it tite , qailv ..SEVS PAOE TWO llfEDrivinMTiTC AT The Daily News- ULilUjUlUXliLiU ni PIUNlM ifUf'RUT - BRITISH COM'MRIA Published Brcty Af'eronon. except Sunday. ly The New. BOOTH SCHOOL Printing wirt Publishing Oomneny, Talfd Avenue. II. F.'1'UI.LRN. Managing IWitnr. Nesrlr Tour Hundred Psepls Were In attendance Pre-ssatiUoni SUBSCRIPTION RATES! Mad. City Delivery, by mail or carrier, per month tl.eft By mail to alt parti or the nrlltsh Empire and we umien niaiea, Thi-re wa a !' attendance in advance, per year - - 8CfiO al Ihe frmai : ' ' To all other eounlries. in adrfcnce. Pr yew 57.M !eeeant William I f l tehooL Hags Gove Ureie, yesterday af. TELEPHONE 08 I'-fB.H.ii aa4l If is estimated (Jhet Mt In 106 Beoplr vr pres. Transient IMfplai Advertising. . par Itteh eoeh mtoftltf. The vnrious class room Transient Advertising an Pronl Page per inch W Ve oiiriKi Tor inspection lioenl Readers, per insert v Pr IHie Ihe visitors passed from one to Classified Advertising, per Insertion 2 per worfl ih- other. Many expressions of Legal Notice, earn insertion 16c per agate IfrJse plaawre were mad' at tie as-eenVnee Co fit met Rales on pplieetton. of aapoiatntents m toe All advertising should be in The Daily New Offtc on df preceding inr seboM aad the irand wae publication. All advertising reeaJred subject to apayaftaL thai was being carried en there. At recess, the pupils ea I he red in Ihe auditorium and sang "O DAILY EDITION -agggfrn Thursday. October . 121 .:.!nada" as .aa opening to the formal cerefnonicm fr. W. T. Kerain. chairman of the Seemt Too "Much Like " . rd. was in chanre and Pasting the Buck. It seems ratrter much like passing the buck for Seattle to -nted the fkwrnor send her unemployed on to HrrtisH Columbia. There is nothing iiedar-to Read Mclennan as well like being neighborly. We appreciate the American people and as eatraaee eertifteates to Mar like to have them here, but not unemplm.d indigent al a time in J. Anderson, Hilda Itoale. of "rich, kindly and (tedrge O. Orecbu. Dorothy like this. We like the compliment being hospitable." but oar wealth wodtd not lastion should we attempt iinsn. Urn I. Parker, Alleen Alice W. PWebury. In feed the unemployed of the state of Washington. .:. Hyphens. K. ?Msia, paid tl Johnoon. Th, i a time when we have t work out ir own salvation. Frances Craaa, Oeorge P. Rdaar, We are makiifg an honest effort through eir Provincial Government to care for Ut people who are ojt of work and ott of fund. tletge asea. Bliaabaih Orava :iin Jnhaaoa, Ham Jay. AnRsu There is a little sum of two million dollar to tw spent in finding Letaes. Mac i. McMuMrn, Alex work for them, but beyond that we eannot go. even to prove our MitcnelL Natan MoareboHss, neighbor!!), vnaie Marrtaon, IlsehaamMl Mar. Bxxy umer. Wadeia MassaNem, MWl Doc He Mean Higher rent Osborne. Rita eherk, Nar-Maa Tariff or Not? P. Wilson, Hatvdd Rati. Premier Metrben at find came out in favor of higher tariff Btiaabeth V. Caw. ieter T. I Hack, and the urgency i getting the opinion of the people on the matter -ie. Chester H. C)aps: Martta ws mi great that he cooht not wait a few week for the cni Raton Kara. Hord R. RibbariL returns, even though he bad already waited year. Now he issues Jaeoawea, Hubert C. MlDsa-iVd. to the condensed r(iOrt received manifesto which, according M. mean itatmore. Ttsstma here, doe not mention higher tariff hot simply speaks against 4: L. Kmitb, JsMsa W. SiilaaHatnl. lower tariff. )Ie My Ibe light is againat free trade. foa C Bteveaa, David A. Tlte. Roth Liberate and Oerarite- admit that tan tin are aeoMry lobs Waits, Bvood Br-BUptieiis. at the preeent time S a fneaae of raUjilg revenue. The great war nMl L. MeLemsaa. flladys K. drove the emiotry bile twipe expenditure aqd the fixed