i TUB VAllX fjE3Yj3. paub Tiinnrc CHOLERA INFANTUM The Fatal Disease Local and Personal of Children Flavor and Body Launch "Oh Baby," Blue 548. Mlwr. (hntiM lor.k fW ifUr tfcalf uiur .m, iturtnr the hoi winner' Itance fll tlt link Friday, IWr. (lie fiMdihon ( Leverage of the Hrilish tOi. ,. um, i, inM of yMr hrn pewple. is not only a ItMi tuumrnr romtil.ini m immI m. . 200 ve-hiug d; ..k imt at it bct a slunulalmg and nouriliiuir almt ii I,! itti nr-j 1 BaaawsajjajjiSISaBnaaaaH rh"-.. ibr Himtrt baesmMr prwfaM)tnuai.' Stflfili aaaU arrived. Wall-100 f'nJ lle-t ini i g beers because of it- J--.in. five flavor and mii!. iMt fvtmt t t. iihI it Me t. -parking, oppci '.tg appearance, i the piendid home product, maiwr irrtl rnm iim iimmHi hit a I . " n..h mm to m MrN te ral ""WW W yu at Jabnur'x imr.ur ani pfwirttton Mtti m a mti.OSo Sale. 2 00 an lortniMlM rir. ' e 1 -s t.i qmktjp otTMt u mmmt. perries gnu-kit f r.-t, fr0Jll 50 BRITANNIA BEER wi diarrhoea pf jxilr U allarr a. i00 DR. FOWLER'S a b-fore, need practical aids for l!ah fr ,v a. r r r you I XTRACT OF your Viloty bondt. a i..H -.-. v.ynrtii I? tifill ,ntr cnli nml .No waiting. T. MtClymont. If t T vU1 Rt. JIIlJ, iwiu"" a ttih ;vu, uiiu WILD STRAWBERRY u, tx to acquaint yourself with our multi- hoild t" u cMrf 4miMitrrr4.krtkw. WWrtlrw. Ola Aker, ef rn.n Ym. arrived CAN'T BE BEAT Hrilauma 1- (liMinguished by a delicious "tang. ' and a most satis (J r'(li.llU3HU I .. o nnt iVIIIW fima uriJi-'li.....v.. mnof m'tru V 1VJ littoi- "a.k. riir i bate 1 Dr. renLr-i yaatei-iJaf fr.in ihttan Fall !ing -tr. riglh und ' body. ' It is carefully brewed under ideal rcintnt. Special totme, ruled and tirrt ..f wild airtatorrr tar oiriir ...pti,i- ,,ni. ... Hgg trd by tU name. It always reliable. There rt : u : rnm.iaim i mmk 11 m4 my lmh) 8ti short notice. bargain. LadJei' un- no "bad bottles" of Britannia. Kvery glass alike printed on tin 1,1, om imm at ba maa ao lad I MitlilKOwii at Jabutir'a refreshing, We Uhh (hi ,a (oMNT M. A frtfWl Sale,- delirious, satisfying. di"-1 kt M M "&f. r Wi." ae I fo !r a faotM lad fl hett-d bar nrbl Insist upon Britannia. Order It from your a ' J. Iiasiii a finrd tfto.in Government Liquor Store. v ' ( '-taster roar cfathTa braHB tr lb- pwlWb liari lbi ..., , mortitnx ulMttMir. Lai ( b ri 11. -nr rivr-,- ia a for druHlHiii?. Distributor . W. F. t,..in. . ui only br Ite T. MUlivra Roberge ' i n.ijrd, i.,ruui'.. imi. Th rtr btyl in mm-, raeal Prince Rupert, B.C. and Inatruiiirntal. ht-rw all nil week with UliaiHauqaa. NO CATACLYSM ." P. KiimaIn, eliarrd wb It. 0. Undertaker. I'honetl tf tault. wae Mrtltet r-iaaaawtei nbj BUT PROGRESS inoraiHg until loiU.irro-. ... Hair iflfbanaa, itr yard The qualities that made our EAT FISH i . Pt. II ant, fit? diiim mm imw WalbMMf'a. 200 Samutl Gompera Saya Labor open. Tablet ret-rvrd for pnrnb au2 llargattt In yard gawde at Ja-bwur'a Mutt Not Sail Har dinner aupper partlea. I'honr ISO. 11 t5c ala. im SPRUCE Sacrifice. . . a a And Support the Industry which supports you " par nw Hall Hat. haw Aliratlona havr jut brcn mm. want eatotra MIr ao arrtveiJ. Xewml nietrd wbirh will rnable u to -i-at tyl- in Fell Auk for in UiiUMla or