cay, September 18, 1982 Miss Gertrude Dutton tells why she makes her Devil's Food Layer Cake with Magic Baking Powder “I know from experience,” says the cookery ex- pert of Western - yp Home Monthly, : “that Magic makes most baked dishes look and raste better. Its uniform leavening cualiy gives dependable baking sesults.” And Miss Dutton’s praise of Magir is seconded by the majority of dietitians and cookery experts throughout the Dominion. They use Magic exctustvely because they know it ig pure, and alwayg.uni- form. Canadian housewives, too, pre- fer Magic. Lm fact, Magic outsells : ; Devil's Food Layer Cake allotherbaking powderscombined. : . % cup butte: Mt sal For luscious layer cakes, light, 1% cups saan 3 oathndien " tender biscuats, delicious pastry — 3 eges Magic Baking follow Miss Dutton’s advice. Use Lap mls Powder 2% cups pastry flour (or 2 cups 1 teaspoon va- Magic Baking Powder. nilla extract end 3 tabie- 38q. unsweetened spoons of bread chocolate, flour) melted Cream butter thoroughly; add sugar slowly. Add beaten yolks; mix thor- oughly. Add flour sifted with baking powder and salt, alternately with milk; add vanilla and melted choc- Olate. Fold in stiffly beaten egg whites. Put into 3 greased layer cake tins and bake in moderate oven at, 350° F. about 30 minutes. When cool, put together and cover thickly with Chocolate or White Icing (rec- ipes are in the Magic Cook Book). “Coatatas co alum.” This state- ment on every tio is your @uareates that Magic Bakieag Powder is free from slum of any basme- ful ingredieat, FREE COOK BOOK—Whea you bake at home, the new Magic Cook Book will give you dozens of recipes for delicious baked foods. Write to Standard Brands Ltd., Fraser Ave. and Liberty St, Tosonto, Ontario, a | eeemenenmene ommend Ladies’ Wool m Jersey Dresses ' ) Assorted Shades i Sizes 16 to 42 $3.95 ! Special Girls’ Wool Jersey Dresses Assorted Shades | See $2.95 B JABOURS LTD. 4 THE DAILY News PAGE THRE® "LOCAL NEWS ITEMS Wed. Special “(aye gs Taxi si ak te tt ke nail Rupert Badminton Aypien. ape bis $2.25 Classified Ads Club general meeting will be held in the city hall Wednesday even- ing at 8. stw SIMPSON, 5th and McBride, first ae Shoe-repairing. Prices right. | In the absence of Mayor C. H. Orme, who is on a brief trip to the interior, Ald. Theo Collart was chosen acting mayor at last night’ meeting of the city council on mo- ton of Ald. Linzey and Ald. Black. City tickets accepted on any goods purchased at Montreal Importers’ special low price sale. (213) Charles L. Hershman, superin- tencent of the Atlin-Ruffner mine Atiin, was a passenger aboard the Princess Louise yesterday af- fernoon going through to Van- Over | INDIGESTION Game Warden Ed. Martin, who has been on a two-weeks’ trip to 'Fruit-a-tives the Stikine and Taku River dis- make Wwicts on patro) duties, returned to stomach the city trom the north on the ss. like new Princess noon. Louise yeserday after- | I had always been in | «geod health until 1 be- S.. gan having —— with s a ; ab. t Mics Shinley McEwen. after hav- pat anything without ing spr nt the summer vacation ar re Sieare, hore with her parents, Mr. and) severe gas Pane Ore avsay Frolt-etive’ Mrs. Harold McEwen, Fifth Avenue completely restored me to health.” East, sailec by the Catala this af-! ternoon for Vancouver where she! Fruit-a-tives . . . all drug stores her studies. will resume LN pt AE 6 ON There were 94 passengers aboard Dr. and Mrs. J. H. Carson the steamer Princess Louise which | :amily. who lave v-en was in port yesterday afternoon!:). summer at Lakelse Lake, re- southbound from Skagway to Van-| turned to the city from ti couver. Eleven persons disembark-';. 