OCT; For Prompt e,EP'f,i . Ight Service TAXI Service Phoni PRINCE RUPERT Urnoaalnrt ted 7 ftiungcr e580 Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper Touring Cirs ! S- IMtlNCK IlliPKIlT. H. (I, THOHhiMY. OCTOHKIt 0. lV2t. futtrtif'i OtrtalMtm 1tt ttrttt tatM S1t 1I 1A J. I " U JL ' liJ L I anace vvctnt iu ixciam ompyara GRESSIVE P OLITICAL PARTY OPENS CAMPAIGN AT BRANDON r , YANKEES WIN I SCOUTS WILL ACCOMPANY ANTARCTIC tJlfLUKt Crerar Challenges rwvM m aw ' ! m m m m m a en n a- rm t- SECOND GAME Premier Meighen f v s-i v a r at.a taw mM m saw i rtepsaled Yetttrday'a , Perform-i rOwa DlMlWAtfl ance Today 3 to and 0. Won by re. Campaign Funds 'ATTENDANCE RECORD . r ,.f the l ill olitpyarit. slated (hi WAS MADE YESTERDAY HIIANDON, OrL 0. Hon. T. A. Crerar, leader of the Farmer .hmmi lo remain nere ana wora up Iarl) in the lominion. opened his campaign before two crowded d'l repairing and general engineering NIAV YHK. isrl. 6.--The Ne meetiiigi here Ial niglil. He said the National Progressive movement tmvf n.j.lfl " Ui. in.idiaii National Ynrk Ynkni repealed yrster wsi no longer a rlan movement bill had gained the support 'i nrr i:tpred In do any kind of work day's performance today wh-1 of all rlae. It would give sane government divorced from class I I,.- offer Iney made ha been aohrorwl h were awnta victorious. li legislation or interest. imd ikj intimation a to Whether they (ratine- tax (Hants In firs" I Mr. Urerar staid lie caw the shadow of big business behind ken. 4 Ram of tti Wurld Brt- by Premier Meighen and i hailenged him to di.eloe the source of l.ianrtoe - ri- of 9 to 9. In funds. .iniK and ItryiiiM k Oouimiiy is rampaigii -if and Knitlli r -tfii-r t-d tli- Ihe I Tom-lung briefly on Premier Meighen's proposal for a grain Nationals And ikaliory 1tr ttif . - pool, the said it would be from first speaker a political pool loIast. rnvt i.nd frktl for I hi' A liter-lan. rhaul 1 The Yankr- mad' thrr. v firm jkil anil ItM Ulant iw tml Itic ;0WNERSH1pTs ! In FLOODING OF firms. COW BAY lallar f anaMi Hm la nukr UN elreMM Mn one-. Th Na-lI'Kialii ' ataoV Ihrrf frrnn Tlx SUBJECT FOR STEAMER IS '.ntef CROSSING Yankrra Mta4r one run in th-f.ntt mmi ihr ! m tit- i i !'ir. ROTARY CLUB A MYSTERY idr Provincial Ootornmant Will I Kr Utaiiln liad j.fifii -t their Work Undtr Way xiullipaw tef f' r tnjnv h k -llo CJr uwtl aSaa.ac a aaa aia choaaa ydia. ou c mi .10 wa men with IMtkr Artlmr Nrhf In Ul" hoard Laa Qaaat. mta arui o wob hua oa aU taai ;r.p tt oalar , In Immodiataly. Uada. Rtv. G. C. Haektr G!vct Interesting Nothing to Indicate How Canad tioi In tt fray wHh tttr Ahw- :..'i Utf Tho frovlnclal OoTrn-mnt ! k-d 4irM laimn Tlry Address at Luncheon Ian Importer Cams Nsar "iaMm la to atari at onca on alM hW In rrrr Ih M Hrti at Today. . - 'FonMtrlmi'off Coast, as tha work of hutting In tha 'hnov"f'rVd lfn'K' f.r'flani Unemployment Relief to be !! croaatng at Cow Bay tbolr pantM If nrn-wary wherlii" vrsts thr subject VICTORIA. Oct. 6 The eauoe following ptrmlaalon having lift ikrr m4 Moyt Similar to Last Winter in r I he imMt-- h llr. il. ii. f thr floodinv of the eptripe IK bn ran lad rocantly by tha .IMmoy n rrrr. Ilaefcer to thr Rotary tfub to- room of Ihr Sj. Canadian lw- Board of Railway Commit Smaarod Ooom Cgga lay, .tiler rrfrrrina- Ihr fine porter, which nearly Caused the alonara. J. P. Sultla, angU The yttmH. Wnttr Hft. 