u PAOZ TJ0 THE DAILY 'EVS e?, ji rrr have i...i i..-en keaat, aajj Van The Daily News ' NERVES All In the tLcttcr Box j otwaBfMt of o.i.,iTtmuv they BtflM naea lMf'aaa "a ft..NC IWPKliT niUTIHII COI.U.MHIA , - Ho l.lay we hear ntWfLJtt 1'uhtisJic.l Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by The News i GONE TO PIECES MOT AGAINST MILL. iU. rea mi.I anreei. 'The PrfAttnp and Publishing Company, Third Avenue. ' ri'i'l.' tf nicii ntm wnasea) tn Fdilnr Ualty e: wh .in ii i- iiM'iift la unfortan . F. PUI.f.EN, Managing Editor. ' In an ediUrial ia the eV ajtciy enurKiuK rnen 11 tja 1 ' "Fruii-a-liTBS" GwjSHSd et nrMcr lai (lie unaWtiMwi-uarraiM-a itilit tl.ai If tkelr fair ia la - mmiim I y SUBSCRIPTION RATES I ' ia wuule taal Umtp i lo ke a lanat f liatiaay 4 City Deliver?, by mail or carrier, per month $1.00 Kenstis Prostraflon ' anajte oitfMaMitMi n Ike ealakliah-itMnt Hi white eitiffiia the inteeeeta My mull Id all parts of the Ilrilish Empire and the United Stale. of a Bala nlaal kon II i. of lite wttii.' man asuat ise nru In 4 I. in advance, per year ?0.00 U. R. N.4, CHumwt ft.atfts.Use. jhANt In nMaretanit mhy ami citi. lected for aM . I.laaea. 'fasfcSS ia-e af y To all other countries, in advance, per year $7.tK) "la tka fvx KMi. t -Vartf in about, take ihat eta nl. ' ' MrtiMilitl . v. liiattaa to not the ftaaaakt an.! ... ,,, ' Verfre ta iU rort fossa; eii aSiiteuM naaeantL Ike auk t" . TELEPHONE OS . . more to cm.-.-n. hwi of J -wiiieialsal labor a Transient,Displaj Advertising 11.25 per huh qgdh insertion dnjffaasr basa II I 1 ;jj- . of the ajeneral puMto aii.c.rn nr .t'-tixnt. Ii i Ike ilsananit of Ubew y.wi ck i f,..: v Transfe njdyeflsinff on Front Page f.42.00 Qgriftafi the icrMtinv of n water eiMN-. ni(rnani. frtt ra tajl eery-rk Ittddjka . -ah., iciiiieaiers, per insertion. . . .3e ne r llneT rmmt fomA -:- aanUnnet tejl n te any erxra!toii or n-4iMHMl wkt. sincerfty onatrea tkia tks tun It,.,. ki Cla-lfled.lAdverlNlng. per insertion .2e per word wit mom aaVaatale ir-iKriioii to retnain a srlm. laat, If al-l-.weU atJe all iv ir I k Legal Notice, each insertion 15c per agate line me to Uke "Fruit tmV'. ftt pablh- inlcreai. I.. X" n unrheeked Juat arriaar r.t ft u s Contract Hale on AppHealion., I began te bxtH atiwa t at ones, The aaiaiiaait t k rt-r i ettertr aa Ike Ori'ntal has ttr (tacrtul ..k lie -it All advertising should be in The Daily News OfTiee on day preceding and Tr had eoch ad heeJtk as I it la prtNWMeat lo uae ia n.. .lUirtNl an eer evnandtna see l mt aaaa ia mU- publication. All advertising received subject to approval. bare tx)oreJ tMa part eta years. 4C flte ia ant, atarem ton in all eur ettiea an avr4 laew aatare akset Swa,-- Itm mtxxr ar' "Ff-m4$.4rmi" reaon. i f amy otner ri-a I wW i h. In llsne aeaaa tr aa). tkr VrmM ai .