T1IK DAILY NEWS PAOB BIX DELAY IN RECEIVING Popular nnd Reliable MCUf VflRK HAQ nun i uitiv iiiu G. H. ARNOLD, Notary Public LISTS OF OFFICERS AND ELECTION DATE ! AN ELECTION Westholme Four room, fully modern. Slith Avenue F-nsl $3200 :: Four rooms. Fifth Avnur Vm1 2300 OTTAWA, i h'l. . fir Jam.- Five rootne. fully modern, double corner. Horde n Street 3400 "Ugheed, aelinsr prcini. r. lnt- -that Will Choose Mayor on Saturday Two-apartment house, four rooms eneli, fully tntnlerii, mailr it From Sli Oandldatta. late ieislo)meiii onigm, 1 Pummft Avenue 3500 possible fht the dute "f ele. hursday Term ran be arranged on any of these. lion t, not derided until Ike rn.l i nkw ,tnh. n wtten No trouble lo sltow them. of the week. But for the OVIat j lather Ki'k'ilMer to ike H. C. HELGERSON, LTD. Tirtim ronttlete I l of r. ji-.-ll At the Atf Ptrrllon on Insurance Rentals Real Estate turning of fleer from dtf- HatunU, he wiR lmpr an ppMr- fn.Mit provinrea the -i,- uld .il.rft I VU Tlir'nt leant .it William iMive been anmmnreu I i.r-duy. isnl"it 1 '"rAyif, thouiih one lOc CIGAR f it. im i. in t . It sndldnlM I Hill.M ratie. Mnytir Jotm BORDEN WILL NOT BE llylan Egg coai Weston's es? coai ELECTION CANDIDATE Mime 1904 II.Rci Curtail uWk aii-Conlitin v Hniry FARNUM a. Guaranteed Coal a. ... OWING TO ILL HEALTH SPENDING BIG SUM TO ftWaltal Jaeob I'anken. tie K. Prohibition -iif.- UHmJ. Speciality A.berta standard apeaalily TOllnM'o. ti. Mr Hubert HEAD OFF UNEMPLOYED Firinrr-Lnbor- Jen.use d 630 - - PHONE - - 630 Borden aiiiioiiti.'. In- will ""t b- Hunt YAXCurvKH. oet. 5. Keen Workers' l.rairtie, Ulannanun a ran.li.lnt.- at in.- fi.rthrominaj Uuaranleed Coal means, if ours is nit as good as we say, wo election. The -' II.1 1 n of hi away from Vaneouxer unle yon tl Itenjainin mmIow. 66 will remove if and nut rliarg' fur what you hate used. health iMe.itale retirement want to either tare or wnrfe Otll.esr, a f.-rno r aeitintyiiia". Egg, $13.50 Delivered Lump, $14.50 from public life. on the rtickpil.' " Al: ".Volll-ina rm t tried "t rrimtnnl annrvhy, la The Absolutely No Clinkers and No Soot. 4"in in H. ' for Jontens ervtnjl a term at Htn Mn JOHN STOREY DEAD. uitleos tney nave lived there stx privn- Sydney, (art. 6 John Worcy saosillis peeeedtwa nBplMllsi fnr Preliiitmery kirnilahea Indl- vebo In 193 been no- Premier of pnbrie- sit." Thee are mm ale thai the main bottle will be f the stalesstefiN now neinar le. b-lweeii Mayor Mytnn, candidate Scuttlers" PRINCE RUPERT TIDES .New South Wales. Is dead. I a uied Pnvirte bMnleaat over for rc-elerlin, nnd Henry Tne National lnl.eruieiii ellles. Pne aannrripalttyv Van. H. f.urren, I're.ideal f (he lhr. Thusday. October 0 It tea pa ay fiahine whoonrr e4uver nn vntej It.iNM fnr nun on?h "f Manhatlna. wtso wm tne High - 5:l a.m., 188 feet. Hceadia arrtvrti in h yeter- Hetty in thn nratrie. bending off Hilrttrd four-ew nered primary 16:3W p.m.. IV.H fret. day afternMn with 5S,nnu p..undi an esneeied ieWe borne. Casn-nilHeea race for tne nwmmalluii by Parannunt Low t0:?t a.ra, 7.0 feet. of kalieul whieh nhe unloaded am hnav on ntnns to plurarlty of nioee than SO.OWO Migazine Hall aal i 23:17 p.m., k.t feel. last night at the Kinelair Kiher. keen nvray aneanpenyed stmngers, vote. Fridny. October 7. lea uiant for ubipsnent Kat l'ln srhlle 4ner-eniniiii.'