i PAOE 2. TJTK DAILY flnWS ,1... u .. . - . l The Daily News HIS LIFE RUINED HONEYMOON TRIP PRINCE RUPERT TIDES PRINCE RUPERT BRITISH COLUMBIA, Mr. and Mr, James Ereklne Arrived 20 Thureday, May Hera the South from Published' Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by The New BY DYSPEPSIA After Being Married High. .1r5l a.m.. ttM feet. Contractors Printing and Publishing Co., Third Avenue. til:6H p.m.. Il.tf ferl. I Iraki Low. Illt H.HU t.W reel, Mr. H. P. PULLEN, Managing Editor. uud.Mriv J.im- lie, i!:3 p.in.. . fmH. AND Until Ho TrWJ -FRUIT-A-TIVES" liiin' riKitefvl at I li Prlnne Tfco WaacWal Frail MrJkino M"ii'T Unlet, -orc married Ul Frldal, May 27 Prospective SUBSCRIPTION RATES I here llilth. ;33 n.ili., IH.II reel. Builders. Kiiturrfay in Vienna m in. are ti.00 17 IS U.t reel. uiiy Delivery, ny carrier or man, ier muum ............ n their honeymoon I rip. : p.m.. n nmil tn all narls of the Uritish Empire and the United States. I In- liridi' i. if,, .nh itufiti-r Low. 1 1 & a.m . .h fi-i NVarvHt approach f,o 10.00. ?.-:? pjn.. tl.ll j pre-war prices In advance, per year f J1i I'll mi ih- Id t !. at one Pq, on To all other countries. In advance, per year 7.B0. 1 1 1 i- an alilerinan ( V n-loriB nml The tune uv4 is roetnu 4n-i Shiplap, Dirnension, Boards, Lath, Floorinp ,tlard. for the If'th Meridian et.' TELEPHONE 98.4" ' i'laUsif ' i- til;i it--Mil-ry iwreiwiftd It is Miinted from 0 to SI hour j Goilinp;, Rustic, Kiln Dried FinUh W't ,,"'..Jj'sQU? flf Iroin inltlnmht. to niidnitht. AH in Number i lie sjmmhii is Hi. only One Fir each Insertion The table lven Is Xor21'ort, Transient Display Advertising It-SB per Inch i i.i In lkine, t Transient advertising on front pagf . .-;. $2.00 per Inch. i ViinivHixi-r. a fMaanittywtlt riiiiipsun hut the time fr L'rlnee We hftve rnt pri dowj to rock bottom. Local Headers, per insertion . 25c. per line. "f liiiilt triiiic im-k and Mupert varies only a few minute lnwif t our etock and place rioccinaH o.u-orlUlnir ner insertion. ........... 5JC. per word. 1 Krkiie, on tome days and on others i your oritr. -,..(ul fnrsn-r. H.. Nntire. each Insertion 15c. per fixate line. the tame. The ranee of the tw iio- Highy-Wan'l :ine h-pyl. in.i Contract Rates on Aj .'lic&tlon. i hii nnrte. may bo cVnpuled as ft pr eiu Albert 5 All advertising should be in the Daily Nevrs Olllce on day pre-- greater at trlncw itupert than at McGaffery, Ltd. ceJing publication. All advertising received subject to approval port Hlmpson both at urine and d J'hones 110 and 504 MNDERHOOF MR. THAU. HALL neaps. Therefore the rle in Hi H Wyerile, Ontario. Prince iiutv-rt harbor la aliahllv crrsrsssr-a: DAILY EDITION. Saturday. May ?fl. 1021. Vrk . .M.niieneed Vni"-l'r thn ,,orl P". "-' "For to I w a tome ynrt, llu- ItmiHHHtn" iermttl -ex-MeinHntal I he heiirht Is In feet and lfnlhj' t CVrrr from CTtnnue Onutipatimn and Reason ' iljrifxptU. fartti 4ff noetlr s'de Of feel above th averaK" level of Primary lower low walr. I tried eTerr remedy I betra or of llu ,VlkA Hit IW ttnwi. For Census. without any luecesi, until lie iMdwr ,t(ly MU live .