© - Pua Zz. 1D bd - Oo OD — ~ Te. ¢ Tomorrow's Tides | © 1 Friday, September 16, 1932 Prince Rupe ercast. lighh @ Yo @ Ries. kee 1:55 a.m. 208 ft ania aan pehauaise Pry wit ’ - a “a fn temperature, 54; sea smooth. ; * : ae ee hey on 4.5 ft. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSP APER : Wol, XXIII. No. 215, ny ora sa te PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1932 =_— oT a =~ —*= Saas aa ne nn r EE son di lui if’ PLANE “AMERICAN NURSE’ MISSING ON ATLANTIC FLIGHT ee " ae neg a noone nae ————— ren a nen = — — ¥ e Amalgamation of Two Canadian =» —_Mas* New Hish Record Railway Systems Is Not Beng |. Recommended, It Is Intimated ~~ KILLED AT ESSONDALE | | | | | Rome to New York Ship. Last Reported by Liner Near Coast of Ireland : Italian Authorities Institute Search as Fuel Would Now Be Exhausted—All Was in Readiness For Landing of Machine at Goal Last Night et 2s « ee | Methods of Closer Co-operation in Order to Avoid Dupli- cation of Services Will Be Advised—Joint Super- vision of Both Lines May Be Advocated OTTAWA, Sept. 15:—The report of the federal a ‘commission on transportation will not be presented to the, |government until next week. In the meantime, conjecture |as to the findings of the commission is persistent. The gen-) eral feeling is that the report will contain no recommenda-| ‘tion looking to amalgamation but that it will advise me-| ROME, Sept. 15:—Every searching agency under the control of the Italian government was set to work today to find the missing monopane “American Nurse,” last re- ported by the French liner Paris 400 miles off the south- jern coast of Ireland yesterday on her proposed non-stop \flight from New York to Rome. The plane was due here at ‘midnight last night. The fuel sup % -—— — Insane Patient Dies Allegedly As Result of Treatment Received From Attendants Mises Arveatéa 2 2 F Se: Ok SPORE: EF * Packs EB | ; ra 7 oe : is MShods of closer co-operation be-| |ply would now be exhausted. Sst ; . 2“ tween the two great systems with a! After word had been receive S N 4 al Charges of Grevious Bod- | : veo , ’ : we — ieear tia camiaaid In Prison Cell view to preventing duplication of | shortly after midnight last night ¥ ; ily ~o acai , * or n Se Sie lines and setvice. that the American trans-Atlantic % pene ar } { | The importance of economy will) }plane “American Nurse” was with- ALBERTA a & canta ersnenttien' ts 5 |be stressed in the report. Presum-| in two hours of Florence in the ; IEW WESTMINSTER, Sept. 15 i _— : aoe ' , ‘ cae | jably the operation of trains by both course of its flight from New York ase 2% Se Sern ee eee ‘roads at practically identical times! to Rome, Italian air authorities or- i Mental Hospital near here are un-| jroads at practically identical times, Terrific Gale S the © Be dee seta foll aad the de ath’ at when traffic is sufficient for only: dered the flood light turned on at - ie 7 he by tr oe oy arres llowing the pat | : | . yatient whom they subdued wkend jone will be condemned. Sa se Qenvanmee: oe in "tteditiohs "District ” . ts poner’ od t , h ve run atiiok. Methods,..whereby the railways) 938 eae oo or con. Se ett te a ay meet more successfully the} elusion“of ‘the epoch-making non- Fie aapersiits, Set: P=) eraffie of busses “and trucks utiliz-| Ein? " tstop fight: It was later believed} EDMONTON, Sept. 15—Crippling Donald, Henry Maisonneuve and) pe « ey gutane an up P ¥ "| The lads had better be careful or the girls will be first to find that @his ‘dféemation was elton- communication over a wide area, Archibald Lennox, appeared before aap cove age piaway® may, out how high is up. The other day, for instance, Maryse ee hous a windstorm of almost cyclonic stice t eace E, G. Walker Sad ° daring Frenchwoman, hit 32,500 feet in her plane—a new record. Oss ‘ : : a te Als So at a a een That the report may recommend | Last evening the liner Paris re- ee a ae a o as a VOI nh dil h tom! the supervision of the two systems _ : ported that a plane believed to be a ear vee wily ing tele- Gh. causing — é ae an ite aad é ; by a commission, especially selected 4 the “American Nurse” had passed . “i an ne ee ines north ‘ re rem de or wee on | : i j 3 — = cae call no t night. tow 4 ‘and upon which both the Canadian! TOWN WAS iER her speeding eastward. The plane}? me n ‘ond ng ” the ctl , . - wah = ae a Lin National and Canadian Pacific sys- had then been 37 hours out of New ares ‘ t sai U seis wear i , ores _ Bp erent wee ae ae : ; {tems would have _ representation, York. be inciwasing sadly Mm im- = en ev oe — ee