FOR : TAXI ILL w Phone 35 i Phone i i w Ijcv Ml 1. PRINCE RUPERT ROYAL Tax! SERVICE Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper Ernie Large No. I PHI SOU III PKHT H tl. HATl Hll.W FF.HHl'AHY 20. 1021. vtf4,r; cifc.utkxi i.tss. to.t t.iM e. PRICE FIVE CENTS r3 t r i in ii if ii u if ii ii ii mm r 1 1 i 11 ii ii ii m w m i ii in ii iiuii ii ii ii ii ii if ii it i in i i.mmuiiu 11 l 111711 r ww wr 11 II " V II fl II II IJ II II II II IJ II. II Ml II II HUH W II II II II II W Ml II Ii II 11 ISA II. W II 11117 II II II M H II W IKK W HW Vv t. fc. W Ml X IIWJI IM ( 11M17 "1 Itn K W P1 II VII II II II I II II If i Ml II 11X11 11 II II II II Ht IIU If II i II A II ITU II v lf IT II -II VI II 11 1 II U II II 111 11711 A II n II II 111 V IV 7 II II II II II rilll 11 117 V III II VI VI II nil fl WARY INVESTORS PROTECTED BY BLUE SKY LAW IN COMPANIES' ACT NOTED PRINCESS AND AUTHOR ARRIVE IN U. S. e Sky Law for Three Killed and One Injured in Snowslide 11 New Companies This Side of Jasper KlJMOXTOX, Krl.rnary 2. Three men were killed nnd one erioiiIy Injured,, in a Mimvlide on the (X X. It forly-Mx. miles ust Set Forth in Detail I lan of vet of Jaler tit .Mount Rsyplfiident utt Thursday nighL The lead are Operator Alfiinier, Fii-emaii Berry of Jasper, mid Huad-inater Operations Willis of McHride. llraketnaci FoHine of JasjH-r wa injured. ,. ii. rjomc thing iippruarliing 11 "hint Tlie rotary miow plow was enl to clear the line afler a slide ... i"t.ii'(l hi Hie new tiuiirtilidatml Comp;.u ie j and a hurled in a ecml liilr 1 ig mi which wa muted yelcnlay by Hon. , uf enow and ice. II L TEN THOUSAND The Miinl at wliiili the .llde !i n Krt In linn)1 iunrortiled companies ; i the (J. T. i. (crura on junl weit iinijf fttHli in detail I ht fact ronreniiiif j of the junction'with the Vaneou-ver IS PAID OUT .i.i.g lull purtirulars i, he jibm of oerelioii- j line, (ieneral SuiierinlemJ.-nt Walton I lie oullil had -ompanic, say, jtne 'i .1 provincial no one may nlfi i ! (o clear IheArack and had ajioul Cspt. Saunders Pays Big Portion ! rh rummte are registered in I In half lliiiliel!lhe work when with. of Assigned Checks Finish out any warning Ihe erond lide , Job by Monday, IT diiy in the Legislature. prnHh-ally Hu "nine down and eem to bae !! .ft t. t.ited In consideration of I lie )iioliilo killed the men instantly. The (Captain K. C. launder wa tin. Tnil l'mptillic.H Art. Uveal her had been mild and this able I.lM ,tarl,i velenlav af. caused the trouble. lernooa on the paying olT of Ihe There waa a lillle delay H the uri,ipne, jry dock ,,ay checks at eaolbuund train from here, while ihe fisheries (llUee a Hie list jthe track wa beiiiit cleared but were not checked oer in time but Local Tomorrow ine wcMiunu uue 10 aiitc nerv ltl( tuormm; a ihm1 rlarl was Shipyard tomorrow night was not'delayed made when SiO.UOO wa ifald out. and up to Ibis inornitiif was run- There yet remain atxnit 20,-nln? Ou the h-n U l'rloi-ei Hibcco, daughter of Jargot Awiulth, of autobiography fame, to eh-dule. according , non In be paid out und the raptaih 25 to 30 Mrn be Employed the Woik: of od Tio arrived In AincrU-a with to at and M-rilf iiiile a well lDOwnwrUer prone pb. , There..Ua Urn ii'i