* Peg é ¥% . e a f » en. Py 4 Ryy rere en PF 4 Pee vie 7 — = PAGE TWO ws mame THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Publishea Eve Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert ly News Limited, Third Avenue Py y ry va H. F. PULLEN - - - Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES City delivery, by mail rrier, yearly period, paid in advance 5.00 For lesser period n advance . per week 10¢ By mai] to all parts of Northern and Central British Columbia, pai in van ior Y¥é y period 3a By mail to al her parts of British Columbia, the British Em- pire and Unitea States, paid in advance, per year $6.00 By mai! to all other countries, per ye 9.00 Transiet display advertising. per ineh, per insertion 140 ADVERTISING RATES Classified advertising. per insertion. per WOrd _....2...-......eecsceeeeree 02 Loca] readers, per insertion, per line iil i ia hetaiy sdhlios 25 Legal notices, each insertion, per agate line Bil -scotiiihessvsdhals sontunden A5 . Contract rates on application Advertising and Cireulation Telephone .. 98 Editor and Reporters’ Telephone werent 8b Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations DAILY EDITION wit Be LAT Tuesday, Sept. 13, 1932 Three Park Ave. Cottages Will Be Moved Over Street tal On behalf of the Moose Legion After some discussion on the mat- - Band and Moose Legion, I wish to ter, the city council last night de- . 7 ‘ ' 1ank you very much for your kind cided to accept an offer from C. K : 4 ; rds of appreciation in your edi- The Letter Box | iFPRECIATES PAT ON BACK Editor, Daily News Ytreberg, acting as agent for A : eT0k ef tal of last Saturday. It means a Andreasson, of $195, $10 down and m . ¢ ‘ to we members of the Loyal Or- the balance payments f $10 M k ‘at vide , an } ' {f Moose to Know that ou - monthly, for lots 36 and 37, block — P " . to be of some use in our com- Sa ” wad : 1unity are appreciated. As sponsors gern aoe the Band we of the Moose Le- feel that our efforts, without the splendid eo-operation of the and “band members, 27, section 1. The inte move { present site the new lots While some of the three icross Park Avenue to g1o07 members of : Bandmaster the council felt that a larger down j nu payment than $10 might be d would have been useless. The suc- : . the han e entirelv > ft able, the view finally prevailed that °° po en ae er ain ae . } ntiring e rts « t ‘ « considerable expenditure would be r intiring effor if the Banc involved in movir Ais sits naster, R. Greenfield, who has od i 1oving and repairing the cottages and it was decided prov hir self a musician of un- accept the offer ioubted ability and deserves all the © : There is an amount of $990 stand- P!4** for the way in which the I f 1d a dials ing against the two lot ee ees On behalf of the band members —_—-— ---—-- —- - and members of the Moose Legion, ° » I wish to publicly thank and con- Halibut Landings — «:«'s's'",*. Greentisafor the wceessful way in which he has ” ained and conducted our band Sunresars During the coming fall and win- ter it is our intention to put on a American—46,800 pounds, 4.6c ar eries of ban concerts. trusting %e ¢ 5 . na 9 a éc to 5.le and 2 that the public will co-operate with Canadian-—19,500 pounds, 5.8¢ ys jn our endeaver to help along and 3c and 6.2c and 3¢ the musieal education of our boys American nd provide a treat for music loy- Coolidge, 25.000, cold Storage 48c and 2c Again thanking you, Mr. Editor for the little pat on the baek and Prosperity, 17,000, Atlin 4.6c and 2 also for publishing this B. J. BACON Thor, 4,800. Atlin, 5.le and 2c Great North Moose Canadian ngen —_—— Cape Spencer, 8,590, Royal, 58c An aviotor repaired his plane with and 3¢ his shirt. Here's one man who came Tramp, 11,000, Cold Storage, 6 nt of the stock erash with some- and 3 his ye BURROUGHS PEN 7 LONDON PUREST (G[]NJ AND BEST This advertisement is not Control Board pudlistied or ir by the Government if British Columbia displayea oy the Liquor _ ' The Fish which made Prince Rupert Famous “Rupert Brand” SMOKED — BLACK COD — Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Sierase Co., Lid. