ee ee = RE eee, ST Te + ee a ee ei Soe Se GS ee a er 2 ee Re September 12,. 1932 Monday, The Fish which made Prince Runes Piacraiée “Rupert Brand” | | SMOKED —BLAC Prepared Daily By ' Taxi 35—Ernie Large. nesday, September 15. ~ | week, PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. jeity police court this’ morning. THE CONSOLIDATED MINING & SMELTING” | COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED TRAIL—BRITISO COLUMBIA 4 Manufacturers of ELEPHANT Brand CHEMICAL FERTILIZERS proddicers & Refiners of TADANAC thy ATO F Me OITA ITeveT 3 a PT atte se iesetasie vies 1s : | connection” with the statiort’ AMMONIUM PHOSPHATE i SULPHATE OF AMMONIA TRIPLE SUPERPHOSPHATE Mrs. George “Frizzell, months LEAD-ZINC ! I > Revelstoke. anases . 10:30 am eet. ein CADMIUM-BISMUTH Long of Victoria, who will pay a from the East~- LE A ; | visit here. Only minor civil cases come before Tuesday, Thursday and Satur- - | the fall session Of the Supreme| %@Y 9 p.m. ot. Grafstrom, manager Of} court ‘Assizes Which is scheduled to|fr .Yancouver— UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED \Butedale cannery, arrived in the|gpen ‘here oh Thursday of this} Tuesday 12:30 p.m. ahs 4 “ ' oy i md ’ “ne va . Steamers leave Prinve Rupert for Vancouver: icity on the Catala last night fromy) week. “Phere are nd criminal cases) ThUrsday a pae P88, CATALA EVERY TUESDAY, 1:30 PM. 4, down the coast, being here for a] on the docket and no tivil actions| Friday 11 p.m ~ innate Relay velokg ietlonee? am ||, brief visit on ‘cannery business. He} g¢ major importance September 12 and 21 p.m Arriving Vancouver Sunday, midnight approx ; ; will return to Butedale on the Ca- ; from Vancouver— Weekly sailings to rage ake Ze aoe Arm, Anyox, Stewart and Naas j tala tomorrow afternoon. ~ Northland Transportation Co.’ Sunday p.m. yer points unday, 8 pm, : tA ‘ A 7 ‘ BUC 8 : . , PRISE i ; ther information regarding all sailings and tickets at — | a motorship Northland, Capt Len Wegngeday oa | VRINCE RUPERT AGENCY: Second Avenue Phone 568, | Union steamer Catala, Capt. A. William’ arrived in port at 11 o’- September 8, 17 and 29 a.m. - - ™ |E. Dickson; arrived in port at 9 Clock ‘yesterday nibinine from| Friday p.m. | F ,9’clock last evening from the south|pedtenivan and. after dischareine| for Stewart and Anyox— and’ safled ‘a’ couple of hours later|’ onic mae ee! §$Sunda 7pm YAN ' “Tone ¢atload ‘of’ frozen fish for; ‘ ay acanepcccbasmmercma oasis sty CANADIAN PACIFIC for Anyox, Stewart and other nor- transshipment east over Canadian Wednesday 3 p.m: Vancouver PRINCESS LOUISE—Sept. 12, 21, Oct. 3. thern’ points Whence she’ will re- iotinl' i le “9 y | from Stewart and Anyox— ¥ LeO8 D National Railways ‘sailed at 2 p. l Vaseouver a ADELAIDE—Fridays, 10 p.m. via Ocean iturn here tomorrow morning 4nd) i; in’ rontinuation df her’ voyaga| Tuesday vreeee 21330 a.m .. tah iat he Ports ee a - sail at 1:30 pm. on her returh to}+, geatite , Thursday 8 p.m.| 1 ; thtohdiahs * , snige spre and Skagway—Sept. 8, 17 and 29. 