thb daily gawa PAGE 3. On in lJ)k a. t-tr PILES Local and Personal CATARRH LADDER e( lh EAT FISH and SUPPORT A LOCAL INDUSTRY Are Generally Caused By Ut,tmM ran r.iaia. law EAT Brunswick CONSTIPATION. lleddliiff plants ,. Cjly Market. Ixara nam tT II. C. Undertaker. I'bone 41. If Hwr. ire few. If iny, rowpiaitiia more - cxi.hksi tlian iMUvirrlmlija. or inu-t, llirjr Special vrt'eSTin'oii. :lty Market. Viiliinli er wan!'il in lag for Rupert Brand are fimniioiilr eiiinl, lad awarcrljr any . die Jii'fillal an Halurila'y. Call old which shall it be? wliM-U rinH) inure Imuulet moujilire flew or ii'l tultrtj. For afl&noi'ii tea, 8t. Hcnis al I he lied On hut al 8 n'elnek Slwljr r out. are troubled wilt) IIh-ih Cafe. tr Siilurilay ni'UjiiiiK. I I ui Km or filter, owuiii I" Htn ' : There arc many ways to teat a I Ik- Ixwrlt In lirrviM. In 1 euniWiltrd Wanledllawffura. Pat I'hil- Mn. V. I'.cnen aiteil :liil iiijrhl BRILLS rJim.ll. lipmm. .' tf iill I lie J'riilee (ieor).'" l v'it her Wet are rlo-nl Ijmlrr three Urailnil. W. PHONOGRAPH ilangblOlr. Mr. II, ,Kltmailii, . Ilruiiiir, UhrtUim tint jiluirudllit;, wl It fxTilriiilar pallia wlilrli rptiiany llaypeeddancj;, hi Wednesday WlfiiBlAli.l CiiJi i fitia. before you buy. The choice is ItH'Bi ciumt tiiio-rjr birli U'lifjtma May 18. - , If .. ('At"' ai i ' rt)ill'Hi, V w 'on"f"' 'f".'.3r"e SIMILAR TO ENGLISH SOLE now (JistincU-NEW or OLD. Kind luliiimW awl MitfHKjIbrie .liraf'lwID 1.11 "ir; IkhiU fur lalf v.U flnd, KUi1''f?aiuruay, v iiiiani how the Hrunswkjv differs. at.l rrllrri- Tr I lillft he I H Ift f4 f M. l. KlpnlieiiV" ' ' If TO COOK -Cut fish into required portion. Dip. in Hour out I 1m in. It Y ?reir'I hae a free, iy ami naluril moiimi of llm liurU, ( aiiitffleriWtfWTOieilra. 55e nndrtfte. batter. Place in very hot fat and fry for I5rijnutc3. Kind out whether the tene of the (rr or lirr a day. ami lif dHi una Mi-n. J. I'nrlfi. lal 'ii-fiiK . SOLD Br ALL RETAILERS llrunswick is superior. lb rtaw will In? Ulrklr rrntovrd. for n vftTUi I In- wiulli. Ahollf JtiHI liemnli nllendeil Mlluurn'a l4a l.lvrr I'llla reulal6 llw , the da niw al the knliiiK rink Sold on easy monthly payments. n uf bile l.i r (rMiK'rljr mi iik litr Jlaiih Tut yoor VM-liiry ml. nifrhf In rHehrale die lailurhiiik' Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. owl lmi u, lino m itHttliiB: I itr roii.iipatiun Xii ami all Ma atllrtt trouMm. wiiillii?, "r.'.M('.yiiionl. If of the i.nimilian Smiii-li. I. J Hie) nifitatq im ral'iWH-l nr Ura.lle Marren maler . of ei-re-inouleM. liifittral Hivf-Mllitila lafftiv IMIfl aprrtablr. 'I'licri.1 wni jtifh'nu iUm-UpI' In Mr. K. Klillwell on wa jllir err riiiall anil tar to Ufcr, iiJ duilhfl Jiolln- 'JJlTljllii' mornim. the hir, and Arlhr nrelii'! r;i tnr. wraarn Mr H'ru. J?' yiitvrii'a Uaa-IJtrr I'llla arr vial Ouy lavfs.fiifl fur VanciiUMi irnvitVl (he inii-ie. 'Hie alTair at III dniijl.l. r A-aMT., iar mallril direct provifl ijuile etijoyahli'. on I lie l'rliH'. flei.i la.t nivUt. u r. .1 1. nt priir l Tlx T. Unburn Co.. " l.llnllMl, Tnnwln, I nl. Important Announcement Mr. K. Mf.lC' YfiiiiR left lal Thr llro l.rljja.le lin.lWfll (liU Uiit'lil fr VaiieiiMT ami Xa- The Man in (he Moon nairmH 'iimriilii? at II ii rlH'k .In oliit- SA.YS:- Do you count your coal cost by the ton, or by the 'irulli u IhikIi Ure al llic rnnyr Aenue M. lr. J. 