Vri!n.t'. June I. 1 8 I " TTTB DAILY KKWB. " l l II I III II I I - - I Baseball Football. iniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Snappy Sport Shots if mSvfiYovicarB J 'Boxing, Tennis. ! ffel to good . S5T but vvhnt N? i lacrosse. Here and Everywhere Swimming MACDONALD'S VETERANS TO 1 Sport Chat iBERT FINCH ON Cut O irier "LAY FINALS n account of I ho r.oiidillon of COMING BATTLE In- won ml over hi left rv MoreTobacco for the Money Defeated Son. t Pn.i.- -,...iJurk Ifnip.-y, world' champion. 'iwim iiol nti In lu resume I rniiiintr OrlMES LIIMtTCD uomtn.on uy Serle. Pl.y.d ; , Veteran Sport Writer Point. Out ut Evening. i,i.,v.- an lia.l lin rxporlcl...." I.J. ' Tbe Styles lofCarpentlep and oiiiyriri'iiiv lb rliampiou in, a Dempeey. ' hawe r I In- dominion now gHHmrN lluhl Hrk inn r-iifi . ..!,!(, i ,ii.. Dial; PRESENT CHAMPION n wii- playr IS How about that i.i-l nivlil In f!' way can jar Hip wound! til til.' ArrofioliM Mill aioi rnimc ll In rronwi. The HIS CHOICE FOR WINNER. -minni nmi reunited in a victory imbllf, ilurint lh riiforrod lioli. for tin- lin-al War Veteran over 'lay, i liclntt ib-nii-.l ailinillam-n Ilerl Finch, a well kmewn 1 LUMBER In- Hon ..f Ijiglitiii, .y a eore Sjiorls writer of Western lo llio I rain I n(r iiuarlcrx. II is Canada, "f to I. In pn of Hi.' tIJxJi ih.I rxiiccli'il Hint Kiln -pirlo. of arrived In' Prince rtuperl with I he Canadas bes-t buy-the llmile I here wan a good crow lcIn will nfTii't II (,m. Vancouver Hoard of Trade, ex iril'T are plnclnx f We in aUPiidaive. plon vrry rioii.y for llif forlh- cursion iaii ween ami is now ECONOMY Package The 'H rail- luiil ihe few adwintai: k'ominjr (laht. Hi iiM...ilrr sppndirig n days in Hie. clly "f I'layina il.wn in ii,,. fi r who Hi ink ,nt h i ovortrnlnlnff before leaving for a lour of Urre tattil ntul eomplpelp tinir IimI play wii iil(p lenly arc quili. xntinfir.I allhnuKb llu-y Hie district which will lake him tn Northern M. C. .lui.l.'.l. Hn- IhhiiiI nf rM.all lo Anyox, Terrace. llnzeMon and ' " ttnrk nnr. are wnrrlril aompwlial over '.ht I I I III I III ll Ml 1 f 1 nur pr)ces rniinul I halrn. .IA.J m HUM iiMir WIIH IWll tip (o wounil wliirb niny okii.y )(. other points alonjf Hie 'linn or ,0 mif 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 mi 1 iii. jim-iiiI .U.Imii rni not quili- liialf. by July 2 wIipit 1 tin railway as far east as I'rlnce 'WhpJ tfiat nrlilii-r lx H alii Ii kIpi in Hip rinK iiiiolli In !por(:p. Mr. Finch i considered A)il a complete line sif li down lo real nielli.NlM-n iiriPiiiii'r. quite an aulhority on matter, Think of all Die prominent FaiillnriM. iy tin- S(n concerninir sport and anions the firms wbose products you see in Building Materials kwI. Da.I more iiU lo liolil llm Although p nau.ly hmrh al many pai.er with which he has I he stores and ten chances In one in- i.H)iir khi in nrl ra Mil" near mil of Hip Salt l.akp been engaged at various limes be firm will every a daily newspaper Cement, Lime lanvr ua vhiti rnriiialiar nl lin only Iippu pcmly for iimp by are Hie Vnncuiyer Sun, Vancouver aoverliser. They know il Build! Build! Build! ut'il I tai ilofi-nrp ami. 