1 nra rrxnrr mrwii , ,, j '. ' ' Think these Points BRINGING UP FATHER BG Over withCare to They may Beechaois apply cheVl7mM vtsT- Vt!o?J ;V?&ZZ vcrv!j 1 hJotSo t" i Pills have you.been,for sev-r ureuETooTOHir, RECEPTOfTl LJSafckJM k ' "3A"g!lb I fill V "IT"1 HOVg ME 3C, T enty years, used by thousands of people and are today considered very useful in. safeguarding health. Eeecham's Pills help to Sa" " overcome disorders of the stomach, liver and bowels, prevent biliousness, constipation, indigestion, sick . They headache.keep clear the complexion and help t purify ' 'fjf, the blood. Consider well and take r. wtf-.' Sa . . BEECHAN Sold M1im WFSH FATING dance given by PILL in Canada, la Ulaa25c BC. fL" ' LADIES' BRANCH 4 AND FERTILITY! of st. Andrews BUSINESS DIRECTORY C0A1 Largest Sale of any These are Good Places to Make Your Purchases when You go out to buy Medicine in the World Event Proved Most Enjoyable and Or.. Oldfleld says Those who Live1 150 People Attended I on Vegetable Foods Breed Fast j EDSONMKEB STERILITY RESULT OF Tin lit f.i of a i,ri'. of dances AERATED WATERS FUlitNITURE AND-OENCRAL LAUNDniES Sacked ,lllJk WRONG r-ttuiniu!of MERCHANDISE Bu,h (ir Sl ,,!.,.W (t Society prmed BEAVER BOTTLlna WOMI CANAOIAB BTEASI LAUHOSV ma. !to he a ry enjoyable affair last Tt rrMr Mri -- rtwo lit WIlfKIO OSSTTOW Cpf. TWrd and TUt rivMM i. for tei t4 rrvMiftf Ipt edsow com CO, LONDON', fob. 23. Dr. Josiahl riwoe Orren Iti, for second fund hi ml STEAM iivenintr. Owing lo n number nf COM Oldlii'Iil, English physician anil lur. BARBER SHOP (vtntie nt tract Inn mul llii in- PAINTERS AND DECORATORS a ithor, who believes that Hesh- nl(iinnl UAnll.A It....... ...... .1..I f.o.b. ctn Kg. eifinc- is a nrolific source nf . ' " . tcsamaiu barsir shop FURNITURE fEO SCAODfN ,hve received during tbe last disease ami one of (he worst j"1. a "Wj - " - FRAME BlfKNU Sink tad mr rbnns Ores II three weeks enemies of the human race, is nfi, , , , ., -..... . ThltM Kf -- thntu OrrtB 441 NANAIHO - WlUiKnJ i iiu Him iiif .iiiniir u iiiiii lln opinion thai Ihe watnpe nf BAKERS PAINTS AND OILS plcalns tne. Thi imtnVr jul ; COIL life rauiii by the wop iiiishl If FEED STORES 100 Coal made lancing a pleasure without la CSStC BASEBV cars risrhl THE A. w. EOOE CO, tad Al. siMilily repaired by feeding. Dr. OldfU'ld in a xlwinff advocate nny uo 'ue ep.wiling in I In Imlf. mtm Aotoiir - flmoe MS fRINCE KUPIBT EEEO CO. I'itnii. 'Hli. ll tb4 H IT James Sltniitnn v.a-i malr of ! tartttoo. eor. tat At. iH tin ft from Macleod River owned of (he Fruilarir.n djel and has mine, c rcinnnie ami H.