page Fonn VTHEi,DAILY NEWS BRINGING UP FATHER By George McM.. ( ocisTT I IP"'It'1 f Wflu I'LL JiT KWC I CO OUT or THt rftus T TOPUTA S"tBl Wvtw U-J iiftiini Si tarn i r ri 1 1 1 I T vtthA. PCA I .MQL J BC WMATtS mm tvAiawM.ii SAKE DO )M&fSTt Tttl? OF MtHMMBfi.'fHi lsaKtlT PfllMttO? H-If r VOU CAUL THAT j J5RjJ Wlovc j A ORgj- ; ' J L xxiexms bettor Heal til. Have it handy and use it ixi coolvxrij : I T $mA1 I r ill i - il Office Space CAPT. DANCEY both of neglect In United for State returned and Con. a da. The morale of the nation 24 feet by 38 feet AT was not good. It was necessary Daily News Classified Ads. Lumber ! CHAUTAUQUA 5 Particularly suitable for 5 to bufld up thai morale and the Professional Man way to d it wan In start right In 2 CENTS PER WOKp IN ADVANCE. No AH rtlrnnl Taken fic Im than flOa Princef itupert. There was nothing Qlvet Interesting Lecture In Em tm about, bat It ! wvirry For Rent press"The Theatre Invisible Last Frontier.1 Night on neoensary to haw coaftdenee In WANTED BOATS FOR HIRE ,' Shingles ewelve and in the future. It KMART Caaaer wanted to sell PR1NCK ROPKTtT 1IOAT WOtTHR.! Upstairs In our Building ' I ran iindVrMsnd a man who was detrahr to have cmifmanre splendM Una of l.die 'aMs, Oowernmont Wharf. Iranehrs.i would rob or steal bat I caimo! in the leader a tho ewmnMHtHy. Ho. Kasiusite aceiu-y gtven seoms, roahoata. onnoVts fori A ne w - - : Agent for umlerl:tnl a who will take in the ebtrebe and Mhneft and for Prino Itupert to rivht aer biro. Launch "Pachsna " tar CSSCf LUITkOM OS MtStRVC Dirr- Norwegian American Line everything a community or other in4ttrinn. sob. Anipty tits lily Hiiwi. telnc passenaers and treiaht.l S'riKf ttsn Sksl l iwm enuntrr ha to offer Ikfhcseaay Va In , ii TI'4w- r cssi eater ' Swedish American Lln and ihm nceeary B:. , tf For harbor ttip, hire -m- ha.-;;i Ut J lab that rnmmuni oraVt f rire , said the y or roantry Scandinavian American oar tnty-tn foot r a sol Ins n m it im.. tiinhii in the bark." declared the e. peaer. iere rmT te an WANTHt--Cement fmi.tilng by smsnjsii asiesM Line, bMnehoa-spia the engm your- IVtS tf I hru-y IStS. M turer at the Chautauqua last I toel day's labor for a honest experteneed man. Oment -b Lowest FIRE INSURANCE i nHjtat. OpL iiaaW . tfay pay. lo'nrn. sidewalk , stena. plaa-lartta. rottahta. PHrtne Had Ml. U the JSSM Pnca re t ii ( ':iey. i Co-operation n essential in Work guaranteed. Ask f Capt. Dancey is a wonderfully any undertaking. l.c of ems. Phono Hrue ii7. ft LAUNCH -.Xarnethnavg." phone .,'"'" ' " - 1 a-.