'MTlii(t i ni rliiMren ami nonwiiiimpra Province and Calvary Brick, Platter, pays. iiifiMy, hnwil t-sery mn o for a rouplp or wppLh, Ibprp wrrn Herald. . F I reolty, Lath,;etc. i-nliig tin prorinji urfhl Iih u Vrral 1'inply .oph picko.l out Mr. Finch has written Hip f.. MINF.IlAI, ACT. Lumber is the cheapest building material in the world and we nir Slock ami l.-tti.l Klnmaly lijr Mimrl. A of ll on Hun.lay ami aomar of lowing article for The .News 'form r.i lias perhaps reached low ynler mark. a the. spring trade -ai - r yum;: f. llir .Hlirr twi. rlwrr li.-n-Uork liy Hipp wprp broken. Carppa on (he approaching Hempsey. ri:ai incur, or urBovr.vE.sTs. is opening the tendency will likely be iwnrtl higher up, U-l-. .ui.l . hi'kuhiIIi rM-UHl a op.MiI" who I brow iir.HIPH inlo CarpnHer world's heavyweight xotTck' l.'i.'riiiiniHl alla'k f lb WU Ilii plai-p (Jpfprvp U bpT'iPartily rhatnpionshiits boul which will -riffle" Vlnrral lllm irii.t in ln prices. !ilS NINAIMO-WELLINQTON inleresling lo Hie Sw Vlnmr UiIki of uaii fmtn-t. The Prince llupert Lumber Company has a large slock prove rpuP(i. i hprp in many Tin- hnii nri. Imwvr, urc' evory onnnr. Where kM:- i-orrher UlaiMl Mioia-m fans about town: lb- "TrlOe- winrrtl r.U.m. from which In fill vour requirements. lunlly In throw fill III Itctlllltr ltl- Htl M-orr Vkllvll lliprn inlo I hp TAO. MlTIf E Out Lml W Pitruor- II. I ;inili..r.' ilr.. in a lonir, lii walprn or I hp lakn bul. In- "Calient ier'n Mlyle of fttblinir I. M. 1:. 1. itrnl liir Jarrji DIMENSION BOARDS SHIPLAP LATH COAL is what must . 'J hrXnn 111 T. t rrr Miner Or-1 pcoplp in. Itritinh .null -li.H. Midi( iniliimialiy pa. or iJ-.iiiK thin, koiiip ppoplp tinralp ... 3sl-i:. Inlend. miit win in prprpr lo throw IliPin Ddu:r.b:a vanl lo know of, and .r.n in aaw vrm, I., .uuiy to foe SIDING FLOORING CEILING FINISH .lilrruiirii. Allwrl V.rtiMK matlf a Vinins Hmrr lur t orlinratr f m-lne,i..i milo Ilii I have been asked several limes' nhallow rr namly bracli u iwrnuSe ut dbuimnt' m.'iii .'(Tori ) 'iialU but lii ulitrf i:r"in Onnl nf Ibe tlm,ir rlaim. Do Your Building While Lumber is Cheap. to pul Inlo print what I thou hi wurrp It Lasts I I iti.t i...i.'it Hn. tiar. Half time many IIHJp rbildrpn waJp ft AiA I'.rKwr Uke nnr.er tlul jrlxm. no- i-vory Sumlay. II thU nrartlrr of Hie Frenchman's, style and ler er!w.n ti. niwal Le rtntvnrtti be Present your requirements at lhe office. Seal Cove,or il.'i- Milli Suii uIini.I fore the urriM-il ) iKiianer t.r nirh Ornnrale or I t.. ll. i ponlinup.I omp rblM. onp of of hi chances of winning. lrrroeiiwii. Phone 361 for Prices. Fights Like Cat. i.aim inn jwi ntr nr ar. s. n. till. Albert & McCaffery Veterans Score. will IIiip bp ilayn,.badly will cul kpi and on pprhan,onp ami "Can'riHer's particular style LEWIS V. PATMORK. PRINCE RUPERT LUMBER CO, II..