tfcffi (nra rainr bbwi BRINGING UP FATHER True Economy I i , ii hi ill i ii ii i rn rrr TELL Mt?.iMITH VTCfa RICHT IN-IRHC t , ' M I II I I II I . rvrt-c ! CO.LIN- EXPECTING royt ah: that I I ' I I I I I I I II I If 111 I II rr I I I BOUNDS w i i y i ii POMItIN 1 '"T V1L. TBS&M J F YOU send ui your last yetr'i ikirt or dress and have it returned looking like new-isn't tint true economy ? ; Frequent Dry f"V1 tyie Cleaning arid Pressing will the life prolong . TR AH I FADING AAL MEETING 0F of your clothing &nd ,;Jt,7;! Am CARSS BRANCH keep it fresh and new. BUSINESS DIRECTORY IN BILLIARDS' daughters of empire C0A1 May we help you These nre Gocxl Places to Make Your Purchases when You go out to buy economize ? , S. V. Cox Is Elected Regent St. Andrew's Won In a Decisive For Year Good Bank. Canadian Gams--KlnghOrn Iri I Balance Reported. Good. Form. v v AERATED WATERS FURNITURE AND GENERAL LAUNDRIES Sacked .J Steam Laundry 4- Al the fon rlli annual meeting MERCHANDISE Bulk In five oullhnthe nil frame in of the Adair Oar Chapler, I.n. B CAVER eoTTLiia WOHIS CANAOtAM STCASI IAUKOHV "Hi Phori? 8 I lir si. Andre. V.. Trail liilliahl U.K., liobl.TuoMla ewnimjr Ihe 7 Frew raoM in 'warms qktto Cor. Tiri tmi nh. rnnn r.'f OsMiiir til nHtt brft. lobtnasiH-iil played lal pveninjr hiUccm fur I lie coming yrar were jrs Otra . tot t-ooJ htnd rrnl-jlor. ; i lh' latter ti-am uflHeading hy clcclcd nn.l report for 1920 Were BARBER SHOP PAINTER3 AND DECORATORS I f o.b. csi-s l-irire of tf.lj ID 8G8. llinJVirjnrr read. , Owing to the absence of VOKAHAMA SUaetR SHOP FURNITURE 'leant liii aide hr win rata scAODta Hip treaiircr a full reMirl rouhl lrr nrtir Bum tis trj i in siut I'-rt rtm (of iln malrhen lt tiighir The nol given: of llu prtMvcd of raANK exrMti jgcine viotl .by SI. Andrew TMrd Ut. - I'UAi Orta 441. NANAiao - vyiui a wa". HiefAvofk ihifins the yntr. bill iij BAKERS PAINTS AND OILS EOSON L CO. ;hnwoer. flic inol-derisive of tin Will HllOWII dial S5 llRll lCPil COiL FEED STORES jllvc and Ali Kingdom' was in donated In Ihc Navy IPHgtie fiind LA CASSt BAKtRV TMt A. w. loos oo. tnJ At. jjjrcal forjn, ilcfaulirtK lli" Trail and ?51.50 In h hospital, cainj rblrd Atenbr rfeune Its rmnci Kuriar rxxo co. rumiK on. o SA4 WtntMr jMar. Jack Judge, by' 200 to 132.1 n hank balance of nn?.!7. I 1t loriuoa, ear tl k tn4 Tta SL have received daring tlie last iSpi'i-ialur.-. ay il hoi nni of. the' Ih onirpr." wore iieinl a CHINA, CROCKERY A NOTIONS PAINTERS AND DECORATERS Albert & Vm tliree weeks Iin panics played in the entire follows: ' T.MC DIH1V ALLta oo. riSH MERCHANTS, RETAIL tiu a ceo n rrr mm err. Umlirtf Irail i.lnn tjji -erie. T lit MtHii Honorary RHfrvnt Mr.. Alfrr.l Third Avntur. rt omre. fp-mn of IJip wef.. 