r7.el PAOS TWO THE DAILY NEWS BRITISH LABOR IS SUFFERED DAY The Daily News pruNCrittjpRnT - rmiTiMii columiua CRffPLED FOR FUNDS lhiMitfcaJ BMry Aftertiortti, except HuntUr. hf The Newt tall tlcLaan of Otatcow Tetta Prtftttng and TbfcrtJ Avee. miu mum I'nhirthing Company. Wlitntpeo; Peaple f Ca edi 10,P. PULLBN. Managing BHtir. tion In OU Lanl. lbs Tctos cl Djspafsfa i City Ttefirery. fry miff SUBSCRIPTION or rrrirr. per month RATESt 9 1.901 RsRmd By 'Freft-a-llfcs' laaW la Kjttai aM Sr4. I MlliyS If Ilr man w HI pwH nf (hit Hnlih Hmptre antt IPi unite' Htajtf, Lrrva ITm, C. B. in4 t KitaitraaHr timpanj a a; in Mhmtftr. per year wN of lrtt aai loet il laal1 "I a terrtb tmUmr hmm To all other eoamlri, in advance, per year iu it t waaale to off-r antra atroa; 'PtnaHki n raWlMM X k4 pus WW eBaj. I itaHC r, TELEPHONE 98 eWnwt a ii M aa taWp wktra aaaMlteturer are aotitaa Tjtfel jpky Advertising. A 1.25 Wr haeh each laerikn M7--rtar. kiwk, LMtl-ean of Hara, Laa-r aat- jrertiiiSgon Front Page. ? 4 laeM tt CMuttpOua wmM 4 jr aa iftaa ia tae, . 7e fer line mm I r i WiliAti fHmiae Oaiwwin. wk QaVaaifted Advertising, per laiertton. . . .2c per word Md UtAt ninUi r4r ui (U-aaTUw taa tonoal rtaiaitoa -fj IegaJ Xottrea, each insertion. 15 per agate line iapun lrtpi. IiMtttttJ !a TraaVt Oafri f (na.la. ; Contract Hale on Application. to Uk Uut nedid frarOiia imm arae4 m lae Hmni tox AU adteYTiang tho'ifd Ie ip The Dally .New 0(Tke on day prt-cming aad aov I xm wHl, ttronr aai iin4ra Hatrl .Vdr MiMlraiten. AI! edve rising received Mibjrri. apprvfl 3ir. JtMaa wiM tbtat ra SOe. a Vat, far JU UU tiat latatre Iheaaiataatit ttaa weal. Jit aO Vlen ar t pmtpaiJ Vy ufMati eattettjatntt 'f lite TeaaVa DAILY EDITION agTeC iliarvdey. Atwajat IS 1921 Frsita-UfH Ltartnt, OtUwa. mree tneet atmttitia; t raitVa Bfiantl -.Mtil(..n in rett-f-r People Look to ami lvtl-ir awwatiW U-ttttte Newipaper for Maw a. SUITCASES and ttty tae Jactanea ktartin aa K aftWta the People h-A in lha newspaper fur new of event wfctelt are TRUNKS -. era portion f 'aaala anal ibr i ftbont to Uk place a weM In regard to thmg watch hav Itatfted Stale. already bjacid. AaVaee pew of evea at ajafjpaiaf. Tlii HANDBAGS R tart at Uaeal Up. he to le paid for. Kjr charging for thr kind of the new- Large Stock On hand "IhfrHax te war. waaft tf-at'ijatenl "p.r manage to rerry oa and give I heir riialoeaer crrwe. select from. waa atatiatl mttaiaan to in tare rtrittah Itea. Maav There i a thejr efiHpJ do U. - tarfMn- Ulw Golicr zation pftatj a bttge raaerre Pf ue people have the ha Ml of look lag for advance notice J. F. MAGUIRE fond far u H aa tncaea r. of evmt in the advertising i dotiltly valuable. Take newspaper Ktt U PrU Saprrt H I bat theae fund ke kean tafal-y ibb jMper a an itMlance. Mot of the people m I'ftare Iliaert wfed etrt a a aeattil of aa rea"l if. and a great many jof4e k the mining camp ad mill! aVattt ihtrfttr to ftrt t1i oa the (Tmt and at all p-i'nl between I'rtwe Kaperl and tftktl