.Anp TUT DAftT VfWS .-IM!. ; -,n , J- iu I i CAPT. M00REH0USE v The Daily News The Milk SliB BOOSTS FOR NORTH PRINCE RUPERT BRITISH COLUMBIA ! Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by The Newi Skipper of Prince Osorae Jails Sullr CAMCIUATIOSJ l hrray ! Of ItaTt MMRVt.IS rraartr. Lumber Bought Dirt rrom IIMll Ihr V ItHl.llli r I '! nan u PriMlnjr and Publishing Co., Third Avenue. Paopla to South of Doings Hero. 1411 MMl llr..lra An" reUMt'lsrd l n.ttlrr dlrrf I ill ..r Ii4rir. tit, list H. F. PULLEN, Managing Editor. aita-ri in III prima ( iitfmn irir Home rantnln Moorhonsc is an opti. Jrl 2 SXtV 'SMSl. Friim the Mill nvr you the n ., titf t hcn lt comes to talking i iS f..w jra- . SUBSCRIPTION RATES! about (lie .North. He lias been tmmmtul i n " u " iim na"f uv misRkin, Wo wliit your patrurut- rt bus City Delivery, by carrier or mail, per month 11.00 .Mm, Mrc4l PwceHtly,IHJinst the pontile at Ibe prtrtin- llrr i , I. w. ,... jrinrariUJe?" and the UnttediHale. rnovi'd to Calvary from I lie in- r- Ily mail to all parts of the MrilUh Umpire spatwi efal rapttal what we are itolnn. in inn mii hic ov- in advance, per year ....... l.0). only Got.brand Sh- r says iinUiiif about whir I he It An Interview wllb him publisbnl ,,1!,,, .-..rk DIMENSION BOARDS SHIPLAP urn To all other in advance, 17.60. countries, per year in a Victoria l.l !rO" tcanr Ut bp ri-i'i.Biii. :il Mm- Kdwi-r'n paprr says. rMt .j,,!, f n. riii'.iui irrribnl ia Pni-ifh- Mi1. iintl lln i-i'iii "A breath Of unlimism an. af.iimairir. SIDING FLOORING CEILING TELEPHONE 9S. I iiafW ll.l II I Mt) "1 r Wll il to be n wll iikoi by fulk i heerfMl outlook of the nrthlanit ,.f lhr ,, ,v ia,H.ih ..r nir 1 irr, rwehwl Lumber hns rok-b. there H It it fcppr. vs bwmirbl by fiHflte Mow- ItrTTJSttS, now Transient Display Advertising $1.2B per Inch each insertion "It i milk rrom Hume, and lioflse tfxlay ben Ibe H. T. I. o - "Hv. 1 mr m itrmrna BuiKHntr time i hor-preient vonr Transient advertising on front pag 12.00 per inch. tfiey really ajtypcswiale H flav-f steainey PHnre fleorge ii.M kwl KIHIft v....i.r u mi rn t S oflico, ShI Cflve I'1 at our or .1 Local Headers, per Insertion 2fic. per line. lirre n her sehednlwt run fron. .,!..;',,,Xrr. ItwwT ai.rlh r .11 win more I ban evr. she sys ..f tl t I n - Ii. Ia Classified advertising, per insertion, 2c. per worn". l-clnee Ituuert ami Stewart. II. '.. iMnk,i r.r ikrHr mm mt-mm la Legal Notices, each insertion toe, per a?atn line. Pacific Milk Co. While notbtnir in the nature f a .TV,,...,,'. Ik. aralr.lt f wiifl h-'OIWtart an I ff irrl tar PRINCE RUPERT LUMBER CO. Contract Rates on A .iicr.tlon. plethora of work exist. In these -i.., t.