V' PAOI FpjR V , : , f' THE DAILY NEWS Pwm RBINGING UP FATHER By George faB r w I rcowuvflaw) l( ccttaihwyJI f mo puachJ . 'Hi 111 SSSSSL 1 fill IF ?V&r':' ' rf' .H eJTri K 7p P? , ' J 3 JJ? HO PUKE Vmkt OM - VT j ZL If , 2sr aH uor Dalies health and Strength 121 lotx Ptttoa St wet lt nlf ll For Sale j IT - l.ol with Iwit slnrey building Sport Chat liWILSON LOSES .i'3i. 9th Av.-nue BOXING PURSE Daily News Classified Ads. Lanisri Wim $900.00 Now thai (he baseball ami Three room furnished fool ball aeasnn i about over a CENTS PER WORD IN ADVANCE. No AdvorUaarnent Taken for Uea than BOe irrni, Pool ion 0 $1,500 and rlubs in this section are be-injr disbanded for I he year, it it New Jersey Commission Deprive Fighter of $35,000 From WANTED FOR SALE SUmER RESORTS Agents for a god time la review the work Shingle; Norwegian American Ulna don by the different enibs ami Labor Day Bout. W.VXTKU -Iinmr.iia'. ly, fiHit Ffl I.K l adi. Hark hr.wn , tlBHIKU- HiATI!(i. UATHIMi, Swedish American Line aftrerlain. if nossible. wnva anili class urns 1 1 uab.ai. burn dl-lillate. velniir ruat and arey IsnhI pend ynur wkmi' ,i. Scandinavian American methods of improving sport. JLISRY rfTY. Sept. 23,-The illvr he.l rash price. stiN. Ulir .11. Km "lily f m I mer wiiny at Lak-ls t'4ii.iP Line. Foolball this season has been IXv-Jry IWuIng Commission llox tit ady News Uffice. tlme. lUsa be !. ai ail Write CatL Terra. . H. C. ti Dl'T.. conducted on better lin. than!1' fvl Johnny Wilson of Raker on place. Pbnp Mlaea 4 . Oliver Typewriters m " ".ooo from the V..Vrnr Six boarders ami ner bfoee. Indeed, the Foot- r tt fir app"intBsewt. t.'S hus - Gary Safes. ball League a executive has had rent flsrhl with Itryan lwney. roomers. kd board ami a pretty qui! time of II all the Tfie rommision found thalWII. misnabfs rales. M Mnth lHIINn s ysMtr pfopaHnr ata-Uoimi. FIRE INSURANCE way IhrooRh and Ihere has been son had not dne hi best In th Atus Weal. SSt New aad ueesl prnf. Lovt little in the way of dtpul4 to bout on Labor Hay. Tet Hie lam! WA.VTRIV sw a4 low peseas. Norl been csMCfuaTtotyos ftcaaavc Price Dybhavn & Hanson If) HHd. In lit baseball la- ordrel place Ih money in Apply HaiwM Ktroag. Martae Iron aftehaasa. IM sail Avaa lw-- A tcw Hi I'lk and Sobs of t-an- trust. Vilson siaies that he will Mr If AVwrka. Illk f -( Insurance Agents. Third ada providd good ram. H .w- take an api-i-al lb rnurts. Ik. I.O.Vfl flol.l. of Mod neseaurtal ak ! -Tr !X .. IT,1 Avenue. Prince Rupert vr. it is to b bod that nt SITUATIONS WANTED ' E. II. tociH alaaMiHNi ilaatty al nd. Zmi 'tlZZii", ... . yar lb bsl playrrs wlH N ASKS FOR STRICTER. JAPAXUSK uaefal fM- 'lh. youlb waals any fir. -j IJt bHr divided and Ibal tbr will News. it m or- club hi th runaltifr. LAW ENFORCEMENT kind of nottaework. Aaedy Ha posHMl. Ikally n ..,rss rwjmH 8 ALII sliaMiy rosl rS: Lu The Q jality Grocers For the pal few . years the . REGARDING LIQUOR WOMAN wishes work by the day. of aewa prtat. Itttle oor IM s eily ha been steadily huMdhtjr A I AO eH esiuk. Apply hs tt9 lbs. wefcrat. ebaap. Daily New '"' iswij o. iip a ftiMd hahll rlub of loral fcHMONTOY S.