Wrdnr t1,, ... mis oapit rrwn 'FRED-STEPHENS WAS HEADACHES ! IN BRILLIANT TRIM Make Life Miserable WESTHOLMf? .., . ,. -i mil I-...I- wanaercrs ueai bias v ....., ,.,,.,, lrr 1HM nf nBH1i .,,ra By Score of 1149 to 923. vaunt trimbiea mie ran lai end II THEATRE XX hard l atriMfkl aMit lui brad tlitl Tl... Iiill...-.l I...,, tuun.-nl lo ; and pmi all Ihe urn . mi llm Wanderers Club and the IImiIjh-. seem la be hsl.tiusl wlln Tonight and Tomorrow am) PWi wiw err -Tin-in, ii r.T-.. I' Ik: concluded last maul Willi wan n ,M .., ,,... rentmitaliy fpni .i lurmcr team wiuuiiiv by HID ln tint! tHnihnmir. the Mileftse pm. THE GREATEST FARCE COMELY .'.M. 'I'hU victory iiMsrii' inirllmra H rnr MM. MmwIlniM In in YfeT! DENTAL ;h - WaiulciirV tiinliliK Nl t Mhrr. and Iht-n ifain ovrr IIm wliule hnit J7ioma?7(jncQ 1 v uiiii'ii nllv in iim'i iiiiiiK Hie lead . CREME Thrrr i mtar unr.a 'icn liy llic Trail. rnwi lut-r iiewuirul liea4eliM, awl llsal .V The ri-aliire ir last idnhl's u liy uln illreel l I he Kit of llw LIMITED under- iruiilile. fur unlrM Ihn raa- t reimemt. cleanline! ! your beat assurance against 0RMES ini ii.i ill Im'Iwi'i m llic llH- lim.Urhr Will llll rwtltliw lo MUL COUPLETS There is no dentifrice to well devised i- mid llic Klkswan Id.- llic hiil-l Tlie rr thai HvMmI Hnml BMIera 10 give supreme cfeanlineaa Klenxo. LOST IN EXPLOSION ant ;:aiin- pul up liy 1'i'cil Mcph- ii i. thr -lotwrtt. Htrr and lmrla wtteo The creamy, quickly eoluble lather whitena the.teeth, u. ..I I he Wanderers, ttho de-lealeil ni i. -n-.f rWMtti mil H " MCLEAN hardens the curat. and brins to the mouth that Coolj Iii ..pp..in-ill M M. Mc- eUmiualH ln ram bT'IIw bHuUehea. Clean.Klenio Feelix Step in today aod let a tube. i:I.SMIZ. Saxony. J;in. .''. l.iltliliill i roil in i.i auu i mm Mn. lUn.ai LiMnta. orH Hil. Mtl An explosion of liri'iltliii in II in Inevcl llic l.iuucl vii l..rv nf he wHlis sysirn. a ram wean an ;iii) blmid util r uWer. I Brrd I r.l death of .15 n.iii.' Iii'ii' caused tli' . .fc-al rr. rrre pains I. my hrll. 1 1 1 1 r . Forty Were injured. I iillnwirlM were llii ' iiul,. ui r.-rl trry hMserante. UW ! Way genres:- trail nlNer rraarrisra I pwnaoril a bull for run AUCTION StepheiiH (Walidi i"f -""I 4 Montnrli Rlual miter, awl aas rtf alas) l-i ii.lire a ileetrtril WihIiimiumi nl Ms lel.iiulilaii iKIk' sun feoaUk. I fca-k atiier and am M1 ' MoXTIlKAt-. Jan. -Some io W. J. Nelson i W.iudeW" te sai thai 11 ha tfnar use t ranmrtr" i r-, Ilussinn snide, mir .'tOlt.lllMI Australian 'loUjirile (KlkS I sMmial l nl. I hr ns.amwa.lrd- II aafaaVajaBBl saa A-W fn.x nnd opossum. '.'