'Methods Financing Work wirk door by I be Vancouver club ship lo founder. 600 mllea Off nr, will arrlvo tonight from ranir ovpt Ironi hi kiawn in ronnreiinii wMn the tuawretihir he OreiroH coast, ainl remains Quick to tttrt the turvayt. 'ir.H.kln and lnward law Iniie. irrtmc instances of the a myntery. The vessel was tx-beneftls Tha work will b undtr way f.ianta with Ma truoM- whU OTTAWA. IM. . The (ioeniment' proposal f(r uneni-d)Miel It had been to the pro- amlned on Hie drydoek at Knqui-vmce. A. W Woods Putt at toon at pottlbla. It will (' ak- vri.-d iff Ike flnMl relief ilunug the .roniiiiK.w uit4)r inrlnde an uller to bear the speaker dilated at malt and was found absolutely Sff llkaly ha dona on tho contract lUl tH MWtrf uf tlM a i)iaj-Q f Uie i .t ol moiait ipal wrk above tile normal cost, otne lenjrlh on Ihe subjevt he intact. The hull was staunch Rotary batlt. iw. N hy a worr of 3 to ravn1ed.aii eii'ial har Af the rxce r borne by the-provincial had chosen. He said al present nl the sea valve were in per-we Cluk, a T1m la twmlni of the Yan-,ltw ' ' ' ware work in jr under the llo fret workin order, again a fnturr. Ikdi awl mMnnl guvnrnmciits. . man system of ownership which . . . . 'Mir Iki REAR-END COLLISION Fe.leAl flovcntment Mrl eMttir hona In tho . Where work aBUtioHbe provided, the was lo keep Die oiner ersii ' rlb- IN LONG TUNNEL IN rtaiith hffw In aonlhrd irar wilt continue lo bear oHe'-Uitrd of the cot of nHiukipal celief, the out. Theorellaally our syslem lirrr. a a -. . IL. u.naun ltd was iiagan. btfet r were often otlwr lwo-thir.1- to be borne etyiialtjr by the muHteival a jro- V V I- lhl FRANCE LAST NIGHT,.".! Ihf tiUnla. Hir Hulk, who Ix&ttr Loan the syclem. wt governmeuta. I had hwn mod in Itiri of M viiM Mr. Haoker kohl of the tune TO RUN STILL Hon. liideoii IlHlort04i, miiinler of labor, in issuing tlrt It.- anl famine in when there I'AHti rt. i Many four anrwnranrca at Hir plain. was a ' liii'lil-i wrr kllM in tki rmrnln ,,(mfS( nr euhl d ni.thin statement. iinamployment relief mut eouiinue lo oe d India. There was 4enly of food I . - ! mm!. Waa-r "f a rr wd rdlikn niorr hu inaXm kwr run- whrn nniUK iuil irpoiiribdily primarily and ecoudly provinriai. ii lite eountry bat ther was Saturdsy "Jtt It Not to Ba Tak of two auburlmn trnlna In half nr ..aj an.1 thud in the with whioh to buy IU an Off Service at Was Pre- ' t - : njr no. mik luni'rl iendmf iu W. Iiain ffll Nrhf iHch.d a rtiere was a ca where Ihe y- vlously Announced. ' tinUa- tniion fr.nn whirh fiv lHiira ,M amnw l.r the lin( nut h LABOR HAS WAR VETERANS m of owner hif was bad. ' I. larrr laKi'ii. iB..