Pare Z rm nun n.tws The Daily News ' STOPPED HER UNITED STATES TTBgKilKlllllHllHIHIlllHHHr ' PRINCE RUPERT HR1TISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by The News HEADACHES ANXIOUS FOR Printing and Publishing Co. Third Avenue. DISARMAMENT OH H. F, PULLEN. Managing Editor. Years 01 Suffering Ended : SUBSCRIPTION RATES: v By "Fruit-a-tives" Threa Resolutions Before Congress City Delivery, by carrier or mail, per mdnth 11.CO 113 lUie Sr., Sr. joiis, N. IL Looking to Some Move My mull to all pails of the HrUish Kmpire and the United State, "ItiswiOiT-tauuttiMiAt I write to I to Lift Load of CupcndU ore Jfl.UO. tf II yoo of the yret be tied I recrifrJ i lures in advance, per year from the of medicine O I To all other countries, in advance, if-er year ...... , S 7.60. ote your TOBACCO Fruit--ti;i", mtjt frvm mil WA.xMlNOToN Saint, t trw imt tuftrtr' tor 1ICJII HIMMll M I'X -.I tltc.Vi'-u, TELEPHONE 88. nuny years front Xtrtvut HtaJuktt linn r mMi - lb. United After of domination Transient Display Advertising, J1.5J5 per inch each insertion years ei Conitlpjlin. 1 1 ried eTerythln f, Stales Gunuii j' i . ni i iind Mi- Transient advertising on front page ... ?S.0-per inch. CtmsuMe.1 doctors; but nothing lieiii-i'iit' hi hi i.' as x. i r ttl ihr Still Canada's preference. . .7 . 25c. line. IxH-al Headers per insertion. per until seemed I tried to ' help me ;i pears !i be i i l ib'liUCt! i !!-, Classified advertising, per insertion, ...... 2c. per word. "Fruits-tires". fin ihe I niti-il Si le IfiM The nd n Legal Notices, each insertion. lfic. per agate line. if After taking serf rat boxes, I wu n;.l .'.n shout,! t.- k-dircetkm a -I'M' in Out Contract Rates nn Af fliC&tion. completely relies ej of the troubles to relic, I lie tAife of All advertising should be" in the Daily xVews Olltce on day preceding sa.1 bare brea urjusujjlr nell ev the heat) Ituriii"i tf tatl"t ceo publication. Alt advertising received siilrject to approval. since". Miss AXXIE WARD. which it entails, Tlirne MSHitu. SOc.a box,6 tot $20. trill site,JSe. lion on tlu nlije. : hn e been in. At 11 dealers or sent postpaid by Iroduned in i;.iil ss and re DAILY EDITION. Wednesday. Jan. 26. 1921 Frnit--tirr Limited, Ottawa, miller tli-c us-xmi flu annus i'oifmiille to I li I h'-y ivcr.' id iouk Own Churchill Should SUITCASES referred before Ull: lu-forr Tour Dominions. '' - either the Senate or House of Jb' Villi A.g The L Ion Time suggests Hint Right Hon. Winston TRUN KS lireKi-iitHlives for il'llnile antmii. I he toicy nf lh- iiiciiminK Ae. iilillllllillHltllilltlllK4.0, Chun-hilt should lour the Ihinrmioiiii. Such, a,trip would have a 1 lubliean adn,ini-lra!iiu unrfrr HANDBAGS broadening effect on (he Clifaf Swrefary of i?Lile for the (tolonies j Ppt:bieni Hnrtlinw itb ri.Tt to and wm'ild enable i jrati.s-e the public snlihieiil of Ihe over wholesale: and retail lisHrntament hn-M not been d'"-. , seas dominions wun wjlich ne T'Hk:,iiv i" "r simnm imr, lln.lcly il-icrinin'il and i n-t. MAIL SCHCDULV ti meel Mr. Chnrehill He vtfMki tvr&iiritygiet hearty welt-onus j likely those will te slmtN until , a)i'fi- J. F. MAGUIRE Hie new R.liiiini-I ration has taken in Hie far west, even from people who piay wol ugree wild hiik Ii ,tfge. ' ' , rorth.Ca.i. ..j FOR BREAKFAST of what he says in his public speeches. 