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. | 1S WINNER: THE DAILY NEWS j CITY CLUB Railway Tennis Fans Hosts to Up : Town Players Sunday i het 2e 882 The Prince Rupert Tennis Club players were Sunday afternoon the! guests of the Canadian National Railway Recreation Club on their SSS BES ERDAS ED 2 2 SS 2 2 News of The Sport World ora. eee eee ee In The Trenches On The Chinese Front courts at the station. Match play started at 2.00 o'clock after a morn- ing of much uncertainty and sey- eral varieties of weather and, ai- though the tearful condition of the weather glands continued to cause some concern all afternoon, the tournament mroved a success and practically all of the scheduled ev- ents were carried to completion be- fore the final evening spray drove the players from the courts. The results show ‘that the city elub dominated the day although the bald scores do not always re- flect the close games that ocourred. Results of the Play Owing to the delayed start al] limited to the score in games of 4-3, the best two out of three sets being required to win. Nine events were won by the visi- ters and four by the home elub, three being left unplayed. In the mixed doubles W. H. Pobey and Miss Bee Berner won from H. Heilbroner sets were and Miss B. Thompson. 4-3. 4-2; W. B. Tobey and Mrs. F. 8. Walton bee ares teenie Pekin hint won from Col. and Mrs. J. W. Ni- s he University Pekin, China echolis, 2-4. 4-1. 4-1; W. N. Currie and Miss Elsie Davis won from C. J eens ae t ee @ one T? 7? Norrington and Miss Joyee Edg-\, cumibe, 4-3. 4-2: R. Johnston and Mrs. C. Taylor won from W. R. Me- * 1088 WSRETELD Wiis. , : os + BACK NO MORE BOATS + Afee and Mrs. J. Douglas, 4-3. 2-4, . : © coe =a; BM. Dove ond tae. Al, coMpON,, Rept. 3:—danl © Pitter Rogers lost to W. Stamford and ; : Mrs. S. P. MeMordie. 3-4. 4-3. 3-4: # Wakefield, Brit epertamen * Brooklyn J. H. Horton and Mrs. W. N Currie | ® a odara ie apa fa we Breaceua lost to Col. §. P. McMordie and Mrs.'- "~~. * Boston G. P. Tinker. 2-4. 3-4: W. P. Mc- #* behalf of British contenders # st. Louis Intosh and Mrs. J. H. Horton lost to|* 28inst Gar Wood of Detroit ® New York O. Young and Mrs. S. Jabour, 3-4 * for the Harmsworth speed boat * Cincinnati 4-2. 4-3 # racing trophy. H le exnlan- # Ih the ladies’ doubles “Mrs. W # ation was that he had maule + Brass and Miss O. VanCooten lost |* ‘is decision for “personal rea- * New york to Miss Joyce Edgcumbe and Miss * sons. Lord W kes aa Built t ; * Phila Nila Palmer, 1-4, 1-4; Mrs. J. H. Horton’ * ‘W® contenders Miss England # w.cnington and Mrs. F. S. Walton lost to Miss #11 and Il * Cleveland Joyce Edgcumbe and Miss Palmer,; # * Dewroit 2-4, 0-4; NMiiss Bee Berner and Miss PP See * ge at ae St. Loui Elsie Davis lost to Miss B. Thomp- Chicago on and Mrs. 8. Jabour, 4-3, 4-2; Is Throuch Boston while the set of Mrs. W. N. Currie 2 and Mrs. F. A. Rogers vs. Mrs. P Tinker and Mrs. 8S. MeMordie was not completed on account of rain. In the men's doubles, the visitors won three matches, W. Stamford and G. J. Norrington winning from J. H. Horten.and W. P. McIntosh, 7 MUST BE IN FARLY 4-1, 4-1; R. Young and Bemford NEW. YORK, Sept. 13:—Babe C N R. Trains ye from W. B. and R. Tobey. 