Vago t TTTK DA I NT The Daily News WELCOME RELIEF DRESSES SHORTER illlilllllllllllllllMlllllt; ,'THAN EVER BEFORE .. PRINCE KUPERT BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by The News 1 FROM El JZEPA Miss Qleeson rinds Gray, Tomato, PrintW and Publishing Co., Third Avenue. Chinese Jade and Rust In H. F. PULLEN, Managing Pditor. Vogue CompleleTrealmsntTliat Mis (tleennii. h" returned t.i v SUBSCRIPTION RATES! Gives Graiiftog Results town :c.li4itAy from n Imyfnp iripi City Delivery, by carrier or mail, per month 11.00 til Hie southern elite., nay I It;i I Uy mail to nil parts of the Uritish Empire and the United State. )Vaaino, Ovr. Hi ay islhe flivlininaldi' e.ilnr lln-sprinar "I had attaci of- U'etfin? in Advance, per year $6.00. in ami In ihii worn by -! ; To nil oilier countries, in advance, per year S7.50. Ectmt m that my tlotLc ouKl HMipe in xniiie iiiiiniier or nh',i j be at times. wet throuja TELEPHONE 08. This color l nlnrly ii..ii-i pnri i. -able m Transient Display Advertising $1.85 per Inch each Insertion I Forfouriaonths,IsufTcred could ftt no relief mtil terribly,I trUd In hosiery and slines. Theri" More'lbbacco'fbrthe Money Transient advertising on front page . . . . .'I . . . $8.00 per inch. -rruit-iirrt" J"SooiiStft". at seyical new sliaite .if gray I,ocal Readers, per insertion, 85c. per line. Altogether, I have used. three) and idhetew rahiinalile colors Classified advertising, per insertion, 8e."per wont. boxes of"Sooiha SJir" ttua to of aVe lonialh, ri"i. iaile and rui Legal Notices, each Insertion . . . I5c per agate line. 'Fruit-a-tlTes", and am entirely These hrislil rli are the tlinui. Packages 15 well." ' G. W. HALL. ImiIIi in Moo si s iiid dreses. DAILY EDITION; EX Thursday. Feb. SI. 1921. Doth these farorite remedies ars While prie- are onsideraMy ib1ns 85 3 Ri old by dealers at SOe. a box, 0 for oW than la-i year, ihey ure by V ,, aftaf. b (2M, or sent oa receipt of price by no hiean ntr rewar llgvreit, Liquor Bill Fniit-a tites Limited,Ottawa. allhouall . In Hie I'lilted Slalen. Is Now Down. "Fruit a tltrj" is also put up la a there have on lig reIuelioiiH in The liquor bill, which the people- of the province anlhorixrd trial siae which sells for SSe. illoil ltnoU. These price, f. ! jffi iir if Tnantgrf1 r v jwSl h the (tovernmenl to introduce, following the nlelii-rite Inken in verv rapidly, winch emis,ii lit,' the Autumn, seenis to he nn honest iitterifpt to olve thi inl .'eioaltd lo iniru. so lhat tin' .I:(,:....I W'o u,.t nirrantllinl il i. i pruwl lllitlC ll 1 SAILS stiffeniiik'. Mlllll llll Mlfi,lII. V" 17 o uarkel Is nirain The VP increase the roHMiniption ,f a cohol in miy form nr under any exrhaiii.'n Cliialinn. however, cirviimtances but, as the people have iMkcn and done with AWNINGS added In ir duty on f.reiv.