1 pAansix THE DAILY NEWS HOUSTON 'MOPLAH RIOTS G. HT- ARNOLD, Notary Public NOTHING NEW flev. 8. J. Ilayflcld haM w"-If Hill: IN8tIlAN:K is carefully wrltl.n by u In reliable corn-panics. lait Sunday al Ibe ntlealoej Westholme :: 1U Theae services M nu at 3 p.W. We are permanently engaged in the bunlncsa and our held tint Innir nro al same record o thai when your policy expire Trouble Been Brewing In District are nccuralely kepi, tho third 8anday af each month. Tnninnr nn T you will le notified In aufflcient time to keep your property Itev. Mr. Dean of Trtkwa hold for Some Time Past. protected. We eolicit your huainoaa. mla on the nemnd fun-lay STURDAY MATIN re of ench month al 7 p.m. al the H. G. HELCERSON, LTD. school Ihmm. I.M.MMI5C. Mefl4. It. - (The A Insurance Rentals -'Tinted prenatr Three factor, field of MarajuNo The fine in connection wllh the preent wheal on . HiUeithom's farm ili.liirbed rotidUiona in India, in altrartina a arod deal f no factors about wtileh llltle is tice. II i an indication of what knowi' ! 'l. lllAe difficult ran he done in the Hulkley al to art forth the eaueee whird ley. Fine polatoe may be aeen have led i Ibe derlarat ion .f H. S. WALLACE LIMITED. on the mi me farm. Martial la dotiieto law ay Oalnml.I ha IN-tlUh Walavan in Proi tie here are much aeac 'BAD CONDITIONS ad. I' union t, F.madi, Wynaad at the rowre! on the rem! work and kurambranad--a(l within between North Italklry and Hoti- 5(Ni mile of Madra. lon. which U a eeedlt lo the SOUTH ALBERTA Theae factors ara, fIrsU the road engineer. Mr. MrLaan I, liauittn nr nn-eu.iieratioM Girls' and doing Rood work on It and. the movement, led by a suppnaedty FAMOUS rtA'- 5-uASKYCORn V' f v men worktag on it arc lacked iHHi.ii iint native mewalab; i ! i n As Farmers to Be Qlven Work on after wall. the oieraiioit of the aaw (lovrrti-ment Irrigation Ditch Construction. f r India Ae which w-i. Most of the miner of the if,, eftert in Janaarr. 191. and Misses' lilret have rone to io Uielt KIIMiiNToN. Kept. S3. Pre. the admlntatraUoai o Ilia naw 1 a;ment worlron their claim asler Oraeafirld ha iul return, vicer.iy. ibe fSarl of Haadina fd after a 30 mile drive throuah 'ae'i t tti-ae rlemenls have THEIR OESSERT. the southern part f the pro. one near'na. dtreelly r Indir. -faF vine, where the ertiinc of eelly, apon Ibe BHiet rerenl trouble 3 ll it nation follow the um-mar A COSMOPOLITAN PR.-3lTI0!f Lady Visitor Htil you're ma which ha reaaHled In Mo-MiMev droejffht was tmpreaeed np "f Faropiua and Hindu w-miv(r la lainMnir the bird a on him. He Male thai am mil by fanatical t fibre man. i u ma nee They devour the in- meat aetlosi will be taken to relieve M-et and caterpillar." Narrow Territory, ' the formers who bad n Mr. Suhbub I'm a I ail voii The iiaffeetr area. Mai ih ir 1 cr' These attractive achool frock are the beat value we tokl te. It's a preat rnailatina ti'eli fiieea n I he moal re-' '1e emwth Itiat il wan ito. o know thnt they eat my fruM cent tleapakrhae from India, lej have been able to enow for years. aibla te (ret in the country wtwre nereljr fur dcert." Life. na;i- alrtu of load na lb I irriaation wan rraiMe wa ' we4 eoaat abaaa