0 (rrntOTTCT irawu "i v BRINGING UP FATHER 1859 - 70S Branches 1020 ...ex.- ei Utalf ltT TROE THAT 6URE-HOW ? TOO UrDl.-H?TAriD I KNOW'tVjT L The Ban WfcUL-WHAkT-.DO MEtiecfti VOO TOLD or 60MC tmg DID t KNOW SOO HOT TmjB" VOL) TO ITi noeoovt I -I I tOMBOrii CT YOU wii i , H .f PROVE root. Royal VANTEO TO Kfitb TOO ' TV -r r- WA.HT CLUC THVT I WA"! in - - i " i IXV UU l 'l a eons head? ACOOT? of Canada 7 Young Men and Young Women Have Great Opportunities Today IWPItSSMJ I 111 II ... ,- ,7 ix- . l- ; They never had better -awe chances to make and to save money. Now is the time to lay the foundation I Liiiff1 eft..,.,, . of future prosperity by cultivating .jj the habit of thrift There is a Savings Department it every branch or this bank. A DININGROOM CONTROVERSY The staff will be clad tothowyou BUSINESS DIRECTORY how to make the first deposit Al Hip recent meeting of the Prince Unfu rl Club Micro wax a CO A ifisi'iission over i proposal In ndd a dining-room to Ihc Hub institutions. These nre Good Places to Make Your Purchases when You go out to buy Capiat and Reserves $33,000,000 To dismiss this a special meeting i lo be railed in Total Resources $513,122,317 EDSON the near future M3SED The Hub poet, seizing on this important epoch in Ihc hibiry AERATED WATERS i FURNITURE AND GENERAL LAUNDRIES Ssektd tta.. .'iof the institution ran off Ihc following lines: MERCHANDISE Bulk "OUR ANNUAL." . ' BCAVCN BOTTLIKO WO WHS CANADIAN TCASI LAUNDRY :bs V A to rnwr -i r. .-i Ma lit WILFRID ORATTON cor, Third SIMI US. Phnne . for i lesMuf Slid ervMior IV f We wt'ijcfc i F a 1 1 I together in tlie club" Ion muling rooni I Imw tlru iH. Iir aeeuod lnH tutnt' STEAM EDSON COAL CO. 'I'o listen In our President and al'o to our don nv i ilsre. C0.ll BARBER SHOP PAINTERS AND DECORATORS . A .. For 'twas something like Horalius, when lie xliippcd up, Home's; o.can one track. t j YOXAHAMA BARBCR SHOP FURNITURE rato scADDfN When tlioxe behind cried forward, and those (n fronl erjed hack. Uartr Barber - Bath - til rd A. luh tad rrxr riMM Orvea si have received, during the last rHANS R,CMU three weeks Now the President cried forward Hie Club, musl n gm, down ! Third Are. -- ttAt Oml 411. NANAIW0 . WtUJi lis beep up here upon this rock since Ifuperf vn a town. j BAKERS PAINTS AND OILS C0L 100 Coal There is one thing ean nve it, of that 1 have n rlue. ! la cAste baicmv FEED STORES TNI A. W. IOOI CO, - tod Are. cars lis build a place nut nn that side wfjere we ean cook up stew, v j rtlfd .iriur - I'lm is enntcc sureeaT rtio co. rsomt. uns. sum si4 Wailsair. W e re broke, we're J.roke. cried Arthur, we're liroke, we)'re l.rwtke.i lor sty, eor. tB4 Ate. sod tm from Maeleod River mine, owned I ry, j CHNft, CROCKERY A NOTIONS PAINTCRS AND DCCORATERS Alberl & McOJr by Prince Rupert citizens. We'll give this thins a six months hoist until a beJler day. THC DINKY ALII CO. FISH MERCHANTS, RETAIL ILL A. CftOtStTT fliMi 7J. t mile I We