'Pf-Wajnnrr nailed in month? If the latter, phone us to send you a ton or half i .'f llnnl ami KlylitU ... the I'rinre iliNirae rr the -oth 'IV IK mnraliiif ie in I If I ton of Ladysmith-Wellington Screened Lump Coal, the ' Dr. Vcgl will nrrhe n Kumlay lal uiflit. j ' laurirhliifr f a Hr lii how eay best coal for all mined in Canada. i Build! Build! Build! . . .... - it i In iiiuiri' nlonc the slii!'-i- purposes ami will nlaliN' Irain rninniu- Mi J.ery lieke nr f - lln-i;( palfi a Um$ b the p5aJ i This coal has been continuously mined on Vancouver Jllie iWayia eainlnalia l''"t.fcj;f hanre l.'lvjiVjJtiil a . lianee at the dow inward. feland for over fifty years and has stood up under every Mii'IiniU at MomJay ' 35ft iri--t. I 15 . . morn in i possible test. The C. P. R., the 0. TJ P., the Union S. S. Hie world Ami v. THK- pMitfifUl lie t licHix'kl liiiililniff iiiuleiinl in wni vre ix-ec(ini, Mr. 0;k Kltirii ami he imlowanl lliinif Co. and the Dominion Government coal all their steamships -. lifl low wn'pi- iiiiifk. tin- iriuir trade somat lo :lg (hr lendeiK.-y will likely he lowurd Inglier I Mi WJiy'ia slutliitH elirfiiu Venture ' ItimOrrew aftenioon in hapiien yelerJay were grtevou-ly with Vancouver Island Coal exclusively. fur euun Ina Mini will iin-el l Hie Vaneuer. ilitjiM)iiipd. Phone us for prices. We will furnish quotations on Jiome of Mr. A. H, .(iarrJ"T. I', II i" ii I.Miniier iiniiniiv linn u large n k !ValJrii Aparlmenl. ill 1 iiH-k. W. K. William, sailed lam AMi i hey were all ready to any quantity from one sack to a complete ship's cargo. ,m tth Ii 'i liU nr reiii.renieiil. Sal urduy. niyhl fiirVjiriroiiMT on (he exclaim "I I old yu so." Full weight guaranteed. DIMENSION BOARDS SHIPLAP LATH . I'rince iterifffy" I'lie lnry li ! itnrel at Hie KVKX the waler hardly knew SIDING rcinup nmpn l:inii-. Theatre luniulil i "The .Mi Muriel Iloui-n uiiM a Ihe hit' ship wa enlerin,f it. no Prince Rupert Coal Company iti.lnw l.inic." u yam in Miillilinim- iaeinti-r on (lie KiniMilhly .lid shc trlide. ' Do Your Building While Lumber l Cheap. wliieh inylery ami ueile u re (ieorjre l;ij-( irtrlil- Main Office Peter Black, agent 4 v ..:ir requireiiieiil ;i' 'he fti -. Heal lie. r ri.lilliilKli Willi a ilelerllve llieine. II' Mme people were only more Central Hotel Exclusive Representatives 'fl'I.M ..lllk- MA .I.I1UII I.I ilU..l lrowiiVK.iiiMi..n Onrtten rrilical I hey would learn lo hale .361 for Price. Phone Phone 15 In Prince Rupert. iui- v..i .....t u.l'.l"0',. lle.Uinu lhein-lev' .1 "" 5 - IHIII III l.IW HIHI H M PRINCE RUPERT LUMBER CO. iliiiterinjf itienlloii in I he pre-. Mlll.( Uiti If AUTJMiiIillU:deirfir 111 only l'llKITY IHtl-VS KOIt TIIK I Iny. I he FnfiiUT. may have a viiWltiart-o'W income ealie i.ri'i i,i: Mies way inol of Hie discnnlenl of Ihe Salunlay $t&$p3Ym . IS world. & ' iit (Mil;fl 4?"?'' tananl. I TIIK lelejtnfdl. wires aiitiiiue FILMS Detoteedan1 ;Uie llalL SatOblay. 