t PAOS 8. THE HAII.V .NEWS. W.-dnr day )unp ,. ()n given ami could not be cbsiiRed ' RUSSIA AND Popular nnd Reliable - Carpcnller had won on a foul, G. H. Arnold - Notary Public (he referee stating that Hiiilllt s glove had caught on the Frenchman's REPUBLICS neck when the, latter was Westholme FOR BALE :: Theatre down. If this was so, II was not A line double corner on Sitth Avenue. Sect inn Hit, at Cnllwi Intended and was caused by Ilia Street. Ilns newer eoniirclion. Splendid dwelling oil e. Twenty Divisions, Large and force which (iunbnut had put APtu Purely n luy nl $1,600.00 cash or $1,800.00 on terms of Small Have more or Less behind the blow causing hint lOMORRow 100.00 cash ntid balance In one nnd two yearn Gi 8 Autonomy. to swing completely around. for the pair. ' "Kenrns is n very fmjr inan- MKIA, t.nUIn, June 15. Tlic agcr. its' bojh Morris Condon, an I H. G. HELGERSON, LTD. llolshrvlk iruvcriiniriil l rapidly old friend of his here, ami myself s MJUMOKKSQUE'I Insurance Rentals Real Estate rapidly dividing (lie M llussliui Know. Itesramps, however. Is He was playing hmplre Inlo a larne number of Just as foty ami the forlhcoiulng j liny soviet rt'iiullii-!. each liax- fiuht will Iw largely a but He r it ngnln! And they had intr sonic uutunomnus authority. lOc CIGAR wits ttgulnst wits, j thojgM his glorious GIVE UP RAILWAY In addition to those clhiioliiKirnl Demoses's Punch. I music btliled forever! Villi In, Midi s 1'olnlnl, l.ntvin 'Ieniey hits a lerrlfle iuiirh's Union Md$ im Vaflcoorer Bring in Newfoundland Finds Qovsrnment rlc, which lirki uwny fnuii lalo this last right with inn Sine 1904 Control Doesn't Fay. lu.!ia on their ou , ai-cortl, llreiinaii In the lelfji round I (Jiere are now nl Irafi ( ko- he Just dellvcrrd Iwir punches1 Your ST. JOHNS, Nfld.. Juno 1 1. cnllptl niitonoiiititis ropuhl li COLIMA VOLCANO IS and Hill crumbled right up. If Alianduntneul of (Jovernnieiil wilhin (ho bonlorii of I ln old it had iml been for lite picture Old Gold era t ion of the Newfoundland op -:iiiiin. SHOWING SIGNS OF LIFE I doubt, very much, if llreiiiiiiu llailway system has been mi llniiRini; in iii from Ml He would have luslrd more than four .Nearly etery one lilts sonic old ntiiinrr-il. Tim Ilnllwsv l!iimml I'omiuuiit'. Im-IudiiiK' only n ii'v MIWICO :iTY. June 15. Mex- rounds. i Kojd jewelry around which ielon, .consisting of three niei.i IhoUKand tMiiilllalion. lit Hie ieo lia another MimklllK vol. "ietiipe fust ami shirty1 urn oi units or not m use.- M.eis appointed by the Cabinet Kri-at diitrirt of I lit' .irVruiiir I'lino. I "lima, 'ti 'lie slitie til and. in my opinion, is' one of AVe can make it ner into and three by the llcltl-New IliCKO "rciinMled" iM-rUpy, il la Juliseo is snld I" he siiowlnir the best heavyweight huiiipintis some new design or pay you foundland Company, owners of t'xlliiialcd, more (linn tiiu Ihird sifc-lts of life, I'liiilllliK loueh that lots ever held he hell. Vmt cash for wlmt you Oo not need. the system, will be ll.-uhcd oh ff t ora of Hie old Uuin In smoke nnd steam onilnr to its say: 'Who has he bent?' tin l'un'ic, whllo lln various Sibrr relntive popoeriel. lias IoiirIiI all the while b. " You Lie juirpriseil what June 30 and the railway will be arcer tin's may returned to the Ian and Asiatic stales oriiiy f uhleh. for veral noHitlis. has who have o(ferei lo meet him ni mil d willi srne heeiiu company for. operation. . . much of Hit' old T.iiipiro lyond eaused alarm in the slate of ami tixl.ty he feari none. He liigly useless article. . - . . . I ho Ural ami iulli of Ihf- Ohu-raus Mebla because nf its aellvity. lot confidence, the bi i ine company Kiisinincu a