Thursday, September 15, 1932 Rich In Flavour—Allways ‘SALADA TEA “Fresh from the Gardens” LOW RATES ARE STILL IN EFFECTI oy (ch by ¥ 20% Reduction First and Cabin Class Big Reductions also, Tourist and Third Class Thanks to the new low Travel Canadian Pacific by rates and the favorable the short St, Lawrence Sea- exchange situation, thou- way to Europe. Take your sands who never dreamed pick of the luxurious they could are seeing “White Empresses”, led by Britain this year s 4 4 the Empress of Britains ss hedgerows in bloom ss palatial “Duchesses” 158 thatched cottages 4 5 5 opular “Mont” ships Father Thames... London. re class of accommoda- You, too, can see Europe tion at the lowest cost in this year. Visit historic years. Frequent sailings Edinburgh, Belfast or each week from Montreal Dublin. Or spend a holiday and Quebec (trains to ship- in Paris s 3s Brussels 54: side at Quebec) to British the Hague ; ; s Berlio. and Continental ports, For full particulars apply to ny Canadian Pacific Agent or J. J. FORSTER Steamship General Passenger Agent, C. P. R. Station, Vancouver, BC. 725R CANADIAN PACIFIC The Fish which made Prince Rupert Famous “Rupert Brand” SMOKED | ‘— BEACK COD Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. | PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Ree OT CANADIAN PACIFIC I's V yt PRINCESS LOUISE—Sept. 12, 21, Oct. 3 To \ i * ADELAIDE~—Fridays, 10 p.m, via Ocean PRINC: p rUOi ’ j i s 2 A Io K hi} Wrancel. Juneau and Skagway—Sept. 8, 17 and 29 For Inf te : : W. I OA General Agent Prince Rupert, B.C. i EL TO oT. er a FE» the os r* 1Q Cc »C | UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED eamet e Prinve Rupert for Vancouver S SLA VERY TURSDAY, b:30 PM ’ og V eae a Vancou Thursday a.m S.8. CARDENA EVERY FRIDAY MIDNIGHT, ) ’ ef Sunday midnight. approx 7 ' ‘3 : Alice Arm, Anyox, Stewart and Naas ' iy, 8 pm : for r ling all sailings and tickets at . PRINCE RUPERT AGENCY: Second Avenue Phone 568, ee ee De) SAT OT eS anaes Good Clothes Do Make You Great DRY DOCK Order Your Next New AND Tine || SHIPYARD The Tailor Second Ave.—Opp. Post Office *hone — 649 Prince Rupert eee Operating three Dry Docks Total capacity 20,000 tons Shipbuilders and Ship Repairers for Steel and Wood Vessels Sawmill and Mining Machinery WIDE RANGE OF FINE Repaired and Overhauled QUALITY WOOLLENS TO CHOOSE FROM a ee Iron and Brass Casting Mectric t vetylene Weldin, We use best trimmings; high Electric and Acetyle s class’ Workmanship: perfect 50-ton Derrick for Heavy Lifts | fit guaranteed, i Oh A LOCAL NEWS ITEMS | Taxi 35—Ernie Large, tf; SIMPSON, 5th and McBride, first class Shoe-repairing. Prices right. Scotch and Canadian dance, I.0. }O.F. Hall Sept. 16. A good time assured, 216 C.L.D.L. Dance, Sept. 15. (215) Anglican tea at Mrs, George Ar- nold’s Borden Street Saturday 3 to 6. 215 | Tonight’s train. from the. East, due at 9 p.m., was reported this morning to be on time. Iyldrens Cold W. E. Funnell, gardener for the Canadian National Railways here, will sail tonight on the ss. Prince Rupert ‘for a vacation trip to Van- couver: Mrs. Olof Hanson, who spent a Checked without week with Mrs, George Little at dosing.” Rub on Terrace and Lakelse, returned from Terrace to Smithers on Monday of this week. : VISKS N.U-W.A. important meeting on Friday, Sept. 16, 8 pm., CL.D.L. Hall, Mayor and Council specially | invited: | Sam Jensen, for drunkenness was fined $25. with option of four- teen days’ imprisonment, by Ma- gistrate McClymont in city policr court this morning. ~_—~— Boe i ad Mrs, William Cruickshank and Me os 8 oe the sen | son, Bobby, are sailing tonight on ars AGO column of @ recent Van! the Prince Rupert for a holiday couver Sun: “Ordinary domestic vig ; | Visit in Vancouver. postage rates are to be charged on/! mail to points in Atlin and Yukon | districts, State.” 