tnr nurv vrwr. PMiV Tvn The Daily News WESTWARD TRIP KM rSH to Published v pjuncb fivrry nupEiiT Atrnoftn.- except nnmsii fiuntlnjr,Columbia by The News IS GREAT ONE ROYAL IAVY' Clt 1 rtuT. "" Printing; nm Publishing Company, Third Avenue. 11 F. PUM.RN. Managing Edllnr. Paul Alvatoff Return! Lat Night on Princess Mary from TELEPHONE 08 Kodlak. Island. Pawl Ahrat.ff retufoed InaM DAILY RUCTION faliirdijy Xftv,. 10, 1021. flight by Ihe Prince Mary frJl a month trip t laka porta All Regret Low . . allien look him a far uonh ai ' Kntlink Nlaiitt. He i MHI ea. of Mrs. Patmore. , , The lon of Mrs. Patmore liM east re gloomsfiver Uie city eeuntty Ibulatic ffo aNti a tw itmrtai imrthw!anl BEST VALUE FOR r in fmm whirli II fkftll to eewvw. AmnMg1h flrl nf Ihe eefile HamljM.lnl and aii inai MtleB to come- here, lic lielievetl tn Priiiee HllPt and tried In ini .wa thr finel and mtl hefp m1ie it n good phvre in which lo live, iVl knew nil lhoe ittMMUil Irin he had ever made who were here in Ihe early tlare, And ninny of them shnretl her m M Cfiiinfry The WealBf mm wa M'em anii. even hi m hnapilalitv. Ami in Ihe pce nf her oeial dnlie she wa proud lime of Ihe year. I here wa deck In lii the mother of a famMtr lo whieh h d ended herelf nnd ifctnrinR on ih.- iemer all ine endeared hereelf. way ntrih b-ih t! day ami hy PJIsikllSl Prince Itupert people will join with The Daily New, wc are nHmt. ltir -.-enery wa won-ilerful. lire, in eonvei ing to .Mr. Patmore sympathy in Ihe hour or ir-Mi and regret at the )o which he and lite family and the whole InttrttUd In Rupert. e-imrmiiiftT have rttTrred in Ihe naing of an Meal wife ami Mr. Aivamff report thai le fill mother and an admirable riticen. lakan ellle are very tin lei and peonle are leaving hy Ihe Looking Forward to boat loa4 frnm all place clear FINEST QUALITY from Juneau to Kodiak. Prince Winter. a Hard . Canada la been loaiing forwanl to n hard wittier and it i flu perl i looketi uion a Ine far there ha been twi town of all and Ihe eliy t Rich-Ripe-Mcllow Tobacco now upon n. While in Prince Hiiperl n ln af Virginia iMhiiif to indirate that relief work will le needed, careful wnlrh talketl of evwenere. petHile, onaetallf flail ai Mi u. tha ilionld lie kept In ee that there i no tlilrr meqnent on wtmM eooie here to mat their failure to obtain work. home but Ihrimr here I reported aottrE. hi many localtlie there ha been lilUe opportunity for raii r ai riar io tuttMi r w to he very blirti and that t IN THE LETTER BOX tan t or t utT a'i mvc ml to winter. Not only hae been low, but ne prepare wage why more do nH come. Hia Tk BuMra thai I t M Ifimif. ml work ha been irregular. A a renll relief work I neeary rrtar anarl. g . . urrMIMI cttl r renl here. ny Mr. .trvaiofr. Mr. !! N I W f'-r aiW IO DfM the rt of tbta in lieing harm! equally by the mHHleialIty. the rnon mai HITTING BELOW BELT. F I W4)t. UnTBlHil ftt MBb) n4HsJWBBl nlnH Universal neopie are ieeping Trading Co, the-Dominion. The reHef i imvirire and money pent on public rmintry away. He aay thai the at aiil ma Caar air work and -jen-Are ,f iven the opportunity to secure a livelihood people in Alaka are taking aJ- j iinei peck i ri lv' tm llrn-. i