" .T1IK UA1LV. JSEW3 Tu. I'AQC SIX BULLOCK-WEBSTER IS LABOR CLAUSE REAL BARGAINS in Real Estate PRESENTED WITH FINE LEATHER LETTER CASE NOT GOING IN Westholme :: Theatri On lot Second Avenue, Section 1 .$ 200 One lot Beach Place, Section 1 . 400 Two lota Park Avenue, Section 1, each ... . 350 Major L, Itullork-WelMter. Tmfl J A Would Delay Water Agreement I onight, Tuesday Pour lota Atlln Avenue, Section 2, each. ...-.. . 400 wiin nlted and dirert.sli v JfCn and Considered No Matter foe Double corner Slith Avenue, Section 8, pair , 1600 "Itarao the urees paM.nti t j . "AT' ..id. Civic Legislation. Double comer McBrlde Street, pair , 2000 play Which After ronideraMe diruien Two lota Have Cove Circle, each . 600 "Unniale" toward thi end had taken place al the council ' One lot Eighth Avenue, Section 7 , 2S0 June, and wfctrli tn turn ap iitPrtittft lat ntirhl rewtrdrnjr th- , CONSTANCE plause from tli menitw r of In H. G. HELGERSON, LTD. five audtenren whw-h were for advioabllil) f bavin an anil-j oriental labor . iaue inxerlett In lunate ewowofi t ef (he unique received the vmlcr aarerinenl helwern the pHHtuetiofi. yelrrdajr pribee Huperl Pulp and Papr Ibt.j from tk muu a okn f their MttVt LI TMTWCT MSTMCT r and the city, a de who taken and QrU.f CMAKLOTTE ISLANDS. whulehrarteil apnreriation b rroluMnn to tint effort vraUtnde for the e-Hirieoy and Tt none tktt t IMewd to TPy la 1t and t.turt CominiMionrr r La roc a Mrear. enlhuoiaom which tie eShiMtoni breniahl in ly Aid Kelly Ahij JALMADdl Moir's lo prospect for natural rat and petroleom reharala and McNeill wa nepalived on the following orrr tl mrm nt land fer. IhnHkaiioul lh- CMBmrnrtnr l P".t planted it tlw final olaaina f Jbe w.rk, Mft ifANDERHOOF diviolon: For the la mttml nrwr of eertton 11, Tp. , .tld. Kelly. Aid. McNeill, AM. Kerr art rum itltnd, marted a. a. H.t s. w. C. the Vietoria dm)i. Ttta pre- Itart Bona a run. rti at mat, and Aid. Petry. Afnrnel I he IN team it rntte. a num. aetttallon wan made throua-ti Mr. A braneh of the tinnadJan Md Chocolates Located Kit ttnd. ttil. Charles Wiloon. on behalf of ike Cm Koie4y wao eolajdlnhed ctau-er AM. Parker, AM. fver-pitteo. A. A. NrPHtlL, Locator. Aid. rrbuell and AetHkU ; a. j. onrtfnB. rm bMjt company -f aelor. the frtfl here Sal Tlniraday and (be f"l-rrwuk7 "Dangerous lakine the form of a aandoaae Mayor Iiyhhavn. WHOLESOME SWEETS for skee.va lad pistbict rni.tcT or uffier were aeierled: yt rt.i CHAHLTTE island. leather letfer-rae, aernifMMied Preiddant, Jadia W. rnl rm; The .ntt.