-, mmI rtea Dybhavn & Hanson fliii-iit paker.. H- fteal. very or eo-epeentian had prnlnmjrcdj WA.Vna Pnmitnd hou-hoU'eltasptnei WtaeA too If . l- awl rt.. KMtn M TV TT ri I be two asxl eo4 m)-liuns fil. i fast l bat AOawtimes it war ywars Insurance Agents. Third dirru uit t .'oil rw ahim. He of Ipvm. Rven in Print aoartmedl for FOR SALT LAKES jCi. xi. j)nocj tMm maMba adult. PtHme l..tfW Avenue. Prim e rtupert in wealth pf ineidpnt and ftwfert tkere rowid be no nno-ees fUn:ng , a Hcl MS. if. rm HALT I.AK1CS- Uunch tl aw.r. H IKiMI m Ike WolCws ,t fund of aaasnr wtueh be drawn wHbttnt on o tratkm. Csw If Cfrl, every day exceal Mneuaay anl - t.m f tw mm vtn upon onntantly and he pn oporaUna betweoa the UaMerf WOM.N wants 'ipivj wort. or. .j, -,u - is OMpitiM" i tMi. axfat eM his .audience interrtd ail the Hlale aad Canada was derrbt. iMmewawK. Apply Mr. Kelson, j ed Srcays. t" Accident and time n Iriftbman t- parentaa In onier that eo-ttperaifcHi mlKlri rtoyal Hotel. o I Weasjsdn. every from It to S p. m. ssirM r r,,, a . aa asnssw and a Canadian by birth be otill be brwtMbt abnat w saeatlil knaw FOR SALE Tip boat, on taftivs. leay. ZX&X.IV iTSLir&l i e. Sickness tia a iittle of thr lriti braue. BRure of rmth oihar. The kmlti bantbouse evory to mtnnlr. X it suffiaient la make hi vrtioe aowlri were made up of l--btR fcUOsU Sm Ave- Phono Red Ml. Prtnon Rupert oiwr. ru biiversis plaant. Hi subject, "The In-vieible . naatnonso. ua tmM m "innsns mtt Insurance wre all bsatnintr to be I Krwotier.'" ha I.. wrtb tner ia s-k. hi ,r.. iie tap - mw t tSe (be imUible linr b'ia--u Can. yoad Canadians of awad Auiwi- roam sttila. centre lbie and' HAIRORESSINQ -mm Mrf -W T aMSak 1. MM I Tss You are not immune from anl the I'nil -i -late Um , ea. He enMd nat Hlerlan two ore. Sf Si t .,; t m4 ! S MteM. Accident or Bicknas either even id tne lectur. i seldom i Irs4.a wno took advantage f 471. draaf at home r travelling. A seen. In order to illu-irat- bil"r fre instMntions and yes was oi waving, shanmootag. Moge- epeu WALIM Policy in onu of our strong pom is th sttf-aker uraw- on htlo eralhy wWh the aaetnia of POfl SAt.R Three large ninety- teg. Hair trying. SmI treat- iJr'X sVS Companies will 'properly luerlences a a lecturer In thUbe cooniry- A person Mvl&a two gallon alaohol steel drams. meait a speotaHy. Toupees i7V J,Th'VClw. provide for you and yonr United Slatr wnere be ay be new mast sooert the rempanef IO.OO .rb. Apply Middle and wigs for geatteaaen and fanVr t.- tw 7r i mii AND PALM family during any disability. ba spoken to vpwwd of fwa bililiea.flf ritliensblp as well as Wast Wine Co, Ltd. 71 J Kras-er transformations for ladies. K'Tjlv MU."" m'.il.r'.a Our will Interest There nothing SwIIaIim mill, nn lun I..1 . Nil cart ImO ' bv mttrt ! Policy mill tne privileges. was Straat. Phoaa f. tf km aaople. having W7V-ed . . . ...."! . 7.:. isrl lltr rM mm of VMei tTOAC you. 12njncatMs. wrong with llrtliah tir Canadian own oomoiogs. itn. ijaiiuhii mmi POH 8ALB I linen rVom anile. , S MW tHtsxsas Sf U Svwrntre so is SHOP Sixth ZSJ ideals, it was only with, SlraeL Prtaee Loyal to Community ft ta Jits ijarinsl r aart tot4 m Prince Rupert Captain Daneey urjBrd njyally the people wno w'"e trying to healer, etawa, fed enmptela, Rupert, It. a Phene Illoe tsar u, am ley yrte.MM-r is 0 SB SSewi IS kkM r Otlee.I Picture T 5S S, 1 i lite cm kid try and also loyalty put Jboe ideals