-. V -as aaat d. err in tk komu'. J AS.S. DRXOATY. M of tMa atjrien( litre , Hiea anil rm eat ire ftrnv-V DAILY EDITION J&?3 Tuesday, Aujrusi, 3tT, 1921. SOe. box.8 tei 2 JO, trial ilte He: aok Ar free water for a aw 'nr. few yarn an in Ven- At all dealer or ml poalr'd r ti'Hiae. II snata the rMy money ! trver th Otnaeae were ceaj- aT' trwt Efforts Being Made Frnlt-a-tiTM Limited, Ottawa. t brHta- tile Wer Here mi) the: ftnee lo m Ucm on TMkftnnt Hreet yaw W i To Line Up People. proposed agreement wilhoiii ;m and Ihe Japa to a kloek nn a h mrts are being made to line up the people In readiness for aritl.nrtental eniplinrmeni rln- l..weil Street. Tlay ant nf the Dominion eleetUei, whenever it may happen to be heftf. Kvery SUITCASES Aee not stifftcientty protect t it.-wkHe Main Street we these bloek after group would like to be in power, and some of them ere willing to, aMketi wfcw tyaiaVaiH Moek f oriental. He ie on AM fli 3 rrii-! do almost anything to get eon trol. The labor.men at WsnHtpeR TRUNKS iftajr tit atmewl entire aet f Hast inir, Hermotir. Main Street. took a deftnitesf.ep toward making overtures to the farmer, ; HANDBAGS tnsialllap a ail (aeniM; pur Rmarway aaat on rifnmntle he tbuiKig,tliorebyTto gain strength., Uually the Liberal ami Labor j walertkeeka fieta. I xmwmr Umi the np'nial eosMftiela the CUSHION OLE - group Iwve been ery close together and Miriietime combined,; Large Stock On hand rieetat par xne taeea but la:real fT.ery en Ike fllreet t-eefst 'Sjaiaae a aajar e but n section of the laborifes thought the Liberals would not g ml j- a very small ar ttfr1kni. , tke Huaia Hay Onmaauy. llxawt m. -Shoesp-CKdfd fast emMglMrfareiiotigh, so they are-flirting with the new grtmp to select from. Immigration Poller. Ntt Opposed. in the hopeof getting farther by that mean. Alone they lo not i'J. F. MAGUIRE -iHirttw .ike eartr J . - ara.a. ...of A.the We are not npMed to Indua- MADE IN CANADA feeni to amount to much. wr urnaui ana twter ! iiin'iriM enieruiM our rkly because This i a period of change. A few years ago we found the Next tt IVi.. 9apert Stales aaJ fa aea tMefTrT .' j.-, n,,-, to ooerate under by The llurlbut 0. Limited. Pre if a, ffc farmersaf thi province asking to have indentured labor introduced thai WMH ojrlpen IVmt latan- c-rui i r. -'rMttona any snore from the Orfent because it would give them an opportnmtv irratiaai play' w- hai inaurett than f are otMMrl lo a men No. 13 to make money easier. Recently we saw farmers of Cowrchaa or n our eoMatry nianv wk in thr iown in- an au!mkale heeauae ECU CBiUUrTTE MLA5M. asking that Orientals be restrained from holding bmd because emerge aey peeae.1 ir. pe umi.-- iti.iai n -en am. reuiaiHHi they are'competitors in business. In other words, not being able nwr Ttk c mumn mt toff tan t at mm Lairft m Mr anxr t tae airaMa. Oar iiwriMHavi i-i, i.Tn Ita uar (tlve Ihe to compete, they ak the government to shackle their competitors. tar Mtnnl cm SViii(Ml (Mr virted kr MibHe .ntiment fntiiTl. nr-MlHCINHk lo WWlie lafHN- of m lard i: If the labor people arrange for a coalition with the farmer CI l liar I mt tt a Ml HiMM an the Ibe Atlaajtle to ihr Pacific re aa tke kr ed aTeennt glsee they will be controlled by the farmers, and the farmer is seldom UlaM.t Ma knar at Uw Vrima ixtaai ft. tb fmmm t. alnliui mt Imm ttfwj fro'ti that time on to ittV -it water rtaht and Lumijer a radical. His tendencies are coo e native. MM ror aae MrtMl 5. 