—— - : PAGE TWO THE DAILY NEWS — ae - THe ““ WEAKLY“ GET STRONGER | “DAILY” ty takins BOVRIL Because: BOVRIL is the goodness and strength of prime beef. TRY IT TODAY, raised nite eacu aks Publishea Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue H. F. PULLEN - - - Managing-Editor uel THE REAL UNION GOVERNMENT There is a difference between a real union government and a camouflage such as that suggested by Premier Tol- mie in order to save himself the premiership. In his state- ment published in this paper yesterday Mr. Pattullo out- lines briefly his position and emphasizes what kind of a union government he would form to deal with the present serious financial situation. He says: “The power of all the people must be mobilized to meet the present conditions. If ca/led upon to form a government, I propose that men of the highest character and capacity and representatives of all interests shall be called into council.” There is the true coalition, a coalition of all interests, industry, labor, the professions and agriculture with a strong man at the head whose aim and ambition is to prove himself a states- DAILY EDITION Thursday, Sept. 15, 1932 man. He realizes the desire of all for a “clean and coura-' geous and forward administration” from which political partizanship has been banished. If any person has not already read the reply of T. D. Pattullo to Premier Tolmie following reeeipt of a written invitation to him to join a coalition administration, we suggest that they do so now and a second reading might not be out of place. ARE STILL IN RUNNING Brooklyn ‘Dodgers, Retain | Slim Chance to Win National Pennant } cacacadigs NEW YORK, Sept. 15:—Brooklyn Dodgefs remained in the running, no matter how slim theif chance, for the National League pennant by defeating the world champion St. Louis Cardinals yesterday while the Chicago Cubs and Pittsburg Pirates were losing to New York Giants and Boston Braves respectively. Yesterday's Big League were as follows: | News scores American Leagtte New York 3, Chicago 2. Detroit 8, Washington 3. Cleveland 9, Boston 0. pee — Philadelphia 13, St. Louis 6. ' Put Up Great National League Brooklyn %, St. Louis 1. Chicago 3, New York 4. Pittsburg 2, Boston 5. Philadelphia 4, Cincinnati 1. The necessity of suitable ti tively instituted by the Spai suecessfully continued of this city. Mr. Need For Local Track Facilities Is Stressed By Spartan Club Head Interesting Sidelights on Recent Junior Olympics Given By Bill Plommer—Alex Walters and Ronald Allen in Prince Rupert if field and track activities so effec- ‘tan Athletic Club are to be here is stressed by J. W. Plommer, former president of the Spartan Athletic Club here and now residing in Vancouver, in a letter to Philip Edgeumbe | Plommer, in his® Me TT agree to jump at whatever height the bar might be when his race was over. Immediately after the semi- final which was his third race— and all three weré tough—the last vaulter had tried 9 ft. 6 in. and Alex had to jump at once or stery at. the new height, 10 ft. 6 in. So he jumped and cleared. But being tired with a day’s heavy running, he found the sudden rise of one foot too much and was eliminated. He also admitted having neglected his training for this event, so he has .o alibi. Jarf ances In the Finals Performances “So for Monday’s finals we had | two men placed and a third, Carl, | should have been there too. Ther: | was Ronnie up against a fast field fn the 80 and Alex against an even faster group; comparatively, in the} 100 yards. Alex ran first, He fin-| ished fifth but was well up to the; tape and had much to. be proud of./ The first three were bunched closely | ‘ack facilities being provided Thursday, September 15 4932 _— Nee titre aitpey Ti A RCS, = of The Sport World BADMINTON ORGANIZED The Prince. Rupert Badminton Club held its annual meeting |ast night in the City Hall and decided to continue activities during the coming winter season. A member- ship fee of $10 for the season was set. Officers were elected as follows President, George C. Mitche!] Vice-President, W. L. Stamford Secretary—Miss Lillian Halliwe}] Treasurer, Miss Frances Cross ’ ‘ Executive—Miss Bessie Thomp- son, Mrs. G. A. Bryant and M. J Dougherty. must learn to protect himself at all