-niy-u. ...r irtMl rrH" IM lr Kjunn mnm In this country Hie natives The steamer Prince George is i laier Mi'.' .-ri"i"l iniiii-il ami 53 Friach a In the right madr a Were of Ibe laud and not u. be taken off the service ' ! lMiy llKhll 1 Hi" llljurd lTr rr-roviTi'd. hot in thr National denre BIG VICTORY MAKE CHARGES bey paid no taxe but they werejthi week by Ihe (irand Trunk "iil bi. through which In Ameriean able to keep oi Iters off. Ihe,Pacific loasl tiieauishfp ervice It. himJ I'HIS a I.i.l r Tin laicuera puanmJ over I lie win-uImt Jews were not absolute owners iM wax anaoonerd last Saturday, utive .L.ilU Ut In lh tlMMU'l Ui'alT ruhv. Wins by Majority of 4,000 In Inhuman Treatment or Disabled of the land. Hveu our bwdij da heen deeMe.1 to keep the irnw oUniU at rpnlwn. I Ycalardav'a Game. Watt Houohton Division of Scldltrt Sent to Vancouver. wr did not own, the speaker said. Kr -el nu the Vaneouvar-I'rinca .!'..,. ,.( Il u-a. rrl Mv Willi f Lancashire. Tho body hi4 ! be treated prop- ftupert-iewart service until ATTACKED. hi maalerfuj oahibnioii- in thr VliM'uRIA. ih-l tt. Thr lirvat rly. oisr extiuctKin was the priaa further nntieo acoordhiic ta an Im.x who wna Urnrly rr-jwimiWe I.iiNImiN. o. t. 0. The hy- War Yrlerana' lo'.inub passed a paid. aiHiimncewent wade this inorn-iiiK ,t I try f..r tha YankM-' vn-t..r y-ter elei-llon ill Hi e lltttiabtoil rexidution irqu. the loiniH- Industrial Ufa. from VaHeouver. leavlinf at -My iUy. Ma lad ol upirt and division of I.n.irahira Kive ion liovernmeiit to tnvosliiraia lYirntuz lo industrial wner- ' o'eloek the same evenlnir for 3 '' Tlio :l- tle4dtn hrlimd limi wn of majoiiy of ti "u to It. J. Davis, ihe inedl.'al deimrttiient uf the snip. Mr, Hacker advocated soma Stewart and leavins fwr Vancou-syslMti ' lanhful l he bal. PfflMy work with tl the UIxt ranil 'Uie. , .iiliileta' iimI re-etablilimnt of jint ownership. Hajx,.r an the return south at in Id. " hi. lirk and ehnn runnum Hi lirtti-.li i: luiiiliia. LdiarKas objected to the man who pre-Light n Sunday niUls. liaiM alan contributed lam. ly IRISH POLICE FIRE Hvre matle ai me iim'iisiK "I in landed to do a day s work and '" lB t disabled did oi. Therr were nUo sius ir In- IMH the Yanka I lie ju"l' human treatment I' rer Soldiers on the isart of amidoyers hut SHIP TO SLIDE or- i.r.i all ...' Vuih rii, AND BREAK WINDOWS Virion '"'' " 'be i 1 .- llayi'd fur world ba'hall liun-..... Civil Re.e-ttablmtinient doetors when they ind toaether they often , - ui n, liniu. Until ma.lc i" hmite at Vancouver fr examlnatiiMi. fauud aaoh was bailer than had. ft mr-tl nm Imt lie dd !""' Invtstlgatlon Ordertd Into Alls-gatlona The Victoria ortianiiatlun went been axpeetrd. If employers and' TODAY AT FOUR ' W'Hilil hi I tin a. He a fann.