TJ1H DAILY HiWfl ; .!.- '!" fliv " . . . r Pag 3 The People's Choice MIIGLEYS Local and Personal For Over 70 Yeari for dlgettivB disorders lia bern - H Ifcecham'kl'iIU.Youcranhavr confidence In this remedy for ullkw Aak for Atkins' aiin. K nets, headachrs, flatulency, constipation. A LESSON "After Every Meal" Sluelh organs are Ilwf, million, M,rk. Clly Market. stimulated snd the whole system For liannc, phone 680. Ilydo benefitted by Tiuiufrr. i( BEECWS THE GOVERNMENT PAID FOR. Mr". I . . Oiik-iiIh Mill not rc-rehi liinwrrow. in tW, PILLS rktrt hi Ik-fore 1914, Bond Brokersand Bankers were indiHerent thrlce-dally benefit from j i Cud4 advertisers. Alany who advertised regarded their expenditures Get MsT yuiir lioata fur ealo w it la v this low-cost aid to IJ M. I, gtrpbeiH. , "tIARGUERITE CLARK as "sop," and thought they were doing publishers a favor. appetite and digestion J J'SrSw?1 l,,u ,,,orB AT EMPRESS THEATRE i i . - Then came the Call for The same thing is true of teeth white I J Mr. Max llrlll.roller will nut Famous Little SUr In Pretty Rolo War Loans. On the advice. some manufacturers, who, It keeps Vto irrehe liMiiuiruM, I hurd.iy afternoon. In "All-of-a-Sudden Pegfly." IS this Association, yet con-rary noting the results of the v breath sweet ...... I Mamm-rile Clark la li.-re tonight to. some Brokers' and Imperial Munitions Board v and throat llj ....., rr.uri.rM mi morn-!,,, ,. Kiiiim-ph Tlrfalre 111 a de- Bankers' views, the advertising newspaper advertising, have In frtnu lUKltiN Van a trip to 1 fill fill MCiren comedy :i)!! All. uvr, of these loans was commenced to use the same of-of-ti-Hiiiidfn 'I'c-KJiy.' Tli mil- jjj Ham Itmll. violin Earlier. For r',r"r" Hm' made humanly interesting. force to introduce jwst-war Makes your aUMitt-fiwnu call WoptliotfiM heroine. Hip in tli. dii.'lii-r r products. Y, III fc Ttiwlre. If Mr- "'Mara, WMtfTvOf a d. aiMl The results you are aware v smokes - "' jacieilllal. and hi 4-i-iiiimiiiil of. The Government paid for taste j f1tti it 1 14 Melhliiil Church .her mollier li llawkbiii-l i-nle lonluhl. There's u fit of good f l"l Oaektmlhi i i" . Tin; But-here is the real point. this lesson. iiiualc fur I writing a iiook ml you. uybleniau ' Have considered Bond House you pro-fitting piilcr asd hot. inill Mrtr. Nearly every Uil nosur. llnnler llM,ru'M- (I'M era in enter t om-.ul h and Bank in Canada is, today, by it? wiikIh'. cli ruli . oil planU ami Ur. II i mottr, ld Urai-ki-n-irilliorin. advertising, is riot matter feH. Oily Muriel. himf U"i,:t that aggressively Advertising a II. a t . i in tlvinry list nHfpt wn him and using all the interest of guesswork. It