have the exclusive rignt to Jtut ibh, our worthy President, he spoke up with some et, Third Avetiie'. ni.ite rSMI omre. ARTHUR'S StARICT Phs: 1H,ta handle this coal in Prince Rupert. I'd like to hear from some one ese, I lliink i would he lst. Thllrt Ae. fhrws 40 -HI I'O. bo I (l PLUMBINf Don't be misled by other coal .CLEANINQ AND PRESSINQ dealers who use our firm name Then ho who runs oir Daily .News and also Mnonlipht hih GENERAL MERCHANDISE STUN A LONOMTILL MbM 4V. to advertise their coal. Said nnw's I lie iitue lo go ahead, and quoted Marshall Fch. iToaro on works I'mMlnc and dry If yoa want a real good vreerf-ed Then John. Ihe loizhtv loffcer. from some snnnr Southern date. rUMwni Jrd v.-nue PIMM iTA WINO CHIN TUIN CO. RENTALS Don't TJI ttt4 Alt exfl ! 7 Disd eor.l, call up Said. tiotfV.thg time lo build 11, I m sure well raise Ihc kale. r. W. mart l-hctt lrk 411 Phone 58 Hut like the mistily army thai stood before Home's pate CAFES GROCERIES Ve nothing did hut talk and talk, until Ihe hour grew late. THC BOSTON DRILL j LINICT-f PRINCE RUeiRT OROCtRV 8IOM PAIefTINQ that Ganut Prince Rupert Feed Co. When upward rose our noble Judjre and said what we do. Third Ate, Manic 457. rd plar 10 est ' car. rut sad ruitoo fhoo t .Is call another meeting to decide allgut the slew. ILL A CMOSICTT PIvm 4TT, Corner 2nd Ave. and 7lh St. TWf tLITI CAM HARDWARE 5eeood Ate. Elspo mesr rr the mane. IHOWC A MtNULTT tad Ate. Iltm, SHEET METAL WORKS PRIZES FOR- PLAYGROUND lMMluodrt, fjil and ubrtnnis lu s T-V - 'tit, CIQAn3 AND TOBACCO Je. (Itrithlet yi SkMt attUU sown ' ' 'ft lErrace Fruit Lands FOOTBALL I WORK STARTS VOSAHAVA Its Third Ate. WL IMPORTED GROCEntE8 Sennd ArniM rtxme lit .' ALOCRTA AC SAT BtARVKT STftN A LONOWILL PhM S. ' ririh Street PkMM 11 .' DRUCQISTS 20 Acres,3 Milei from Terrac oa AWARDED!'- the Fofm of Emergency TAILORS LADIES AND GENTS ..!! . FOR HIRE j j . a. Good V agon RooJ. Measure to Relieve Unemploy W. 1. BicCUTCHCON LAUNCHES. ,,- Good black soil on clay sub-soil. ment In the City j Second WHM t-1 8UU Street itMh "NARtCTRONO." Ptwe SOO. at. T. Lit ohkiii rial oeice 4 Acres under plow, 7 acres' more Formal Presentation of, Trophies The urirtl drut hoUM in Murthera B. C Ttv 4$0. Boat. partly cleared; 25 bearing fruit Won by Callles Made by Vice-President Modern Clei trees; 2 good welis with Iota or Woods, Work commences folay on the' water; well made log-house, 18 playground work at the corner of1 by 24 ft., two storks, with addition Sjith Avenue und Meltride Street ' Ci There was a full house at Ihe Pressing 16 by 18; log barn, 20 by 40 feet with cellar beneath, full St. Andrew's Society rooms last jlhal is being taken up as an1 size of barn 10 feet deep; Price jiiii-lil .when an enjoyable social emergency measure for the relief Daily News Classified Ads. 3rd Aianus, Mrtftrtl S2U00-caah for quirk sale, $2,400 i vepillK marked Ihe event oT the ol unemployed in Ihe city. The Eiare; terms of half cash, balance 1 on year at 7 per cent jiii'e.xenLation of football trophies half block along Siith Avenue 2 CENTS PER WORD IN ADVANCE. NoAdrertlxm.nl Takrri tor L than OOe wan by the Cullies fool ball club between Meltride and Ilowser KENNEY BROS. & CO. !.trtil Hi- players hlrin?'1he 190 Slreelh is lo lw cleared of brush. . WANTE.D. Hilt Sl.i: - One-oak and one: fan ntnr Real Estate and Insurance !