IQ.'I. THE DAILY NEWS PAGK TURKS Oh Baby," Universal Trading Co hi. Ilegis Tail. I'll .n- IM. Corner Third Avenue and Sixth Street i iTM u hi 111 W FX H if ?t rnt iMtikiir-sriMi It. i;. L'nleelAlfr I'hone it Haynera, I'hone aaaa bbbti JO I. U SECCOTINE Low-Profit i 1U MUM i from port HALIBUT SELLING Kdward on laet aivhi traia. i . Sticks Everything AT HIGHER PRICE) Iron, Glass, China, Wood, etc. Quick-Turnover Policy First Class Fish, 11.8c and Second darenr II. Hun. and Much Price 25c OUm, 6.So at Exchange Heal, of TeHrwa, arrived in the Thl Morning. rity on last nlajal train. for large tub that usually sells for Four arlaa anal four odd I. J. A. Stivrl ..rrivrd fruni LADIES' SUITS All -xt-n, i-olora and 2S0 YARDS COTTON CREPE luilable fur Lx , or a copy of this ad vert be men t ... . i, thrir catches at the Aajrax ImC aWrtaa and la rMrta- EXTRA SPECIAL underwear and nihl Un-jc; nhilr. and 10c gives you a tube. I ill Klrfiaiiiin I hi nana ana .( torad al b Hair I Priiaaa Ha. rrram. pink and blue. SPECIAL We recommend and guarantee lnifht r i . - for txlb first and $25.00 halibut. This was 45c yard SECCOTINE n aecoiml or Ika aaaAllar Mffi. .. JtBtj f Any..i. and John ji-iy of fi.h that baa bee arrK-,n ,Wxi in am ni aim Arm, wrr PLAID SKIRTS (K in tin banae 4rm the arrHraU Issffj lax- N..rta oa the 50 DOZEN MEN'S DRESS SHIRTS Ltd. CLEARINQ PRICE SPECIAL WcRae Bros., .a.t few day. , Prince liVftttl Mt mai. FaiiM.u Hall Mark Hi and. SPECIAL I .11 today's arriv. nw were $9.50 FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ONLY and ale: II. II. 1Mb. .1 t.'wa la- I I.I IO.OOS pouada. and lt. (lacaa Ghai ! Lland $1.95 ..Int.... i .',( pound, sold I Wilrd fir VJM"ir.' ..n tbr . adiaii KMh and UoM PHaee Kupart U-t nml.i 100 LADIES' AMD MISSES SWEATERS . al I1.7e and I.Se Yum. in- t. t" EXTRA SPECIAL 25 MEN'S SUITS WO STORES i. .,i..t a,000 pouada; Cay- SfiMlal a)MrUmii ff-r for PRICE EXT.tA SPECIAL PRICE umn 1 1.Hind asal CaJifornfcU Fair Wa Lad. Kvrnknii I I.immi M.uti,t, atddl to Um HumIIi Pumpa. wMk Laackl. . 6 75 $2.50 $20.00 iiIi.m- tUnsdiaai Cm. a4 Ittte oar WftMlaw. Kanrtly Sttoc AT YOUR SERVICE. 4iii i 5y. retara. tr M .Ida I HHl pHi4a; Cor, S. 25 DOZEN LADIES' KNIT BLOOMERS 100 DOZEN DOZEN MEN'S WORK Wa ralar fNtrtlrularly .. rm owi pound; hnafca. IS, SPECIAL SHIRTS EXTRA SPECIAL PRICE ami UVatrrnat. tSM tty trad aA taw b d Kai. iiriaa Ines JO an l JOti rorner Thin! Ave. art Fixtli St. ralMraa ...! awnu rnjoy IMMiiidn. Mild ! tho aoral Ptak 45. ce VA Third Ave., oppmrttt 2nd St i . at 1 1 .Ur and Sc. roar aanal in aoanlori. ..u aril' $1.65 Bravu, IO.OM Bnunda; Wit alao fiat aar arir.-. . .nanlr Our Delivery Service Is Frre land, loow mum4i. al tf II.. aoM iv Kind-, wild lo tbr Pa-c I w v ur order exactly aa you wish. Way ifir Kioliw" at 1 1 .7c aa4 ia. The awttrtJiaw of ihr rntracl Jce telephone work for you? Ilanarw, 45n moubmU. aal to far the patatlaar ..r n,.