'Vantouver atid waypoints. The ” For Naas River and Port Simpson—| |W L. COATES, General Agent Prince Rupert, B.C. | vessel brought north a good-sized Inspector T. W. S. Parsons, of- Sunday | pam | list of passengers. Hotel Arrivals CENTRAL Because it doesn’t pay to advertise poor products, It does pay to buy those advertised. Millan, Lowe Inlet. The Classified Ads. Many people have something in the ,house they would like to sell which could be turned into money if they knew of a customer. Try a classified adver- tisement. Most people read the classifieds. For about fifty cents you can let them know about it and it may prove a profitable transaction. Renting the House There are a number of houses in the city not rented yet and many people make little effort to secure a tenant. Others who are wise to their op- oprtunities try a classified advertisement in the “Ror Rent” column and often get results, As one satisfied customer said recently: “Those little ads certainly do bring results.” Some Like Reader Ads. Some people after trying other kinds of adver- tising decide to try a reader among the lnea! anal personals. Then they have got results. The cost is a little higher but they have een well satisfied. When conditions are like they are today the news- papers can often help..The price is not very high. Do not lie down and bemoan your hard fate. Try a different kind of advertisement and if that is not successful try again. LOCAL NEWS ITEMS t | Kindergarten class of St. Jo- seph’s Academy ‘will reopen Wea- er ai? | Dr. A. E. Perry of Port Simpson,}, ”t }\who was a week-end visitor If the Sept. 14, 8 p.m. All Rebekah’s and f ¢lty, sailed “by the Catala’ last 4 night on his ‘homé. ~~ ° i We j A rigs | Mayor Cyril H: Orme left on this ‘ t i morning's train for a brief ‘trip'to ar ee the interior. He expects” to return to the tity about the middle of the) - | , —* A meeting of the National Un- ( . Fish & ( ss Co | Al John Prodoniuk, charged ‘with | Was hela Friday night to discuss anadian ‘UVa Siorage *9 td. i] theft)’ wasfirther remanded’ for| whmployment matters. ; f | for eight days When’ his" ¢ase caiie| TouNtentent ‘was*made Saturday as the business of the meeting. iu yet vine 4 Up before Magistrate McClymont in D. B. Finn, director of the Prince Rupert Fisheries Experimental Sta-|! tidh, returned to the’ tity on’ the}. |Cdtala last. night from a week’s i trip to ‘Vaneotiver on “business” in who has/® been visitirig for the past ‘féw in the’ sotith., ‘returned |norhe“on the ‘Catala ‘last night,’ d¢- ;companied by her duaghter, Mrs, G. Wallace, C.NR.; William Mc-| ft; ‘Charles Graham, inspector of mines, sailed last night on the Ca- fal for a trip to Stewart on offi- cial duties. Official visit of Grand Secy. ‘Bro, Webber, 1.0.0.F., Wednesday, Oddfellows invited. W. F. Trant. Post Office inspec- tor. arrived in the city on the Ca- ‘tala’ last night from Vancouver, being on official duties 212 | eniployed Workers’ Association No an to " ‘ Mrs. Frank Kenny and child left on this mornihg’s train for Kam- loops “whence they will proceed to ficer Commanding the Vancouver Island division of the provincial police and acting assistant super- intendent during the leave of ab- sence of Assistant Superintendent W. R. Dunwoodie on leave, arrived in the'city on the Catala last night} |from Victoria in the course of a} tour of the’ northern part of the} province on official duties. He will | proceed from here to the capital. {Inspector Parsons, who was ‘form- jmerly in charge of “D” ’ Division here, remarks a considerable im- provement in the city since he left heré ‘seven years ago. | pee Pe Announcements | Dance Sept. 16 and 30, Oddfel- | low’s New Hall. Benefit football dance, Septem- ber 23, Moose Hall. United Church Annual Supper | okt. 10 Thanksgiving Day benefit pangs Eagles’ Hall,October 10. Cathwlic Bazaar, October 19, 20.1 =} PUNTER Mind Ey | } | iv Pacific Milk rac Whips A whipped cream demonstration, showing’ how Pacific Milk whips, was given at the Fair. Yesterday we} were asked for the recipe, Please ‘follow ‘details closely: +") “Have Pacific Milk cool. 2. Whip briskly two mif- utes. 3. Add fresh lemon juice fréely and whip until cream is thi¢k (about 3 or 4 minutes). 