times. Ronnie did very well on the Baseball Standings NATIONAL LEAGUE letter, gives some interesting side- lights on the recent Junior Olym- irm and grabbed the lead—as he} usually doés. He passed me at ‘the cond turn leading the pack and favoring me with a broad grin. Ne- w such impudence, However, he kept his lead and set the pace all the way. But the pace was not fast enough. As you know Ronnie ‘and the fourth and Alex were close! Whole. In his race on Saturday, he behind. Their first start was/ied all the way but the time was ‘false’ and Al told me that, on re-|™uch slower than the heats that turning to his holes for the second ; Mackenzie and Wallach won in 2:06 start, he found the back hole had|@nd 2:08 respectively and approxi- collapsed. As a result he got a slow|mately Ronnie’s heat was in 2:12 start. And I am convinced that, in| Mackenzie is also the High School the 100 yard event, the start is fifty}Champion for both the mile and W. LL. Pct. pie meet in Vancouver in which five Chicago 84 59 .587 local athletes participated. He has Pittsburg 78 64 549 high hopes of the loeal boys dis- Brooklyn 77 68 531 tinguishing themselves in future Philadelphia 73 70 515 aetivities. Following are some ex- Boston 73 72 503 tracts from Mr. Plommer’s letter: New York 66 76 465 “Yesterday I experienced one of St. Louis 65 78 455 the most thrilling days of my life. Cincinnati 58 87 400 First of all I saw Alex Walters AMERICAN LEAGUE (Prince Rupert) run _ Vincent W. OL. Pet. Forbes ragged in the preliminary New York 101 43 .701 heat; then I saw him win the se- Philadelphia 88 55 615 cond round in 10:5 ‘only one other Washington 85 57 599 runner equalled this time!); then Cleveland 80 61 .567 I saw him place a very close second Detroit 69 70 496 to Howard McPhee in the semi- St. Louis 59 82 418 final. McPhee had_ run two very Chieago 44 96 314 slow heats previous to this, whereas Boston 40 102 .282 Alex’s heats were two of the fast- est. He (Alex) was, therefore, more tired than MePhee. Even at that, McPhee only did 10.6. In the first heat Alex was up against Forbes who was my pick for “the man to beat.” Alex, therefore planned to go right out to beat him. Unfortunate- ly his start was slower and Forbes had about two or three yards lead. But Al put on the steam and at the 50-yard mark passed Forbes who tried to run faster and once more pulled a tendon. I imagine it was) weak anyway, because only a week | had elapsed since he first pulled it } ~~ ee oe | while training. He was able to fin- | — = GOVERNOR LOST OUT PHOENIX, Arizona, Sept. 15: George W. Hunt, aged Democratic governor of Arizona, appeared last night to have lost the gubernator- fal primary to Dr. B. D. More who was reported at that time to be lead- ing by over 5000 votes. Said an old customer of the Bank recently: “In my opinion a bank has & personality just as positive and dis. tinct as that of an individual.” The personality of the Bank of Montreal, created by its founders and perpetuated by their successors, is reflected in the substantial charac. ter of the clientele the Bank has dtawn to it, and expresses itself j through more than 600 Branches, Established 1817 TOTAL ASSETS IN EXCESS OF $106,000,006 Prince Rupert Branch: F. A. MacCALLUM, Manager i “] Feel That The Bank of Montreal Has A Distinct Personality 7 which are so many points of con tact with the people and the come mercial life of Canada. The elements which havé gone into that intangible but very real ching the personality of Canada’s oldest bank—include the Bank's unwaver- ing strength and conservatism, its helpful, efficient service, and ics thorough knowledge of local con- ditions wherever it is represented, BANK OF MONTREAL jish second and qualify for tne se- lcond round, but later keratched. In ithe second round, Alex got a per fect start and won by yards. In fact, | had he experienced more compe- | ‘tition and known his pace better, he | could have eased up in this race but he galloped home in 10.5—with no opposition “An hour later in the semi-final he was drawn with McPhee who is| considered as fast as Forbes. Me- | Phee’s preliminary and _ second round heats had been very slow 110.7 and 10.6—and as a result he} was fresher than Al. However. Al) iforced him to run all out in 106 