- i....pitai UNIVERSAL TRADING 0 r rr. your tka Canadian fih and CuM SU. a4 a ao4 of 1414 ( I u. Ur m :.- at 1 1 7 and 6.Sc. aa wm aaatliaaiil ai ih K.tx-. toot iinU. aM la Um taar f taa baapiial lnrd Atlin rtbri.- tl.7. and SJ evealas. S. K. Shane, Manager Ormes Limited Ktli. I l.iti sum uuiHto. and -i FJ. i. U"a pnm.da. utd to Annhreraary Hrr .r.- ,,f ihp N- Phone 376 Corner Third Avenue and Sixth Street Mi.- Hiitinr liliri'-a al ll.7r aaaa Lalaa. Minday. nii t Pioneer Druggists The Rexall Stores I n I S 5r la Mafandaat r.hurrh. All iweantmra and tKid rn'W m - WIRELESS -REPORT yiyalrd lo mi -PukalA. Hall Fultoa StraH al 2 Jl p. in. Mra. H. K. t.raat and vrehic. trfi fur Vaaauucr on ; (S a. m.) Tka aaaMay r Haeajritta a win ( la iiMhl. i Prmrr Rorvrt ih;hy isi wh ta.i r'm aufaplp f rt for tti biw. the lu ludlco I Archie will reunw .ulbat tiid. liaM: har. tt.8t; pMal ta4fn aa V th nuU ml th L'nKereitr of II. C. Mra a; -hmmiIIi. HMT m( lb board la I mrbl and EAT FISH UCAU TBKK rnH.1T Clw nil left la tbr band f. Major (iraat la lakia a boliday. GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC RAILWAY lirfMl -tlrl I'll; Ur.; Uaaaoa. Al lbi Uawr of ihr IkMi WlM ti DeuUraeetJ lo S. S. PRINCE RUPERT Bailing i.uip. Ml; aa nmn. rear, a uiriy f SO lo IAS ton i ha Hi Okaila Prion Wednesday 11:00 p.m. for Anyox; ThuraCay midnight for (Ncn la aaaerally iut la. ii in. n Ocean Falla, Vancouver. Victoria and Seattle. And Support the Industry lifiiHV 1X1. M r.:.ud. bnk J-ann fr vaaraaey by Mai- S. S. PRINCE GEORGE Irata- MrMurdic IhU uiornina;. 8:00 for Stewart; Sunday midnight Swanson which supports you ulk.-t I r. .S.SS One of tbr Mtitasa ball nlayrr Saturday p.m. W r.n liad been Hl out "U u-priid'-d Bay, Ooean Falla, Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle. tW. iQ; l.( .: - II week niai.-d Utat awl ulncr S. S. PRINCE JOHN Ask for .iileare but wa picked MM. HHli 'H i:i.ud: Itoht laavla? Cala-ar? bad he n a For Port U--ui. n(-i Ma$. ti and Itu. loy Itay. September Fresh, Smoked and Cannad uu(h Ht artud bar. jutw. afe wbtrh rMiaMed Ihr fat i. t-v Hie uolK-e ye.lerday. 2Sth, and all ponH-i "ii Si.uiu'm i.'u. . n :tiur..lU; Island. Stf; liht wi' erir ytvrn nt the ood KaU September 3Cth. Fish FjI K 4 ..,. iv . aim; In durtaT Ksbibtii"ti wwk. Ila al-wajra J . MtNnm. leuiy nuunler Train Service. labor, and J. H. MrVeiy. WEDNESDAY and SATURDA at 11:15 Mlrv. Ifiun r..l. .a niMilb; the aanir Mr. Viaitwr. bw- f Paener MONDAY, Distributed by nulendeal "( inj.l.jjrnaent x. in. F'nr Hunt tiers. ?rinre Geu-r. EdinontiHi and Wiun.-Tteg. a.m .kr i. t Hatirr. tM arar rr apprrciato the i-apli- aeneiea. aailed ! iiikIu on the making direct connection for all poinU in Eastern t'raiHi4' fur s.-jiii.-, ixmiIIKmi nieal. tf Canada and I nii d State. Man fish & Cold Storage Co., Lid. i' iii .'