4. Fold in slowly 1 teaspoon, each separately, of gran- ulated Sugar and vanilla. Serve. e sure (1) to whip 2 minutes efore adding lemon juice; (2) Yo use granulated sugar; (3) to fold in sugar and flavoring with spoon, not whipper: a Phill a 100% B.C. Owned and Controlled” PLANT alr ABBOTSFORD PRESERVING PEACHES $1.65 Box Munro Bros. . SMITHERS CONVICTIONS The following convictions by Sti- pendiary Magistrate R. L. Gale at Smithérs have been reported to di-| visional headquarters of the pro-| vincial police here: Vanner Byman, Topley, $5 and} costs for driving a motorvehicle | without a licence. Anthony McDonald, Smithers, $10 and costs for driving to the common danger. Thomas Kaye. well known offi- cial of the Union Oil Co., who is on one of his periodical tours of the north on company business, sailed last night on the Catala for Arrancale. Mail Schedule For the East— Monday, Wednesday and Friday rom Naas River and Port Simpson Tuesday, 11:30 am For Queen Chariottes— Sept. 2, 16 and 30 9 p.m.} From Queen Charlottes— | September 13 and 27 p.m For Alaska— | September 8, 17 and 29 am ; From Alaska— September 12 and 21 p.m One of the most disastrous mis-| prints always is when the erudite critic writes “tolerable” and of) course it comes out “terrible.” | —_ FOR SALE HOR SALE— Piano, very reason- able. Phone Black 904. tf FURNISHED flat for sale. Apply Kaien Motors. Phone 52. tf FOR SALE— Small 3-room house, close in, Phone Black 905. 212 FOR SALE—Mink, Quebec, Labra- dor, young or adult. $20 per pair. | F’. Hoppe, Lochdale, B.C: tf. wa ey ee FOR SALE -- Lluyd wickér baby)’ buggy with leather rain dover almost new. Phone Black 829. QLT ' a eae “FOR RENT | SIX room house Phone Red 914. STEAMHEATED Room to let. Phone Red 390. 212 MODERN House, harbor view $25, a month. Phone Red 720. tf FOR RENT—Modern flat, Rand Block. Apply Max Heilbroner. ‘tf|” — ee FOR RENT— Five-room Cottage, modern, Sixth Ave. East. Phone Red 248. tt SOME choice modern apartments for rent. Greatly reduced rates, Westenhaver Bros. tf FOR RENT— Five-room modern flat with range, reduced rent. Ap- ply owner, Room 4, _ Levin Apartments. 212 SWAP HOUSES TRADE small house for big house or vice versa. F. W. Hart. tf WANTED WANTED to purehase small or- gan, at reasonable price. Apply 215 9th Ave, E 212 WORK WANTED WOMAN will do washing reasonab- | ly. Will take it home or do it at thie house. Phone 27 tf FOUND new seine boat skiff bé- | tween Holland Rock and Kafen Island. $10 salvage. Apply Clau- ‘sen, Box 1562," * "2¥4 | | a PERSONAL WILL the person who took brown umbrella ‘from the hospital of Wednesday please return it. 212 ee ee tee ORCHESTRA Your Dance orchestra ) rs, Bee Ce a ghabpy i. ee) music! Prices reasonable. TRANSFERS | Oe ee ee CAMERON'S Transfer, Phone 177, Dry Wood, Chairs for rent. tf CHRP RACH W. C. Aspinall Mhree Year Graduate Chiropractie Modern Ray Treatments Given Phone for Appointment Green 241 and 549 (pen Evenings © § Exchange Bik. DAIRIES For FRESH LOCAL MILK Phone Red 608 or 953 DOMINION DAIRY 8 Quarts or 14 Pints for $1.00 | PASTEURIZED MILK | IS SAFE MILK | — Fresh from Bulkley Valley Farms VALENTIN DAIRY Phone 657 | i ’ ' ! } ‘The AUCTIONEER Packing — Crating — Wrapping and General Furniture Repairs List your goods with me GEO. J. PAWES—Phone Black 120 Good Clothes Do Make You Great | Order Your Next New Suit From LING The Tailor Second Ave.