loss John Bulger of nearly I.i 00.000 in Uif operation that very Utile of thl I)etiuilsti( wlni have atnlued a loter MsHess and you nit of- the system for. the. Huiia in Aia n-inalnH diriflry hoh mountains declare titer, is rest assured lltul leiiiev Mil' Jeweller aWT BTaTaaTaTaTan X7't'.aTaTaTaTH year ended in June, .1020, and it under rontrol of .Morov-toii mall likelihood f either enipt- Vut up as goixl o fight tut j,is estimated that the loss for the, paper. in. July as when he met and the coinidele text of Hie lli.l-I GIFTS THT LASTe defeated Willuri. Iwo yrats a(i , tairrrii jeur unuer luverillnetll BERT FINCH ON THE Conlml will be greater. Offic KiieriK decree, Kranlini: "nulon-oliy" at lidel'. COMINQ BIO FIGHT ial Of the Company Jet-lured that ,to. the republie vf 'I'tirUe. Carpantier's Followers. it was; impossible To operate' tliv n, recently-' iuhlihei fit (r - "Tooutlourd from i'ste t.) fjirinlWr wliniT $Spirmtd , j-ailway under present conditions Mncow Izveslia, shows, how- biitteli o'r r.dlowers. le has lived wilbout substantial financial ex er, that at lentl in one of face as fali as a sheet autl with ti good, clean life ami ha- I a. n help from the colony, but made these republic, the autonomy i nit ntonlie.1 trtok on tl. cure or tils mother iml family Mountain Park no announcement of future extremely limited. The decree How Smith Lost. and he is the idol of Franc-Kngland reserve In the Central Oovern- "I was near the Frenchman's and llelgium plans. lodsy i menl at Moscow nil matters, of corner ami vvtten iescltamps the fight uppnurhes. Kings Humoresque' lha flatly News. foreign relation, foreign Irttde jumped lulo lite rinir while Hu would not nltrtet n greater ni-leitioi Black Diamond and military mailers, in Tuke. gene Qr' vvns counting lie deliberately than he dues In the (tan. disqualified his man countries. Featuring ALrV A hUl LNS (Great West Coal Co. Ltd.) refeec lust hilt the rnide(ely Iiempsjr has also realu.-d FOOTBALL SCHEDULE his Itend mid gave I'.eriieiilier the ,(,,, !rtHMj f More Pmhos Ihtn "The Music Motttt takitu ear.- of blio- r COALS Mc Cot mack's ieetmn on n ioui. ine neii setr and keeping away fr.HH lite More Fun than "PrlOeh und Prr.rr.t t r" lay tVii-y Irietl hard ! evplain while light. Hi dad ami imilli. Senior League ' his tHisitioti ns both the Dully FXTRA SrfXIAL MUSICAL PROCRAjVfoE er are als his first thtaihl We have "been uppoiulei. Sodas July 0 I'allies vs. O.W.V.A.. Mail and the Kii-rirs had ien after n lul and he immediately Violin f to by Sam H all. ' llumerraqv". tnsni amnls in this di-l ricl for Mercer, referee. Ouiiboal Suilth the decision. K Irrlinns by the Ofebrstrs - these eoats. sends tlwrn a wir telling well known The Junior League The deeiston ha1' however, iieen Kol Nidro" tinea ir the irsiill. lie will rise to former is biluminous coal a June, 51 Dry Iock v. Mer- "Katlfti Atrtlr" Ant..j Ku :ilra the it worthy eiliien of Hits 1'nlted nnd the latter is a sub-Li-Inminons 6 lbs. carton for hanls. MrCulloch. referee. S'aeptlt if jMates.' "Kosalan ShimUr eg-' (jftUrl . coal, both of first June 27 Merchants vs. Ath- Salul d'Amovr" elas quality. flics. Hell. rer;ree. ', f Both Favorites. . Laid Act AmendBenti "Carpentier is the piptilar man WCie" The Itluek Diamond coal has $1.25 ! , "KtKturte" . ...... KaitUiaT ,llh the -ex.soldiers of iho .,, ,,,, ,.... . a Kreater sale in Kdmonton v lliaii any other domestic lariny In Furope as n boxer for Sunthine Comedy, ''Prelty Udy" Pathe Rttlf iW'hen lie In the Frrurli coal. ('rices delivered hacked Hibin prtos r amisaa ' was Prices - - 25c and 55c frturi ts 14 as W llllltslt Amfy. as an aviatori he was already