-An5r All advertising should be in the llaily flews Olllee on day preceding Pactarla ! Limited plue. stated Ihe imnial raptatn. tf mtr& i Jjfajia njf. I.V. publication. All advcrtislnr received subject 1o approval. iMutm azs oassc stmsct neverlbelesf (here is nly of ZlX'Zmi T? rVXa,!'T tmSH Lr, a. C Limit ad Vancouver siii for all mi Ihe grounit anil l'Zl DAILY KDITION. Una Monday, Aunts! I. I0JI lioth Prince Hnpert and !.erl Srt tarn.. niarirrtT t-mi ta saalr I as 'it Kl'tikr Btt ami ia Wh Krm ut n siilenls are i.tn well. uakMdmi 'im in lar asHna nr Al I'rirw. Ili.norl Ibo lAOO-foot ' ri, Otrnrs M"i.r. I'rwk It' 1 amifftfMrv. m TidiMfekB IT King Can Do No Kovernment dock is now wina I'atrlrt Ihw-?' wirta ts-tf tor aiu-a. SPECULATION or INVESTING SUITCASES ... . .... ittrt (.r mki T.aaM 17 m a aarianal ! Wrong Officially. ntted with a brand new snen. we wnrr iasiC asi ttaat tavanr.) .. ...i. .-i t i.- i.t.L..la.ul h. nMtnr, ir Tiioaalnar tl It as 14 a. Under the rnnslilritioHal government of filial Uritniii a it TRUNKS r..., v.. ... ...t- un.... r rrlP(. ,lrfun tM lnrtlMllM , or f3V,uuu aine ror Mioor. CSelll- i.rrV rr MMl ImhI r9rr-1 B lrr a Win -h ib fiillnw la raininir. "ii has worked out in past year Ihe Kttfft la Ills iiJTIl 9Jw oon do .mil ., ihr I a.I ! .f you HANDBAGS sive af inaleflals to compb-le. Th I'laivl. I- rlhr aith all I li"t tfieks the prnfltii are bur on pmpT, bat . he acts the advice of tis eonstitu Irecause always on no wrong .I.l. ... ..l.til v ..r tarrn ihr Mainail i-r ir prani tmJ freMirally lose your raptial. wHfti n't i tlon.11 advlr mid if the ae4toti is wrong it Is the fault of the work frtc Ibe mernW of ihr un- vanw i ! wa ait is imh nMa nle" rVlilrar with a larye seal V r I.. advber who is responsible to the penile ami tiot Ihe fault of the Tents, Sails, Awnings rmploye,! in that rlty. ami nearly SS'XUhLS: gZn."2ZZ IikhI ioernmnt and Miin ii"i i. t, Kiug. For many years Ihe lyings and queens have carries! out the all ore imw at work in some r- jSfcaas" -mtrK , low, but It is wmrm. wmr lst inr ' ty principle. King (leorge tried U get away from it and acted on hi J. F. MAGUIRE Itarity or another. The new iWk taTrvarJSaona r mia Fr aaijj net . We also hat fssar lim bmi when etMnpleled will h an imnor- '"r.aTa.iSi i . mu tH4. Am llritlah eirbans aihanrea thus for Die Kmpire the Uniled Slates . . . ... . being own responsibility, Nxt th PrW Kupert 1' I a - 1. Ii n.r III IT IU HTI T. ni nrv Hrran rit I i,iti& ' " ' rrtwmaa1i Brat d P. nit iiala a M a mi AbiNil we ('.. R. , pf America. potni. pi nr twiaajuaj at a an af t f ItH 76. For Infarntatlun t Ix'ttO mark- Heru$i4uf the peculiar position taken by Ihe sovereigns, all "At Stewart the Premii-r Min Pttrtiar Ihr I r a 4ralnw ,tHMrsraa at On) I LAND ACT. inir Cmhiiuiiv.. La .nil- . rr 1 1 rt II til affsri Hm levelled the criticism in regard lo government ore al Prime istiVtnh 'apply r i ". - - a a. araviHISua af ri, THOS. McCLYMOiNT jiotice or to to sMwrttl larsest aretal tramtsar in firati ua aad s rat Ha M Mar