For Prompt taxi nn Service Phone PRINCE'RUPERT Llmonttftts and 7 rassiagtr Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper Tearing Can PIIINUB III I'KHT. II. C. Tllfll iAV. U OI HT 25, 1021. Vttlrf't OlrtdUllM IM. Slrt li'n 4M. PRICK FIVE CKNTH ! essel Exceeded Speed opecihcations TlllU I I llL lIVIIUIL IVI I V 1 14 A imUV UfULl 'If Ii 11. LI II lit lh L'lU UfLTVW n r n ii iiiiii1 ii v a u mi n a- a a a a aa i as am n iklJUll VI V T 121X1 llllJJll I VM.RJI S.HAJUK. T ? lltlVIUJl) A 11 1 JU 1 1 If 1 O lm eL lVm QUEEN SOPHIE AMD MADAME MANOS'S CHILD, Sfr J. Flavelle Urges 'M.aSBmBmBmBmBmBmBmBmBmBmam 4. H Ul Borrowing Large Sum CUUlll Ul A AI OIJL J. OIAJL I " " I I I 3 . I erv oausractory i nai rvuns1 for- Canadian National w f i the new Canadian Guverninenl Merchant Thinks Railway Would be Success if Sheared about led at Ih ; 3iiuu 8eetlih. how romplf SALMON SHIPMENT t of Incumbrances and Given Proper Support i hvtt. were highly eaHAfartory yesterday, BY CAN. SCOTTISH V Mi j.reaentalhe of the iMniminii (iovernmriil. FROM THIS PORT by Parliament; Press and Public The New tin morning. I'terything went At lUm Cluli HnUry I ilia freighter good arrouul biff a a.,. gene iMnrliKHi IliK aftTnMn T OTTAWA, August 25.- -Sir Joseph Flavelle, formerly Grand ,. and the llnib-w don. Final adjustment U. Johfium Mili'l that hm Trunk director, writes Premier Melghen that the Canadian r.r hi 11ft carried lmiL awil toward the einl of c.iay hal rnt a 11 National Railway scheme, If properly administered and relieved of handed to the OutrfiHiiil by MMUilMIMnilt of MrlnoO flalt " v. 1 ie over the present handicaps, will prove successful. He submits a plan " ilhe bulkier. (o AiixtrwHa wn l5r liana a ilian Koottioh. 1h!hab for the reorganization of the railways which he thinks will bring Mr. Hull fa tlltl rrtHed FUNERAL at a lnl n thn flrit hlli success If "politics will permit and Parliament and the press will 1 telegram front Ottawa a Mug in- mft that had row to "allow the necessary freedom and give the necessary support- Mruetton that IM vt M Australia and a inali ' In order; to secure success Increased population is necessary I'rhn- xifli ulna In thr farl and at AERONAUTS!,-: Itttpert and economies of operation must bring down the cost from the llu uaitui UiMklmal. on thm thai li a aalUnK from ' . ... . 05.94 Grand Trunk and 170.33 I I ij - l. Ik 1 - present figures of on the on the 'III. Wll I'liailHTOI M ITTHTT here anJ raia l(ia miuir IK-J Will D Honor. rale gUtn any 'other port Grand Trunk Pacific r..,.. H.t IImi ie awaetfteHitUaM fur ll alHMkid the adtanlaxr of Sir Joseph FJavetle suggests giving the National Railways 11 Known, " 'T ' having ahip aail from tit 1750,000,000 and the Government,taking common shares at par , ! Mil trtH of Um li irtaU Hrt. in payment of advances., Tho initial cost of construction of the 1 1. oier tBt mm ureii mur rvmrr. intercolonial and transcontinental should be written railways off. r A m .f tbejuy aflrnHn Ui eH maife a a a t 'a aea of U.IS. Teala Of. ' L - ' REPLY IS BIG CONSPIRACY praltmt titanl er al hiaile. Rfr(9rate Tea la. i ... 