4-8, 4-2 feed . P anal ; e ; Ruth, who has been threatened a # Copy for display acvertise- ¢ L, Hinton and § Das on from R with appendicitis, was ordered by |® ments should be in the hands # Johnston and J, A. Teng, 2-4, 2-4 his physician yesterday to spend| er the Bast— +* of the printers not later than®@ | Two events in the men’s doubles another three days in bed Mondays, Wednesday and Fri- @ 3 pan the diay prior to publl- ® | were not played on aceount of rain It is expected that the Bambino days 10:30 @4N. © cation. This is necessary to en- % | ve ¥ a Tobey and F. M Dayis will be sufficiently recovered to from the Bast— # able best positions to be se-¢ | vs. Cold. S. P. McMordie and Joslin take part in the World Series at rucsdays, Thursdays and Satur- @ cured * | and W.N. Currie and Ralph John- the end of the month days 9pm **4#e+4¢e4 04704408 \ ston vs..0. Young and J. A. Douglas. | One or tw a ee eee Sis Pa : other events were also called off owing to the necessity for players departing due delay on accoum of weather conditions an: the late start but. on the whole, the affair wag considered quite a plea- Lord ke! who will sant get-together party.of the two not back I ish speed- boats aga Gal ood of De- tennis clubs ouncil me rmation had been receive from the wunder- IN STOCKS 22.7222 act effect ypo! insurance rate ; might be N decided, in the Securities Dropped Sharply on New interests of « my, to have a York Exchange Monday—All volunteer lepartment here Issues Show Falling-Off The acting m statea that the ‘ informatio: not been received lhnt he won aie dee NEW YORK, Sept. 13:—Stock o 1e would further inguir- and bonds broke sharply on the New York Stock Exchange yester day, various issues dropping an average of five points. Cotton crash- ed two cents while rails were off}' over two points and utilities down more than three eents. Speaker Black | Here Yesterday’ | Prince Rupert DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD Qperating three Dry Books Total capacity 20,000 tons Hon. George Black, Speaker of |) the Camedian House of Commons and Member for the Yukon, who} has been spending the summer in his constituency in the north, and Mrs. Black weve passengers aboard the Princess Louise yesterday bound fer Vancouver. They will re- main in Vancouver until the open- ing of the session of Parliament at | Ottawa in the fall. Shipbuilders : and Ship Repairers for Steel and Weod Vessels Sawmill and Mining Machiner Repaired and Overhauled , -Iron and Brass Casting 50-ton Derrick for Heavy Lifts || Electric and Acetylene Welding | | For quick returns Try a Want ) | Advertisement, _ ea is among séveral stationed along Baseball Standings NATIONAL LEAGUE AMERICAN LEAGUE BABE RUTH RECOVERING NO COUPONS ALL QUALITY ~~ Ard it’s a fact, too Ww L Pet 83 57 593 78 8662 557 74 66852) 71 70 503 1 497 65 5 464 644 «O75 460 58 85 406 W L Pet 99 43 697 87 55 413 85 55 607 79 60 562 68 70 493 58 4 «Bl 417 43 95 312 40 100 286 Despite appendicitis Ueho! front eee ee Resting Up Babe expects to play in World Series. | Ruth Tuesday = ws —— —— Pt Ee Pe eee eee aw THRILLING BASEBALL Pook New York Yankees 12 Innings to Win From Cleveland In. dians Yesterday CLEVELAND York Yankees Indians by a score of 8 t« a thrilling 12-inning battle here yes. terday and crept to within half a ' re of a cinch of the Ar in League pennant for the 1932 seq. son. The score was deadlocks ee all until the emd of th inning when the Yank ed out a battin { { then ive I i unable * re 1 th Yesterd Big I American League Washington 9, Chicago 3 Philadelphia 7, New York 8, Cleveland 3 Detroit 1 National League Pittsburg 4, Philadelphia 2 Chicago 3, Brooklyn 4 WORK QUT of Getting on Voters’ List Al- though Unable to Pay a Ald. Rudderham inquire t last night's counell meeting a he- ther it might be possible the present time of stress to ¥ Ly- of the $5 poll tax by ise - holders of long standing w ere unable, owing to unemployment, to pay but were, nevert! ys of being registered on the n ) voters’ list. Ald. Rudder! te that some of the hous ce ! this unfortunate position | id that, if neeessars they be willine to work out the $5 x The city solicitor will a he matter and report at next ! ne if the council Br ‘ SS A XG SS ne \\ ee Sa RS me 5 " Hon SS ae RS a sa oe R ent os . S eS at Se ae aa # ADVERTISING COPY \* stam ‘ Ser NOer 13. 1099 Sept 13:—Ne celeated ( veland POLL TAX Unemployed Householders Desirous ~ **#¢+#e+ee0280748446484 MILD ano MELLOW SUN-TREATED Now irradiated by the new ultra-violet ray process . ° 2 ~~ -. 4 ws