i ..a Express For Prompt flight service Swill) TAXI fT iransiGi f.a Service 9 9 Phone wmmmmmmmmm PRINCE RUPERT rOA Llraonilnct and 7 raxsesger Mi inn Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper Touring Can PIIIMX I1UPKHT. H. 11, WKliN'bhn HKPTKMIItilt 21, Hill. y-wr c..i.u.i im lpt SclM 122. pnir.K PIVK IJKNTH isfhen Announces New Cabinet ajVjLPtf rv. bI If W I W aT" 1 B LaY W ai am Hi S ewm K I m am mm Lm Lr LaV B It B a rBV V aa mm LT r irm af mmt mWkX akX n1!! nil nil. ink ii a iii. ifvL inn ii i i nil 11 a i;i ' i iiii i ii1 1 11 i 1 Mew Members Are Sworn In PRESIDENT OF ITALIAN SENATE ON LECTURE TOUR. Fires the First Shot iaaaKaaaS9"k' 0 rortroiws at uuawa 1 oaay Opening Campaign in Government Reorganization Liberals in the East A,SepL21, Premier Arthur Melflhen's new wblnet ACTING CONSUL GOES TOIIOXTO. Krpl. 21 "The Liberal ihjH is thai or tariff in at B130 this morning, int new cabinet wai T iiiifriv DnCfTirtl! for revenue m the mtrrrsU of the prodarers and consumers, not a bf the Premier at the members filed out of the Cov- tariff in the inlfrrM. of the i-ombine!. trust and merger urh as 1. .jr.. ttmmm lhtf inwi . nm In. Mnn. 17 J. mm - - h tariff liased primarily on the prinHple of protertHiu is all but Major Ceoeby A?pslntd Aeslat out, although It la likely that will receive an appoini- ant to Conavl General at . ertaui to l." declared V. L. Mackenzie Kinjf at a meeting held Halifax. here la-l mghl marking the ueHiHg of the LHieral gotiernl elee- Minister and Minister of External Affaire RL Hon. 'tion rampaign in tfttw rmiHe. " n nan nn k iibiiiib a AMRVKII. Sept 21 .. Mr. King deeJadred that Premier Meighen wen forred into J. l.roabv, actinia, American ' ailing an rieijait'eisuie the supirttiig the press guverttmetit Ml at Prince ftaaert etaee Jo-- j I dltritia tbe iinw of Atnrri iaa i.r.rtwfi tnUfy 4ettfa' ' - Van- nan (bmeul WetefirM aaa i..-. i acatni Iln- piaTOWtnt bKitn)r4 1 ffir- He tliwi FOX PETS Imifir. unttl eapotntrd !am i" r Ii II.-,I . .. Malm Conl i.. Halifax fi.i.-.s nf UnTatiiin in unilnlt it a 1 .ew. am aw l t ii. rui hi ai j 1 1 1 1 r.av n. nnnrmii. li mirv innwi. and fihi a eomHMtn f.. aiwieimi. i nrr KM-.-wrd a 4aa.nanaMl .1 ft at!ia w & OaaaiKaajf nathaW k. IN DEMAND law Autertrun (..in-ul!.. ben-y Hi. IrailfT of Ibr ! mi it iun of SUt Rudolph E. Montyt Montreal (new). eater day ripri-nscd almux r indtnnatifM of ilir r.iritn.fHr allitodr in rentanac new), w" ""' I In- tiraiNitrli . fumng iiifortimtiott t Pavfita Increasee In Price Ran Up to 30 '"w, ii- dad H. in n-niKTi iig rXHiuirtur Ur Percent In Som Casss. of Scldlera' Civil ne-etablUhment n. J. Manlon. J"' -' iailw '- and inerebaul inar . tf r"H-i 111,1,1 i. ii Mai 1 1 i Jtttft a hnhi M y NV"f" ll SJJW YOHk et. 21.