712 Second Ave.. Prince Rupert I The moveiu -nl started bisl ier juoiuiays, viiaas4iys ids n mitiiin am wiib tue oreavenraihui urdayit at tO;lft, a.m. Scotland's Day ., f a jttlat resohtinn lyV.-nat''r Rupert Brand Was Yesterday. ', '1 of rrem'the tt-' i Welsh of MiMilnna. one th Scotland's Day was ypsterdiiy It was the aniiiverrtry of PRINCE RUPERT TIDES utiles! lesm tniwrfs in the Sens! Koiwfatjt titiv' and Tbttrs. the biflh of h famous tMiet!w Jill M lefi n lasting impression on and a Democratic leader, ho e day- at T:4i fj. m. I lie whole Hnglish speaking world. St. Andrew may lie the patron Wednesday, January 2G. inessi-d the earnei tleiare ti-i KIPPERS Iticli, 3:8 b. m.. :;.l feet. For Vancouver and South. saint of Scitlliiud, but the memory of Hums is the memory they ! ruled Slates itu ertuiieiil to 15:13 i. ill.. 21.3 feel. prate with IIm" Leauue nf N.ilio.i Tuesday ... ...... 7 p. Live to keep Hums was the great democrat ami heeaiise green. Low. :o a. iii t.7 feet. ThrUy-............ 1 1 p. of thai he is held in creat esteem by alt true Canadian, no matter ?1:33 p. m., 2A feet. inroirKn Clrfiintetl Its for enuni lli; H' or,i:iM.e i-.iiuiiiismi'Ii;n Hi Sundays H p. A Nourishing: and Delicious Brenkfi fu, what Hieir nationality. Hums brought timsir the world. He Thursday, January 27. rortiiiilnlmn '' ;-t n- looKinu t a January id mul 30 . showed thai the Iillle things of life were often the greal things. IJiBli, :S3 a. m.. 21.8 fei-t. iteiierml redni lion in srntBiuent Tfl CftiW p3acc in fryns Pnn w(th a , 16:3 m jfet. From Vancouver and South. p, lJ VjUUXi. Senator. Wnt-b ,pr. -se.l reyret und cook for ten rr h u Crosby School Irfiw, 4:57 a. m.. "S.J feel. that I'reHUl. nl imi1 had Pl Sundays 8 p. in. And the Loss. 82:17 p. in.. 3.8 feet. Wednesdays I0:3A a. m. -.eciMtted Hie invitation i.f (I: Sold all Kctnll by Restaurant,, Grocers Ev -he The loss if the school at I'orl Simpson is a serious one in The tltne ur is Tactile stan 'oiincil of the Lcnt-iie nf N;ioo Saiiirtlayif fl a. m. dard, for the I50lh Meridian west. Jeniiary 2S SMOKED DAILY BY that it interferes with the ('duration of a number of Indian girls ! i.tiixdnt s I nili'd Statin menib It Is counted from 0 to 21 hours who promise lo tnake good citiiteii. The girls and teachers are from widnijrlit to mldnlplU. ,,f villi ihe infernal eonimi-tin ionai cresU disaratatoeni to ileal Fop Anyat and Alice Arm. Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Iii bft without any of Ifft'ir personal belongings excef't Hie rloihe The labia given is for Port Hi' undertook to drnionstrate III it Sundays to p.m. jrwhirh Ihey eseapel, and the teachers did not even rescue their Simpson but the time tor Prince hi mill wll Iiim H Mfwstlays ! p.m. L'nnce It'ipert, R.C own clothes. To-pme lo tjie.aid of (he institution aych a time ftupert varies only a few minutes b"en ateitii without in oa tin some days and others Is Frum Anyoi and Alii Arm. is the ijiilnral thing, afid Vr'mcf Hnperlwill not I e behind hand on niiniHtn Ito- I oiled Stale the sanic. The range of the tide Tuesdays . . .t a.m. in such good .work., Ij-eady.oJIers of he,)p hjry c. .'eejj ma!e anjl. may be computed as 5 per cent UlMirt of the f.e;iwAie ite!f. 