-r arooe oft (be road THE WHOLE FAMILY. Titc nonce tktl I intra to arpty to too by a eheque, al toy a ehartadaur rice pewhleni. J. tfnMie; Ex-eeulrw ina of a letter froaa (He Trthleo .nier maaiwuwr or i on ar ce wo and Ijihor r.ounrtl wbteb latd Metier of appreeialioti of hid ttre- lo proprrt for natwrtl rtt and pctrolciiai eoMtianMlee. Mr E. F. W. The t'.liocolate used in 0Tr 4 arre Of UM at foikre tetit efforto in preparinp Lite Mealu. Mra. J. W. Palaraun. lr. that the oraanatalion wosjl pro. B CMMiMrHit at t noat Ptaalrd It th usmess Muir'a in ono of I lie mosl tontfceatt corner of 9rUon 7. Tp. t. Ortk rdkyent for llteirparU. Ttoe W. Jotminn, tr. rt-te. A. J tent any aareeanent wbprh dM not htm Island, tint mirtftl A- W. M.'t S. E. C. Qsave eiiihodted In it an antl- nourishing of food, and theare nortk 10 rtiaia. moot it chain, a-eneroua gift ia aiocti aprea4at- HlefMrdM, OaM Hartley. J. H aostk ( rnatas, rut t tbitti. ed by lb troJ er. wlshea iiatie rlaape and would ttafe a MeMHInott parrel ary-1 renanrer. with Che addition of pur Located JfBO. 1011. MtT A. W MftVTTKf, Locator. hnKh ike pres la thank alt fiev. Ia1d I. tlray. fMinpaian airalnot it. - Narrow sugdr. pond bolter, and A, I. Oar&m. rem. who ui liberally eoairnated. 11t r ... The Resolution. 'The Skipper's Escape" . . . .. . . . rieJi ri fruit ami nuts SI CM I M8TMTT MSTMT Of rertftppni mate laai 11 ia uio ' neorge Stiefl i btiMdMia three ld. KeHy aaoved) a resohttion it formica fd r wife(nation Ttk QttEV notice.MtftLoTIA.tktl I taiend IMANIM.to tjiptr to tno intention to convert Uae etteejae dlM on I be farm he reeently hhal (he Cily I'Hincil roeawuni-1 A Fontaine Fox that naul to bMt. t rbtr pwnw CntnmHuiorirr foe Miartl of Laad rtt tr for ptrlors t Wmbx into n liver rre rxrwl. oti wliteh wirtwwat front Tkonta Jne. irate with l he Prince Huoert Pulp' r 4S arm of UM tt foOvwt: are t be engraved all the MtHea nd Pner 0. nointina onl the Admission, 15c anj And Mair'a fwee the addition! romroennnr it t pott pttotrd tl I bo I YambHaVuf in1 oolbrttt earner of VrOo . Tp. t. On of the "Ifranae" cat. KTonwed TtM HoaetiaM pub ritatton that wa atnff ot advantage of ntm Inland, and marked c. O. E.'i S. Fl nwnd a small ineriiin alxntt dn Frtdny evening held a huhlv at or of mm antl.ttrkenlal elaur. Corner, wettce nortk te eSatB. rt It . idk MB. i- i. a k I a. fdeastag everybody'!" taMe. ckamt. toctk ft cfcaias. etit It ckoat to Ttoe llirth f I'eroeu." otaWOMIOl I'fe rwia wnira re. rentindmar it of I be alftleoiont from tb oldest to the pumt Lnrtltd of ciihiii May nrmmt,tiro. Ittl. Mtlted In eonkplHely rehevina itade by Mr. I Ml. an offlrtal of the c D CMMO.tS. Lorater. ftMOeial iMtrpMiltieo. The aww com pant, that lite payroll of the roundest. A. I u inton. irrai. PRINCE GEORGE of titSJi wf eanliied. plant wiMild not eteeetl W per I) SlEEXt LAID WST1UTT DtBTMCT oant, for Oriental tabor and ek. Smiliri Sale Agent lien. Ir. J. H. KinK. provMvclaJ Mm. Jamei F. MHUirmack, ;taiat If the company wav prepared "Keep Tit not tfitt I MHoad to trT to tho Mr Frnnrla I fay and J Ifo.kin John L. Christie fblr CemaMttHmrr of Load for a Mteai ' mhtiider of pvMie wrtarme, wilt to have oueh a ewne rmhodied in to Frap") for aataral rtt tad (otratMUa lour Krl ttenrtre ennatittkettey batro rel anted from a ten day' the water aareemenl. Tfce bylaw Prince Rupert, B.C. otor 44t fro of Itnd at Mottrf Into tlfte Si wart Lake !.