ehargeti ticboisoa and RaseeN J. IMfar. amount to as hnAe mm, all of wfeiefc Ka to be paid by the The gatbertava cbjeed with the people through mtg method of taxation. We all feel that the -.ina-ia of 'leisi 8av the KlBir."l VIRGINIA CIG-AMETTES lksit ha bew"raehed in income tax and iando are alreadS Hr. K. V. Ling and J. C. Mc-"naan. taxed by the prawieelal and city governments air they will tand. members of the Reboot All we htre toft a mean M raiding revenue i Ihe rutorn. Momrd. were also presrnt. tariff, and it i already high enough. To put it higher m-;ui in ihe bandy ' ; draining the people to the limit and making them migrate t the SOLOIST LAST NIGHT United Stale, where the eoet of liviag would he cheaper. While (here may be XMfia revision of the tarMf nceeaaarv. an inrreaae AT THE WESTHOLME package of would not te deairalNe at the present ume or proaaMy at any lime. Tariff fur revenue is the Liberal proposal and not tariff for protec tion purpoe. Why should we build up the east at Ibe expense nlss Pulltn Sang In Interval Be iwemy-nvG of the west? f tmssn First and Sscond Shows. Ciai'GiiGS for Tbere was not a vacant seal In Good Price for ' Ibe WestbohMe Theatre let! Bond of Province." v itch! to se the picture "The In spife of (be ravage of the P. ft, R-, Rritisb Qotembia boaxls Vol Hers" featuring William are still selling watt. Yesterday's despatrbes Wild of the marketing . araum. The story was a very of two million doHar" worth at a price very close to par, yvhw-h nti-reslhur on and it was well will eost the province about six and a third per cent. These are itelitred. II will be repealed to. repayable in Canada sad the interest is also payable in this uaiit. "country, to that there are no exchange costs to be added- Mis Dorritt fallen of Vic The money market, although often controlled to om asteirt f ria sanfr several soaps between by outside.ifiQujpnee, i poiMy the best criterion of the financial .tic first and second shows, she i s. rn- a T conuiiton 01 iue provinef. opeaKmg generauy. me ansie are eon-dueled has a very good seprane voice on business tines. There may be some criticisms of ind stsMs well. She was aeeord. nd ministration, jnst as nay private Inisinese mi girt be also open to ed goad raee4ion, bsratt re. criticism, bvt in a general way the affair of the prrvinee haet lld a aeeond time. As this heen ennductet en sound nrtfMtpie. The P. u. K. was wished on was her fltst appMtranee on a Ray and our first parriM. Hint ht drram. aixxit 11 W to the Government and they ,hd to do something with iL No in-airV etaee she showed slfrns that Adam and Kve knew ih"x hatr been mafHed only ti-.ri government at the lime of the last election or before during the f aervonsness whteb wW te were naked. 'nw. g.-meMnV.. be tsrs tie life of the Oliver administration would have dared to withdraw ivercome by practice and expert in..-n in in- )'! and Strand Caj . . . . , ... ... . ... . from the deaL It will be ( he UDflU II j L .1 probably seen nrofltaMe to wit-h 1 inw. wssssu pe '"WT in'iim ' w 111 ni'i- n- inrinina rimr the liue to Ashemt to save the dead haul to 8ftiamish, hut otherwise dVesses sxmA down 4be back if iin'vt' H kren nte busy n-it Ihe P. fl." F is bouml U be operated, if only for the Iwufit of men dand onJ tierlioe U- ti .11- dny siiifbin up the tears What Under New M.: (' the new country in the Peace River district The Man in the Moon or ai m tasieamc- a s nsem..a snau 1 ss Yuur 1 e uu.1.0 loinr 1 little friend. Third Avenue WhoVVould Have SAYS SINOI.HU while we dance is ' MAIK1R. Nothing but Qunthlne? the latent lb Iae in wallsea. Of Ans Tell his bMs, my leva. 