2+ the end of the week ed from tne vessel here while one . weat south aboard her from this/| port and pencil inter Union steamr Catala, Capt. A. B Dickson, returned to port at 2 < glock this afternoon frcm Anyo: iStewart and other no“thern point and sailed an hour later for V4n- {eouver and waypoints T. H. Johnson will leave on to- morrow morning’s train to pay of- ficial visits to the Masonic Lodges at errace and Smithers in his ca- pacity as district deputy grand ; ' ; , pe 7 Ow! © a special ‘luncheon master. Several other local Masons ne pe : oe , ‘a : having been held last week, the are expected to make the trip with » lregular monthly business luncheor lof the Prince Rupert Gyro Club scheduled for today, has been can- | celled The next regular luncheon him Inspector T. W. 8. Parsons, act- ing assistant commissioner of pro- ‘ oom : will be held two weeks from toaay vincial police for British Colwmbia, will b Id who thas been here for the past 1) report of tne City Hall ja ‘ouple of Gays ik: the course of a The Dp 7 |nitors for the the month of August tour of the north on inspection ont ai a ’ 4] | presented: to the city council las duties, will proceed on tomorrow iF he shhina tied total of 728 morning’s train to Prince George 7 ; 7s _ 3 rs d ‘ } ; £ Ons O uel 1aa ¢ use il whence he will return to Victoria. | 34° cye . |e heating system of Hal 7 ver ; , y “" YP 9 A recommendation from the fi-|2Uring the “month” The ae . tubes 12 wallor nance comnittee that an offer ot |7#y consumption wa ees lat met near : 9 $50 from Edward Maguire for lots/%t 4 cost per dav of $1.26 block 36 was 3 and 4 cepted section 8, t adopted by the city | night. The lots are lo-| re t Seal Cove and are not a council last cated at present on the road. fne finance} committee considered the deal an OF WOMAN idvantageous one for the city endedcias weer |Gacramento River Being Searched The city council last night re-| By Many Officers For’ Body of cived a recommendation from Bern's First Wife City Treasurer D. J. Matheson that i sleenile the city solicitor be authorized ta| ‘commence action against a tenant| Handbag Opened ‘cupying one of the reverted mnt diers’ housing scheme houses who es : jowes $250 in rent. It was decided | Henry Bern Unable to Discover Mo- tive For Rash Act of Brother the matter in the hands of . : On Sunday of Last Week ithe eity solicitor to leave and finance com- }mittee with a view, if possible, to ar- jranging amicably for collection of ithe amount owing SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 13 Po lice of five counties continued drag lging operations in the Sacramento FALL SAILINGS From Prince Rupert for Ocean Falla Powell River and Vancouver, Thursdays, 10.00 p.m. QUEEN CHARI OTTE ISLANDS From Prince Rupert for Vancouver, calling a1 Queen ‘ harlotic Island ports. service. Particulars on Fortnightly request. TRAIN SERVICE trains leave Prince Rupert Wednesdays and Fridays at Bdmonton, Winnipeg Passenger Mondays, 10.30 a.m. for and points East Ber information cal! or write toca agent or Ho MckEWEN, DF. & PA. , t 4 Prince Ruy BA “assports arranged jor Old Country Sailings. eT T oye amare ee UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Steamers leave Prince Rupert for Vancouve! CATALA EVBRY TURSDAY, 1:30 P.M. Via Waypoints, arriving Vancouver, Thursday «™ CARDENA EVERY FRIDAY MIDNIGMT, Arriving Vancouver Sunday midnight. appro* ie y satlings to Port Simpson, Afice Arm, Anyox, Sw River points, Sunday, 8 pm tion rege all spilu and tickets at UPERT AGENCY; Second Avenue. ras and Naas “her tnfors i RINCE Phone 565 ee 7 River and search along the shore Hotel Arrivals for trace of Dorothy Millett, mys tery woman in the Paul Bern sui CENTRAL HORR ‘cide casc, who is believed to have R. Nelson ang. {7am Megtineen committed suicide by leaping over city board from a river steamer between San Francisco Sacrament jiearly last Wednesday iter having left | moyed a light lace nighteown whic! ana morning af her