tnmUlt? on ei-B tbi wiUWo-hi--itif . Th st ire th Firtt to'( o On Ship lirr lni;i the new Uouuwnlan Jllnltter. Phe will borilT go ut Vahln-ton. wberehcr the Steena as a result ortne'mlfd liusy utll"Momlayrriie work will Contract Jcb liulMiid will laki' up lii new duties. The other character i iir I'hIHp Uibb, noli-d war epell and .Mr. Walton eay the ,r car-lei on I hir aflernooli. This .i.fM-..iMlni and author, who brlngi a oicaMce of labor uuivnt and worliosiuvn'a dii-oiiH-mi snow is not as bad there aa on the wl cover all I lie assinnnj pay in Miiu la ml. other line. cheeks. Ihe payment of which has ... .i. tiiullv workitip in f-oiiiirrtlon uilll I In been delayed by the government : M, n:tiirtiiHi ul tin two K'trHiiiriil tnvr .eea Ur h01m mniUs. Prince John Will Have ' i in- loi'ul Mt)nn! will Ih- uttirtiNl on MhihIm) - iiftinieiirt tin win k uf talking a nimiilrlr DAYLIGHT SAVING h i- fur il)i(iiiilUinR in Hip nhl. STRUCK BERG Annual Overhaul Here FOR CANADA RAILROADS FROM.MAY IN 1 ::NEW LIQUOR t ri.nii.iiMK M$f of ()t. early rommrnremi'iit .i-niliitMf wliirli nrr now hcirifr lifld u when . MONTftKAL. Feb. SC. U1IT5I7 flP!7l Prince Albert Ready to Leate Co k Thursday ii lli" giirriiiii'iil mid Hit? rrrdilir n Were 2.000 People Aboard. The jtiiudiau railc-ad i ll"LfUULl Ui SjI Matoika Shaft is Instsl Lome is Still Tied I . .i-r f Hip unl. When Princes New ed; will proliulily tipi-rale on Drifted Helplees. Ihe ilaylivlil saving plan j Up at Dock Middle West Wire Co., or Calgary,. I 1 T tirtff w h a.. H - from May I of llii year to AIM W (Villi H I IM I I nil' BOSTON, Fob.. 26. The October 2. ccrorilin? lo an Starts Branch In Prince traneatlanllo liner Princeee j 'I'he new shaft for Ihe Prime Albert will arrive at the looa Rupert. " - 1 m w waa - w A A A "KM aunii:nceiiieiit made by the Matoika with 2,000 paeeengcra jidiipyurd tomorrow anility Thursday that vessel will be ready to Hallway Association. fc AuAINSI YET IN CHINA aboard, bound from Qenoa and j leave Wnllaee's loi al yiinl and resume the run of the Prince Join-j A third litiuur wamhouse for Niplea to this port, struck an i the MjMirl of spird from Prince which will jjo into the dry din k on her return from the lland-! , wreck ltliietl to points outside of the iceberg or submerged m ft w in n ia w m wm III b 1 1 ilIL nl I off Cape Race Thursday night sailing. The Pnioe Joint will undergo annual overhaul, wli'ul province is being established here. ii iiaieiB.iw hmui ki nuiiuBr men a n ii ui Lan t and was rendered helpless will not be very extensive, a -he was completely leiiovalud am. PROTEST AT The new warehouse (a at 7 12 Fra-ser mrm in s-oagut wup ooioirt i through the damaging of the nut in shaiH last -uniincr after her wreck in Skidegale .Narrow- Street and g"es under the-nunc 1 ' People of Canada, I'KKIXU, b. Si. -I.wllnu li tteeerlng gear. and liu inre been Iroul lt outsnle of the usual weur am or the Middle West Wine 9ht Union to Lt i ..liliom mi.l IrvU- hv xtMlem aiM After drifting for seven 1 OIL PERMIT Co., the ht;ad office Of which is at tour of a nilher busy eaon. "lf During War. Ii I In- ..r fil.iini.