-triel. Universal Co. Commrorior at a pnal pltatofl tl Iko IkM week in rotnpany with H. l. trip bad not yet arooe tbrouah IU third Trading WrfithetM roraor of foettoa It. Tp, Tbey aeled Mitunl V On rum I tli d. iBtrkod A. A. M.r lit. Perry. Iel ntenttoer. readina and thta eoukl tUII I- tkriKO kartfc rkttoi. oot tt akatBa. oo Ue hlghawt noountain in the d- oatk to fkajaa. rati l caahia to petal of lneeted. SPECIALS FOR rilAUTAlQUA WEU CVjAIOtf Dtcaiotit. Mi Irene AlkeHnn I Wow en. of lrlnL Thio wan aeeonded by Aid. Me. The Season" ! Loraled May a.ttad.a. wrrnMt.I til. Laeawr. Alttagham. Ctreotolr, rtefftMU. Neill. who elated that it Itad been Mi.e i.innhnni tte.e M Outing A. , wo married lat Sojailajr to A lei-ander Japanese Proverb. the otttttawnf'a own propooMlon. itrw 11-17 .prrtal $3,00 - $) St EE 4 LAXD OMTMCT-MafMCI Qf Aadem i Oton. the Ineal Wot ttay"4MtaT nnatr, A Touchy Subject, I.idle Huv lreo. I i i - tl Ot El3 CH ANt f TE ItUUiDS. the Jaftaiteoe aay If in Let ut upply the lawyer. Rev. 8. lsiliRiier er-foemed Artintr Mayor f)lmavn potnleil ! else 3. If. apeetai $2.00 h..,. x, Ttko aotiro thai I tMfad to opotjr to ttw the in St. a hurry. jt round." CMor CuaaattoMsar of Load tor t kmM etirmwi) 'vorMents wftl hapc n the te cut that lb i waa a vary lotjehy ; Ijtdse Naowttm Hn. S pra $760 and tlTL Good Eats to troBrt for nataral rtt tad ertroleaai MictraW'a and All Aiwet rbeet and hardly a mater on for , $1.03 , , ,OTr C4t atrot of Itad tt foltawt: rerulated fnanilieo" beronieo j Mrw. Ozltt Church. Mr. nd I couMotat ai a pnot pit at ml at Uv -Ktren will .metntea which niunteipa!ilis roastd ieyio. AH Wool rp" Hrt. it $355 and IU tnonkey j oalkrl roraor of mm tt. Tp. o aer poi4ia Uteir liiimyaniaa at a late. We can furnitli everything fall frw a tree. " and 54 otclie wrt.b p. r n-i tVj 9 corarr. tkyaro aorta au raaiaa. tail te Port t raaer. AM. Kelly replied that if the Irii Soup to Nut, (deluding (tula, onvtt! to rbolw .wrtt te oaakM 14 We any --fBJI and wvt.r wit! j ywrtl $1.50, $4X0, $5.00 cJil $100, potat ur riTionrrtrol I nip mill wa rurnst te te an Olives. Plain. Stuffed or aoof Voti i not mis, inoi. a 1,. Lotatrd May tirt. Itll. Mr. Mid Mr. Iltehned CorUao llipe: Olive liulter, I'ranul A A. MrrHAIL. Locator. . . .i, eiiaioril 't Asiatic peopoiltlon it woM do no A. t. Oordoa. Aroat have left fnr Vartawoiver by ear. -t a nail in a . I a.. Ik. .an. . . . t aft. MENS SUITS, All Su- liulter. Canned Meats, Tliey were aeewparded by Pete Wlere we Ar-"OW "f evil "T. ":t Tr'.