'between It. ARTHUR'S MARKET ! PhenHULlU iir!. ; 100 Coal iinifj. I" TMli fhutf 4 A 4l f O. bus III PLUKBINO cars Davie Shakespeare, i to be Jlonnrary UI ttWnl Mm. I-:. CLEANING AND PRESSINQ played Hii.4 evening. ft. Wrielil.. QENERAL MERCHANDISE 1 stiix a LonawiiL pom a. from Macleod River mine, owned Tin fill,ii tllir lk-MW Incl tli''lil'! Honorary 2nd llem-nl Mr. I-'. ITOXVO DTK WOUS rrrBf n.l Ot by Prince Rupert citizeos. individual jrnres: nilhuly. Mutitit -- int .'ntt - I'kuM IT WlftQ CHIN WtN CO. iTSI IHM4 AlMV rivM IHI 7t' RENTALS Don't Discii We have the exclusive rignt to A. Kiiuckorn ;SI.Andr'v'ji 00, riejrenl Mr. S. V. Cox. handle this coal in Prince Rupert. I. Jttdi (Traill 132. ImI Virp llriient tf. II. CAFES GROCERIES r. w. hart riv. siuk tii Don't be misled by other coal It. rtobfrtson. ISfli'AV. Mdlmnyc Xewell. 200. THC BOSTON CHILL LIRIIVS RINCC RUriRT OROCSRV that GarmS dealers who use our firm name 2nd Vire lloirrnl Mrs. O. SIGN PAINTINO IMnt Ave. I-Immw 447. food rtoce 10 rtl jot f 16 iikl rulton rpftfi its J. SU.arL 18; I). to advertise their coal. IlpSwit) 200, illopert. If yod want a real good screened J. Hrown, IHJ; J. Sitdan. 200. I spprelary SlNt Clarn flrlmnl. HARDWARE U CROSSCTT PS 4TT. CLITC THC CArt coal, call II. Charlton. I J7: W. Illylhf I op Tnaurpr Mr. W. Unrwn. SteemJ Ave, Blfteft nwst for H rcontj. SHEET METAL WORKS 200. s MtNULTT 14 Aa Slews, r I s h a-. 7HiWs.f a Mr. C. Phone 58 a" a!, ..--. it. l-n. I ktprtuii4k-rr. ptuiu and Kitarmma s tup- . in.- iaLiniLBniDC r.iK ,Youn?mant IttrrtMai la SMH BltUJs if" 'r?' CIGARS AND TOBACCO' vs. i. W V. A. loiirnaiiii'nl play..l ralina, .w.relnry -Mr.. II. SOWI'I i i- it Prince Rupert Feed Co. lal coninK al-o hrins Ihi tolal namptnn. i TOKAHAVA. 711 Third Ave. WiL i IMPORTED GROCERIES rime Its f,.r .... r - Corner 2nd turf mis Krrif.H io iiifii ior ilin; Standard llarer -Mr. II. Kerr.;: J U Ave. and 7th St, albrta mlat marixt Wis and HUI for h Klk;; La.l 1 STICK a LOROWILL Pkee S. . , I fi'lh Sthwl rnxw tos niuhl'fl in llii series DnUGQISTS frames n-pri: ' J. II. Mi'Mullin (U.W.V.A. 65 LADIES MUSICAL CLUB I ; LAUNCHES FOR HIRE TAILORS-LADIES AND GENTS M! W. 4. SKCUTCHIOH J. II. Pillsbtiry Klfe 20(; GAVE GRIEG RECITAL Seeond rano uxl SHI SlrrL (Lwn -"lARaxriioRa." Ph sims oo. r. lic - ortaMtt rt unu S. Thompovi52: W. K. Hn- f he lartesl Jrbr ! la lnrihrn a. ' TIM IISP.SSS Bnl. Also Ctlne and Pprnt Terrace Fruit Lands jherjre, 200 . Modern Clean Th' !lanilins'ilo ilalp follow: Hme of Mrs. J. A. Hlnton was, Plsyi roinu Arrrsre I Scene of Delightful Affair 20 Acre,3 Miles from Terrace on Trail C809 1135 Yesterday Afternoon. Pressing I Good V agon Road. Wand'ri'rs 7820 1118 Good black soil on clay sub-soiL Daily News Classified Ads. 3rd Annus, stit fl. Andrew's 8878 1110 4 Acres under plow, 7 acres more j 'Hip (irii-K rerilal h'"ld b lh' partly cleared; 25 bearing fruit H. . V. A. 8117 1052 jL.'ulli'f' MlKirnl Soricty al thi.f Bit (7 trees; 2 good wells with lots of Sons i f Kii!" 7Jii I(Kid ilioiiie of Mr-. J. A. 1 1 in) n. siork 2 CENTS PER WORD IN ADVANCE. No Advertisement Taken for Ls than BOo water; well made log-house, 18 r:ik 7'J to uu:i A pari menu, ypnlpnlay afli-rnnoii by 24 ft., two stories, with addition. ! 