has also been suggested. DESTROYED The “American Nurse” is the “=. ia ie 4 e ee It is intimated that writing down only plane to be flown non-stop wed 8 . cae S reporte we “y trouble occurred on August of capital of the Canadian National} Ret across the Pacific Ocean, this feat is oe ~ a es oe The trouble cot ote 2a may be recommended | Spragge, Ont., Will Rise From Its | Remains of Dorothy Millette, “Mys-|having been accomplished last year pares aaois os ale oo eae ae eee ere i} | Seeeeteeapineenactineans Ashes, It Is Announced | tery Woman” in Bern Case, | with her by Hugh Herndon jr and een See milés nor pended. They were later discharge 1 ae Discovered Clyde Pangborn on their historic of here. - from their positions PREMIER flight from Tckyo to Wenatchee,| With communication lines still , as | | SPRAGGE, Ont. Sept. 15:— Wash., after having girdled the|>roken, reports of the extent of the ; | This lumber town, which was al- Id tit M d globe. jamage of the storm were still in- QUAKE IN . f HOPEFUL | most completely destroyed Wed- en I y a e Dr. Leon Pisculli of Yonkers. N.Y.. complete today. It was indicated j nesday by fire which made three | okie leader of the New York-Rome flight, | ‘at the wind had swept down large ee emenmcenvemns | ’ | eee | hundred persons hemsslons and SACRAMEN10, Gal., Sepv. 15:— | Was born near Naples, Italy, but has humbers of trees and poles we that err Te : sath | caused damage of $500,000, will lThe body of a woman believed to|been 32 years in the United States other property damage was slight, — | Pacific Great Eastern Deal Has | be rebuilt, J. J. McFadden, presi- | 1,16 been Dorothy Millette, “mys-|He is a keen aviation enthusiast Se ee : “Every Prospect of Success” | dent of the McFadden Lumber tere woman” in’ the naaaat life of | William Ulbrich, German pilot of No Damage Done by Temblor Which } Tolmie Says | Co., in whose premises the fire | Paul Bern, moving picture executive | the American plane, took on the jo! TRAIN IS Shook Alaska Town on Tues- sone F started, announces. land husband of Jean Harlow, screen 'for a meal ticket. Miss Edna New day—Clocks Stopped CH . LLIWACK, Sept. 15;— McFadden took personal charge | 44> who committed suicide by{comer, the third member of thr sent AGcod Sept. 1! i ane - ae ane hae of work to telleve distress. ‘shooting himself in his home at} 4rty, Is a trained nurse and para L D ANCHORAGE, Alaska, Sep - i Chiltiwack rr rene ere f Cay | Hollywood ten days ago, was found, *hute jumper. i The severest earthquake evel felt - | mier S. F. Tolmie said that nego- | oat the Sacramento River late Wed-| ke liatiieds ‘ ? rele anchorage on Huey | From a cabinet pa ot pron | tte oe tec orca towers [FLEE CAFE |osiv.t™ tn eerdiconnt > DOOSEVELT «| >x rit seams ot renee ig y 0 m . ) - : cel wit sever I ac s ale ‘ area V2 | - “4 nln ce 7 ; 4 : night. ! dam vapor yids 2 cell, with several up ‘ 1 Ss ; . yt oer ed ae | j}a Japanese fisherman in Georgiana French Foreign Legion Repor- , though clocks stoppea ane an) in between, has been the colorfu Rallway had “every prospec } Slough, two miles from the Walnut | ted Killed in Algieria residents were alarmed career of this wealthy eae 3 i abnheacl ida } BURNED ‘rove And 38 miles down the river es os Labor leader, Luis N. Morones, ‘he Premier said tha 1e deal | | rom Sacramento, It was near this| : : os . . now behind the bars in jail at would be of great advantage to | where Miss Millette is believ- ALGIERS, Se pt. 15:—Over fifty W | b t Landin § flochi | British Columbia ———— }»oint where Miss Millette is be —— oldiers were killed and more than A a l u g Los Mochis 24 7 | waterfront Building Virtually. De d to have jumped overboard from) Democratic Presidential Candidate | ,ighty are reported to haye been 4 | ” ——- le F senasiat te Midnight Fire Ja river steamer bound from San; Appeals to Middle West Far- njured as a result of the@defail- ' ~ Summary - ar ; ’ Francisco to Sacramento early} mers For Support nent of a Foreign Legion troop American—31,000 pout ds, 3c and Wednesday morning of last week, ; ea rain in Algeria yesterday. ‘The = 2¢ " errs the about forty-eight hours after Bern TOPEKA, Kansas, Sept. 15:— al after triking a defecti = Yc and 4c and ° A h Idi The building and contents of the |* KA, as, § train, after striking a defective Canadian—26,000 pounds, 4.9¢ and Prairie Farmers re 0 Ing ;Fleet Cafe on the local waterfront | Shot himself Speaking under a blazing Kansas/ ail, plunged into a ravine. sf §.4c and 3c , ( 1e government wharf; After a detailed check-up, police|sun from the steps of the Topeka shined ‘. 