cabin and re TYPEWRITERS For Sale or Rent Rese, Cowan & Latta Pheome 234 was found on deck. Miss Millett i believed to have been the first and undivoreed wife of married on July 2 last to Jean Har low, platinum blonde screen star Reports are being investi gated that a woman resembling Miss “Millett has been seen around Hollywood The San Francisco Fxaminer r ports that in a handbag found wit! Miss Miilett’s other effects in her deserted.eabin was discovered a let ter from Bern directing her to a hotel in San Francisco and expres ing the hope that happy and comfortable there Meantime, reports from Los An aiso SAVED IMPORTED DRESS “After a little wearing, a lovely green voile—an imported dress—tost color so completely that it was not wear- able. A friend who had admired it asked me why I wasn’t wearing it any more, On hearing ‘the reason, she advised dyeing it and recom- mended Diamond Dyes, To make a long story short, it turned out beautifully. I have a lovely mew | dress that really cost just 15e—the | price of one package of Diamond dyes. “T have since used Diamond Dyes | for both tinting and dyeing. They | do either ec aay well. | am not an expert dyer but I never have a failure with Diamoud Dyes. They seem to be made so they always go on smooth- ly and evenly.. They never spot, streak or run; and friends never know the things I oye mgt Diamond Dyes are redyed at allf” ° Mrs. B.F., Quebec. ond interview with Henry Bern brother of the dead moving picture rash act. Miss Harlow Was ted to have sti)l insisted that there self and Bern + eh, a a a ™ Bern,awho was | she would be geles stated that Miss Harlow was ‘again in collapse following a sec-| executive. who is seeking to estab-| lish some motive for his brother’s| repor- had been no quarrel between her- aatnnemenee meena | Munro Bros. LOCAL ITEMS Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Baker and family returned to ths ty the end of the week from a Toronto. | Announcements | i Dance Sept. low’s New Hall. 16 and 30, Oddfel- Benefit football dance, Septem- ber 23, Moose Hall United Church Annual Oct. 10 Supper Thanksgiving Day benefit dance, Eagles’ Hall,October 10. Catholic Bazaar, October 19, 20. —_ YOU aré tlways Sure of ‘Kellogg’s Corn Flakes. For 25 years Kellogg’s have been the standard of quality. ye! | Kellogg’s Corn Flakes are made in modern,sanitary plants . +. always open to inspection by visitors. Kellogg’s have the finest materials, expert work- ers; and wonderful machinery | it has taken years to perfect. | Plus a patented sealed WAX- | } } TITE bag that brings the fakes oven-fresh to your table! Guaranteed by W. K. Kel- logg: “If you do not consider them the finest and freshest corn flakes you ever ate, re- turn the red-and-green pack- age and we will refund your money.” Made by Kellogg in | London, Ontario, > CANADIAN PACIFIC To Vancouver PRINCESS LOUISE—Sept. 12, 21, Oct* 3 To Vancouver PRINCESS ADELAIDE-—Fridays, 10 p.m. via Ocean Falls and Way Ports. To Ketchikan, Wrangel, Juneau and Skagway 1 ” Information call or write- Sept. 8, 17 and 29. LL. DOATES, General Agent Prince Rupert, B.C. i } } trip te|FOR SALE—Mink, Que | | | | | a | . FOR SALE - - FOUND ‘OR SALE—, Piano, very reason- }/RQUND new seine boat skiff he- able. Phone Black 904. FURNISHED flat for sale. Apply | t£i, bec. Labra- der. ygung or adult. $20 per pair. | B.C. tL, Kaien Motors. Phone 52. F. Hoype, Lochdale, City aceounts ior two weeks end-| noR SALE “i Lieve Wictess baby" ing September 9, totalling $102,- bugzy with leather rain cover} 73.16 were passed for payment at{ almost new. Plione Black 829. 4 last night’s counci! meeting 217 | : . S. C. Kerr and son. S. W- Ker of Steubenvilils OF who Lave FOR RENT bee; n bi ‘ 1 intineg rin _—_——— —_——- —--- nto e Yuk ; 4iX room house Phone Red 914. bay] | eae eenn * ; me 1» vi ,,. | MODBRN House, harbor view $25 wa po tet alternoon " tween Holland Rock and Kaien Island, $10 salvage. Apply Clau- sen. Box 1562. 