16 by 18; log barn, 20 by ;iiroela delimit Till fnn.lion. TIip WANTED. loll SM: due oak and mi FOR RSNT 40 feet with cellar beneath: full EVENING PARTY-BY iprojrram wnmnaik- up 'pnlirely.of inuple llinillK r.Mllll Ktllle, Mr. Nit' ' size of barn 10 feet deep; Price mtmiipt l.v fh .......fmniuiK Vdrun'rin WANTKlJ Second-hand furniture. mill ' " Clary and othrr Iioikp-ludd UK NT - Three riwutis and iZXOO cash for quick sale, S2.40O 9r l rr mmwn tirti hah ranue Day PhoesJ on terms ef half cab, balance 1 ftllL AN1J MKV WlLIIN romor. Mr-. Iluberl War.laiul; If you have anything to furniilnit!. Phone lllark but Ii. M.-Moidie Apart nienli. year al 7 per cent, i mth. a . i'.. v uisainx iravp piann- cell call lied 2(3. We pay rash. 518. III! Ninth Atenue ami Asxl- Me4.afrerj. titWuns A STEEH5L0NG1 KENNEY BROS. & CO. Dancing and Cards Followed fff.rli. "ufklnft Mr. ...1. ft... lldnniiiif F.'M. Croihy, 715 Third Avenue Conrad Klrpet. 45 Ijrp. JM. If nnd !r-. W'illluiiiu pi.iiiIvp.mI (IiiiI- West. If Sheet Metsl Real Estate and Insurance Guessing Garrta at Their while Mrn. Ilinlon an(t. Papi-rsT 8eeonLhatiil fiirnilure loitKhlanl FOH HUNT Thrpp..riMMt) furnlsb- Af -1 t r JtV!n I Terrace. B.C. Home Last Night. were read and da inly refresh WA.NTF.If - Pwsltion an cook or. sold. P. It:iairi. Phone flrpen etl apartment. Apply J0H-2I0 nif-nlH were -i-ved. wiiilri'. Apply No. 10 St. Imisj Ml. tf Ninth Avenue WijsL tf Sanitnrr Meattnf and I An enjoyable parly-wan given HlMinin, or phone lied til. 18 sssssasssass.iisii ssii nisi yip-da by Mr. and Mr. George XMTCDTAIMrn T TCA FARMS FOR SALE CAHIXft Fflft RKXT from lol !-''?: c: J W iUon at their limine. Fourth jLHILUI rtlMLU m ILrt W..VrHI -I'UIn aewtng. Mrs. 10. VUint Illaek S. 15 Pn i.-a I; 1 TOM IEE CO. Av a KufnniiiK i-onti'! faunedi YFQTFRnAV AFTFRNrinM I'parl MucfjUy. 231 Ninth Avp.'C P. ft. FARM LANDS The rich 810 Second Avenue, West a noud of inleret,-lhV prlzei 1 110 1 tiuiil I lriCanUUH W. 1 1 -IiiIm. 4U prairies of Alberta, Saskatche LOST winner Ix-inK Mi4 Itelle MrLpodj wan and Manitoba are especial. LOST Hnneh of keys on road In VEGETABLES and ponxMlation, II. F. Pullen. p- v w". or Vancouver, uousn.cLiu$iNn wantfh hy, Ijr suited for mixed farming. Odd Hloraire. Upturn to Olyin-pfp Wholesale and Retail Dnnplnir wan indiilced' in : Was Guest of Honor at Homo hour, day w"f)t or month. Phone j Land that will produce biff Club. Ileeeive reward. 4 4 SMITH IhrilnirlHMit Hip pvenimr and two of Mrs. D. McD. Hunter. ItPd rii'.. . 