9. C. 1 1. W. C. great aavre won I it be .erci.-l thoae 'iaet-d aa ktvoekera will Bought Direc iktm f mtm rftatna, mt SaW, ia alwHtrYur funhrr itiiiiiurrant narei m hhb. m a m rmn mt beeitun ardent li""tra. !! it. sad tacBBBau Hw hri aad in onlralli'iit ike forenra'-r 'Much maiutMr and doYrt aak wklt-men - Speculation batr at lrnoa t. Tp f. IM NMI hlt Regarding Future. uKkfa aaar vale. to rarry wal-r a.. Ikal the If the Literals do not control (be next parliament, it seems UnlMl May rtaa.a rumr,111. Ux-tor. We ta Ittla r.vinee were and orteaitai may eat, drtaw and b. From the Mill savos ou th - - quite sure they will be the dominant part)' and that after the next e jtafllaatajr idtve t.. he wrry- mission. We jiolicit your pair . - xi SKLX'SS LSO MTf T- BTCT mr Orfeaalat diiKr. We riinik- r for of election Mackenzie King will be called on by the fiovernor-Oeiieral Thanking y uae yieir to form a government Mr. Melghen, being a good eoastitutionil VClan rjRIOT7C lUA.N. Ike iif UiiijaJiajils eommun:i f laee. T. Utim' MAUKAV. KTiaratnlo" Taa MtWw that I NMaaat t Mtke4rkite fHliertttes liniea the hank-V.a3V leader, would naturally advise the Governor to call on Uie leader Qmtt rrwaaama mr pty DIMENSION BOARDS SHIPLAP QTH I ol the PraSer fiier from Ht. ... aratpw i tor aa of-the It will largest group then remain to be seen whether or 4 arraa of anal f : ton ta we riueaih-ri PRINCE HUFCRT TIDES tiot King can get the support of a majority of the House. If not awumt at a anal ataaard en ta UMRfwaca: SIDING FLOORING CBim F3 waai aw r a Japaoea iaaioi of ikal iu- airaiia la, TB. imr in he will be defeated and eotnebae else-will have to te chosen. The l rncrar of lud tar, aortt ft rhaaaa. aaM M tt-mmm. dualrjr and Ikeir wnltiil etaiii- 1 meaay. Aitan4 M. gonnneul may be isinstnMe 4 the government of France. Lumber haa now rvaehed r a rataa. rl M rfttlaa ta puaat niet vielory a vieteey miar. Tl jU M M a.m.. let ft. government does not make for tlronp good government i anieed t.jr Ike r eretakk pmtrae.-of . t-tl . m.. ft building time ts here psieoat v r. -eosJ the experience of the past In the days before MrBruie there was kair tf mi4m t, Tp. . oVtaua Uland. a government that-waVnot rlirided on anyparticnlarMine. Anyone Lafltad M Had, ltl. .jr Cawaitiaa uaHHia an th l..r 5:03 am.. ill ft. at uur oiTice, Sea! Cove a- i . r, . .1. srcLSKiE. Locamr Fraar lo tarntaet Ike ia am i a I I7:tt jn., 7 ft. who took an interest In ioliticat that time will ay that there 'UoHi ot omr falawd ana) baw of U itiewday. Ansnsat 91, PRINCE RUPERT LUMBER CO Hfve'r waa worse condition, Mr.J.lcHridc Jed the .opposition fur CCCTjt L4n ritTBirT aTWTT or bone." mt Hi. ow l a The, aang Hurt, it ta fL a.mH several rear and did it o well tba't when the government of the; Ovrei cHf.j'i 't ahingte industry to w CUnetf l,.ea. . S:M a.ns.. J H fL day was turned out he was chpsen lo take the position of Premier. Tk Bnaatr that I MttMd to aDDta ta tn (Mf fiMMhflnw. a f ffa a Meommm friends is a matter af