1 t t f 'if jtUI TaaUtl Compaaaaa. 1 Ileiurnmir to vr final e yn FAVORABLE ! OF FINANCIERS Tba Urk Ootarammt la pliaalcc to teatoar a tltla oa Ul Uo r-4 -. 1ltl At 0 lek lne tSanaitia4 pa adjiMtiurHla were made off ot KJnt Aleiaader aa4 atr off p Inc. 4eptta tba foruiar oppoaltloo t to ii rr Hr4lb let! JUr yhMoard atxl I MBUy lMHl an.I lh rsn tba'Prlata'a rarUUa romaara wttb Mm " anea 4fr alioul ih fytir lay )n im raliel IkvH nw n. T l d. V TO PEACE Untold Millions of WortMsaa and 1 I ream while he aMefcf awl at lrrr mhm f BY-ELECTION !MMae werv le4el. One aa rtieu4arieil Wlirn a Kt"l5 iRstilwaymen. Were Expelled Fraudulent Paper Thrown jrlMr w u JUfm leu. falb4n hei HHftl. the trial Reply of Irish Republlcana to on the Market. YORK TO TAKE 'anrf lb liter, U -lUw C, rfHrerallti. uAahlnar) . ewu Yesterday froni Trades and Lloyd George Received ... . . a at. a . aa a a J. 1 menaf: Tlieae tale ahoQl it r.HI'lAiiO. Au?. Si. Worth!e a n Attnrt ijuur. a a i itm r lll.l IIKr H Nrl 1. ...1 ..iu..oh. liHure and early IM tHorwlmr a at Downing Street. milm. atnlrn bond, fraudulent rolluwitur IM at l M the lemieraure f SO iWree alme Labor Congress of Canada deed uf lrut and forged Certlfi. I t I - I .r I It. kilkar rerw had ler rmit4ti. The LONDON, Aug. 25 A reply rate of depoait running in value (j. y.l. ' tit Hiakr lr trial rUH tetweri aiieeifleationa raN fir It u to tha peac offar of into untold milliona have bren ' mu.'i-.i.. tiwrKian atl IIoIUihI ltxka. Hie vrrea ale tern, mi it ! likely WINMPKO. Angul 25. Ity a vole of the Trade and Labor Promise Lloyd Oeorgo was Hunt on Ihe market in the United ' r fiari nieiil for be i ran that Ibla will a No iMrane aatla- Cinfcree. of Canada Ihe Canadian Urolberhood of ltailay received at 10 Downing Slate areonling to I ho alatemenU 6 were aa folha I aft. 13.11; faclery. liJIOre- werr ixielled froni Ihr Ubor CwigreS and it Street at 1 o'clock this aftar-nocn f federal inveaiisators following NVirtleaa ea were ala made from the Irish Republicans. the arrest of bond tuanipulalore while the ahlp waa tit yenter-day charter revoked. It Is learned that official headed by Charle W. French and Au omi te wa taken and it lood : i for revitcalkHi of Ihe circles her do not consider DMW IMPORTER IS theaa lieina Ih ekarar f I.. J. W. Wortbington. !everal reputable Hawkins of the MarwHil iUmm- rhartrr and l.M for continuing the orgauiaaUoM ti matHber hip. tho communication as bond houe have been Ivany. Ilia ateamer waa im rin- The vote nmiovca from ulllliaUou belween evea and leu terminating negotiations, although mude virtiui of the Ual, many fl I rm. aT I ar aj Marv ar a- aTV the content ar ..r whieh fully ronfraed to niunloaliiHi with I he logby hia-j -" '.IhutJMHd niembers. are " am a m m a am a ar am aaaa as lion aeeral tli. ilfln ralliRK the convention, being withheld pending a by member of the gang. OF THE COLUMBIA RIVER Thoia PraaanL MANY LOST lPI&fcJenl M. ..n- rrfeemi to the conference of tha cabinet, According Aug. iwtinr lhiM who warr on lliei frrWIoa with Ho- railM-aymeu in LONDON, ahip in au