..i mi!.- lr.iu rwMre; Priaee Rupert reHiroiait to Victoria City Tlcktt Office 626 Third Avenue Phone 60 after having attended con 7:tt in. in..l.n bii Pa- THr raular maathly nirelinv PRINCE RUPERT . ifir. I hi t. i pan t ranciro. of tha HoKpilal Ibjard wa bli. vention in Ottawa and liuriai- lli.lo llorll. ! N'lMl Hrnd; iaat uujrht in the council rhaai- . i't i in !.. Kl I..-If.. Van-C"Mer r. There wrr preai-nl Preai- GERMANY BUYS SHIPS RUPLRT BRAND " t t h ii Hii ifii, 4. drnl It. U. tUrwart. tirrrlora Ii. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY i .(. ... i'i . i .ik. Kl.ttlfr). :. MeRae. Ala. J. II. Kelly. E. H. t. epeeted .hi. . -i.- W.i 4'lwiid. Mmitniia. Morlinirr. J. C. MaLenoan. Mr CHnplicatiiiii are Services B.C. Coast I. -.lion at n i m . Hv nuim 11. V. Morriaaey and Major arlae la the I'm ted Kinsavm .mt. l.i-iu Kp..lll-. iilh.-uiid. 3 .'O a Uihaon. m'crrUiry. the dec I ion of the Hrilinb ..- . ioinai laiam. Peru rumen! to M-riuit f.reia eoun-j Sailings from PrinceRupert A Ml it fmai the Canadian .t .' r ran .m". i"iiH'ii at lo bid NOTICE TO FISHERMEN ; II.. wi in i. hiib i Mrn Laundry aruteatiiuj the !., inrluilin-' e-i'iieiny. For Ketchikan, Wrangsll, Juneau and Skagway kltJp; & Atlantic met bud of awarding the roatrart for cx-liernmn l- imaae sie oi ju.. (a hin to lor- September 5, 12, 19, 26; October 10, 21, 31. Good of City. KhmialMi l- r Malll, mI for the boaailal laaudry vraa read .(..(hand Hnti-h Supply ... . . ....... i. ( Ibe nf the liun. at H hju lil iii i lea lnm al meeltiiK boaailal l,jlliil. - reitiririeu 10 For Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle-September Itvat II. board lat ninhi. ,a the contract . , i I. -- tliau IS year old. while had Imsmi wara't already I elanHe be lore 10, 17, 2t; October 1, 14, 25. BAIT liKAIi THIK i lMiity. liithl fu.. .'mi mui the board Ml (I It the aialter I . i.uthl wll.d liar. .'V tS; laoty. !u, Ul. ,r,. allowed to have bad haea ckiarU leller Agency for all Steamship Lines. : . . aUMM.lli. a the Ui,,.... .(-,n,ired ei-eocmy eeaeta fMad. Full information from wa i tn f.-ir.-tl to a foreiiru flas. .HUNGARY MUST GEI" ii.ini. n hi KiikUim! la JWIJeJ W. 0. ORCHARD, General Agent AT BUTEDALE i Hi behalf of the levafee' Auxiliary . ii tli- widitn of IHliuir 4wn Corner of 4th Street and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, BL 0. of Ibe Hewpftat ltoard. coiiteiiil tka I OUT OF DURGENLAND tin- l.i.i Sune u .Mra. It. V. Morrtwaaf1 teal mahi Itnifli luyer! have absorbed all - aaked thai the pAytUMtt M( ibe Hi, .iii'iiiy tonnage they can, or ' PARW. eil. S3 Hungary fft0O ian for lohafetory pur-rnuat will, ttx'ie i no logic In refu- PENTISTRY of QUALITY : or Weal withdraw which Huraenland wa , Major(0til tlibaon.ttte boaM aatstary,1m ataae utrd Inddina.iiim foreujner others Ibe raftnrd privkleite the of The Last Day of Summer warded lo Austria or be x- (nal lkt mnry wg avattaMe and idi-y a an aid l" cIiuiib.