Minister and his colleagues, and if the people are dissatisfied it LEASE l.1f la &r t. lul ihmiHU KsaH. the wmW. The hmfrest onr , tu iZSt aant thr fTtk I is Ihe cabinet lhat resigns nml set the King. The kings and lt JMtrWt f Pnarr ausMS. taa Htwlr tba Uiuilli.rn VII.I. U aaaortavl. Harrfc. lilt, aair limy at)p mm la rwr t 1 ' - a f -an-- - have been to avoid "Tike aal Nut I. riMd c. tnrtmm. f ttraf 9tttlf. queens generally very careful personal pttnr Ram. n .. wmtma anwi The new aerial tramway is an ei- a srs nf I. criticism. DMiwcr. tamd la tapir far prnrf,lo lenslve work and irhinir ern- r i j m Im far Mluvriat VrrihMl -vl When n Prime Minister resigns he advises the sovereign as Ciifiai ii M V-i pta(4 aal tt9 plojment to a large number, while kH-wta.i It ria,a itti.. twt trrm tv4 ut lmm rm Hat, aVor -I I lo what man shall be choerli) &ieeed him, usually the leader fa ifciias Berth, inmrr rhMas sL in the mine abn 4me IM men skllA LAST! BSaTSJarT - MT T Trr RUPERT BMCERY llnari rkMiM uta. oanrr f tlunu are on trie lyrrn. nmri ut KtS rMAKIMTTP isi i tl of Ihe largest opposition group in Parliament. On one occasion MU IMlMIMat to arm. Mat at t". EirfCMOl boominir tn mmr eitent aa I Tia luiir. tai I aaal a aaatr 1 Queen Victoria, after ihe resignation of Lord Disraeli ttf Prime llir WL llll result f Ihe rinpaoynvefit thee hrrf r.ajaan n air oflaad f a Itr Kor A . f. Minister; delayed sending for Mr. Gladstone, and it was a week Skr.es. Lssn HSLHTTE MSTaaCT -MtTMCT ISL.tS or and the irootl macr-s pakl." .ar otr pi aia span arm fa n(aasural la ad a aa.faalwan tad atrurar CAKES AND HArY OF Qt AW I raa raaa rial tt a aua par air 1 al tw The Bread Oatf tnat mai. ' laleL before that great leader got the message asking him In form i n ml mraar of KmiMi ta. Tr loiJsVci naOr last I latratl la ajWy u tbr f r. iBaTtalaa aad atartais W 1tV UrrWf. ' a-rnblnej) Ills foliWerjf were wralhy, nnd aj pdbltc meetings all aak nar ar I aam rar a raaaaa Maad. aad BM-d a w s ' tV prvaMwl far itataral ra aast pr- t. C lar an tsmh t naaia. '! that Rrtaarala. miaw' a ihndVwlilnN persbnff tawar aia at is, mam aa saBBS: Ten Years werethrown out lhat the aellfcw of the Ago raaaaa. ) Haatn. a! t rlaasa ar frwaiatiy Canucanrlw al a mm ansir l Ihr Oueen was not approved. She had no minister then who could aortkn ral nmrr at SrrtJna M. Ta. I a In Prlnea Rupart Irrfaa I .ralrd if naaaararraartii ST tlMt ltl " JuMPtt Qawam aa4 It C r titiaaai lataa. MaMrO a. W. M a 1. W Satisfies 4, A kVfrlTYatT, Laaalnr shouldeMhe blame for her, One radical speaker referred slight C. taaara s xsMk raajaa. as tAalaa. A, J Or.rrt' .TfH t ' Mat all TSw. aurta rhaiar. ! rian la laal ingly to "the Old I-ady at ViodMr," ami it would ih1 have taken C3T I IWWPIII l WI'll TW eily cum il ibi-ulfii Ut mti. Ul MTMI T OlalKI'T May tsta. Itfl as . Mai"TTr ii i very- much al that time