& ,( t. $50 to $5,000 The ren-if, of Canada lo he taken next month vijl he the rtctnmtudtd of local mtrtkmmt aehle fur jsiboruuental iiiiriniM. sixth- rontpvhiMijivir wn-n taken' iure CoilfHemlion. 'The Tnul-tHim'. lH.a TuttOiV prpjuwsBK lli-nriHiu4 MAIL BCHFD4JLC X YEA It FOR LIFE I finiiinmiiitit.i'rtKiiir fn'r It i tu determine ' the representation I procured a box of TrulM-titf' tnt 4fftUnlkm. SJ j l A COYERNMLffT ANNUITY PROYIDB n ii'ioiir Federal Parliament. iA i well; Knltn the- ItrilMi North and bean the ta-atmeut, and my, j .. ,,' x for IheCaai. . j condition commenced to improve llfOrttr- alr.lr under Ne kSi.ur Ms isnwlMrt avatU Mondays. Wednesday and fat-l Xmeriea-Ael gave '(he provWe, r Ouehee b fixed nuniher of weiiw kmmr MtuM nra fur tkmtitotu arid cnter- immediately. Tho tirdaya at 10:15 a. in. - Catmoi i mmlw hrrwd upon for an t seats hi the Dominion House of Common. mum (sixty-live) The Dyspepsia eeased to be the iHiiuKnt-if jhe IkeloiMenV Cmi-M-nln.n - WlBt .vUc! Iwt. tlm or dmroytd t number 'assigned lo the other province is pro rata with an burden of my life as it had been,and ttl Iffi ItMt. hetw n Jue 7. From the CasU - tut gf led ljr Udc drprMim T i w. . .. .. - set iM tn bssswwon Icwotm- Tsa ! arrant-emeu! thalvlhe readjustments should take place after l was ireeu oi uoniupauon. w Junlays. Tuesdays and Tbura. No nmliral easihaooti I feel that rmt irU Im V he new, frry al F?o?,K,rar J tequwtd t each reilsus. Therefore, the primary reason for the ceusiis Jay i at 7:13 p. m. Aeynn ow tax- c I rra mlrat or doulcUrd ha t 'Fruinnim' tor Uie benefit I derived Ixnii by lewte JidinMMM,ha leu ituijr pirvwMr I (o is lo enable, redistribution bill be passed by Parliament. . a Ai.) M-raoiu msjr fauKhaM Jaunly. from them." iniHlli-1 arnl Is How in toll opera- 1 FRANK HALL. lion. For Vancouvee and South. t.rtr.-r m- pu.rhnw for Mrnaplorm odaoot booHa far t Nothing Less Tuesdays 1 p. en. Than Stock Taking. . 50ca box,6 for tiO. trial site . - Thuredeye 11 p. m i gin , 1 The has far wider uses than lo fix Mr. Itieloird luar1 reeeully A. 0 . . 1 ,.1ST k., , eensiis, however, At all dealers or sent postpaidby Saturday 1 9.1 ft a.m. u. mi M ll.l.-l electoral It constitutes, in fact, under the rrtiirned from s-aiJte wliwe li.-bk representation. FruiUa-Uves Limited, Ottawa, UnL April t. it and ft modern system nothing less than a periodical slock taking of lH-n Veaidenl for I lie lal Prom Vanoouter and South. the Canadian ,ieople. The well being of the state physical. four yvars. Mr. Hoar! i an old 8 fnnri And economic including such various phases as birth SUITCASES timer of Ibe dirW't and her Msaiiy Sundays Wednesday 10:30 p.a. to m. find death rates, education, transportation facilities and financial frienaU wye deliirfilAI to wHrunn- K. 18 and in ""conditions, can be apprehended only through the medium of TRUNKS her tioeJc. April B&K PASTRY FLOUR statistics. Without the census it would be the fiopulation For Anyox and Alice Arm. Iee Cochrane ! a dwekinir