- Urol ..anyiT in I lie riyinl oirr.n riMSLOTTE isusr.s lao dis- (h wbolp fpafton'a fun will liavp fo ritrhling Is what Is known as TKIirr -nHtM lLAn. B. 1:. l Limited halt nun.- wlirll llanlv Mliuiml lo bp'toppod a a rrtult. Any the cat style, as he alwavx W.'ariiiiiulli but only mir Take nnllre thai Thomat na.v In.tlan lpron who i forpplfu! an crouches low and apparently Strnt. f VljMelt. B. r . intriul lo nnu k" in forcing a rirmr. Tin-.jiiiiliriT throw IhiIIIp intohU plarp U awkwardly and has a ureal ripltratinn la tne Mlnlalrr at Lih1 tor he frantic or B. C. tir llerfiee l Dro- rani a a cult of a inily ilpfpicablp ,and it would sprintr. Hp .Lalwajs imised on fwl fur netrrrfr.ini ater and under I he iik ilrtip from llartlinu wliirli bp no milrp lhan right If he the ball of hi foot to snrintr. West I.Hkimmr lot devrilHl i,r Graham lirnl.Klan.1.aituale B. on I: Ibe NOTICE. hint) ul llir.itiuli from eoo waa denied Hip UC of llm lakp liver a blow and pet away from nnninrwint at a imi pianird so rnan I THE MATT EH of Bectlona 111 ant TrtMi ith the fiibeit of raiiti. Ikulli i(W ntm- lrir.1 iar.l by tin PwlniminK Club. If a his opponent before he is able lo 1 1 IS: throe IS rhaina eaI:rorner Uiriuv Lot 11. Ite'or the Land Btrnrry Art and to the .. uri ilw umir baiMl ImiI fnnl pprnon'a lrike back. - rhaln Mtilh; Ihenrr su rha.n el: thenre mattrr of Lot roar (I), Block Thirty IIS). SMITHEriS scuoorv own rornmon pn!e dopn rnain nana an the int ur cijnjwnrr Section On ll), Ctiy or Princt Huperu Ii.hikIi H.iii,tiiiii :liiky. rrnr hot'i'irolnpt hlrif agalnhl ibiing a Thr Frehclfinah has a preal trenli . (Map IIJ). .ViTICE TC CiTBVC.TOBS. Lursied I Ilk varrn. Htl. kryt iU allari at Imjr. Iiinlir ihinir likp hl oilier would Iw kick in his right hau'd and is THOMAS OUST, Proof or the brt'tcB ot Comunta. sod rr ealt niiur Tender,ra.4."aupersrribed HI h- -Tender iil Ui4v kk1 try Mliir.ti JukI in Jusllfleii in givinir him a lemon. a snappy, flashy boser. He has. IMbert irowo. ifou re-entry sod recovery or poueaaion. Ay ih llonuuratil the . snnrir rereited or Public bj Cdns WaMrun. the rerterd owner or Wor up to II oYlnes nin of Tueada. Announcement ail. II lMkni like (lie fcnm" however two bad faults which OIT.C.V CHASLOTTE ISLAOS L0 DI9- the a bore lot, under a lease sraoted By the it day or June. it. fir IS eree. Tim ISn-al Ferris wIippI In rnn.T i.iiAHtK iun. B.C. 1 ni e.npletion or a twe-rnnni ni.I r-ull i lb.' uual lra I noticed distinctly when he oj- Ta ix.