requires ", 'i'"' Miniinoi DM-WHiitBer Mm jiiiiiiik- and ingenuity at their command skill and knowledge and experience. luun IfMlay north t'Utlti.l lu "ceilit Hlr the rt ftwun Iht Ann from llm imiuIIi. pur- to attract business. It is not something I Ii- ycei1x o .tri-ll thai tin They observed the power of to be lightly undertaken.but I. A. Jimii, iif Stpwnri. wn an Wwf Onto falU in mw w4tls her. In rrality. ad vert isi when it be undertaken with itrHtnal froin I In' milTi nn-lhe no w?pa per n g, can I'fftKf i Iryitm to arrani u Prilirt" l5iirKi liwlav. inalcli Itrtweini ttr nmdicr and properly used, and have pro-fitted assurance of success if it is Siveral n- liH-al nrll-li-. wHI lor1- ' 0Hia ill nl by the lesson. done properly. ! hwir.l fur (he ft !! in Uij""T " ir m I'i?-j i uy-MHli.lil iriiurrli loniphl. pnitWwl fr , to pr..m.,ip tae If you have ever thought you would like to nnth. Hip srirl irHfiil to liave Mi (llady fhruliaall , n MI Jimniie aim! t. uiu bim advertise if you could get proper advice on how anionic Hie arrhalu on tlii iTiiWr-m hin apart iiMnl in London to oifori-Troni Hie Kiailli hl mum. krep up lb illuiioii. MaUea to go about it, write to this Association. We In p. jliirretiMin iti-t ino -inpliralMl jiiwn. hut finally turn "til happily will give you the benefit of our experience in O. I'. Imuran ha rr-lnnrd friMii fur all roncemMt. Ili rily iNilir fnw ami lnl nnrht starting you on the road to successful publicity l"fl for Vftliroiirr ulirrp lim wifr - 1 - I. III. Ten Years Ago Issued by the Canadian Daily Newspapers Association, Mr. 'llMMSja Mrtyimnil r-inrinril in I'rlnce Hupert Toronto. Ililo nuiriiinr Mflr liaviiiR The FJavor Lasts hhiI a won lh iMln In Van-riHiir. January 26, 1911 V. ,. l5Bi-y Im i iuiiumI lo Umii afli-r a hard I -1 1 il.i - trip V, . Wriahl rHurlw.1 ta-l nUlit Prices! from Hmilhcrii klirr thi lalmtf op ri r. Faint and Dizzy Spells! Special filillim r the "I'lalndealer" aa( . k. rW. IX ud .m i-pulill-hnl. Lj (,a,- inkfn wvr n trarl of HATS AND CAPS Tliw: :l5p. m. I'l: .HellM. ,,rr' 1 ,"'"" Weakness and DENTISTRY .11.1 rj.urfli. M-ar Iho (lii.l ',,7, 'i'ylop- rt.i-i i,y ti. Pritw nuiM-ri :,,,r!'1 ,,,,r ' Shortness of Breath It ttrrnKiMiil io riali- Mnim. Mulpi .SuclHy. . of . . BIr Variety llalt Ibr (rn and - H mihinlr. Ml iKtrolhy (iilHiiplmui. who Von ran in mr y I.-II tnn tar hrarl KING tlM m m I ttl .IU.M l.taMlllia lit lll II it r'portd r liahly dial Mr. . Rn-lrtt l.( ID Ullll ami dtuy ffflt.' QUALITY STEVE lu ih.' .inrin.-- .r'bmi'; wlpOaU(Ma. lame-Mm K'n '" ,Mn" art STllitlK rwHln. r-luini-l lo 1'Hnw llunrrt nr..iiir braimir. wwtlwraMt m-) lMn' rurnlhlni(a Tlilrd Avenue mi !