'DEST OF EVERYTHING IN THI "Oome where the siinlhine leckoaaM exlntrta the publicity HON. 8. F. Tolmie is not on a I course smetbiaf bad to be done It will show bw earneat be is ti ai rnoa-- enthusisst of California, who is trying to colon iae the southland polHlcal mission but be comes to mi mis oaaama; erase. at bis work. Maybe be will aet r none: w with retired Britishers of Victoria. "We have nothing but sunshine at a poetical time. his pay raised. and blue skie.M s s When Imvid said "all men aref That sounds pretty good, hut Ilntish Columbia ran do batter A WOMAN sfiould U an Meal liars" b must have bevu ihiak-ias than that Here we, too, have sunshine, practically all the year undertaker beeauae she Is Roa of the bian who said h Uk. Ten Years Ago round. And, for good maawre, we are able ui throw in pretty ! laying out tke inefu ed to stay at home and aetp bis In Prince Hupert zephyrs, and glistening genu of rain, ami pearly flake of snow, ' wile clean bouse. K1 SAVOYJHiOTS and a bfmjrn sky that carries nil the tints of the rainbow, in a day, also thwutd itrao-8HB a frued 'n everything. member of Parliament Itecaase Octcbse , 1911. be u gond at layiag down Jbe Aunt Jemima's City Engineer Iaia aixt Ahl Hllditefa have retunped from 1 s1nJ"1 Uw. i Helpful Hints isit to Ibe Woodworlh Lake Under New Dr. JOS. MAGUIRE HPK8D i all rkrbt Ut( a fast water and power site. AM. Kerr Comfortabie aU-m at med.rsts' ' rtttt is min out on tiinUy. The y-unif man or woman may be Sssl lnnai mill ihw sac cold tsr la ain '"unled dut Hdit at III begtu-"init sss4 la br rassse ! Tb psilf Hews. contracts lr the work will Hot and I ZiV4JmJi.f iXT-Si of the raae. let sborUy. MRS. A. B. riSHCH, M.nsasrsss Urto You are mietaken, my Prices remain tli- am. dear. My reci was for a may- A smoker Is to be held in !! Visit his OrTIc rtooms 7 and 8 Smith IT is only of recent years that onalaaa n.l fa a 'Uill " Enmress Theatre toniatu in hnu. Block women have token to raisin? or phons for an appolntmsnt. (Zt talcum powder u not-mKlor of the officers and crew of the i-liickens in (he cities. ... . I.. at. Phone 675 1 1 well with but cakes. iiainoow. which is in port. Toe hand Mardsra, .furfj. Ofllce hours: 0-12, t to 0 and 7 to 9 morrow nlabt tkera will l. a .2SThlrd.anu.WMt JJi A HFKNT visitor lo Vancouver venings. Sirs. Wiakletlo La. la. bowJ reception and ilanee In tUe Kalen Sunday Appointni.ntH Lady Assistant ui his return staled that I 1 1 . tav ia. 1 lie only difference between the uiu ym know luesduy was my lalirrs tic saw alonir F.njflish birthday Yes, indeed, we had M.rnc ui avrrainb(mTfiiH nr a lovely time at ear lnn Jh.- '"lerlsinment of the visitors presents included a i-.ikcrew. ''oinprises Aid. W. I). Clayton, A. PHILPOTT, EVITT S CO. SUITCASES a corsti ciiver, 0 rarip- ..r hom.-'j Morris, Oeurgs l. Tlte, I. IU Sutherland brew, a bin 1 us, 0 corncoli pipe . H-ns4n, Major'tiebrge K. Oibsop, Dr. Next Post Office, prince Rupert, D.C. Phone &18 Trunks and a saft-ty rasor I 1 1 red Utork. F. . liswwon. J. s Kirkpatrick, II. lllrch, 8. I. Me-Mitrdie, STEEL WIREROPES. I Oartle f the young man has Ueorgs Leek and J. It MANILLA ROPES. CLUB BAGS slopped i-.illing since your la Pillsbury. MOUNTAIN PARX STEAM AND FURNACE COAL Large Stock On hand quit making home brew, you s s DENTISTRYinall'5 brf should r.,iVw Iiihi. Mis ff..,i City Kolieilnr Pi ti-rs left this The only house in Northern B.C. to select from. ... li carrying Jarge lion was aiitarenlly nut mh ,1 ,. nii.riiuia' on tin- I'nnee Huper! stocks o above. Ask for Quotations. J. F. MAGUIRE . - jf-T Xu-toi'ia whin: be will pre- Exchany. Block 5uu..BUckS1 ler Aunt Jemima: Wy hus- pare a hilt to ratify lbs nrsnd em . INSURANCE of All Klndi N-t For Appointn AUCTIONEERS tbs pri. Hupsri I"l hand I'u'lflc W'irks in a lor- "f llu- Iriink iickHiii(.ii nrr town a 1 1-1 t ti 1 11k n so nan li t til-jiiwnl.