taw UniM State ad faalbataxl artrlra. !thi- iO prodf in our dining room. No W ftlio.lt work uot our Matter waitinK ai tin- tin.., Kat Uifi- if ti e chief wood for aeroplanes, its strength, Fresh, Smoked and Canned I) a4vtaetaa; tfonh by I tf durability, toughnets, ease of working, i Fish tfe -r," aid SaMai 0)wip-ra bmhhm Try that r 3fi ai.brrakfaal purridga Mar.and NEW BUILDING smooth finish, readiness in taking paint and I Diatributcd by prvaiiiml tit the AmHr rmfrm leraam, laaat.atKl eoffee. ood varnish and freedom from defects, render it tkm f Ilwr, in sMr an to a ' hugr aii4W0 of labor map hi ItetaCafe. tf THIRD AVENUE suitable . anadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. Mrs. I). WaiMM aaMl H. Har. PRINCE RUPERT nana wan cwona taa arHvaia Jor Joinery and House Trim h atp(HHi m tJii platform Permit QranUd Thla Morning of Mmi-jr Nail Mr. ()Btr wma in the jr fram m-m I lay for Store and Apartments; apeontoa) a Jtrt oataon. the tor yaraay. Another Residence, RUPERT BRAND auaWnra rfaing to IU frt aa IbS tr the lair Prit t.Hl naaa mi etwvriaf tmjbe mtta t anal not law aiany aru A buildinat farrniit win taaud BIG BAY LUMBER COMPANY y kln of Ikhar. I ..r IIm na-i f,.rlv tbi majramc to Mr. Martin, f ammt wta. Iaa make aa ..ar. Mr. Oueaprr. hM roatrolH-d yar aa Victoria, fur Ibr nrrlion f a ma ngbawar tr (tkr injr f lair im Um othrr T.t alorr aa4 u(lu buildtiiK . lMt of ttt Im. aMi tbr trraina Ttiir4 AvvaiM im-sI to the' Mr, tarM.wa Nom M arnt :u aiplau llMt sfwt(d kiaa M4lfiec Tbrr will alo be aaJ A. M. kipu..t .North taUte t'-allflr! f fh ilaM- ttmt fcr Im a rat Mr r a(artaaeait in tin-aaMsttsw Canaavr, ana n-(tilmj at lac !on in tit- hear! of lalxir hmrm wait will be ti by 65 umber Direct Not for Thla Continent. Hot Prine Jlvat feet. Mardoaald & MrEarhrrn Purity Flour Bought In h MrnHll wi-rda Mr. toi Oar priaa art right beaa are the eoatraeioraw .'-r iiiaiir 11 riar thai tbr aataa.Mur raat to lou ami .iVfrbawd ex Jaek .NtMfi ba bern iuel a triiln- rorfiuld t Ka"l Mara iMU we H mhirl all aan4. Knt bttitdiair permit for Ibe ererlion n. tlar in lb ahan-- f Amri. of a owe and a half tr.- . The Flour op Quality aa ine iraou ante ami avr I Mu. save y u tha middleman's com- rut. lalr arrftnlir'.M I,. hl ri tf reaideaee tm KiRbtb Aveaite b. - and Quantity pi " We &...k'it vour oatronaire with a "oualitv iirmn ' I hr i,irll i U.i(tiM into a Iweett Uottoai and lirren Street a. guarantee"a rt -1 111 1 1 i..n,. and t,, only, m B. It. StHwklev ha ju.l "More Bread and Better Bread" at! "Thry ar riii(.oyra ntrr4 a nrw aacarat f Kir DEPARTMENTAL STORES Sold by all Grocers DIMENSION BOARDS SH1PLAP LATH mplonr. Ttirr at'- m ut lairs'. tMaaraelna iAimbar ami binaln I hrrr can m aj0 othir. Viid lata 1 tar latma 1 nat prior Ak EXTENDING THEIR SCOPE, ;SIDING FLOORING CEIUNG HNISH rialii..Hi- 'lrl W ith truth all th.-that tf roMlr MUt fur uotalbwi- i3 THE BRACKMAN-KER MILLING CO, LTD. Spencers and Hudson's Bay Co. now reached rock-bottom in price. iritMinriM- f whtrtl hr i Riaahtr "Ibe marrtace wtU lal plarr J P.O. Box 748 Prince Rupert, B.C. Prions 3SO to Capture Buslntsa of 5' p f rae ts here present your retpjiremcnts hi- rthortisl n h'-an-r to oniicht at Ibf IlanlUl lUinrrb ,r fat to tkr flrnl prlnr iir of th'lr N. C. Hutiiaaoii f thia city and Victoria. 