rri For Prompt erne alto TAXI Service 99 lley & Hale PRINCE RUPERT Phone bin . Umotil and 7 Passenger .i.l.riOn p'- Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper Tostlng Can PIIINCK BLI'KBT. II. C. Tl I IY M'fil'HT :. 121. llM( Sala UZX. PRICK FIVK CKNTH jo Trace Found Of Missing Ship RIOUS RIOTS AT BELFAST CONTINUE; RAILWAY STRIKE SETTLED Wreckage Found NO SEDITION WINNER OVER MUX. LENGLfcN. Serious Rioting Takes Place IN GERMANY at Belfast and Strike on the Can adian Importer IS ALLOWED Great Northern Irish Railway cept Deck Lumber HEI.FAST. Agul 30. Hlrrel fighting hai been In progrfs Country Undsr Restrictions -in. e )e.rrd). and wa jMrtirularlr riolmt thi aflrrtluup. One Closely Approaching Martial , lalxrrr was shtrt ami killed and rvrral othrrx wuunded, iurlu J-nig g;,-: :ni The ho of the lu at ulli al f an arm) crg-Ht. . 1,1 Men hunt Murine (hat the ateatnahip IIKHI.IV A int. to. liermai Civilian-i j4atpJ wuHlUag iu the fclrrrt ami maintained a .i.il afloat i tltmittihed somewhat lht la lotlat under realrarttatna ltea- fre agaiHAt the pfWr and military. .t of radio mMMigi... from. tbe.. .maatr-r of ir a-f le-itMui marital law au j BBLFAKT. AgiM4 30. Bluttng. which bwU out ,al uoon a l- .F- .,id Canadian vxmner. i oi tne u,,,,, . . .wre- f veaW4a and runlitiHed until aBer midnight, began again at T .. lb -- steamer, j Fieri Meeina. ,r.--i.., - ,tk niormng. One hwr later three jersoui were wounded. 11m ' --ffnt all In nioosage stata Inal munairttmita and the ia)MF Ihiniif last HigM'a llgMing two penun were killed and 1k Ink f " wbaleveT of III" I Hfrir. f jtliri..f1. likely to mrnw- wounded. ih YX'inaer ifrea.. (liHiin(m-Hl at am -edmou. ntovstaenta la f Fur thr Hmt lime in i4 hiUiry. the Oreat Nnrthern Irish .iiMtl(r MsJaVii sod warninc U aiven tlMM Hriilway wa ritn)fte4- tied tip by a utrike of engineers and firemen, rrST "TERRIBLE SWEDE" J".3 "STiiS' who int at mtdnighL Tbi wa a sequel to the government """' inmiiig the control of the railroad back into the bauds of its GETS LAST CALL owner. Dial HH i.t f wind PRINCESS LOUISE WAS j UBLPAST. August 2jU It kAiog.wav rrncwrd tht afternoon. John Andsrson of Hrdtr Wii Imp A vi-rtor to Hi e wty was hut and died on reaching the hoipilaL Wall Known on Coast, j LAUNCHED YESTERDAY iaBIHBMwilBpv in' J Another wa woowded. WALLACE SHIPYARDS BELFAST. AugHut 3(W The ongineeni and firemen of the ii urn a Jakn Allan, or Ihel ijre.tt Northern Hailway. who rtruek following a dispute with Uie as" XAMJlHXTR Aug. . i tn.iiigrmet. have relumed to their .a. I a) Satoaaaji eeeos. )f assd a y naajeet UxiIm- .uH.t 1. I M UQUOR STORE 4ah "WTplirtM. am aj TOO MANY WOMEN I he lrwin) V4 a-Xyfi IN BRITAIN TO LAY; 10SS t.r..leaa.v lWf aatUr, SEND SOME AWAT FOR GRAfflY a- l' 'SlftS Aug. 30 Tlo-; )F IMPORTER ; r.n.rurliit M 1M in .n eirm if mwii Bart Kara In Comlnj North I irtl ( Pr I u4ralia - t nwj KlKtwn in Ibe Arranga foe SIU With 'the wmfrt of lltr I.I.I. itflntm ratat to Uii r.aj Iff Hr s afllP 'fllH ' i-nt rwu of Kttslantl Company. I tf Vtki Afu- tarch "'" """ r- nrirrmip mtrrrn IP HlBv " VafaaLllaaaMiatfaV and rV4tand baa aetuatotf rH Oir, Cut Still iw nmm !....um..i ntTtUUL LU11L!V 13 a -imh-niI oarr4ndHH of STOPPED BOOTLEGGINGv m i mtbrmi h- mrv i? imur rnnu Mif TfttMNt 0 dieua thai tMftMng. ikur Mi aHtM twrMioi DAta Al 11 JirlL rn'JITl anri.