3.3H l fi. lo lell of 41"m fnrius am Ihe FISHERMEN!! ,diiiiliin 5t'c, lea ,5r. It prairie. Ul a- g lin?re ,and live. Ihi nvHjuo horribly Films in before 9 a.m. f nished the same day i I'.. It. Slrwtfrr tfit nilniilleil ti. flhe' UeiterullljiRii4trtat''siuiitSu' We can now offer hut I iiow proyri'ijtliiff favonihly KVI'llY government is Iw-iii yii5 Prince Rupsrt Drug Co. i . anked lay every r.Humunily for FRESH FROZEN HERRING I'll LINK 134 3rd Avenue and 2nd Street i riramMZnnn-rl otf!.uiiday nitit. more money. If I wa a jrovirn-nH-ut. Fle.kemt' m'I l al (Inw I would tshiit down allo- Mail Orders Given Prompt Attention DRY ICE QUICK SERVICE Uliruered ral ftVf wilh a eo liellier on ihi hainfftip oul.i-a.-h lerllun al iloor. rlnllreii. 12 to every Tom. Jliefc and Harry BUTEDALE CANNERY Prlncew - Royal Iiland thai ak for it. "If- I Wi-rr Kinir," lnrrintt William Kiiiiiiiiii. Weilnlnie lo- THINK of llrilain liirnin P.O. Box Phone David H. & Co. Hays 3585 licht, lumnrrii: miilim-i- ami prnlii l ion after Ihrivinjr urf fti-i 1555 57 li ii;h I. Atu men lrJ()irr hel ra. trade for so many years. 207 Second Street Millinery and LADIES' I'he U. I. H. nleiugier a Prinee. HVKKYoNK i garden inir. latil We have a large LISTING of LOTS in Itnnliiee will I"' hack on lln- Ihank heaven Ihe Hie do not READY-TO-WEAR all parts of the Townsite. Some excellent norllierif run "Iiiijtmw' fur the airixe in I'rmre unpen v11u4 flr! lime iurr (l Wreck la.-l Ihe advent of warm weather.. buys. We have also several HOUSES I Cf)R P"T Complete range of Corsets ar 'uilrrii J.'iMj in shown in the I'ehriiarj'- - m m FOR SALE. J1OLj 1 O riveti--La Diva, Goddess and lle hre illii-lruli'il. II i eill ill I 1 1 lioui'l1y is a tirklish Call and see "ur Lists. John Otiiiwiiy,irovernmenl aK'-nl propoxitioii, mi llicy say in lin H tear ie will ieiniv yard U. & A. See windows for display. I Slie.: t. 0. H um. In venr. An!n ' arrne.1 ui iw eiiy iai south. . . - ' Real Estate Notary Public Fire Insurance H eBr ie will HHiuire" H vanli,vrB,n.'r n,", uil1 IfinVn tinufr.e.v TIIK closed door pnliry is thr P.O. Box of .10 ini-li nnileria;. jinoriiiiitr i for - Terra5e where he 327 "DE MER S" Phone 27 hesi lo iiiloiit.wlieu.deaJiii).' -.villi (iinsham. henale, rhttBd.r.-.r". tM'"""fl "".;"if -Moi-aren die, iioifuuiloe or 'othtfr un- .1 lawn, linen, .iiige?, Mdln,,..vffjri',,''U''''' lesirulde aiiuiltttaefSt: lalrelii (i lid chljia ilk are attract. ..Look jiiKlomorrX'wYjivjKifter for lle!-d Is the Jiwu who has ie for I lil model. v Dr. Sutherland X (he full iiroKriuiima of Sunday nolhiriff m ehltirnfr but window 1 1 --1 Miukiuunlii and i ifllishl' (Srnml tJoneerl in the hoxes. - 1 FULLER'S SPECIALS Art ji ahly. with reannalile We.l holme Tln'alrt. Ttekel ami .... D.D.S., L.D.S., D.D.C, Clothes t:uiliiri nlii I'rvoVliIi-iilo Hum.. . Ili :l'.t- plaij now nt flrin'u'n? It will he a 'J'llICiSli ara Kardenint; .days and I'ru'i'-. it l.iuiMvfal. 5 for -5: :v.Hl concert. 12 naturally tliere are a, good many ki-pl Jay IUk Mrn. A " peuple w'lm like li "exprvs. Ihem-Krheai DENTISTRYhTaFits branches Jelly Powder. S for 25e. (Cook Proa. Ac Alien) Allen. '.ini'oiitf I hose JiOiiSMl for Victoria in verse, f'niue . huw tin Si W hile 'live, 55e li, nil Ih'e' 1'rfiicaffffeiirire tnt riu, fever hy writing dofrperell lit' CrUtm'i tti feali Over 2S0 pattirnt to $aU I'ri-neli Mtithrwitn. fr 'tin. IliSllI vieri' Hon. T; . PalUillo, und ot tiers hy ruuutuK a lawn Exchange Block, Suite 14 and 15 I'tli ?'ili tti liiEi OkicsjIi ect from 73e. uitiiMer of land, iuid d. W. X. mower. Phone Black For 516 Appointment I.iiiilmrcer r.heee, per I la. rtae. Wlnshy, provincial iiquur