-eason. Tin (ralherinvr was n levelled and covered willi cinders. Nir.- ! maple dining room suite, Mr- 1 r Terrace, B.C. -iiioxl eiilloi- iaxtje one. There was -o ns a coiiiHi.Mlii.ns plnygcini.t WANTI'I Heoond-hand furnl- v, I Oil Hr.XT Clnr rnnire hiiiI ullier ln.iiHe. Three rooms and Ptovl a line ntusi' al jiroram. hot It in- w1ll 1k made. . j. ir, if - i,ae anything to Imlh. Mrilonlte Da-' lodd Apart Itietita. ftirnihittp. Phonp Itlark, strumcptal and Vocal, refreshments Muyor llorhesler. iteen -thisj sell call lied 213. We pay cash.J 6IH. tilt Ninth Avenue Apply Mri cilery, liibboaa & STEEN8L0M were scried and the evening morning stales tlia.l CM or 7G men I'. M. Croshyi 715 Third Avenue nttilj Ioy, Ltd. If TOM LEE CO. concluded wilh ji dance in the will he kept busy here anil il will WesL If Cotimd Street. &! Shesit Metal J hall. U' one on the relief plan of t roll SAl.K 12 laying pullets l OIl KK.VIN ThrpiiwMn furnUh-ed ...A. if , f 80 Second Avenue, West S. U M.acdonald, president of days a week for earh man, so WA.NTKD r PNitk)n- as eK-k or il-eghorns , also first class apartment. Apply 208.tlO the l. Andrew' Sfieiel' and the work will thus be afforded Top SOO wflllress. Apply No. 10 St. loui chicken hi. Phone lilue tuJ. Ninth Avenue West. If Sanitary(leatlnf i.nd I VEGETABLES loolball leanuo, presided and in 4r so men. ramily men will hi) Hoorit. or phone lied PI. IH i1 1 i Wholesale and Retail Ihe roilrse of his remarks he (riten the preference and payment WANTKD Lady leuograiher FARMS FOR SALE I CAIIINK FOH IIKNT frntn tl to 6Ui a l ' pointed out that Ihe Prthee Iluperl will not be in cash hut in supplies. HQ. Phone Ulack 46 1 Prt ; Oeneral Contractors and Apply IM). hot, son. waung ex-.c. P. H. FA KM LANDS The rich Foolball Association had proidil Two f)fills of the rot of the work Labor Exchange perlence. If LOST more trophies for the compel I w ill be covered hy the -Provincial prairies of Alberta, Saskatchewan Prince lions in the cily than any other and Dominion (ioverniKcnts. iiousi:Ki:i.prat waNtkd Apply! and Manitoba are especially LOST- Hunch of keys nn road In Rupert, B.C. f.inlb.ill assrri i:ilion in Canada Mr. I'fthrtnnbatifth, Second suited for niiied fanning. Cold Stor.'ige. IIHuro In OlyNl. Phone 517 P.O. Hox 725 The Presentations. SONS OF ENGLAND Street. If Land that will produce Mr 'if Club. Ileeei'.n rtmanl. t SHTTHJM F,.