into practice. It artnalMiir, draesor. extension 7S. Mil. Wtanc; el. V CeJ sea -na sa4 s-va. luStk SurS i all nearly now. I?t Insurance to the .community in wMoh we the invteHrie frontier were carried esMMu, BICYCLES saS NtcMsM io r ' ' into other hae of life Kighth Avenue llas4. ft The raarriaifc f tM meet tktlf mm lived. In tin- way a auminanity " y, raart MUSI tmr mI tkll M Agencies, Ltd. spirit could b built up. In it woald be better for li-e world. IlRINff ui yor fjrarmlor anea- Ofcana ti P. 0. la'i very cwwniQntty IhTr were peo tiwns. Now anst ned neoaeU-ors Its. Repairs and porta. II) awtna h psji ars mi P.O. Drawer 1632. Phono 130 ple who pasd the tiuek and refused at low aiaaj, CVortnem nflh Avenue Hast. Hlioo. xSTlSt.TmST'Z 1T Second Avenue to think of anything but The Man io the Mood - Kxehange. 1 3ft taaond Avenue. Ittoe 3t, iireen-17. tflCr" f . the almighty dollar. Thes pe. Phono ete. tfl ssm-t the Ml SAYSx AUTOMOBILES mat ml ! ts ttie rr pie not of mark the were use to mtnei i nsa4i br asm ta is community. There nad to be a FOR 8AI.K Hnaad bual. Oood nUPBIlT Motor Co, dealer-"Rs" ex mw mi nateiM .a ia ma r tsis. watea rmirv n spirit of unsalfistiue. a spirit TIIKRE are always outfit. Low firtoo for quick Cars and Tnseks. Aalo-inotitie of loyalty of self sacrifice in sale. ee X art hem Kxehange. a n. str5. Don lyid very community. The latrsl repairs. Tiros, arces-sorras Un4l t order to get tne best nut of tire. kick is against short sermons. I3S Heaond AvoMao. Phone arel Fwrd parts always peesrnaeM tVssbcis. a.s?7aato!c Canada asked that thn aooate No sooner docs a man gel set-tied 6(0. tot ta stook. Qwninereial bodies 9 WIT F 1111. SAN who live here shall be pond Can In bis nap than he is awakened FOR SALE Corona Lvpewriter in bntlt for all pntrposes. l-i run it'i-fciit ioiht or smtism Worry! adians who would not try to destroy by the singing of the last good o;diln?o. nvlgh anly n gtva yoej a nrtae on your rjitU MBit IV Me StVIL I Canadian institutions. hymn. eight pound and fold in oar hotly. Taylor A Moore, a n smvw uwnitoiRnov Sak Captain Daneey tab! he be ease. Price lit. Iimily News. Corner Thlr.1 and JtinlhJ aVVtft SKtsnf. For Tin-re is no reason to be lieved in the people. He always ITS eay to get easli for the Avanue. ir annoyed at a soiled froek. bad done so and always w.uld. ; heathen of TimbuaJio but dlf- Fun 8AI.K slightly oaauMred roil IMeV TI r Jkf IVOTl't MMI Mi asfer s f r ... No matter how delicate or If they bad thmgn explained to fusuli u, raise the wtnd for a of new print, little over 100 TUITION mt JSfC J I SSI. I va imsI'Si we arc r.