an lo .say that legislation and administration would HANDBAGS beiqarried: oil i) the 'ditfk, and there would be mi means of one of l)t lrut tt hofe lw Sundays , 10 pjn. The real white pastry flour knowing whether the 'country wan on the roAd lo surcess o Wri-.in ra dftni while Jie 'nruaj p.m disaster, , . -t a- . s Tents arid Awnings M"iHUl Im iWeil lite tSpoh n. rl From ri0 .and Alice Arm. ineans better, lighter, and p re A' i iJ '. r . I Pi xr Twivknt llU-r mV,lnf.. ITuesday cm Maky paRtr'. Success ,Depends' f, ' lay lal. lioeheane iiinnaiel (' nuraaaya p. m Ail iroods sold under our "B k K" J. F. MAGUIRE On Co-operation. 'wiui'afthtire. Tli arl of lliri Tnirl- M irk ir- jruaranteo'l. before has theref been such need for . Never a census as a, 'prince ww w' " 712 Second Are., Rupert wusiriiii recovered repi the,' timfe. ' Sinre the. last the Island Naae Rler. ALL CKOCERS sell "BfiK" PASTRY tnere is at the present census war l.Ki. r. The rher line rtw i,, .Br.Waea and has left hardly a branch ofjthe national life untouched. It has t be ,,'SuniJjys 10 p.m. known o initt It -violently upset Mime of our most stable measurements and LAND ACT. pretienl. ' jif From n. Simpson, Arrsrvdale, Mill THE BRACKHAN-KER MILLING C0,LTD. at the same, time il .has se up new strain and stresses and y. Day, Wale leland and Naas niter. generally created conditions' of the utmost consequence to our Noue f lulwitlwi t ael to Imh Lan. Tuesdays . . ajn. lX. 3o T4S Pel i Rupart, HX1. Phono 3S0 national! fufure. The snrrefs of the census will depend largely in tttnt Una Dninrt. Rrcerainr PRINCE GEORGE nei ot C6tl. Ksntc t. sn4 sltust si twt upon the .co-operation of the people; Without general appreciation r l own bty. sdumns lot Its, Queaxi ChaHotle Islandsl of the ends in view, ard without lhe cordial assistance of Tito nolire nut Smfnia R. truaaurU, Khifinn santr-. arr i'.iiiiiiieieinit For individual citizen, a good' census will be impossible. One 'it Pno Rnpert, ocreptnon msiirr mtn-nr, v.-r' uliinu I Ik- IMS.IL in Ihi April It and 25 requirement demanded, of the enumerators is that they be civil latrtida lo spptr 'or frmimtg l from ' xeelion and H Betjerally he tm tn roiiowinf atwra uixm: in (heir dealings w5lhthe "public and it is expected (hat the ijxnwrwini st s pott planird on Uie' tlevvl in ruilwBv" eirel here that April II and IR Dr. Sutherland jjeople wiirbe likewise civil and willing in giving the, necessary saatli line ut lot it, inmre i s tiiaiD -lee laxnt will rtnnmetiee miuII Information. - -. nmre or Jes lo low ir mark; Upbcc - uMlttrrtf t CAslas skint low water mark:1 nt UiU poanl ajrlllsftt Uie next r For Vaflway and the Yukon. ' P.P.S., L.P.S., P.D.C. Rotary Club 'hrow rst I msia" more or lets to litra wenk. April n. IN and J mark; tbure nortbrrry nirn " Prom 8kacay and Yukon. Good Organization. .. wslfr sionf That the Itotary Club, lately established in the city, is here nrr water or ours Irss. lo poU eontammf 7 acres, Alhrl Jnitnn 1 prepariiiii tn April J. 15 and it DENTISTRY in all its branches to slay and