-nl and hoary remedy 10 . i ho lf 4oV A iNirmaw VISIT TO FAR NORTH fBBBH . PSHai aaE f the rmitnralion of Similar Pleblactta to Ba Held at Other Towna Comoanr jury UH4 lator. roortrnW Ihi woninin order to rrfin on -. n. TW fuMoral fM 'In diKparilr. CoaaU n Tltdir. rHnr LrHay f "irwin tfftallM. TW re-mam 0 VA.NtaiL'VKB. Aug. 30-Anyox a ImHI Hi k Hdr having voted three lo. ou tor a uMMoar. NoUianc la Uaww to-rollv WblBii hawk tttt tv' w l "a (Ikjumt atore. IWt Krrjrin. 3i.I. uf any rlallm nf IIm -a4. W(i Iter. Tfe la ib PREMIER COMPANY P. left laal night Uf the noHU ' llr. lllur wifr IKKH I BUM Ih I.ov.m Tfl CTADT UflCDITAI ak(' UP t 11 toe (rauny oiru HiMini aMMl alilp to rronawai Iha - ' BaHErBfl CMMPVaTiillllllLjl IU OlAnl nUjlllAL eiaW tbe quealton of acquiring "m- jmIi Maaria tta aa4 f Alka a He for a elore. SSINN FEIN'S REPLY n tttr a-TaV-i Iiim- .f inadiai I Dr. Davla of Stewart, Inlands t Simitar i4ebieBrtt are to b ! EXPECTED TONIGHT(rrltory. Mra. Malla BjunWt Matlory. preaent t fitted KU'es tiU Lea When Company 5 taken aaortly al Powefl Itiver. haldrr. raa wra th flrat ona to tne: II Suxann Lcnv -n, tha Br!nn Man In. Oeean tall, and Brilannia. 1ST vndvfeated Karopean caanpion oa an Amancan ruuri ilr. ADJOURNS III III IV u I'Im- ri-wl WIRELESS REPORT ! Mailory dafaatcd Mile Lengiem la Ua aromcti'a battocal chsspion-aaip The l.utuor Hoard haa. decided taatchra. The Premier Uold Mimnr Co. tbe rvper way to deal with AWAIT WITNESSESi:!1' '1? ri!:!': i etablihtng a boapatal at tb mmpany town i to requeat a Auauat 30, 8 a.m. Premier Mine and U will wkmi plebiWiie. "liooilrgyiug baa f llir lrlh t'4-r nrtal la rl. lilltHV W.AMI Running Fight Witt Bandits in where Surf Inlat MSnar be eeady bar ti4ajatiua. Tnr been UiiH"d uf lowua I h! l rnl 1i Iaim1 tkl laca 1 from B. ( Troll Mtutaiw t wind r ciaaanany wttl btmr m iU own we bav. hquor lore." adJ tlndtrUkara, 39: : tr St: .nauaVKHe at Regina in which Mountie dwotor aiHTUr. I . uf Stewart. Ctiairaian Kalroiier of tbe board, IM'U. AMWIIha: tlahl taaa expreaaed ttoi inli'nliiin f i-aia ..f CHILDREN DYING OF .wlairaval mind: Nor :Wf: tomp leaving as n aa hi orem nRnWKFD WHIT F St; MtM awrll. H iipoar was Wounded; Many Shots Fired UMI SAYS r at CHOLERA, MESSAGE I'riiMio ttoome abeam A4)mi-hriaiti The Stewart HopttaI ia faotng FISHING IN LAKE - (aland MHithbooud: t:S flfWMieial diffieuttiea at the je- 1 0 ullef'f ltm., NKW MUlkC Auk Ttioo- . Ml.. afMk City tf Snot lie off BKtil.VA. Augtl 3. After a runuiug gun Hfhl UUing lilf eat tint and the wiilidrawai of AT POWELL RIVER !lMd aj MIMl of fa Hi 1 ne aufferrra are Hi Kftg latowd HiifelHi4. mm hour. e&toiKliiig wtnr ttw mile through the ouUkirta of the the eUppwrl t Ul- Premier .-pany w 'I..'ndr It Trana-iUiui aia. aiiioim them HRI TltRF HUNT t9rfdf; ert. tho polu e fouai tb bttBatfU wbu InMiud and gauged flrii will make the aituatkan even IHlWKLL HIVKH. Augual 30. rlnldren dying .iti air r - Htaay rwlin; bar. tt:?: temp. S3: eniwraMt farm U the north uf the city. more aerioya. an I-- rli.tlnu -ivii a 1 ittil. uironagr Ha- 'lte) wrrf oh a M J Iteoner n accidentally Die jury HHMh. tw: I Hiring tbe biittte itetwwen Ur bandit uiul lava polite ua ntau drxiwned Nxliile flahing at llorae-boe 1 A. II. iwr.ALHilT 30dt, temp.BAY SS:4Uear: -nanoth. wa wuunitod. I" n4oo)re were Held up. Vni ImI wf