-T!... . . r.hlekfn. Lobater, Pimen. tnay good eonte." I be ,t " ?T $15, $20, $25, $30 loe. Salad Dreatinc, Picklea. CHAKTCJtlO ACCOUNTanTk ANO e o o the Flowery Ktnodesn any .trv. rtrtrr luwwtui lull tuv Kofi Drink. f!rape Juice. AUOlTOMt To honor the evtti aaniver- lotu eprin- from Ike mud." u iiy ouoru inn not need lu to H uilo the matter avain. He ai a' $5.00 Gillette Safety Razor Lime Juice. Fancy Cakea, R0R1E & SMALL of their wetMintt a nrpe num- Mr. Partinat in' fuf'le effort uiueb oppooed lo frlenlal rkMrj and Prriit. r of frieojda noeetnbled , on wih a mop I. in Jai.aaer, lery rualom. r of 1 1 nl-rrr Hn Ho ctiarKe for packiuK. RMldtot PorUor Vededy evatiintr al I he home jcaller'iiiK f'"' with a fn ' anyone bnt he did tot think, Worth or na t B"d here hs . oeoroi aoair, ca. Uii wa a matter for ntunterpall-ti' Free Delivery. of Mr. and Mr. Alex Wimble. 'I he Moroni '''"t. toilette Kafety liai'T and ihm t jtf Aii.ln. r. enrv- hoprrt to lata a atasxl in. . of W I inlet Xlii. Auilvni.d iri 'trr tr atnknile Aid. IrSeiM oWtered I bat la tan AuOitlet Panoortkl aocooou the rompany slotNibl he Iteld Positively the greatest advertising value offtr Munro Bros. lotMtlottloao Ueoldotloot See the display In our windows. It promt. riiuocltJ Mrpor't, ott. AtoleoaitoU NOTICE. I PRESERVING Olvlng Nothing Away. todoral BoUtmo. Prloot aoport TAKE SOTIOE thai BMatk frtoo am Phone 81 Third Avenue ear pkoo a7 aaa am pobMcauoa or tklt Boor aa apptv' Aid. Sitter Id, ftdt like Aid. IH HI be m-te to the rtrrttlrtr .f i! Parker. 'Fbe onmpany waa re. Universal Trading Co atork CnoiptMot. Vtrtorla, Biitok oonn Mi. to rhaar. too uim ot Parkla VVtrd FRUITS civ ma from lb eily only it ur-I'ln Liertrtr coMar lumimI to rtrkHi aad Swart Electlir (Unrxnjr Umlled. water wbieh it eottrd not ue IitTEIt at Prtaro Rowrt la the ProVtoer 1 1 elf nml be paw nj ronoon hy IIPir.llHSON It LOCK of Brltuh Coluanbsa lata lout day of ikly. I A. II. itll. Arriving Hit should te ktaed at a menu to PHONE 370 S. rt SIIANt. WILLIAMS. MASO.t k GONZALES.tAlMitM. ilirtale to ii in the matter of New Fall !kicvt la vd MSTaicT tiTmcr or WEDNESDAY luhor. QVIL- CIIARU1TTE ISLA.VUS. Aid. Parker was of I he opinion Ttko nlieo that I itead to trolT to irw Flemish Beauty Pears, per that the rtt urn were more a Iraki CMrf . aunHoMiner ut Lamlt for a Urea case, $2.75. of Oriental labor in tin eon-iiertioii TO FISHERMEN pniMaort ror nalartl rt and t-trutrurt NOTICE r i arret of load at fuOnw, than In hi. iie-ra.4ry. No. 1 Bar tl rtt Pears, the p' Omuorariar at a tmi Haaird tt Miailroo! enrnrr of Horlloa 1. Tn IS. case, $3.50. kr-n Fall and Kwmi..n llay. C.nnA 5vunnlv of HATS nrtktm Itlaad (betor lha ooalbeatt corner where the eoMtuanle were ah-Milutory 4 Itad applied fori, markrd A. W. M.'t .. S. r. c. Ikear nortk tS rkala. writ Crabapples, i.i it m .I - in control of ecrytbln rkaia. Math te rhuni, tail tt cbaint to llli . , ft ' I llOVCH. putHl of r4nmeaennrat he would venture tt Blair tbal BAT Loriira atjr A.inn.U Url.vTTar,111. Loettor. per crate, $3.00. not mote than twenty-five p.r, ICE,ii AU the popular shapes. In the A. J. Dordoa. A trot. I Freestone Peaches, per rent Oriental of the labor.payroll was for SKE! LAMD MSTPICT WSTBICT If, case, $2.25. better grade we are showing l LL.t CIIAnL"TTE ISLA.VOS. j AM, K'err talel that hwlli tlo Tlk aotleo that I intend to AITlr