- Sale and Cxclio J. B. M. Baxtar, SU aaHurai, Mr t4 ftf' b.ofHl ' 4aMl lla inHftftir ttottar'iriark IaH mM kr akMMt 11m- m-sm I at the far aoriMw in the Manic a SOCIAIISTS Hall here elirtlay. The itrand "f iwsi MMHiiti. but for bad of Public Work T. B. McCurdy (no change). aehii-r Uiat , ft.f-i total fnr the firat Iwu days rcacttiMB- tl.i9o.O90. the aellin IN CONTROL very largely uvcr to "i vi wiuiiMiMvr, nuniiiiif iirvv YOTING TODAY ON TaaMoaao Ttttool. rrealdeat of the lullaa Eanata and on of lulr'a jwa jenen fnim. While ! and blue fuse forsmoat autvsmen. at prenl rlTlac a scries of lactam on DMlttteaL eonamieaL ftnaaeial and aocial condition in thia country. It it Sirnar I brought out etWMidVrable bklclmtr BYLAW PLEBISCITE TittaaTa rtrat trip t America. Tats ts tb tataat portrait or the auted OF AUSTRIA While the feature of the sale of iHll.ml iaadaf. wbka aaa bea aatocrapbad tr him. tb- erwM foa pclta wua (lie ewtiu IM'tilion for (hem between Ainer. Percent Had Cast Their Prest Is Police Stop Operations on lean aud Kuiixh tmyecs. (Irey t . a . . . DAIIQU. Planning Flight Stock Exchange aa First and ailvi-r fox were al anld Reform. durK tbe day but beougltt iiolb. a nr h ii i r sj a n..n i h Around World to Start uts HiHtaital iii tbe way of VIENNA, Sept 21. At the prieea. Inatance of the Socialists the Alo under tlt hammer luu nu r.iianna i m m at iniiiaAn Hateainfin inMi. rariir van i aav wn nn aaa an pul r r w mi w i wi 9f waanaiavvM awvv ' From Nevada Next May police occupied the bourse ixtay were aca uiler pita now yesterday and a lop pad all the raeeai far in the world. Moat (1 U. I'r il. the Laa Vegas aviator who i mi Pruicr Itupert trading. Tnla action followed nf tbe akiits ald tenlay showed ALL PROVINCES REPRESENTED. -li.-. IImi Mmm an- Mt i-r- weUt "Polar a conference between the ailvanoca over tbe April averages. the- biflrH Hear," en route fruen Mcxko to Siberia, government and the Socialists The actual percentage, of r-.....Ww w tnii vAbvpuun ui rnnvo bunuru " plan next year to fly artHMf tlw world. whan th chancellor agreed ji-r-aM' were grey fax, IS; white rtpraccnled in tho new eablneU Of the twenty mln- The proHed (tight will, of i-our-c. ilc'iiil mi Ihc niiertoi of to the re-entry of Socialists fi.x 2; er fa. 3e; silver fox, I m, teen are Ontario men. four come from Quebec, , . ... ...., the preotJUt one, wliot .Mr. lrt bofw. U cumpletc iH-fmv the Into the government and the "beat cleare" SO; blue foi. 25; twl-1i one Kew Brumwlck, one Manitoba, one 6a- rnrry maHi ( iff !! I h- winter Hcta in in the Xtttili. lie will hi hn plane Ixt'-k to Scuttle Immediate enactment of their ai-rn afcamk, M; northern o Alberta and two Brltlah Columbia. Nova Scotia ' Prtmw Juin Puli- and from Nome aud will Uhmi rvtiira Ui .Nevada to makt (ilaus for radical plans of finance re-form akuuk. z&, aowibwealera skunk, . the to .ii iMtdwer liecijBatl IS perceut - - - as only mean vi.vvuvr rcDraiBnuiiHN ir h.iia. Mrinni I hMMinni i u. ir.at i. r , . ' . law la jmi aratiui lit - the next NigaiL avert the collapse of the aud "Mask" stiver fux did nut Kl.." L . M" rrwuHHif aii ...j u, m,wm Kwr rx- Mr. I"real waU lmtM a uew njoiioiiiii' eperuill fur Ihc country, -Uaiuje. HitinDirt nave nad eatenalve political experience t. ,,,,,, t,j law. I br Mill will riujbt. H wlU be a aeie.UMiii . - on choaen by Premier Melghen at recommended by ! i : n'riiirk linn evt'lMllg uinrbwe. Iiithter IIhim 4 lie "ISabir CFITDAI HDnCOCn 'SEVENTY PERISHED CANNOT ATTEND each carriea on. t.