- nee oney Seeks Re-election. lligte S:tl I7.C foH. i n tlane Mn provMins work and a.m, Cape p-nr-r arrived thi morn. Mayor Rylan m re-election 365 Days a Year I 17:31 sv.m, 18& feet. in- with tOOfl pounds which ha peltef for renwtent unemployen. on Ike around ibat tee baa mauV I Low ll:t a.m. 8J feet. not yet been soM. Kvery snelkMid U netug annul nod In hie (our years' term a and over 30(i of those days V erne op e, Saturday. October 8. In 'sear off prairie men Tney chief eaertilite, that He ho been We devote to I ho baking of H Ifrh A:IS a.an., 16.7 feci. The fire department wa rail will be rernVed aid. and draatse I he friend of the people; baa J THEO COLLART.LTD.. GOOD BREAD I3..1t p m, 17 feet. ed out at i o'eloek tln after. Jail eenteaMse will be meted msi fnoakl "Mp Inlere.l.'- and kept Low ajm., P.6 feet, j noon a Ike On era! llofdial t vajrrani". It i atinonnced. Tne tne Imrtn fate eMvn tu ftse roa saik - mm i m Trytnsr every day lo pel lff:tt vm- 10.2 fc-eL , where flame and smoke from a eity iu nut eon. . 'n.-.l anoul un cent. fl-l nun it a little better and a little Sumtay, OehySer 0. defeetive oil iov,. in tiie I l oratory eni.i.yed in the trvmce. knit i Mr. Curran, who tens been Hi SeMl MmI f,MI t i H Sew I belter. High 7:58 a.an, IS.4 feet. enueed ansne alarm, there devoting attenti Ki l.-ly lo tne tee city office for ten yearn, ha rwrti mw nniimii nuin iea Pliyl - Not strange If you Me 19:17 ICS fert. was eriMss 4aiftae p.m.. prairie. not yet WTl4id upon tele plat, W kte mm m mt mm NSrm il. as you seem to, for we're Low i:t 7.5 feet. a.m, form In detail, tent bs todtcuited fr ' , selling more and more of l:4t p hi., IP.S feet. M. Sellne and J. )t. iUair CHEQUE FOR "40 BONES"; thai tee w-Hild tidlow ttee "five, it all the time. were fined t$t rmrh in the (.-lie mlanle" pi at fern i used in Use The time ued is Iae1ft Standard, enort Ihht morriua for hav - "BANK IS NOT BUTCHER j prUnnry enmpntpn. Ttee main RUPERT BAKERY for the 120th Meetdkaa In liquor illegally n their p. vaoue. be beeleVes. lo tbit of on SUES YOUNG WIFE west. It is counted from 0 In veion. VM:rmi.. Oct I Wir Per-km ttee on' met eity affair a Third Avenue Phone C43 ip 2t hours, from mWaight to midnight, won a bH the Uu,in--like nnais. He main, FOR DIVORCE ON j inr.- here ut did nut uutkee tela Mayor Hylan adsntniatrn-iumi The table given Is for Port Book Your Order for the rheque a aannv. out has been nvfflrleni. CRUELTY GROUNDS Simpson but the time for Prine ii.'.I life teller I.