mrM Mm,LI I il'in lit Omdtt Math BUM without lo4Ti their eir-reneeL nifvM a mueti intere! in tne qujidad in Ih Kenin laapirr" !, hw Corner Third Avenue and 5 Ui Iti The npejilng if Jogging imi in the otilh h.v improved the Dominion election a they are if NWenMr l?, iff l. r ' a mm,rta w arm condition somewhat. It i a pity thai condition mkhiIO not have here. vaclisn of IllUalon Whftl hf Larama laiwl fttL 111 been neh that amp obM have been opened in the north. A doing north front here, Mr. Uiea ihai "W. K H il I lam in 1 k m mstuiiMarau f- it. n lumberman reeenlly staled. Ihe ntflre we ludy the til nation the Aivaioff left ihe CaaadhHa nUanfclng ma a a aotdor ia tae aimer. more convinced we become nf the fatal nmtake of the railway tMuner al Jmu. an4 taking an field, played right into my rt ni rgat i.t wTwrrr Big Special! hi rushing hp freight rate to a point where it wa impoilife tdmiral line knot, reached r- hand. ' Tk TMi w.O t or SbM itT t HAOC C. IMHM nTI t la do biuine. The logging industry wa klllM very largely bvwlird mxrr caJUnc at :ntoa It I really had to ioil rrtara ar uiittd Nafrl,to laahT C. far awmtlW at On taa to - the rtMilhardine of the Government tiding through the RalIwaylaMj VaJeW. Krom Seward tie Ihe Colonel' lilt with bi hh i far raL aaSaeM fauatoaat aa tiommiioii. went hy I ram In Anchor and bad IntairtnalkM for iudnnvg from at ttta a nM an aiaaMM ait aiaieavi mt S aa tesdl'a aaartoe n'Wi ai 1 from thai plate foot another the violence of the roanler at-lack, fmm iaar luvar taa mil mmmlM f Men Promiiet to Make learner for Kndiak. The rail, the Colonrl iniil f.-.. that Suits Railroad Effective. niati from heward to Faiehanki. he hJh earned if ltrr Y't.. How arrra,to liol mi One benefit In he derived feeni the relnrn of Mackenxie King he ay. will he aowiMetrd iht diciaeer1lng il he for him Uaanl afao I ll. IWI Htl 4MIUeV awi. and hi supporter ai tlte fortltrommg election i to eetire the yinier. Tl mud marks one I" real lie hi .I'-perat"- on. fiillWIment CiJc nromi (bat he will make the Ooadwn National if the jrreal eainneeriiiir feal lauirhl wa in n.u. in. mm. Tf-a Railway e(Te)Va. II i hi opfaiion that they have not yet been of modern time Mr. Ahatnff hilallng fur aa.ted. rasnrg arrrat i n pmiucT MS $15.00 $20.00 rail t or cot rrti given an opt met it oily to property ftmrtmn. vN hile the peopl etui nr.t hy Ihe aMie nnle a wa n ', i Taat taal I. W act. f rrat were not conatillrtl in taking over tli roatia. M that they were te went north. phjeh irementloii. tntaaiaaiMni aaw. a . aaraatn m "a aai aU rt ia a a rr really foUletl on the people witbutH their conetit: wow that they Boats Popular. " j aaai. ittiral aat afal I Mrnluai aa Uh M $25.00 $30.00 have them, the het mnd te nAle of the itHtion ami Ihe rail- - The imathan boat. y Mr. aAlLin f..r ml rtr. f t Na lia I m taaM It tttiki na t toM bah tm i iaaii 64r air t Tnv mnt be irivon a ehanee o develop into a real live factor Aivaioft. eHjny great yifMlrarNa any roiiuwenl n ". .1 tmt aurta aaak at UtO mttr mr. ai to aaa. latara aurta ta iti the boildinv up nf the GanadnHi natimk among the AUkan. Tha will Perk wf recaMl other than a iaar al rtataii. Iteae MMtk for to J