NW LIFE BOAT IS IM RAH PflllfiH Lr-- "' INVENTED BY CAPTAIN iinu unu uuuuu v Pacific Operated Cast Interested from Dredge In Boats FOR THREE YEARS Westholme Theatrp TONIGHT ONLY V VAM'.OL VUt. Mar. IU. An Tnr rmutant turai t rai'tuif. -IT eleVlrlcnlly tauuclioil , lifeboat xali-ut rourh tlutt li I ' "U lit plt MONTREAL , of rtrrotbirr i1"! I" " iinplnlll II. Hit !iai which IN umnlor. of II. la tlM Una that - dtnirruui. Turn(Undt op Excbllkkcn WristtL of tin- Ulhmliin Lin.- Tin- kmnr mm rutiaii tK. I be more PICTURE OF A LAUGHS, THRILLS AND .Irainrr. Slept Maker. daTrli will wrHNta nirtiar it trmH-t f your N-ailn. PRICES REDUCED do ntvny II It .Mny ami MHifuaion Tlwir lii im rriMnit nut l allrtuliiin Uic taiiurlilwr uf or iwilu tvHftt thai .u i M u Ma a . a HAPPINESS a a a lif. WiaTa or l'iir rl. dinary lifeboat front velaria In, II Kaa'a healinr and .itlvNii arlion on a . t ri i . rne of nliipwiTk or aeriiMiil. lnt imp air HHttN, ami it ''' "" I"" " sissortea nGcoiates Vrfiilwl iniirli inler,l "i ;Nt a a iltoinrerlanl i-f llw rrsratorr oraim. fliil'l'liif,' ripple. iKAlrorHir llir rrrnn iimi prudwre aertoui , Half pounds 65c f .ll til HUH!.... ..Ill will I" - -"4Ulf'.1mI It... Ivor n4ff4tratkMW, Douglas Fairbanks l fr the Mm. Jvtm lHler. Nmixini. AHa.. rtle: liltain sai.l. . will1 Hard Centre Chocolates Thad a rtf ewir 1 ree ear ifllcvr on llio bridirrto presia a I el Ut M-ierii our.,r. and tried dior button rutioiii't I In' lifeboat In rat rmirb nmlieUkra, out awlMfir arroml Half pounds 65c; pounds $1.25 swir.fr out ami ilroji to a level vlli lu brlp hie. dm ) a rttid lotd me abutll It Wtnafa I'w WN and IS ri II Ir?k. win-re tin rcrw ntnl Assorted Caramels arirr axkar twtrral Ihmii-. I tirme mm-Idetrly Wrapped airn(itri fan Iniaril; Ihe ImkiI i rrNetetL I aliy. t " lif ii dropped I" III water, eelf- m tne huiMe, ind alxi rrmuioieiMl II lo Half pounds,55c: pounds $1.00 releaslns falls relax lltelr Trip otnrra." "WHEN THE CLOUDS tir. Woud'a 1 1 vr- rr h twr iiihI I lif boat i nwny. Scotdiee Punds 0c; pounds 80c nwrrraallr aard rtr nn J yen. aud o rreal ha lirea IH nreaa. It at tMf PRINCE GEORGE natural Uul a rrral tnau tnUtalMana lia ROLL BY" Hard Candies in Jars 35c and 70c wa p.a-r.l mi hip ma ran. The rmw" la put ap la a fHtaw ra1i pan irrea tbr tradp liiark: irirr SSr. and aar. The death MTiirr'il al lite Ht.v a Iwlik-: niaaafarlarrii y bf Toe T. seme liu.-iilal on Siiinl.-H (iioriiint: of VlUiara ii.. Llnritrd, TonaMa. oot Adit. Sole Agents Uarlitll I. lrae. avetj .3. n Comedy, "Stimtilaling Mrs. Chase" Palhe Renew and Setae pioneer olr I lie Xe l.aka diMrifd.. ORMES Limited Iieatli horse.was Mi!' remit of a Mr I liv AUCE ARM Price b - 1 5c and 35c . !( Mr. J. M. Morri.im lefl furl The Pioneer Druggists . n're.iill of n uiblnilpiir- VirLoi i.T liifl v.erl, ( hmiiI hii . EMPRESS THEATRE TONIGHT fnr of Hi.