Mountain Park, $15.00 It M u m wuy to teach an a into per ton; Hlack Diamond White Spring tstsS tssSs stj. uleur bos, and would always Mrreeiied lum(i,- ?11.00 per IUerS vta W irulsi ftSTsrlsf sslr U4 ', enter a foot rare, a wrestling THE EMPRESS THEATRE jnu. Uiisaeked, and Get the Best! auitsSI fsr srtltrsj isrs.ifti aa4 which U SM-tustw lul lualrli or toy kind of si""!I. f 1 3.25 respectively. Proper PartBsrshls prs-am;lou sn4. Salmon set sni i imm aMsrv Ibaa Irsr mw Dempsey .on lite oilier liand is TONIGHT AND TOMORROW weight guaranteed. Carl lake wmii fsr aJJsnt r-splu a hot favorlle In the stales but order now. for delivery 1?Hi wtt !( Mim, Sal wt BAktns Trav lltii v equipment may br HMHUJ.kMniMHU rMBsaUT all the money the Americans ran June and after. Utu Ve feci sure if jiive Per lb. i- 10c the same in irenenil Hpetir Ir-raptara Bull Mnpr Ulma Is put Up on this right will be Covered MAY ALLISON yop t 7srs ss4 nsSa lmprTmau Is wilh (hat from Franco and Ihoe couls a trial (hat you Olire. bill there is nfleii a vain II pr ar, tfKlu4ln ctssr. Is so4 cttltlTstlra mi Issxt 1 Kngland. aarsa. will be thoroughly satisfied. jfrrat illfTereiice vhen it ettiues Uior rMstTlac Crown CrmoL Watch this for Wbsr Is "Personally. I (hint, f letup, space prs-.mptsr oocupsUss mi Alike" lo "Are wearing power. ! than I rssrs. tod Jul maS prs-porUeaala acy will win I be flghl on July All Men Philpott, Evitt & Co. Weekend Specials HlrVs Traellinx Ihigs ore of aauaa af u-kaalth.ImpraTsmasts.er Mliar h rauaa.our. W. :. ..rpentier twit fjiliU will sraalad UtarroaSlata aartlOcal 4 aa proe Ins undoing. He will not Comedy nnd Other Subject prTaant an4 Iraaafar bis i the fluent leather Willi the alalia. ( Hays Block, 1st Floor ltoor4a witksvt pwaaaaaat raat. cover up, Di-mp ry will! gel in We buy American Cur- 4bm mar b Uau4. rrM4 assll lo workinausliiii mutch. Filled Phones Green 317 "and 555 rant maa ImprassmaaU ta aalaai af af htm and then the Frenchman rency, Silver, Gold or or untitled Unit nnd Soil IISS T"pr raUura tuna la ao4 wak r soars ImprvTsaasau s aaak will not be able tti stain. Ihej i Bills Ibises lei us send you imr- ar rar4 asm will aparala aa far. punishment. faltura. TlUa eaasat ba oMala4 la lieular aiifi prices. '.,Vif? yaara. aa4 UnpraaU of II N par acr. Iaclu4lrc I acrs elsarxl an4 eultlTalad. an4 ri4aaa YOUR LAST CHANCE I a. hui i s ara raoairao. Table Rupert Supply Co. BIRKS rra-amptar holdlns Crows MOIR'S "7 raoora sneibar prs'ara DE LUXE raquiraa taae In coniaaetlaa PHONES 111, SIS. VANCOUVER, B.C. farm, without actual oecuostlos ara ana rtoae raaldanea aututanr atalntalaaS InwaTaiarDU ea Craw uaaa a ICECREAM Special THREE DAY CLEARING OUT SALE srantaS land Chocolates Unaurvsrsd arsaa, aat aiea4ln( I araa. ma Va laaaaa sa nomriM: Having enlarged our prrmlaes YOU i,u..1 aanita and Impreraroaat altar fulSUlne sandlttoaa.raal. and installed modem machinery, 9 3P cs M.aa For (raalna seaa4lB(an4 Kt Induatrtal aara pure taa pan b ;wi are thoroughly riiilpped to Ladies' Hats COME ona sraoa ar aaaapaa. ,lako care of our ever-growing Ice UNIVERSAL VU1. faaterr or Induatrtal alias aa jt Umbar land not aiaaadtna a aaraa Jreaiii Irade. mar ba purekaaad; oeodltUaa laaluda The liigretlieitU dsed in "le A laborer It worthy of her FIRST pamant of atumpafs. i Natural bar maadaara Inannaaalala Ice Cream are of the best, hire and a little bit more. jl.uxe" stock of H.fV.'"". mr aa surahaaad Our entire When your itenographer The lu.urau. puliry me write tor TRADING CO. ulob oosairvaitasi af a ra4 our cream being importer from does good work make her will I1U Will follOW' JIMir WtllH-t. roa4.lo (nam.pai Kabata aicaadlnf of oaa-haif batf of of rarafca'iti at af the smith (rl-weckly. i On Ladies' Panama and be wrltlrn hippy with a box of Mom's. rwi.lil.