-unnl Slwn nml I CHINA, CROCKERY NOTIONS PAINTERS AND DECORATERS Albert & McO?P by Prince Rupert citizens. liecn M-nmr iihysi. ian of the Lady , Jinnee Iryirw wrr on Ihe ilmir. We have the exclusive rigrnt to .Margaret 1'riiila.inn Hospital nl THE DINKY ALLEN CO. FISH MERCHANTS, RETAIL BELL a CBOStETT ISmi ??. Limited Hduiuniri O 'rb'.ira prfilil handle this coal in Prince Rupert. llmmley. Wrilin? fnun Jainnirn Tblrd AVeoue. opiJUi foal flfflre. ASTMUITS SUBSET Phoin11C,U ilii nie wliteh wa nf Ihe ustinl Don't be .misled by other coal in say.: -7 TklUAve. rhoass lie 4lt. K bat III PLUMBINO exrelli-nee. Ivliphirul dealers -who use our firm name In Jamaica stipprr a CLEANINQ AND PRESSING served al inidnijl by tlie ladii-s GENERAL MERCHANDISE TEEM LOUKJWILL Mas a. to advertise their coal. "My nliiernlinn-t here confirm o,' Ihe Auxiliary who had tlieosyo OVE wesss -rr.mc mt drr If you want a real good screened my vii-ws Itial food and fertility R.-neral arranemeilK wi-ll in Vw SrS Atmue - Ptfrft 471 WIHO CHIN VUEJ CO. coal, call up yn hand in hand. 'Hie iiiiiimi.iun hand. It- ,71 Sac4 Aimus - rhM Blaak y RENTALS Don't Disci dealing with Ihe grae problein nf Phone f. W. HASJT CSnsM- BU'k III 58 the ..tendily falling hirlh rale 'nrl,.,rnl . CAFES GROCERIES I'.irope ha failed I.i the TUnhKAL np LI 1 1 LL jrap JT THE BO IT OH BRILL , LINIEV'S rWIHJCE MUPENT OBOCtBT SIGN 'PAINTING that Gaul Prince Rupert Feed Co. f-inilainepli'l Irulli vvhieh applies; WAKEFIELD BOY WAS TMrt) Are. Phmae til. A Eo4 pUrs la t r. ik and rlls - Mw III in '(.rlatiIo and animal ami ELL A CBOStETT efcsss ITT. Corner 2nd Ave. and 7th St. hi.man life alike that a rinlil THE ELITE CAFE I HARDWARE iliCt-iry means increased fertility' HED THIS MORNING SerMKt Ave. Kirrral Dvsl tur lite Biomy, 1 HOWE A McMULTT lad Ave. tlnvea. SHEET IWETAL WORKS V I and wrnns feeilin leads to in MprlMndlrrv. ix n u ami I'librnvti I sip-Hies. K- t. 'reasinw slirility. The funeral nf Hnger William ' CIGARS AND TOBACCO IrsrsUlst t Basal Silill ai. ps If a sardener vant more WnfceMeJd, Ihe infant Mm nf Mr. town M'i (It Ttrrace Fruit Lands foliage he feedri'jhe plant wjlh nnejand Mrs. W.iJ, 1 Wakefield. Sevenlh TOKAHAMA TJt TMnl Ave. WeaL IMPORTED GROCERIES tr-nthY Airnus TbaM II f. : ' wanlsfriiitW'sieii Went. look place this K. ,. Il if he ALBERTA riMXl; J,eJAvenne MEAT SUBSET BTIEM A LONOWILL rn B. fMds il quite ditTerenllv. Sinlnesfmnrninp from the H.C. I'nder- DRUGGISTS ri'lk Erel PboM 11 , i 20 Acres,3 Miles from Terrace on Inter's chapel, Hev. Canon ti. A., .' breeder. It tln stnejfeeiler and Good V agon Road. TAILORS LADIES AND OENT8 Good black soil on clay sub-soil. is a difference in fond only wliieli Hix beipif ihe oflleialins.rlerjrjr- j W. I. McCUTCHEOM I LAUNCHES FOR HIRE I- " 4,Acres under plow, 7 acres more lran-,riii. similar erss. one inln''nn. The jienice wa a tnuriiinv SeeMkl Aeoa and SltU SlreeL laaath "HASSaTSOSa." Ptoses Blsak Oo! at. T. LEE - 'luale Peal odU partly cleared; 25 bearing fruit a drone and nnoilier intna (ii-.n npe and many friends r lliei"" i "" " tim ttse.ste Ml lf l lraMSir Mst rrs trees; 2 good wells with lots of bee Ti:rov-.in!r parent rTpremted I heir j . "w - Modern Cleanil water; well made log-house, 18 High Birth Rates deep sympathy. Intermenl witHiH.. - - - by 24 ft., two stories, with addition 16 by 18; log barn, 20 by "Whereas before Ihe war in niiule In Fairiew Omelery in the j Pressing (a 40 feet with cellar beneath, full ev.