- tli.rHr'iM'lirV the leiiiled visit willi r'tatleH ami; ONLY PrifaPci (Seorye rttrltn n(httiu friniia. j tin al Ilic itjtori ac.1111. i , '1 here . I'MMfaprtiitu, p.' mtirli rlaletl ma o I' ln-ilnni: Mr. J, l.nwpiire. of Smith Kt jtvant See.lb rl.iii1v1 (viltimii orr lhe triMp(H'f i an ewrly Marion Davies iJenirjre. enerii:n -i at lirttli U-l eprllir. Ilereml rin ami nrni What About ' . Saturday afternoon. The1 iruet LAND ACT. wiallaer hae OrPMi- .l f la nioitn. j Mf'aaii- Hcror, Illair. iinrlnijed lain of fii-i of utalpl MITICE OF lTtTo.H TO APPLT TU,!, many IX J,Ml,Ji. !ljf, lliion. Community LAK LAD. (.mm - artrt r-vi-ry tii'lu allon t"tnlii IB oaren (hirtoitr i.iaMa Land Putrid ilalW"-nin. ryrhnrxi. lbnn-v. lo an party reutni'iiin of 'ijrk Itmmfmt: Di.lrtn or ykreiu, and IMtuat Mtllimerlnn anil JIlHjtfi Mill' "THE CINEMA MURDER" lii'ililanel Claim-. n Silver? .tjirn ti.rMr tajmamt Lou 441 iM ,n, MrLanphlili. j TAk'E VlTICC tlUf I, Hum B. Ktblnt ! . K of PrHMV Hnprrt. ormpilioo Miner . . ,,, Tlif v.agoil pnattl lielttiH-H tlie; Thrill nominee E C t,,i, Ly You can buy it from us wax ,h. fin- l uormitifiil wharf "tn-l Alte April1 mp IliHiis f jtrlt rr the standard lo rtf tor fplKjvlDr drtrnbrd Hade lienor al a delightful uriri- LOST CITY' Episode 8 MLT AND JDf the at price efarlej :. rMinvfkruif ! a niul nlantMl al Ih l In lie- Hi-' flri-l of lite not-inmrM rororr or Lot 44. on Ordrr I arly Ul halUfilajr te-ning. ' same as in any city or 1'irtal: tftror tuutti l.u ruiiu mure or wik. A -ore"r ha liwn a' ; even from Eaton's. r to tbe iu irr nurt or Mdro - - rk tuylnx rxil li wnrt. fix- lb' Hartxiur; ittror ocittiraiirny and roiww-mir the MM low watrr mars H eeaina LAND ACT. patl f lay and on .Modular We carry a big stock in itMirr r Itm to a ivmbi due welt 7.40 rmnn from ttw uuam cornrr or Lot rat. ef ltntlofi to l t La Land. actual rtMtelrurtion tjll) "ii-menc. Adam and Sheraton, besides 4tS: inrnrr fan . citaioi to tM aootn- rt rwttrr or IM 441; UMUr OOTtO- . aM i,a Imtrirl UMJrdw IM. G.W.V.A.WAR the Tar plate which of . Itant . and atlaatr al twad Barries mark Jad-o Harbour l eoama more or Iwrn Special A I Mm tlB Hi ! is lower in price. tr to tbc point or cocunKncemeot iwl r I tuna Jtar. adJoMtav tl Vifjf thla All iKilamtnr a arrr mor or laa. Take nottrr that Norman M. arodtnarM. IllnUllfiJ in llie Alii e Ann Hotel, MEMORIAL HIKE B. BABIUTU. John Bulger . Per Fmt ith. B.t.L.S.. arent. r PMiKr Kafrt. nrrapauue mailer nyri-nr nol only liarbUurr Iil el. lu month raiii in m oae nr January, lift. tniend to app4y for prmuMia to to maka etntrilMilin to -llap yjelfari- uf Furniture Fu niiure Jeweller Iraae Ibe fn4ko lav owrttx4 landi! traerjaK the llili-i room IMHle-'Iriaiiii 'nmnetn at a pwl plamd no tne To tin- tHil' of I'rtitef 11'ijmtI for 'utn lin of lot it. tftor wret s main. y between III' leeH-anil tlir TIm i-Horiev men r B"in j TORK'S or Nhm lit tttw ate mark lar ltline liHrnn ttf Hie tinMii Sprint