; 3 ‘ 4 7 - 4 g if Fe 6h aj § Gy 3 < ih * ; ' ? 7 { Ps + ep ap . = aor. 8 . &. : at “ a tee Oy Me TP. 12 BIAS SF. - pay = “3 es ~ ° ~ m9 > -e ee ee ik 4 gill # ) e c ‘ . 3 le Bice ee vw ? 32 ® oe ’ , nig ” Af ” a . PAGE FOUR thursd THR DAILY N#We —_— a — = ST CLOSING CUT RATE SHOE STORE CUT RATE SHOE STORE This Big S S [Every Shoe Closing Out 4 in this store Shoe E E Now '| Sale Marked CUT RATE SHOE STORE STARTS own “rs to prices less than F riday at Factory Cost. We 9 a.m. must close out en- tire Shoe Stock. The Cut Rate Shoe Store has instructed the Independent Sales Service to dispose of the entire ried out our instructions by slashing the prices to far below Rack No. ] Men’s Runner Shoes : Women’s, Misses’ & Children’s |" Rack No. 7 | Hames, 2 Seite | ee $110; Code Out at ae Entire Shoe Stock ox I Strap Effects. Tennis & Runners Men's Fine Dres i-Low- Reg. $1.25; Closing Out at 95e fords, Black ee “ed. Heel. Reg, to $4.50 Reg. $1.60; Closing Out at Closing Out at— or 1 Women's—Reg. $1.50; Closing Out at $1.15 Calf or Velour | / $1.15 ios i Se 2 os tail Beas ‘ enn Reg. to . Reg. $1.75; Closing Out at $1.25 r ere O vLISSE 1 to 2; Reg. $1.10; Closing Out at % Out at— y $1.75 Reg $2.00: Closing Out at $1.49 ° Light, Medium and Heavy Soles Child ; ery nee ben tee > $4.95 | BOYS’ RUNNER Regardless of Loss or Cost. MEN'S : LADIES’ ALL RUBBER Rack No. 2 SHOES Gaytees Ladies Faney Novelty | Black and: white trim A $10,000.00 High grade Rubber Boots Rack No. 8 MEN’S | | | stock of Men’s, Women’s. Boys’ and Children’s Shoes regardless of cost, loss or profit. We have car- factory cost. We have shoes for the whole family at less than half. Strap Slippers, Hi, Low FELT SLIPPERS ce Men’s Fine Black or SLIPPER wo SWS BOW! . Tan Calf Blucher Ox- Fine Can " or Med. Heels, Browns, 11 to 2; Reg. $1.15— Shoe Stock almost given Full Hip or %-Length; fords. All real bar i Ss! 2-Button Smaps; High or Blacks and 2-Tone Etf- Closing Out at "0¢ gains. Reg. to $6.00 medium heel: Reg. $2°25 fects. Reg. to $5.50 va- se x PR ni ‘Jf Closiny Out at lues. Closing Out at— 1 to 5; Reg. $ . ¢9 fe Cl ou 0% away - Pr. Rupert Buyers. $9 95 69 “ =n, 7. $1.75 Cs Child’s Slippers Child’s Felt Shippers Rack No. 3 Boys! Stop! Look! Buy! | Rack No. 9 = Closing Ou i Women's Pumps, Straps Leckies’ Famous Al] Leather School Shoes, oil- en's Fine Tan Soft LOOK! LO ; I . Ny and Novelty Shoes. Hi tanned uppers, all solid leather— ail alee pee Simpees, Low, Med. Heel Reg. to a sizes 6 to 11. A won- ‘otto Shc Boo. | Pcimingourat $2.49 9 | ser te, ec Women’s Knee Rubber Boots Closing Out at ...... 3] $7.95 Reg. $4.25: Sizes 13 to 54 $2 95 $1 49 All sizes 3 to 7; a big special not to be Sizes 8 to 10; Reg. 65e 45¢ Closing Out at ' . ' 7a looked ; Reg. $2.50 $1. fh Q Closing Out #0... < eae (NR? A Closing Out at f Sizes 1} to 2; Reg. 75¢ 55e SADCAING Closing Out at ... ot Closing Out Sale BARGAINS Rack No. 10 ‘Look!" Men’s Leckies’ MEN’S RUBBERS All sizes, lain or storm: fj “st values, Closing Out a quality . : . Lad Yt 69c. $245 WOMEN’S KID BOUDOIR Rack No. 5 Famous Solid Leather Work Shoes 4 -bel- 3 sitll del Misses’ Shoes & Strap SLIPPERS Slippers in Patents, Calf Soled, Leather oe Extra Special, 2 pairs- ee Ee B Rack No. 6 SHOE. STORE ack INO. Growing Girls’ SéhooT Rack No. 4 Children’s Shoes in Patents, Kid & Brown Strap & Oxfords. Sizes 5 to 1044. Reg. to $1.50 values, Closing Out at Men’s Shoes ‘ Men’s High Grade Dress Shoes in bla tan calf; velour leather, some of th makes; solid oak tan leather soles; Fi $7.00 values; Closing Out at— Rack No. 11 3, p Men’s Heavy All Lea- Rack No. 12 Ma Oxfords. Medium or ED. RIVERS hese 1s ea ae CLOSING-OUT SALE CONDUCTED BY se amg crs | Ee ai Women’s Felt Slippers All warm felt with leather soles Reg. $1.00; Closing Out at .. 65¢ Sewn Soles. Reg, $6.00 19 cap Toe, Reg. to $4.50 Values. Closinig Out at Say Mothers, Look at $2.95 lows tongue, Pegged & Shoes in Patent Ties & Tite Tongue, Plain or Leather or Pance 5° values, $9.4 Out at 2.95 the kind that stand The Independent Sales Service, Vancouver ~G me ; a ree ees