which is not so hot. Al was about! a foot behind him. Collier, the only other man to do 10.5 ‘in his prelim- inary heat), ran second in the s- cond round to Poole of Kelowna a mere crawl (Collier) ran | placing third! In the semi-final he} with Poole’s time here {Sunday's Province he jtioned while Barrett isn't men- of Vancou- ver, who ran second to Poole in the emi-final, is conceded a chance to win both 100 and 220! You've got to show me, though. I'm willing to put my shirt on Alex to win the hun- dred tomorrow, And won't I enjoy pointing out this oversight of Alex's whievements of yesterday to Tyer- | man. “The track is very slow here. It is tust a cinder track with no clay | foundation. It breaks up very eas- ily; gives a runner no ‘bound,’ and the starting holes look like craters ifter about four heats. Ah, well, to- morrow it will be perfect as the only track event before the final of the century’ is the hurdles. Rennie Allen Next comes Ronnie Allen who ran a great race. No foolin’! From he gun he led a pack of 11 starters! fhe track Was crowded and they ame along four deep like a regi- ment of hussars. 1 was acting as track inspector and, what a job it was trying to see who was being fouled. Someone stepped on Ron- nie's foot in the first few yards but he sprinted for the ‘pole’ on the ; CS SARS Ree NAR NN aa SRNR, bP ances. tHE lrunning the llant runner ;profit by his experience who won the second round in 1038,! Poole again,|did their best in the pole vault but | was 10.6. } ‘So Alex, in my estimation, was} the best man in the sprints, yet in| ] ace. doesn’t sprint much for the tape | Percent of the — : but he can keep any pace he sets I am very proud of Alex, and [| Tomorrow I am instructing him t poet equinus * = him during | run the first 440 in about 59 fiat ime Seereee saree Wit more clase f By the time they reach the second }competition down here he should | 440, he will have run all the ‘sprint’}@¢¥Vel0p @ great deal. Remember out of the rest or else the St. John’s when I first started him running | Ambulance Corps wil be wheeling | '@5t year he only did 11 manent a friend Ronnie out on a streteher.|2" Occassional 10 8-10 seconds in But I am ahead of my story. practice, whereas, when I left on In the last 10 yards the two | July 1, although the time was offt- runners trailing Ron put on a | cially 6-0, owe watches had Ae feeble sprint and both managed te | 2-10. I hope during the next year the tape a few inches to see him get down to a steady 1) ahead of our Ron who was third.|“eeonds on these better tracks. | but as fresh as a daisy. Of course | There are still many crudities in his unning that need correcting, espec- ially in his start, which is very in- fall ove he qualified for the final tomorrow but I can guarantee right now tha he won't be as fresh as a daisy. Hi | senatepent, and in his stride which chief opposition, Mackenzie anc ,™USt be lengthened, Hs arm action Wallach, are stout runners. As 1|'% l80 too high and this tends t lift him up rather than shoot him forward. I also intend to handle aid }efore, if Ron can run them into the ground with a scorchin » astle W yace the first 440, the race wil! i+ ai lison, if he wishes and Ron- 1} At least I am sure he wil) | Die if he comes down here this yea: “In the final of the 80, Ronnie ran well until they turned the last cure into the final 220 yards. He was in third piace to Wallach and Mac- kenzie, two wonderful runners who coring home one of the medals aw irded for first, second and third vlace. Anybody that pants in be- hind Mackenzie and Wallach ha nothing to be ashamed of. Alex Wi! yn, later in the day, saw Wallach mile and commented very favorably upon his style. After that 880 tomorrow I imagine ow little badminton wizard and zal will have had experience Carl Smith “Carl Smith ran well in his hea‘ and nlaced a good second qualify ine for the final. Unfortunately know, the runners do not have to Stay in their respective lanes in distances over 440 yards. As a result there is a tendency for ‘jockeying’ for position on the inside track, for elbowing, for cutting in front of a runner too closely. Well, Ronnie ex- perienced his first piece of jockey ing when a runner tried to cut in front of him, and in so doing, jab- bed Ronne