fleUirrlj- e rhaln aloar K -aalrr mart: lit l!ij a Mefuti. , nf Uie Tai'--t Prices Coodi Stoit s SELL ihMKT ral I rhawl tttrr if mi a b'rD y.r iii lilalcMrr ami lo tlto h'i TOVES. malrr mark; Ibrttre norUrtr akmr nJr& fr'jslil a il'l I'tnl tli-lf lle for vatre mark to i. cxwtaiauia 1 teree. Third An Ihe gri'al idealji of Fraexjom. TV more or W-ftl. .rrr. MH It rtlioDlltaIT. ft. V. V. A. l!l aliorjly t4rl a luted January is. 111. Notica linaitoai ta Jf la f illlip ii;n lo ral- rt tHljeli ni illry PACIHC CARTAGE LTD PurcAaaa Land. a our ritii'ii. ran nfre on.I ff' ; Fbooc 93. S. E. Parker, Mj?r Fred Stork's Hardware WATKII Nonrr.. la keene land NMrtri. H-rtUti ma-11" Hfcf ! Ilfi. ! I ) Cewfet ftttrnUo riwr to all otWt tor Second Avfmjb MWIIlo SU USE. tnrt or Oa.t, haaa a. and Mlaale at brad LurTK4e. Hit lie rpaily! Il'-.r HOME AGAIN f Ttjrir,frrisbt.tntkair k fjnk nr otkwr PHONE B ACK 114 1U: .MlTK E that Altrr Arm MaMar and of rami Bay. adniia- W l. 'a rlon..luni II.al will liln o rai.e ORDERS TaUJJf ro GOAt jiD WOOD ; larrfHar i. fxnnaay IJmMd. ad-tr. Take Mre iaal Norman a. Vradnarrti ... ..... .... .c- tiad nmrr. Aayoi. a. C lll ap-'4 Ur a In-ewr It ukr and . run' "f rrtar Kapri til rf arr mt nf Wair I all nr. tamiila ' tar prrmtaeMa lo '"on. " itT lli".- I!t f. and or For real nica HOME COOKING and FISH A.DCWJS trarribrd laada: - a lakhliu linK'f ! l'rlne HiiteH t Co to tha I tin am ihMi i.ivtt w anrtnrety rrotn xoienr al a I""I ptaard on Ibe, nij j(.r ril.i-ne tn iimiiii- rirn itifi. :w.oin an or net in. innr ai r main.; , Th valrr tl) I'.'ret rrowtb lhrar, tt ruan.., tnror r.l f M THE EMPRESS CAFE .iri) tnm lb -HMI-..I roriM-r i.r I t I atone: Ikw afcr lo l flTTAWA Pi KAFr. WITH a1. alwl artll far nam! ror dliau tmill and cuntaUMar forty are, mure nr -. vi aaaiii a m.a wail llllil White Help tT Whire Eats ,!-'fij ami ime patrtm fvwi in turn a .NOHM41 n. KHODMlheT Errrybody Warm ';-n. iV-rtUvt a t d IT and Lot HII . RESULT OF FISH DAY BlKk, 3ra A tic-'- rm Toait. futrd January H. 111. Doaae for Lad la a Cmpra.a Hotel Tin Mi.tir a twatnl on Ua t round ..n lh lint day of Marrn. Itfl. LAM) ACT. 1 A rd.) r taw noti and an aio)eatan jNeil Year will be '. iMir.u.til tnrrlo and lo in "Vtatrr Art. Observed . " ' ttli." will I ir DbHl m Hi oinr r tbr roaat oe noticl j Jointly United States Brororr at I'nnr Mnivrt. . :. and Underwear itilrrii,,,. tn ndiralbm uujr b aopuh land rinmcT -puiKiLT or! H-d HH kr IK Watrr Hrrnnb-r or Vila r.A.Mr,. Canada it , . Hit i Vmioirollrr, tit Wairr lurBta, I'artta TAkL noiir thai 4 Vtilr Sndl nintp-uf Week End iiw ni hinidlnra. tH4ia. a. I loin Trlrrrapn reek. B. C. orrupauoo FiveRoses imriv dy arirr Hi nrat appraratire of I twl-an rrL Intmda to itelf tor orrroia- OITAWA. Mar. ft. -tli !?l tbi notw in a mral wnpir. IVnn la traae the ruiuvini drorrtbrd landa Alir Ann Timnntr, Caaaiar Land Uia-trirt CMiimi-nrmr al a rMt manid los rarda