- Irtn- ioiir- lhi morn- " '",,,w- nl PrilK. Hlln-ll -an... -ak. mkinj. all fuaw forliaa",I si lor ini-ir rauua -nii-riiiB" from rth&tut rlr. j ... I the Norlh. Man., tnr-a aul t u wnen rtra- Dr. Bayne A. A. KomytlH. rht.-f rl-rJt In! down ami m..ti. hii -Ip i. ..ikrrwiM- lin y i !ti.i Itoail (utiiiIi-iii ii( II. II .l. ll. a 1.1 ur .inn. ami Iw aiilit if Uv-ir .4U ..AIM. tit tl ltMAittiicktil nu.r "" iM'i,,n """- Mj!.-ll ..ill) pay M4IM- all.'iili.i lo Ikr Rrnl Man OFFICE HOURS ...I.....U..I ,.ri: ti -..i .i..-...- ISPECIAL REDUCTIONS .f lafl .-am-. :; j"r. r-lornl llii morning from o.i tho In- 1 r lif tin- I'rili'' viiH.rv wlH an murii to wakr iim. ! Hirtiti 9 Ii 12 Ulttmt. lit ti 5.30; Sitartijs, S la 12 ia!j; ;n holiday lit I hi i Olllll. ,Alirl. fx an i. 'm Mmialb awl iliw. n-Mlalr ! Ertrf EitDiaj Ins 7.30 ti S In ii U.o ami mbirr II la a arallky awl! On Muml.iv Mux.. I V M. :.! n-niul i..imIiik a MllMru a Hrarl awl ' l.oiii A mad io rlnrind Itiai Dental Nurse in attendance Coats and Si-rn- l-in. j will hi dm n'-- in llii-ir in1 M-iilnil from 'Vrm,- wlirr h-in-inll'-d U8i-!ir mi Kir I Awuue. "TSs ' V ifi- rartn. oni . nir: j Phone 109 for appointment Hats. Hip iiml ion piiMurr ap-. "I ar nHl un hmre Mm rrnMl i Ready-to-wear al lli l'ro-r! Hall Hien. r Mill.ra nVaii aed Vm rilia ami . pi-ratu j Rooms Cor. 3rd and 6th W HA linUMi '-. Iiaswi. wop I 4, 5, 6, Helgerson Blk., had Hk-j iTr !- aw tiaat I nad Ukw I In- llrl clum; u rr-ior. on VEfttEi Monday IliehL dnai'iiH'n of tin- ii.iii"iial iK-vfinn.'.yWMMiK. at -U, la a nilr. and Best Equipped Office in Northern B.C. DEMERS DEMERS (twtui-iw uiid -i'o.I frlliiwithip. Hotter) tanaild lirnanr mi rlankrd up al limr I II. .Miilrlitnirv. aufiil Uw IbVUM" iilvira.ry of llurn mriM nantly akrrp kiiIxmjI mmr up in ; : llnTla (SoxiTiiiii-Mil ulm i in. wtobrahd l.i-i nistlit . in tin-trtligatina Iw.l VVam waikma ! la-i I ..nw have . of poiiliiilii' of niol ''! H.ih-I iy Ho- Si. Andrew I-. -l.-I and try .. ralrB my larraui. I t-l . -at t"IHjfc a I Iw-llrr lii'i- I hatv UM-d your .iu hipmrnl throituli l'rlnw liiiirl, an I kit.- llH-y havr im-iih-.i uif i.4i- iri-nii iifij iiik inortiiiiv an i-r lll- d.-rfi.ll aa I Havr mif-r.' ry murii Westholme Lunch Muk Ho- pulp plnntu down Hie BASKETBALL SCHEDULE rrin u a tt.x at ail .r nw.lrt H'K.I. dlivnl . tvl-ri.l of pd)i- b Tlir T. tttl-t-i .Under New Manntfcment ! Jiiiiuar' ;k llrav.-ra v. Oolls m ru.. I miilci. TonHil... out. Advl. : Crand Trunk Pacific. Junior. 0. Illlh Mapii- I.i-af ALL WHITE HELP JUVENILE LEAGUE vii. 'Mi'tiHir. I., l ain1;. I'-lk vs. 