ULD tataLOftt mItvict HtJtADS.aTicr or maofb MrUaaa.of"MHImma th4t year."f aaai aootvaa Mr. (to-. MILL BANK I'riwe Oeorge, ' We have peat a lot of money in btiiMmg up the Tat tnatr Sttt I tMM Tt7 U U were expefMM la praaiale fttaata rir ulxiiofi of the paper that ft maf he valnahte to advertier. aia i war MkM ih ta tmma to werkent hH of tptaaVitwitat, I r i M ti m Beraixe of the pition The New hofci in the roaaoiuiutr. it rni air ai a awt taw aa the aad many af the tMtHMit kad i. l-rt Haa 4 tri. II Ta I On Mm marl gape war 4vet aaat fkraan-taea rann-it igmrrmi in matter of Airily. TTiere .ma other way Ntaaa. artar tar iwwt r UMJ aaeWta lar. wmI aurtx t C W. cTI m an af fcirt to aeetir naniiev tke fieffil ran be readied. Attempt are often made to roodm t t raM. mh t It ta eaaMe Their aaattiaWa ta figai varH.fi. sffair ia (he eily without the a a) of the new paper. k tSttSt IaT mrmi SJ""tJeJ the prapaaed waie retfaieltaa UMr alme invariaMr fan. WlfHlow eanjt and liamtll. are n iTaTt J ' " The reduattoe war f ()) in by a few peple, lnit the ma of the op1e do not ee them, t.CUiaiC.iii. LaratoA Ih rrotind thai Ma eat -f H - mg wa pranml ay laar rr'- mi- ilen. women and rhBdren read the newspaper to a great extent, taaltafia ta be to antftt Mthr awd watch for notire of ad rczsa lvo iaratT ataTMcr or JO for 15 they eoftrert a daacc and game and get! CRtltLOf'tC MU.1M laan figure aetaared by th' d$. ortiingt and other entertaiHWefltn. They alo look fr the r'burch tkst f I Mkntf M tratr M Om Ibaard of Trade abaaaed. and Ih. j 25 for 35 ds. 'Btf nr uwi nc a mrrmtt aiieker bad awtaatlWett ervie. which Ihey ifirartaWy Had. taey t prtft mr atianl n tat piwtaai Round tins of 50 for 70 A'tvertwing in The llaily New t noT expeVhre M aem af a4 taOa taetfi. wottM aave be aetaaliy cts. roaaidenngj iar artar at a aaat ataM na t iti mi nav af liaa M T t mmi urn at a . r reiifcfe atttHtag mil cimtltfUmi, although it mat a M to pnbtHh a here. ewMjier ; A uaa tna.i tar. Itima f workava in RettftatMl aad AW are a fcVtlg w from (hf wiirr of ew and t etc graph Ul- aa aaai.I raaXa.a raaiaa M ta am pm lUtalaad i ry btttar rtrf Ibr mm KVltAlialwA tl MkJa ........I LM. it...... . .I J.JI.. . ll 1 '' nammiiin. aaa aiMai ta aarta balf f tiraaa it, Ta. t. u4 ta aaau Atttaame, and if (be natiaaaary f v jtilJih. ih fper aud it takeirui lot of adverting t cttv( that aaaj Lrk4 x tuaiw Mr fra. ip Itti.a. mua Hiaa. flaaaee r availaMe tnary ( efewe. The member of the ttatT all work hard and there i a. I J aaaaaa CUnt.ami Leraie. wker ra tkland wtwrW atrika. i targtry at tha 'Phoa. vrvUUle,wal tiuits It.ia difllciilt U make Kaan StuaanU I.Illte Margery icJ i. a)k mora erpoomie.. (tut tun amaarr r .' afTfrr Mr. MrUran ta a keen Vewaprint tptill very high when purchased in mall uaitUUr- oc' r"" "t dent of the AnglaWapaaava aM-ualioa ovr. lira Ir-teirhutf Willi bfr iabe. ttaa viailinar friend yih a ronl be done in publi.hing a ma!l ir. Ve like u ..Tn -TV TT 1? trtt) baa "dlKer a rntni. ' ao bey elder 4lrr gat a brr tbe Prince QPln Ihi to the peopfe here becaute we Vl mit ( make the Sf',"LrJr a7kaa rfiwT1fW1" ber tif apeeebea fat Ibe ttntie of abnww awwiatr and let her emii Rupen I...I r.t.... ......II.I. l. v a .. . I n i a bm tfiati l tl common on I hi quwaliita. He the Hiabanae. i""!11' wiiih i.MuKjrriiiK tnc lucumr. ninj we are inai. U u'mig idu tai r r I n ana tl ta. ta. i riere i noininn to le k-ained from hiduiir thinir. Viih a rarrn. ortaa i aMrara a w w. K. q. atturnea aooie pt Ibe eraaJM for II Mb a bnely ialk latum alnitMt three time at large a any other ir in the North. ltTZZ m2r upaaTiVr blocking- tbe mtewal of (tat lltat Margery at aoaaaatlrat lo we have tet a ite whirh it will be dilllriilt to follow, ami the end Laci4 Mr at. flia. til, Irmly at lb eotiferenee of ore. aarr aer onatiiae-a vwtre again in not yel. Ae are ronttantlr giving more valne for the HKHtey. . w MriarVai Laratof- miera in Iodo rraeatly. aalig irtae tp wtee. FAIR Tolay wa are giving aeveral roliimn more reading matter on the 4 W, hU oppoHbn on the faet ttrat A fpr daya after tbt acntrr- day than three month! sciigtt Lgjia OMTajcr -wrrKT or rnf only thou Id tlie Itrftitb l- wnett me average per we gave ago. The next Up aaiuiii ntaibrr waa minion aave a voice in ta atai- win ne an eigru-page paer an we tinje, and ttiat roa) eofrie oo. paying another vtll to the am TtU aaUra Ikal I laOavf ta tb tpplr 11k- UiiUH r. out rtal and All depend on the amount of bimine offering. Chitf ft iaiaantwyr at Uaa far t araa friend. Ibe tafdar aaalae akawni ft aratMi 'far tiarti r t-atruteaw China at well. lie aaya f tit urn f kiiwl at raiw miarantee.1 Wottvlaw Suggeatad CatMararMr tl a put Haitf tl lha treaty Ike prolerUon mgt rvdaitly bad been akfni atttaai il rurt nf awixa) a. Tp. af rlirbl. .f ia. "ver. i.rn h.a. a ! 8ectlon Two Mama. On mi a anark A W M.'a .1. W. Il mHHA,,t M M.rBrry WM r aVaca at t raaiaa. aatl ta rhalaa. wit iiina auj f mi navi- SEPTEMBER 13, 14, 15,16, Many people, vititor especially, ak why we do not get aal cbawt ta pval Iwwn Ibai ibe iapaneae did eaiatatruttf; t better name for Keclion Two. 11 i neither nrli(ie uor deaerip-tive. a aot ''Km$r. I waaA Ibe aumbar LrtMi tv ttta. tti t fulfill llinr New people coming to the riiv kuow nothing abttul the old w wrj tt, Loratar. oMIgaiioo o far a I had Ybwadny. Hon'i yiMt tu. AH Are Wclrorae real t I 'tor, a af- Korea It roneem!, aubjaiin W la Tta etate map and care nothing about iL They are directed to pit Mute nainber Horll.ii Tun r.U.. ... o.l . 