1 ar o.Tice, Seat Cove Phone 3(il. or arrat fntoratlj. Mia Amy Miaw, dausbler of Will Never Tall Back. r'rH Wiaw of tkU eily. Tbr Vli:iuUL. Au. 25. Impart. INCE RUPERT LUMBER mental torra l.adilv laV . 1 are CO. SMaklna of ih mvanintr of th rrremonv will N at M orl.rk. war and of tk roatrtkution that I W. W. WrfflU affksiaUnit. Hut tin- rvlail iiuiiii'Ka of the labor bad inao to law winning of eapital m ilo-ir own hauda. I.ivil 1 em aaajaAaajaa.va-aat.t t.Ytatatr it, Mr. tiMiiHra aiil: ueiKiiK. Ltd.. are iliai Hlt the f 'Tin- ar wa na'iiBrp. ' i"i.rTrtnjr- orraai imau iuj,i m'h'' "i 1 1111 r wiim, ay m- GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC RAILWAY nt an army of iim-11 ! t hr ul4a rludiny a butcher and fiata aat S. S. P.1INCS RUPERT Hit PRINCE GEORGE f Hambr" with onr common with "l'l olora'- and every facility sailing baatera and niachlHe W. G. Barrie rhuna l.uro.- namely, thai uiilllary Ueul lu KlM.n 1 u..iHiaar,.1 wvrr m. for bamttinft- meata both Thursday and Sunday Midnight for Swan ion Bay, Ocean r ma and politiral nuliM-rbry imabt f"r-' rretaier Ma. iMrZi.'LJm. freah and cured. l"li- are ato Falle. Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle. 'tcr be wine4 from the fare of Af to oao-n new aad eid n.ive tan Wednesday 11 p.m. for Anyos Saturday 3 p. m, for Stewart HltD ter tb Irani t AVENUE - TOST OFFICE BLOCK the earth." He d.-ribl tkr liar eoiili-tri riM.ni "ii tin' tbirJ fl..i of their S. S. PRINCE JOHN ae-romitatitiHnl be eipreta amrv wfjl b eMolo) fine building. tor Port lUem. nt-. Mai,. It. Hu. kl.y Hay. Aur. 31. aud all of that ami purpoar llw new Ha4au llay statnTt point on Soutln rn (jwe.-n r.hai i 1 1 - Islamic. S.-pt. 2 and 10. the advance f wbirh lift rfaKiM-ai demorrao' a a Window tr Shade,r Curtains;------ w Curtain waaa WMalll.a bad followed. Peoole, be aaid. Jllatlll beerta UMeart-d in to onaa here very aooti and la Pasen-r MONDAY, WklDNESOAY Train Service.a" SATURDAY at 11:15 Rods wttl io feml aosoe of lbea adwai-ea the Mi. riMiet thf iianiinatii n with il tberi' 1. 111 For Smithfr. Pnnee ti'irKe. rdiiMntoh and Winn.-pejf. blankets. Sheets, Pillow Cases, and there were people who woubl enaraeu. on the tainrtwatloa Mauraias of ta addition Ih. uual defkart makinr dinvt c.inni'rtion f"i- all points in Kaatern Canada and l'nitd Stat.'. library aad tea a leiidiHd Hii-ula, tml the toilera of thi rontineol Uuma IUvnlo. Comforters wftli the I be ft The tore AGENCY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. ami ret room. big: and tin- world bark in Uie ure-war of sum of mney frwMi 1 wlU with SpeneeT for r'r full info: in if mn and r.aonation apply to )eara. Blraad Cafe. totalHug fU.H0 uiM rouuM-ie of the Handling City Ticket Office 626 Third Avenue Phone 20 i-ity. the buiueM ' Vliut. k nmUL "if I know the It leaaMMHi,and Zlnlvea ami J line that i handled iu-u of 1'.aiiada anal Aanerwa. we forka. The ea wan raaadti every other tore. Khali neer lie drlen bark. V unlil Mi.inky aatl & Bt ttM by any Dr. .hall not h. tray our dead: we aaall was allowed. Sutherland