.500 .1. Howe , Wan.I. i era; XlrO; Ii. in my frfc-ari. la were in a sinsHar e. Htlua. ansl Ihr) an say li is a siMstral l.auuHf.Hi iiiiil 12.HIM) Persian 1.1 cell Ivlks, ll-'i. la iiih nrr included in the olTcrim.' ' Waiulcier 200; Mc.Miirjlle tar T. Mil-bam It. a. M. i pl "f only by Tor (lie annual auction nf the I'ilUhury (I'.lkn 130. Iak, I.Unllrsl. Tsiewi W. asl. Ankle Canadian Fur Auction Sale rom-pally, Hooper (Wanderers 158; f which nuiimencct heir qii Howe iKlkaj iw. LIMITED I. nuary .11. flinckley (Wanderem I jd(jfKinimooqtlrtirxtlfpuiiwe ORMES VKkenrhj flak VHK j Market Prices j JOIN F0RCCS The toudinc follown: J Mayrd rixnts Aernn Metsla. ISOMKo Jan. C3.- i:noeriiUve Trail 6076 1 135 T-hone steak IS The-,it,. yuuiltt I The Store ami; radical elcmcrnN in Italy have Wawlcrpr 5031 use Hound steak I('0 l4r of t -J3 ' i virtually jnine.l forces in rum- St. Andrew' a I H I I09M .Mrlniu steak, per II) 5o Hours)' lave" and irlTTiTiaBI I alliin: a hiH pretiaretl hy Premier n. V. A. . it:iv 1035 Iteef Kil ron.l. III.. tt to 5H "W h a t' Y n r Hiolilli. which would give the Sons of Fn. tllHt 1021 Iteef. chuck riMfl. Ili..2tjj lo 2le llHahand Niisr" MiMllAL ACT. worker a"hare-ii) the maiuiaT-meni Klk I ll 3 1183 Iteef. rih rast. Ih.. 30c ami 33c In nimiher trtiul. if una Ti. of irHlimlrial plants. Iteef. Iiuillnt. lh .... ICc to 2fe inie wlintm-rba-"ei illainliOr?(-r, r U Sao Tit alory of Csrtincat ef Imorosamtnt. Jewelry .viTict. WHIST LEAGUE IN THE LETTER BOX stewiii lesf. jMr Iti 20c and 25c a s-nnlle doctor, xi-MK IHMTIH ineri claim situate hi tin aa lover Ultima limstoa'or cas. Cornwl heof. per lb 21 P Jl pretended ilia i . nar liiMrirt. Where loriim: A boat l-iillimint: h he -Ir.inliiiK . rlawe. and an 5o miles rrnoi Allrr Ann al trad at klttaait Appeal for Aid for Girls at Ijimb, Ick. per lb -ul- Costs Less claim.m.vr adjoiamr "surer Horde" Mineral ii te for the Hyldiavn Cup: Crosby Home. IaiiiIi. loin 50c Inv ankle TAE MiTlcr mat I. Level W. I'ltwr. W. I.. It- Miiltun, lew ins ? arenstaloos r M c. iKii i:, as arrnt for rlaaa Kniirlit I'.iliitfilitK 8 5 lit Mutton, shoulder. Hi.. 3C to JHe, pliealhuis. morM-R. riw Miner's certificate No. Iilor Itaily .News: Now l73-:. Intend. iil' days rroro toe dale Sons of linada .7 3 I i Lee of mill I oil. It too WortS Golnq hereor. to apply to the Mining- Keeoroer Will you allow me lo use your has rue a Certificate or IrAprovernrnti. rnr tne Sonir of I'nulaiid U 5 12 of t.oin of iniilton, ll 10 miles lo Sl Sinn- Hip luxury lux Oram or ..Ilium In tlrnaia I lie attention fnarsxise of nrualnlnr a croan KniRhlK lythiu.. 5 I in ' lh.. . all (lie anorr fiwm. he many friends in I'rince liusert j shoiilder rool. r 2 been i-.bulilicd nearly our A.VD H ItTIIKR TAKE MoTICE mil ar-tMm, SI. Andrew' S I 10 "t eal ..3c anil ' under seel inn St. most be..commenced .. lh.- i.'-eil oau-d hy the disaa-!' ".nods cwl you 10 per cent before the laauance of fueJi CtrtiRcate or Vitlhnll.i t 5 8 I'laln sauaasen. ptr lh, .... 