Malory tS:l a.ns. t.l feet. He ignored hi1 old Liberal friend? who had him iu hejped oppo. n vrmnn ttr aataral rt aad taXraartia and far many jmnrm, tbe wkite TkMrtatssy. tSesHesnker I iwtion, and choe instead a "fvarty government. And under that mrr a a arrtt ar Haa ranav Oamawnrta it mm aiaaJMI at tw hiairle weaver In lb C kaa keen Hak :, ejn.. St 7 fl. party government-objectionable iH-tnie-rree.ts as it was, he atBrt fawr af tartina tt, n. ta. Ortham Itlaad. martatf A W. . M. C. C about an Mtaternua at the arairw !: a.m.. a tit fl. British Columbia Letter government tfiarf had had for they gave tnfiev aoaia mm ihi a riMtaa. kuffabk. Plewrjr teat vefT efW- l.ow- ta fl. many years by (he irresponsible groups that had controlled the rnnh rtKkai. ran ia nulai la paiat a( a.m., Iveljr Ilia white man erovMi- Jif waa t8:M !.. ft. Legislature- Larl Mtf 14th. ttlt Egg Coal Weston's Eat A. W K'KTTIir. Locata. ed out Af oair MWHaMla. Kit rrfctajr fswfsaber t A. J. OoraVia Araat. many years most af ea have )een II wh - I M lusn, tit H. Pasting the Buck sirri hid MiTMiirr ait Truer or eatina Clilaale vegeaal4ee aadj .... 13 at ia.. tl.H fl. a Guaranteed Coal Common Falling. "l i.t.t CHARLOTTE IILA5BI now we are devetaplntr a taete Am ; .! a as, 15 ft Speciality Passing the buck is a common failing. In the game of life Take notl that I lataut la atnlv to tttA for Japanese arown fntH. Even i t It: S.7 fl. Alberta Standard pa, the of cards each has ,CBwr 1-rwll rar a Ur ' 630 6T0 fas in game one a chance, though sometime 'tf J?rfir77,9' au aad MiraUn our eowa are a(art tor ta "t PHONE the cards arc slacked. Some people are more fortunate than !OT!iLJ5r ?' toBd V ff"i: . Oriental hay and our ub1 t others. Fortune comes largely from rdavini? the fame nronerlv inorikweti tmrwt ot MetJa m. td. t. fatten their Tfe wkle SAIL SCHRDUUI " en grain. Guaranteed Coal means, if our? and watching every play. There are in life, however, people who r... uwara aaaiaM raalaa. nil a chalaa. nan, where ia be? He ba - i " think that money-making Is the wlrole of life, and whenever it cf wna eonDaBMt.t rliakaa. vtti ta ctUM ta pomi tired to the tall limbers vf ir fee the Cast. we sltiv wrt will romnvntit and ru t . comes to doing anything for the community, they pass the buck. Uirtlnt Mlj th. Il ' loifgffltt eampa ainl the eettftaieti you have usa i A. W lxrator. V inlays Weitnesdsye and 'fist, MrlTTKR, The lecturer at the Chauta'iiqua mentioned this lat night, A l. ftaeapa. ratf. of the coal mine. Egg Lump and it is a failing that is found in every community. There are Important urdaya at 10:16 a.m. kIE5 tAID Industry.' DISTRICT or DISISICT the meu,yid,wmen who do things for the community, and there QtltBX CHARLOTTE ISUf9. Tlie and paper (ndaairy rrom the Caat. $13.50 $14.50 are the nieri and women who are always intending to do thiiizs or .b. .a... . . - .k- in tbia Pnrvinee ?oa!ays Ttteartaya and Tburr-daye is in iia ') A mmw WW, MM, HWI 10 .fVJ W rn-fauey thinklng-of doing things and expressing willingness toMo th in 'JL!'?"'