5(1 crops of grain and fodder, and General Contractors and table of bridge kepi busy IUokp well adapted for dairying or HAIR DRESSING. Labor Exchange In honor of Minn Pearl V. Wall, WANTKIt -'jUsVly nlPnogropher livestock raising can still be' who iUl not care for Hit- ninn? Hlrenuotis aniUAiMiirnl. of VnwouviT, who i upending n Apply P.O. (tot 608, slating n-pprlenep. bdd at prices averaging about IIAIH nilFSHINO, SJ'ir.IAl, SCALP Prince Rupert, D.C. Iiainly refrRnhnienls wern snrv-i'd fortnight In Hip cily as hrr rup. . If 118.00 an acre, with twenty j. treatment. Marrel waving. Fpce t7.H..i., funttU Phone 517 P.O. Hoc 725 Mm. II. Melt. Ilunler, 018 Fifth massage. Hair dyplng. jidi'' at midnight and Hip parly brokp IIOHSF.KKKPll WANTFM Apply I yeors to pay If you wish. Only PombingH mail" Inlo switches. KmtO up about one. Thon present werp Avenue Haul, rnlerlainrd a lar;p' Mm. FpltiPrilnnbaugh, Hecondj 10 per Cent down. No further Addreti, M Mr. and Mrs. F. O. Dawnon, Mr. number of Indie al tha ypilerday Btreet. tfl payment 6n the principal until Charles lClarni. 333 Willi of Prroni S" . Street. Phone Hlue 78 for home and Mr. Kiillon, Mr. and Mrs. aflernonn. Mr. HunlPr wa the end of the fourth year; then' IANO TUNING Tanni-r, Mr. and Mr. Mdrris, Mr. ipl hy Mrs. Arthur Urnoktliank, wFOR BA.LX sixteen annual paymenti. In-! tippnlnlment. t f j P and Mr. H Al.kin, Mth. Ward, Mrs,' W. 8. FUhrr, Mrs. H. P. Miv teres! ft per cent. Rellce ef leteniles I Asplr U Lesse l4. HONO REPAIRS Mirip Carter, Marcllus, MrKin Monlip, Mr. J. O. Sleen. Mm. . TK.NDKHH WILL HE ItECKlVI!!) Wrjtr to H. 0."Loughran- Land la Skmns filft Klninv OKlrtrL LS04 HOTO ENLARGEMENTS non... . iii.ihtt-eii s'eoit nnd R- fluart. Mrd. D! II. Morrison, by ll uiiderlgned for the pur-chane Agent, C. P. It. Station, Van- itlsirlrl. RreoMinf Pitlricl ef Alies Artn.f n. ' ( c, ami snuiie it nmiia nr Lome i:rws Mix liiilh Hlx and Miss Kallu-rlnp of III bull.of the gasboat eouver. Kr.well. Mphxph. Mapill, Kinpr, t'Uwniiir i"ilvr i.itr. f- Hotel Prince made Agent in for art Negatives enlargements not Tinker, Wallan'i UuniP, (Irprar, Colliion, While lilllP Miss I.ui'iile "TalUn," aavenly-flvn feel long; ' ' - TO aoiiee CM l we tne nnlrtirot. lirookshank ol'nded Hip door, .MUSIC. AnilKr Mromrs ami ntrnent w esrrelt. Mi'torkindale by twenty feet beam, owned liyi necessary, but merely a print in llolihy, PiiIIpii. and at Allre Arm. sod any condition faded, cracked or Jay. the lludi!it' M Company,r TltUVlNfi nvoii77tti tiorrkiwir, InlriHts erriipilinn to sppiy ru(PMtbr fur purmit-Km runoff" spotted even! ul,.... IIao II..I nil'""" w SUCCESSFUL -I... r.n ij.O oef 10 inw the CHURCH fotlowlni drtrltl landii Phone us and we will call. lnlriirlor. HcKinneM and 2nd TIitp's no more use in having Port. Simpson. .Tenders to be; in (Uxoinencias st I purl DlssLtit souiartil