will (ill an iniKrtanl niche in the business alTiiir SIOHMA.I R. BBODHtHST. build u larxcr fr-iilit leml for the lif the city is now patMit by the spirit that is being evinced by twied January t. Ittl. Prar Hir wlueh will earry Iwoj Itewart, Maple Bay and Iwempi Suite 14 and 15 -ihe members. It is not a gathering of pompous, middle aged .i-CMH CHWTTR I1JIM1 LAMD w- ia li.p. riKifi''- mnu wH lir raialile; Point. Exchange Block, plutocrats who gwrge themselves with a seven-course banquet at handling ixlen lin ' nfFOR-- For Appointment Phone Black 516 freiKtil. The inalerial in eiHnln April II am: SH and congratulate themselves on their business successes. The Takr nollre thai Tfmtnaa Draay. ln4Mn fnembera are ordinarj- business men and the luncheons served tatnl.: liiiraium iiT Maaivti.it, iw tt.t.Mmiairr nurnat r Ijmtn to makv tut feom and upn- IU ar- FflOM iare of the simplest nature. The idea is, as expressed by Fred 'I J'nmore of B. .. tor a llritint tn I'll-- imat Mr. J4eiwm will eiiJplny an April 10 and 30 Stork at this week's luncheon, to ne-er miss an opportunity of gathering in visitors of note in the public eye and exchanging or rahain Uland. II. C: (he hull. whiHi wilLJie a dmehtu. t, fnoaaTK. tkHUinrncinr al a imm! blanitf sa rbaina I5i THE surhtvi. ratcnf vr unman Views with them. This is bound to have a beneficial effect, and Uuulb fruD lli uuinam rorwr M Jxl menl uf the hydroplane prinriple OUUtMMA. the Rotary Club should be .boosted and encouraged in ever 1-iMMti)1 1; aixitti:tlK-ure llimre a rtiin K rHaiM rai; ral:utrtfr t twite ft wtllrh tfria lli- hull oul nt the ii tmk !HTTrn or tiik ahiistii way so that the membership will increase to capacity even a rntuit nurm m lb pnwi or rucuuMatre- water 4li- hioJ iralher iw. Tlo.N ACT 11 rill. una i this season. LxraKd Ilia Marrh, ltd. MX 1 nr. aiua mi LlIA ? GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC RAILWAY TII'iMMf IlF.AdV, A arty -inUt.hir nt Vrl AUlXAM'IM W. IMKiTT. l.i-.AH4 . tuairrt Bruwn, a sen. r.FORGE tailinr Tay1ie. Clark Anderenn, Harry TAIlf otm;ic"that la ftrrtrf r Hm cc DDlNf aa.w F - ,. v.nruU. Vl M V UlAMUlTTE litUtXIK I.AMl MS- llutiuur r. Mi-a Yowst. uadr is sm oar i-i.. . ... ... ... ti .n it:iv in run ' run t -giiaiiam ila5i. n.f- . MeHiu and FrtsJ Kteney raunlil nf Aftrll. Itfl. I waa afpuinird Adaateu Midnliriil "V . ..... AT.. Dr. JOS. MAGUIRE 170 line rVrtttf inSfx Mile rtki on iraiur iu in ijiiaar ur atriaiwMr w. ami, vr. Y-rWiu .iii.I - -'!" -"-'V " 1 Tak- nollrc tint Tbiraaa IrMjr. liMnn drrred, snd atl partira hanar rlaHoa mni. Maniwit. a. u Intrnil l mak Thuraday lai, lea-fiik the rtty aaalnat ihr aald lli arr nrrehr rmetree ; S. 8. PRINCC ALBERT Bi-iiiicatiim fur a liinrr u llw Mlitlaler r la larftMIt aaiM. pruta-rlr arrlDra. lu tur. 1 i II H M-v Hx and 11 ' ohe the For l..rl Oli 1,1- M:.