3c and 5.4c and 3 Th e Wh Off M k t J t |just east of the government w a +‘ tinal the Sale ake tod = t r e us | were destroyed by a midnight fire |¢°° red tha ae OaY Caprespon © State House, the same place where = American eir ea a ; llast night. The proprietor, Einer|in detail to Seton cae of ~ Mil- Vice-President Charles Curtis was WEATHER REPORT i . 99 ‘old Storage, 3c ° ai Ot ona aR . » crackling lette. The body had be@n in the wa-j recently officially informed of his Superior, 22,000, Cold 0 V L P Solem, awakened by the crackling } Ee | ’ ' i f 7 and 2c. Ow wing to ery OW rice | flames, had a narrow escape in such , ter for several days, it was stated. jrenomination as running mate for} p.oq Tree Point Raining, fresh Gloria, 9,000, Cold Storage, 4c Do iclothes as he could gather from a The Early Romance President Herbert Hoover, Gover- ‘outheast wind; barometer, 30.34; and 2c . ; aN, ; lroom adjoining the restaurant. The Mrs F, Marcus, Bern's sister. nor Franklin D, Roosevelt of New temperature, 52; sea rough, Alten, 43,000, refused 3 ind 2c, CLAGARY, Sept. 15:—Dissatisfied with the pre- lloss has not yet been estimated. said that her p eset pa Miss Mil-| .u.k, weimocratic candidate for Triple Island—Overcast, calm; Or q , iThere w “ance lette met in Toront when ‘both! president of the United States, yes- : holding overt of AP AEC awh armers are holdin y There was no insurance. i J sea smooth . Liahona, 29,000, refused 3c and sent price of Ww heat, Alberta farmer: " , B | The fire department was given were on the stage. They became , terday delivered the first speech of Langara Island—Overcast, fight 2c, left for Seattle. their product off the market, selling only when first notification by Douglas Friz-, sweethearts and later lived together | his western campaign tour. easterly wind; light swell. ay is rec uired to pay their debts, it was an- zell who saw the glare while driv-,in New York. Miss Millette became Making a special appeal to the Riley —, 5.4c privet , ool veste “dav jing uptown, Soon after the box mentally. deranged and was con-/farmers of the Middle West for Vera Beatrice, 15,000, Atlin, 9.* nounced by the Alberta Wheat Poo yester¢ ay. lalarm was turned in. hTe blaze had fined for a time to a sanitarium.| their support, Governor Roosevelt|* #¢ ® # *#ee000404944 and 3c, , Wo a ‘ Yn} 1 “re expressed ltaken a good foothold’ by the time, Bern continued to provide for her.| outlined the’ plans of the Democra- | # ; * : é : ; — ere expressec 8 ; , , + nde — ’ Ati, 11,000, Cold Storage, en WINNIPEG, Sept, 18: Gremnmen'n ld ithe department! arrived but was| Last spring Miss: Millette moved) tic party for aid to the agricultural|*# GASOLINE IN ENGLAND * ‘ and. 3c. no surprise at the action of Alberta farmers In hold- ispeedily extinguished. The confla- from New York to San Francisco | industry. He declared that the pre-|* NOW 39¢ PER GALLON # ; apagrypee 3) ing their wheat off the market in view of the present |gration was quite spectacular for a and lived quietly at a hotel there. | sent Republican administration we ; DON cat ‘ 15:—British r k i i ini hat the farmers of [,"me. Will Is Found ‘failed completely in the matter o LON , Sept. 15:—Britis ar 0 an S low prices and voiced the opinion tha 1e Le ; The fire is believed to have orig-| Wednesday afternoon) the miss-|farm relief. + motorists were hit yesterday # Manitoba and Saskatchewan were virtually follow- inated from a gas stove ing will of Bern was found in the; —_—_ - —— * by an increase of nearly twenty # Mrs, Frank Ward of Masselt} - ++ hig view was supported by lightened hedg- | The building stands on railway studio at Hollywood where he wor-| VANCOUVER WHEAT + percent in gasoline prices, rais~\# wishes to express her appreciation Ing SUl\. he Grai Exchan Me during the last property and was formerly occu- ked. He bequeathed his entire es-! ibis * ing the price of standard grade of the sympathy and many kind ing pressure on the Wag eres B . pied by Akerberg & Thomson ma-'tate to Miss Harlow. The will was} VANCOUVER, Sept. 15: Wheat |* fuel to 39¢ per gallon. + 4 nesses of the people of Massett to two days. chine shop and the Nelson Trading found by Miss Irene Harrison, for, Was quoted at 49¢ on the local ex- * * her during the recent illness and ' Co six years Bern's secretary | change today eeeeeeeeeaeeteaee vk | death of her husband Qe————— ‘ 4 OS ate : vg ¥ : “wai: ‘sq t sngtt hak: ie “ ae . ,, a ” | at mn 5 ; 3 4 + ~ 1 ee te PAR b he NO A cia mpage ww es Ree 4 een