-pi. !.t Slrie. Iaily News offiee. 274! Ih mt iw ' ti- I tSM l o I O... frt uuys. HnHin trr afrr.-riiiii f lh liqwor We MatelNto iHetrsH Carry rnMPlCIKNT. ;IVNI- I ..f uiiiifciii in uuiunt fll r-i laws wtJh le whiskey in circa. eapable woman , I k oanls houeetsork j aad seaall treats, Hire la asass,f IS , at, ttri-nttlhn th team has bn by imm la I ion by timlrrpround rmiles. . nothing rt ii M OV NVw- ,,rM Naselua. I"', i hour. Paone ll. tft! Aaaaoy. . . SW1 rfud and litis, at titnes. Its would result in lets ItkHihaswi h S ' f II. but the ii a If ttlhw r. rr r pri'Mti-d difficullis. Ilasball of a bread line and unempfey-tMnl BOARD AMD ROOMS a i . entliu-ciKts demand high ela trouble in geaeral tbi tAL'- mpir lrafonla. . ,ts i. t n Ml. sv! s j t: ball and sotr of them dlsenttr FX R.MKHKIi ll.,,n.. '"' ! o eomiaa winter, II was ealsned r.M.m. ana board,! M ... EST to'ok'i a som .i ' av air the younger plarrrs and by H. H Hull. seereUry of Ibe 72 FulUn flreot. Pbtose llruo sr. 2T3 '!'' aEoe " diiru.l I hi- older. I'riaae Hu AhSerta Poets I Servke amsnril. 51 22t t ei f 'ffaar I ao WALLFAPCM perl, however, ha been p4ayiii(r In an IMervlew with Premier run MAI.F-Paay earriac il i.i ssSr - t. ,.-a s.eSrti BOATS FOR HIRE. rlaas roastitinM. Pbos UiBI i noirwi Wkimt - . m ta PAtHTS, strictly loeal boys for sonw . yearn Greenfield and Atlofney-esieral rtrl. tumr tttt i d l i of Everything and at the ei of the seaon Itrownlee. Iff. J? I t. atrtwo oik at - mrw OfW'JHtJ (1tk wa fried by ga'aoot "IHHy i ; ii i ' arftt ati tad i o..-, rw has one of the bet ball teams Mr. Hull said Ibal there ws llyy all ar part tima; tw anywhere. nl.li PAPRHf fr tale, tie. a K5a issTasW aft.. l TZ FRAwf 0 s i t't in the She will start province. a almns; sentiinsnl anxansr the on haaasarr f T.fci it O. I'. m1i, Qeaeea! lorge IrMoose. Sews. for the table, and Daily " HCTt CJ, the 1922 season wllu a bunch of tinil aoaet aorW as (as t.t who had the (riven lojle majirr- lx-very. Phoaa I St. S2I sry af seal Toaii if supply every need Rood home ball players and the. Ity vole for prohibition that the PROPERTY FOR SALE. alnn is, anrav WINS0R A WWTtll -Narbttbong." Of Tuts Mat I' ltd 41 St' orfranliation, II i to he. LAUNCH hoped, Phoao law shoald be better enfnraed m tfwi h. ivrt i iw art ivrmzi. will be kept clearly amateur. IHaek 4A4J if. HM H.l. Iita I, 2, J and l. ! m aitu tee i4. r..w.' s te s and that a wve in that llre-tion IMoek SO. ffoellon 7. Hi the eity O. SJ&, '.'