PAGE TWO i THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Publishea Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue H. F. PULLEN - - - Managing-Editor STBSCRIPTION RATES City delivery, by mall or car yea period, paid in advance 5.00 For ie riods. gaid i week 10¢ By mall to all parts of } hnéern and Centra) Sritish Columbia, pal n ivance od 3.0 By mall t all 1 part f British Columbia. the British Em- pire 0 ‘ iid vance. per year $6.00 By ma ‘ j 9.00 Transict Y el ; er insertion 1.44 ADVERTISING RATES Classified ad tising. per tn n, pei word U Lotai reader er insertion, per !Ine : 25 Lega! notices, each insertion, pet ite line & ie 15 Contract rates application. Advertising and Circulation {clephone Lou sbnpelbiicakins SUE Editor and Reporters’ Telephone 86 Member ot Audit Bureau of Cireulations DAILY EDITION - @ Wednesday, Sept. 14, 1932 THE BU Re AU CKATIC MIND The mind wf the bureaucrat is worthy of study, especial- ly at a time when an election is lieves that he Is others all th kind were created foi worthy successor to ruled by divine right We have a! through a difficult time. Some busi- nessmen have gone to the wall but of have saved enough from th 0 start again. Others have struggled hard and denied themselves in order to keep go- ing and pay their way. Wage earners and salaried people have found their stipends cut considerably and their bur- dens increased through increased taxation. Others have been less fortunate yet and have found themselves left without resources and have been dependent on municipal or provincial dole. With this condition obtaining a movement is made to cut salaries and in sight. The bureaucrat be- on high to share with a fey orld and that the rest of man- use and benefit. He is a 1e kings who thought they ordained irom €aitn or rne ¥ his sole : 1443 ne o1a vn he en most them e wreck wages still further and to let more em- ployees out of their jobs so that the taxes may be lightened and the provincial eovernment be enabled to balance its budget. This would add to the number of unemployed an‘ he the cauce of = | OI people so tnat t ffering to hund ec larger taxpayers may benefit. Economy is necessary. Ail are ' ; 71 1 budget must be The rowing more people agreed as to that. hats aA beet + tie 4 Daianced DUL NOU D} on the dole. What is necessary today is an administrator '°*'" who knows his business, w whose administration will command confidence in the in dustrial and financial w , there is only one man for the job group now in charge of affairs. He has experience, abil- ity and courage ; The difficulty is that this man is not bureaucrats. He is too strong orld. As we see it favored by the I a man for them to handle. The contest now in sight is between those who cater to the bureaucrats and U ho believe in giving every man an equal chance irrespective of his social standing, wealth, original nationality or political affiliation. : ost : aT Look to the Name! eo nl lamps cost you money in early burnouts and higher electric light bills. EDISON MAZDA Lamps save you money by giving more light—better light—and longer service. Insist on lamps that bear this name, ‘sae ib MADE IN CANADA EDISON @ MAZDA LAMPS CANADIAN GENERAL ELECTRIC CO. LIMITED t-12 Nine ae Pate ent ita ae lt Renee F This advertisement is not pub- lished or displayed by the Liquer Contro! Board or by the Govern- ment of British Columbio ho has courape and ability and’ the logical successor to the! Premier ‘Tolimie's new union gives promise 6f vulnihhg’ dut vo’ be a “llopy lhe invitatioh’ to’ Duff Pattulio eems to have béen an afterthought. We think that Simon Fraser would have liked to Have gov along without Thomas Duffeérin: Anyway, there are unmistakable Tan election: Bs a ea ee ie . - ‘iii paths thee nies | ae ncthdenthenda tatiana we She ets Olof Hanson Opened Affair at Ootsa Othdrwise, why this very témpt- —~— —- = . last Wednésday night. There was Lake Last Week—Off{ to ing P @ & déaf all of a suddén? arity 0€ 2 iy ~artial insurance Stewart and Anyox - LOCAL NEWS ITEMS = We thoueht the government ¢ —— : = George Minns. who has beer = would liaveé had ¢t ay theémn’ t ) nse MP fors ae : ts Te. Spell ‘ . : the office of the district forest Olof Har 1M ‘ take the Pu. ©: away rather than Dr. A EB: Jure of Trail. geclogist G. H. Munro appeared before , . rived in the city on last: vet manee fe 3 yr ah er : iOr some time, severs ni mnec ‘ money i t for the Consolidated Mining & the. school board last night ask- rom the interior aft Smelting Co. is a passenger 2 Ara tion’ with that department tomor- 4,,.»+, i eS 7 ’ rp) ae ing the board to grant permission ‘ . =r , There is a “black smoke ome- (he Printée Rus oday bound for , us a — ‘ row and leaves the same night week of the sé : 2.4 ; L + for Miss Sargent o azeltor. le Te e in this woodpile Stewart on off! ‘al duties. E . on the Prince Rupert for Vanco tampede al ? , z 2 < 7 = , hl ; ae 2? take part time studies at King Ed- ve. whore he will take h econc Lake. Mr. Hat Even Mahatma Gandhi is getting C.N. R. stealer Prinze ‘hn.’ ward High School whiie atiending year at the University event was att * again and that reminds US Capt. Dan MeKinnon. arrived in convent here. This being consid- - all parts of the j tis a week or so since we had at 5:10 7 morning wom ered an éxtraordinary éasé, the} CNR. steamer Prince Rupert, and successful as it an 4 veard from him Jancouver via ‘the 1een Char- Capt Nedé rived in port interesting fair a ° board grarited the désirea permis- “#P* H. E. Nedén, ar a p interesting affair ~-——-- otte Islands. -bringinge passengers on timé at 9:30 this morning from Mr. Hanson is sailir If Premier MacDonald would freight and mail. The vessel wil! Son without prejudice. Vantouver, Powell River and Oc-' noon on the Prince Rup* KC OUr suggestion would take remain over here until 10 o'clock % ean Falls and will sail at 4 o’clock ia visit to his constituent AY ' he Mahatma at his word Friday night when she will sail on At the suggestion of Trustee J.J. this afternoon’ for Anyox &nd| yox and Stewart —- her return south over the same Gillis, the board of school trustees Stewart whente she will return! An exclusive dispatch t os With all due respect, the going route decided last night to seek co-opéra- here tomorrow night southbound. |News yesterday after: a | might be easier if he did make thé tion of School