with his elbow, knocked too hrilling though, he ran out of his lane, for;™ about three vards—and was dis-|"im out of third place, broke his qualified, Pood kid! But he wa:|S#tide—and his heart too. He had warned by the starter: and the|"® chance. It was track inspector at this point on the oval, and had the other runner disqualified, but! is he was beaten out by another runner for third place he failed to olace anyway—so it made no dif- ference. However, it was an excel- lent.lesson, an done that can only track inspector, who disqualified him, yelled at him when he ‘tepped over, but he evidently wa too excited to hear him. So that finished Carl who will in futur fir Thurber and Morrison these boys ;Prince Rupert's are strong and experienced. As you} Bishop Thurber and Roy Morrison} 2@ taught by experience. A man when you consider that the bar was half-mile, a wonderful runner with a terrific sprint for the tape. And he seems able to fudge his race per- peetly, knowing instinctively just when to let a runner pass him and when not to. This, of course something which can only be lear- ned in competition among good runners. And that is something can never learn Prince Rupert until a decent 440 yard track is made for them t wor kon, Local Facilities The facilities for track work i Rupert are nil. The very fact that those boys trained and qualified that terrible football field is amaz ing. Runners down here wouldn't even walk on it for fear of straining every muscle and tendon in thei: bodies. It is disgraceful. And citizens may be proud of the boys who represente: the tow nso well down here, they should be filled with remorse that better conditions were not provided so that they might attain cham pionship calibre. To think that while jtown of 7000 inhabitants could only contribute three athletes of ibility is nothing to be proud of And it is the future job of the Spartan Athletic Club to educate the citizens along those lines. Unti! these boys attracted notice early ir July, practically no one in Rupert did anything to help them or yrovide the club with equipment ¥rom reports that have come to me I am amazed at the wonderful er thusiasm that developeda—at the last minute—among people whose rttitude was apathetic during the ‘wo years that we strove to advanc¢ ‘rack work in Rupert But 1 better say no more Though I am leaving Rupert, my thoughts will always be with the Spartan Club which will be you: *harge during the ensuing year. If tt any time I can help or advist you in any way let me know.” set at 9 ft. 6 in. to start jumping and that they had only just quali fied in clearing that height in Ru- pert, you will not be surprised to learn that Roy could not make the height and was immediately elimi- nated; but it was no disgrace there were many others in the same fix. Bishop cleared the height on his first jump; but in the second round they raised the bar to 10 fi 6 in.—and he hadn't a chance in the world, This was done to eliminate as Many as possible, because there were 43 jumpers to be eliminated, and, when you consider that each one was entitled to three attempts each time the bar was raised to a new position you can readily believe that, had the bar been raised one| aT) Piet e Rn ant NE wen) a 77 1 ae = inch or two at a time, they would} still be jumping to decide the vest | six for the final. “The broad jump was put on at! the samertime as the ‘hundred’ so! Alex decided to scratch. T was quite positive he had no chance anyway,’ because I knew several boys could clear 20 ft. 6 in. and ever over 21 ft. whereas Alex had only done 19 ft. 7 in. at his best. He also confessed that he had not trained for i‘, In the afternoon. while he was run- ning his second round heats and the semi-final heat, the pole vault was taking place; so Alex had to That can be used to econontical shake the bottom grate when a accustomed to— BULKLEY VALLEY COAL 18 A HIGH CARBON, NON-COKING, BITUMINOUS COAL boxes. In your kitehen range tr use single screened lump. In furnaces use single scteened lump with & Benerous portion of fines added to hold a slow fire o! banking over night. You will use no other fuel after becoming BULKLEY VALLEY COAL advantage in all styles of fire the nut-egg size and simply ot fire is desired. For heaters