.Vs iL by the new irverTiiiiiM was Munro Bros. Tbi' consensus of opinion in lnr anxiously awaileil. lie oi- SEWINQ 'if Prlnee Ruperl. Apply ran- r rsssta aje Oait'tai ' - mt Ppr, t t:t I local baseball eireles, is, doubt-loss, fereil a number of UK-iresltoe 8KWINO - llraaewtafctaa- aad Hoi 10. tioai Lookout. Ootari. HI 1..f t1 iiv III l O.r'n. i.,... llltM oii SH ..V CAW al Phone 83 Third Avenue in favor af th roaUlnuinfr as l how th desired end mlirhl Indies TailortsMr. Mr. Spieer. FOR RENT Mikw. ht aaii. iftttss. of amateur ball as airainsl th be reacheil, and lb povernmen's Parkview AporlmaaJa, Mnth k n Suuit, sttaira. soas uinir of iiHjxtrted players. If S' ill IIKIH r I mwm- ....ttr-,.l.l of IM. ' tr ti.p Mat eonslderatton l lhe wok r- Avenue West. if. - n www. ajas ant t r i ihtf at the Uad in ibis regard is taken miseil by the Iwo mlnitler. who rooSM, ovettookta harbor kohwfisi ii.. i rt lavtiSSa here it will likely be followed by staletl that there present patfcry GOWNS. CoaU, Nostf Ssjils and SuMabl fur two or ihfoe '.'.'. es m' the other teams of the North, with retrard to the liquor que- .nen s wiirta maile'lo orator iss frtoads. IN aVoind Aveau. aaase soalas r.u,.i ae m t ar, IBB LaasT ImhIhiu o mi ..r aw! -just like such a. Any ox, Ocean Fall and lion was lo B-alher full inferma- romoilelliHi 738 Tlitni Avenue ...... ...t.,M ... . . eesssasS af a . ' Phone 4M. f run n rut i emwmr sow in a mm- Tan raatm is a ia ao w I nan ICIP l-nnre ueorge. mhs laner iam Inclined to fall away in this re- , .fr. makinir a further chinos, by was or asoath. Ju.t p & T.. Vis.' , .3 rrtu.Ni 0 niovr phone Walker a Music tKore. tf i- oo' m fare ami a ood ftgura. arwjratasoMM, sped this year but it win not (Mt.iir t ttw 1 1 1 r, aCi I be done nest season If Prince . ... Many Qualities. TUITION bna iw-ttr Mill " ' " Lrr IttiJ Rupert. Anyox and Ocean Fall. MANfihUUINb AKfi IN "To be a sveeeMfal ksaaae t. i. si. L ,. ... . . . II 1 - .lit I 1 at laH join up yuii me iioaii-ui qum. a one uportntadsal af M. AUIinKY PKYCK. Professor andi totaraae.. 5TK How often have we ehard Associations. Mth the four DEMAND AT CENTRES a well.known .MosHreal 4epart- Taaeher of Violin aad Piaao. A swart, a l such an exclamation from towns thus lined there would be limited number of putt ae-j is ssia. issi Sand& our customers when they excellent opportunity for some OF CANADIAN FASHION!ryn,trrV.::T,rrt.l: capled. Phone lilu tSJ. tf Tas sh, h i s t fee lb result of he Dry splendid inler-clty games next amount of traiaiap. but if Pnevl-dene ia Tin rsTtrr k en at clearUnR 4nl Pros tin we year anil tha jioslble formation MOXTRR.1L. ?epl 23. Tlif hat not Me tod you with MAIRDRESSINQ i faoM,';Ta S.Hiee It W.limiiSii I "o tfOl i t I i s give! theft .arpients. of a northern league. fall sean for Montreal and an ele trout fiyure, a preiiy faeo. .L.AIIir-a. ........ llAlliimirM.'MI,. ..... Mar.. kaOeri.vi B ripin C.aa.t i I i'Ml-i Igtl Saf"i, I ajre tai Gravel You'll My it loo, when other eentres of tinadian fash. a dislinguiaaod appearanoe, aad eel waving, shampooing. Bingo- 'JSZl liTJ'h."' Ikr you se the work you auk Ion is rapidly advancing and a graceful walk, training atone v BASEBALL SCORES uair mg, lacing, naaip ircai. ,?" .. for us (o do for wofi't It luntrr ,. 