..1JT.!!ZTZ aluj it w-HI mmmt lw a at 7:15 p.m. ABSOLUTELY NO CLINKERS AND SJ SOT but who never do them, They pas Ihe buck every time. tetar arraa er lawl aa f ilia i trememiously 'tmkrtaBl item 'i ana ai ai a n,i ptawra at im rorVancoursr and South. acrttaeM rnraar at aniaa H, Tp. IS, eommereiaHy anl enduMrially. World Divided Into Orakaaa MmhL eiark4 A. W. M.-a ft. r. C The tdanta mtarattnaf n. umyS II P.m. Doers and Talkers. . ' . nafts ss raataa. m la'cbaiaa t poiai mi In the near future have tnuah rueM ys l p. in. The world is divided into two principal cla$es, thtne ,who Lafties Mar tun. isti. pkmeermg lo da in Iratnin tke Ttniradsya It p m. THEO COLLART, LTD. ffiS? do things and thowe who talk about doing tliern or kick at the ones a.A. I w.OurtOB,ad-irrnr,AtH.trof. army that is ta earry f bear imsftl Saturdays noon who do them. The man who is always talking about what peopld work hi. Ttie eoler af their From Vancouver and South, aa. mlm- ..J t - should do and decrying the actions of those who are trying to ao IKEE.A QlLCn LAND CHAMIOTTE WSTRK V II DISTRICT LAX OS. Ot army will be ileaided In tke nest !Hio4ays . . . . . a p. in.II Ta laaa tanrnt VJ a a. s. m 'something i always the man who does nothing hlnirejf. He was Tak mourr tint I bilatid to tpfT vi Utai few years. If we atari tlrtontal I Mondays . a.m. trt laaarsaa tmu h.p tm aU'lM! .1. att.a tataraata t made for talking and nt for doing. He potsibly becomes the tmrt ''mnimuirr nr umi rar a larraaa we win develop y el lew and in WeatfoaarJayo 10:30 a. fll tm kltrlna lltaitranrr Caastaei professional agitator. ' IX not that, he becomes the town eritic. M ore t nrnapart Sai acrra lor ot atlaril uaa r aa roiarwai tad MtraSeaia a few years lae phaa ef tb- pa Fridays a.m. Inl a S '. aai '' " In Prince Huperl we have a lot of town critics. They are self-appointed JUaal iauurae1or ranter l of a twat fc.rtk pteoMd it. To.it Iha IS. par manafaclurer) will be "we 8a Umi ays 1030 a.m. li r, a. SOI M WISTHOUtt THtATSf BlOASi eeoat " and do not draw any salary for the Job, biit they do their arakaa Itlaad. Bkirkad A W. M.'a t. E. C, would gladly mj4r tkem but duly in that line most elllcienUy, for they never let any thing pass auatk Ihearr SO north malaa,ts rttl cSala.ettalaa aval U SS poiai r ha tat,mt we ean'i find teehtiieally trained for Anton and Alice Arm. wunoui knocking it. H VVe4 Mir tlth. Iff!. wuue nMui. katndays 10 p.m. a. w. tn.inni. Locator. It is sometimes s tabued that Wednesdays 9 p.m. A I. V-r4ne. Cannot Swallow Arrat. Orientals iiiu-t t empknyetl to From Anyos and Alice Arm. Everything You kkEESA I AKfi niSTMCT DISTRICT Or Say. QVIZX CIKKLOTTE ISLANDS. make an induiry a ensnmereial Tuesdays .' a.m. Itecently the editor of this paper was (old by a friendly critic eueaesa. In other wards we ere 'buradays , . t p. in. Take aUce iliat I laiid lo apply la ih that he rould not swallow some editorial article that had recently Cbarr OiiMUllanrr,of 1-mmHt far latmia naked to admit the auervrily lieen written. That is the last thirfg in the world Ihe editor woubj te oar priMrt ll terra for or atlaril Uai rti at fotloai;tarl