-ry I'.iimpean country the liiriii Mmsiiis of i'yuna pini size of barn 10 feet deep; Pries I'loriil nlTeriucs News Classified Ads. sirt ftm $2,200 ca.h for quick sale, $2,400 rate fhnwel a sleady fall, yet in were rr'i Daily 3rd Attnut, on terms of half eab, balance 1 Serbia,, liulj-'ririe and Hurnania. from Mr. and Mrs. II. II. lib year at 7 percent. where the hardy peasants still and Mr. W. J. Kidler, Mr. nnd.r 2 CENTS PER WORD IN ADVANCE. No Adrertlaaiment Tkn for ! than flOc KENNEY BROS. & CO. lived on rye bread, dried fruit. Mrs. J. O. Knight, Mr. and Mr. it k ve-?eleb!eij. cheei-e, oil And sour Lawrence, Mr. and Mrs. Lnnjrwill, , Real Estate and Insurance milk, there was a continuous Infill SKrena Uulpe Xn. t5. Kulght nf; WANTED. Hill Itl'.XT N ly fiiriii-h'-'d music. Nirt,: r Sim- Terrace, B.C. iiiiih-rale and no decrease. l'ylliini, Pythian SinlerS. Itiipert T roi.ni in fully nxiilern hniie. w j9 WANTED SeconJ-hand furnt-ture. voi Af. - TitiiMNi; nv i;ap.Mii.i: ilere- in Ihe West Indies, where Temple No. 2. O. fjni Irom, Mr. ii-niiman milt. 1'tn.nr Him II have anything to instruetur. Heiritim.rt the darfor aces live on yams, sweet anl Mrs. Us Webber and C. Lemnnj you 5&. tt ami fnd sell call lied 243. We nay cash. eotirse pupils taken. Ilesulls STEEN8L0SW .potatoes, ca..sava, Indian corn. V. .M. Crniby, 71S Third Avenue FOit flllNT Three.ronm furnish. Bunrnnlii'd. Tern mnilerate. TOM LEE CO. si car, milk, cncnanuls, bananas DANCE LAST NIGHT IN West. If. ed apartinetiL Apply 20rt.2)0 I'r npMiinluieiii phone Illue Shet Melst Wo I anil oranjjes, wilh sail fish, some Ninth A.enne West. tf ati. 8,0 Seml Avenue, West the birth rulo is hish and the HONOR OF VISITOR WAN'flT' Position as cook orj tferlilit irrepressible. walti Apply N. Ill Ml. Louis j FARMS FOR SALE HAIR DRESSING. --""-tlnll VEGETABLES "Owing lo ifltno'-anee and wunl Mn.i r.i.u.u. r t .ii.i .... IIOOIHM, or piinno ueii vi. in Wholesale and Retail of sanitation tli' infant tnnrtalify C. P. ft. FAUM LAM) The rich IMIH DlirjSSIXO. HPI'OIAI, WI.U.P SUl Tec fJeneral Contractors and is hili. but when thai i rejnnved i Hall for Mist Wall. jwANTKIi Plain sewinst. Mrs.j prairies of Alberta, Satkatche treatment. Ma res I waving. Face Pn.i'-e i. Labor Exchange the black population will multiply Mis.. Wall the fr-ne,l ofl ri ahf. 231 Ninth Avo wan and Manitoba are especial iiijinseire. Hair dyeing. Ladies' al a far HiKher rati? than the Imnor