eoin-inliouer. MuwiiiK lawns is just like STEVE KING Third Avenve Malkin lte (iifi-e. a few tin raciiiK. - ' " Prince Rupert left at S.'ie per III. ... MiKhl have wrillen I'oet I"n'h Ithilhaih. er II. I'e. Mrs. T. II. Xulialt sailed (r Kcat: Kreh Ithoeolate liar. 12 for Jhe fiouIJi lal iukJiI fii route for so oflen mower i-hasiiijj 5Wc. lo Knsland. Mr. .Nultnll will Mll lake place ill heals. FRENCH BONDS 1! Chili ifance, reg. I5e. now 2 follow in I he courc (if a week - for fl5c. or o. They will spend a year A tjood opportunity fujf a quick prolit is lijr the purtliuse ii HOME AGAIN! New arriMil liiiine. jirn, 3 lin In Ihe (lil (ininiry: of French liovernmeul Ilonds. A satisfactory setthy.uent ' - U5c. May Day the rcpurai ions question wilt heucllt- France more thun Speolal I'riiiie. 5 Hi. 55e. Kir dimension Jiiiiil'cr mid any oilier country, and this may he expected nl any time. Fo' 'el nice HOME COOKING and FISH AND CHIPS I.ihliy Hweet I'it-kle, hulk, hlia. I. -H.'iijirueiv r llnish. Let's All Clean Up Freneli exchange is rising more, than other countries, by , Co to the rer. inc. npecla 2 Hi. rr 13c,, t. doors nndlK,JrMnwSii'Jjihrr re-iihwir lakinw now, a handsome prutU will .jureruiv" I,iK-al new laid l. er do. 5oi'"'. and dri-ssr'd tfnniry sie: SPFCIAL ON BROOMS We offer French 5 1000 franjs ror $74.00, normal value THE EMPRESS CAFE fpeelal ColTee, 3 Hi, f.l.mi. Quirk delivery hy (iiifuwn cur. liood t -1 1 in;; llinoin. . .75c $193 00 11 If. .ShiK-kley. Cow- llay. If Hi. t'rye"illaeiin. 5l'e. ier ; llauihoo Urooms $1.25 t ii T. McCLYMONT Jwe Everybody Eats White Help Only Spec I ii I alleulioii and prompt Alliert A. M,ri(ITerx-..jiave hoiiBhl Whisk ' for Ladle. Emprui Hotel Dlock, 3rd Aa. delivery lo lUlieiini'ii ami wharf one million feel of .No, r hip-lap 11.Cedar Mop order. and ilimenMon, and are ell- (l-Ceilar I'nlisli Saturday Butler Specials iiitf u owel prices yet quoled. l.iijnid Veneer Our (Kvn llraiid, 3 Tic. AUn I'oiuplele .iK-k if 11 r llnUh Shoe llriislies Sunnylit'ook llieainery. TiPc. doors and wliuluWHi und hulldiiifc-iuaU'iialH, 81oxc Iliu-lies 1 1 Hi. boxe. per Hi. inc. . tf . ' RUPERT BAKERY W. Phone Wash 1 Ii-a 1(1.-4 'y G. Barrie 808 183 l'eall I Mnll. tfjy. . .500 .Never forget to fi-ok through NEW TELEPHONE DIRECTORY. For Alio fur THIRD AVENUE POST OFFICE BLOCK Ho el..ne1 lll We are si ill selling CAKES AND PASTRY OF QUALITY I The eily is alioul (u pnhlisli a 3 Pure Jaird. , . . .75o The Bread Only host material uied I). BO I mflf " , fill IIIIV elllllllrnil III & Pure Lard .$1.25 Orders for " " uTcts' Dinlug Tables, Chairs und China Cabinets PILES anowirf lloblDV.aar hiMHl-.wi ullciallon leguueu noiir- ino that KtJtauranU, Steamahlpa, Cannrriea, etc. I'rolftnl-Ui Int. or Window Shades, Curtains; Curtain Rods rile. No Supl. of, Utililie iiiwrlllnn ho-foio Promptly attended o aiirilaal x-r- Munro Bros. aiioo raiiuirea. May 33rd,.l,- 10-2-0-0 Satisfies Joseru Garon and C. R. Hiogert. I'roprietor Blankets, Pillow ..... ....... Sheets, Cases, in. r rw n I Hnt Mll.ia vuu a l one. Third Ave Phone Cren ti aoi afford laaUuu b.uaBt km. boi I all P.O. Po 521617 Comforters (ralin, or Eilmaiiami. I'at.a Co., I.lniUd. llofpilal Tar ""' ojiulurday, Phone CS Third Avenuo. lurwito. Sitmul. Hot Im II )ou nwoUouUiia 1 1ti. 11-' j-mffr and aocloa W. aUuip W aU..