ete sday, September 15, 1932 prsday, Rep THE DAILY NEWS housands of People Read The Advertisements RENT THAT ROOM, SECURE HELP, SELL FURNITURE, REAL ESTATE, ETC., THROUGH A CLASSIFIED ADVERTI PAGE FIVE on This Page Every Day SEMENT ati teeas arth, ee = = = —— ane = ee 7 = a oe i ' . pos ese i nai 2.65 | ‘ LE Ae ee a 6 Neate b es } B.C. Cooking, tb. 4c to . 06 | '* « = ig | * JOSEPH STALIN is + - hae Valencia ae doz. 25c to sa * ABOUT TO RESIGN # ‘ vaiencia Oranges IZ. aIC V | > | Retail prices current here at pre- pemons. Cal. laree. 45 to 55 ay the East 1? ere * j \fent are as follows: Grapefruit “Calitornia 5e to 15) Monday, Wednesday and Friday ;@ MOSCOW, Sept. 15:—It is @ x stv edict ip ata 1) i -yotalin 5: Hine: iain A 10:30 a.m, ror rent, for sale = omy small advertisements in this section charged at the rate of 2 cents | Butter Cantecloupes, B.C., $e to 15) vrom the East " ic ete sects tienes , word per insertion with s ee for the price of four, By the month the charge is 25c a word. 'Faney eartoned, lb. 32 eet i. Ib. .... 5) Tuesday, Thursday and Satur-'@ paring to resisn as head of # vertisement taken for less than 50c. ‘No. 1 Greamery, 3 \bs. 9 a ot day ik wpa Goviet Reoublic vebaeahe bes'@ a antes = Flour eee “| for Vancouver— |# lieVes he has lost’ the confi- # i |Flour, 49’s, No. 1 hard wheat 1.85 bes gna dpe ma tne Bee! Tuesday uo 12:30 pam,,% dence of the people. This re- # FOR SALE ORCHESTRA DAIRIES ‘Pastry Flour, 10 Ibs. ..... .45 to .50 sidins Ace aaain ph 30¢ to 4o| Thursday « 9 pan. # port comes as an aftermath of # ae pin | ‘ —. ____.... | Aust, Pastry flour, 10 Ibs. 40 vtadtaie: ‘iteuane Ae en Friday 6 cecconccoommnndh pam, © the discovery of the alleged as- # RNISHED flat for sale. Apply FOR Your Dance orchestra phone Fish Watarwnainna, 16 08 | September 12 and 21 am (7 sassination plot against Stalin. # Kaien Motors, Phone 52 “Mrs, Black, Green 218. Snappy For FRESH LOCAL MILK ‘Smoked Kivpers, Ib... 15 pears doz. 3¢ to ‘49 fom + name ao i" ee ek Wen ies music! Prices reasonable. (tf) Salmon, fresh, Ib. 15 wr 850 4 | Sunday j-sisotiacdupeleaigah Pete dckeeciid hata R SALE—~Mink, Quebec. Labra- , ! Phone Red 608 or 953 ‘Halibut, Ib, co. * i oe basket, oe + a0} Wednesday revere O90 O.rt.7 young or adult. $20 per pair. | D Eggs Ribler Guages, Wd. wicca September 8, 17 and 29 am! eve pea Hoppe chdale ANCING : Malaga Grapes, Ib. . 25 ; ' — f } ppe, Lo attal , BE. tf. | ANCING | DOMINION DAIRY |Alberta Seeonds, doz . 18 Sefton eae > 20 vig he setae pan.| o CATR lovd wick eer — aeererne ~ “| § Quarts or 14 Pints for 51.00 L. 28 as, doz. 33 ; : si ; “|For Stewart and Anyox— | Se tt] Du SA - h I aa : ” ; ker pm CLASSES for Old Country dancing vs ar eee a ae seit 3] Feed RNID. ...d:ccisisdttinisinniiiah iain 7 pum | n a e rmg vw. Phone Black #29. 