tiolial Hfli Day was a i.uCf-, Specials umrr or tr mtaneat of la aoetbit i iudaiiiiir fnoui AUi t ll IMi (Ml litVr'.MU'MtXT rnrnr or In Trn-rrapB CrS tewnait. wifrimtia rrarnrg C014PA.W IJHITHi. Apnlirant. marked Initial Poat; Iftrara norta it rbaina;i lit-e. Vl tflett e iia ilny- lX- Uy t. p. IIM-I, Btrnt. Ibmre ral 4a rhamai tnrnre route 4 H.C Kreab 4Bcdoin Tie- date uf In nrat iHjturalioo of Ibia rbaina; thrnr rat 4 rbaina la tne point reetlfn, .y far ifiow of the lat Kco not ire la March ,7, lM. of eommrnnrmrnt. "d exialaiaisi IIS acrea italltmal ek"iit tit 1019. . Pure Strawberry Jam, 4 lb. pafli. Flour more or baa 7Be For solid comfort this WATII XOTICK. websteh kC"tt Biaraua. Xel Year Kinii lay will an MrCnrourk's Sola Itiacuita, C IU. rial. nrrmlr IS In. IIIIJ lnvi:alo.T am use. internal iorMileeiit. Tlila year pack aces 91.25 changable weather yt u craTuicATE oriMfrtuveMcaTS. lite tiiltMl lae. In(fir.i TH: MHi E ibat Alire Arm MKWnr and wen. Crssn C'rtxla arrivlna hrn-omirnr ofKaay Uoitird. boe ad-dn-.a TpT uncblt' to miiki' rieed underwear. sotice or ucatios. urrunHo-tila on vkarm title wW I. Ilrad liaire. Aayot. a. C will r llrvnre to lake and rumr "url) ,'"rt ' vl In IV?fj' r Car a ua on Miitr aad vmni aTAH ihactio M'nmd rl tit ate ont or an annamrd Presh f ptnaeh. Cauliflower, Near Heal! rrrrk. alao klioan a. silver ' rerk. alurb MINFHtL muat in uie Anyox ant tr eev-ijllut yearn. Ilnre i Lettuce, b'waet Big illlVlma ft th aaala IM!rt V Catibase, Celery. The well dressed man is nowa ea.trrlv and drama tnlo Mice Arm. aarurtinee of iiriVrnallonal Kieata. in in knaauti rurer. aajoiniof - Potatoes and r'reah Tomaloea atx-nt bred ut Alire Arm al iKdly tardro rmm- vamrn ii, i.p. about IienL Ija ful ttntdr: r naard Lewto or eratll. ojierallon. Bread more particular '! aatrr lll lie dltrrlrd frini iu Meat n ibe elatr of M itmrlon. lmtd e lair a Specials irnun al a point alxnit Lot 17. Hiix-k a, f tt holders Apirtea. Numir irtt his underwear than HI 4HTI. Alire Arm Tunnaite and aiun,.,., i-iriiiir.i any br uaed rr lomalie loan oj.ply and"2Yi.V vSrrii i ..4C7II-1.I V.I.1M I MM. SMITHERS KbouMer Mutton, per lb. 22c tbd power piirwia tmo tlie loma.im drarrlbrd JL 7 I i' Ktw Mutton " I c 'x Miner's Certinrate Aumbrr 4uJa-C.I other of his Lot tail and Lot l74-A. t.iui. or part wearing Alir Anu lutetid al Um end of amy aaya rroro Lnln Mutton. . " 30c Looks Better ' lb Hit berruf t art'fy lo lur Mininr . . 3Be Halt Pork Thla imtirr waa finatrd on the around , Mining artlvity in lirourrtrr tw of renewing In irtiitrat lmprvrmnta apparel. 