'avicbli watir protection act.. S.S. PRINCE GEORGE sailing '.illli. Joe Ki-o((. Utlaad Stalulra at Canada MidiuKlit Thui .iday ; - Sai-m IU. n .u l ull V.iti. oi:-i-r. Tiny Tims Defeated Dry Dock FeJiruary I hi rUlward . (i:apir n. Victoria- and Si an to. .liniiiay 10 p.m. Altyuv. Westholme Special Last Night by 14 lo 6 Score Whit liana'. v lltudy; Iirifrmiili-itti Tin: i:vi.iA nu An uild stoh- S. S. PRINCE JOHN IHrU, All .Mm. Jne Sentt; Mil rii . LTD.. kwrruy alvra Kt.iu-a Mid'Inai. For Port Cli im-iits. M. ss. lt. Uuckli-y Itay and all points on Three ii r.a iiiHh-r arrtiun iT nr II Course Meal - from 45c up l lii 'l iny l lni dofi-alnl Hie SKm of tutnl.i on of Kim-lliy an rtrfa-l won IW .Vtnuitr nr puimcj Southern Qin-cn l lim loll.' Islands January 31st; Thursday, Uiirk al ollava. and Ut Ilia fatTlf or the liin'k in llio J.ivi'iiih' U.'hu ne,laud. W. JJ. U illi-. i ..rt. l.i.lrlri Krai-oar of llw land HfriMry February 3rd Stewuit. II In r.- Id.I niriht l.y it rori of III fVliruary i I illieuuia va. I'rlnrr lmnri llunrrl...r prim-r H C hpn..a dvarrtpiton ai in City of in ot! TRAIN SERVICE. 3. Thr idnviTu win: 'riiiwImirtttUN. I'.. Hlylli.-. lleavors va. am- and iw- nlan i.r a narr pror-oaed lo. I'nssi-n-ier Monday, Wednesday and Saturday at 11:15 a. m. THni.r. Clapp. rt: l. IVUiHI. 2;1i-.olU iJmiioi', .1. mvrird in luill tu-ill in'alr aaivna kmran iiivrr.and drtrribrd iui in iana aa. for Smillipra. I'rince licnrirc. hdmonton and WinnipoK, mak-liift For J. K. I'. iMiml "H" .if Bl.-k nvr (i. or l.ol; direct connecliunn for all points east and south, lly. I . Mark. : I.. MrKin- Irfiltn . Klk. Jim- s.-otr. li.nv-r.4ir liundrrd and forty-rive (IUS. nim. Iiy lim-k - II. I.unniuial. S; I'Hiruary H Junior fllrla. AH Itaiit Rrr k'. Cnai liKtrirt. in tne I Agency All Ocean Steamship Lines I'rt.vlnri- r Brliun Columbia. j tfSH AND CHIPS II. Ja'ohi'ii. y. MrKinnon, tl." Sir. S. llaidy: ii. VV. Oirla v. D TAkK MiTH E thai arirr tnr ei- i for lufofitiaiion aid rwraiiooa applr to lllyHin. 3; It. (toll. MiMixirM. l,i-i- li-ll: i'.allio va. inran.Lhr lint nr nubliralni-n nmain of Irnra I tin ll notirr aat l.o.of Crt, TKkal Oflca. lie Tilrd Ataaua. Pkaa ttO. Tin" Tiny Tlnm no far liaw won .Sun of r.niiiiiln, V . K. Willi. i:AMIU I Hit AMI l lllll SiTOIUUK Lo.. LTII.. will WMtrr amHHw arn (Ji of Urn to t It i-i-o iiamon mid Io-( on,., lo Dry croft. aid an apply lo I ho Miutaier nr Public KO Wi.rka al l'l dnrr HI tnr City of Ottawa I lock Iiim vm'H Iwh iiml lost one. February tl Ii.nh.-i-. va. lUilla: fur appruiral ur Uu- ak ana and plana and Tuc cnyiDDrcc r kvv ami Urn Junior (Hunt haw lo Junior , l'.. HUiln : Tlplnni rid-IHTIIi Iravr al to pAarc ooolriirl HuiirrL lhr U.aaul C. tnia harf.30 in CANADIAN PACIHC RAILWAY Ii ' m'.ni-. 