offielal fapariiy (the faHwimt firm: to on who has seen iPANAMA TO f '- 55 The Canadian lloVenmie l MeP while he waa rwoetiHK hec IriaJaj WRECK OF "Purfetg Die tKtut year the Ih lait, tha reply of the Irish if' t..uiaitian niKirler i ainking t ea 03 were the fftUowitiic: Hwr to iuterpri't the omitu-Iiom Republicans to Lloyd Georg ! II. J. I". Turbay, tteral up. , and eijiri-Kniom. of thr annual praam ta "an unmlstakabls BE ENTERED 11 '!".. Hivt'r, to rdii rrrhnl iMitnliiip mege DIRIGIBLE. opening for the continuance erInleiMjetU of Ike Wailaae hhip- enainti"ii lia hern taken K The niegr read: "(Jaiiadiau lniMrter yarda; J. Mm I la mi. imiawr 'away from l In- r.utivr ami ' of peice negotiations. H (cimi tee of water 111 miK'tie riMtin. tSleain auperlnleiHienl tf waa in iranfrrrei to the rourt. rhi Submitting Urdtr Protest to 1 tw aboanl, rl in lifelMwU Ixminl for hore.' rharite of the engine mui; Hub Waa Falling to City Streeta aitttatloti Ha b hniUKliI a bout BONDS SOLD United SUtea Order, Coto Illtr ll 4 m w ills.. ianaiiNiH., iiiiiotiiri 1.. a. , ..I wiiiiii I ert A, Wallare; II .V Hulk rei- Whin DlvarUd to the ay the iniunetiiMi neurel by the Will B Evacuated. rriw'iilliir I lie xiniHKn (Intern. Rlvar Hum bar. Canadian IlrotherlnHd of Hallway ) leil here Augiul 13 for Auckland, Sydney i'iei; Hrrt "Maitthrop. aleainbual t-Untdoyeea aKauot it au-penaion. PROVINCE PANAMA. Aug 55. The Pan " BY I k h Kcurral eurgi. A rHo mage receheil iimpeelor; A. Walwer, Urtituli HULL, Aug. 25. SavenUan and arlu n will he tie ama governmenl ha ordered that -landing liy arnl liaa (tickctl up the aunitora lUinviniiioii Miaiierlor; (ktiilain Amorlcuns and 27 British eriMar'. by lhi oonvent inn, it Oitu be evacuated following a "x I x ata. One lifclol i reNirleil inUiing, H'MrOankrie. pilot in eliame of war killed in the dlsaatar Ihe jmlieiea of tin- pat 10 year Million Ono In To male from the United Htalea gov-ariiment Two Taken, Hie ! for the builder the tho dlrglble ZR-2 the primarily "''-tel headiug for Alona with the uri-or. on whan waa imikiuic collar elating that America trial; i). Ilarlnell, aeeminiani wracked over this city, falling the legiUtive nmut h-piee of the ronto and Othtr In State. will not permit a renewal tif boa. all C. It. lUaartla, of Vnnaouver, won for the I Wpar intent of Marine, into the Rlvar Humbar. iiiUratiAMl trail." unauM move-ment. Itlttiea between I'aiiatiu and I lit-ha been her mauler and I., t!. Ilniiv. of Captain Kddle, eoniMiia adjuxler; There ara five survivor, who arr to, be lllallllalfd. VICIOltlA. Auk. Sfc. -I'rovii- n.. i Itlra. The C"la llican virlniiy her firal offieer. Captain N. I. Iloekuur, who will tall stories Indicating that Ihe kernel f the fritiot rial bond amouulinir to a mil i ii Si a-fa a . 1 .t '-I- Yqriiioulh. ,U8 u,r " H" a inWuhig he the of the rrl; leak. In lion hillar. bavr bei iid lf Vlrr "n,"T 1 frmti I'rarlleally nil the erew were ijiaalrr thar waa probably a arie from the fet Uiat th o u.