Rrl 9Q1 J. SUde Stevens p. ods itiai nohody known about SALE HELD YESTERDAY my i fllce not later than live course pupils laken. IIphuIIs corner, it rlnim MKitnrVly eirection trwn FIMT-Cl'.H P.O. Box J Riiarnnlerd. Term moderaln. St. earner of IjiI et; inrnre 14 rlislnf Mian in winking al n prclly girt o'clock p. in. February 20, 11)21, For nppolnlmenls ivorlh: ihenr o rhsint wrsii inenre tl A U in the dark. tf Number of Ladles Called During M. M. HTEPHK.NB. P.O. drawer 389. phone nine rbtins oiiui: thrnre IS rnsius esal end " Afternoon at Home of Mrs. 1705, Prince llupert. H. C. It fintsiniof 4 srrt, more or ls. A.1THU4r MCllt'lHIf, .inlrt'iQ MUSIC FOR DANCES. Hardening W. C. Orchard. FOIt 8AI.E Four full Iota and ACCOUNTANTS BFH.14HD W. BAHRXTT. DstM novrinticr 19. lit. M.T."B barn on ,NI,iiHi Aventte, near ARTHUR'j-niis, Tho Rale of homo rookinir for KXPKIIIKNCFD ACCOUNTANT McllrldH gi'reel. Harn easily LAND A0T.' SI. Andrew'H Anglican Church would lake charge of set of Nolle ef Inlentlea Applf I Pwrh, dwelling. Priep converted Into Phone 4a 1 Phone 481 A terlout condition which Ii rs- j held ypdlprilay aflcrnoon al Ihe 2.025.00. 750 rah oooks. whole or part time. In rslsr l.smt L4.omrlrl. Rerordinr Hit- I LEE. llsved when you iroots ths liver, x home of Mrs. W, C. Orchard, 700 Teyps, W. E. Wllllsrrnfl. phone Irlrl Of I Nftr Hlllil and amiatA alMllll 1 1 and Imlanoe ott two years at 8 "'i' tint one tisir tnllrs t ef me inn- I Hlack kldnsvi and bowels to tctlon by 250. Muspravp plat-p, proved ijuilp a tf mi or "lire Arm, aim aljolnini loll flo.'l M. M. fileplieni, tf uiinfOr.Cliiis'iKidniyUvsrrilli. per cent. tl snd it. sucrpHs and n largp iiuiiibcr of SHORTHAND Take ntllrit Ihll I jAaanh rrfaaa Tiwlh. Ontpllltdott. 2S.t boi.tlldtiltrt Iniilcs called during the afternoon. FOfl PAf.K Fiirpllurr of Iwo bed- TYPEWRITING weir of i-ori HimnKiml, nrruptllon tinwr, Rupert Dance Orchestra, in siipir ior prrTniMinn 10 pgrrnsi f$r. Chases Mm. Orchard was assisted by Mrs. rooms, cpnililjng o f bedi, Pitman Hlenographlo Bchool IImi foiloin drrlit lsiilii GEORGE Four, five or tlx pieces J. C. McLennan, Mm. 0. A. Mc. dresser, . t)inffi i'carp'l. Also I'venlng classes, Monday, Wed. Otlltltial rnmmrprinr COrtiar st ftl a txm lt tf.tiKnlod Ih.n.,st in MS - Now ready for engagements Nicholl. Mm. U. E. Troroayne, Mr. kil'hen jtablrTol, sewing ma. nes'day and Friday, 7:30 to 0 rhsin 10 rhslns nihnt snuili:itienre tnonre 40 rnalnt 4 rnttns It il:nc! Phone IL White, KeU 102 J. rtarnsley, Mrs. II, Phllpnl, Mrs, chine Htnlr cirpels, etc. Phone o'clock. Individual Instruction. pellit ef rnninmtirinnt, sntt conuininl rilONEMt lB-liais 110 - srrrs. mnr 1-Mil 01 nr lt. ep.eeeeeeee C, F. Konin and Mrs. T. C. Duncan. Hlue Jl7 for appointment. 43 No, 10 Smith lllock. tf .''"w rrmtM TitcTHewisr. Ditcd noveinbrr II, 1910, t