-ar.' and will be aa)wtbt of iiawkiauj lotitfnr ftarbt TO REPAY EXCHANGE! AUSTRALIAN MINE TWO SURPRI8E8 SPRUNG. LEAPFROG IN li:tiUiM. Premier Lloyd George and Cur-zon re two aurprUea In the cabinet the Too Busy at Home to appointments Lea vin t.aa Vawava in May, Bank Clerk Naa to Refund S1S2S B. Bsnnett and R. J. Manlon. Doth had been nrami- Mr. Herat will noajae aiaetJi ttbmx j and Man Who Cave Lag to IWUfUlANK. S'I. SI. Tweaty- Visit Washington. AMERICAN BALL two laadava bave been recuvared " onea, out more recently It had been Intlmatod that i he aame rwule aa ha bjt IM. Country Mulcted. frtHfl Mnmil MuliiKan enaliaery LttVlNiN. Sept. St. It has - - ue included In the cabinet. The els of lowed on (be praaeol fNithJ. Hr new YANCtM VKR. Keil. St. Sidney M4ar Qairo, where an etntiMHifi been definitely decided that will puealMy tmMji call at lWmi v w w wviiurifi Wli af We IIOIUi Olt New York Now Leading With Hiebard" a barul hank oteri. of gas occurred. It ia believed jueit her Lloyd lioorge or Lord will be Huaert fnr it an ejaaear - . ... ... wigmore, j. A. Calder and U Blondin. It it Cleveland a Close Second matter for him i land ntr tbe was ordered to nay hack ta the that all who ware in tbe mine !curin will attend the Waaliing- ur. neiO. b r Gaorna Tnataf anil Mr. TaMof n Place. tighter nlaue. Frtun 'he he UtttersuMent tbe aum of l5tfi by t w err enlombed and aeventy have ton eonferencr on diaariiiatnent the roal coiumiaaion on tbe iiertahed. in view of impending develop, ""naie, While Mr. Wlomom will nat an annnlnt rtmnt wll Nome and eealif to j ha nM . . NKW YiHK ' TUr KHieria will fly lo 1adivak ehananiK f alerling nioMay into) menu in donieMlc polities. vaumoi moi mis morning Immediately after It aiue f i(itri( Im-iwim-ii Now in two bupa. Then lie wJM ro Canadian curreney hy returned.TPMPpQT !M JPAN Yitrk unil lUfvolninl Ii-iiiiik for aoldierii. aWAIA A 141 wa PECK NOT ACCEPTED unram.-i over t'.bina and ladia and altNiK ....ui io me disso lut Ion of Parllamant la exnected lb MMlliin f llil iia'- in 'In-Aiiirtcau Krytnif b Krneat Sniilli an ex-infapiry- KILLS MANY YIWIL the Med ea .vr baxaall Ivmku' fouixi who IimI must LEGION PRESIDENCY wnung. enwatrtee ia aoutbem Hunje lie aian. a icr. itay Kiw York in front attain t.tlay 3. Xeil Walker. HI; audi HALHOA. Spain. Sept. St. It will make bis way ( '.trway ftillitwliMi taw iiaim ycalrrth.) Kenneth O. McKetuie inu4 awn- (a reported Itere frwm MiMiMa ntrikiim Kiiii.i liihlM m th- arm. and cruaa tbe Attanlia atppia-at OTTAWA. Kept tl .Replying af term kiii fnur i-tit manriii iriiiulv fi3u tbe (iwiarfHiiettl. tieJ l'alanoar thai 'Mt parauivs tireeiaiaMt uliuti i iiijiui-ii. iiiUlta tm Wland. and .Naw-foundiaud. ia tivraiH (raw (i. C McNeil. rfrriMmtMt f htr ahilar H will The I'tHUHiiaaean gu tte Vie- iave hceo killed aud St) aectoua-tona m Viiiii'uuviM iiiuii. fttfh up ly ae'ieiai'-i iiHiaui r of the I o-minMHt uiwiTn a a t IkMtiMi lmnvtHl Uevtlaud rtfturniiieT from Nura Htn4ia to ait n Tltursday and Jy injured in Monaay'a tempeat ctmimaml. (I. W. V. A.. yoalfirtjr (UtiMlirlii I In-in fruni Friday. One hundred tamllta are home v anrtMta Ibc l ulled Htafca ia bl 1I. C. W. Peek in effect detiiea XU HifH 1. 