-Mil.tfi, lo le yuurarlf Oral prlea, U mada. Ice Cream Is made dally on our nut , Ui, Overtime loses Its terrors, buiiui-M io rrmlrr (ervire. Il our k Helgerson Block ACT. o WANTS premise In thee flavors Vanilla, Hats and "pothooks" become our duly io In.iire you ti lite Tba aeoDa of thla Act la anlara4 (a Strawberry and Chocolate. Thursday Outing more Interesting whin the rlrruiiittiwrt warrant. On sale THURSDAY te-tween In with Hta We also spsclallx In Neapolitan AND CHILUHENS Your GIRLS' Niiry will du ill Ibat an Also is such brick. tasting a reward. tlm wlthla which tba halraVarti. 10a.m. and 5 lusurauce policy ran. ir loss p.m. at a HATS at rotors, daoaaaad pra-aroptor mar aoolr Wis solicit urdur for Teas Who cares how hard one MwlitWiiirtii will fMuw riant on works when one receives Ita liwli. wiu-n rriM-wii due cornea 500 yards from aueb for caraon.at. ,ar aa form from art tba daatb of iiuncea, eio uihi an oruers arc Friday Half Price v r. uatu oaa win ie such sweet sppreciation. promptly nullled. All 'sr aiar tba eonolualoa af tba nraoaaf given spcciul alleiitltui and delivered mil d-un will be Ukro rare of h.v our own automobile. by ui on i lie dot. We are aiuluua Flannelette Girls Dresses in Gingham rwlat Ina Wo make of u J2 to pra-amptloh ar prompt shipment in on lite Job. Have our man J tall. Special value at Tataa amptlona ara rcorda4 rami.t.a or aftar.aoiaiara I;"Juna an""pra out of town tinier. Saturday While Voile 20c .Sla10' 'or 'antra of roooara a. Wholesale in also Sales Agent McCaffery, Gibbons & per yard 4. IH, od account S gallon lot $1.95 John L. Christie Insurance!Doyle, Ltd. On sale FRIDAY be-tween ar intaraat Uaaa on on ao4di.ra'acraamanta praVanptlonV'lo purchaaa anduDvvard of this week Infants' Rompers Real Estate ' Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone tl P.O. Beat 628 10 a.m. and 5 p.m. dlraal Alllad rorraa.or Indiraet.or dapandants.r.mlttad froaVl! per gallon 25 per cent discount Ilotmaat to March II. 111. Two H lores 1,000 yds. Prints ua.euacMAstas of c-own Royal Confectionery Limited Special value rZr?r..m.i' asaa of Bros UAVE Your Suit Cleaned pants aub.pgrcbaaara of Jabour Crown Ln4, DeLuxe and Pressed by our Steam 5 yards for $1.45 tsirehaaara who acgulrtn fallad to 'oompuS Confectionery , Mschine Method. Price reason. phone red 1 57 ftllmant purrdaa. lnol4n forfallur. oa ful" Third Avenue, Prince Rupert, B O. able. Give us a trial. of condltlona of taraat and t. w h.ra aub-T.urtnaal Phone 17 and 193 Corner Third and Seventh. Mens Work Shirts ara 4a not claim t,u r LING, TAILOR ffisroa SJf"; W-tc dua and taia, 1, All aizes and patterns. wbola.slatrlbiitad araa. Applleallon proportooatlr must arar- r Ma, cm: Special at Phone 555 or Black 472 Chartered and Auditor.Accountant $1.65 da-rsloptnanl Orailnt Act.ORAZINO.llll, for arttafaatia W ffiK'TaMiwtS! of llTaalock Indu.lrVTr. The Inlander .O NotUinlt-. rutas for frailnf district and RaCaal C. V. EVITT GEORGE RORIE admin l.lraiion und,r Commlaaoa,ran-a a-.nl sst afsctlon. m f Boris a Small. C.A-. Vanaou.a, aa4 Aaaual (Taalai panplta laauad kaa4 " Auctioneer aa imUn rns4:prlorltr for aotaa-Uahad Flrtt Claaa Boarding llauao and Kurnsce Cost will surprl.s you. Mors hest -U D PHONE SB7 P.O. Bos 149 Universal Trading Co. ownari. Stock-ownar. COMrAN I Y. Auditor and Accountant Federal forto Aaaooutlona for rant KX)Kaa&4 Avasua r boss 117 CONSUMERS COAL " Building - ""'v.r"4- f partlAllr fraa, Mratlu A.Boskolss. FrvprlaWr Room H Hmitu Hlock J. Loknb MAcUKtw.Mstisger SaawaVraawaaiaaaVawaawkSJal