Wrtnl LIBERALS OF PARRY Lake near Stillwater. The 1 'o'eajr, SCOTTISH WILL iMtdy ba uot yet been recovered, 11 Htuart. IH t.mm aptike Admiral Hmiaaan and iur men ttn-leid. 1e wounded man Sorgeaiit Ixiughee!, SOUND NOMINATE DR. although the police are searching J '" iWamiiMl 'off llwal Bart-w iiorililid; H It C M V., and one of (bo nn arretted i Kdward N'atttHjii of fur il. The deceased a on a SAIL SATURDAY a.m. aik Prine ttupen taaam MASON AS CANDIDATE II. C. V un ou er. li h 1 nit trip. liintlicr. Alert Bay renrtbboond. KHTWAN :tr: ootati:eOetli:lMr INSURGENTS HOLD BAHHY sm M. Auk lr-XV. CXCHANQE OF TEACHERS. w it h Will Ba Handad Ovar to Qoem-mont sv.; toinp. SS; e READJUSTMENT It. Maivui. a returned iddir. Wallaoa 6:30ium., p"k Hiyu Mavru po-tlion STRIP OF TERRITORY liaa luniiinated by the lib by Shipyard iM.ffi wHi. IJM.80 we4. been UIMMI.N. Aur. 30. The Bril- Ban PSH. HIU. Sofna Tlma Tomorrow. IlllMUind: 7 M.UI . ap.ike Wealern OF FINANCES eral of Parry SM.nd diatriet as Ilnart j,f Bduealton advtKato Kiilglal ftoui Honolulu to riralll.-Osat)Uw llv u :( Hurnenlaiid Um naudidai ' "u, sl an etehange of teachers for the LnKUNDb WAS Tlir Uuvorninent stilusfiey al tbe foHlKMMMlUK nrl uf the KimiirH on iipw Canadian IroHi Keallle: 7:S p a i.niM.w ini f land along the Merclmifl Marine eti-aiuer, Cuna. I" del winch Federal election. 'a .if final basts. all THIS CITY tn.. m. .MebutoK p" i" Convention of Municipalities will Mufiifari'Oi wa reg-ulai Uiun Hnutliali. will likely be loaded noHlv t4 wt, kntaownd. Try to Improve Position with aw.n.l.-.l In ii-liia !y Ilia ttwaty WW away urt' bff'HulitfU(riptljr Province. with ii.riuum 1- ipariilly 111 CENSUS DEPARTMENr I antra mrtwrday Hererditig lo brant 1 CANON IS DEAD. Hi.. lnuiili i.i Hiihitttrmu inaur-ni'iii I4im. It ia fijiwlml that a lie will POHI ALBKHNL Aug. . MORE RETURNS READY -BY Chautauqua II'1 itffi if luriied uw Uy the Wallae LUMKIN. Aw. a. II e. lUin-011 TtHt B U. .MUHU'lpalMtOi eavw-1 END, OF THIS WEEK 'inwrn. rlnpynrda to the RotvriuniMtt own- Kli.iar4. Itoyal ChapUia ai mi'iiAod a aupnuie eftort to ( SWEPT OYER FALLS !'' m Thursday and II10 long- W llMl.ir Cuatt for MMMg yrare finam tal aastttonoo SrotM the "t. tun -iliirimtn bavo bevu aont fur lo ! Uu4 at Um) ape of T4. ,t, im ial gorwilllat IbiaafMri) AND DASHED TO DEATH oTTAXXA Auk Furui-ea Programme Nina P euxeruiK ttt n-ipula' mil "f another rineiiatM ti lixrti ramdy to loud lumbar and ill. Hin.iial of ae UII n,r uiKi.ip nt. the inali rial wbai r by BIRTH. i. Mum-iiafitu't wtiirh will "i"1 SS towns and iilia will commences 'AU. AaT. V. be ready for pubUeai iom at the A ' luu .-rtny tHwn. H r..r llml Inur in it- 1 M.-w lr,.nnn.-ni ,.r m v u it.-i-e hiui.- n,,, 1 .. . " " Itoftnlo WHS Sad wk aeeordUlK U an Afternoons t 3.00 h li'cw of the feUauuT '! ton. TUt-ii; ttJU jUu. - M' r""' u, lai. !. ivihb - - ,M"r bUIImmhi ithtH un. Mrs. Ititberf I.eltrfaloH tieveiiili are d lei inlniMl u aueeooaT in ioe w i ' oxer the Hr tilal Veil r'alla aiowmneeoent of Ike lN lie- i Evenings - - at 8,30 -fcajj i"''I I Ii 14 mil iiiui 11 will Avi'lini' 11 oii idi Hi tin- lirli- t tar It I f.'i nninii mat fiimn.lal ir an.I .I1-I...I l- lm'l) mi Ihe rH'k. liai'liiieial Tkea.- towns mr Hi: ' '' i-x''V'i';a -jii.SU U. iu.... U"W.n. u jtalm itbuuL two Uaja 1.' U'aa U aiaJ B"pul, tjuetio.-i.i ,U.-