'Ost l't you. department and the speeially secure a model's poilion ment a specially. Toupees 'stejsiaa at cdn r- . ti-and When Shall We Call? shops are busy preparing for th and the phaur of fooling the wigs for g.-ntleinM aadjT;i4'.,".'?' ll'.JUT".. Amsrtcan League fall opeaiajr exhibition. This toueh of iik aexl laee on yoar transformatlona for laitiea aaUdiaa. ivia-. Hmtt h ni Canadian Kt. Louih, 5-t; Philadelphia, season, more than ever before. back or of bearing tho applause Bwltchea made up from ladis,.Jn';r :ll!f r -3. new gorgeous effects In rowb. of the 'k ramies dame' as yM own combiners. RKX IIAflllKfl nm' ssatt w i.-tr-i -Hi " "-'set Kindlin! Steam Laundry Detroit, 5; New York. 12. suit, cloak ami tials are sean. enier the .lag in some fash-iiHiabl HIIOP 223 Kixth Hlreet. I'rlne ,'eCVw WM m i'"- aw mat Cleveland, 9; Itoston, 8. imported models In daring oum. eiaMishmeal. The girl tt I , msiI axe a musio aJi vav AaO rarlhtr ul. ,. t if v,,t M Phone S National League filiations being stipu-B to de. must have exporionoa so that 78. Chas. LcClerrq. It in rltos taamo ' i I I SW Si j' V. r Third Ave. W., Prince Rupert IlriK.klyn. 1-2; IMttsburx, 3.0. light the feminine rye and the (1m will not appear green and am tr .astute1 ba elad a.rmt..in .pr ,ni I 4 u,nh I, I Philadelphia, t; Cinrihnati, 5. ton- manager lire making ar HI at ea when sho is oh the AUTOMOBILES fenas Hie asse f ;i " ' rr f'" Coast League. stag, but will know how to aetar aw etpo.ii .n -it in saw rnngi-ments to aeeur manne. '7 w" flUl'FJlT Motor Co.. daUra-i.n..r 'VV . 'T. 'i Rail lke, 14; Vernon, I. aulas whose figure ami general walk slowly asxl grnaafully. bow ' l)AnH ri wm -...I T.ti.L . 1 .. waiirf'i mui. M.,.fc i 'trtip. ' ' ' l CHARTCRCD ACCOUNTANTS AND Pan Kraiirisro, 7; Cleveland, 2. appearance will show their to eorry her Kami HI her head, CO. AUDITORS ?aer;iiiiriito, 4 Oakland, 7. iitobile repairs. Tiros, a root at . I BS" ln i, I LEE good off to tha best possible and above all not l aipoar sllff nitrn ti I'riH lui- i I a ' TOM RORIE S SMALL I os Angeles. -l; Healtle. 7-6. advantage. The number of and have a ftxe4 stilUa. Boine sorles and I'ord ports always SeaasSb aw 'x I 1. soaig in stock. Oomioeraul bodiaa iios models required Is -in proportion tlnes one finds a model who hns I IM IS Trii'lr. Mil' r RmMmiI firtMf BRITISHER WON THIRD lo the fashionable clientele tlio gMM apiiearwoee, tlio right six built for all purpos. Let Mfitl Siii'i OtOROX WOHIt, C. us give you a prios ou joar VEOETII, store enjoys, a shop in the east but her shoulder are dno broad LAND ACT. Oily Auditor rurTnnrs Kuprrl ROUND CHAMPIONSHIP district requiring about ten or there is sumo oilier Utile ear body. Taylor & Moora-Imuse, NOTKK or ITSTI01 To mT TO AnttuiriiMi rrutU la HuikrupUr Corner Third and Mailt LESS l.tSO models while an exclusive ladies thing which is not always ivotleod llelli' Sutitlpf rrtrlilp AcmiiiiU Avenue. if i. mmm t rt.i i mtu injtHei. aarees- ltll Llslttlt AMATEUR GOLF SERIES