7 or Lengthy articles on the recent local post office officials! i, sectional tour of British Colum- |oia by a party of British tourists Ry | under the auspices of British Co- D. B. Finn, director of the Prince | |ymbia House appear in the Ga- FRIDAY SPECIAL McIntosh Apples. Munro Bros. Miss Steina Phillipson will sail} tonight on the Prince Rupert for Vancouver. When buying coal—consider you get correct weight. We sell dry coal. Don’t buy water, buy coal. Hyde| Transfer. Note advertisement for | prices, (tf) H. F. Glassey sailed yesterday af- ternoon on the Prince Rupert to make the round trip to Anyox and| Stewart in company with Olof | Hanson, M.P, for Skeena. They will return to the city this even- Rupert Fisheries Expertmental Sta-|zette and London Times, Prince tion, was the speaker at the reg-/ Rupert is prominently mentioned | ular weekly luncheon of the Prince} jn poth. ' | Rupert Rotary Club in the Commo-| we, ellie |dore Cafe today, his subject being | ~ Prof. J. P. | ‘Some Impressions of Cambridge.”| onto, President G. A. Woodland was in} Board | the chair. rrich of Tor- chairman of the Biological of Canada, J. J. Cowie of | Ottawa, secretary, and Dr. R. E| Foerster, assistant director of De- | parture, Bay, Vancouver Island, Bi- | Ological Station, who have been | here to attend meetings of va | othe « fic Coast sub-executive of the Bi- ological Board of Canada, will’ Dance Sept. 16 and 30, Oddfel-| sail by the Prince Rupert tonight ows New Hall. on their return south. | Announcements | Benefit football dance, Septem- . | ber 23, Moose Hall. otel Arrivals . . ‘ i United Church Annual Suppe: Oct. 10. | Thanksgiving Day benefit dance | Eagles’ Hall,October 10. | Bazaar, Octobex nusson, Prince Rupert. ' PRESERVING SPECIALS | |Procure Your Requirements Now Week End While the Stock is at its Best @ } | | ae - Specials $1.95 Large size 85¢ Swift's Back Bacon Cathwlic 19, 20 Hill 60 Hallowe’en Bridge and dance, Oct. 28, I.0.D.E. Hall, per crate | Bartlett Pears 40-lb. box italian Prunes 16 lbs. for | | | | 15¢ Sliced, per lb | “ield Tomatoes—Good 5¢ | Milk—All brands $5 00) quality, per Ib per case r | Green Tomatoes—-Good for 95¢ | Malkin’s Best Red Plum Jam 35 pickling, 7 lbs. for | Cc}. ihe | 4-lb. tin } areen Peppers 25¢ | els Naptha Soap 75¢c. 2 Ibs. for i | per carton ; Cucumbers 5c | Pride of Canada Maple 75¢c. each Syrup, 24-Ib, tin | *resh Celery 25¢, Remo 95¢ 3 for Fresh Green Peas Crestwood Creamery Butter 80e 3-lb, brick t lbs. for ‘abbage—-Remo Fresh Firsts 70c) 10 Ibs. for 25¢ | Malkin’s Best | Tht is the time for making Sauer | | SPINACH, 2’s | Kraut % 2 ae yl 100 the fot 2.25) | Eggs 3 doz tins Watermelons—Small EGGS i’ per Ht) 6c vagy |Ripe Bananas } ; Fresh Firsts | - <0 ral 95¢c | Sas }Robin Hood Flour | SF oan... MOC )rnm $1.40 Alberta Rose ~ Fresh Remo Vegetables | 9 ins 2.45) Just Arrived New Clean Carrots Alberta Rose | ¢ s $1.25 25¢ | shana Flour 8 lbs $1 10, - w Tur | 49 Ibs ° as ga ar 25C | pastry Flour 39c Fresh Crisp Cabbage 10 Ibs | 8 lbs 25C | Braids Tea—1 lb. Free with 90c resh Beets— Medium size 95¢. 2-Ib. purchase, 2 Ibs. .....* 6 lbs. | | Visit Our Confectionery and Deli- |catessen Dept. Open Day and Night $1.60; a.m, to 12 p.m. Fresh Candy and 95¢ Fresh Fruits at reduced prices. 