ravel favorable t antiwent ; in fact. I aa m to r- tai f i aaaianmial. atatua. , (llve King rhanec" i the election cry today. The wail two eek Mar arm. lleigheHHe lHwef7led li make good. They have made a botch me in prefareiM-e In IM Amar-ican have atwar htet hi. wai .l4 mai SIM. IHI w Mtiea, reaM. MENS' OVERCOATS nf he affair of late. Nw there i a young man with abundant boat. He think that t reaord and have gtven him full . t laWkkvira- (hiergv who ha the confidence nf the people generaHy. It i for tirMkl Trunk Pwaefte Cn. cunM aredu an aver? upaaaiw bo !Ht1C. .'jkeeoa riM4i4wec' to get m Mae with the trend of affair, ami nyaye pniilally tu lai et- trr hi war and Panlamemarj .. eanacc atraav MS fj:ve a man in Ihe next Parhamettt who w do n nme gootl ntea1 of lyinc their Meamera we. TMa ne asett t or aaM coal 1. liM iilly and at Ihe name lime help to carry on a Omernmenl which op for tht winter. Poor Sport. mmm haaaat rta $20.00 far i.a ia aaaty at r'wt.ty The Cnanael. juelicV if really for Ihe hoMefit of Uaota a a whole rattier than of the Mr. Atvatnfr trtti north w in t. him- no. aataral aa ilnliaai la ft. for bainej rather than far eelf. abouid the ace Mint toalat So cm il IMd Cawiaatrlat cboen few. f f r- i gatataS taw aai ae aaejtr aaaV ; lieaare. He weal to recover mL my rerfprau addre m ii. at laaar Mttt aa ma aa aoaHi f municipalities i Try hi fthmg htial "Kloie ' which natty Xewa. If he read with Utav Oasar afcar. wxaw tPtm $25.00 a rinerman nati laaen away snleratamling he wMI he m,,. fceaa anrsh a Huai to pural at to Shift Burden. aiananaitH. anal i law ta arrat. from here and had (ailed in ee. vSnaatl IhM he ia either muddle fl.t ISfl. . InrtMNl Aaratt Some of Ihe ntwHhiplitie of nritih Columbia had a mania turn. He wa we-eeful but ten headed ur a utar aptwi. beratix-if ion ait a. rtBb $30.00 for peoling a few year ago. not considering how the bill were m.T, ism. at Ktidiak until he read tne above addre.. he the al afirtnjt U be paid. They bunt let oof huge contract and expected Mime Mlien he wtll ei'ler HI it there i-i i her did not unaVra'aml it areat influx of new people would help to make the payment. ha B W a -a lr bring it hark tin nrt. witfntly rnnjuretl up allgrl MB aamaB The influx did not come ami today Ihe municipalitie are howling Tc ar.Ora Out t nMi Ntr4 latenteni whieh I dM not make, Waltb. af Tarrte. . ateainmai twr bet-aiie the fiovernmenl will not pay their debt. that he might enjoy (he .-iptoU aaaaa. aaMad tn arety M i areata ta The Provincial Government ha promised the municipalities at im far aaai. lartl rtt tad UNIVERSAL TRADING CO. f analhtlaliiMi them and iW-in Iraai aa Ox f'ilaiar 4 ri lat I ut.1 IjaH the profit oh the opera lion of the lltjuor ale and alo the divert atleniwa from the D i mm laraif l a fnat altataa aa tan aaa-r perojiaI property tax which I at present collected by the TIMSin SALE XOMT. iue. aawarr am aalet mm aaaak aiati of raa talk(adtr r4r aor Mr.and Crn. Third tlh tin province. Much more than that i aked, however, and because hT A for the balance uf llone aVi IM aw re at ream aa tswat.iaar tteara aaaia aartk t .1. t It ""' ""e the province refuse to endanger the provincial credit by