2jC runs Ureal I'orl Simpson Kiirly j tax Imrrtivennnu. O. W. V. A 3 7 less. Tlio former war luted una lotn day or .Xorember, A. u. estei day iiiorniiti, the girls hiyuiohaiiirtirtk "JIS J3 is also 1 9 to. in.n. E,, 2 t t &0c nf 1(1 cm! cancelled, fork. lex per LEWIS W. PATMOHE. ,as hiirned to the around, fortu- j and as sold 'lias not XOTICIC ICJkx ... .2 8 4 aalely with no In ..f life. Tlie'l'ork Hiop-. per lb, OOo advance! in price very much I MliJB.tTB. ive lia. l.iMs Ihi'iiulit only ahout ;l'rk. shoulder m in IX the MTTtH or an arrllatl.n ror ?I THE THE MT1UI crH'KKVIE or inl THE HT AD.W.M4TK.A-or KKITIAII l heir cliarires and I litis all Ihci'WHt. nlieed, per !h 75c Ji'widry i. cheaper proportion he lfilr "f rrrn retlWeal or title lT ttiix (Vic I "t S7 and . Blork tl. serOwr t tj xrr childiei: were fnlh drenaeil on:"al". "I'ceu lo lut of lliin;,'. r Criii"- IUH.ITI, (Map ttji. -- alMt - -15 '"'. amokt-d 60c THE MATTE OP THE ESTATE OK .voTlirtr i l n-lj- alren that It U m leatinis. bul enrn lln-y lost all In i"ir alter tne eipiratmn r .MMrS milfi"V lit.. t.SEU, lTt-TA1E. back iniruiwn clothe save those i hey wrre wear- iU John Bulger flie tiKmtli fmm the rirsl puwieatum Here-.r. a freh ri piinrale of titfc to the atve iiiB. whilst Ifie leaehera them- iMiickfii. ir lb. take mtii;k thai m nnkrr or nu imiillniml lind" in the name or Latin Jeweller viaiirt MrMnrdir. mhirh rertillraie llnntNir r. MrK. tunnr. imde Ihe 3rd (tar .elves esi-Hie-il In mailt allir. I Fowl, per lh.. 5oo GIFTS THAT LAST i-vnd tTTt-l.i;th IxeiiiilwT, Hit. and la oum-'wn-rt .Vi r inmi-lrtliir Janmrv. A.lo Ii.Ihr ltd.elab I'if James as xwMplril Msfhe. A iiuinhsjr of syimwilhiers have Pickled pofk. per II tieH lain! ri'i-Ktrv urtln-, Prlnre hupert. II, C aninm ii. n the j-f(t.said and riaie all iriu-s are arreby hsrine reqairnl ruuus lrend hiiped mmlerially hut llw ii-ooked liain, sllceii. per lb, -o nd Uk iiT lirrinlier. I0. II. I'. MACI.EOII, ! rurnNii mum-. (n -rrty renned li) ne, Kirls still need much in Ihe way 'pare rib, per lh. 30n or l-r the N of ft slay tn-iriM lurimrar or TlUci. . Ii. 191. and all parum intteMed Prbmary.lo Uie of elolhi-s while the fund created Iltsaal ham. per lh. . A. . . . r . ....... H..i,r .llM lalr lr lwleLlediM-mn- rfomivd !in me pa)rrltwlM.n amount tot iitirrlui iieeeHitatv clnllies for llohiirna. per lh 30c JOH.X II.nrial Drill AdoiiiiMI I I l. ralir. Ihe teachers i uf for fnoii ad--Jellied tonaue 50c lo nor DE HAVEN COMEDY. "VACATION TlfvE hVTt-li ibi tin dan nf January. Il ; Itiale.' ; jHroiler Clio FOR SALE THURSDAY Special Any 'irrihutioi.s lo inecl lhisi'alea liter, lh, (0o in Two Keels mid Weekly I.AM I ai:t. uriteiil need will hi-receied at the I'-oofcnil beef toiie. lh, .... Kic roRM of kotice. Mi-IIhhIisI parsonaac hen- and i Turkey, per lh. .w Ojc. House '-.-mi i ami m-t ni' r iiisikici e grille folly nckiiuwleihteil by j Oaley rrorloca. j 6 room CA--MII. ThaiikiirV you ! yUP courtesy ; Htiller. per lb, Oic Empress : Theatre SUNKIST I i. it.. Huii I vw-li-tfr srnll siitiii-- in puldishiiiw litis. 