'hursdxys p n. liieli thfHiitlrl in Ihe fireld the pupils and slall of jhe school will siKiir. know that they have erater at Prince llupert than at wa enttat mind, tri resolution a good nnighbors.1 , i . , ' f' 2 . fe Port Simpson both nt springs hnd Terred t the Oiiiiniitlee on For Pert Simpson, Arrandata, Mill SILVERSIDES BROS neaps. Therefore the rise In the Bay, Wales Istsnd and Nas RUtr. WHAT'S Premier Mine t f 'f, ' i f Trince flupert hatbor fs sIlBlitly ;-orett;ii llelation where il mm l Sundays la p.m. nwans jrrattleal cl ir.-: ta th m J a. ri. ' le.'nv with olliers every co-i.-idered on . Again in Umellght. r 1 - siyater than Port Simpson. the same subjeet From PL Simpson, Arrandale, Mill To Risk war for r.; Tlie Premier mine is again in thelimellght, Aoolher slrilie The height is in feet and tenths Sorah'a Resolution Cay, Wales Island and Mass RIee. IN A of rich ore is reported and active shipping and "development is of feet above the average level of Not but afterwards Seiaor Tuesdays- a.m. WALLPAPERS it going on. Also Ihcre is litigniion in progress to define Ihe actual Iwer low water. lb rah. Ihe (nanMeious llerthicfli . , 20 per cent reduction Janoirjetj ownership of the mine. VM Daly, apparently sejs a high value CCRTiriCATC Or IMPROVtnCHITt. "liitler-ender" fnmt ld-iii,.. v h Qussn CHerJotU Istanifs: NAME? Kargain m rr- on the prdperty judging by the claim based oil lyii million dollars Irus Oiik Mlnrnl (mm int a ii. tins hern IttrhHntr Utc f.eatcue at For MatsttL 1KniiU ni rri Dun t Mlwnl 1:1am, Lot H turn, inl.-odureif ittaod Phone22 P.O.BoiW for lews llian'a half interest. Whether 'r not this estimate is 1X3ii Efwom Ulmrtl i Him. Lot o. tJJ; miv a ieni, Opfier polctA-lion !orlrv Mineral Claim int Sn fin tit di.-ertiopr Ihe l';ei..-ni hi January ! i-orrect, no one could say unless the properly 1iad leeii thomiighlvi'SS'w ,.?!rr'.rU"" iniii m yarm 'lunette Minmr raruton apn omnru leke mi Hit Ihe toveriiiii iit ,f 'row MlwL fort Clements and drilled, but H is certainly rich and i if any other mines there prove take sotk.'E thai I. :. J. mnwa er me rireal It ci 1.1 in and Jai'un th" t i Upper Island ptlui: -to be anything like il, the country will soon-get, a world-wide lly of Vaifonrer, vminrr or bnixn tin'! of disarmament willi (lie ii,r. itannary 20 ..inintna, rtrr Minrft trtiseaie !a SI -:t; THEO Public name. , ariinr bhir or nrelf ant a' IMiKe nt seeurrnji an ai-re. i.i. nl I.. or tHidKte. OUrMi Charlotte COLLART, Notary ail VsfinMirrr.for VH Err Prnm.Miner' at Ortinrai thr lam uiy o t.-isi-C of rttluce their haxal luiiblin pi.. City a lid fower Island points: Knal Catatai Kentata Insursnc SURRENDER TO SOVIET DARING AMBUSH Hal lrrr.iaiiia to appfx.mir for( Crown ar tnm Orant.of iiie yram llfly jwr eenl within a .eri..i January's? EOSON COAL i llalk. SIZOO pr m " IV alwnv Hatnt. of live years. Senator Itomli sioil J'ratB SkhJetata. Vei, Charlnlte FOR SALE Ruekrd, 91 aJiO .. AS D FI HTHFK TAKE .NOTICE LONDON, Jan. 25. The pro- LO.NDOX Jan. 26. A ilarlns ntir wtioti li. nin.s r rwmwiwM trial ae-iwmi tie was iuiieed ' offer lbi n'o. City andIower Inland points Most Ubaral MAKINE INSURANCE on tha Goad li'ised Husso-llrilisfi trale asree-lMnt attempt In ambush two police