hand-Ug Mlattler Seiled t toadert La4 al Vlrturlt t rm4 aa Ulrr ar Ihaa tn I'eeii'- tirade again! nvyalt I at naata.a natal, nai iver eve rvt Inn g the municipalitie are trying to mine a tmm Uf barrtuta aa it IM f tttr LKrCM ot lrml.IIII. la tul lar regret Ihe aenl intent and ian. 41 Aa aera l tin. tail. political cry. . Vicjoriar is Ibe ebiff agilalor. That. city ha upent e lll.trO ftl of apraea. t-edtr aa Hum-lark, xuae are beneath the duu ' tnoNt, nowaap walsh.J4aVJCi IroHruL '-J. " i - ara tltula4 tta Uw atil abnr un oi muney-j yt one lime a mnuon uoiiar paving rontra-i wa ua ta trra a g'-iii 111.411. Mi twcatiiilat at LoalM hum. vera ijiraut utiru i. let, and the riwSft a fol of unavory -work came to light Inter in ttf Oa irtr a III aa aaara lar rtwu rrUlnly i.. pari lament a- ami rawr avrtnT votirr law hMTBicr dis- connection with it. Now thc would like to have the rest of the raribrr timiitr ptrumUra of Ow if roiir. may etnlain hi dtffleull in taji t or coast "i' tits. VwwrU. a i. . ur tnttrirl fomwf, mart Ttka aatir Mm 1 1, cyefl MttHtrwa Cart, Railways province hoier the biirtlrn. eii. a r. ; representing Kirrna on Ih flo..r ml lna a ift B. C. oa(4lM OiH Canadian National aattiaaar. tetrad la tf4r ,mr BmaM WJ Ihe Hoiie of laBtliioii I atnaatvl far raal aataral tad (ale. r tnr cor.vTY fOtnr or raiacalM regret that I hajae no rail kaM aa UM fuOaaair dn4 Uadt: i. tl fBd an tad to-aaarlar itatai aitar pom m pint, nmini i riu.-oa tirmi. Titary War renri. bul why i. my aMBr af Aadtr Mr tad l la the BUIIer af THK knVSTBTOV llWte 'an In I lie aaatk af lau "adr Biter, mart war record saeue hi. A r tut hi ttu nuiler t Iht Uuu af ra.i S rkaiaa, taraa earHi tt ceaia. Prince Rupert COAL! COAL! COAL! t'"f H f. IMKlTM. diotiH. UHeittta. campaign 'imply hfeaa) H-iMonel ia an east e ola. ita aaaia tS TtkC 'THf. Utal la urOrr af MM withe to bold hiiuxlf i atiai to aarat U cataaaeararatet. aeuia Hiamr r Nra. Vuaar. mir iha ttlh rttr tar ie terra .f Vnrailjrr, Alt. ltl. I att tital u a a real Mara ia all hi baaeted Aal fltl. ISfl taaamnrtna- f la Ftuie al iaM.a I VBJL MONTAOI g r-ABTIH. AppMr!. l.uirM Kuoia. tmtat. tad all lrl llary glory, i ail rati with L ffb. MM . Mtinr rUiiut ttiia.1 Ilia Mai r.Ul tra non-miliiarv and get SK.nvards urrrtrl rMiaired u. Caralta tauie. HtVtlf career, notice Edson Coal Company t.nnta'. la ac. m ar bratv the I lib dir deci.ton on miMtary laiolartlt rairr nrrrnr lamp dmtmct dis tV atr i at B I SIV B BP ..f Dnnutirr, All Ittl. ta4 U trlt favtirablr .,. Ofisel He. T,k;"Iti. tT n" tiwlHHtd to Iha rttt are retfalrerj w NT k. i a f -...n.. net 0ek Phone 58 Ow fnrthaitn awwal uf Ibtir UxVtlMlxitt ta m other Word., he I trying l win rrtara ear. ia ht.-nt ta B ff C. far areainlkai a MraaM ntll ta pn-mmri Opsratlng O. T P. 20,000 TOfl r! ' ii'lll a MrVt'tUV. ibi eln iioii imi hi military Uf tmM. atlarii ttt tad priralraia aa ladi'nUi. Va are in a ponilion o gf IMMEDIATE DELIVERY, by the orarul tdiaiattirtter. a ... . . 'ia .aatvaf otrriaa Mtti' tnwi rnalnaara. MathlnlsU. Bollrmsrs, li.n i..-,.!. lutxl tan liih iltr ..f 1tt. i r-oru, regxeniieea oi tne poim- , mMa f cur air i ..i..-tktr. lU .r .