-ii emphasis in favor of a modi-ration law, the. denuirralie way is innndfarlured P'-1. i having l-efTeet :;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiina.v to accept their ruling and make Hie besd of a had condition,. That TENTS on iihporls frrtm aero. the i.v the jrohjlAlion point of view, as we'nnderMnml il. lino. The iifivvjniifenrj; ltriIIewn ,ilRtii Mjtnslbl,h; mthe en-arlinV.aiid.iit J. F. MAGUIRE Still Shorter tfi(ori eqieift Sfft'rit.Ii-oMti'Tb f.utline J-'ktrts Dili, year. Miss (iepon H-ccived here is iul stilllrjieiitly Toll to alloWTTfTf uelanril rum. 712 Second Ave., Prince Rupert says, ure shorter than ever. IhiIIiI AIL SCHCOULE mi-lit. hut. judging fryni ,the keJetoii, the inajn Miiiil. e.cled Agents for in suit and evenina dree. have been covered by flic' rii iln . C H. JONES & SON, Ltd. . s 40 years' experience as makers While being worn fuller. tte Foe tit East. . D ENTISTRy Danger Is In . - i .lirecloiie yl, in slill (Xpolar Mondays, Welnesdays and Sat. ' ' ' "v ' also, while coals are .xIIbMIv urdays at 10:15 a. lilt Amendments. 'T ... The danger in connection with the luTl I iirlhe'ameifdHienU lonser. of Quality 1 1 Iffat all TIDES One of ll.e Spring feUtHTe,- is From lh Cast. which may If jfulrodaced. Wc are .trOngly of uplifton PRINCE R'JPEKT r-tll 111- .-liould lie entirely in the hands of the liquor vendor and nuliaiil dres.e. Tttewe nre Sundays; Tuesdays aud Tnurs. This space in futuro will contain short tslki 1 should lw rfplecraled to no other under any circumstances. To Thursday. February 24, tieinv Use.l.wheCS' formerly llk days at 7:45 p. m. tooth troubles antl their solution, frranl a licence In sell heec and light wines with meals would llich. S:t2 a. in. feel. wc worn. They are in r' fine whijh mean a reversion to conditions somewhat like thoe formerly 1 1:58 p. in.. 21.9 fwt. texture apd larre plaid imllerns Foe Vancouvsr and South. prove vamaoio to inose who read anj ks existing, when the bars were miming foil swing. It would mean Low. 8:33 a. io.. '1.3 feel. are popular: ah Idoosen with Tuesdays . . 7 p.m. them on file for reference. lhat there would lie a multitude of acting places devoted almost 21:8 p. in.. :U fwt. singhaiw cuff- ami cnlar are in Thnrdys II p.m. whollv to the supplying of drink aud it would aNo mean the Friday, February 25. ureal variety and the ainvhaio jSalurtlay S p.m. clegradntion of the present repei-taWe restaurant aud hotel Hi2k 3:i2 a. m.. 21.1 feet. utf ami collars are heiiia nld February IX ftRd ft) diuingroom. It would be a much worse condition than we have 15:13 p. Hi.. !0.7 feel. eiiarately. The new shade for From Vancouver and South. Dr. Bayne at present, aud the condition today under a system of free importation Low. 0:38 a.m.. 3.1 fee. swenler i heather uifltlure lln .Sundays 8 p. in.I is nothing of which to brag. 51: 18 p. w.. .t feel. line the inoi fashionable ebade. Wednesdays 10:30 a.m.! OFFICt HOURS- We do not think the (iorrrnment should be a party to any Saturday, February 26. Mi (ileesun mel Mr. and Mr..j.SaliirViay 8 a. ni. important deviation from the'measure a introduced. To allow Hii-'h. t:3 a. 21.t feet. Kre Stork at the Hol.-l Van-1 f ebrnary 7 and tt 9-12, 1-5.30, 7.30-9, except &.turi)ay aftmW the introduction of radical amendments, raakiilg'ihe ,-elliiig of l(J:3tp. nu 1U.2 feel. eoiiver. wliere lliey are pendlrtit u and Sunday- liquor general would be contrary to the pledges' given at the Low, 10:25 a. in., t.5 feel. week or two heTore reiiiriunu j For Anyoi and Allea Arm. Block Rooms 4, 5, 6, Helsemon PhoeelS recent election iii'A would not lie carry ing out .the intention of 22:30 p. in.. 6 feel. honi. Sundays 10 p.m.' '.he eXpressiitic given by the the PtH!.;. .r.r the The time used is racinc Stan. r Wednesdays 0 p.m. Dental Nurse Always in Attendarxe. (iovernment, which is supposed to be in contrrtrm trie Legislature, dard, for the 120th Meridian west. From Anyoi and Allcs Arm. to allow the expressed 'will of the people to be set aside. It is counted from 0 to 24 hours, The Man in the Moon Tuesdays a.m. took verv much; like a breach of IruM- It IfdHV hoped Ihey from midnight to midnight. I hurdays .. ......... p, in. will not lie a p.