-Oee that Tha Oea'jr. Xnluin Charlei E. Burieai to you. Ueorre Orey, lion u, schu-d-i3Me a I Smither. in T tli irriCTIVK Hint TTN. ISM Mill ICtlilif I'.miif hani.toil in I'ari. a duplioalp' nf Hip great ed fiunboitC Smith al the Olyin-pia, rent. Maivlt. B. C. Inlend to moLe dated the loth June. lei, and rt1t'red ; omliM-ea Lleetaral Mlrir. u.lZ ' Bill-action of Hip Chirajro Kidoh. appiirsomt-ror liemr m the Minuter or U the Land Heftstry ornr at Prisee Ha : i-ian. peeui.,unn4i i:n tract, and rorm t In- iK-natly arra. Slrwart lonk London, in, July. 1911, jut land for tlie Crutlner of B. IL fnr ner- n. .1)1.1 .11 : illon, erwlrd npar Ihp Champa m.9si.i to MTiftpert for netroleum nw.r pert. a. -somber itCJ-D. nansr Been fur- Jtnji""' Ik' mad.' In before be He . kirk irtMl onn awl iii I war commenced. i ami unner ine r.imina ovarritieci lanaa, nlshed. II la my Intention after the ei J. Uahunv. Lq.. .iivrrnnieal. Afent, Vk i. 'Urler :r, -s ilMIT uf l Vela. Slll.ftUnl dc Mar for Hip 1900 exposition, leaves hiuiM'lf open and a quick Miaale the vel Cnatt r Oraham M ptratlon of thirty days from the fernee of iMvn ttou.e, latHl. B. t: J. If. MeMaHln. :a l!a.enm... .mk. 111" i.lay liiwj iimiI .riir from and long ainra rondemned to boxer who never mUses an IVaMnieneInt: at pnt Mantrd at the Ibis nonce, r ranrel the re(tatrstloo or I rlnec llupert. . " T"r . . . .. :c dcflrurlinn, now Aland likp a will In muneati rnrner or Lot inene nortn the aald lease upon toe aeaiater nmea L. B. Warner. Esq.. Secretary .School opening, He . !h Hin lull. IbiHiali a number of get easily. in 'Urter SSI 10 rhaln: llw-nrr '! rhalnv nienrr in the meantime s rood and valid oDjecUon Board, sniither. ""I , . . . . -uni.T whfi aaaitint llir partially ilUlnealed fkelelon In 'cannot stand puni-hment and mmiiIi rnaina; Ihirp rat i rhaln. to taereto Ii mad and tinless yon use and or IIh- lerwrunent of l'ublle VVorka. - I.HI.M midair, ininu II and lack ro4lll nr r.'MllfHetievffnrlil. ict.iria. B. c. j ! re ria Vnlr Rupert t. (Ii'-lr allatrk larkin. I lie rare showed Ibis in his bout with Utf-aiexi inn sarrn. tail. proaecate the proper proceedinti to es- The S'mrsl or any lemler not oeeessarilv lilu Sims Safe Tl. inirli llial i r.Miiiml ing- ajiart of the hup rim. It Klaus and Jeanelte, for as soon TUoMVS I.KASY. labllah your claim or lo prevent iocs pro aceepied. nwsHry I Hobert Bmmn, arenl. r. PHIUP, is posed I'M oa tsy part. "propped by a ayxlrrn of scaf- as they siarled to hit lnni his rublir Work Klinneef. l .r ltl ?ooJ cr Frizzell u' Veiling. foldfnir llial eo.t nearly 5).nno Vl'KEt.CUkRLOTTE ISI.PS LSD niS-TBIi:T Land Hetutry omce, Prince Rupert, lublle Worn Depanaieuk, How They Played. manager, Descamps, threw in -liRAHCM ISLOP. B. C. B C Jrd Marrh. A.D. 111 . Vlelorla. B. r, v Ford Dealers rnil.'l"il and. after (be eieiise nf Hip the sponpe. At Hie fight wilh Take nolle that Tlviim Oeay, Indian H. I. MACLEOD. My. il.ten.ji' Play ilirmiL'haul v n Vrrht. Maoett. R. intriuU to nuke a. Prince Rupert, C.C, i u.Mnl iril am' 'In r-f'rw demoiher of Hie equivalent of llunboal Smith, the firt blow that Miralh in in .VlnOttr nf ljnd for the District Brrtttrar of Title, . MIMIItAI. ACT. nearly $100,000 tnorn in labor rn.Tinrr or B. r.. fur a Ilrenr to pnteel Te Oeorre Orey, k.'pi rarrfnl ry. on minor in. Carpeijlier received pul him on fi peieiileuni over and under the roikiwmt Prince Hupert. B. C (Form F.) and lumber, promise, lo remain his knees. Thero he his 4eer11Hl lanili situate on lb Weat Coaal slnye.1. . i ii.iMiMnl. Il"lli K"l kHnra or Oraharn OUnd. B. C: CEBTintCTE or IMPROVEMeJITSj, Indefinitely Jn 11 preml partial .MITICE. 