- .i f f..;,. CDSON COAL, which Is known ea) lea ami hie qaaHftcatioo laa aerta mm uow wir tn". makere, Founoers. to ! the id -i ai: of anv I'oal on ihe market. LAND act. t pBl tttl I (MiM, iaara aaau a to rejrrnt( H been a. Satot. ihara al IS rhaut. Uera earth BEST COAL AT LOWEST PRICES Itttlct f UUatlaa ta Arr'r Va Lm lot. Barbarous Privlleoa. laa rhalaa ta Baital af ntuwtmietL tM h:i ORDER NOWPHONE SB la ritl Laad bltlrtrt. Keeardtor IHttrtrt HNrtar i trt. Our pi ml I" ' il'i'l'l of rnnca Hbtri, and tttott tl CapUla In llo- Wealholwa theatre Untiled Atfetl tttL ISf 1. Office - Prince Rupert Feed Co. ot.Tikt mi autira no.tlul atr Mirdoetld. CI i.l .iu-! I'tra. refrrrtfaj to bi A. n. C.tKltuu.r Bratvlt.tppurtni.Art- MARINE AND - -COMMERCIAL rrtam flupert. B C oerapaliiai Btoermta.rimlitary r.v.ird. eaUJ: "drop - woTicr. Corner Second Avsnua and Saventh tuiMidt ia typiy far penuittwia ta It 1 pisTBirrr-tucr -PIS- Street lb ftilkialnr ttwnlet Unti Dial .lu-it. Kuratr he did not raiacj poranT or milt attflR rivr CuiNluearUir tl a putl fittnlMI tl la IX, mean n He aUw Mhl he did md Ttka aettr UmI I, S. T rtaiwrte. af leoratr. a rhtiat north af WblU Bork. . -oft Uivnra ta rtuia aorta, Utitrm uaa rluua with alV imitate prttttw khe brll. trece. B. t". or Bon aruaoMivr, la 43 AND 3 lead t tMto far areata to eratprrt fur PHONES latti. tbrara 4 rlialat toalli, Harare on rue 'rbtia tttl. tad coauinrar fr tcrtt tnor ,p.pi. rar br .rfmjr1, , w ta the tone to have or trt. K.u-tni. or merely wished to be , iai altei a aula imm rur aotr nrro a. tin, left In ole eiuaeal ttf laar. Uw north btak af UUl Carttr hlrtr, M. fltB Co. Art ml tar ft. a ft. iwii SS Ibeara rhtiat. nana mmt IY0UR Dtid VpirwXr It, Ittl baroue privllega. I eortaiiiry 'ertlit.lwtmm tarae ! is rktia, " mil AUTO .hall ih.i diapute bia re iatt. Isui ,f MMOff'ma..SI Tt em ' r.itroa-ai. rua H r"iia . fa SUITCASES I would remind the lilm4 IImI Leesi tad Aataal till Ittl. a. x ni.ltOM, Appllrtat. Touched Up and Ihe pou 11.11 o uhMi he iir. , c, r, stmvt.. tttat Varnished Trunks 1 one of dignity antl homo- In flOTICf. Wm nr. mnvinr ml, new preinias .... . r " Oood, work at reasonable a rUiiiiH eonntry. uml that lal riu"M-thitlf avruir or ctiBT titHijg pistbict nvt. dis Third Avenue and rather ihen tra" prirtes lemptT. uiiiMir 1 act Ma ami Ttkt pancr I ttt I, Mr. Ilirrr Oaadrrtaa. m--' merylhin CLUB BAGS i'ilirf I-,,. .1.,. lai aMia. a. c. atrtU'tlloo hnutaift. 0iTcrln a, KALSOMININO AND .I Stead la teptt far t be to prot for It worth your tthile l J poWcHJ ' PAPERHANOINQ Large Stock on hand. t-ulMHi. at trgat md tn the eel real, ittturtf u tad irai aa iha fo. riurlna our sale CVCRV DOLLAR CAri lotitar twrrtt la w.infeiet t malum .l uttoaa L. Prices low ptN.pIr opinio fawl ptaaiad a la txnk or Cedtr ttirtr O. LARSEN very a genlb mai, Mttub) value. neptiila Ilia nmth af Ula Ctdtr hirer. I tenet rati H Niiu. Ibeer wit t Corner Plfth and McBHde J. F. MAGUIRE V K WII.I.IAMK. ikaiat. Uttrt at . Uwar aortk Phone Qreen 810 tu rat ia 10 pati n rentiMeraawat. cm- FurniteMor Box 44 I.:.,!. tt IrfB. Barrie's Nrit tb Priore 3 u part Hot Joeeph at ii' etriett in tlx I "(ted i r ttl tllU ltl. H Hhh Slio Apllrtel, city latt .'ii mil 1 1 vat' r