pctraieara lue yellow ravtae, IMtt we all Foe Port Simpson, Arrandals, Mm wish of any man. Shortly before that, another friendly critic had CflmvaeiBf it a putt xAmmvui II tha know better 1 1.an thai. If their Bay, Wales Island and Naas Rlrse. mentioned certain innoniIteiieie irt 'The Daily .New, editorials. qraSan oathwaM laltad.ranter marked of trruon A. W. M.'i t. S.Tp W. ts.C. efrietenry trrt great here H Fridays ... a.m. We admit the incoiiM.tencies and feel there will Ummrm aorth IS rkalaa. rail SS tHH, vUil! be sure lot hove a ouih ts ekaiM. ttt so clulat to paint or. develuiied areat From PL Simpson, Arrsndsts. mill more of them before they are finished. No man can set himself Lorklad eountrles in the QrJeat. neeautrj Day, Wales Island and Naas Rlter. May 1Mb, ttlt. up as saying the lat word on nny subject If the editorial in tbia A. W. Mel.'STVIlE, locator. iy was in a piani whese Ue Saturdays a.m. paper will only act, as uu urge lo some neurle to aet htiav and olv A i. (Vwvm, A real Japa were employed 1 oil (an the problems of the community they may have all the glory. We" SIEEMA OllE.1 I.AND CIIArlLOfTK MSTtttCT llUtl PIITBICT or Weal Job to iVinuntLrate Jaan North Qusen Chariotta Islands. want none uf iL We are entitled to an opinion and we have not eeu eiueieney . A iUe man For- ueen uai-Kwaru in expressing, it. and it must always be .-..... ,. Tlit.uniHiHMjiifr noiira that I 7?!V?'JZ undartoak .II... mmia..1...- .....1 June 22 beretl that an editorial article is always an not Un d,,nm (i opinion, ne-esarilv o,faT'.,, ui!LV .r.Mrf,rrt,n, sutsjeeafully now From n an established fact, no matter in What publication it may appear, j cwZZfi Vt , U. 'fSmVd t ta. for aluioai ttn. years. JU baa June 23 ankM. uui Tlas T'waVked a. w. tf' a!j ,,,,cw, e mi eonauuiptlon 40 South Qussn Charlotte Islands: W t, UiriH-a ml. to .al&a at'l SS.nereeut and tin. nuiafr ..f harnl For rbttat. north aa rftant. mTT?'i 1ioi ,r ei Mwariiina li:iS laaef) risikVeeij u June 21. Dr. JOS. MAGUIRE tla4 Mir ttlBTTtll oHethird of W. MrfJITTBS. LOrAtor. what It was wttli rVm )m. the two Jam Gas re Ilka Ikts Far SHaaway and the Yukon. MEMBEB br TUB B.C. DENTAL'-COIXXCB V.,iV"..!'i1Tltfr7-rl'?i,y'T or,Blbt be Muiiiidied Mondays noon .t"-. Rsturnsd Msn. From Ahaaway and Tuken. DENTIST w oJr,'tSt!ritfrt:,1 TL'fM 8r "'-"y "I Ilriltsb Cq. Hnturdays ....... p.m. Phone 575 Smith Block YiJ?".mr u" 4 prria who two and three yeara "V'" " isaa as. rseaS! I ..!.i...t ....... a High grsds denta! work at tha Woat prkaa, kiiiiwih mr at s eutl BitaSea at too w miti iimni Itswart, atsple Bay and w amp 1 can give tha boat of reference. rj7i V"raar t SrUoa S. Tp. I. Ort-, play wnai tliey laletvded ia do Point. 20 yrsrs In sctlva sorvira. ""i"1 "'"' ss'rbaies! or Ihe ' r. luriwMl man." Tb FOlt Witt Mn-I M, I I ni 11 opes tvlogi ;.mB;;;,r:,T "aiM..1.i." i, ttI14 W1, , an'i Auiurdays p.m. THE OLP FAM0HB0 O""-1?..M chtlt .u4M. fn.. ii fi. n rWg8rde, as Hi. llt'iM Ftaturtna Aoi . .ed Sltrlt. al Lag As. a I, OorSun. AieoL Jpo"r r- ta i r Many pronu Bunday p.m. .Friday anal tif u-a:-.v-