18 Today’s Weather Prince Rupert—Raining, south- east wind, 29 miles per hour; baro- ° meter, 20.02; temperature, 56; seg moderate. | ~ @% a 4% rr | . XXIII, No. 212. 4 Thirty- Bight Foo oot Holly Siva Yacht Here After H Hazardous Voyage | Off California Coast I ‘ollowing an exéiting vo voyage up the coast from Cali- fornia in his 38-foot power yacht Diana Van, Dr. Frank k. Van Gilder, Hollywood dentist and sportsman, arrived in port at 8 o'clock last evening from the south, accom- pe panied by a:party of friends, The trim eruiser is tied up at e floats of the Pacific Salvage Co. where she will await fan improvement from today’s bois- terous weather conditions before CONVENTION continuing her voyage to Ketchikan where Dr. Van Gilder has a brother, IN SESSION Fred Van Gilder, who is engaged in | the shipping business at the Alaska sstitiaen town American Legion Meeting Opens sil The party on board the Diana Van Portland— Hanford. Maecnider ‘|consists, besides Dr. Van Gilder, of Forced To Leave |Mrs. Van Gilder, and Mr. and Mrs. licceahilisiee }Harold Clark, Ex-Mayor . George PORTLAND, Oregon, September} Barnes, Gay Dennis and Lynn Mc- Veterans continued to pour in-|Coy, all of Centralia, Wash., and this city over the week-end from|JOhn Watson, Vancouver glove ma- t parts of the country for the | nufacturer, who joined the party tional convention of the Ameri-;at Vancouver Le gion opening here today | The Diana Van and her skipper mmediate payment of soldiers'| experienced some real thrilling ad- t ises wlli be one of the principal! ventures on the long 1400-mile trip matters to be pressed for at the|from San Pedro, Cal.. to Victoria onvention it is expect taking 48 days for the voyage. Soon 1. Hanford Macnider, former;after leaving: San Pedro Harbor. presicent of the American Legion!¢he Diana Vah bucked into a’ gale and, until recently, United States}with heavy seas pounding the minister to Canada, who was ex-)staunch little craft, the rudder pected to play a prominent part in| jammed and for two hours she was convention, had to turn back tossed around at the mercy of the after having been only a few! waves. While Dr. Van ‘Gilder and t in Portland owing to the) yy; Lightfoot, his companion in serious illness of one of his child-\the yachting venture, worked fever- ten at Iowa City. ishly to release the helm, other members of the party, numbering eight, lay on the cabin floor, unatile | tand against the pitching of the boat At last the rudder was free WRECKED and By little craft brought back to iher course, successfully making | ;|Santa Barbara One Hundred Persons Reportec Killed or Wounded Near Har- | 52” Luis Obispo and Monterey bin as Result of Action jwere then visited and, nine hours of Bandits jafter leaving the latter point, the Sh] iboat ran into a raging nor’easter \RBIN, Manchuria, Sept. 12 [Battling against huge waves and} indred persons are reported/driving spume, the engine was ave been killed or injured | strained to the limit to make slow Changchiun-Harbin train | progress. Two hours later, the main ‘ked forty miles from Har-'shaft started to “freeze.” To lose} terday as a result of Chi- ;headway would be to founder so,| bandits removing rails from |for 16 hours, two members of the rack, A number of survivors |crew lay beside the heating shaft, weck are reported to have lcooling it with water while Van Gil n taken prisoner by the ban-jder held the boat's nose into the igiant seas, For 36 hours he re Spreees — . jmained at the wheel bucking the jseas. Almost exhausted for want of DR. DAFOE isleep, he edged in towards the shore line in an endeavor to find an an ic horage. Finally, fore and aft hooks} lwe re dropped in the least exposed | part of the coast available and the Pastor of First Baptist Church is |skipper threw himself down to rest Named Head of Prince Rupert | An hour before daybreak, he was Ministerial Association jaroused and informed that the an o 'chors were dragging and the boat v. Dr. F. W. Dafoe, pastor of; was being carried broadside on to Baptist Church, was elected the roc ky shore. The engine was president of the Prince Rupert Min istarted but one of the propellers rial Association this morning in|fouled and Dr. Van Gilder vainly son to Rev. W. D. Grant Hol- |tried by diving, until utterly ex-| worth, pastor of First Presby- |hausted, to free the line from the | nc 3 | as c leted |wheel. A member of the crew was) ' Church, whe ‘has comp ;@en Casperson, $943.05, Patmore & | Fulton for plaintiffs, defendant in | defendants in person, October 11 ;. Charles Call Fisher for plain r’s term of office. Capt. Ruby |}then sent to shore in a dinghy Salvation Army, was re-|which foundered as he reached the A i ‘secretary-treasurer. lrocky beach. The man telephoned P.M Fosse, new pastor of ;from a farmhouse for assistance aul’s Luteran Church, and Rev. jand