to have set going n movement for a A W MrtSTTRt. Larahsr. niirht to srnal Marur Maiiann ! title. J. AavaS. Vsrloria lo farilitale matters Ut Ttk aotlra laal I taaaaat to tapt ta ta IT pu (atrf m n aiaiaii f 'aada f-a SUES t.I MUTMi-T DtSTHtCT Of lar slKrunK OI tnr w.l.l. h. pnaprrl fa aataral aaa aad Lord Norlhcllffo and Vt IE H ftRLOTTE IM-tm WMTit aKreenrriii by Hm1 prt hi af a asat t5S$ at IK Tair awilca thai t taaaM to aaai M Ut rlal can rrvninl Mt af Irrwaa t. T t. On Sriliah.GovernmenL . - . Uucr rmiiiimisi f Laajat far a w kiaaltaa. aad jharka t, W )l I nml it aM nr aaatS M rtila. at raaiar The despatches tell that while any.olTIcial recognition of arr si arrra at JaaO aa raa Jflull. leelh, boae. st.mr ham. a Lacatsa to aaatat.May tad.Hft itfl a rMHi Dentistry-Pf-AJ. By LonKNorthcHfle at 'ahiiigloii by the Iiritish Kmbassy was with IMtkarM satriMai M. Tp. l. ttier bads arid a an ball likr A W VftflTVat. torttaf Oraham Mai I A. W. XL's .S. C. C. . I. Ornrfm. rl held, Sin Auckland (leddes, the Iirttlsh Ambassador, in his private aawn aa mura wai a i ill a rarrirH brnrf were firunal mr Durta i atuiaa. ! IS caala M fwaM af ta-nrVanava at lalaiul SkRtA LASH MaTSdrT IHraf7 ir capacity nllended a dinner given priwlejy for Ihe great newspaperman. iriitsy jw. oi ru cHitaLoTTi ullam Lratrl Mar tSla. Itfl. letTHir pstaasustiintr wa tiara ry I IeIgeron Olock, Corner Third Ave and r xthSt A. W. MrlSTTM. Larilar. to aaaxr ka ta Had Northclllfe I wen olTirially recognized, it might thai uf wajikiaij tnbabllrsl A. Aaratnai. Ar. raeea -f l ai p i a qave seemed as if Ihe government were endorsing any of his lku anr fMoi..l. I l......f ai a i as Dental Nurse in Attendance. Utterances or Ihe utterances of members of his party on the SAEATIA 91EEA LASO CHAKUTTE DfSTMCT IfLARP).OrSTilCT Of airo. rlbe ritxJs n naulr al a r-aiaaiiw!) atrM M at a ktad pat ta r r-tkMra'' if, Office Hourr. 9 to 12; 1.30 to r, 7 to 9 outstanding pujilic questions of the day. As the settlement of the Tak analr thai I M4md U apptr leplb of fifleefi frH. UtaMTtS awT7 t.h TP t a t. ra P Irish question was under consideration, it was most imkrtant HMr rtaaataaiajiirr l LaaSa rar a Itrnta a a aaVik"l "Aalai. ! tu pfaaarrt far aaiaral rt aS ptrtraia raaavi. rail ia that nothing whatever should be said which would endanger the or 4 arrrs ml ImkS a f : Tlie HsHilrurg-AHprnka liii. auM n( outcome. It might even tie that the whole Xorthrlilfe fiasco was anathraaa Cawairlar rarnrr al of a aa Wna alaattsl IS. rn at lb 1. ship line are rauiiiK irral ib-- Lara Sad May C.ttrd.B MklS IStf Lac tor. dramatically staged for the purpose of influencing the jwople -of KraHam Maad. mukld A. W. M.'a S. E. C velOinirBt foe Ursir rirl in A I 'I i rd ai. P.O. not t nun rhatrl the United States and yet keeping right with the more conservative aMiia arajr aana raaiaa. rati raiia.aa