11... ....I ... i. tKECat OiarMcT-omajcT or 'hit nali' ii m mqny reapeH. Tbe vftdr Magatita. " " - n IK1 BIIU ruillCIIIIHK HI UT ! uILi..v. een, hut on account of the name'do not want ti go there. There i no need of a civic enactment la moke (he eteit(iJjf'ra! ORGANIZATION TO ELECT Not Encouregbig. The coming Emporium of lie M All that it neeeaaary it for reident and other to enll il V.ii.. w " if Pfnm X v)ilr in a IHIIe-fretuenled and it wilf tooii be named. Kairview 1 the rmttim- iliaJm. i toawaaawair U a mi Naat4 tl lk DR. ERNEST HALL MAYOR Uratratl where Ibe OiliAbilant WeatMew eem very appropriate for the diltriet that give- a li urltlVr. BMrtMl at A"-tJcl W M la.' H.to.t..1 C.. OF VICTORIA NEXT TERM jrr aftnide but honat. la liabta view wettwanl orro to .Metlakatla village. aaatfc t aMiaa, a t raaina. I" rnn, avamt a qurer ifle auia m raatat, mh ta rkaMM u point a anil queer rlrtinilaaeea Interett Taken In Uirtiad Mty.tMh.w MmTrar.Ittl. Loraior. VIC IfWlA Aug. :a. An or-panuaHbn In J mile vMlaga mile ffoui Alice Arm Mine. t. J. QufHrn. rat. ba been furnHd here Ibe neareal railway tlalKHt Alice Arm if again com i fig into the limelight with new tatct Uin MSTMcr WttaiCT for hi pu'Doai- nf getluig behind man onee aakad a woman wlielh- ailver atrike that bid fair to revive inlcreat in lver miuiog in Otl E.I CUAaUlftC HLAlt lr Frnaat Hall, polir.. roin-tnlatiouar, er H0 aHauld raad. , Egg Coal Weston's that cimp. There are aevcrnr gMid hKikiug propertiea around the atcf Tak Canjnalaaawiar aaora thai I of llr4 Lamia la fur afty t llrana t Ut tli. a View lo liar-intr Itr waman lookiNl at Mm Dolly Vanleii, including the North Htar. the Wolf and the Tone t" rart far aaiaral lu aa4 pairotaaia him circled mayor at tb wi4faHJy. and Ibetl rvplin a I iar aaa terra or uao aa r nert eiif elee(ion and In I nwer went lo Guaranteed Coal If the properties amalgamated they would make one good mine CwijajaaUBt tl pott Baai4 al tha taltool bill bai that it would pay a company to work. The ililllculty with all Ha aarkl ij lirrttim A. W. M.'a It. (.In.e. ta.C, alrenglbrn but hand in Ibe fight My, aod that waa In tbe Speciality Albcrla Standard thee newly Uncovered properties, i that the owner ok flgfire UVaca aarnt ta rhataa. aaal ta raaiaa, over .police affair which ia atevenlu and we badn't ro lht PHONE 630 which are loo large to make oparatiou prolUabte. Uaually il ia r'aataiaainwiii.aMia It raaiaa, rati It chaiat ta pota af preaent going on. Ihe alogan of, and I tie teaalier itid not turn op 630 - - . not the diaroverer of the mine that run the price up. but the man Lmtrd Mat tth. ittr. the new organliatiun la to be a ewi, A. W. MrlSTTFE. Lorttaf. who buy aud nellt, or in other word the middleman. A I -nitm. aaar "Ilr. Hall fr Mayor." prince nuptvrr tides a Guaranteed Coal means, If ours wn y l 'rom report received, both from the KiUault and llliance tlllT. LAKO MtTWCT-ntSTaiCT oel w tnv wo will wmnv It and not ch.rgi river, there ia every reaaon to believe that Alice Arm will yet be Vtaart ciiahmttc liunvt, Tliuriulay. Auguti J5. have used one of tbe big ilver camp of the coait, if not the largct of al). Cfctar Tak Omiiilttlaaar aatlr thai I Ialau1( Laada in tr trinlT a llraat ta ta Ten Years Ago High- 3:33 a.m.. to I feel. you v :r.an riar aaiaral aaa iu balrtileaia I?:lf uirrr tt terea of laad aa tUl ai In Prlnco Kupart p,UU IH.5 fe. oMfarlai tl t noal blanlxl