last eveniuar at a dance j -rl jI-ss. j ly suited for mixed-'farming. combings made Into switches. Prince Rupert, B.C. white unless Ihe while population Kiven in Ihe lie Luxe Hall. HiTijj,otj,4B.,:,Ll..vN.VO WANTKI) HY Land that will produce hlir Charles LeClaj, S3.1 iixlh Phone 6i7 -P.O. Box 725 nf the v orld learns thai il is corn, heintr nearly eighty present, who,! ,lolr ,,.1V eck np month. Phoiie crops of grain and fodder, and Klreet. Plume Illue .B for home oil and wine, unlndn,' milk and tiUhe slrajn of Arthur's Orehes-i jje(j i well adapted for dairying or app'dnlment. tf SMITH & Hj honey which produce a fertile race Ira, kept tip Ihe priddy whirl until i -r ' 1 ! livestock ralslnp can stilt be ACCOUNTANTS and that meal eat ins spelU in. '4 aiM Hupiier was served a few lIOUrUIKKKPHK WANTl'.D Apply had at prices averaging about M a:n c;-i'aseil sli-rility." ni'milex hi'fore iiiidoikhl In I ho Mrs. Fi tbersloniau(;h. Reeond 118.00 an acre, with twenty i:.vpi:iiif,.m:i:d accountant PLuaieiNO IANO TUNING Hall below. Street. tf years to pay If you wish. Only would take charge of tet of tJfOlgltw P HONO REPAIRS WHIST LEAGUE Ainoii Ihose 10 per -cent down. No further inoks, wholo or part time. r.SIIII'"'"....i tanii HOTO ENLARGEMENTS (Vdoncl and Mrs : MS, fK;1nnA,,?f ww; payment on the principal until W. r.. WlUlstroft. phons Following is the slandins to and Mrs, Orove Mr. and Mrs. -iLi'lJl the end of the fourth year; then Jilack 350. tf Addrct, 3rd Agent for best art enlargements di in for the Dyblinvn Cup; Hooper, Inrei'tnr and Mrs. Pal-lerson; FOR IfcLX Ixlcen annual payments. In. 1 - "I 0f Pe-DDd made in Canada. Negatives not L. , Pis. ' Mr. and Mrs. Dawson, Mr. leresl 0 pef cent. "ee..ts.. ,n Ihn Malls Slews 174 r' necessary, but merely a print in Cup standins: Write to II, O. phont Land condition faded, cracked mid Mrs. Oricvc. Mr. and Mr. FOIl HAM:-For full lols and Louahran, any or KniKhls or j;ol, 12 2 2t Agent. C. p. It. IS PIUIHITK I , rr spotted even I Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Pleen, Mr, harn on Ninth Avenue, neir Station, Vancouver. iv tiik ifhr.MK ii.iht nr jiiuiiH' Phone us and we will call. Hons of Canada .8 5 10 and Mrs. Hrookt hank, Mr. and Mrllride street. Uarn easily LliLl ilsU. j J, Slads Stvvent fit. Andrew"s ... .. 7 Oil Mrs. Cdrmiehael, Mr. and Mrs, converli'd (n0 dwellings. Priee II TIIK .VITTIK nr tHK IflMIVISTIU- Red 291 DANCES Tin.T ACT P.O.Bor TO! Valhalla 7 7 1 fluarl.-Mr. and Mrs. Tanner, Mr. SS.flSf5.oo. Te-rtn. 7fi0 cah Hotel Prince 111 Kniahts Pythias . 