-'-- yj 1 s ,ia sfnislae mt a isaoa ml Mnl a hem they could br depended on n.i.i..n La th. hlhen at Vrinim lbs. weight. I'heap. Unity New 'ore si perishable the fabric or H. AUimiiT PftYCP.. Prafaaaor and' -4, mm i t to do the right thing, tils frk Office. jrawM aastsM ihs ni hh tion color, we will oloan it for ituirl. I Tooalrer of VloltQ and Piano. AlrrvurM m rursxa . anjmfit mtaa. itau euneiatea in uying u re. from b-r: you like new. rUHMTVMP. f nlne-rooM Nat for r limited number ae- iCJ mtuuU We uuve tnisstndersUiHlHigs between THIS week the Sunday rain aopted.. Phouo Blue tM. w us are wave u u Bay at very r - , speeaflize In da Inly different inembers of the came on Monday, due (dMbties sale. Hat for rent. Phone IHoa " , um- Haasjmaos k at ntrtiis. ! summer frocks and you will 6t. 7 1 Keeofxi Avenue If lonw u urnn uv Pi 1 English speaking warld and ne to the influeoe of (he Shimming MUSIC oairul ssii1it. prices. be more than pleased with found the people of th United hlTfli Ut ik 4 iH IStl club in meteorological affair ed FOIt S.M.IV KuraHMM of three upc work. our Vun YOUIl NtXr I.NC States and . . ar social very sympathetic inj t. til L. a I lu tih( si"enra ennnr or Ktrtfit rwmn. i-ouni' ihuhiii, iimSJ event. Pryeo's acooru wiui nimseu in I ji.iwis ia rnoaviK. peneei TCXTINO on the old aautn after C. Canadian wishing for w.wtd ptace. lla'ErouiHl uruved a failure yesler-1 Orchestra. Phone lilue !8. tf Ike BM'r 4 IS Xellt f MofCS toetu TniitisoM, imhs ( mi II ail JtOeil IO CIUDS HIKJ MtCI- ',ay OftFiHSMAKING and Ladles' Tai SEVVINQ Tsr voti r tusi is- sta ir sf pacific Steam Laundry euea ana muoois. ne iuna loring. Asia Trading Co. tf mi rnmf Will r turf ill.TMtameiM 1 rtlar muu f Unr Mr AM w. l bat the fooling toward Ureal fiKNKIlAL Sewing Htl Third us. ewrsaeS. were IrtaMut I POM Phone 8 liritatn wonderfully I FOR RENT Phone Limited was chauy-i Avenue. BSS Third Ave. W., Prince Rupert ed since the war,ana from the ) Ten Years Ago v . artii.s ijumsw PHONE t 'Oil HKNT -Phonograflhs amli RESTAURANTS MrM iririnr iwaira ta UM MMl IMtls school histories the. objection In Prlnca Kupart . . . ......l- a. u t. t t ses wairS in aay s,s m f seder-' able statements in regard to the; is.) tsiih n4 in perMB4 series phone Walker's MusiaJilorr. tf TUf' 8MWlfft TI-noOM8, 300rsj. aeiswt Ar Ctsir are eeaniexi la Jiritih had been expyngMd. Th Haenml Avenue, for IIOMH. !. 'jft.y ""tuts uun tf wtss is EDSOI CO L GO. difficulty there as liare was titalj August 30, 1811. Foil HIINT Minger sewing nia- COOKFII meals. Home-made DVin loMVo RierHt, you vJ io in nir uf two ehlldraa i ft Personally conducted by Capt. rM . a r ehlnea, C. II. Nicholson, thtre dislin. by weejt or month. Just bread, cakes and pastry, Melton Bak ng w h school befure eiilerfug high phone Walk-r'a Musie Store. If Mowbray pqrV pies. Hoard by nOta. UM IIS TlM ttt tttl Order yur winter supply school and they wauj out into guilied patties of iourists now. gpcrial r- dueed prices the world under a handicap. It reached the city this morning. KUItMcillUli SUITK Tti ftltNT day or week, tf MHO SOT. BURNS' MB for August and September. Iwas the 'nluitglily ddlai that The respective heads were Chas. fit. Ifuis hooms. Phone tied Vl SUMMER RESORTS .votKK r igTgirnov lilse to vrrtt T 1 amd. Phone 8 for quick delivery took ilitim away. Ip Uie