--. i trior inr tie ertvrnr ur u. r rar r-iiii.tKHi day ant. r'-turnfty? nexl. a? or prrurr- inr i Tin mr ur Mar. 1 VT I. K) rv.jll fur -toliini over aud an pane- inoruara iu in mux arr -..Ulhiiii c.l.i. -li i,.a! I. I-ImikI- M.i 1 mm "iiihr lit fultuvlna iWM-rlljnt lamw, mniirrn lu pay fir amuuni ui mrir in i has been called to Vancouver on ituaf- ii ifw l Cuaal of ursbain l-laixi. On Halnrrtny itrnrnff Hlliii-n- ill i,ill ii Im - farurauLte. ' ' May t'KUi. a Marinlinii- fh-rne inm n. wrtixi,'. SCRVICC diart huh TRAIN .wmii DENTAL WORK. iMiuMM-iM-ma at a ui plitfiifl al th oinrlal Aumimairslur. at 11.1 special MHiitwam rmwr uf LM tut: aiK-nce norih in hy SlierilT liler. DATrll luia II IB QJt ul April, lail 1'aaaetieee Wtenday. Wednefcds;jand '""'X.innlper. " Nil i-lialnf tlwnr. wml HU rlAiM! fluti- riirrr. lli mi Iuiiii. Uh-ihw rant ko cliaim, lul vrrr-i rritnuiTTr isijtn ijihh on. : ffrr HtnltTifre. Prlnrr fr all points "r, ,nd south He will RE-OPEN His OFFICE ."r.nfiiciiin Inn dirairt i-.ihi in cfiiiiiiinfiiiriii. thii t - iiMiiaa ila.iii. n t Uraml 1 1 th Marrh. Il. Tak nntirr Ma I Tlviua Iwaar. Iixlian' All Ocean Steamihlp Line. on 1HHM lir.AsY, rami, Ntnrll, i; , miriida lu mar u. f Agency holK-ri iirrrwn, arent. Ten Years Ago I i-kralb I Utr Mielaarr nr lawla fwr th For leir-rmaiiee are rrr,....- l-rainn f a. fur a lirmrf rramiku JUNE 1st i.'I'Er.'t CIIADUITIE IHI.AMift .AM l.lh In Frlnce Kupert I tnnlsaw-a-tu brnafirrt fur prlriilnwin ur S oh. Tiokal omta. aaa t-" Tllll T JiHAIIAM ISLll. II. c lt fulluwlnr drarrllMHt laud BW'Hak i n Tak- fHiller mat TlHiiiiaa n-ar. lii'Man Wral tMt of lira ham 1I. Hi Aarnl. MaaM-ll. H. r... iiitMida lu iiiakr at- awl rtvmrnl-d a fJInv I'liralluu tu llw kllnUUr uf LaiMla fur IIm- May 2S, 1911 Cuiumriirinr at a final planlrd at lh i'ruviiir ur B f.. lur a lirmrr tu proapr! nnrtirorai ririrr or l-T ma; Hiror f' prteilruni utrr and under Ihr fullowiiiir "After fu-liiK miin eince rlialna: tltrnrr auulh an rhaina: Ihrta S drarrllH-d laiKta ailualr on llw Waal Ciiaal wral ss ilMlaai Ihrnrn nurlh a a rbiln i G. H. Arnold - Notary Public uf Dralui,,) IIjiiiI, n C : Junuary l i. tiw Uudy uf (ieurxe lm iff nwrturnrmirnf. 1 CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY muiiriirlnir al a mmI planlrd JIt MvLeod. f I'orl Jlnlini, wan a-urairu hw - i.tii. .ibt IM-rinwi al runirr uf lil ttrt; llHiwr THOMAS iMV, mcii kb rftatnf :!hrac mi ss ,imihi ttliiMMuered IhiM -mornliiK on the thrnrr north rhaina; IIm-h wmi sv FOR SALE. Servicci liaiiui iu jKiini f roniT.ii-n'vniriit. triaff Jiftween 1'prl J5eii4?loii and giKtJf nunuifTr. taiAsna Cami ihh B.C. Coast Steamship A Lot on Third Ave Hue in Block 34 Uiratrd I4lh. THOMAS Marrh. 101.PKAr. thr ruck .quarry Tlio uuforlun. Taka rlUCT nutlra-IHAIIAM mat Tlmmaa ISLAMl.fw-a.jr,H liutta" rioln'ri i)ron, ttnil. ate hihii, who met hia di-alU in a A arm, Maaartt. a. r... Iirrrtr nra ntilt" atARY f intmlnmSa. niak a;lirallnn to Hi 8. 8. PRINCMS Adjoining the new Concrete Building urr.K ciiAhLOTTr. isUshh i.am tus- lei-i-illio anowHiorui, was an ''in- ailnlrire uf Amla fur llw rruvinrr. .r H 1IUCT OMAHA M -lLA.II. II. i; f. fur a llrrnr lupruaiiml fur prtmlrfiin M-.