'Huller 'nmkliiK- per lb Cc Ii. nf I'l l, ir'41'li i rri-h. H. C. nrrlliaUiin Iii'Kiii Ar.-ui. !ii:.-iil- i.i aiil.v rr iiermi. T. It. X'TI"AI.I.. Iieese. pir lh tOi TONIGHT AND TOMORhOW and Two Lois -i.-ii li. 1. I-.- Mi. ..i;..u tiijr il-rniwd laml: bi cri-lniry for SBion District. !l.ind.rer chetmc per lh. . . . i .41.1114 1 ' rue at ii r...i iian'.i-d lnh yards !i.. r i.r I.. itirilii-l nf the nnrlhttesl i-r;:n '.em- o( -nil. nr lln- Teii-irr:i.ii crefk N inn r.i .1 TiiliUI 1'n.i . Iiii-nri- imrltl III lnnite.rlialll; SLCEPINQ SICKNESS II. i:. fresh Ctias (CU. . huc Fine ijlarbor Vitw . llM-ni'i- aAl In rlMll).; llt.M-i- im.iiiIi In I Ma marl lit: 5"' Dainty MARGUERITE CLARK . J in- : lliinn- v-. ii i-Iiumi In Ibr pi'inTl ..i " iiinii-iii-i'ii'i'tM. Kii.i i-i.niainiiiv iiiii acri-a WIMiSfilt. Jan. 25.--Arthur lUnnb honiy 0(in nr Ii iii'.n- wiistik inn iii'si.x. I'elky. iM-atywetihl champion Xiiirar. er lh Ifc $2,300.00 Large size 1 llali . Iii-ri-uilwr l.in. piiHilist or 0.anada and imw a HreHd, per loaf 2 for 2'o in member I'rfiui.cil and oln '' force Flour .hard while &0-lh k 3.25 Price per dozen is sulTeniix This from is the sleepinw Until -iek-iiess. case Milk, per s'Nse r.5(l to 08.25 "All of a Sudden Peggy" McCaffery, Gibbons reported. 1 Comedy, "The Little Wife" Ititi i tiW lliclianl lireeiiwell, father of & Doyle, Ltd. I i.i k il. . riivvill, of litis rily. nnd rat .' . eiiwell, of Aliyox. passed 3rd Avenue Phone 11 An rssMaiaaiina far isaloe awl "ninr l:ivnv iii V.'i ni'ii-.ivi-r I j4s.I Tlniriiila.'. "Irweraabrrs siill i 4I samrmv.. lh- wii- Hie falher.uf one daiiuh-li-r rrbitMejr W lUi l. iii saneuurer. Vir inria. rtisi.ltr and nrh mnrri Watch this space irtid -eM-n wins, one of whom nuMla as tbere may Ij r w nsire rait.it. j tomorrow for killed ill action. The buy. I Mid ids le nmi lie linllsh snbirt-i. 1 reaMrau of CaiMd fur al leas. im- alWete in Vail- ulr SUITCASES Week End Specials are piniiiilH iil nl Ibr mil ate iif setrnieen yrsr.. arm BUY BONDS & i inier ii in Dick here. rail inure than thirir-Uve ear. of an- , i qui? e. -- OP j Aifiealliis in write will he rxrlvrd ii in imsi, npawMi), irnrtiarv tin. TRUNKS BASKETBALL LEACUE IMI. .lfirso.i rnns and run iiariim-iar JUST ARRIVED ray Is- ublsinml rriiin loe uniVrsirnrd Rupert Table Supply Co. AIDghUrfcie 1-unn v Miru Run Ihe f'iliivujr i Ihe staiuliny: it If tun an Oiirrniiiiii Aaeni. W. II. MVXIVUA, ' COAL Seniors. - aril Hertlre Omniil.slMirr. Province of British Columbia HANDBAGS Vlrlurbt. II. i:., ll. PHOKES 211, 212. I .'I I' lll'lllli e I'se - , I' L. l4imi.r mil, i. liclnei-,.. S.tck. il. $13.00 ton Odin IT? 0 I 12 F. M. Crosby In Iim n il, I $11.75 ton Sihib of tlaiia'l.i 0 8 I 10 LAND ACT. tQuar. Paelflo Great Eastern Railway Kli-uiii Coal, f.n.li. car.