-irlyto any sorb action.. The table given is for Port - SAYSi B . ;For Port Simpson, Arranals, mill Simpson but the time for Prince Forecast Was i ; , liupert varies only a few minute WHY all IliU fuss atMrtil lini..r B Wa' ''' -nd Naas Rl'sr. Misleading' fF t j-f. ' on some days and nn others la I'tit il .u.n. I Bay. Sundays 13 p.m. The,Ca1iadinn Press correspovwiitnl VicUirlavsecrh hi have From PL Simpson, Arrandale, Mill the same. The of the tide ranse Iieen doing a lot of guessing in roiyif;liiii with the despatches be computed as 5 cent WIIKN llenlrron nrl llirmuili ay, Wales Island and Naas fllsse. TDiiKit dapicip may pnixm sent out, or else he was a tool in I lie hands of the lifjuor interest. per greater at Prince Rupert than at villi IliN iiKiulr) i aliiiil kniw .Tuesdays uivaiiLf iivunrv. rnuiriu n At any rate he upel 8 giMnl many people, when he ent through Port Simpaon both at Mpriiifrs'and all attul ral Mrepl hH In jrel S.S. PRINCE GEORGE sailini the message yesterday' thaUthe Ooverument would include in Mie imi.' Qussn CSiarl&Ua Islands: vlierevitliall to for ;VI iay a the neaps. Therefore rise In the Miilmsli! Thnrsitay fur san n I)..- heir hill a beer-selling clause. That hp wasa.iiad gueser is For Massett, Port Clements and Prince fluperl harbor is slightly vr, Vielona and Hi-aille, - i f. matter for congratulation. Hr should be summarily dimi-d i nr. n"xi ining to uiwi w id r upper Island points-lw greater than.Port Himpson. - 8.8. PRINCE JOHN for so misleading the people of the province and creating a sentiment a r.miin,Iori on h.iw to pay February 2 anil IS The height Is in feet and tenths For I'rtrl Clemenu. Macit. Hu. H ' (! unfavorable to the (iovernment without any cause therefor. rnal WIN in dull limes. from Ma.set. port Clements and of feet above the average level of wiulhern Uilei-n i:harl"Mi- .in i. i . Fisheries lower low water. Upper Island points: Jttnsiiri. Marrh .Ird. I'O.xslHLl n nmiinlniiin dfln. .... , . i Still Loom Large. ....i.l .... i r. .i. . ; rei.r.mry u an.j i j rwaiM irsuirr , uiij "ii iii-K'innii rri n impyani v... tt:ll The liguCes quoted yeslcrday in connection with the local imx.niree SSandav. UednesdaT and Ssturdif at &uizttZi ;. . .u....7. s'l i., ., ' ft "fsi 2 'rrh:h',I lirnir . lish business creaied ;i good deal of interest. They are official 5e- Trn-1 111 nil i direct ill'I ronnc-rtiniii" iih if ,ir'i i f..r .il! ! to ;i certain extent and their compiler assures the Haily News inK tint tlit-y are very conservative, the desire being to keep away APPUOVTIOM PR naZlQ PfHJUTS I T IS UEiiMiiI I tut llsere ho a : rrom RklfWate. Quwu r.harlotte Ajency All Ocean Steamship Linti LWDEfl CMZI.VU ALT ISIS. City and Lower Island points-February re tarannanoB aid renrtsnoee srr from anything which could be construed ;is misrepresentation. rhange in Hie iNluralinnal pnliry 5 and 19 CNf TUSH