ( mm Mr lutkr Ca de B M-rtaea tummt: jeaMetr i -l iitaniMi Splendid Assortment of Ul IM M M'l sea eer J iwef i la ilk iiirni. m-i j thrnr mMI rlMia. ikm i Ten Years Ago J IIW. Hucta Ml rh.Hi. Ii, I Hi I GIFTS m rtmmmmmrmmmi. nmitniM f.tu DAINTY XMAS I In Prince Rupert f are ia" H R. PI'MtKTT, AmiIi The Beer without a Peer htMt tl.rea ti hiC a I "in W dim met witli a bad ac. OLOVEI HANDKERCHIEFS CAMISOLE! Made in B.C. for 30 years from only pure products i-.ill-Hi la.I intcht on the Firl MUf r COAL hl'MhT KhO PtTbOLCUV utn Miiuri ACT, rvi. SILK AND WOOL HOSE BLOUSES NEGLIGEES M iiue olank roadway near Ibei Tati r or toast, hashc i liraiul Hotel when If fall head Ituncau,T(k nair a. IM riifMiMie I. M nittittf a. rumu,wmntt.of SO PER CENT. OFF ALL MMILLINERV downward for a dbdaiire of 25 '" "i. E'r r' k. proMwi lSi'iv tniri lilt . niiili d l" a In ki t i Delivered ,to your home, free of charge, in quantities from , fi et front tlte nMdWVy to th lawine fr eiii wnM UimI.natural oawMnriat i Um II rl GRAND CHRISTMAS DRAWING 00 I oca Iteiot. Ma wa ieei up frrm w,! rrnr of ua First prlia Evening Dress, value $50 for dent and Uie durtor w ere l.Ue Hhm. uw. main Blouse, value. 15.00 dozen bottles barrel lots. Second prlieSllk one to rtnau. Ilasrt r. ihin., bww 7 50 lamated that lie had esauped in-MMttk value nma. u. cum ,t rniwY Third prUa Trimmed Hat, tantaneiHi deatu. nawMiii '! cm. nor or . H M. IM Xll.TT, Abttllr.m Ask the Prmd If lllll. A rt, Government Vendor for CASCADE BEER Ban 4ur I, itti "DEMERS" file etmi. dmiiui oparaltoita Phone 2- 3rd Ave. uteiteed thi iriornmg for the LAMD ACT. buiidian of u wtrteale lore and irn.i um Dt.inn. heroremi uoirtfi bl.-k for Joe Jrm " " Ufitm an atHirtAHeni t-SS? I Merry field al the rorner of Me- Tk aum Hut ntt tu'aii. r VANCOUVER BREWERIES, Limited r"IM. itMeavi. a : . ! STEAMSHIP CO. OF B.C., LIMITED. Itride blrettl Marl f irt Avenue .1 niiriai M aMNff lot im UNION Uw riillewt OtMrriM tuuri JI. Illldlti'h is tfc' i nnlia-'I"!-. tl . auM H.ati tt lb 1.1 a. vuiwu...inn. i ' n.rair five tbtlet iaatl) r WHIM MM " arm, auMAjr IL lla-ar. j.. . liakl. MTtil, thi. Mak,rttaiai &.Z?S'2!ZX. IW HtL Ml MIH.M Oft II, So Prince Mercantile Rupert Co., Ltd. - - Distributors The building "f he In nit.'. Ilf i Oi-I'. i l fkOM MUlk Ihna. . r Maiisnn Way tn give i ib(jW-. a rMiin( f'.r unrs Clltai '.? iJeJ.m ..e. Mill ., S MtH.H Oct t. new til wharf Is pro.' it. vt it, is p.i.t Rsin a. uuxern a. MArTf'Sun Aiibiiiint a. ...... jack aansLir imi .I, Afrat l,.t M n I'll i 9 I' I Illl'J Sri.u.iiar 1 1. il