-ri....i hours the vessel was again 1 2IU Ninth Avenue, 'KaaL Calvary. Itrne till tied at Ihe Hays Creek dock and hu; W pli' Mif nutilorn (Ihllili. a brought under control, TJic tug i up Applicalion for u licence from the .1 l.v(iri'iiiit ri'iuirl hy a i(i(sItnar liuuK'-'l In mot yet lueu overhauled, strain has been down in her oiler REGULATION rily is beintr made alid it is unib;r-sIihhI 31 I, mi., iiiupii. r ruinlne ri-flf teirfc" alMWUlmicn. 'fur inon"tlis sim-e Ihe eesatiou Of the bringing of logs from the new company has al- CLASSIFICATION OF 1. i'iiiii-i.u.n mar- h' llunnii border.' The I Iliirkley Hay after the closing down of the local uvvniill. !ready been licensed by the pro-to.vincial asl I'leolioii lrni.i, with Iheir drli'lomN (r LIQUOR IS RAISED Government Sticking Firm government. M. lruxer- iti - xi-i only ronlrihutlon"., of araln. fodilei Permit System Under man is.(he local manager or the I' WASHINGTON EGGS war. linn. A.'aiid rlolhiiiit, ar nald lo a wumn DOUBLE FIRST cuss NO FISH CARS Mounted Police. concern. . Tho two other1 warehouses al MMHt. r vkilh..anilrtiOii than Uie robbern.. Tin BRING PRICES DOWN ih .iuhI iiov. Iiillrr ilecrihHl u emululinii OT1AWA. Feb. 2 it. The de I'ready established here are those OTTAWA. Fed. ;'tl. -The rail-valma"l ami of Olicr Uesner. First Avenue, 'i FOR TOMORROW tMffteil Hut Hdliin IIihhI in iin- riiiKc' in n . iias v ti n t iIm Canadian Chlneso Eggs All Co East, But pario. .s . . iJnck Miller, Fraser Hreet. These Miny mi. raid at (Ihin-ying. ici-eni I'flntf FreiKlit AsstM'ialion permm. Importations Come From iirui'i lllio uil vrsi.iis in warehouse are required linger f Miiiri- ,iuhl iiiilen from Wei-lotien. slon to raise Hie elainealion ofl, the South. the Mackenzie Itivvr country to C. Prohibition Ael to make the It. ' dnieiit wImth , Iioiimm of the wealthy ,. ., .. , Sixteen West of Winnipeg May piospcct for oil must llrst secure 'ii 11 a wevkly report tr Ihe Kod pass-inp uf Purlin, wt-re" fnvnilel. carried in es (ban cur luud Arrive or. Monday or VIC'i'OUIA. Feb. SO. The drop a permit from uu i.llleer of the through their premises lo the m the rohlHTH went from l can Ilk'. Tuesday. in Ihe price of egjjs here U liny a I Canadian Mounted Police. prohibition commissioner of Ihe ,11'him' lo liniii'. cliui'!" of jirnin He must satisfy them that he is tliouvht to be caused rliielly by provincial government. CONCERT Utere opened up, rhet of clnlliinu MAJOR GRANT WAS All available reii uterulor car the iinporlulion of larue tpiauli. not liable tu become a public I (lii okeii open and I he pour w ere were nsetl yenteiday for lh dia-pati'hinu lies from the stale of Wushinfctoti clariie while in the territory. 1 1 re .! and fel beyond the ulyle KILLED IN AMBUSH eat of Imllbul boucbt and not froui the imiHirtatlon of who are pioteslinK ,CONSTRUCTION WORK even of belter ilnyn. (Uinr eoln ;il'uinst Hie ivKUlalion ny llial Chinesa hail been ORCHESTRA iind kiiiuII iu!i heiiK'd in at the Fish Kxchuiig. in the inwrn. eggs as suggested. ftni much wvta up Most.of the Chinese CKas llrs Kive the niounlles P. G. E.WILL EMPLOY the ulreeU 11 1 ii burlered at nn- lit III.I.N, Feb. 5f0. II is con- lilK and today Huti. ari noun on wore pent east but the Washington latitude. It leaves them open to Hlileruliln illMemiiil