-. I'.iks - 6 I 2 8 " Nolle ef Intuition Land.I Apelr I Purthas There is no hmli class aei uilly nil Mn m h 715 Tiiird Aitnue $6.00 ton Halite 0 2 4 4 In (esslir ..nd Insirlrl, Iteriirilini Dn-(flit ' " nl Irlnrr ran romparo wild tliU in price uud imne I'rince Rupert lluiierl, ami situate aimmiI Large Stock of Clean Lump and i. W. V. A. 5 112 me ami one lull inllea rs.t nf l tie loan-lie '"' "' DENTISTRY FKiT.alao (in hand thuiM I i:n. o o o o nf Alice Ann, tad atljolninf Iota no.'. safely. Principal ami Inlereat paynlile in Lim l 1 .I .ml II. "Not a Lignite" Tate imtire that I, iosrpn Kd.ir Trrm. finaila ul par nf exrhiiniie. Inlereat rate i'.''. F O R RENT Don't neglect your Teeth CoasiiiTisrsCoalCoJtij. roil 4 1 .mrntu aey of to fori siij Hiii.innii.l,u,i irimsMiin orrnpaiion 10 ptircnaa farmer, is due July (alii. Ilfty. One decayed or mlst-inK tooth lleavei'M 3. I lie foiiiiHina drsrrlbed landsi I i lower, your efli'lency J, Lome Marl;ren. Manaifir Intermediate Girls. oijthr.il cimiineiirina rnrner at uf a po lot it,ntanted inrnre al ine as Price 72.42 and Interest Yielding 7 per cent 'lialiia fmrlli; tlienre to rluins Furnished Rooms Room 11, Smith Kloek Thona 7 Me tenia ' a 0 ilnins anulli; llwnre IV rliaina ri.t; llvlirr.esl lo DR. BAYNE" l'hone (ill-l ;i s 2 imini of cnniinrnrriurnl, and conlaiiHni $176.22 DUY8 50 t JK0 acres, nmre or less. Oirire Houra-Moniiriir, 9 lo 12; , Maple Leafl 3 1 2 I or.i-ll r.lSJAII llltllltWtt. S35244 BUYS 100 Dominion Hotel Afternoon, X.'ito to Hatur-dny, i W. VA. t i .) ( Hated Wnveiiiber tl, I IIP. t S1.7C2.22 BUYS 500 y to 12 only. t,'vnlni(, Junior. Tue.day, Wednewlay and Kri- Girls' $3,524.44 BUY8 1,000 Juat Kemodullcd and Refurnished CJay, from 7 U 9. DRYDOCK TiIIh . 110 Night Phones J. 0; Staen, 371 Aihl iiileri'sl from Jannm) W. LonKwfll, Iilue270 Kin!. I dvMtnl t 3 I Curncr Kirat Ave. and Kiuhth Df-.TiTAl, NUItaa IN ATTENDANCS Street. IVinre Rupert Hp.iel.iii- 1 1 3 Day Phone H rilONK 10U FOR APfOINTHKNTj l'hone Red 4C8 I'.O. Iiux 353 !'- Jitney Bus Ut llai.f- 1 0 4' STEEN 5 LONGWILL Royal Financial Corporation Limited Leaves the Royal Corner Sheet Metal Works Rogers Building, Vancouver, B.C. Chartered Accountant .'it'll Avenue lind Otli Hired, CATAHI.M and Auditor. 7,35 A Kent for McClary Furncaas RANCHIS AT PACIFIC CARTAGE LTD sharp every morning OLADOER Victoria asllls lanasil id GEORGE RORIE rllmviA In Sanitary and 0. Permanent (lean Lean II Slog, 101 Cantral Bld. l'hone 93. S. K. Parker, Mgr. HYDF transffr of Karl 4t HmnlL, O.K.. Vaaeouvar and 24 HOURS Healing Engineers Careful attentina river to all orders fur rrtnee aupart SERVICE furaivura, freight, biaaaa r vuiar I'HONK Htl I'.O. lloa l au'KurarSe(MlOt 6th Street and Frairr Street transfer work Successor lu Jou Jlrowil federal Uuildlnu l nuns ". S I'rince .... Rupert C. New OKDEUS TAk(N oa COAL AMD WOOD Note Chsniis of Addrosa and I'liena tMmrsnrVM.Mrrrla j, esjseeeef ssso..iis.miw,