12S. J. Watt. Phone Blue 322 Sheed, ateraee take 19 Wheat, No. 3 Alberta 175° Wednesday spam. Hi C . T st new hon lac 2° ee . - ‘ > ’ she ; : aii 218, PASTEURIZED MILK em Wheat, Bulkley Valley 1.75: trom Stewart an@ Anyox— me ampaien our ‘ ts « | IS SAFE MILK pont Neir3. Be 25 ran 100). sumrgies re poet Bank. 48: CHIROPRACTIC ‘ Roasting Chicken, Wb. 30 et ae Thursday 8 pm.!. SEATTLE, Sept. 15:—Governor FOR RENT ribbed epee diet |Ham; sliced, first grate $9{ et vo ows 4B | For Naas River and Port Slmpson-— |Franklin D. Roosevelt, Democratic cnc pepsin alan ed is Veal, loin, Ib. - 30 oN Nga gaa’ SUN AY none neem nseninmell spam, |candidate for president, will speak oom house Phone Red 914. W. C, Aspinall | Fresh from Bulkley Valley geet. pot roast, ib. 15¢ and 18) ~ 1S Vrom Naas River and Port Simpsom in the Civic Auditorium here on sieledia : OT vets Caner Cuditainta Chieopeactic | Farms Beef, boiling, Ib. 10c ta 1b Cheese j BUOCEBy,. sine: LD a.m. | September 20 in the course of his )PRN House, harbor view $25 | Beef, roast, prime rib, Ib. ‘99 Ontariv solids, new Ib. 25\'or Queen Chariettes— | western campaign tour, it is an- nonth. Phone Red 720 \{) Modern Ray Treatments Given | VALENTIN DAIRY Lamb, shoulder, Ib. . 25 nae Sey, rie ae ea BD nnn ciel ne ees. a gee ee oe gph hin fuineenin - i | > . , Edam, Ib. oa rom Queen Charlottes— a at uyallup Fair : éger ‘ ‘ A nt t ‘ | Beef, steak, Ib. 25¢ te ........ 30 r RENT- M d m at, Rand| Phone for Appointmen | Phone 657 ‘Tami, leg, ib. 4 Roaquefort, Ib. 8° September 13 and 27 Ww... p.m. while here. Block. Apply Max Heidbroner. tf Green 242 and 549 ; cncomseetaanngigaton ilies epreipaclig Lamb chops, |b. « 35 ao ne _ = — ——— = RENT— 6-room house, Sec-/f¥pen Evenings 4% Exchange Bly | i seize |Mutton, shoulder, Ib. 1B s ; Ave. Westview, Apply 1448! | S h Sail Ham, picnic, first grade, |b Af na Ave 220 Th AUCTIONEER teams Ip Ings Bacon, side, sliced, best grade 35 mm cheat Gidea inadinaaahll e |Pork shoulder, Ib. 15 »ME 101ce de 3 ne ; anc | . j § nt. Greatly reduced rates.| Packing -- Crating — Wrapping |®F Vancouves— ; (Perk, loin, Ib. - oe : naial aie Tuesday—ss. Catala 1:30 p.m.|Pork, leg, Ib. 22 Westenhaver Bros tf} and Genera) Furniture Repairs s c : ' . ° W tan gos: gebds Ot ine Thurs.—ss Prince Rupert, 10 p.m | Pork, dry salt, lb 20 - le #0. I cneiee rh Glncks tun Friday—ss. Prin. Adelaide 10 p.m.| Ayrshire Bacon, Ib. 20 urin 4EO. J. PAWES—Phone Black } deed x 7 > ‘ one Tone Ss. Cardeng . midnight Veal, shoulder, lb. 20 a SWAP HOUSES a ees roe ee Y Sept. 12—-ss. Princess Louise, p.m.) Vegetahics are es Sept. 21-Princess Louise, ..D.™.| potatoes, new, 13 to 15 Ibs. 25 L swap, Sell or rent houses From Vancouver— 3 yaen R&R tf ' sack 1.50 ne Green ‘G55 Te Sunday—-ss. Catala P.M.) Vegetable Marrow, bb. 05 List your goods with us—Prine> Wed.—ss, Prince Rupert 9:30 a.m.' Beets, bunch 06 WORK WANTED Rupert's leading Auctioncer Friday—ss. Cardena P.M. | Parsley, bunch a an 5 eee Te Ss. Princess Adelaide p.m.;\Celery, head large 18 01 N will do washing reasonab- G. M. HUNT | Sept. 17—ss. Pr. Louise, ...a.M.jGolden Bantam Corn, doz 4 Will take it home or do it at| 8rd Ave. Phone Ked 637 Sept 29-88. Pr, Louise, a2M.\Garlic, imported, per tb 4( Phone 27 +f For Naas Kiver ana Port Simpson— \Cabbage, local, green 05 f eee . Sunday—ss. Catala 8 P.M.