-d tic. of Assault at on reeord as opposed to Ihe ej. oniployeea would emphale their i.v Iiouvla Who Mt the Dumnaway. forts of the proMiii-ia! oommaiul agreements ItvMead of their dis- ... lh. Miuhili itiiiiim when Karl to inlluence the brauelict against uKreemenl Ihey would get on Mrs. H. E. Tramaynt to Sponsor Kmiili. pinch hitter, went to bat GOIIK. l'l. o. -MleRiug tliai the iirini-iile uf amalframalion Ilia-ether better. Ha thouvht it ine Canadian Britisher Thla KILLED cor htm. Ilarnea ntltihed the a shot was fired at lliean fnmi with oilier v'l'iiin hodies. was a duty of oritaitisnd labor to Afternoon. uiiiili tnniiit for the (lianla. a iainfr aulo, ihe lattice at sea that every man did a fair Attendance Record. Itumnaway f ir.nl many shota m day's wrk. M;s. Treniayue will sponsor HN L AT T C The ofrielal ntlemlaiioa Ur-iiv town hreakiiiK wiiuIowb. Auxiliary JOHN REID The cure for ownership I lha Canadian Hritisher when she . . . , it aaid to have - was 30.3 and the tft m- forces are entered more ownership. tieriarau .r. nlklea from lha slocks into the i..i were ll3.l3 Thtt nun. Uotisei. and assaulted youna ilaeker. He I.M.ked to partial water this afternoon promptly - '"-urn nr a..i.t titulea a tww record, i The nteu. NOMINATED ownership as one of the meant at four o'clock. There will be a7. Nr An Invesliuai ion has bwvi ordered. of aidm? in industrial disagree little cvremony and ivolliliiii un -'mp iwn rlubt, 134.3 1" ,d lh Nu ments. Ttii was our own eoun. usual in eouiu'cltim with Ihe ii.mal I j.iiiinlaatotl. Wat Chosen by Llbsrala of New try. The patriotic poet said, event. It will be very similar to mi-ittl I Vltliimsli Ihiutfla ' tdanied RE-ELECTED 1"0THE Wettmlnatir on,Third Ballot. "This is my own my native the launchfoK of tha Canadian 1 . i... .trunk laud." Our country wa lttitHttr Bcottitb. Hit t.ii- i.tMiitu lite .uiiii " Tha Ilr llh bar IM. NATIONS .1 lulj. Imiwrialiali drilgiu la I'aMlnw ,ul alt men lo Mtt LEAGUEJOF NKW WMKTMINSTKIt. thd. 0 site and in wealth. We grew '"MloM, lha Xmnui! r.mv.nuon to I'aiia-Ua Ttie wore by iniiiim: -..hu Heid was. nomlunled by the fineal wheat, raised the fin to make Canada so attraniKe li ul lni ii ral Whan rrum a U mr.rm Haracrl of riit.HamiMil, Yanteo 0 o o 1 ii " " (IliNHVA, th-i. 0.-Jur uuu. the I.MieraU as candkjal fr this, est appl"S had the ionicest railways that every man who i-ame litre Kv.atna UrHUh OwnmlwIaiMr la I'aWatiac, Uiant- ooo " " " iieesaannnt iwemhar of tha (Vmmi sMin. n the feftewnt lef.thttv, and Wi re larger and hel would wish to stay and msk. bis i nt juat th mhiarllr la tha eaa(Ta ! 11.-X Hl-oiv nl of the l.eMftU nl Xaltouv I!,. . mi,. ..f t..,i..h Martin. K.C. ler llian oihi-i ..iiiitrie-. in many home am-'i V us. takJ tela, (ar ant dWmllaa ''tmn. Itaa aufftalMitlir afaUwt Arab, aar II II i:tuna. IIvIkhh" Hmit mid iMiti iwa- i - Ij.-i.'i.' ih. e-inveut inn. other r. (' The in'"! nly Pli'Sldriii Ilhlo Wi- " I'.'' 'i oner, ( h Um. tha nff..iii' a.fcvi 1 Wefe !' ' I' ' l' 'l by I tie t-is.lul.lv al. . 'I lleid "ii tile ItiUd as w.'ll a tii.- J.-tit of Hi un- rttau ou'l V F Willi.i" -1 k kltftur Uva a(.haw.PrltW.au InMwMaMata JlMl-n lamai Tn . itiiauU u 3 yea l it day. ballot try was ours. It was" up to us briefly