6 0 II TIIK l,VTTI:ll lie TIIK' rsTSTK f 12. and Mrs. Mrs. Call.. Mr. Hunter, and balance over two years al 8 KVI-rtV JA rilD.VV '.VBNINO. P IIIHAV MI'IM'Tstt. IITIII HWISK Pons of England 6 0 12 Kvans, Mlssen flnllison, llolhwell, per cen. M, M. Hlrphens. tf till IS- Dance in Mrlnlyre llall ISTI.STITK KSIIVV.1 AS If S(III T ill Inr-S, ntTCOMI. W.CKF .5 0 10 Kewell. Mcl.eod, Carler, Kasnon, AdiiTtuKiiiii: MUSIC FOR DANCES. l. W. V. A 3 0 6 Mcrw, Kuiitlit, FJlier. Hunler. FOIlyBALK Oil LHABIi Job print-ing fleiillemen, S0e; T.Uf MdTICR "uirrin r.lr nf III! ... ill lM I Ladlec, 25c. tf Ilrwuiur I. Mrll. Vminr. mails Ihs Kin dar ARTHUR'S.;,. i:iks 3 io a Mo-fin'n, Nlckerson, Stephens and business and plant. For wf Kebrutry, s. b. I St I, I ) j.pmmed News SHORTHAND aninini.iraisr i ine rlll or lurry; Wall, Messrs, Tinker, Klnjf, Hiihy, particulars apply Dally TYPEWRITING Vp.niisaa, itiiierdTae known o Horry Hares,: There may be something you IJoilby WeaniUMilh, llazelLJnues, office. tf il rasest. aikl ill narllea tirnis rlaim1 A Lt I- Phone 481 Phone 4S1 Inal Uw asm eauie ire hrrcliy requlreil ; want; Bee the clnff)ed column llyne. Ilohcrae, M("irkinda,le, Pllman Mtenographlo Bchoil Ui furiMiii , pruesrlr nfteii, Wi lite. . I OH HAI.K rf r.rtOO mortgage PXeninK classes. Monday, Wrd. nn ir lrore Ilia Kill tfj' n( Nlrch. A. I) ' Wallace, Welford, lluojier, Dnfe, inijiliirii th! ijlx-j'ul Ittl. ouil ill run lis li intercut, iJicount. liix, Maxwell, lliinliT, ptillen, Ap-ply neKday and Friday, 7:30 to 9 enisle srs roi!lri-. In ptv irw ammjnt or News office. llveir' lnSrt)edii. in in. rorinuiin. hot 1 00 Dally Dance Orchestra ID Ut6usiiess Klepliens, McAnley, Johns, Mr, and o'clock. Individual Instruction. inns ii. i-wru.is. ' Rupert Item too much bile left Mrs. W, H. Fisher Mr. ahd Mrs.fKerond.hnnd furniture boiiRhtand No. 10 Srnllh Illock. tf iTf.rj im una ilillil s .it Alnmilsirilnr.i ijfusnf. ivii. , ' - r. Gf15 Four, five or tlx pieces la tht blood by a dertneed W. D, Vanee, Mr, and Mrs. Me. sold. P. 1,1-Clalrn. J'hone Oreen Now ready for engagement! llvar. Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Millan. . 511. tf Phone II. White, Red 182 il Pills set the liver rltht and biliousness and hsidaehij dls- Constable Pehrf-lher nf Ihe clly FOIl HALIvfvpglish baby buggy THEO COLLART, Notary Public . .j icpeir. Ont prfl a dote. fioljcu sn'lid for (tie soulh nn the mid sulky, I'JiiuHj fled 2UI, 50 Ksnlala Inoursnce Chartered 7wf....i 29c. boi. til dtiltrt. Phone CCS 827 2,nd Avenue princess Mary Ibis morning in FOR RENT fPI99AUHTxx-9xl Pr tonDolivereii Dr.Caase; charye of Chow Cbfs, Cliinese, FOR SALE I Backed. S12.BO C. V. EVITT Most Libersl MAItlNE IN5UMANCE on the Co.t who is Koinif to Hie Aw West, Fbn nENT,Thrc rooms and Auctioneer Inur.r)ce Compsny pi North America. Psyt Clsimi promptly ,f JUrteA'' MSi.' ivc mln'tsf asylurn nn lioRa Pinah, balh. MoMnrdle Apartments. Auditor mnd Accountant IV rho is to serve it year al Oku I In Apply McCalfery, (llbbnns A P.O. Boi 66 Wsilbolms Th.alrs Block Phone Blue 69 ruose ti DuiUM ii for theft. loyte, Ltd, Ifi 11 III