the .Vrabiaii Made from all-wool amaxnsc, said the and serges, beautifully finished, and premier, Sea. south of Ihtanhay. In ' alo Ha llaaitlc oihiliilmi a tastefully embroidered In neat designs. rwifin aee apwarda of i.nao.ooo a rat lie eountry. Mohammedan a at Arab 4e--..i "I aw better leer there lhao Skirts are pleated and attached to waist, thus Walk Downstairs any plaee in Alberta, and they known as Maptaha wht f year have reakaled Hrilidi allowing a different Jumper to be worn If desired. were be in m .rnall feed I l 'h"i;lv In Ihla aame lerrii n AND j -ii alfalfa in rack " aid the are a number of Kuropeon Sixes are from four to sliteen years, priced from preniier. He considers it a many Dravblian hm-IihIh wonderful plaee fr (be finiahlna SAVE MONEY! Htnd'. arainal wb-m the ! of cattle, but the problem a city of the Moplaha I aald I" l' $5.50 present ts at the ultimate aw il-e-t,-l of the aeatatry. but what ran be Tlte trouble originated, areord-iia Sjnahjnc C m-y, licy i- r too Pa. i.. Rob!n Hood done in the meantime ) I tdr the in small sizes, and sites eight to sixteen years from Flour, i; lb. Sack- per people wer lbl year t the reporta l a MaliSm ( on. ete Change n V. ii- t2.69. maa!rate lo the India of f Sack, Pitiful Condition. I t.-n toe Hritiah Bill Ii .title. I..-ran .mm' iiari. ii- Ormond's Soda CondilkMM are pitiful, .lai & $8.75 to $17.50 I ronfli-ale war knivr. EMPRESS THEATRE, Torighl fe Crackers. INuular Wr the premier, and while il may b-neeeary .. Tlru d hf the itatie yf -ni'K.iiti Special, 23c to gkf some relief Armlaa of the Mop. . ... lm lkf. Ormond'a Fancy this year, tM aoemnieui lab wa said l he in ..la'i"n m to try as far a pontMi Ik Business N. B-Wt meet all competition and guarantee the Biscuits, rrwr i.il lira-ham of of tlte Malabar i(fmit Weapon "Risky Wafer, t in r.r. Rive thia to the way work. .Vcl of tail Hikb and quality of our merchandise. end I.eiiMWola. Kivular They wtM endeavor if M.ible . Mativa Indian ocdlre. -5e Special 16c to pead up the witrk ai the ir-j otnar 2 Ilcel Wcstcrntr, The f.r.rr. luw" If w wall ae aaitalora aymMalhleinK rival ion dtlriei, n a to ir with the llandbl anlt-Hr n-'i ARRIVING. SATURDAY'S !einpl4iyivMMl to a many "I Ibe C. O. MINNS, Manager BOAT. e I tiers aa aeed aitin-e. .. bayaoU, kava baasi ehrgd with Crawford lVarhe. $1.85 'ready a aiMd many ar- wurkiaa aupptyiat Ibe Moalab with and tncitma ihem i" per box. on tlo- l.etblridye and real weapnna Ilaliun Prune. $1.55 per Northern diirh. rehrllkon. f iaiiopiiai r run Doub'e Faced. bo I. niHJ.ir.fiULLi -:- runit AUCTION SALES CoLducted M"basde Karamrhaiid Handhi, Ilyl.,p Crahapplc. $1.59 'te yalionalial leader, al a en-' Before disposing of your effects, it will be to par box. ADVERTISING OFFER tie, held late in ta.'O In Naa-j of every dem-r , t your interest to consult us. Phone Red 157 Nur laet chance for pre. iir. made a olea aaainol vPd-n,e Reduced Prfe fo-iwnt fruit at low pru-e- bill calll for the dealrur- Spcciallx 823 Third Ave. Prince Rupert, B.C 25 Piece 'ion of Hriliah rule in India and . T an quoted a aayiuc that the for the balance of this month t of the nonoofteralioii uroeea Sanitary