raataa vaai to a pmeA cuaiea.a .ortltern raelflc wtrr n ibo aces. LkSn MATTHI-T manif'T Ml t HOI'S I LARGK FOUR ROC element ip Hritain. The opinions ascribed to the Kiug on the rxmwTBTraw al. rHiiilrlion f Ibf Hraod Trunk Q4 IPJI MtL"TTt SI l. LfiratrJ Mav filh. lit. For Sale r question of Ireland may have been expressed by him privately, A. W. MrlMTTfte. Laralitr. I'aelfic Hallway and Ihe Hanaoui "f-." in good cotrditlon on cj j. a rOua. alaaar af las fr a Una. but olTicially be has no opinion except such as the Prime Minister Uf inai. ri ir aaturai aaa araa 1 1 n h $1,800.00. Trr i 1 SaEESt LASD DISTRICT -OISTHICT OP ar 4 art of laad aa f-.wa- into his mouth. puts , von oniiuint isi am i Kimariay al a I piaalid a isr TV.- Ivtf nn urKlrih tK- kaaiait alanrta ia .: f 12 "t Tak auaasa I Sal I kMrad t anf to lb COMOJT MllMat nirarr af rrtina . Tp f, Or i.atrr rMwnrr nt MaaX far Mr FARMER WAS aaaa Irsaad. aad aaarkd : 0 E a S. f four '.ft ft lota British Constitution I,. prtirtt Ii aataral r aal prtrniruiS ( "rarr, larar aarlh i-tjaim. ai a uarr aa arrra nr und aa rl: rnaia. aaaih as rfcaksa. n pa raaii a Grown, Not Made. omrurarist at a pnat Dlaatrd at trtr ATTACKED BY BULL (anal ni 'nasaavatrraMM DAVID H. HAYS & C0MPAN. The liritub constiliition has never been written. It was auriarati rtrrr or srniaia '1 Laratra) May ttrd, ltl nrabain lalaad. a sal avtra A. ) i n nnwas, Laaatsr. I never formulated; it just grew. It i the development of -en-turies. I. c. la anatb Hkhh, SEYEREY INJURED A I Ayl C. Pr.Hty TINKER. Manarf.r On it ninny niiMlern govfrnuienlalrousllUitions Itave leeu i bam, north M raaih. ! rkaiaa u Knal Estal. Fira InaurtWl fSNan ar rtawarnr,aa, in. SkEEA I.AI MPTRIi T IM'Taii T ip based, but they" are written and are therefore rigid. The British Urall Mar A.fStb.W. Mrl!TVRr.tll. Ltvalar. GOI IITSFY Aug I Whilst i Jim inwimii isLAatts. constitution is elastic and. capable of still greater development A. I 0n. in worVin" In bis yard ai bis farm , 'uSll'.JJ!l laarad to tparr ta thr 1 The development of The idea of responsible advisers is one that SLF.E.SA HMD DISTRI T MSTaii T OP I II into nn WMliiilav MMirtiinir K prim a 1 1 f' aatural I laud ti Mraaw has lu en adopted by manv other countries. It commenced much. Ol 1X3 UMBUITTE liLASII. about nine o'clock a ymiBrf rZZlZi .7 rST aZSZJ . Takr oalies Uwl I ml aid in aaalr Ut th is. MONTHi at the i-ntifej-eiice of Premiers has commenced, as a more or lesstci haaf iufnaaliiir ut I.a no rw a Mrras Jrsy bull stiibl'-iily lurtsnl on rairt kraal rrar a ta(Ma FOR THE SUMMER iBiuffiria! fitslitution wiihont any pnwer or standing, but hts&ftfrlr'Z f? lYSAmT1"" Mr. TT(n Pearte anil threw him Orahaa)" aaaMad. and aaaop awrkad ta raaaaa.C b hi ii gown into a permanent uislilution trial is the very liaekbone of CwrrnrHir at a nasi Mas.14 al Ik: " " down ami Hiaalr-d him bdly br. ...rUZai: f SrvlkM 7. Tp. I. ai CU btio. : nil Ilntisli goveriimeuL iseinre u koi 10 us present stare or o.um laiaad. o.arki a. w. m -a s. w. c hire the arrival uf hrl in Ibe uriwi ra. lf 1.1 Garden Court V t iltli,l.,nMnl ilK.ro n.onv n Oirlil fnr th rfrl,U .f II,o r,!!,.,.!.!118". raja. a ral. :. 