a coas stguard vessel then ar-| Clarke, new pastor of First |rivea ane towed the Diana Van to} ed Church, were welcomed as|Point Arena where repairs were members of the association by the |made and the crew had a rest. ing president ; Difficulty After Difficulty Matters pertaining to the welfare Difficulty after difficulty follow- | Gil- | he city were scusse | d the Diana Van but Dr. Van city were discussed by the je despite the| ting. Members of the associa-|der kept resolutely on, d fin were assigned to weekly ser- |desertion bv his first crew, an in the Prince Rupert General |ally reached Shelter Cove. Here he Hospital was joined by his party of friends | Th where Dr. Van Gil- | esided, who are mak- ¢ the trip with him. van was in Victoria a! 9) meeting place of the asso-|fram Centr’ lis ion has been changed from the der former!) ‘'y of First United Church to|ihg the rest 0 he vestry of First Presbyterian} The Diana \ hureh (Continued on Page . 6:30 am. 34 ft. ve Baily News Es NORTHERN AND CENTeae NES IaR nas ae oer oe LIKELY TO Despatch From Victoria Says El ection Probable Before Christ- mas Following Brief Session Tentative Plans Provincial Cabinet To Be Formed of Three Conservatives, Three Liberals and One Labor contain three Conservatives, thre Liberals and one Labor The Legislature would be call together at once and an election would follow immediately. At the passed reducing the size of the House to approximately thirty members, The @le@tions Would then be held, possibly before the end of yhe year ; It is also possible that a bill au- thorizing the sale of the P.GE might go before the Legislature at the special session It is propossed that the future! leadership of the coalition would depend upon the constitution of the House. If it were largely Lib eral the head of the new Gover: | ment would be a Libera] and, if ative, the present leader would continue | The overwhelming sentiment | the Conservative party favors the| in ead | plan and it is said that some Lib-| ferals have been sounded out and \have declared themselves in favor| }of it provided it is offered on terms lof equity, The despatch, which was pub | lished in the south last Thursday 'states that the proposal would b made to the Liberal leader imme diately on his return from his tou of southern British Columbia CASES ARE SET TODAY «: Session This Morning Before Judge F. McB. Young Vounty Court was in regular /monthly session for setting of cases morning. There were eight cases on the calendar for September, all’, with the exception of two being set ‘over for hearing next month. Three naturalization applications were approved, Cases weer set as follows: B. Brynildsen and Sons vs. Jor- 9" person, October 27 Stewart & Mobley Ltd. vs. Carroll| preath. $250. W. EF & Sons; Williams, Manson, Brown |& Harvey for plaintiff, Patmore &| | ber 28 Fulton for defendants, settled. B. Cy aa pod & Equipment Ltd. | | vs Terrace Motors, $771.82, Stuart 'H. Gilmdtr (Vancouver) for plain- tiff, Patmore & Fulton for defen- ‘dant, Octeber 26. | Mike Miller vs. Mr. and Mrs. Mi- chael J, Brown and Alvin L. Love- Brown’ & Harvey for plaintiff, Pat- more & Fulton for defendants, | | stands. Fred E. Risch vs. Gordon P. Hein- ‘ekey and Henry Hill, mechanics) him for something PATTULLO BE INVITED, A special despatch to the Van-! couver Province from Victoria; Says that Premier Tolmie. backed} by the Legislature. will make an} offer to T. D. Pattullo, Libera! | leader, to enter proposed coalition | cabinet which it is suggested may | special session legislation would be} embarrassment truck driver was half way across Just made it ched Velocity Of Fifty Miles an Hour East ot Prince George Heavy Electrical Storm Was Also Experienced—Van- couver and Vicoria Share in General Province-Wide Tempest ib- | phie communication into Prince Rupert via Ed- ince Saturday afternoon torm visited the district between Prince . There was a gale which ‘ane proportions with velocity of fifty-five while a heavy electrical storm was also €x- Halibut Landings ena been interfered with s |\County Court is Regular Monthly | ae Rocky Mountains assumed hurt raphic communication is re- |}ported to have been mé before Judge F. McB. Young this| Kamloops reported from sharing in the tempests experienced here. |, lien, Patmore & Fulton for plaintiff, 14,000, Royal, § Cold Storage, , $503. 