-.uon , w.eir t, nlBunl rtit Iirre. Chief litiKliirer Jatuea Mrlntoali the gas tank which Ignite ail. of U K. t . iitlrely timnuiau. Ame. Coiupany ..r Toronto. .Thty wlnrti (he and Chief ODIrer lUllhlay and the twm.v yrar .' i-r cent and ,na",a. f from a spark from angina. while iml Hif tin' union re pre-aented n unable other officer; J. ll)lop, A. v.. - The giant dirigible, which in IH- emmree are ialer-nalioual the price paid i 93.5U. , Til . under proteal.,M'p,",," lu Crawford and 1 Fnreter, of Ihe wa 965 feat long, buckled ami afriltatad with the Anolher milli m doltar worth !he !.'-t ?5. -The a' SINN FEIN TO ASK KIiNmii llrfricrrator Company. and broke In half and In-stantly Ameriran Federal lull of Labor. nf bond. Iia hi-en eold In New1 - ii'atlrd at FOR CONTINUANCE OF W. A. Mardonald. of the Wallare fall In flamee, haaded iino nf Ihe ehief nNixmiH. for Yrk. dnai. ..r wha-u h,vV,ot FISHERMAN MISSING ty drifting THE NEGOTIATIONS Hhipynrda CommUnary llepart- atralght for tha atreata of PrejiliMit (ioioper reeent vlfit ilr I in r etmlAa a menl; C. rU Ureen, naval anhi-(eel tha city, but apparently waa wa Ihe deaira to bring teiii;o to FROM WALES ISLAND Itm ulrrlea 1l HUN. AumU ?5-lt and I.. P. Ilakln. or the haadtd off with tha last effort the troubled mimtu SERIOUS RIOTS IN a t lieliewsl (he Hinn I'elu 'Ma mm I WlreleaaQomiiany; It. of control, precipitating tha Chief Minty, of tha provincial ' I' l'enm! nt nnirc l IJOJfiJ' He'tM II. Nelid. mL.Uw IU1I. Ih'ilV wreck Into tha Rlvar Humbar PEACE WITH AUSTRIA. INDIA TAKE PLACE police, thU morning reeeived a t 'ttid 8ta. a Will refuoe llTr" JlrllUl. nianufaclurnra; J. II. IMllabury Instead. Whan tha broken ri't'ort ttum WalPa lalaud Cannery at' terma hut ak for a con-tinuunce and C. ). Clarke. halvea struck the river they YIK.NNA. Auir. S. -Thr Feared That More Than 1000 that a well known Japaiieae V a of neiintUllnna. The RueaU Included Mayor II. war a mil apart. treaty with the I tUt! !?Wlcf bud Lives Ar Lost in Malabar ffaherman amd Kuiiauil had ' -'. -The The wmferenee today ll. Hoehaatrr. Aid. I'rlinll. Autrui waa touay District. been mting in hi boat from Mi'relwint hetwawii Hlnn Fein offlrlala (leorite 1. Tile. Cot. . I. M -McMurdte. TREATY POSTPONED. tio eannery lrMiIat TiiUMday. a and the Kearetary of Htate II. A. l'hlllot. Major BIRTH. I.O.MNIN. Aug. S5 It i tear-ftil The boat i punned trrey and 1 in tho a for trial. AITalra at lUil.llu 1 1 ay V. V. Vln'aon. fiharlaa llKHLIN. Aug. SS-The hm-iug tbui WHre lliau a IUwuimI iU ye4illraiiin i Ai.'Jt0 A 11 a Ixllevwl to hne Cartwrluht, (Mirr Heaner. uf the prare iranty between Janunry U ihe 'at Uptlla and the Ami. A (l.mWiier w taorn t Mr liv" tiav bi1" l l Kauauu knnwa c- very ll!lUr - Oernauy Will Load Salmon. dealt wllh a wntlivuatloii M - WtigfeL "T Fifth Mi. Maiaha tl i i i ii i III' i i-n w. ii H i- o (hiugb ha hit vaaarl la lakan over wtt no)!"11''1' 'Wing (' terhnt-ralilira. mid Whan Ihe loioiaiw uf Ilia true). haa. made for b ! M at Ihe UeHeral llnapilat i linlia m a Uejpnuh fi-Hiu.hati a by the government ahe will load No ehaifgvs are ax-pi.vid Avenue, Aiaakan 1 port. Horn bay. jaoine V audi. yeaUrday. Lv iituiu aaa (Cuulinued ou Pago SU.) tu