0 kklajo'fs. I urasar Ftcs rir , ''aa.aa a ,- aa- aaaaaaj u aaa- a q at a is v '-Pnr aauUi M rfuit. i a rtuiaa la rotiil j porsam or Mr IirmUh llarvajr J. raL mi AsU as upjMisrd to lios of the. King, and many a setback was rfimmrnrrmrail. ...i... i.- i ... t . .i . hmia LwalMl May tkla. 111. stun iiuiirum im im; PMIIIK ai 'PKEJcSA l.0 MMTMrT MSTPli f uf Ttkl Witt ViOWa experienced. A. W. MrJJUTVRC. Urator. 'be i ime. j -.wyv" ,.i"".,rrr',u,v. J arr tavi . t OarSoa rat. PrtUarr, , There are people who would throw away all this experience Mr. I'rarr lis in- a serimia :cMar CMunXaaanarr f tanda for a Bria i of the past. They would throw it oil Just as we discard a worn-out MECSA 01 EES LAMO ClUHliTTP.WSTIU' T-WTnCT ISLASIiA. OP cndilion at his home. srrl ZSTirLlZ HTJl V.'rJT The Prince Rupert Drug Co. shirt, lit its place they would take a new style of garment Taka ttbtkr thai I loins! m pr4r 0 Plb bae Issni brakeu and hi ' ??!!??" P-r' S ,h rilONP. In) A which has never been tried and which is not adapted to ineiu,CJiasr prnwirrl'MBlMtonrr(r aaiaral r Lands(as awl for prirairun a nrrnw brad and bly h.ivr !n badly ,wtkam liiaal. atatrd a. a m.-'i t:t Mall Ordar Cirtn Prompt Attanttn peculiar needs of a Iiritish people. The experience of a tholsaJldiOTJiIr ?f " ., Ihr bruise. II hail that In- ;5gf rU" e2t " yaars would go for nothing. Against this is set the solid good ml.Kihi Mf"'"'rursrr tot Sacllon.'7. Tl. It. lernal injurten have len sua- ;. "L.. sejisfs of Ujp mass of the peiq Pie who see under the llritih consti-YJ u2 .SLi In martial aoalnsaal a. w.rarnrr M.'a talned. a. a. arm ill l-nettae. tutiou amolB oiiiMirtiiiiitv fur the ileveloiiment of nrnirroiiaivn is. E. c . thriwr norUi an raaiaa, wi ta Mr. I'earto iinraebu I A. I. Oordua, Arral .: r-.- .rtiakaa. anaih aa rhaln. ( IS rhalna Ui vraa measure of govenimeut and the righting of wrongs whirh pMiil ut nmirariuai fur aiklil lii.iirr. arfar Km wu. REEESA LASH WSTnU-T IrrSTPtrT HP still exist. slnt Mar lh. Itfl Vvw '.Fi ni."I I w. iri a.-nn A. w. MriiTiUK. I-era rnr. rescued and rniuMrt rvw ifHe a tt ta r.ZnLilr ftaa.l!f fSr? I. Oordmi. rt lear arcvtiifit of what haiitiened. af pmaptri far aakaral aaa ai SAEESA I.ASn ntSTajCT NSTfUCT Of Mr. Ilanry lhat ha was f Ml am af kaad a ftda IT SAIJE OI'EES CIIAHLOTfe ISLAMOS. OI IR Takr aoiir Ikal I Isirad to afpl la th passinK on the road when he tay niri mwHiawiarr nr umi inr a iirritr SKIRTS Dr. JOS. MAGUIRE Mr. J'rarse lyin riMprt for natural raa and fxlrolrani OF HATS, DRESSES, COATS, SUITS. irr am arrr .A land aa Nkii: near the mow r. lie Ibouttbt irL i anmrnrinr tl a imat Manlrd on the arrit?o o-irl0 I CIIII n L l N S Wl MLMBEX OP THE B.C DENTAL OOLLCGa ! lift ut srrtlon II. Tp t. Orahwa was iMikiiiif al the limrtilP' ry t pikl uf rmraararrriirat. KliUklbJ! aJlfaWra-stJ unu wa a-.