to Ike Italian Prunes, per crats, eity rmuiell and lUe romaiiy AT BUTEDALE Cktrf Cionmtitlaner of Laadt for a llreoto $1.75. wanted Hit agreement to pa tu pnprr for natural tat tnd pclroltiBi orrr 440 arm of land it fonowt: Outdoor TomatMB, pee the ratepayer and if no anti- The Borsalino inrtnr al a pol planted at the MiihM rornrr or Seroon a, Tp S, Or-hoia case, $1.65 Orienlal rlaue waa inerU-d liuad. and mtrknr C. D. E.'a S. E. there would le a ltd of otol-tion crwr (bMM-o aortlt tt cbaint, aril to Duchess Apples, per case, rkoia. Kwtk It rkaiat, rati tt cfcaloa to to it, evu oulld the S.m 1""" "J An Italian made Hat and point Loraied'.f rrinunrnrrffuenl.Mir tlrd. Itll. $3.00. Trade anoT UaInit Omneil. The At rlUnn ...nd.rd, tat C. Ii. f.MMOIS. Larator firel eouneil had leKllatd atona the best on the market A. I. Oordnn, Afenl. We buy American Cur tlicoe line when it Itad refused Reduced Pri SkEE.tA f.A5tn DISTBIfT DISTelct or today at Ol tY.- MMHI.ITTE lUAlI't. rency, Silver, Gold or to trive Ihiuor Hewne to anyone Tik nour that I Intend to apply to th empioyintr Oriental or niy (Cook llroa. A Allen! Chief Crmunltiioner ttt I.nil. for a llreoto BilU v Ml to prpct for natural rtt and prlrvlcuio ttrct work to Oriental. o.tr no $9 & $10 5 er i .iBieacinr io um al or tana a poat at planted roiiown at tna Would Mak Delay. UJifi' Cstttmri lea Cult set frm nortiiom corner of Sertlon II. Tp. , City Holkllor Ilo0ier stiifueateal Celts' Stilt ui UM Oiucstlt irtham luand, marked A. A. kla . W. Rupert Table Supply Co. TUt.jAttP' j'Corner, tnrnco ouulti to cnalnt, rait IS that the elaus le inserletl in the t In a cheaper quality we point n.iiir..if wriD mmmrnrrment.bo cntiDo, cai 19 count w PHONES 211, 211. power agreement ttitlead lo avoid STEVE KING - P o nceRuP- Localad May tlrd. Ittl. holdliiir up (he water avreemenf can show the A. A. MePHAlL. Loralor. 1S you a, i. Our duo. ArtDt. which had not been signed both by the eily and the etuuimny Thi would have Hie same effect KingHat for Hie company had said Hint it Consumers Coal Co. Ltd. did not want one agreement New Arrivals of without the oilier. To I inert thi Canadian made at Room II, Smith Block clause In the water agreement 10 now would prnlmhly Ucliiy II fo COATti Mt Aftiu $5.00 three or four weeks. - , -.-FALL Aid. Perry spiled (hat lie was A HAT FOR EVERY FACE IJ-v ,11'" in sympathy with the Inelutluu of an aHlUOrinunl elau. styles. .. in most m m aa - on w aar va -am .am e - up-to-date Cily Clerk Wood pointed out that Ui agreement would have f phone to lie passed at Hi- next meeting P.O. Box 327 "DEMERS MARTIN O'REILLY of the council if it woe tu eome before Ihn peojdc Hi (dember 0- Niirr.Kp. 7 tl. e Our prices are all Lower Cash Prices are always t win iwa, a Acting Mayui li)Llini then "The Dailyf Prices. Lower Prices. called the dleuslon to a clone Advertise in Will Take Coal Back If not. Satisfied. and n-ki'd for the taking r I lie Uu'c Th. P.,.r that .