3 well. Tli (Continued on Page Six.j .f.uiHiirir.ir a a pnai pianiea ai in Uiatr ..-ill up ".vanejr ll.ink..- -an hlapidallAn. Tlie rontrarlor nrniiarii mrnrr oi l,w llllt inene. Paleh." lu liar.l wutll is rtuln lbne ran ao rlurn Dillon" and -Maude s." Mineral ruinn '.ai-ka at emth abb- ilayl a who Invested the alrge sum for Ihrnee north SO ehaln: thenre veal So ltuate In the Xaaa River Mirunr Division ,.iini but lite !in' pair Arr nol MIDGETS LOST FIRST ruaij) in point or rnamtenrrnienl. it usslar Irieirlrt. ' demounting itMVled ( to make Where lociu-ii: About to miles up In USily nHnal ami r'li warl UM-aiea inn Marrn. iwti.- TIMBER SALE X 3211. kILiault Hlvce on a tcin.t.rw lm.n a profit out of Hie old Mret, bul THOMVS nKvsr, Clark GAME LAST EVENING Bohert Bear Hlver. Bmii. atenL Ibrir IIii-kiiI tb" VH. bbl end ' nndinp no buyers i willing to Sealed render ulll be received bv the TAkE TOTICK that t, Lewis V Pauuere. i t.- milir Mnlr. YMir Cravg stand bis In and let rle Ol EtN TTMAMI.I.TTE ISLANDS tAD OIJ. mni.ier nr uniia at iciuria, n. i. not r.M.C. .Sj. 9SS4I-C. as arrnt for Sirred k" anyone IHIUT liK.llll ISLA.xn. B. IL later nun noon on the lum .ur of June. VVrtrht, F.M.i:. .o. SStST-C; ltos:i?r M. i Hi.' Sunn, nn.l Albert i.rinrnn ry- Were Defeated In Juvenile League Take nntiee .that Thnniai Oeaiy. Indian I:t. for ttf purrnu-e r Urenc X3ll. Wrlrhl. rree Miner's Certinratr u. S94SS. I llir bi.l lnU MaaaelL 11. CberebT eivea nuiiee tn rut l.lio.eoo fret or Sener, rir. Idar c: Ix.ra L. VVrlrbL nve Miner's Certin-mm '..i lb.. WtpronH, cri Fixture by the So. !! C: V. Falcons, "i inienuon 10. niaae apfiraij.rfi to me and llemlork, on an area aiti.at.il on South Mary MarLaren. Free s tin- IiaIvp vHliKHr)- ilolnn The baeliall loam whii'li will 16 to 7. v.ni.itT i Lanua tor loe rrovinee or 11 n.'iiiiiuk Ann. nans s. coast District. e.inrr'a Ornnrale No. H7JS-C: Aletander f a lieenre 10 omanert for netrokui Three il year Mill be allowed for S'nllh. rree Miner's Certlilfale t. 3J Mini' iiiriHIUIHlit Wlirk. Ni'illirr reprenenl Prince rtuperl npain.! over and under the follnMnr deaerlbed m?M at of lliuber. ' ' . Mi hard B. Uniry. Special Free '.Miner'a land altnat on the Weil Coall of Ura-liain Inrlhee oarllcutara or Ine Chirr rnrealee. riiCrate .Nn. Soi-; David r.lcnnie. Free TERRACE , iiiinixlU of fnrvrnnU dlil any Kelrhikan nl Hie Fame on Do The Midsels sulTcred Hieir first llland, B.C: CannirnrJns at poet irioria. o. t... or itiairici rijnirr. I nnr. Miner' triiilrate No, 7TC,' ami John j hniK imlabb. Kanny Main of the minion Iay will be M'lecled from tlefeal of the caon lal night paanirii III: Ihenee ai ine SO eooiimeftt rhaau ea.t:eortr!Vnrt or Lil ad