-Id htm the Mr Cnrmn and tne mayor- d SNAPinCOAL Rupert varies only a few minutes . it. me enald n-i be Insnared. i4 belonp ! Iter ntutuol ad VANOUrJt. . t 1 J .. on some days and on other APPLES ; ti. i:er tnfce H ! a butrner -Je miral ion nurleiy. Tbey nave iNirrnoph. aad I i fllma uii is the same. Tlie ran ire of tne uBvle4." Tt it Mr. Perkins etostees) . rreaiteatlp. Wken tne fir Jlvoree from hi wf. apd tide may be computed as a per !.w iWnt. altk.urn tne ftiruree We are overstocked with I annual poJteje parnde was 17. en ground --( nn. Interior Coal, and in order to cent greater at Priaee Rupert with us nnd iwee.. rTeet. the wrU snM mr mnites si, Hr r ia askinp slanma.. f- 'than at Pert 8lmpon both .! 1 K.ty Hoties." Invited lie parents on around ( - move Uiis surplus with the SAVF MONEY was a-l t rev lewlnp least possible delay we quote springs and ueaps. Therefore i nd o be asounted a flrvtiy4-nrant nsnlMm. Ttee aee-.n.i A. wiiirh mliH lat OIRTH. rise fn the Prinee flu perl the to the h 'tvornbte rttort the following prices: and viewed ttee blue-coot harbor is slightly greater lb in Patur.lay w.-r.- all . l.-aii' .J u. llo-!e w.i" Inrs to Mr. and Nl h - a they more bed by. platoi ejr Mine Run, loose on Port Simpson. in nx ti Mim. M . t.l.n MrMillmi at North Wpbbllcafts Unllid. Ponraacd i-- J the t. dock $6.50 The height Is in feet and Arriving Neit Saturday ':-..titer. tnHa, a daiitiler. Ihr HepttMlrnn wtvrker nave ie had le. n m iriM. Rooi&Fri Mine Run, sacked on tenths of feet above the average 300 Boies f,M Mt i een bnay aptslytna ealve t Use artve nrr ! i rhii.l HI dock . $7.50 level of lower Ibw water. While thsy last t. . S, y, S Her wound ennaesj by the hot prtm-y parent. any. fiptet and apparently all la la-do. Aft. - 'hr bkrU i i Prince Rupert Coal Co Without adverlisenienls. this $1.99 Box Just Arrived liannoMMHSe. The three oefenlee) mt ker rhild "ii mi"i ' -e"W (taper would not be as interesting andidatee roeei.lly dined wtlte enp lb-it io4Mi4e. '' peti-f Office. Central Hotel .to you. because information ahoul We the inalit Mr lirfan and plesbjrd Uselr loner. 'o- atoi.ed htm and ti.l Phone IS. irnotl fr sale in the stores i guarantee or refunded. l--al uppui to him. teem lie . r.tdeked Willi him jnew inl that. money Ike eity u normally 1esnt. pa He a. ly marrie.1 f t : r SPUDS -We are the Potato Alberta ralle. At tne presidential elec- eeiiien.-t . Mo al. ay h'-peal. yuafTimmi n i ii-rnprframg Kiiurs. ihir flrt ear arries ! ""it a yen a. bowever. Preel-i.nt bun freejnen"' lkre d HanNna pulled 7H.8J ny-allr nletiaUs at kirn, an.) 00 Wedmnwlay. We are now ' toe. and James M. ta. 4enM- blacked bl eyre. taking order at H. S. WALLACE CO.,LIMITED $2.49 per sack. l.-ratic candidate for preaMVist. tsoenVlUI OFFICIALLY APPOINTED. tl This price is ritilit for No. 1 FRESH i HI 131. Ttee vole wa rt. Winter potatoes. l.'v.ntt. tne Farmer-l4kteur party Quality Stare C. O. MINNS, Manager BROOKFIELD BUTTER lie;;', ami Use Prohibitionists. IflTAWA. tlei. f "r" Per lb. 44c. I.Wo- and Hon. T. Crlker hp hen. UNG. TAILOR GRANULATED SUGAR Workers' League. officially ai'koiulesj lh.- 11 10 lbs. for 89c. EGGS Ine nowiiarty la I he field thi. ale. NOTE: Competition is Active, itorkera'fall ie of Iaane ftrtnlly of named Unater New(The , York, known a the C iiimuiiiai : but we meet it with values. Walk Sanitary Downstairs Market and Save 50c i were il.Many aMoeyttcd of Its worker with the fot Nocia!nrit'i' What does the public warf1 Money. Harry WlniUky. f.