al Ih Low- ll.es a.m TA feat. rt mwf or trenail . orahaia Ulaotf. marked A. W M i.a -IP:.a. w. i;. Friday. Augutt lo. Dr. JOS. MAGUIRE xtii It halaa. weal tt'raaia ta ttat at1 Ilie uiember uoutt t5,of 1911.Ihe Hallway High 16:9:7 II put.B.HU 18.1 tS.5 fert.feel. I ABSOLUTELY NO CLINKERS AND N I ..l4 Mar tllb. Ittl. Coninilaaion paaaed I h nnj all bere I-ow 0:IH B.3 A. W. MtlTYB'. Lorllar, a.mw fret. MEaiaca or the b.c hcntal collecb A i. OardMi. A teal. t'-iay aoulhlioutMl fnon While tt:IS pm, 8.3 feet. borae wlirr a aeaou on WHIle Tbe time uted la Pacific DENTIST HtKE-A L1D MtTRirT -nillnitl or Hian. Vltl!l CHlM-OfTF tL4M. I'at Hallway mattera wa beld dard, fur the izmh Meridian FISHERMEN Phone 575 Smith Block f Tak notlra that I louiwl to apptr lo lb a a wctt. tt ta eounlrd from 0 to NOTICE TO Hick f rada dental work at th lowatt price. tu Dirt pi :ammlaatunrr ti fur ntutrtl of Land tti and for ptrc(a a Urea tverturea are being made to 31 hour, from midnight to midnight. I can give tha beat of reference. orr rr al lam ta fojtawei have (ieorge 'Hie, of llil. elty. Ltoou Supply of Kjtttt In jutlvt tervlcr. aMiU.tt' 'inmitriar r"o? Kr,!J;ln.:4Tp, ftl referee a big lacroeaa game In I'he tails given la for I'orl Olliei Hwt-112, il Orahauu lalani. narked A. W. ti.'a a r cl Vnrifw.nv.. m 71. Ofti EreniBjs "- " mint r rittiti, wti rnaina, Hliriptou but Uie (lina for Prince ICFJ"S BAI amufaaiireitM.il uuia rnaina,.aii I. ta tntini t poiol or liupert varica only a few mm. Uxatad mr tun, ittl. Mle Mel.lua, Juliiittutie. utea ou tuiiie daya and on ulhera a. w MriMfrnr. ictwr. Martin. Min-ep Milllgan, of A I Oitrdoa, Ant, -and i the aatne. The rauga of tha THEQ ilia liK'al teaching alaff, return. lido tnay be oomputcd at ft peri COLLART, LTD. "fitS? itacxt. .AN llThll.T - lilfTRICT Or ed today Iha Irlne tlmitrtte 'iinA riuKioliE on IlLAMl.t. ceiu trreaiar at i.'nnca Rupert RIITEDALE .. .... . , Tak Mt.eA itii i i.t.it i n.'.i.. il.. ri.. i. ...i AT 0a tAtl TwoVU l4 laa-raaw boua itm taaH r-M ..5tSart.Tii ,f iTiirfaTYiiT...- T"" I""11 intj iiouuaya than at I'orl Hiuipaon bulii at lao Una romer ton t t. It in4 ta feel trviitat-. (wr too I fff-rt lar nantral rat ami petroleum In Ihe aoulh. Mr. P. W. Allder-USX' tprlug and neap. Tberafora T lull la Blwk l, Barllun t t00 u tb. returned from a holiday trip ha rite In tha prlnee flupert . . . . Ir laauraaa MaIa laua a aal laO rale aal araaauaia ti-.Ajiai an ra at utt.l fk " ar a at Tb Marina Imuraur Oamptiiy af Norib Aaierlra, ttut rabja, fataa4, aral iMrTeiiT D. g.'t fi. i! .'"""l .7 T i arbor U illghtly greater tlitu beal on h ut, p,t tlaiiat qukklf. Jfraar. ilaaea atMtrta (balaa, taeai tt OlfUa blttff, baek R bride Part Slnjpmu, Daily tMrfb t tbaUM. cat! It tbalaj ta ,ln. 1.1... Advertise in "The J r. O. BOX M WIITHOLMI TMCATat BLOCK L.ia4 atnCd- Ihe beJKhl ! In fed and ittj. tmtht of fart uhnve the avuraga I i. o'rjJi.Vuu I Advertlaa Iu U Daily New.. level of lower low water. Tha Pr that gel. Qui