f 11 e ller llrincd lluil Major (Irani m. hand ayalllsl loinm-mw Vurrivala charges, o.f favoritism which SEVEN HUNDRED MEN of north in largo Much product lntoret r- .lolUrH. for. like -llielr dl. mamliujr the auihiikhed milllary and apparently theie will Ie none, fouies s'.ould not be allowed ami reacts 4 fop nsl.'Mimentfc ami lends to keep Performance fmVe Maeroom, killed. Hr, on IIHKUlKlieil irololype, I lie lilillievp al wa arrive for it. on Poiii Hot jMiiiee anil uie kov- he loea! low. prices VANCOl VFU F.i-li. mfl. J.dntll. ounoay Night llrien 'I'oaunt'k. Sum Fein iiiciiiIht wast of llohin IIoimIn are nut Impelled hy Vlieie are no 'nr inmenl. purely philanthropic imiuUe. lull nf Pai'Hiimenl for dalwny, wa Pl iliee (iore lull'sitee' report, Ilrijiht. ussjsianl engineer ii Mil' M) Hi li flru will are afler plunder In the mo! iiriosleil ul Ids Inline yestepluy. ed lo have left Winmpevt eouple OFFICIAL RESIGNS rhoums MrCiibliiu und hi n charue of con.-l ruction ni (he Pa. eillc Ureal Ijisli-rn Itailwuy. say-Jim I he Hi'llHUH liaiKporliibte and romerllble of ilay auo are pruhably now in Jin k, of Piii-iiUs are spendiu? a I. in,form. While frankly alinlnu id Ih writer! VJIiud lb itolJier tint vieiuily id I'diooulnn und may F. C. BrOwn Gives up Position on t'w day in Ihe city, haviiiK ar. lin n will start work of on Ihe April line the rotisirurliun '(' 111 V.15.(hi. Hun' hare, I hey shoved make en in'polHP'H' ,eJiufyi, ind arrive by Mondny in Tuesday. Soldier Settlement Board, rived on Thursday night. ! on and Prince 5 .I'll. be I Quesnel wee n 111 H.Jj P.iii.'yniiElliy for thoe weaker than Ihe .brltrund retrenl. The iildleri There were no lll urrivuls to- Iti ' eolleetlon tlieiiiHche.' dil'. at imlicaleil place, and un. ilay. F b. SO. -tend. F. City tllerk II. A. Wood Is In re. Ue.irge. W5 'l) a, .., 'lr of not The xohlier. Intend of rlieek. eitrlh money which ha been IJ.. llrown.. ...ili:.lricl.. ...superintendent n ipt id a teller from William i ilUr iHly n it iofgn, lniHh npcrutioiH of I lio robber, burieil by llie briiiiiuils. Into'Ihe. KILLED BY MOTOR. Of 1 110 olipee iseiiieineni noaro. lieuholm I liankiiiK Ihe rily on lie. ii n"t be uij.' uriMleci ihed a hiivfnct up nlnler- holes in Ihe around I hey put am.' ujt leuder.'d his resi.'uuliou o hr.lf id Mr. I'avi.l II. Hays 'and SUNDAY. A p m . Mclitly HH lundlnn with llirm and eoiiniviiitf muuiliiil) and cover il up. Then YKJTOltlA.' Feb. iff MU'haelftlle Homiuion (iovernnienl at OU -Mlsa II ft y for Ihe courlesy shown Lc lire by Mr. WaLTIR Shaw oat al furnishing them with ainniuul. 1 1 u liiiyaiuls make a coiinler-nltarl. il tl. Ihe jwii tif im run a. Fi l'llon wilh the head il 1101111111; die n air over die ruy Cyanide of Socialism" hockey. nnd the Iroops relri'itt. over HUM ikllieu i a inoior cur own una inn ki stn-i" s ui. hall al half mast for Hie period Fr' dU"mion. All Inter itH t fl p ill'li 0, at Vli-. 1 Ourlad Ammunition lerviuK 1 foruii'i' to recover llio driven hv l)r l. ni st Hall on lei. d to bo the rcustiu for una 1...!..1 1 Mi.. ,lnlh iif'Mr lllivs and In Labor nroblemi flmuld sttvod I "There U llrnt a paiioy," naya burled ammunition." Uorve Moad. aciion. jhi Injcrnxnt at Lo Angeles, .WM i