Blllrl. B.t- S.Itulirer.T.VK.Sierial Intend, rree alilv Miner dav rnii Certllteate in dai .i.ran llmilnfr iiml wild lirail ainoiiK I lie rollowinfi players; when they were beaten by Hie Falcons rlwln ixirlh: tbeaee SO rhaiu wettt ibenr TIMBER SALE X 3117. liereor,tor a Certificate to apply of In Improvement;the .Mlnlns Hrrordrr foeihe Fruit Lands ! iLiiu aut'il lookoil like an mhrr- Ihinohop, I la -on. V. Menxles, S. by a score of 16 to 7. The 1 i.nraiei rnaina miiui waren i inn.iioidi or uri.nannieneetDeut, lirpoe or obuimnt a iowa Uranl or nl for Hie llo.I Crat rain- Hardy. ClenienUon. D.-Icourl on.l which Juxe-nile THOMAS Dt'AST. "scHed tender will te received tnr the r&rn the alM.ve elaiHi. repulnr jii wax paoie. u Mattheir Ywmaa,' sreat. Minuter of Und al Victoria. B. i:.. not .Oil ri'KTIIKH TAkE MiTir.E nut ae- I (Miian. Outlier, of Hip I'.IU. and florkle llneball Leaprue fixture, was later nun n.n un the Yml day or July. inn, under sertl-in SJ. must be ro...-OH'tierd- il fmit Iimi of Briicit Otrr CHARLOTTE ISI-VMIS LAND DIS 1(11. lor the purr hah of IJcrnc- x 31 II. bersre lb Ims of itwh Crr-lU'rale ."uDi ir. nnw ix-inr i4iimi mi i A, a roul of llli grtlilf llir Sliako-peari!, Iuie, Anrierson, played nl tthe . Seventh Strcpt Ttoirr inoim it.s.tn. B.C tn rut 3-ll0.0on feel or Klaudinr snniee. of Jniprove.neui i ih Ukrlw tiKl MlniniUMin l'.ran will rnlrr llii final for Corbier and Maloney. of the Son- Take' notice that Tlmroia Iwaav. Indian Hemlock and Cedar, no l.ol Hi and ii. u a i tn mis inn uay or April,A. u. lf I. . and K. viif purroiiadini Hmrr. prounds.vl. Mc.Nulty Yaper Attn!, Mawtt. n. C. herrbr rivn notice .Uiuabrwa Inlet, oueen cturS;ie Island-. U.VVH W. P.vrSKJhE. Itial. ti.w wiiior (I line an.1 ilii- lioiiiinloii Day ai on July i. of Canada. comprised Ibe. ballrry for Hie nl Inlrntkm 10 anly lo tlie MlnHler or DifirirL J ni) r 1 ami rnr tne pro'inea r,r B. 1:. ror Tv. (. years will be ailoed fop re LAND ACT. Mi.n tt,t llsa.oa w, w-)0 J,,trrr. 8. IIikom'II wan n-frrri lanl winners wIHIp lierl Kelly and K lleence wi pmpeei for pelrolenm over and moval of lloilN-e. J- Uiul trr O.linr ftrt Hp fl trnt niulit ami J. N. Krtly nin! U. ranl ilnrvfrh bancl.'d Hie ball for the ale iinaer(41 ine the n.iHiwmr Ural nail uearnoea of ura una,rum Klin,iiib Vlrtuela.Mirther B.parllculara:., or bistrtrl or the rorealrr.ITiler rorea I'rnirr tor. Notlc ef Inlsntlo to Apply to Laa Land. rwt rwl"" ,r ,h I t u.'i-r tin- iinmrn. BABE RUTH IS Midgets. Doucla l'rlu'ell and aiHl deaerilMd a ISO oskiMt Conunenrlnr at HC'rt, B. C. tnel In Ranre or I'rlnce t, i:oat ltunert-liotru and I. Herorduis alluar it lua.nn a l pUeid elwin .a.uih froiu IBe Wm. m a tnr tmnkn end l in Tin' li-aiiM wiTrS Chester Clapi were the umpire.. x.utnri rnrner or Lot till: Ihenee west TIMBER SALE X 3298. InU t. I'lirrlier lla id. Take notice that 1. Edward I: Parv.na. e ii fril rlMMi: llH-nre aouih SI rhaina) lhtce rr.tttn.1 n. ii. V. V. . Mrhrnn: JIoih nnl eat so