OUte, TM a.esus. Application! for prmiii to true ! of Hie provinrei iirtvvMine a niuriM-hoMimr iwk on umi crown rn wtlDin esca to hIiOiii rredil lnulil he 'irsiior PHirlti or the Pronore or bmiub For SKauwar and tha Yukon. (xlfnoVil, wilh a spial warnina Dr.JOS. CluiriMt durlnt Uw rrtimr nn or February 7 and 51 MAGUIRE il rnmt r HIM mltn tno District for- afalnst stipptylnic pimmN nn u eter sl Csnbnn. Cranttrooe, Fort 0rte, (liivernnu-nl rontrart. From Saagwas and Tukori. RAILWil ksmlorifi. .NelMrfi, fringe Hoperi. Vaneoo- February 12 and 2f &kL CANADIAN PACIFIC rer. Vernon or won liw Commiisloner or DENTIST. HISSO.NK nn luiw li' eimiliii'l n cs M" orsfipr, lirpsruneol or Lands at Virions. TOW. pacirio , hall lie wart, Mapls Bay and . surressfully may k ni-ilrcil Swamp B.C. nn or tx-rore Msrra II, llll. B litis ronns. iwon' ulilrft to sntanit an. liy applyina In the coinmlllee of Point. BXV Coast Meamstiip ochk Rooms 7 and 8 Smith Block rl!!lnm tosy te cDUircrf rroro tu Di-. lalie at Telkwa. Irlre 25 fur Fort irlrt roreaiers sl tlx snore named places the- rmre. Fbriiary C and 30 as S. S. PRINCESS MARY r from in tepsrtmiit or Lands st Vic-J ... Lady AstUtant i " ' Open Evenings a FII0M ir" Srial I ion. i Aisiss, For- Kstchlkan. Junsau. Skagway, Office Hours Phone 5.75 ApStmeSt The trsiinr or HrritocK on the Crown HOLY Mike! Hero's another war February 7 and 30 s 9-12; 1.6; 7-9 rinse without permit coniuUiies trespass. on our hand, and its a holy vvnr Rupert proniniiea by law. hetueen .MonleueKro and Serbia.) Adrerlfalnar t. oflcn expensive. miw. 7. 1. 98. Aortl I. 11, 21 O. K. ,1ml il U ;l Ssatlle from Prl" .i...i.-l For Vletorla and FJepoly Minuter or Lands. " " ' Vancouver, TIIK local i.ul ,,' "V, rallvvay idiiibl Vnrrrrrst st Lacds, April 2, 12- ! March 12, 23; IMPROVED victoria, a. c a notice fippnsilre'lhn nb uliarf: clerks. RANCH FOR SALE if Janusry 14 Ih. llll. ClMliimers llewarpf No huin- : " done over (bis line beyond a rer. j rr rsies, eefstioos iiwl'fl.H.Ml isilinis.Aoant.sc1' LAND ACT. i n nnnii mm 121 Acres, one and a half miles from Dorreen Station lain mpacjlv and only al ulnd-d 1500 strawberry plants, some apple and small fruits. 50TICE Of laTE.ITHia TO APPLT TO Intervals. Kindly avoid any crowd., Cor 3rd Avenue and 41 h Street Prince Rup.-i Has a good frame six room house, log stable 12 x 13, LLAHE LA 0. lug." chicken house 10 x 10, hay shed 14 x 18, implement house In acn.rdinr Oo'een Chsrlotte litrlci or Isiands hkeens,Lsnd snd District Hiinat 8 x 14, new root house 10 x 10. Partly fenced. Spring tils trb"m' aJ01a'D Lots 4 snd at house. 8 Acres under cultivation, balance easily TASE NOTICE that I, Hum B. Ssbini. cleared. On wagon road and railway. Very cheap for Ion Msrlncr.or Prince Intends Hupcrt,to sppljr occupation for prrmumon Mssier Ten Years Ago DEI'.MtTHEST MMU AU rilllLHIUt cash or will make terms. lo mi. folio inr described Isnds: In Prince Rupert Heslil IrlBlcre ire invurrt tt the uaaer B&K M Cfxninencint u,.i pUuinl i Hie Itnnl on cecum n psir 'in ne menu in Pastry H. G. HELGERSON, LTD. norltimcl corner or Lot 411, on Oeorie i-ai l-ajn- lie hull ami ensine i.f the Sinhertes I'slrnl Point; thence soum no chains more or J"Sl Marnali" sna ill I- re. iert up ui Insurance Bonds Rentals ICSS III llW U1W maUtP RUM Af