- - Inland lirinr tba nrtBrf nrtrr of land until he saw a younjr hull make lawaM May Ilia. tPfl. 111 rAiillniir frtr- n ffAf (InVS tlOTC aifiiia ii. and markrd a. c.'a . w. c. A. XV MiTSTThr. Inriwar DENTIST ttian L..aiak Mil aanua a a a b A. I v ruth at Ibe proalrale uuin. OordMn. AyraL ti nrwvila niwiucsticnaWy Oni. tnlnmm north In rr fir rnalna. tni rrialaa la of point Mr. ! 1 .HUU- J . 1 vsu 'iit.bJ wii inkv avrvvai i Phone 575 Smith Block rxuntrnrriKcal. and inrKiainr lb annk Ilaney Mien came. ! Ibe hrlD. hair uf srriion is. .Tp. . awl aovlii bal rescue witb a club and at leu.pt-td house. Tlia ImiII then atlaekml und It will pay you to take advantage el Iligb rrsda dental work at tlia lowrat tkt$. ll vrril'ilf a. TP. I cn glva th brat of rfirnce. Loralrd May llnd. till. to brat (ba bull off While br all three and knoeknl Mia V n. fl.AlikE. Lor a lor. 20 yara in aetiva rvit. A I Oordoa, Arral. rescurd Mr. I'earsa from furtbar I'earae down wiIImmiI aeebrutlyl ' ' Cfict ten-I U, M ird 71. 6pi itolo HIEU USD MSTRM.T DISTRICT Of attacks. Tba infurialrd animal IniurtHK br, foptufialely. Thai I OI'Etl CHARLOTTE- JILaltl. could not U rslrslnJ wilb a bull was bealen off atraln and; NOTAT 'liirf Ta Cimmlaalnbrr(K.llrr (Sat I mt laliJ lada ta fur tpptp a llrn IS lha club and Mr. Hartey winkvl Mr. 1'rwrae bortte iato tba tuiuaa IHE0 j:pLLART, LTD. - tu prirfi tor salural tat and frisulrurs round until b cog Id pel hld of and llr. MuNatiichion at ooc sruL utrr in arrra or im aa roaxiati - AUCTION SALES Conducted camtiirariar it t ftol punlrd mi tba fork wlueb was lyina war for from (.umlrMrtaml. A HEAL HARGAIN Ut tod flv Raam nwt f rl naa ol sruua II tirl- ib iM.iaaai rorar or itix?' af r:i rr. arwl be th-n ef fetunlly drove off Mr. Vape la a ifrwu af about iS-tKin 92,1 OO.OO. IIOOO.OT . tHtitr.' p Before disposing ol your effects, it will he to Uirar tath III uuria raaiaa.ss aM rjuta. rail rtialaa tl la rbaina.mm the bull. He called or hHp only and "nr ..r Ik beat kmrwn FIRE INSURANCE -Th matt Hbral Mrl ' ' ar a ft wMMrarnii. and tartadiar In annk arry Mr. j'ir in aud Mr.aod i ...rn.-j ir.t4as f tb CoatL almi quirkly fm4. Tb IntUfMSd your interest to consult us. Phone Red 157 Kill of aartua It, fp. t. and Ihr aanlh and Mlta pearte AlMlftl, sj( and If ar sarilaa f. Tp. . Srabara lilaM. ftame Mmlo district. Id- rfMBf fptaala alaf" 823 Third Ave. Prince Rupert, B.C. Im.1 U.N S r'.LAHkk'.. .i Lorator. all Hires turned tbrir ffurt Uilwitl ansbxjaty await furl bar P.O. B e Waalkabna Tkatr Blb PVrMl A. . trtrdvu, Aleut, varryiHi Mr. I'cart lulu tba Lewa.