—Opp. Post Office Phone — 649 WIDE RANGE OF FINE QUALITY WOOLLENS TO CHOOSE FROM We use best trimmings; high class workmanship: perfect fit guaranteed, AUCTIONEER List your goods with us—Prince Rupert’s leading Atctioneer. G. M. HUNT 3rd Ave. Phone Red 637 IS “YOUR PROPERTY VA- CANT? Let us overhaul it. It will rent and give revenue again. ClWatges reasonable. J. P. MOLLER Phone Red 802 SHERIFF'S SALE In the Supreme Court of British Columbia MARY QUICKSTAD, Plain- tiff (Judgment Creditor), and JOHN McNEIL1 JAMES J. CONNORS and THOMAS WINLOW, Defendants (Judg- ment Debtors), TAKE NOTICE that in accordance with” an Order to » directed by the Honourable Chief Justice, Aulay ‘Morri- son. Dateq August the 15th, 1032, I will offer for sale on the 29th day of September at 2.30 pm., at my ofifee in the Court House, Prince Rupert, B.C., the following Crown granted Mineral Claims, rtamely | [ot Forty-eight Hundred and One (4,- BETWEEN 801), known as the “Superior” Mineral Claim: Lot Forty-eight Hundred dna Two’ (4802), known as the “Superior Number 1” Mineral Claim; Lot Forty- eight Hundred and Three (4803), known as the “Red Top” Mineral Claim:) Lat Forty-eight Hundreq and Four (4804), known as the Red Top No, 1" Mineral Claim; Lot Forty-eight Hundred and Five (4805), know: as the “Heator Number 1” Minera, Ciatm; Lot Forty- eight Hundred and Six (4806), known as the “Superior Number @ Fraction” Mineral Claim: Lot Forty-eight Hundred TYPEWRITERS For Sale or Rent Rese, Cowan & Latta | Phone 234 ¢| Forty-nine snd Seven (4807), known as the’ “Red Top Fraction" Mineral Claim; Let Porty-nine Hundred and Forty-five 4945), Known as the “Amazon” Min- eral Claim; Lot Forty-nine Hundred and Forty-six (4946), krown as the “Ama- zon Number 1" Mineral Claim; “Lot Forty-ning Hundred (4947), known as the ber 38” Mineral Claim; Lot Forty-filne Hundred and Forty-eight (4948); known as the “Amazon Number 4” Mineral Claim; Lot Forty-nine Hundred and (4949), known as the “Red Top Number 2” Mineral Claim; Lot and Forty-seven “Amazon Nuni- Prince Rupert DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating three Dry Docks otal capacity 20,000 tons Shipbuilders and Ship Repairers | for Steel and Wood Vessels Sawmill and Mining Machinery Repaited and Overhauled Iron and Brass Casting Electric and Acetylene Welding 50-ton Derrick for Heavy Lifts pe noe Miss D. Hogan TEACHER OF MUSIC Phone—Black 232 Forty-nine Hundréd and. Fifty (4960), known as the “Amezon Fraction” Min- erat Claim; and Lot Forty-nine Run- dred and Fifty-one (4951), known as the “Amazon Number 2? Fraction” Min- tral Claim The above Claims are located at Cul- en Creek, about 6 miles North of ‘the forks of Bear River, Cassiar District. Dated at Prince Rupert this 27th day of August, 1982 TERMS CASH. 8. A. NICKERSON, Sheriff, County of Prince Rupert, §-a27, 53 1017 24. The Minehead Coals he New ASPER HARD COAL per ton $11.50 $11.50 per ton ALL COALS ‘ARE IN A DRYSHED HYDE TRANSFER—PHONE 580 ‘aa & eh) @ & _- > "4 at Ae eee Bees ee eemenan eee OO 8S tO OS FED 6 o bo be £8 1S EDOE Ts O08 HD OO ORE e A EO A SISOS OOO -O sy A a ee Ersr ps eS GSI ee é &? as yo ae . ‘ Ses. — eae (/ } Si artis iene ee s! 8 * ehamenien, ig Re