50 Pp utrmore & Fulton for plaintiff iy Gc tober 12 8,000, Cold Storage, 5 Nelson Brew, ‘o) ace & Harvey for plaintiff, Cold Storage, i | Fult for defendant, seth, §)000, Williams, Manson, | a on — as dictator gets a sal- ;ary of only $1,250 a year, », the éxperience should fit Arthur Slater, is due in port § this afternoon from Skag- Alaska points and for Vancouver, way and other | Will sail at 5 pam 18:47 pm. 52 ft. Hutchinson. Plane Is Reported Down Sunday Off Greenland aos “S. 0. S.” Calls Came Through For an Hour and Then Ceased—British Trawler Reaches Scene But Finds Nothing COPENHAGEN, Denmark, Sept. 12:—Grave fears were entertained here last night that disaster had befallen “The Flying Hutchinsons” yesterday following an emer- zency landing on the ocean thirty miles off the southeast coast of Greenland in the course of their projected leisure- y flight across the Atlantic Ocean via the northern route. “% The big 10-passenger amphibian, unreported for several hours after REP AIRING r was believed to have dropped to | the surface of the ocean, was fear- led lost with Col. George R. Hutchin- PR. Dp AVID. on, his wife, two daughters, Kath- at and Janet Lee, and crew of four \on board. | The British trawler Lord Kermit Liner, Salvaged From Shoals, in| lreported picking up “8.08.” mes- Dry Dock at Halifax For sages from the Hutchinson plane a8 Overhaul jit dropped to the ocean and for @ period of about an hour following 1S BIG JOB after which time there was silente. —-— Although only about two miles away Kighty-Seven New Plates Put on By'from the position given by the Halifax Workmen—500 Men plane, the fishing vessel is reported Employed to have found no trace of the pene —_——— on arriving at the scene. HALIFAX, Sept. 9:—There is a| The Hutchinsons were making @ sound sweeter than music invading|hop from Julianshaab near thé the waterfront of old Halifax today. |Southern end of Greenland to the It may be discordant with musical |?ast coast of Greenland whence tones, but it is certainly atune with|they planned to hop to Iceland. the times in Nova Scotia. The Hali-/They had been at Julianshaab tor fax Shipyards’ whistles blow every | “he past two or three days. morning at an early hour to call the! Fishing boats and other vessels happy toilers to their job and more | ave been dispatched to search the han 500 men pour out of their|*0ast in the hope that the plane homes in Halifax North in response }™ay have reached one of the igo- to the call. Down they come from | ‘ated islands safely with its radio the slopes of the city where once a|°@uipment disabled, great catastrophe left demolished a ee homes and factories in its wake and where now a beautiful new Halifax No Trace Found has arisen. Down they come with their dinner pails, chatting and Of Col, Robins laughing, for they are cheerful men, tappy in that they have a job to! prohibition Leader and Friend of io, and they are ready to go about President Hoover Has Been their work in that spirit Missing About a Week Soon the machine shops are op- | ened and there is a sound of clank-| WASHINGTON, D.C., sept. 12:— ing drills and turning wheels. Im-/| There was still no trace last night of mense derricks pick up great steel | Gol Raymond Robins, prohibition plates and hoist them high into the ! advocate, who has been missing for air. Rivetting machines drown out|nearly a week after having left the voices of shouting foremen. Five | New York for Washington to confer hundred men in rebuilding a ship| with President Herbert Hoover, his can be incessantly noisy—but it is| personal friend. Robins is believed an agreeable noise today—and the/to have been kidnapped by gang- workmen are happy sters although there is also felt to be Perhaps that explains why the |a possibility that he may be suffer- damaged liner “Prince David,” |ing from amnesia which came to them some months | --——_— ago, is now floating trim and steady Another enjoyable dance was in the waters of the harbor after! held Saturday night by the Cana- spending only 35 working days in | dian Labor Defence League in the the Halifax Shipyards drydock. | League Hall on Second Avenue, a Perhaps that explains why W. J.! good-sized crowd being in atten- Jones; the superintendent of iron|dance, Music was provided by workers, was able to stroke the side! members of the League and refresh- of the 6,892-ton passenger liner and| ments were brought by the ladies. say with a satisfaction in his voice: se “We took 87 plates off her and cut, | +060 eee drilled and shaped in our machine » shops 87 new ones, We treated 20 # REFUSE TO ENTER ; other plates and scraped the ship GOVERNMENT + from stem to stern, She floats, Mis-| ter, and there’s not a weep tram |@ VIC TORIA, Sept. 12: her! Not a weep!” Nova Scotians won their early * —It was learned on high marine fame through the building|* authority here today of wooden ships—that reputation is|* that both T. D. Pattullo >i still maintained—but today Nova | # and W. J. Bowser have * + + + + * Scotians are fast winning a eae + 3 ‘ for repairing ships, not wooden refused to join the new . > + ° ° ,| Ships, but huge greyhounds of the | union government as Atlantic. «, proposed by Premier §S. Stranded in Bermuda * F. Tolmie. Several months ago the C. N. 8. # ‘Qontinued on Page Two ) eeeeeeeeeosreeed sheet = Skies: Sa ae te