-rmer esecii.j Better Goods for Less Here are Some Figures Worth Studying! live wirrelary uf the ttNiniiiin-i Si.--l Clad OaUteas, per yard 30c dozen party, who like liiliow. hi runtime Print and ciiainbrays, good patterns and quality. Yard 20c per male for mayor. r.,n Money 3fl-im-r Percale, nice elean patterns, per yard 30c CKARTCatO ACCOUNTSHTS AND v tried of criminal auareky. Is a J-incH I'ereale, nice elean patterns, per yard 30c AUDITORS iiidldale for pre.ldeni of th-llooni Turkit.il Towel-, big selection. 25c each. Per paif 45o RORIE & SMALL We buy American Currency, uf Aldermen. BROi lo I Flannelette Itlankets, per pair $2.25 Silver, Gold or Mi llooe Pat r Kloke. no-d 1 A HOUR 12 1 Flannelette IllankeU, per pair $3.25 hMhI erUe Bills .tihIi.i worki-r, I- tandfcdal-- for r.otton Crees. all olors, per yaru 30o atOMOt RORIf. CJk, ! lreneiit of the JlorouKh of it fhe-ting. 72-iuth, nice quality, per yard 75o ' " Auiimr for rnnr Kuerrt I Maptiaiian is the place to get A.;ltw.nii Truat'c HI BikruilrT Ladies' Wear Department AitSHIee IfiMtlfttl rrtiirh!Llltl Acuiat Rupert Table Supply Co. SAYS FULLER'S EARTH WE SELL hUi LESS HU only lUim-oats, each $7.50 fll4l Sipwti, ait. tultann'i PHONES 211, 212. ABOUNDS IN PROVINCE s4fi aii4ii, erinc npr REMEMBER! Twelve uiily llainooats, values to fS$, each $9.75 eha . SST Hot S4S f alii V' Two only Onionskin iloals, eaim I. $9.90 VANiUil VKIt. Oct. 5. We .. . .hi ktt endO' Ths balance of Ladles' Raincoats at Bargain Prices. OUR 5 ALL. continues v. diM-overcd iP-ioil liate an iionuou Twelve Children's llaltteoals, 4 tu 1 1 years, belted French of Fuller' earth in a Same and More BarBA"" n style, ft2JS0 for $7.75 tioiihorii ecllou of HritUti IU- 20-20, lo clear at ,1" Suitd, Cuildrcu's 20Uoys' Waterproof Capos, each $3.25 Consumers fluuibia, ami tkia will uniueUoii-iably Coal Co. ltd. Ol It nt?a nii9 2iai form an imiMirlnui Industry WAISTS ' Roon II, Wh DUk "v rV . for I hi province. ' Two doien Kmin Silk Waists, values lo $10.50 fur $4.75 Thi elalwilMBl wa made by Twenty-nv.; Georgette and Crepe do Chine Waists, each. .$5.b0 Ssk kitttt Ralph o Jesaup, eliemil and en- oinncu riii'v- , , , , I'.luht ... u White Voile Waists, values tu 11.75 for each $1.75 liiineer, win relumed from ti-- 't1! I)n nnnnll Are UI"J .r Indies' Fabric (Moves, black, tan and brown, ir pair. ... 45o tl ti.irlh litis Week, and who 5 Ladles' Tweed Coats are only Pentium's Cushmere Hose, blark and tan, per pair $1.00 leave this week for New York. FOlUB WATCH OUR WINDOWS Mr. Jeup was ueeotupaaied by WK SELL Our prices 0 two aaaooiatoa who ay Iney will are rlghU-You are the Judge raie amide eapilal to aoqulre ami work tlie rUttiN The via. Telephone i Lor decline to "late juat where Bros;?J H. S.WALLACE CO., LIMITED Number 7 uiiiMfUUeeHMttt the Urpoila Were li- I..t itled.it rcti-iti-.l The Jabour PHONE 0 with interest ktti. Phone 645 Will Take Coal Back If not Satisfied. snBEsvsBBBananaaaaauagsianfiucaaavfiBnnaannaBatannBHw subscribe for th Imily Nrw