5iri i. Mapii- I.'iil,", 1.. 1.HIK-; .In or Notoaihrr, lanu. Till! t-k.XlH. HH AMI IIIILII 8TIIRAI1K CAHuii. rscino ocean auviota P'nprcii I Ie Hlock. Newly opened for Ijualiie i'lk M-. mu of I iiHlaml, I.ihj L i'.VW. IIJT riMirr and I 0,r""Hy clean. White help only. Open day nnd night NOTICE I Ml. " Onralun. IH aolicltori. B.C. Coast Steamship Services l'elimnry 5 Spu lunava. Whin IV l-millMK. tsr I..O.I. No. :30. Wlii-t )ri0 IhlHV. M. M. I.a'i.l-: Mapte r.enf 'N the Sl I-Kk.MK OH IIT. of U1UTISII cm t nui S.S. PRINCESS MARY ,iiud Jtunciv K.I'. Hull. 1) p.m.,!v, (I. . V. A. i.H . l.r-1' Del from Prince Alaska, Juneau, Skaaway, ii. i nr. ,n i i r.ii 'r ina. ADVI.MSTHA- For Ketchikan, IN CASE OF FIRE CALL 50 lliiH-ihiy, Jafiunry 27, ll2l. All tii f Canada :oll J"O; Tlo.V ai:t- Rupert I I. ..!....... 1 1 t.u.ll Till m VTKR Of THE KSTATt Of January 24; February 7 and 21. February IH IiIIii-umik vi.ii.mi.n r. u, (UMIlLk- When Never for?ft In, look throui'h Kill Kilwniil, I'.. H mIii-; M. l.oix s. For Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle from Prlntie Rupert-January You Want Plumber r,k, XoTlit: I ha I in llMi onirroriin 12 and 20. 15 ancf 29; February a the rlIOed Hut . 'ri....i....... in. i. !' Will... ii'i"i. I'. MiH. louua, inailr tnr aitimiini Juiu'. Ird, I ,a apnulrd Ad- , S.S. PRINCESS BEATRICE Irrufl; Soils of I jiul.liul va (ialliea, IBMiaalralor 4 int. kalalr or vrrttMl l u. i Do ml aur OAiiauh-, il.-iiawil. and all pa iiim From Print Riiparl tar Swaaaon Ba, Falla. Mara Bar, 'rt Bar, in a hurry call knotli.rdar oitk Lee Hll. UHn aaam-i tin- ald ''ill are w-rrur, aa,r Catf. Poall aif, Van)ayar and Vlalorla Pll FS Itcblaa. Hi.isl' . in-qinmi I" rnnii-u aanu- irrmru ..' lin pruprny ; Inif Salarda p.m. I minor l. ,. ..,,.,, Ii... Ar l-rolrud. m, riaiiuvuin uay vt i KELLY & MALLETT iiiat I"1 1 N iCIlllllllll.lllS II.-si; liilermediillo I'Uruai..... .. l tvl. and all parlira la-1 for raira. rwarrailnni nd Mitlntt, apply to I FH lurglaal I.1..I I t.u. ....I. mis. mAuIhnI 1., liarl a I W. C. ORCHARD, General Agent. alien rwiuirrd. flirt 1 1 a 1 1 1 1 1-'ii- i-. mi, ti-iiioi in,, am..inn nr in. ir inu.-ufro to lutt' SPh Dr,.A Cna.a aSord t Imllua oinlm.ul bauakt mil rtlla iu. ymi k ttott.1 one alliIr"la. i:iianiiiiol- v.. H.'st. r..,ii.uii. Jl.i: II MrMUUJN, Cor 3rd Avenue and 4th Street Prince Rupert, B.C. one Green 85 and Green 415 dVal'ia, or Kdiiianann, ltal.a A Co., IJniltiHl, .ilii ni AiliAHUalralor, .Hiln. Hanipla lioi fir. II iu m.nUnu UiU I'i iiio' ilaprrl. u. : f rr k9 aoclcia to. autrp t far puitaa. AdertUe lu the Hall; N. iMh m ot niior;'. till-