- A. Woods, vim president of crops of grain and fodder, and l lie J'nolliall AsHiM-ialiun, mad ARE AHEAD OF EKS FOP. SALE well adapted for dairying or, HAIR DRESSING. !I0 UX llvsffietr mlalnfr ean alltl I. .. PLUM8IKO the preKenlnlions, The llrsl cup 1.7.1-1 T "lh DflFSSIN, HPI'llAL SCALP IANO TUNING I'KNDF.ItK Wild. UK IlKCKIVFD I CNOIItltM vva:. (he Doiiiinion Day trophy averaging about; ..... Five of Six Billiard Games hy the iindersipned for Ihe lursi Played purchase P HONO REPAIRS 'tiicli was fiandeil lot.nplam Win. 1 1 8.00 an acre, -with twenty Estlmsle tnassnge. Hair Lndie' dyeing. Last Nlflht Gave Winners of IhoJiull (iftlse gashoat to If wish. Murray of ttie Catties lolldwed by years pay you Only HOTO ENLARGEMENTS combings made into swllcbes. Comfortable Margin "Tallan," seventy-five feet long it ihe pri-ncnlliiK of Ihe handsome 10 per cent down. No further Addreis, best to' hy twenty (pet beam, owned hy payment on the principal until Churle Jj;jarl. U3 Silh Of Second tV medal Agent for art enlargements Hfold eaeli of the players Five of the sir games in the . the lltid4m' Day Otmpany, Street. Phone Blue IH tar home made in Canada. Negatives not in Ihe competition. Then came the end of the fourth year; then 171 necessary, but merely a print in ihe presenting of iheJiilhuly Cup billiard tournament betweeji the wliore Hhe lies on the hr(i at sliteon annual payments. Interest appointment. if j Phons any condition faded, cracked or . . .I It ti . Klks and the Rons of IVisland were Port Simpson. Tenders lo l.e in 0 per cent. Nolle f IMantlM t Apalr t Laaa Las. evenl ni.'U won vne in mas ny dailies, spotted ' played last night and ihe last one my ohieai' ndt later lhan five Write to U. 0. In saeen hltrr Mimnt OiaineL Ikrxt Phone us and we will call. inn this presentation Mr. Wood Loughran, Land will be played today. The games o'clock p.m. February 20, 1021.' ilnlrtrl, heer.rrtinf piatrtrt of Alle Arm.1 C. Agent. P.,11. ad referred to the penerosily and Station. Vancouver. It.c . and annate si nvxilh of Lorn Creel , 51 Stevens Red 291 " thua far give tlie Son of Knglaud M. M. KTtfPJIKNK. P.O. drawer P.O.Box 72 sportsmanship shown hy Mr. i 1 sd)nlhf Sllrer City, B, :. Hotel PrinccJM 058 and the Ivlks 8'JH. 1705, Prince Iluperl, H. O. If ... huly in all lines of sport. Among - Tlk nntlee that Ihe tinder alrned. : I-'ollow-ng were last night's MUSIC Anthony Hc'lulre and Bernard w. Barrett,1 Ihe individual players to receive FOIt full lots individual srrires: SAI.ir l'onr and of Alice Arm. orrupMion proapeelor and MUSIC ?OR DANCES. medals were William Murray, O. p. Tinker fS.O.H.'., 200; J. JI, barn- on Nlnlli Avenue, npnr VOOAI. TIlAINI.Nrt HY nAPAHI.F. 9lrf keeper, inlrnda lo srply for permit. )' captain; Tom Itlark. A. Kinghorn Mrllride 'Hrtri. Ira e,wily Irjslruciiir. Ilginnrr nnd 2nd ion lo lrse I rut roiinalor dearnhed undi: i H.b0p.r I'lllshnry (Klks!, 110. ARTHUR'S Hieorge Setlars, II. Winfrin, A. converted into dwellings. Price CnmnxifirMs al a put planted outhr. jUte.. II, Mclhoy, 200; W. 1". Ilolierge, course pupils taken. Ilesulls ronwr,.Jl ehaUi nsiu.erly ilirerls.n rrota, riMTUIIf1 Hoote, W. it. Martin, J. Stewart, 170. 