0. D. L BURSARY IS ftrwl tlae while Nw York woa less. hoane. Tbe flivlil will take he tMeepuJ the preaidency or fniiii 1 Ml rn(. about a year. the Canadian Legkiu, an organ-ualton AWARDED MISS DODDS Ultt w i imu" initunn r. t ff AnllinT Mr. Pi-eat had not, iHlendeel B"' r returned aoldkera re-i-enily w 8tand- FITZALLAN CONFERS niakiua the round the www! Will BE PRESENT AT formed in Toronto. ln8 By, Vernon Qlrl Will Enter Unlvaralty flllfhl until IWifS but iiow that BENNETT CUP IRISH CONFERENCE of B. C. With $200 to Pay WITH UOYD GEORGE Kir IWtse Kmith. tbe Urttitti aviator, ' Muni. Expanses. ia pluiiniim a ximJIar ftltthi. In Brussels Race Last Airship SALE OF LOTS HKLKAST. Sent, .'t Kir Jatuea M Mil, MAIItl.UCN. Keotluiul Hept. SI hut in an oioalle ilircsatlaw. ha Which Started On Sunday - U HliUUi. TOltuNTo. K(il. XI -KmUiUou Yiacounl Fitaallan. I d Lieutenant htt deelUi-d ) uJvuiioe ha jiUua Cruui lh' li''' Premier, in er-J Landed Today. for Taxes 1M4s uX YeritUu, 11. C, I hi Ihmmi of Irataad, airivttd ben Mir Hoi Km i Hi iiitauds Aufa-nieut'ina plaining to Hie northern parlia- IrotHiawnFiM tbr liuuarial Uttlar this uiornUAf tan board n ii - Hie li flight thia fill utanl yealerday l ialer'a poalliuir I.OMMI.V. Sept. SI.- With the !l ta . HautrtfttavM of ISuiitiro Inimnry i.tliiVi'1 llr l illlfl'l I 'I Willi l'H - " ragard to Hie Uwta-ad nanfar. ' btiwling loday of tbe Swiaa bai-ii" Tia citv XimiikI or paiNCt Tl Salr auecar.vnM I 1 1 1 W ' tl Win III 1 1 ii rai Wlinll I- ii"'M iini'i I inyil iii(ini. Mi i.i.iliui.' Johiialuui I. .mi - i-warda peace in Ham pftt.fp.t by Paul Arbua4er. aM a Ua i in 1411. t'rtara aH. u aoua UUli t4Uttr ( Uilll will .'! iln traurr aj Yan-rnuver litianU. i liuiiii.itui-d Ulitt while u tty fmtrleii eootet itor in the Rasaat.at i aa ii.rtM.in Salaiee SOin, i'ar itlaaiiliid ultiuu . h C. Mannittii. li i n-t for-wu anil uiother of Mia Mai -ion woulil he impolltir Ui Cefuae lo mlei nut li'Ual rare fm the lioi -elllei i...t i.i in. r .f.i Mir. ..Ha.-!"' ' l-l' MlMK lllllill. Will I'llll'l' III)' I HI I'nii'i- from Pt'iiii'i Hiiiii'il. M. Ji'iiii-ione formerly of Iln .oiifeieiiee in order lo Uoii lleiinell liup. W'lnell laite,t aei'laaiSt-r ii v Ii M'i-llx nf U I Khr i- tin- iluui.li u ihiixi' uIIi'imIihv 'In' I-,.i ih,' ior.ii - -hi...i i. urhiiiK urr priih' Hi. uit.ii .l- .,f I Istei . on Sunday fii.in llrii-.i' - h,ix.' Mi. Iii ..i i,- IiIwhmI li'.dil- "In. I V I 'UX .'III ..l Ii. 1.1 Ml .in (In,I in ,i;ii'..N. i Ibi Halui iii-n'i ' ' uier hail not lung he BCi Ul.t. ll I.till tl w - di-atii' a ui t . i. . u M"iUii.v 1 U.i.' in l i' i- a "' wll a "'wXci-. ji . .. . . ltl . u;- i I