- iii 3 !. wi ll in have their mo I'xumint . peiica ny iaa Aiuea. ne nt fceek wouiar aiaitr out iM-iituiny in restoring her uiari- 1 while in luwn. been notified by Hie I'.i.uneil of Imntetlktely. TODAY Hie rhunpe in tit pond weather, but from - 1 - vuii be made with thoae wbu have Anibaaaadora. trade. The wet fall day to day it is on the "!y a few daya in town. Tlio Bureea' Ihhh. 1 to br BOYS' NAVAL BRIGADE. days and (be winter month mind of every oen car D0NT NEGLECT YOUR TEETH eqtrtnped with a lOuO-walt elec-trle The Itoy' Naal llrttrade will are not far off. Indian owner "Should I ut on HP RAVWI7 ANNOUNCEMENTS water heatiHg ylrm u.--eurUing larade at 7:S this evening oi the Summer will make a break fey side i-urtaiast" to the retort of i. :. Itordan street tcbool. ltuy a Pard Coupe or ' ' Htlflr.on Adair Cares tUiaater I.o.UJi. Molt ac, of the Finanee trfimiiiii-lee. ft, V. KVITT. Sedaa. If the weather is Block Phone 109 8wHnd Annual Hall. October It. at tin' iii.'i'Iiiik of llic lion, FORD SEDAN fine, tower the windows; TlkSIN Ult X-MI1. e pllal board III-' lllgltl Kelt-uialea if stormy, elose litem and Hoapital Annual Hauue, Oc-luaar are i (!red uu Ibe UirtrVl lUalra lorwlrr.Teeem rrejee U t WaiirL t04 aut hy Itiw Ihr you have absolute protection 31. work whi ii will t prueeeUed Umb auaa Mttkew ticWw, ti. and ftousjt. "'ev Fall and Winter a e rur Ik pun hut tl Lumkw X-SIII. arar with iniinedi4lely. ate lilr. KMIr. c. a.T, la ml t VI The price of thf Coupe PWeKins Samples (illbert mid fulliiiii "Trial i.rtter.BMr4 fro I ,.f Sareaa. ItMiikHk. bU4oi sad is 41010.03 ifcd..tlui. feedan liy Jury" by Ibe I'nii... Hii..-il W e liar anolher sliliHlent of T.. r mU tie tavel tor rvowvtl II 1 41.SO, f.uJjuO.'ivluoa Itu-iieii, Mii'l.-al Korielv. N.ieuibi "3. While Leghorii arriving on .4 naiSrr i in lit. i ueruraisrs uc im caiar rurir, II. 0. V models Avenu. ! L f f S I Hittiirda.v' lt.inl. similnr I.. 1 1 1.- u car roirni mtiwr i'rure fully eiiuiiipe.L.JBt starter a mm m m w na BUI tut ii.ii- 1 1 b. Cj I ihv t" slili.i'i nil-i and electric tiwllwf 4 k llghjlny.) Just Ari-lcii.l n m :i r w i I 1. 1 at. auteo- i1 III. - .'".k,--is Wi'i'i- stupiii'd NOTICC TO COWTWaOTOIU. i amp ta ti nn . i Fll All Hi., ii, ' I..- -.'Id i . irni d IvM-r. win b raraltnl t in p m i, - Miunl). HvpHMUlMt' tl 111. rnr llw Dealers ROOD FRIZZELL-Ford & "ff ,. of iree. Willie they lal he wo1 UNDERWEAR Ar.. ti. l.u. - rrtulr4 I.. Hll,-l rr-ulrh,.-im , , ni.iii-.', ,v 'akiiiK -ix -t-i.,4i Iv. I'Hi.r hniH i i a .r Mercury ? tut.I i Id. t;c. ,,iii, in,,)-.- It tt'-b I "U,.- ,'si i Sat ill h ..mi.u.jli I'l-i BM l'Ul,be llllSIS-i i) n-ID l.l- Phone Green 2G8 Prfnco Rupert P,0 Pox WJ 444ft urudf imp. . lain. Su.ji ;v it t, W ruvTkK, Arcuierv