111 Mrat day or alarm. IStt. the Frye's Hacon, taktnf pree, A r'X or Oils nolire and an apnliralKin ror lit purpoar of r4laiain s Crono Hi" Ilirlklfy Valley. Anions Ji.. Cats Belter purtuanl lltrrrto and In Ilia "Water Art. Oram of earp or tna aUv rlaima. j per lb. BOe 114." will b Bird la in ofllr or the AND U HTHKh TAkr .NOTICE that anion tinJTtli'e in whieli lievflopmenl Frye's Uacon. illced, per lb. OBc undrr-smKifl ".mineral Art" Better We have the 'air ieirder al Piinr. Knirt. B f. SS of the Eats very beet Obirrtiona lo tli application may be muat be eomuMtiK'i-d brore Ibe laauancs wi rip U Ireinv tl in i Hie I Ha-1 nid Willi in aaid Watr lu-mrdrr or wiui r un OrtiOraii ut linproremrota. oioml Il-ll. near IlouaUm. (lie, Beftf quality procurable in the tti lUrfi ntn.ilrr of Wairr Hiyliii. Parlia- tvl I'ATLb. tbia Hal say or February, A. p, VJt Buy American Currency, Keeps a :in-fit Buildinra. virtoni. u. '.. iimn llorvey an'y iriryujlerjijft. tj,e tuny dav aru-e Hi nrat ai.iraraure or ISImedi tliWAHD LtWI.N. Gold Bills. light, medium or heavy lbl tioticr lu a loral nrvi..air. HnLiinea aio lie llfipe"J- tihijierlyl Silver, or Alire Ann Townaite. Laiatar LsDd Kl-trlrl NOTICE. also in ilie .isaliin etlutitryr-'' J lisles Ag" . weight AIJ::Z ARM MIMMI AMI l'E fl, ipMtNT a a a COMPANY I.IMfll.D, Alipltcant. IN THE MATTin ut sn aprllritloa for Um ChtuW Mm. -'. MucLeiuje das Table Co. L. uy r. itiri. aa-ni unu or a rrrah irrtlllral af title to Iol rrttiritei, Rupert Supply John Tli dale of tli Ural pubiicauoo of mis!-;. P)" "A ' Lot s, mock T and U from Wiiinlpejf viherr slip u n,.M.1 PM notice if atarrb 1. IKK I ' "JV" ia lu.n w iruiw i nii w 4 a tm r ......... ... Z11. ' I aa MMlBi.Ltar ..a .Iim Im. .1 tinderrrolntf mrHllral (reatnirni PHONES 211, liiin air or Uli .otrriot llui atxita landa Mrs. MacVeiule nanny bwu irK)irrd, noltra II lirrrby i a fa In in Hip Dyeing Dry Cleaning nviTii thai 11 la in) tiiiiiUK.n lo laaue arirr lnat uf heal tli. '. LTur - Uir I'liilrallitii ..r ...t n.inth fruni Ih nral $5, $6.50 and For work, service i.iiIjIi.a li.xi liric.r. 1 frratl rrrlldcala of! a a $10 good prvmpt nil. in ii..- naim -,t Alfred i. Morrla. whirh iliere waa aimllier Ula enow C.V.EVITT and reasonable prices send guilds ..Miiimir or tiili it datrd II tli July IVI4 TOM LEE GO. to CITIZENS' CLEANERS 4 ami i lniiiil'i- d '1471. 1 atorill lief f ut tilt' Ural of lite Ui'"k DYKK8, 2037 sth Ave., Vancouver. .ijnd aard liiaiMry da ut libruarr.unu. Prlnre Ill.Itupert, t. uud tlie KKiuiiJ la itKain rovrrt'd. AuCtW-V.ad II a Suit Inquiries solicited 11 r. MACLCon, HI0 Secon.l Avenue, Wet Auditor ana rcir- tiiiirtri hcyiairar of Titles. DOQ LICENSES. VEGETABLES Wholesale and ReUII I)itr lu-eimes are! now ijiie fnr i0it ami If laniB are not paid Oencral Contractors and MAVEYcur--; OUR COAL WILL PLEASE YOU una vt& MARTIN O'REILLY willilti 30 tlaya proeer ut Ions will Labor Kichange Uschlns HelW .Jr Clean Lump. Clean Egg. Mine Rua. IT'S HOT. NO SOOT follow. Taita t-an lie obtained al ....lt,,Tno!:ri Consumers Coal Company, Ltd. Um cilyfulic4 sfution, 06 I'l l nee II u pert, H.C UNU. IAl ! Mionti 647 P.O. Uox 75 'BlHtieS 11 "Smith Block PHONE 7 i. Lome MacLaren, Manager WILLIAM Al)AM, Vojico Bcrgcaul. I