-t-.i. ..... Skanwav. Aiasaa, which is being erected there, A very desirable business Taka mitira tiiat Thriina litaav. Imliaii ployee nt I hi- ipnirry rornpany avid ir and nailer Ilia fHluirlii drarrilirii I or nawniran, """-p. P lit, Maaaell, U. C , tirrrliy rivrn m.llrr well k tuns ii lure. tlaiata aliaair no llr ttril r..al uf lira fttipert May 9, 20 and 30. Rupsrt-For location (it litti-ntion iu apply to llu- MlniaUtr uf liaai Miami, H i: i -fnnrnrinr at a and Seattle from Prince l.anda fur Hut prurinre uf D. I., fur a pauilrd al tlrr anullmi-at rurnrr uf U i Vancouver, Victoria H. G. HELGERSON, LTD. llreitce u pruaiirrl fur firirnVuiu ovrr and The luteal aUdillun In Prinre lilt IhrtH-e rliama ra.l. Ilvrmr May 13 and 24 June 3. W 0cftn jMiiur-r iui- iuiHHiuir ortrriurii lanoa, aim. rlwiaa nuritu tlirnrp SO rliaina wral; titritrr Kw.nson Insurance ftentale Real Estate Iiiu- on ihx veil ruaal of liraliam lalaud Hilpeii'e iiium(uiIi' lice I is the SS rhalwa anuin 10 pulnt uf rnnriitrniirni 8.8. "TEES' frdm I'rinre lluperl HI H-r. ' ana larrllxd an fulluwa: Cuuininirint al Lwaird Marrn Wth, leu. a lml (ilairrd 160 r ha I in auutli (ruin IIm powerful Ktioliii( boat, "I.nkan- THOMAS fiRASY. lull-. Alert ly. an ouinwoai rnam-,rurnrr iit-nrr ui uuth IJl Ilia;to rhaina;iimimw Ihriirr weai iuil,- hllill fur A,. V. AKIH'k fur Malthrw y.miana, aarnl. yaiii niiv.-r ev ry Kalurday raat sii rliama; ilirnvd imrlli so riiama Iu coanlal efrt ire ill jtxi;i iitM-tioii wilh UHiini uf riiiiiiiioiDvinrnl. avulf ta liram aiirrn lun, 111. aui'vey irk in th dlktrii'l. TII'iSaS IiI.AHV, ' Bags ii n nuRHlRD. Oensral Agent. HOME AGAIN! luiltrrt liniwn, Aaanl. Wi Wi wo . n B.C. Clift Ford, the well known and ill. Street Frlnce r.v VlJt.E.t TIllCI CHARLOTTE UMAIIAM IKt.AMiM ISLAM).I.AINH H.ii;. Pig KiiKlifch fliiuiu-iur, who Iiun lurj(" Suitcases Cor 3rd Awenue Take ih.IIi Huii TlMMiiaa Vif. Iniliaq lioldiiiKM in I'm hoc lluperl, arrited For real nice HOME COOKINC and FISH AND CHIPS Arnl, Maaarlt, II. c... inu-nda lu inak all-pllrailun la I Ik- Mlninlir uf Land fur iih in Ihr cily yisnii'i'diiy on the I'rinnn Trunks Co to th I'rovinre of B, C. fur s llra-nri. fur prr-miaklun lo Pruaprrl fur prlrnlrum ovrr and lieorije, -Honipnnied ly O. M. W.0FMITED. inirtrr ll.- fulluwinir dratrllird landa alluai Ileliti-l-itiin. ' ITWinM STEAMSHIP THE EMPRESS CAFE run ll.j Wil lia.l A. fimliain lalnlirf. U I' Tents, Packsacks wtiaw. liar Tiiradai' i.iniiiii-bcln al a mat planlrd si llw lur vanehiorr. i"' n ra w an. ----- -.., fl IU. iliurr line al Whits l-uint; lli-iv auulh aaaaaMsaBBVkMtBaBBaBaaBBaB vam ..uw r. iiriia ;. "Y.'.'.nS Hundar niidniini. SO rluina, llwnca rail su rhaina: Ihrinr Ailverllin Is oflnn expennlve, Ans'i.n " ' w.i. rnOay a. in F. M. Where Everybody Eats White Help Only pulnt Mirili of SA runiinrnrrnunl.rhaina; Ihriiui wral ai Omnia lu hut it Is nutliiiiK like as expeiiaive Crosby I'm! muii-iii '10 ..! . . .....rL SO- Bones for Ladhae Empress Hotel Block. 3rd Ave. i.urairn, lain marrn, ivri, as an empty store und Idle 716 Third Avenu, Frinrc Hurt CIS SacoaS Aaanua THOMAS lilAHV, ' Valtlww luriuaiiK, aft-iil, clerks. tf I