CANADIAN NATIONAL ii! Ki-ll ,.ur irrinifa. We kall CANADIAN PACIHC RAILWAY pr furwaid ni-r bark! NV. RAILWAYS. Mokiner, etargl with D.D.S., L.D.S.. P.D.C. vagranry. was round Rulliy liii B.C. Coast Services BUND MAN KILLS tnornlac in the ni?Ji oaurl and WESTERN LINES " " ' If" ar -TTt ENTISTRY in all its branches waa remandeil until tOltwWuw for HIS GRANDDAUGHTER oniener. j. M. Nelnon. clmrgeil Grand Trunk Pacific Railway Sailings from Prince Rupert similarly "thai far the nioal iarl Exchange Block, Suite 14 and 15 While Chopping Wood Strikes he did support Mnit-f by the Addraa.a.1 SCM.ID lu lha TtNDtaS umlaralaiK' anil m For Ketchikan, Wrancell, Juneau and Skagway For avalla or rotUuten," ideadeil raad "taadar fur r.Hnirliua r rraBM July 18, 25; August 1, 8, 15, 22, 29. Appointment Phone Black 516 Child Over Head With Aia Uui-kHiw. rnim- MuMrrl. B H1 t guilty and wa aJo riaanded rrrvirnl al lar uoif or taa tUMttrmj by Mlatake. for aentenr'. Hud Wren, aUo uaul II tm.u riui'k it avua. waauraoay. p-iwaaw For Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle-July rkurge.1 with vaxraiwy, was re PIm.. .in.alii.ii. anU rrw nt aaairarl 16, 23, 30; August 6, 13, 20, 27, WRI.I.AM1, inn . AumiMt 2i. mandril unlil wa hr mm ana fuitu at teadaa vtlauwi toinerruw. l Um uOVea of I In I he two year old ilauabter of tra r canwr. mtauiw'r, n. Agency for all Steamship Lines. Same quality and Frank Pifier wae killed by her The SI. John Tvlrgraph says: BKialaa IH.irirl ISrttuwr.lar. Kikalui tarv. Mii.All. Full itiforinatiou from Kraudfather who, handicapped Aui.iaal lutiarar. MatMauaaee vt Way.i Andrew McLean U W Clothes standard, but visltiiiK his auru)rr. B m' I W, 0. General new llirouah bliiidni-aa, alrurk Uie ORCHARD, Agent brother Herb al l.rllle. Mr. Mr-Lean Arllai iMainri iiuiwvr, route itufwrL i-hiid on the head with a 1 Corner of 4th Street and 3rd an axe has been In the Went about TMHlara mill wn Avenue, Prince Rupert, B. O, IC 00k l, Reduced Prices win If elioiiiiK wood. fifteen- yeara and has been for CeutfMtu m ua im aM inu a uMad unaM by by aa ISa aeteatd aaMv 1. .. eieral yera a resident 1 ef Prmee rtMxKH.. t4i a rharir kwl, aelal Su It Over 250 patterna to select Hupert. II.' Aw alur ..( U Vkurk. amWi ki Ik apt-uka highly of the r 1 Br Trr-.irr. laaamaa nawaaal f Still and ti,hi Omcojti from jrczEWSA grip el mik: grow iHithmlaalie brarrr.lull). ill lrl.rv' I'KhI BmnSi la bra BaliaM.f aarrj'trd lu UNION STEAMSHIP CO. OF B.C., LIMITED. over I'rinee HUiert whkli 'ctHw wraii,ni Taeaar meat b . . he ea- fur Vaaraanar. ixan I'm tod atao Kiv Twuii I Bl at. 1 1 ...nt ruMU im wnw r.in.M ihmvu im um far aruup. aua . Atari aar f amrday a RVE KING Third Avcnve U... i 7i,;.,iu.. and grain- 1 ""Miy ueiMria-a win title Uy tHt,tirM rdkMiiy rof Aajui, Aii.-a Arm. Wla Mlana Si inlay mi lalitn a, . Prince Rupert I'taja' 6l.T,;,?'", ,TL';,urui t.irp' " paeifh. Mr. TtM hirM. '' au.t tur ISirl Slm(aua and c Mrr BAaaattv,pi nn.. a(aat u a.at paH-r... anJ ul.i .,iu. 1 r laaUtA a.' a aiKi.eaii win reuiain m ihc eaat u ti-. S2S Saaa4 aaaaa ..... frla Maaarv a. a , Mil 1 k in .1 ..,,i...- .....Aii... 1 4Mt karlaeai. .v.i. WlWiii', HU-, AlifUtl IfUl, lull-