| Head Lettuce, head 6c and 07 j h Cl iff d Ad ' | mn mo r oe | From Naas River & Port Simpson~ | pieid Tomatoes. Ib.. 4¢ to on e asst e 5. JTANTED In the Supreme Court of British Tuesday—ss. Catala ... 11:30 a.m.} an 10 e ‘ WANTE cere" | cg Gineast alt Maida... eee een i; oe Many people have something in the house they ANTED—Fout-hole coal Fane.) were. uamy QUICRSTAD, Plaine| SUNday—ss. Catala 8 PM. Onions, B.C. 6 los 25 would like to sell which could be turned into money condition, state price, Box! tier (Judgment Creditor), and JOHN| Wed—ss. Prince Rupert, 4 D.M.jGyreen Onions, 3 bunches 10 if they knew of a customer. Try a classified adver- Daily New (215 MecNEILI JAMES CONNORS and From Stewart and Anyox— | Hubbard Squash, lb. 08 F a . re : =. fet = Pane nes ate eotnts Pe Tueday—ss. Catala ... 11:30 am:'gunch Turnips, bunch* 06 tisement. Most people read the classifieds. For ED Radio salesman, €X-|'"T.ue woTIce t rdanee Thurs —ss. Prince Rupert, 8 P.M. Bench Carrots, bunch 04 about fifty cents vou can let them know about it nee not necessary Apply/ with ar Order t me rected ” 0 For Ocean Falis— iGreen Pepoers, Ib 20 . e e 4 . Box 147, Daily News 216 | ome the 15th, 1992, 3! Thurs.—ss. Prinee Rupert, 10p.m.|Green Beans Ib. 5e to 08 and it may prove a profitable transaction. ANTED— Experienced salésiady | Sil otter for oy om. et my ofifes inj | eay—es. Prin. Adelaide 10 p.m |Outdoor Cucumbers, each 07 enera} store. Only one with|the Court House, Prince Rupert. B.C From Ocean Falls— : iGreen Peas, In, 0% xperi nee need apply. Box} 2... wa F ranted Mineral Wed.—ss. Pr. Rupert 9:30 ..2.M.i way Beans, tb 10 experience n ’ * | Claims mel ane One (4,-| Friday—ss. Cardena p.m, ; nH , R ; h H 148 Taily Ne 9 on rty-e ed 1 One (4 | oney a * | wor, en e perior” Minera) | Ss. Princess Adelaide p.m.|rxtracted Honey, per jar 20c to 30 enting f e ouse — anaes eas = coe perior, OF Queen Charlotte Islands— lcomb Horley 35 E TRANSFERS Number 1” Mineral. Forty:| Sept. 2, 16 and 30. Dried Fruits There are a pumber of houses in the city not eight indred and Thr 48 know" ; sine ‘ ; ; . Maan rand V7 Ret ere een Ct | wre Macen Chattette Inlande— | Tttem ile 8 to Is rented yet and many people make little effort to en oe ieee Bunions Miner toni. {4 dnd Hike P. Séhe LAER, ORG .torange Fed) 2 secure a tenant. Others who are wise to their op- Wood. Chairs for rent tf known Tae hans Watts tnd Sep 13 and 27—ss ohn @.M: | Baek Cooking Figs, lb 10 , : : live (480), known wth Hector} 88. Prince John &.©.' Citron Peel 30 oprtunities try a classified advertisement in the eight Hundred abd 6), know: | WF ee an et |Whie Figs, * . 12% “For Rent” column and often get results. As one IS YOUR PROPERTY VA- fjus the “Superior Number 2 Pr Sept. 8, 17 and 29—ss. Princess) Prunes, 40-50, ib 10 a ih ‘ 6 ais ie CANT? Let us everhaal it. it eee Ot Tab Lat ; t “ Y ; ea Louise a M. | Raisins, Cal seedless. 2 Ibs. a5 satisfied customer said recently: ‘Those little ads will tent and give revenne i Fop Fraction” Mineral ©) Lot | From Alaska— Raisins, Australian seedless, lb. .15 certainly do bring results, again, Charges reasonable. or mi Hundred y 3 oon Sept. 12 and 21 ss. Princess| Currants, Ib 1; A9AG), kwOwn as the ne ' Louise P.M | Apples, dried 18 ral Claim; Lot Porty-nine # i pples, drie 18 J. P. MOLLER \Porepcaie 14048) know? K from Sheena River— | Peaches, Peelod 18 Phone Ked 502 ., rane 4 a a . a Je ae Friday—ss. Cardena P.m.