Market movement Ihe refusal of In. W. G. BARRIE diana to pay Uses, aend their SATURDAY -:- SPECIALS! "Walk Downstairs and Save Aluminum children U achool or buy Brliuh prodoaU might Involve tfwad. Money" ing throagh ueaana ol Mooo in UaBdhi wae Invited by the UNION STEAMSHIr CO OF B L f Kerala I'ruviaKmal imrea Set eomniltee oa Autruat t lo viail t.M. B.O S'l AMd r Malabar and try lo pacify Ibe . e ni i i aa a MEN'S SOX Sr. Regis Cafe Moplaba, who at Ibal tune were sis iiim Mca aaMl. ii-t .iirr of tile I jhle killing European and Hindu, Mippl are eiialdttl lo buy tieetruylns- property and proclaiming and Winter Weight Third Avenue tln Aluminum ware al "Uoom rule'' iu all tlta-lurbed pi h i never beard of ln'fure areaa. in any part of Canada. w tiandbi wllh On Auauat I. -t-rrl Tile Ileal of food prepared Hiai the Jrair rash i over 'many of hi adherent made a IARHIIR RROS..LIM1IM UNDERWEAR ly expert .il il ' le we Hill Have time to ri-phmi . public bonfire ol linluU omJ U i v V- e ' - ' in the of Mi itoal to i acme comfort mir ii-l.ii.ii- in tha street of Hoinbay. He yrve you our wa not noleled hut a few ii..- i I MEM'S COTTON NEW DINING ROOM v'.iil fin il that thin i the weeia later it wa reported thai Week End Three Days SOX iilUi k i'f W 1 1 I'. NOW OPEN totfKeM idvarttatfig' aperial Ibe government of India with clear - i uiieiupleij aud you gel Ida eoM)ttrraaee of Kdward H. We HMwu)lice ill I'rtvule your iix nape worth. MonUffUt Secretary of 84ale fur Kupier and Dinner iimU ueciued to lake action Specia 25 c a pair Parties. We buy American Currency, "atfaiual the prominent mi Extra Silver, Gold or onaft-ea" held reapoualble for iart of the recent the itieater The Itendezvou of the Uilla IriHible in India. Friday and Sihr Men' heavy weight, a jf""l Particular Diner. Thursday, WORK SOX, to clear ui FEARS DEFLATION. TRY US Rupert Table Supply Co. Teddy's father lias a ear and S.pl.n.b.r 22nd, 23rd 5 Teddy i uHe oWrraal. The pairfor $1.00 1 Phone 456. PHONES 111, 1l. other day Iip "t a aliahl out in hi fool aiul limping to hi Ijiilie' llaiocoala. aprelal ri mother he eaul. "(h. please hurry IMllea' tlrey Tweed Wlalar fiat awvi. ti i w h m and wrap II up or I'll gal all Ttc.B. TIQCR IMAND ftCO LA. " 1 " epaalaJ. 9" 'JaW nai. lioaion Traiiaript.. White Flaanalolte. UMMawtAll, BEL UfJDERWCAIt, eti Consumers Coal Co. Ltd. ValvelaaM, Wat. MT Wue. rey ' - heavy Wi'IhIiI I" clear ul THE JAZZ OP EDO. Room II. Smtk QU. Jack la a ureal fellow for dark red. hrlirM blur, brig bl ' blowiM hi own born in public. Moc -III SW A(ctU Isdiaa' Muiian h -Wk $1.75 Well, poor man, I uppoe It's .mF a.t a chanire for him from playing doien White ami Colored link eooud flildle at home." I Km ton EXTRA SPECIal. Tronserlpt. This 99 Do Not Mis. WHOLESALE OENEROSITY. Nurse Why, Ilohhy, you selfish MARTIN O'REILLY little uoyl Why didn't you Tclrpiione !ive your ller a piece of your Jabour Bros., l Number 7 apl'le 1 Our prices ara all Lower Cash Prlcea are always II..M.) I Ke II' I Hie d- Th Prices. Lower Prices. -lli- i an (.Lin' in ;iinl ti a n Corner Third and Seventh Will Take Coal Back If not. Satisfied, 'h..i. . . ii i: l tv i i -i a..'i urj, 1