rhalnti thenre snrlh so rbam to r I'nrrlMr Island. .M-ruualion n.hvrmaii. A. Cra8 nn.l GOING SOME point or ronnneRrrnieU!. ' ViW teniler will be received tor the InlriMl to apply tar permission lo lease KENNEY BROS. & CO. Ki.'wari; LniiJ,n. BASEBALL SCORES x.ur:rc sarrn tus. t;;t. M-trtrj FfcreM-r. !! !HrL B. C.. ts! Ibe fullowlna described .land: Hums: 1 Ifinlnjr. imi long, tian.y THOMAS PKVST, later lhan nin on the ISin day or June, Coionu-nrtfir at a mi ptanied one loot Hubert Unmu. A rent I vt I. for the t.urrlu" of t.livnr. xilia m weslerly direetlon fnun a post at tne Mam aiiit'diiirdljuirv .MIWYOriK, June If. llyb'o near ferrn-e to rui 50.0DO llu.il fret of S.W. corner of W. half of Lot IJ43 tlleliep Braktnra . . H.C siiwonvjlIani4-H,rnolbi'n)e: ; American League OIEE.N rMC.BI.OTTF ISLSVOS LA.sn nis iniea aiH. i'iiid. , one chain llu.re or les in a westerly dirve. Terrace, until. lie manel rlugger or me Chicago, : IloAlon, 8. inii.i h.11111 i7l.i. n. ti. 'ine rar will be an..el for removal -non lo fc.vi wait-r mark, ihenee slur tinibrr. ' chains more or Irs alonf tow mark lu.rlnh und Variomdl -Hamilton. Take nolle thai Tboua Dew. Indian of water .New York Americans, made hi SI. Louis, 10, Philadelphia, 0. Ainu. .vaeti. a. : intemi in null an runner panieniar or in cnier roniler. lo a Jnl annul two rhaui in a s, W, KH an H. Orapgs; l. twenty.secoiul and twcniy-thirti ileatl'4i l the Mnualer ut Land for the Victoria, B. :., or Muriel t'omtefi I'riure dlrviiMui from i posi marked E.C.I'. S W. Tt"li,,r' nelroil, 0; New York, 9. 'rovlnee nf H. C. for a Iteenee rnr hvr- liLpcrl. B.C. rnrrier. In.lire tu a jiosi loi-alrd at hln i .nilioriie. II.Tanlhori'e. home nuts of Hie season yiler-ilny Cleveland, 7; Washington, 8, ir.lMHin 10 proapeet for petroleum over and sater mark, thenre folluwlns hlsh walrr If n I imrc ikin rrurir Latiilw and rnrquabnr. with under iim p.liiinr desertbed land iitnaie TIMBER SALE X2C51. mark lo im.nl of roniiniiw-efneni aiul eon Hie afternoon In game National liliilnt Ihlrly acres neire or les. League I a III I uviij Aim vuuu' on th Wet i:nst o." Uratiain I la 11,1. a c.i koWAMl I "111 1 yriiTTiiinn Hie Di'lruil Tiger. hieh,wa won CiUeiiclnr al s lMt planled at the U. PAHSIS, tiivo the nreferenco when you Urooklyn, S; -incinnali, 7. IK ire Ilii at Wlnie i'&Mitg ihenee aoutn ealed tender will be received bv the Alfllraitl. fir Outvtirmn by the Yankees. 0 In a. This Philadelphia, 3; Pittsburg, 8. m rham.1; tlieor rat su rhaiiui Ihtiic DUlnrt Kim 'trr. I'noce Huiert, Jt. . n4 Dated June , nt. huy I., "be lui-ridianl who adverting irili an rhaina: tbenr veil so rhaln in later lbu uuuu n lue flat dav or June, LEE TlltRII AVKNIIR and makes six homo run in four days lloslon, 10; Chicago, 2. IKiliit or eotiniienevmrnu Htl. fur the Mirroaie of Licence. X toll L THE- SlTlirMR COtmT UT BntTISH OrMU I'M! IMIW in the dally newspapers hlg which Is in Loeateit ma Marrn. l?il. near kll.lalla Miter, illl. I, to