wr.w, hlglunrleo shoo on 81. by ordinary uoonle. and we aati ami niiMii-i i rirx- nmon. soS tuasstl SlMMltl aertt, t. AttletaMnU atiiertne utreel West might re- not use iter. FURNITURE REPAIRS lao TtSa nranH iKSir rs liul I. ios. o. W,c"""l,! o..atril-6. StStrtl BuHSIaa, Prltct quire Iwiee that number that System Training. rvAh&IWT llftfV uwww.. t.. II... . Nurt ST. LOUIH, Bnpt. 23. Willie so of in.i i nuit' iiur rornuwrr mr Mtrtitr 7- - aale Phttt SST Boi S4S Hunter, llriiikh golf champion, its display might be more effective. Once In th gam, the girl want of proper repair. Polish. i iw is r-.ii..a dtsrt laan Iltlll,' t'' ' yutti-rday defi-aled Hobby Jones must, If she withe lo aominawj mg. uraung. n. u. neinmings (. rr-aa wi .mm sjas tsitt. is-ip of Atlanta, two up and on tn Living Models. a good salary nnd keep bar po. riale Unison' Day Co. . H23 S'tCJ? $o in the third round of the There is somotlilag similar Iti sltlon with ttifl'diffsrool hiMises. Third Avanuc. Mion 1 1 lark iaXiJ tooisoirTr tret., sjr.rt.nr aas. 648 Night W.Pbones Longrwtlt,- J. G;lilus270 Slttn, 171 national amateur rhampioimhlp the stage set for a display of begin a regular systfJii of training ma.'T liriutii 171. ir. "iut. an. iui - t i Our p' Day Phono S and won the right to contest tli gowns by living hhmMs ami Hie so thai her figure will grace, XT- AT aaans1 ..I 1 trim final with Hob Gardner of stage set for thealrleal presentation. ful swing, her walk will have q MUSIC I 1 STEENJLONGWILL ,t.4irir;tui Koch requira thai II-actors graceful swing and her whul notice or m mrtTioN ii'lltiv I All to Arrtt to UNG, TAILOR 'IN nmslo you will f-,n tnoi ..m h have a certain amount apparaue sofgasl ehlanses lii tst hwi' V '..to tsi.0 MfA what irnni ti. n. f h 1 1 . n, ftims nititni t I'riini! ii'iBtn, is Shoot Metal Works oi iraiuing and also a good ap-iiieaianee. " in being ,-r all!'- lln- nt" i, ii,. ih I-, i,,i i ntvissa MJ "T!rr"ifl Young women make Without advotiMHunents, lbu Agent for McClsry Furneses CATARRH SiiihiI. TOT kin- ii- u. ihtuti, i u CuMMw. lit lrinra t-ruptlloB I iw 'a spietalty of the former work. paper would not b us iuleratlug v ttlar. nlriula l, tpfl tr weniiin I" Sanitary and 1 11 LADDER 1 1 527 Hlh Avsnur West. l.. iir lit.r lh fulltivint orrilil Isa'It lloatintf Eiitflnoora rammg r..i numt part, tn to you, t' i iiM Informnlimi aboul Or.-rn !? tt..i,.a ai ft t'i-l l'la'il-1 tl phone f I I It ii. .ora " rhi t. nil,,-. i r filling i,...ii, ,,f maiiurarliir ff i'xls for rial ' in tlio store Is . " H I I J kVJ ,t ii I..i. .It.-en "f ', ttb Direst and Frssr 6trwt ftCwbCtttttt s A girl I (i. t t),,rn. I., I hr news uni thai FOIl YOI II NI XT I'ANT a,, I. -i.f's ti it -r, r ttl.l t( Ii' 'I'1 LEE. 1 IHHIHM , . , . ' ' IVinc Kupert U, C in 5 ,i. "aro.-ipj.i' MtaatowHoslda m en nHliMiiuh tal fV'-nl 1'iT' n l ii i ssetii sail ansiuxae ' ' ,6111 n ay nr it w n a pr ny Advertise In tha Dally News. j Orchestra I'hoim lllui 2H3. If j.i, na, utt ' U M'' ,I 1