ithm1 M. Hays, Hir Jobu Ilarkrr and Kir ... I Iti giaald MeLeixl. FURNITUnE REPAIRS FI&HINO- 110ATINO RVTMINft. Is Riats I. Cestl LSud fHilnrt. nnrt' Special rates on car lota 'from twelve to sixteen years a 1st nisjstsi rra raeert, im suusw s Spend yourweesenus and suin-iaa tasiis ami. Shannw 'boy or girl could learn morn Prince Rupert. Feed Co. tit an in all the reat of the school Mayor Manton and the (Illy I,0N"f! Turnlture for nier holiday at Lakelse tmp.lrif XSZ.? 't Corner 2nd Ave. and 7th St. 'period yet Biunr were denied K4""1'! 't night announced thatl antof wr.t. uat, I erraco. it. c. tf yfj .STVSUt. K nnliakis that privilege. WJiut was wunl-U'y did not intend to Install the iiik. uraung ana eiupping. u. iImhiI tSSS II. Hemlngs late Hudson's Ilay LOST fest rrsai a 11. UietM-S ed was an educated people on nyuro-eteetrio plant at Wood 1 rlwljl nnh, Ikenr S rh both sides of the line. If cil-iteiiahip woHh Lake by ronlraeL but Co.), Hta Kurd Avanue. Phone I ......t mil... w .1- 1 .Utsars SSd X ChslM saMlk, Knees IS rhsIM!. LARD lilack '613 p.. w,w.ini ean, 1 malalalnf IK, svnr Night lons J Stt.n, 7t Hiaiml bleeding all you planned to spend 550,000 on station If Willi fur aallar. al Hall l.aL.. ' W Lt.i gwUl Ulue27U i:uuld IrVUfll people, it was tunc work and day labor. MIRRORS 1'inder ples rrliHn to luilyl-News iir tun. isti. j Pay Phona f to -eluao up. There should l- f office. toil um act. i cih bv all STEEN8L0NGWILL llollllllW less lllHD t(M) per rent Ho- teuder of C. 0. Iluwe for MlllliOIIH made or rs live red. NMTICg or ISTSNTIOV TO rfLT TO ,t nutcbef uaiiHdiantstn and then li..lhe- iu Illoomficld. 417 l'iflh Avenua CORSETS uut tftiv lAur, -upply 0f 500O tttl uf half Is the Rsns V 041 t.nt Pltlrtrl. Shoot Motal Works visiii winnu m- ueKimyiMi. inch pipe, J000 feet of throe- h l10.1' ,'hun, ,Mlw koitrlyrrtJ made to order Mr. S'SSJ'"! ttiSSl Agent for McCisry Kurnesss u mimea PM111..M.111 1'jsy quarter lush pipe af.d 800 feel '' II. lneMilne Plu.iia Ulna sui If ! ih ilr. IImi rrlan DIMM ! .vt more than over before in 1,.1 i.r on. -nch pipe at costof IDS a f MWt, M.tH.l In tpl ly pie permlMkMI IS Sanitary and history. TU a bigg-.- iasi tfia PAINTINQ m.t. um igt.l areapted by ItllOUl ftUV. rtieei.i. Hantirin Englnaars ,,t, Una CaHnenrina if a ., rlaslad II Ihe l.stile to win in than in peace city oouiieil. Oilier bids wajo PAINTIMi. uralnltig and Ka tan.r won lit not t)o us (iiteeeliint ' 1 t'. r 6th Btrret and Fruser 8trt war. , I from Xii.uh 4 Mallll. 1187.75; Soimninir IdMifo tarred or I I i 'vnii. ti IIIKC lllf.ii III,it Mill .1 i, II - ain I'-rii ii (lime ttaia i,t. ami b.if arms or US,similS haurs w Prince Hupcrt H. C Moral of Community. ; p, m . ituperl Kupply Co. 533.-t.npimn .iiani i. U..UI1 ui rimiiw-iii-- LEE. stained In! ita work I d i d.s f i ale III Win "'"ii' : litem an ) , nuiniir alt a rea. mora or (all, fs Uanny told f eases bo. aud Kieru & l.oiigwill 5tli. Ilutton Pu tie 5-M. juhI that. Ulf JIB, lilt,