ml leo.UdO COLUMBIA. for Hie "hlller. New St. 4. York, 8; Louis, Phone HmI Kin. rllned goods. ' THOMAS l:ASV, net oc hpruew anil iiciuiim-k. buy adv Itself n record unpreccdrr.led in Coast League Vatthew Yoeinana. ateat one tear will be alloed fur removal tn tlie matter Of the estate or Samuel el umber. i Labbe, deceased, and In the mailer of the big league baseball. Thisafler-noon's San Franclsro.SealUr, travel OireN CMCRLOTTE ISLANDS LAMn PIS. lurioer priiruiraortnet:nirr roreitvr, AJiulnistialion AcL lo iniui' -unaiiai laiKii, d. i-Take Victoria, B. C . or f't.trtrl lireler, I'rinee TAkK MiriCE Uial Admlnlalratloo or game promises coin ling, 1 inline that Thonia Deanr. ImBan MupetU B. C ilpv Esimr or SimiMl Lsbue, ihreasetl, was NOTARY i'l(ie tu breaking attendance Los Angeles-Pnrlland, rain. Asrut. Maxell. B.C.. inlend 16 make ap- arV" 'kui McNainn. oinclal Ad THEO COLLART, LTD. I'UHLIC iiratioa tn tne .wtniiter or i.anai ror in TIMBER SALE X 3273. -Sealed iiiliiutralnr, I'rlnce Rupert. British Colmif records with rxriler: crowds Sacramento, 7; Oakland, I. nivliiie of B. C. for s lireuee rranimr 111. in the ill day of May. Hit. FOR SALE. Lot 18, lllick II. S.iction 5, for $760 Oood anxious lo see if Hie phenomenal Salt I.aka Clly, fl; Vernon, 1. prrmixlon 1 he mikivliif t'i rro.pert deaerlbed for Itnda pelro'eum allual ti.er on lender will be received' by the persons AM) rt'HTIOR owlus tnonlea TAKE la M sail TICK Eslale that are all . fc. $375.00. Atlin baUinnn Is Bnjng lo repeal attain. Paclflo International League I he Weil Cnl uf UrahaJU laland. B. C, District I-ore.or tun later than noon on required la pay the aaina lo the under-slsned View. I.ol 7. Illock 0. Sorlum and denerlbed a fulhml: - the tsiti day of June. ISHI. fur tlie pur-rbase furthwilh, and all per sous bivlur l;en I he veteran hlller ry i-otin Vlclnrla, 5; Vancouver, 0.' cniuniencini at s poat puotea si the ml Ur.nr X I?J near ShaiuiaMt Bay, ai'roiinls a sain.I lb aaul Estal are rs-quirril Avenue, Money In Loan, north ett corner of ll Hilt llieore eait O C. I.. 10 rot lit St. fee uf Spruce. Ilriu-K'Ck lt UJ tlie sanir with the uudcr-sisueii lnure Company on the Coast. is fading inlo Hie sumo rank as Y'nkima-Tapoma, rain. to rtialni: Uieiir Soata It rtwtiu: thenre an Ceiar. wlih.n thirty dayi from the Sate boat Llbernl your In the Most the of Hie two et so tuai.ui rhene nerlb so rbama la On tear v.ill be allowed for removil hereof. res! of .Injurs nee Company nf North Ame rlfs. Hie players Hlot of rmniDeiirrnieoL of lllnlier, HATED at rrlnr) firt. Oil iiih day '-O. B Pkoa. Blu. 89 Ic-ntns us It sal t glories In Hie admiration There may be something you L'cira 14111 " i,f. rnrtvr particular of the rnier rurester. nf Mjy. Iiiil 66 Weslhelme Thlre Block THOMAS pEASr, 'irmria. B. :.. or tlie Distrirl Forester. . JOHN IU McMUU IS. und acclaim of Iha fan. want. Bee the classified columu ttobarl tron-n. lai. j rrtnc spert.'B. c, - UOIiUI Adniinlslritor.