214 | ORCHESTRA ee te oe |FOR Your Dance orchestra phone Mrs. Black, &treen 218. Snappy music! Prices reasonable. (th) DANCING cue for Old Country dancing. } : —_—_— Mrs. J. Watt. Phone Blue 322 218 4 : month. Phone Red 720 if| TRANSFERS ©ME choice modern for rent. Greatly neducea rates. Westenhayer Bros. tf ws SWAP HOUSES WILL swap, or rent hoses, Phone Green 638. tf WORK WANTED WOMAN will do washing reasonab- 'y. Will take it home or do it at che house. Phone 27. tf The AUCTIONEER Packing — Crating — Wrapping and General Furniture Repairs List your goods with me GEOS J. DAWES—Phone Black 120 AUCTIONEER List vour goods with us——Prince Rupert’s leading Auctioneer G. M. HUNT 3rd Ave Phone Ked 637 apartments CAMERON'S Transfer, Phone 177. Dry Wood. Chairs for rent. tf CHIROPRACTIC W. C. Aspinall Vhree Year Graduate Chiropractic Modern Ray Treatments Given Phone for Appointment Green 241 and 549 fypen Evenings _ DAIRIES For FRESH LOCAL MILK Phone Red 608 or 953 DOMINION DAIRY 8 Quarts or 14 Pints for $1.00 PASTEURIZED MILK IS SAFE MILK i } : | ' ‘Fresh’ from Bulkley Valley Farms 1S YOUR PROPERTY VA- CANT? Let us overhaul it. It will rent and give revenue again. Charges reasonable. J. P. MOLLER Phone Red 802 Miss D. Hogan TEACHER OF MUSIC Phone—Black 232 VALENTIN DAIRY Phone 657 SHZRIPE'S SALE In the Supreme GOourt of British fmumbla BETWEEN: MARY QUICKSTAD, Plain- iff Judgment Creditor), and JOHN McNEILL JAMES J. GONNORS and THOMAS WINLOW, Defendants (Judg- ment Debtors) TAKE NOTICE that im accordance with an Order to me directed by the Honourable Chief Justice, Aulay Morri- x Dateq August the 15th, 1932, I “ al the 29th day of x ) p.m., at my ofifce in » Prince Rupert. B.C., Crow granted Mineral Hundred and One (4,- CHANGE IN TIME Transcontinental trains will leave Prinee Rupert 10.30 a.m, Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday * Trains will arrive Prince Rupert 9.00 p.m. Every Tuesday, Thureday and Saturday. * For information call or write local agent, or H. McBWEN, D.F. & PLA. Prince Rupert, B.C. V-163-92 CANADIAN NATIONAL Minehead Coals The New SPER HARD COAL per ton $11.50 ALL CQALS ARE IN A DRYSHED HYDE TRANSFER—PHONE 580 is the “Superior” Mineral rty-eight Hundred and n a* the “Superior Number 1" M ul Claim: Lot Forty- eight Hundred and Three (4803), known fa the “Red Toy Mineral Claim; Lot Porty-eight Hundreg and Four (4804), known as the Red Top No, 1” Mineral Claim; |! Forty-eight Hundred and Five (4805 knov ae the “Hector Number 1" Minera, Claim; Lot Forty- eight Hundred and Six (4806), knows, ag the “Superior Number 2 Fraction” Minerel Claim; Lot Porty-eight Hundred and Seven (4807 known as the “Red Top Fraction Mineral Claim Lot Forty-nine H ired and Forty-five 4945) known as the Amazon” Min- eral Claim; Loy Forty-nine Hundred and Porty-six’ (404¢ krowyp < the “Ama- zon Number 1 Mimeral Claim; Lot Porty-nine Hundred amd “Forty-seven (#047). kmewn as the “Amazon Num, ber 8° Mineral Olaim: Lot Forty-nine Hundred and Forty-eight (4948), known as the Amazon Number 4” Mineral Claim: Lot Forty-nine HMumdred and Formty-tine (4049), known as the “Red, Top Number 2 Mineral Glaum Lot Forty-nine Hundt Fifty (4950), known as the “Amaz Fraction Min- eral Olaim; and Lot Forty-nine Hun- dred and Fifty-one (4961), Known as the 4mazon Number 2 Praction” Min- tral Claim The above Claims are located at Cul- en Creek, about 6 miles North of the forks of Bear River, Cassiar District Dated at Prince Rupert this 27th day of August, 1932 TERMS CASH 5. A. NIOKERSON, Sheriff, County of Prince Rupert, §-a27, 63 101724 $11.50 per ton § Exchange Bik. , » a i ee ee © e« ee va Bing i seicreemnningeteiiontmnbinninnincaresinnee A aX © ee >, a st A i {