| Apricots, Ib 18c to .20 d orty-nine HMundrec and y ’ (4947), knowl « Ama Prunes, 60-70, 3 lbs 25 S f k R di Ads Se ee ee cies * (eben ene Pag he 3 GRNSERE a | Prunes, 30-40, Ib 12%c to .15 ome l e eader 5. lee the “Amazon Number 4” Miners tet eeeeeee Sugar ‘ ‘ TYPEWRITERS or. tot ve y-nine Hundred at White. 100 Ibs 5.60 Some people after trying other kinds of adver- Porty-mine (4949), know? ae « Re ‘Top Number 2" Mineral The following is the scale 4) Yellow, 100 lbs 5.10 + Ss + For Sale or Rent | Forty-nine Hundred eo v. ne *# of charges made for reading # Lard i Rege, Cowan & Latta fen: Gaim: ind tor Forty-nine Mun. |. notin #/Pure, Ib. 14c to om | jdred and Fifty-one (9961 vow’ “|® Marriage and Engagement | Nuts Phte 234 Ae ee ee ee win~' @ announcement §2, # Almonds, shelled Valencias 50 “ sonia (4 The above Cistins ore ieee at * Birth Notices 50c # | California soft shelled Walnuts 35 | flees of Bear River, Cassia District, |* Funeral Notices $1. ¢|Walriuts, broken shelled 30 | é | Dated at Prince Rupert thi 27th|# Cards of Thanks #' Walnuts, shelled halves 43 i Guide to OAy us caak. | * Funeral Flowers 10c. per # Peanuts ‘ 15 8. A. NICKERSON #* name ~ Apples i Corres dents Bourity oi" When Ruper @ B.C. Gravensteins (wrapped) ) pon 6-097.8910172. FOF OHHET EO H SES 3 Ibs 25 fhe Daily News weleomes || ™ = Ye sae Oa at correspondence on live topics \“ ” ° ! the day or any other sub- Til LIE THE TOILER Th T H f D | Gi ject of public interest, but let- - € wo orns 0 a eh ma ‘ers must be brief and to the point. The long-winded cor- nena has he place in Poy IDEA OF ROUNDING UP A dern journalism. HERD OF WILD GOATS GIVES MEA Every letter must be signed |}! PAIN: AND FERDIG AGREED witH HER, by the writer, not necessarily | "bb GET EVEN WITH THAT CAP Sop for publication but as a mat- }! fits ok oe Te | r of good faith and courtesy. | ere s = A, All unsigned documents go to |) ' cs 2 PM oie A, ‘he waste paper basket, Let- xr By os “ers of a caustic character a Must have the signature ap- bended for publication. Letter should be written on “ne side of the paper only Correspondents must avotd personalities and the language | Should be such as would be al- lowed in the ordimary rules of | debate. 4 wet ee TT es Prost Kay mine fader og. Gree fiw ore abl SH Sh RAS tH? - — /|\ (VE CAUGHT OAE COME HERE AND HOLD HIM FoR ME tising decide to try a reader among the locals and personals, Then they have got results. The cost is a little higher but they have been well satisfied. When conditions are like they are today the news- papers can often help. The price is not very high. Do not lie down and bemoan your hard fate. Try a different kind of advertisement and if that is not successful try again, WHAT IA ewe LD WILL (+ 100 wrt HIM. MAC 2 OSS THAT'S FOR You “Te C106 Sec Fees G2 Sas —* gh:% S* ae = a FF SPE ee ae ee Seemann: (a eel Ss | ae: