Wallace’s Mid-Month

Specials -. Friday and Saturday






Pure Silk Flat Crepe
of shades, white, peach, copen, eggshell, shr
pink, nile and melon;
weight and quality,


per y


In a wonderful assortment

=~ ptional $1.90

Children’s Cream Bloomers—Winter 98¢
imp, weight, sizes 2, 4 and 6; three for

Children’s Cream Bloomers—Winter


Viyella Flannel—tIn blue, peach, yeliow,
cardinal and apple, per yd


weight, sizes 8, 10 and 12: two for

Children’s Vests—Short sleeves


All Wool Coatings—Exceptional values
values to $3.50; for, per yd.



Sizes 1, 2 and 3; each

Children’s Vests—Short sleeves




Brown Linen—45 inches wide; suitable
for laundry bags, per yd


Sizes 4. 5 and 6; each

Frilled Bedspreads—Made from Wabasso broad-



Frilled Curtain Muslins
blue insert, per yd

Pink, yellow or 15¢

cloths, fast colors; reg. value $4.50;
each $2.49




Cretonnes—In neat small patterns
26 inches wide; 2 yds. for


Embroidered Pillow Slips—Nice even 39e



Purple Heather Knitting Wool

—In several 95C

Hemstitched Runners—With blue or pink
insert, fine quality, reg. $1.50; for

weave, each


Cheese Cloth—5-yd, packages

2 vackages for


Pure Linen Tablecloths—Colored designs; sizes to


Shades, 2 skeins fo
Corticelli Knitting Yarn-—In 40-0z. hanks: an ex-
cellent sock or sweater yarn: in $1 00
heathers or plain shades, 3 skeins Yio
Grey Wool Blankets—56x76; 6 Ibs. $3 95
weight; reg. $3.00 yalue fo~ pair oes

®2 inches square; values to $3.50 $1 95

yheck Linen Tea Cloths—In checks of


Boys’ and Girls’ Sweaters—Vee or polo neck,
greys, browns, navies or sand shades
with contrasting trim, each

Heavy knit, women’s sizes



sands, navies each




in blue, yellow, green or red, each

Pure Linen Huck Towels—Damask or
plain, to $1.25 pr. for pair


Ladies’ Full Fashioned Silk Hose—In al
latest colors


Women's llannelette Gowns—Nicely
trimmed, serviceable quality, each





Bloomers—Women’s sizes, winter weight,
in cream or peach, 2 pairs

Women’s Wool Underwear
bloomer, each

Vests or $1.00

Ladies’ Silk & Wool Hose
2 prs. for

In new shades 98c

Children’s All Wool Ribbed Cashmere Hose 50e




Phone 9


sizes 6 to 8'4; black or sand, pr.
Third Ave. & Fulton St.





Impressive Ceremony Before Large
Assemblage Last Night at New
Oddfellows’ Hall

Miss D. Hogan.


Phone—Black 232




One of Lightest Dockets in Years |
| Here Cleaned Up Within an
| Hour This Morning



Wednesday & Th
TWO shows _, ‘ae
——'5 -


Without preliminary formalities |


Impressive ceremony marked the

}of any kind, the fall session of the|


formal dedication last night of the
fine new Oddfellows’ temple at the
corner of Fourth Avenue and Bow-
jser Street. The dedication was con-
‘ducted, before a large gathering of
| Oddfellows, Rebekahs and visitors
|with E. L. Webber of Vancouver,
‘Grand Secretary of the Lodge for
, British Columbia. presiding in the
| :apacity of Grand Master,

| The feature of the dedication was
j|the ceremony of building the altar
| vith the various stones emblematic







Night—Various Matters



son, president, in the chair,

Correspondence from Olof Han
son. M.P., telling of his action ir
protesting to the Dominion
against hte reduction
relief to pensioners was read

A letter of thanks from Jam«
Black for the assistance given
the Legion on the occasion of the
funeral of the late Thoma
was also read,


vere J. W. McKinley, as grand war-
den; J. L. McIntosh, as grand chap-
lain; H. M. Daggett, as grand mar-
shal; J. E. Boddie, A. R. Phillips,

| ’. G. Minns and W. A. McLean



ernment 0


‘rand heralds; S. V. Cox, as grand
| *hevalier, patriarchs militant; Mrs
| 3ert Morgan, district deputy grand
president of the Rebekahs, and 8.
N. Boyle, noble grand of the local
Oddfellows’ Lodge.

The Oddfellows’



and Rebekahs’


the Rebekahs to which
Morgan responded.
Mr, Webber's address

Mrs. Bert | and the able way in which the ex-
ecutive dealt with them. He thank-

was the


having completed the fine temple
building and expressed the hope
that harmony and success would at-


It was


decided to enter a team

in local Cribbage League ano


a ‘ __ - - a

nV yi Exchange in t
gi e STOCKS IN sss:


S yesterday. Industrials went
down upwards of three points while

he final hour or so of

Huge F ortune

tend the work and activities of the
lodge therein
Following the banquet
was enjoyed

Henry Smith was appointed dele
gate. Increased activity in billiards
was reported and M. M. Lamb gave
a brief report on the season’s re-








b 7" rails and utilities dropped more Many present took the Opportun-' cord of the football team
., than two points ROCHESTER, Sept. 15:—The will 4 of inspecting the new building
: * the!first time. It is. commodious
he. . | Wheat was down three cents at 0 e late George Eastman, came Ta | well appointed and attractively fin- J
fe oe NEW YORK, Sept. 15:—After a’ the close as compared with the op-| manufacturer und philanthropist ished 4 sry ;
: : ; rT is and is expceted to provide Ph 9
% pte fairly steady day's trading, prices, ening. Only bonds held firm. has been filed for probate here. He idequate housing for the Oddfellows wae: 708 Phone 953
i 4 of rails, industrials and utilities! Durine the day 3,252,854 shares| who committed Suicide last spring, and Rebekahs pe many vears ts
a i collapsed on the New York Stock changed hands. left a fortune of over $25,000,000. come ; Ce oe
The ‘heating system in the new TO CLEAR AT ¢1 G5
building was installed only yester- « ,
( day.
‘ : { sh baineariinsihaic ii ai! | A Wonderful Opportunity For Th We
zi! se wD > C h d C No Cheap Shoes But Good Shoes Cheap
ee Six Solid Arguments Baptist Teaand — Cash and Carry | so caso ro
os |
” i” 7 | pas
walt" me , |
WJ Sale Is Success py 4 & Saturday! :
sales ‘riday & Saturday
¥ mt Many Ladies Patronized Affair Yes S . | am “D .
2 a ¥ La Ps “ ) j é a i- | a a ;
‘ f h ny W hy You Should Be terday Afiernoon at Home of pecia $ | (, \ 1 you Say
m 1 Mrs. George Hibbard 4 _ qe 4 p
? ot Ba Using 76 te I npress Vinegar—Malt or 25¢) % ot J ¢ RIS Ag
“ Py A very successful tea and sale of ‘ wn a pe 0 9 v cA ©
as home cooking was held yesterday “0 Star Larc | A\ Yes Ly
a “ait k ESS cost in running your car jafternoon by the Ladies’ Aid of Per $-lb. pail 3 Cc {.\ \ \ f\\, Just try one
’ and far more pleasure in First Baptist Church at the home i } »\ ; - — *
ba if Mrs. George T. Hibbard, Biggar \ - A . rail , iness. freshness ate
driving are yours the moment ao : ae : : ‘ ; , : / We \\ Such crispne a8, flakines y fr :
4 4 f ‘ "9 _ ra ZnO TOQS “WOtS  TAStOTUNy Pi—1 {s)) found only in Christie's P: tum
an a you start using 76. An EXTRA jdecorated for the occasion with F \ yy a i, | Soda Crackers, They furnish just the
f -_ . 7 ‘
“ hit ji advantage is that 76 is made jautumn flowers and foliage RASPBERRY ¥- 45 salty tang for soup or salad . . .
Sree AOE vo i Many ladies called during the af- Mia pep ytd the crisp base for cheese or ja™
is a n B.C, |terno in to lend their patronage to Ratna sy he i
; the affair and were received by thy 2 |
; ’ a RE
= 1. New Smoothness. | host and Mrs. James Hampton,
e . . jpresident of the Ladies’ Aid Malkin’s Best Jelly Powders 23
2. Finest Anti-knock, | Mi J. A. Lindsey was convener oY PRE: lol Cc
; 3. Greater Power. ind other ladies in charge were Quaker Corn 2ic
e | Home Cooking—Mrs. P. H Linzey 2 tins for
, 4, Increased Mileage. pil Mri di Aaa Comed Beet iat
; 5. No Extra Cost. | Serviteurs—Mrs. Frank Morris per 1-lb. tin 12¢c
6. Made in B.C jand Mrs. C, O. Campbell Aylmer Grape Fruit a ¥ sigs: is ‘
* | Kitchen—Mts. Jack Morrison and pe tin i7c ce . = Sa:
|Mrs. Norman Fraser Peanut Butte! ! oe Se
Watch for the big 76 banners. Cashier—Mrs. Bert Morgan per tin 14¢c —~CI . A 2” ‘Ss ‘


s on id

F ewi, By

<4 . ee
ae ©




Drive in to the orange and white
Ask for 76—
Colored orange for identification
and protection,

Union pumps,

Made in British Columbia










King Oscar Kipper Snacks 13 i
2 tins for c

Malkin's Best Pure Loganberry Jam |

Groceries Cannot


per 4-lb 4

§ ll p * Ti | pail ac

eH Fosons Lis 7 8. © soa 15¢.