M.rt.n February 24, 1911 jfi.'rliX ni.n. 1hiViUy si Ift Icbrusry. ? llsrbonr:ns in said tnenre low southessteiir water mirk snd in follow.mum I. J. . Sli'war!, of lVly, Welch Tetirters to be srr..lnr'Sni'1 hy 1'cerllfled This Is a REAL WHITE ... iniiui uue wen 7.o it Slewart cheque fur '4 nr tile Irtmer Kture will ossuic , riuini from the ftouUiweii corner or Lot annouiii'CM lhat. riesiloiu snd i.tner iiarticuisrs csn be teen i FLOUR which Ull; thence etil J.lo ehslns to the south, ilil and Ti tink 1'ariflc Irains will be l'lith ."m"' '.u f.hier lrni-rr of 'ih. PASTRY west corner ot Lot list inenca nortn. I J "... erles, M..rr lluililli e, vsnriHiver, or im LIGHT FLAKY UesiirlT snd followlnr the tiiih t,r I' Ulinlnar from Winnipeg In Tele !;"lce ni iiw ln.i. . , I l lahrrle. st rrinn: CONFIDENCE oVrTrUrW " of muffi? .,., , .nv i.lh.i tender not Sold by sit Grocers snd Gusrsnt. r ' roiilalnlns S scrci more or ! year. neceMsrllv rinf..i n., r. irk 14 be H K TRADE MARK HUME B. BABIUT0.1, rimiiMiea lir Um Sinn April, ll. The British War Bonds wc advertised are sold, nsled Per Ihe Fred.tin dsy.Ssid.or B.C.L.S.,siiusry. llll.sieol. The Canadian cruise Ilninhow riilef lii,perinr M'lTIIMIWri.t,of I'lubcrlrs. proving the public know a good investment. We LAND ACT. has arrived in Victoria vviih her Vsncouver. t'ebriisrv lih. llll. THE BRACKMAN-KER MILLING flLj have funds to loan on first class improved residential fli l prize, lliii fleililnsr schooner D.C CASSUH LAMO tilSTIIICT DISTHICT VT ridrie. vihicli Is aliened lo have P.O. Boa 74B I'rlnce liupert, or business prcpsrty. If you have money for investment, ..... .. SS.?."Tf I.."uisBlin. "f and.been caiinlit tkiachlnif in Canadian BAGS! BAGS! mrwm'ti .'i nni,. irin. occupation pros. - x communicate with us. You are assured lieclors. Intend In anniv rnr nniim.n i. W I ters. 1 leiwi the folluvlnr I described lindsi a m of good interest and sound security. norm ixiindsrr or im isii: thence roi.i k. r "n lh' receiil Mcloria election I of Huy material a bajfof substantial quality, THEO COLLART, Notary Put towlof the hlslr wster nisrk io norm r,,r. Ii i.. . , that wears snd with Cash for your Victory Bonds, also several for sale r Lot IJISi uwnce s. l def. mm " "" 'reu iinuiiu, i, a frame that la constructed for Itoal Catale Ittmtala a distance of I III.I IL. more or m tlnrluv an,I n... nl.I.......... I,-... service, yet of light weluht. dill"1 from $50.00 to $1000,00 denominations' Foreign esil boundsrjr or Wver Mouib minersi ' ' " us equip you for Let rninN com. i Hulk. i i.iui 1'nniiirra in soniniriy oirecllom been apionlcil a ronunlssion lo properly Exchange sojd at lowest rates in the city. inriire lonomnr proauinon or said Niver travelling. FOR SALE Sacked, 1 3.80 he C! fiovern I In- In I list mciiiilinie. Mouth bonndsrr lo low sler msrSj ihenra cy iNSURANC&on i fOllirH'llia low Y!er liiark In ,AMh , ,. , i, Moat Llbaral MARINE THOS. McCLYMONT dsry of Lot Hit; (hence fullouius Ti.rlu Two-color window cards take F. M. Crosby Iniurance Coropany.of North Amirrics. Isy'. nouiidsrr of Lot ISIS to rxuni of cum. ' mrurruierit.JIIIS. EDMU.n.STAHK, Aent. Hie eye ulckly, "Hce them at the 718 Third Avenue, Prince Rupert r.O. Boa 66 77-r.Waslhalme Theatra r"',L Olec n-". Psla,January I J, llll. News Job Department.