Wore liupmTrtwnit tins Puarirr of turn Ortinrate at lution because I'remier t'ehiila "f January 18 Insuranec mpsry nf North Arrwrlra. I'aya Is. J is declared by the London lorries m tlie tjuay near four t JfJ tnia Ird dar of Dmnwp. n had publicly staf llml ,. P.O. B.a M Wittln Tbaatra BUtk PVomBMB Tillies lo be "a complete" surrender Omirls. Six eivillVns are reported C. I. txv. "The Japanese iinerntnent could For Skagway and tha Yukon. ' to Soviet sentiment." lo have been Wounded. There CCRTIFICATE OF IStmOVEMCNTI. not even eirtitent In Consider a Jnmntry J; February and tS, e no ndice casualties. pif.aram of disarniMtiient on ae. From ataawsw a no Vuton. ' Irtm Oak" Me, I Miiwrai Claim. Lot mo. SLIGHTLY IMPROVED, J11J; mm rukc Mo. 1 winrral Claim. Lot ft.uiil of the buildiim iiropram of. January id, 30; February 1.1 W. K. Wiltinms returned lasl Xo.M Mil fill:tJS:Slinrr UarDekl Fraction Mineral Miiirral Claim.i:ialm.Ixit Im I'niled Stales," and 27. rasa s Vt:T(HIIA, Jan. 2fi. The. Jon- jeveniny by ay tif Saskjijonn frui 'iluale mo. jaia in -n Ouero ,i;.ininr harloll mineral Minlnr Diuin cialm, International Convention. , Trust the delicate I'ilion of lion. V.. D. Harrow, ihin, Vieioi-ia where be attended a eurvrt OuriirL Wlier ioraiii? on Iamh ltetiresenlalive Hrooks of lilt. , (tevnert. Maple Bay and Swamp isler of iurrteiilliire, has slightly lueetiiiv of'IlM' 'ijsiile ('.oiiserinllon l.luift.TAKE MOTTCE IDat I. AIM of tne 1 nos, IW plllUiran. man lnlnuluceil Point. fabrics to iii"iiriei) tmlay. Honxd, :uv of Vancoiirer frovlni- of Union tuv.i.i (he II.miu a,. t-'nit. iniuiiu. Frf Mllii-ra Ci-Minratii Mo, 1373-1 ' - B. ariins.on beiiair or royarir and a arent i izina the IreMenl to call art tn. . January St nr Kand VardMiaid. or Hie nil Citir of1...,. vanrnunr. Fre Miwi-a trtlll-at Mo. jleinalionill OflBVefllloO to ClIH-wt, l FROM dale'Htii-H.'hrroof,miiul to apply auijr (o for s daya(.ron fmm Orant iar projects for ltt limitation and re- i January It s ui -ne aoorp riaiina. dt el ton of armaments. There also-have AD Fl MTHIH TAKE MOTICE that tr-tlen. Dr.JOS. MAGUIRE anat M-rlion SS. mnl be mmnimml been rewiviKl'by !ntrre a: lfor Improvi-mema,ilir imik:c of aurJt Cfrtirvala of number of peUtb risfroin women's uatmi tnia Jrn oar or nmmwr, I ITO. or frnnizalinns, and peace elements ALEX HO0EHS. DENTIST. heuitinif C.onjrress to fdrwanl ihl.ij it rnoBtTE. ' TIMBER SALE X 2817. (treat object, 18 it the sci'Hfme coriiT or HBITISII t:o.l MBIA. II li:.iM'iretI diaartnament was 8mmT teniVra will he leenrnl it lite Rooms 7 and 8 Smith HKil.u-r ,tl I MM vietflrta not iatr Block IX THE MATTER of the AOMI.MISTHA- Mills fore.-it tirfiii the allenlian of llUtf butt W Ih, .,1. ..a u . u. .. . .. Lady Assistant Open Evenings 1IOM Al.T and . Honirre-. at tl,e time th- eomrnit- f,jr in,. (..inJa ,rf i.i, n,'i ri IT TDK maftkh ok tiik kttk of lees nf I lie wi Umiet were en. ri i,t strre and HeniCx-i Office Hourt: - Sunday by liVOHIIK .MKWM.M.M. OKI-.liASa.fJ, I.MtH- 9-12; 7-9, Phone 575 i:K,'el in .-Vaftina the (treul nn. " i"n Hesn. i n nn. a. sairv 1.6; Appointment ' " '" ruK .v.TicF.