a i Lae aa i iat ay " a Friday, September 16, 1932 ae casiacsiaiaepsinaee non wee THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THRES: L > \ a 2 LOCAL ITEMS ‘| Saturday 5 ecial | z . > Outstanding Value— P s | utstan ing alu ey ‘| Preserving Peaches $1. 60 | = 7. | ae per crate ~ ' dg Taxi 35—Ernie Large. tf} M B : = ie unro Dros. = “ SIMPSON, 5th and McBride, first | wm class Shoe-repairing. Pyices right. | , = - = 0 we | = | -» Scotch and Canadian dance, I1.0.} LOCAL (TEMS = O.F. Hall tonight. A good time| art ~— T | rane 18} Arche Thompson will sail next KE. H. Mortimer. who has been on |week for Vancouver to resume his — r a a brief trip to Terrace, returned to |studies at the University of British ; Ma resh fr a p to Terrace, ‘om the Gardens” the city from the interior on last|Columbia after having spent the ' ze night's train. jouer vacation here with his par- } i ] ie ie Cs rg | LOCAL NEWS When buying coal—consider you |" Mr. and Mrs. James H. Thomp ; get correct weight. We sell dry coal. |$N- ; Pe, Don't buy water, buy coal. Hyde ott : | | e r > oe itche ; i : ; EVERYONE ; 4 | oe G, C. Arseneau sailed last Transfer. Note advertisement for| Miss Irene Mitche a, who has been . A Pi SAYS IT'S THE : 1 (e ee ght on the Prince Rupert for a} prices (tf) |Spending the summer vacation here a -* : ee ate nh / ee , FINEST THEY'VE | trip to Vancouver, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John ; a ™ ww —_— EVER HEARD Frank Waterhouse freighter year Mitchell, will return next week ® | vir ; ; ; Alvin Johnson of the office stati holm, Capt. J. C. Sutherland, ar-|t° Vancouver to resume her studies pec la S of P. Burns Co.’s abattoir sailed| rived in port this morning from #t the University of British Colum- ‘ast night on the Prince Ruper'| Stewart, being on her way to Van- ‘bia. for a vacation trip to Vancouver. | couver SAY! MARGE ISN'T THAT A BEAUTIFUL yes, 1 WOULONT HAVE Back Bacon 1 - | bs Another enjoyable dance was ae PELIEVED IT d. ver Ib 5c W. E. Drake, loca] manager of| Okanagan preserving Peaches (held last night by the Canadian La- POSSIBLE | iz Al) brands $5 00 Edward Lipsett Ltd. left on this} shipment arriving friday |bor Defence League in the League , er case de morning's train for a brief busi- night, Season about over. Order- | Hall on Second . Avenue, a good " CT as omar ip to Skeena River cannenm now, prices right. Watts’ Groc- |sized crowd being in attendance. Nts Most radical radio development since eee 1-Ib ery, Phone 55. 216 |Musie was furnished by members of " Uj t sant 1 Soap 75 piesa |the League and refreshments were the advent of the all-electric set... } ey Y * per carton a COLIC AND CRAMPS ‘ +r ne r cme a \served by the ladies. a striking revelation in ; i ” ride of Canada Map! at a She vey | Oapt. § ray, is due in port a sete) Pride of Canada Maple "7 5@ PAINS IN THE STOMACH i i thes ; | 7 *| aid ie 8 de A Syrup, 2%-lb. tin 3:15 this afternoon from the south Sai Crestwood Creamery Butter "80 has bee ; on the market for the | and will sail at 10 p.m. on her re- ’ " oe past eighty years; its action is |turn to Vanc ae -lb. brick c pleasant, rapid, reliable and ef- n to Vancouver and waypoints. Eevs—Fresh Firsts 70¢ fective and relief from cholera, t LA colic, cramps and pains in the A propaganda meeting of the lo- 4 , stomach comes promptly. cal branch of the Socialist Party of | . J : é ee at Canada was held last night. No e brilliant... thrilling -»» human ; , , Conran: ' | statement was made for publica- + ; a _— 7 — ion this morning following the! ° 7 i, 350 uae On Quality Foods . Wor meester fe tin | neh | to believe it! oi EGGS | Mayor Cyril H. Orme, who is THRIFT BARGAINS : : as . ¥ Fresh Firsts | making a trip to the interior this For the Week-End VICTOR Bi-acoustic RADIO, ¢¥ veek with W. H. Tobey, CNR. di- ERE'S radio that lives—that breathes—that pulses with Model R-22, complete mn | * c visional superintendent, is expec-|NABOB TEA— 39 realism, so human in tone that it enthralls both the trained ‘with 12 tubes, $189.50 % Price, 50c. a bottle at all drug- | '€¢ to return to the city tomorrow] per Ib. Cc and the untrained ear. The New Victor Bi-acoustic Radio, an nie FE } R \ | gists or dealers; put up only by i night SWANSDOWN CAKE 29¢ improved super-heterodyne. Other Victor models range in price t? h ‘re sme » Ts » " i] , . ; resn hemo y ege tables = 7 — Co., Limited, | —- = FLOUR, per pkg. We invite you to hear it—to judge it for yourself. Any Victor from $69.50 up. i ¢ Just Arrived cron, Va | §. T. (Bob) Fraser, son of Mr. | ICING SUGAR— 15¢ dealer will be proud to show you the new Victor Bi- -acoustic = & Cl f = |and Mrs. J. D. Fraser, sailed last, per 2-lb. pkg. Radio. You will be amazed—thrilled—for you will hear radio ‘ L¢ Z29C! vp: w A. Clemens, director o!| night on the Prince Rupert to re-|PERFECTION BROOMS- 43¢) finer than you have ever heard before. 8 Great Advances we . : 25¢ the Departure Bay, Vancouver Is | sume his studies at the Unive rsity| High quality, 5-string, ea. Eight great advances . .. ""B’’ amplification gives you the power 1. “B” Amplification. ; od ind, Biological Station sailed las |of British Columbia after having'!CASTILLE SOAP—Long 14¢ for “thrill peaks” without loss through distortion. Extended 2. tincteite Bank Geis 25¢ night by the Prince Rupert on hij spent the past year at his home! bars, per bar musical range brings i in two more octaves. Automatic tone compen- “ pensators. ret south after attending th: | I SUN ; *§s - nO < : ; PUES eee le 7 _ bo here SUNLIGHT SOAP. 18¢ er. out “‘tinniness new tone equaliz ers remove cabinet 3. Tove Equalizers. Beet Medium si: a et eee Oe ee pe pero , 4. Dual Automatic Volume 6 25¢ cific Coast sub ee of the | James Bryant sails by the Car-|PALMOLIVE SOAP 6c : Dual automatic volume control counteracts fading. A new dynamic Control. Dineaiets $i 60 Biological Board of Canada | dena tonight for Seattle where h per ba 7 for the first time handles all frequencies at all volumes. S. 12 New-Type Tubes. ied eteind ‘ — | vill resume his studies at the Uni- | BLACK FIGS—New Crop welve new-type tubes make possible more power, greater fidelity, : er crate ge aaa Si Ta” Oe ae 5" 6 Rae ae c 6. New Improved Dynamic oak r Cardena, Ua, | versity of Washington after hav-| 2 lbs smoother performance. And new cabinets, executed in beautiful Speaker. , 95¢ Erne Georgeson, from Vancouvei ing spent the immer vacation DRIED APRICOTS—Fancy 16 | woods, are tuned acoustically to give you fae, seer tone, Al 7. New Cabinet. a” et ypoints, was due at Sunny-|here with his parents, Mr. and uality, per Ib c these extra features conthined give you twice the power, twice the ad k-sight Tuning Dial. pe ui? dv | ck See astern i * Btpent AUSTRALIAN SEEDLESS 25¢. fange, twice the tone quality! + eae Se -. e; iS Making 7 other | ‘i RAISINS. 2 Ih BEFORE YOU BUY ANY RADIO hear the new Victor Bi-