‘ per pke c

St t d B P | Sunlight Soap 19 |

a e y 0 ice per carton Cc

ae |Classic Cleanser 3c

| Complaints have been received by! 3 tins for

| the police that some grocery stores Preserving Pears 25

|have been selling lysol, iodine,! 5 lbs. for Cc

j blackleaf forty and some other poi-| per 1 0

)S0ns in contravention of the Phar-. box $ oD }

q™Macy Act. If the practice continues, Wealthy Apples 95

| the police state that the intention 4 lbs. for c
jis to prosecute the offenders T Ss
} pros th lers, omatoes

per basket 30¢

| Cauliflower



per head
Remo Cabbage
6 lbs. for


Apply between 6 and 7 p.m, Bunch Carrots

120 Eighth Avenue West 6. for 25¢

ene RRO oR eee




Meeting of Canadian Legion Last

The regular monthly meeting of

the Prince Rupert branch of thelist a damage case of J. H. Macey man’s Sin
}of the cardinal virtues for which Canadian Legion, British Empire|vs. Stephen King and the Family A Paramount Piet
j *dfellowship stands. The cere-' serving League, took place last/Shoe Store in which $2000 was or- Comedy—
} nony was fully ritualistic. evening in the clubrooms, W. Wil-|iginally claimed by the plaintiff
| Assisting the presiding officer


The report of the first Vice-Pres-
ident, D. C. Sckubert, on the pro-

| Stemberg, W. E. Fisher for the pe- ;

*hoir participated and lent further yinejaj convention of the Cana-|‘itioner. oan

mpressiveness to the ceremonies. gjan Legion recently held at Rev-| Decrees absolute were granted in ae
Banquet Followed elstoke was the feature of the|both cases. Sessions of the P

Following the. dedication cere- meeting. ‘The delegate referred to} Corp. J. H. McClinton, provincial Wtive of the B

mony, a banquet was enjoyed with the r+ solutions forwarded by this] police, acted as court stenographer, | Canada, whict

S. N. Boyle, noble grand of the Odd- branch which had been endorsed sla gress here sinc:

fellows, in the chair. The toast to by the convention, He had been| JOhnson Russ, well known na-'are expected

he Grand Lodge was proposed by greatly impressed with the variea| ‘ive leader of Greenville village on ternoon, Meetir

Mr. Boyle and was responded to by activities of the Legion throughout the Naas River, is paying a busi-jon at the local |

the Grand Secretary, Mr. Webber. the province, the many problems] "¢5s Visit to town mental Statio

%. J. Keron proposed the toast to! that confronted the organization

ed the branch for the honor they

feature of the evening's proceed- ha conferred on him. A vote of FAMILY SHOE STORE LT)
ings. He warmly congratulated the thanks was accorded kim for his ,
local lodge on its achievement in Successful representation of the Box 1584

Tallulah Bankhead
Gary Cooper



}Supreme Court Assizes here got;
down to business this morning, |
with Mr. Justice I. A. Fisher pre-|
siding, on one of the lightest doc-|
'kets of cases in several years, This |
llist of cases included one chambers |
application and two divorce peti-|
tions all of which were disposed of!
before the noon hour, cleaning up|
the docket for the session

In the chambers application, His
Lordship ordered struck! off the




“Devil and |
p eep”

With Charles Laughton



Twenty Men Sent to the
tom of the S€a For Ong







The motion to strike out the case
-|was made by. L. W. Patmore, coun-

Zasu Pitts and
Thelma Todg




1/sel for the defendants, and was not , NREL
-]Opposed by T. W. Brown, counsel! musical
fjfor the plaintiff. The action was t AIN'T GOT Nonog

thereupon dismissed by the judge

with costs payable by the plaintiff
The divorce petitions were

: Edwin Skogmo vs. Sigurd Skogmo.

Peter Kvande, co-respondent, T. W

Brown for the petitioner.
Segurlauy Stemberg vs. Thomas

Feature Start:

Thursday M atinee at}
Feature Starts 4 10—Li¢


at 7:44
























As a feature in our Annual Sale we haw
forward for Friday and Saturday onl,















| The New


per ton $11.50
Minehead Coals $11.50 per ton