-T7r , o, ".ml army aminaty appr.,niai,m IZ. n'TV:l'Tl,TM II tMittbeeme evident that T., it. yr. win n, aint.,.rt rr re in xiiuiiiiatramr to itw ratal or iin,ttf 3r-ji it was riouerflilly influenelnir Con. rivai "f tinnier. i Keep Baby's Garments naainaa 1 rTlrTl,,i,,,i Nalurtilly it ws Xtp! t m ". ". Dainty im G. H. ARNOLD, Notary Public . 0. 11. and all puriiM indrDb-d l Itw 'ili'vued thai If there was nnv ren heir iniie(iiw it) ms r ,'triwitn. isnnam etiancei (A jieeiii e liniila- TIMBER SALE X 2C44. Kaby'a tender ilcin will not be chafed or tt;fl'a .VmeTai VdmlnV.iratr. tb.n "f i.i jdijiiH'nl. fhec enpendi- If his dainty wee garments ate wathed with LI FOR SALE n.Trn nil (III rtar January. Il. tf res tnifibl, bt creallv reduced. ,Mn'!",tutua '"M-iutm'' f i Virions.t rmt M. i:'.or nol'iM; The creamy, pure LUX suds- harmless st pure w 'te llian rw-os mi inr jra day nt ! itself-gently cleanse the delicate fabrlci. and redrwi A flue double corner on Sixth Avenue, McHrhlo L.ndJ1! l'"-iWy quickly enaiyed llio ML far !4': near atlt. .f launtlan f PP-r U laa.a S'VT,J,tZ'JZX' 5 them to their ordinal wftneM. And the LUX m"1 Sired in Sectfon Six. Sewer f the and mean. s.l'IaHsrfcsM'a! connection. t:an be boiiKht , . -s- - jlnlei.l vinys is to simple and easy, Juit dip the clothea into a o:."' cheap for cah. An excellent site fur tint dwelling which m of LUX rinse them, out the surplus water vmi nrevnin'fo build In Iho spring. B. c. an annate at mourn of UirM crM.l,,' Unitnee coinmiltee of the Three (J' mars will lin aiinwwt rr ... and hang them up to dry.squeeze No need to rub. Try H. G. adjixmur silver city. B. c. - SeiiKte. uh it'll corillillt I ees m e tlnw Funlii i narllriiiari nt n,. i u.r ......1 LUX HELGERSON, LTD. .., , 'Vli'l"ll. way, You will be delichted. ' .r uiMicrairiwo, wrunftlinu ailli Itte pidl.leiu nf (!. it" UTJHttrtrt rirsier.arj Insurance Bonds Rentals Anilxitiy Mriialra and Bernard W. j litiyMirl. B I t" Harrrlt, ,.i.i.. .. . ... ..r.. i........ .. . On sale at all grocers, departmental store? 1'if Alice Ann, wrupatlon proptjr and ,.ni.. ii. inrnii. iiiiuii'iii ii !alorekr rper. Inland 10 ajiply for rrmi-; in'4. Hi rli'llcieiicic- re ulliiin , Stndjcr tut Jut tttipt tea. " Th Cv f' '" ' kn ti leaw Ihe fominr ducrllxd landa: friin tin war. Tulij i'?t I iv 111 mill cntmneneiHf at s ft plant-d aoulhcail , ... . , rt,t'ltmiVo,tp, 211 LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED, TORONTO ' 1 ' '" ornr, It thalna aouihfrly dirarn..n from , l,1,a' M.T. LADIES' AND GENTLEMEN'S Dyeing - Dry Cleaning K. Koriwr of tot 62i Ihenre a chaina 'on?ri""' P "''mMi into CANCELLATION OF atSEITVC. Oft TAILOR for good work, prompt service nt.rtli! Hhiim! te rhalii west: Irw-lica tt.t iisidenit ton of the dimiriiiauienl W11.I.E IH II HI UIY (jlvrjv that ma Fit Cujuiasth-d and reasonable prirt s send pood rhalna foviti; tlit-nre IV rhsma tait lid piiijeel ;i it itffecled their own -wm I 1? 1? THIRD AVENUE to CITIZENS CLEANERS & coniainlns tl arrt-i, iisre or leaa. plans fur- army and ninul ii ur- 14 rnllr-ll..(l, n. naukk. LUX I P P OiiBoaitai I'lal Ollk-a DVEUS, WIST 4th Ave., Van. AM'IIIO.TY MclillllK, nt'iniH MiiH.ii'. a. .,. 1 Uia Ma a Phonp Rcd 1 3a eouver. Inquiries aollciteit ' HEBSAHD W. DAMIIIiTT, tii.ilnn uhicll deniii npuii land tfartin( nt. lulert HiVriiitH-r. 3V, !, Hie -rtil Cumins-. , v I'-rin II 1 , pi'. a 11 1 11 )i'"iuirr, mb. I