35¢ 35¢ MUSSALLEM'S Economy Store “Where Dollars Have More Cents” Okanagan Preserving Peliches, per crate Italiam Prunes per crate Fresh Tomatoes—No, 1 5-lb. basket Sunkist Sweet Oranges 5 doz. Phone Your Order—We Deliver A'berta ’ Market We Deliver Orders of $2.00 Free of Charge P. GAMULA, Proprietor 319 Third Avenue—Phone 18 & 360) Vifth Street Phone 208) P. 0. Box 575 n 208) | CENTRAL HOTEL R. Bell, P. Martin and J. S Mag- | 3e= wis the peacionus Vita- min. ere made better 7 the addition Jupreme flavour .. lasting crispness atenw _ ew ing. : an C.N.R. Trains | a a For the East— : s ° git i Mondays, Wednesday and Fri they Win enthusiasm ! ae days 10:30 a.m. : From the East— 4 Cea . ee heise flavour in S ‘ and Satur- aker Coro es than in any other socal eee oe = eno corn flake you have ever aur: It is i reels, different ... more subtle... more intriguing, pen eee Z (ngredients are of the highest ity ever put eae SESSA ES into any corn flake. Special ger sugar and salt of crystal purity. Quaker Corn Flakes are toasted in electric ovens. Then ss triple-sealed and wax-wrapped to preserve for : you all their original crispness and supreme Li flavour. ‘3 ° Everyone likes er Corn Flakes: With , . this delicious dish, children take more milk ‘ On Quality Foods and cream than any other way. Economical? Costs only a cent a serving ‘ THRIFT BARGAINS | - For the Week-End NABOB TEA— ‘ per lb. 39c SWANSDOWN CAKE ' FLOUR, per pkg. 29¢ ICING SUGAR— per 2-lb. pkg. 15c PERFECTION BROOMS— High quality, 5-string, on ABC ” CASTILLE SOAP—Long | me : bars, per bar 14c. SUNLIGHT SOAP— per ctn. 18¢c PALMOLIVE SOAP— per bar 6c : BLACK FIGS—New Crop 2 lbs 13c DRIED APRICOTS--Fancy quality, per Ib. 16¢c) AUSTRALIAN SEEDLESS 250! RAISINS, 2 Ibs, 15c SHREDDED COCONUT— dic| per Ib | a 12¢ | i3ic isc A good coffee | 22c lic 10c ALBERTA BUTTER 2 Ibs. LARD—Pure, Market advancing, per 1-lb. PICNIC HAMS—Average weight, 5 Ibs. per lb. GINGER SNAPS—Red Arrow, per Ib VICTORY COFFEE at a cheap price per Ib, WHITE BEANS 3 Ibs UAKER CORN per tin TABLE SALT per 2-lb. sack TOILET ROLLS 3 for a FLAKES—Limit 6 pkgs, per pke CHATEAU CHEESE per ‘%-lb. pkg. per 1-lb. pkg FIJI SLICED PINEAPPLE—Choice Quality per No. 2 tin 18¢c OGILVIE PREMIUM OATS~—Large 55-0z. pkg per pkg. 29c | OGILVIE’S ROYAL HOUSEHOLD | ae to sack 70 | $1.33 13¢c FRUITS & VEGETABLES per 49-lb. sack CLASSIC CLEANSER 2 tins {Okanagan Elberta Peaches—, i per crate Okanagan Wealthy Apples unwrapped, 5 lbs 25e Sweet Potatoes, 4 Ibs. 25e Outdoor Tomatoes, 6 lbs. 25e | $1.58 Phone 179 201 Third Ave, “CARRY AND SAVE” Mail Orders Have Our Prompt Attention mobile Nearly every motorist feels that he is a safe driver. of in League, Think . these completely eliminated if every driver observed the nine the 1 Te drive at speeds in keeping with alah oh chee ch Ole aoe » 2 Te beep on the right side of the rend, except when pasting tn~ . nearly 75,000 Auto- Accidents last year. aT. ealy whoo | heow there is ample dus cnt Nhe 7 Pe = whee conring de erent ol . _ tragedi Te whe I gedies wou 4 ro p Covad Mewoertiens only ev a ety Come bs our ears sign e pledge, \ and we'll install ~\ the League Em- \ blem on your car, one Ride on Safety-Tested Silvertowns. Silvertown RUPERT MOTORS ~ Corner Park Avenue and Second Avenue Telephone 566 Prince Rupert, B.C, Hotel Rates Covenient to business district, homelike, beautiful harbor reasonable. sample rooms. | ¢ ¢ FIRST CLASS CAFE ©; »|! “| >) OpenAit All Hours ‘hh Special monthly rate for Rooms and Meals Hotel Central Ltd. First Avenue & Seventh Street : | Central Ltd. | Pianne Rab Rent ) $4 Per Month and Up views. Spacious Pianos Tuned, $3 WALKER’S MUSIC STORE \ 'Thriit Cash & Carry | seasenppemeessaietiamainieeiimiamasiaal Because it doesn’t pay to advertise poor products, It does pay to buy those advertised. ———- ee — a | { ' ———— (UTR ET se a kare ae eM MME NN i me ate i den 4 ~