2,C2.ti() Verns, 750 cash guaranteed. Terms moderate. s.t, cunwr of Ln I. Ihenr rhaina U PfTone 481 Phone 481 D. Wiggins, II. Menzies. J. Camp. J. Lynns. IH5; M. M. Mcl.nehln'n, nd balaneenver two years at 8 For appointments jphone Hlue nenhi llwnr 19 rhaint etj thrnre fl A lu II and A. Matihws. er cent. M, M. Stephens. If 389. i ' rhalns souihi ttience is Chain eaat and. 200. ronlaminv fl arret, Rvr or Irtl I S. King. 178; II. Lepine. 200. FOfl SAMulrurnilure two hed-rooms, ACCOUNTANTS ANTHOTIT MctlUfiE, . ..rf Dance Orchestra I. F. Wrarmotilh, 200; n. nsbtlftlg n I hedl, Dated Novrmfcer BCnnANO 10. ItIO W. BAflllETT, Rupert fireen, iflB. dresser, chairs, carpel. AIo iyCPKIKNCi:i) ACCOUNTANT r ', 5i I Four, five or six pieces It the etuis ol trt iuf.rln7 FISHINd STATION AND CQUIPMtNT FOR kiteiicn ciil'liiel, sewing machine, would lake charge of set of Nolle of Intaetlon LAND to AOT.Apply t Purchaaa Now ready for engagements Irom bsckscht, rheumititm sn3 jf SAIC. stair carpels, etc. Phone imbVs. whole or part lime. In Cimif ln1 Land.tiitirirt. Beenrdmi Pia. Phone H. White, Red 102 lurnbsgo. You can quick. set I Tenders lll te rerelted 11' the undcr-lrtiert illne 317 for appointment. 13 W. K. Wllllstrnft. Phone Irlrl c rinr Huirl. and tuuai about the kidnei right by utlnr Or. 1 for Ihe tull(llnr I n1 equirment nr Illaek 2P0. en and mis halfmilra eaal nr the town. llw nxliinr rlali'ia sud oiliwy si VirIB tf .IM or A lire Arm. and Sdjoinioi luia So. l Chsts's Kldnjf Ur P,lli. One I nind, I), C. I.. n-HH-rly (periled liy Hie FOU SALK.V.Wonder range and tl .nd 14. pill a dote, 25c. boz,all dealers. H t,..nm. ri.h.,1., I 1.4 Th. ih.Kn. hed cmnplcS,r clieap. Apply SHORTHAND TYPEWRITING Taae rsStlrt that I, Joarrh fUtr Treth. rimrleresl Afff Phone US 327'2nd A venue rr.nnt or lurr, setersl bmldlnia, (siller, ewey of port Han nxilirl, orruealinn farmer, luHMmr rnrine. ro, boiei, rex-rvoir, corner ijSjh . Avcnne nnl interwli to aprjly for penfilaaum to purriilM lidiliK rrsr nd cell, titrrea, eic. Copy Pitman Stenographic. lh rniioiiit drarrlbed landai C. V. EVITT Chases School M Inirnmry may tr efctsined no arpica Thompaofteircft. 3 ORTiinennns al a poal planted si in tlnn. ' Trio laud may tie leaned freni in . i I ' i 1 ; i-- i i Evening classes, Monday, Wed-nnd4y leaihetil rnrner of lot tf, ttwnr s Auctioneer rinveriwrieDt. pMaini north: inene 4n rhaina eaati tr.toe of Aorta A Wrl'l pecond-handjfnflilliirf and bought THK.CANAPIA't crtDIT MH'S TSl'ST and Friday, 7:30 to 0 111 mama aouthi itirnre 40 rhaina '! to Auditor and Accountant AHSOriATIo. IJMITr.P. sold, p. I.erflifre. Phone Oreen o'clock. Individual Instruction. Jini vi rnmmanreineni, sno rnfiiainini ttt ranne iiuiimnr. srrea, mm V leta. mcaMttf Vanrouver, B. C. 611. If No. 10 Smith Block, tf inhKPM HKJAH TMtTUtWtV. Dated Novnnbar 11, I f 0. i